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We developed 21 polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci, (CA)n and (CT)n, for the Holarctic freshwater fish, Lota lota, using an enriched genomic library protocol. The species has an interesting life history because winter‐spawning adults migrate over long distances to form spawning aggregations, a behaviour which should maintain genetic homogeneity across large spatial scales. Availability of the reported microsatellites will facilitate the investigation of population genetic structure with regard to postglacial colonization history and conservation strategies. The primers were screened on 30 individuals from a natural population (Lake Constance, southern Germany), revealing three to 24 alleles per locus with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.48 to 0.93.  相似文献   

The population structure and seasonal changes in condition factors of the burbot in a shallow coastal region of the north-eastern Bothnian Bay are described. The significance of the so-called rest years is examined by comparing condition indices in immature or sterile and mature burbot. The somatic condition index ( K 2), liver index ( K 1), intestine index ( K 1) and gonad index ( Kg ) are determined monthly in terms of organ weight in relation to body length. Approximately 30% of the whole catch of 1052 burbot were non-maturing but were 40 cm or more in length. K 2, K 1 and K 1 were lowest in the autumn, when the first sign of gonad recrudescence was observed in mature burbot. The non-maturing burbot were never in poorer condition than mature ones. As mature and non-maturing burbot dissipated their energy stores during the warmest period of the summer, it is concluded that burbot spending a rest year do not accumulate and store energy reserves over the summer for the next year, and that such rest years, if they exist, do not occur for nutritional reasons.  相似文献   

Seminal plasma factors maintaining North American (NA) burbot Lota lota maculosa sperm quiescent were examined. Sperm were diluted into buffered saline solutions of various compositions and motility assessed. After 1 h in these solutions at 10° C, aliquots of the suspension were diluted with tap water and motility again assessed. Dilution of sperm in an incubation solution containing Ca2+ in the absence of K+ initiated sperm motility resulting in low motility when sperm were subsequently diluted in tap water. Incubation solutions with osmolalities >200 mOsm kg−1 and containing 12·5 mM K+ prevented the onset of sperm motility and were associated with maximal sperm motility upon dilution in tap water. Sperm maintained at lower osmolalities exhibited limited motility upon dilution in tap water indicating interdependence between K+ and osmolality in maintaining sperm quiescent in the presence of Ca2+. Sperm kept in incubation solution at pH values < c. 7·5 for 1 h demonstrated reduced motility when subsequently diluted in tap water. That motility of sperm was pH sensitive was further indicated by CO2 inhibition of motility. Therefore, NA burbot sperm are probably maintained in an immotile state, yet with potential for motility, by combination of high K+, osmolality and possibly pH. The results from this study differ from published information on sperm quiescence in the temporally and geographically distinct Eurasian burbot Lota lota lota .  相似文献   

  1. Burbot (Lota lota: Gadidae) is a difficult species to manage effectively due to its preference for deep-water habitats and under-ice spawning behaviour, resulting in a poor understanding of its reproductive activity. However, the use of acoustic signalling by burbot as part of their mating system has recently been described and this behaviour may provide a means of investigating questions regarding the spatial and temporal distribution of spawning aggregations using passive acoustic monitoring.
  2. We used audio and video recording to confirm that burbot vocalise and that these vocalisations can be detected under field conditions as well as to characterise the relationship between burbot acoustic signalling and spawning behaviour. We also evaluated the feasibility of locating and monitoring burbot spawning aggregations in real time using passive acoustics.
  3. Burbot vocalisations were difficult to identify with only about 6% of the recordings containing calls being successfully identified as such in the field. Burbot vocalised more often between sundown and sunrise than during daylight hours. Calls recorded at night tended to be lower frequency, longer duration, and have lower bandwidth than those made during the day.
  4. Burbot vocalisations could not be recorded in conjunction with video recordings of spawning activity, indicating that burbot may not call during active spawning, but may use acoustic communication to signal the onset of reproductive readiness and to form pre-spawning aggregations.
  5. While burbot calls were readily identifiable, observers had a difficult time identifying burbot calls in real time under field conditions. Passive acoustic monitoring demonstrates considerable potential as a management tool to locate burbot spawning grounds and identify periods of activity, but may not be an appropriate technique for monitoring spawning activity in real time.

Little is known about the life-history traits exhibited by burbot (Lota lota) throughout their circumpolar range. Monitoring burbot movements between lentic and lotic habits and collection of demographic data (length, age, sex, and maturity) were used to answer the following questions in the Torrey Creek drainage of west-central Wyoming, USA: (a) is there plasticity in the life-history traits of the burbot population, (b) do Trail Lake origin and Torrey Creek origin burbot interchange during the spawning period, and (c) is there a difference in growth and age at sexual maturity between burbot captured in Trail Lake and Torrey Creek? Results indicated that burbot in Trail Lake and Torrey Creek exhibit plasticity in their life history traits. Directional movement of PIT-tagged burbot in Trail Lake and Torrey Creek was monitored nearly continuously by tandem stream-width antennas. Thirty-five percent of lentic-origin burbot migrated upstream into Torrey Creek, and 11% of lotic-origin burbot migrated downstream of the antennas near the Torrey Creek inlet to Trail Lake. Migratory activity of burbot was highest during the late winter and early spring at a time that coincided with spawning. Additionally, Torrey Creek-origin burbot were smaller and younger than Trail Lake-origin burbot. In addition to documenting migration, the sampling of small, sexually mature burbot in Torrey Creek suggests that stream-resident burbot reach maturity earlier than adfluvial and lacustrine burbot in Trail Lake. Furthermore, high catch rates of age-0 burbot indicate that Torrey Creek upstream from Trail Lake provides nursery habitat to the burbot population. Life history trait plasticity and spawning and nursery habitats documented in this study should be considered when selecting conservation actions for this unique burbot population.  相似文献   

Several factors regulating activation of spermatozoon motility in Eurasian burbot, Lota lota, including osmolality, calcium (Ca2+) ions, and temperature were investigated. Spermatozoon motility in Eurasian burbot, Lota lota was assessed at 4 and 30°C in seminal fluid, isotonic media (with and without Ca2+) and hypotonic media (with and without Ca2+). Spermatozoa were spontaneously activated in seminal fluid at 20°C and the maximum motility was recorded at 30°C, which is out of the spawning temperature range, indicating that no risk of activation occurs during routine semen handling in artificial insemination. Initiation of spermatozoon motility in L. lota is mediated by Ca2+ and sensitivity to Ca2+ is dependent on temperature.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption of juvenile and adult burbot Lota lota was measured in an intermittent-flow respirometer to determine the effect of temperature and fish body mass on metabolic rate. These results were combined with data from earlier experiments and the 'Wisconsin bioenergetics' model was constructed. The model was validated under laboratory conditions by comparing observed and predicted food consumption and growth of burbot fed on dead vendace Coregonus albula . There was a good correspondence between observed and estimated growth and food consumption under experimental conditions: the mean absolute per cent errors of growth and food consumption were 4·8 and 24·0%. Estimated values with the new model were an improvement over the Atlantic cod Gadus morhua model previously used for burbot. In the field, the reliability of food consumption estimates was verified by using polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) accumulation as an indirect indicator of the food consumption rate. The total PCB concentration of nine out of 13 burbot was estimated accurately. Thus, the burbot model produced good estimates of food consumption, even under field conditions.  相似文献   

Ryder  R. A.  Pesendorfer  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):211-227
The burbot, Lota lota, is a widely distributed gadid of the northern circumpolar regions of North America and Eurasia. Despite its near ubiquity over much of its range, relatively little is known about its biology during the first year of life.Burbot sac-fry of 3 mm total length, hatched under the ice in early May in Shebandowan Lake. Their first foods following atrophy of the yolk-sac were copepods and cladocerans which they captured pelagically. At first the fry swam in small schools, high in the water column of the near-shore littoral, and fed during the daytime. Upon reaching 30 mm in total length, the burbot fingerlings became solitary and benthic, and fed primarily at night, almost exclusively on the amphipod, Hyalella azteca. Amphipods constituted about 75 per cent by number of all the food consumed by burbot fingerlings in their first year of life. Growth was rapid from May to the end of July, tapered off during August to October, and effectively stopped by November at freeze-up. The principal habitat of burbot fingerlings during the benthic stages of their life was the near-shore littoral, in depths ranging from 0.5 m to 4.0 m. There, they were sheltered by boulder shoals, sunken trees or other debris, or beds of quillworts (Isoetes sp.). The principal ichthyofauna that cohabited with the burbot included the sculpin (Cottus cognatus), the smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui), two etheostomatines (Etheostoma nigrum) and (E. exile) and the yellow perch (Perca flavescens). Burbot fingerlings were subjected to low levels of predation from the nocturnal foraging of walleyes (Stizostedion vitreum).  相似文献   

Burbot Lota lota movement and river discharge were studied in the Kootenai River, Idaho, U.S.A. and British Columbia, Canada, downstream of Libby Dam, Montana, U.S.A. A total of 24 adult burbot with transmitters were tracked from 1994 to 2000, for analysis of a travel distance of ≥5 km in ≤10 days termed 'stepwise movement'. Of 44 'stepwise movements', significantly greater movements during pre‐spawning and spawning were observed when average daily discharges from Libby Dam were <300 m3 s−1, with a mean of 176 m3 s−1, similar to pre‐dam conditions. Burbot travelled at a greater rate during all seasons (3·36 km day−1) at discharges >300 m3 s−1(mean = 1·84 km day−1) than at discharges >300 m3 s−1 but no difference was found for the pre‐spawning and spawning period. Burbot that started 'stepwise movements' in low discharge conditions frequently stopped during low discharges.  相似文献   

1. Burbot larvae (Lota lota) perform a substantial diel vertical migration (DVM) of increasing amplitude in the pelagic zone during a 3‐month period before migrating to the littoral zone as early‐juveniles. We hypothesised that feeding in the warm surface layers at night and then spending the day in cold water below the thermocline reduces metabolic costs and earns burbot larvae an energetic advantage. 2. To test our hypothesis, we mimicked the temperature conditions experienced by vertically migrating burbot in the pelagic zone. We also simulated three further scenarios, in which temperature remained constant. 3. Burbot showed the best performance (defined as specific growth rate multiplied by the probability of survival) in the treatments simulating DVM. The high temperature treatment, simulating permanent residence in the warm epilimnion, resulted in high growth combined with high mortality. At a permanently low temperature, simulating life in the hypolimnion, growth was poor and activity reduced. 4. In a deep, temperature‐stratified lake, where the apparently beneficial overall medium temperature is found in a restricted layer within the thermocline, DVM optimises performance in young burbot. Various ultimate factors might act synergistically in selecting for DVM in larval and early‐juvenile burbot.  相似文献   

Levels of liver and plasma lipids of the burbot Lota lota were highest before reproduction and decreased during and after spawning. Triacylglycerols accounted for 95% of the liver lipids. High concentrations of leptin-immunoreactive peptide were present in the burbot liver, suggesting that it may be secreted by this organ.  相似文献   

The cryopreservation of spermatozoa of a teleost fish, the burbot, Lota lota (Gadidae) was investigated. Cryopreserved semen had the highest motility rate (46.6+/-8.0%, fresh semen control 86.5+/-8.2%) and fertility (78.1+/-2.7% embryo survival in hatching stage, fresh semen control 82.2+/-2.9%) when 10% methanol, 1.5% glucose and 7% hen egg yolk were used as cryoprotectants. Freezing was performed in 0.5-ml straws in the vapour of liquid nitrogen at 1cm above the level of liquid nitrogen and thawing in water at 25 degrees C for 20s. For optimal fertilization cryopreserved semen was first mixed with the eggs and then 25 or 50 mmol/L NaCl solution (pH 8.5) was added at a ratio of 1:24 (semen:saline solution). Under these conditions fertilization ratios in the range of fresh semen control were obtained at minimal sperm to egg ratios of 1.7 x 10(6):1. Fertilization with cryopreserved semen had no influence on the embryonic development, as the ratio of embryos which stopped development and the ratio of embryonic malformations were similar to fresh semen.  相似文献   

Leptin,ghrelin, and energy metabolism of the spawning burbot (Lota lota,L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this study was to investigate the energy metabolism of the burbot (Lota lota, n=38) before, during, and after spawning, which represents the greatest annual metabolic demand for the species. A decrease in body mass, relative weight of the livers, and glycogen concentration of the livers was observed toward the end of spawning. The prespawning period was characterized by high rates of liver glycogenolysis and lipid mobilization. Also, plasma triiodothyronine and sex steroid levels were high before reproduction. During spawning, liver lipolysis was reduced and muscle glycogenolysis stimulated. The levels of triiodothyronine and sex steroids decreased. After reproduction, liver glycogenolysis was suppressed and the rate of gluconeogenesis increased. Thyroid hormone levels were elevated after spawning. Leptin protein and a ghrelin-immunoreactive peptide were detected in burbot plasma. Their concentrations were relatively low before and during reproduction but increased after spawning. The functions of leptin and the ghrelin-immunoreactive peptide in the physiology of the burbot are not consistent with the models of their function in mammals.  相似文献   

Records of burbot Lota lota (L.) captures from the early nineteenth century to the present have been gathered and arranged watershed by watershed in chronological order. Most are from eastward-flowing river systems from Durham southwards to the Great Ouse, but a few records from westward-flowing systems are considered. In many areas the records imply a decline of burbot numbers and distribution during the present century, though burbot may never have been more than locally abundant. Local over-fishing, pollution and habitat changes are considered the most likely causes of decline. Conservation measures seem desirable.  相似文献   

Carl  Leon M. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):229-235
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the burbot and lake trout compete with or prey on each other, and that a change in the abundance of lake trout has triggered a response in the burbot population. Burbot growth, length-weight relationship and population size did not change, and it appears that at these population levels, the changes in lake trout abundance had no detectable effect on burbot. It is suggested that the burbot population in Lake Opeongo is limited at the larval stage by competition with, or predation by, a planktivore, the lake herring.  相似文献   

Most skinks are opportunistic predators, taking available prey from the environment as it is encountered. Variation in their diet composition is thought to reflect differences in prey abundance in the environment. We studied diet composition and prey selection in a community of three sympatric skink species (genus Carlia) in northern Australia by comparing contents of skink stomachs with arthropod prey available in their habitat. Carlia were entirely carnivorous and fed on a range of arthropod prey. We found high overlap in diet and prey size among the three species and between the wet and dry seasons, but found that skinks generally focused their foraging efforts on prey types and prey sizes that were not abundant in the habitat. Spiders (Aranea), orthopterans, blattarians, isopods and termites (Isoptera) were important prey of skinks, but these arthropods were rarely trapped in the environment. Skinks also frequently consumed large‐bodied prey, despite the higher relative abundance of small prey in the environment. Skinks were more selective in their foraging and diet than previously assumed. Selection of prey by consumers is a fundamental ecological process, important to consumers for maintaining energy requirements to grow and reproduce, but equally important to the community dynamics of the prey consumed.  相似文献   

The diet of the long-fingered bat Myotis capaccinii is poorly known, and there is no previously recorded information on this species' prey preferences. To investigate these subjects, we captured 51 individuals at a nursery cave in the Iberian Peninsula, from pre-breeding to post-lactation seasons. Each bat's diet composition was assessed by faecal content analysis and its foraging places (rivers, pools and channels) identified by radio-telemetry. To estimate prey availability, we sampled arthropods in the individual bats' identified foraging places and also emulated the bats' hunting technique. The bats' diet comprised of arthropods, dominated by small insects with aquatic larvae and flying adult phases. The most consumed taxon was Nematocera (mainly Chironomidae), including adults and pupae, which were also found to be the most abundant prey over water. Other frequently consumed prey were brachycerans, lepidopterans, arachnids, trichopterans and neuropterans. Diet proportions were compared with prey availability to infer a rank of preferences. The preferred prey were lepidopterans and arachnids, both having a terrestrial life cycle and a bigger size than any other taxa consumed. Without discarding the possible underestimation of prey's aerial availability, the observed preference pattern seems to be a consequence of selection for size more than for specific taxa. Apparently M. capaccinii efficiently exploit water-related prey according to availability when the bats hunt low over the water's surface, and are also able to take more profitable prey found higher in the air.  相似文献   

Burbot Lota lota L. is one of the endangered freshwater fish species in western Europe for which the development of controlled larval rearing procedures could produce enough material for stock enhancement. The suitability of the freshwater rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus as a start food for larviculture of burbot was investigated. After yolk‐absorption, the larvae were stocked in 40‐L tanks under different feeding conditions: clear water rearing conditions with rotifers (Brachionus calyciflorus) for 10 days (R), green water conditions (Chlorella sp.) with rotifers offered for 10 days (MALR), green water conditions (Chlorella sp.) for 3 days followed by clear water in combination with rotifer feeding for 7 days (AL3R), and clear water conditions with Artemia nauplii offered for 10 days (Art). After the 10‐day feeding, all groups received Artemia nauplii up to 35 days post‐hatching. Larval survival was counted at day 10 and at the end of the 35‐day rearing experiment. At day 35, a significant survival difference was noted between the groups where rotifers were supplemented with algae vs only Artemia. At the end of the experiment, the highest survival rate (69.20%) was obtained with larvae receiving only algae in the first 3 days of feeding. Lowest survival rate (24.90%) was obtained with larvae receiving only Artemia for 35 days. This indicates that smaller prey are essential for burbot at first feeding. Larval length and wet weight were measured at the time of mouth opening, at days 7, 10, and 21, and at the end of the experiment (day 35). On day 35, mean length of the larvae varied significantly between the treatments. However, the final wet weight of the larvae did not vary significantly between the treatments.  相似文献   

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