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Using the 16-moment equations that take into account heat fluxes in anisotropic collisionless plasma, the properties of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities are investigated. For all instabilities occurring in the MHD approach (the normal incompressible firehose instability, the second compressible almost longitudinal firehose instability, and the almost transverse mirror instability of slow magnetosonic modes, as well as thermal instability caused by the heat flux directed along the magnetic field), their kinetic analogs are considered. The kinetic dispersion relation in the low-frequency range in the vicinity of the ion thermal velocity is analyzed. The flow of plasma ions along the magnetic field is taken into account. The thresholds and instability growth rates obtained in the MHD and kinetic approaches are found to be in good agreement. This indicates that the 16-moment MHD equations adequately describe the dynamics of collisionless plasma.  相似文献   

Analytical theory of magnetorotational and convective instabilities in a rotating cylindrical plasma with finite heat conductivity is developed and discussed. The heat conductivity is incorporated into the standardized equations of the regular magnetohydrodynamic approach to studying these instabilities. A case of high-β plasma (β is the ratio of plasma pressure to the magnetic field pressure) and the modes with parallel phase velocity much smaller than the sound velocity is particularly emphasized and considered in the quasi-incompressible approximation. It is shown that this approximation is more adequate than the Boussinesq approximation. Both these approximations lead to the same results for aperiodical instabilities of the axisymmetric modes which are hybrids of the magnetorotational and convective instabilities. On the other hand, the Boussinesq approximation overlooks the heat-conductivity-induced instabilities predicted by the quasi-incompressible approximation describing the dissipative excitation of the slow magnetoacoustic and Alfvén waves. Non-axisymmetric aperiodical instabilities are considered. It is shown that, for such modes, the role of convective instabilities is greater than for the magnetorotational instability.  相似文献   

The generation of zonal flows by drift-Alfvén waves is studied with allowance for magnetic curvature effects. The basic plasmadynamic equations relating the electrostatic potential, vector potential, and perturbed plasma density are the vorticity equation, longitudinal Ohm’s law, and continuity equation. The basic equations are analyzed by applying a parametric formalism similar to that used in the theory of the generation of convective cells. In contrast to most previous investigations on the subject, consideration is given to primary modes having an arbitrary spectrum rather than to an individual monochromatic wave packet. The parametric approach so modified makes it possible to reveal a new class of instabilities of zonal flows that are analogous to two-stream instabilities in linear theory. It is shown that, in the standard theory of zonal flows, the zonal components of the vector potential and perturbed density are not excited. It is pointed out that zonal flows can be generated both in the case of a magnetic hill and in the case of a magnetic well. In the first case, the instabilities of zonal flows are analogous to negative-mass instabilities in linear theory, and, in the second case, they are analogous to two-stream instabilities.  相似文献   

A set of Vlasov-Maxwell equations for collisionless electromagnetic drift instabilities of high-β plasma configurations with a nonuniform magnetic fields is solved. The effect of the transverse static magnetic field variation and magnetic field line curvature, as well as the plasma temperature and density gradients, is considered. It is shown that, in a nonuniform magnetic field, the behavior of the instabilities differs substantially from that in a uniform field. Electromagnetic modes propagating strictly transverse to the lines of the static magnetic field are analyzed in detail, and unstable solutions are obtained for both extraordinary and ordinary waves. Numerical results show that, in the latter case, instability occurs when the magnetic field decreases toward the periphery and the plasma temperature and density gradients are oppositely directed.  相似文献   

Heat-pulse methods to determine sap flux density in trees are founded on the theory of heat conduction and heat convection in an isotropic medium. However, sapwood is clearly anisotropic, implying a difference in thermal conductivity along and across the grain, and hence necessitates the theory for an anisotropic medium. This difference in thermal conductivities, which can be up to 50%, is, however, not taken into account in the key equation leading to the currently available heat-pulse methods. Despite this major flaw, the methods remain theoretically correct as they are based on derivations of the key equation, ruling out any anisotropic aspects. The importance of specifying the thermal characteristics of the sapwood according to axial, tangential or radial direction is revealed as well as referring to and using the proper anisotropic theory in order to avoid confusion and misinterpretation of thermal properties when dealing with sap flux density measurements or erroneous results when modelling heat transport in sapwood.  相似文献   

Drift-resistive ballooning turbulence is simulated numerically based on a quasi-three-dimensional computer code for solving nonlinear two-fluid MHD equations in the scrape-off layer plasma in a tokamak. It is shown that, when the toroidal geometry of the magnetic field is taken into account, additional (geodesic) flux terms associated with the first poloidal harmonic (∼sinθ) arise in the averaged equations for the momentum, density, and energy. Calculations show that the most important of these terms is the geodesic momentum flux (the Stringer-Windsor effect), which lowers the poloidal rotation velocity. It is also shown that accounting for the toroidal field geometry introduces experimentally observed, special low-frequency MHD harmonics—GA modes—in the Fourier spectra. GA modes are generated by the Reynolds turbulent force and also by the gradient of the poloidally nonuniform turbulent heat flux. Turbulent particle and heat fluxes are obtained as functions of the poloidal coordinate and are found to show that, in a tokamak, there is a “ballooning effect” associated with their maximum in the weak magnetic field region. The dependence of the density, temperature, and pressure on the poloidal coordinate is presented, as well as the dependence of turbulent fluxes on the toroidal magnetic field.  相似文献   

Results are presented from the numerical study of the processes accompanying the formation of chain structures in systems with an anisotropic pairwise interaction similar to the interaction caused by ion focusing. The simulations were performed for extended and bounded chain structures in a wide range of parameters corresponding to conditions of experiments with laboratory dusty plasma. The development of various instabilities in such systems is analyzed in detail for the first time.  相似文献   

A study is made of the MHD stability of a collisionless anisotropic-pressure plasma in a nonparaxial magnetic configuration with an internal conductor in cylindrical geometry. A stability criterion for flutelike modes is obtained, and the families of marginally stable profiles of the longitudinal and transverse plasma pressures are calculated by using the Chew-Goldberger-Low anisotropic MHD equations. Possible marginally stable plasma states are considered with allowance for the expected turbulent relaxation and self-organization processes, on the one hand, and isotropization processes, on the other. A stability criterion for Alfvén modes is also derived in the Chew-Goldberger-Low model.  相似文献   

The local dispersion relation obtained for an inhomogeneous anisotropic high-pressure plasma in the Chew-Goldberger-Low approximation is used to qualitatively study small-scale MHD plasma instabilities in alternative magnetic configurations in which the plasma compressibility plays a significant stabilizing role. It is established that it is important to satisfy the Bernstein-Kadomtsev condition in order to reduce the growth rate of the quasi-flute oscillations. Moderate plasma anisotropy is shown not to have a substantial destabilizing effect on the MHD plasma stability under the Bernstein-Kadomtsev condition in alternative systems. The situation in which the electron compressibility vanishes while the ion compressibility is nonzero is discussed; it is shown that, in this situation, the Bernstein-Kadomtsev condition becomes more stringent as the longitudinal wavenumber increases.  相似文献   

The propagation and absorption of microwave radiation at the periphery of a tokamak plasma under ECR conditions are considered. For microwaves propagating in a quasi-transverse direction, the range of plasma parameters is determined in which the effective plasma permittivity can be approximated by a piecewise linear function. With this approximation, it is possible to obtain analytic solutions to the wave equation and to use them to estimate the width of the power deposition region for different modes of microwave launching. A detailed analysis is given of tangential launching—the propagation of microwaves along a tangent to the resonance magnetic surface at which they begin to be absorbed under ECR conditions. Using the ITER tokamak as an example, it is shown that this launching method is most efficient in providing the narrowest power deposition profile at the plasma periphery. The results obtained are of interest for the problems of suppressing tearing-mode instabilities by localized ECR heating.  相似文献   

Effective boundary conditions for the electromagnetic field of the slow surface waves of a thinwalled annular plasma in a metal waveguide are derived and justified. With the boundary conditions obtained, there is no need to solve field equations in the plasma region of the waveguide, so that the dispersion properties of plasma waveguides can be investigated analytically for an arbitrary strength of the external magnetic field. Examples are given that show how to use the effective boundary conditions in order to describe surface waves with a normal and an anomalous dispersion. The boundary conditions are then employed to construct a theory of the radiative Cherenkov instabilities of a thin-walled annular electron beam in a waveguide with a thinwalled annular plasma. The single-particle and collective Cherenkov effects associated with low-and high-frequency surface waves in an arbitrary external magnetic field are studied analytically. The method of the effective boundary conditions is justified in the context of application to the problems of plasma relativistic microwave electronics.  相似文献   

A closed set of reduced equations describing low-frequency nonlinear flute magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) convection and the resulting nondiffusive processes of particle and energy transport in a weakly collisional cylindrical plasma with an anisotropic pressure is derived. The Chew-Goldberger-Low anisotropic magnetohydrodynamics is used as the basic dynamic model, because this model is applicable to describing flute convection in a cylindrical plasma column even in the low-frequency limit. The reduced set of equations was derived using the method of adiabatic separation of fast and slow motions. It is shown that the structure of the adiabatic transformation and the corresponding velocity field are identical to those obtained earlier in the isotropic MHD model. However, the derived heat transfer equations differ drastically from the isotropic pressure model. In particular, they indicate a tendency toward maintaining different radial profiles of the longitudinal and transverse pressures.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory of the instability of a straight relativistic dense electron beam in a plasma waveguide is derived for conditions of the stimulated collective Cherenkov effect. A study is made of a waveguide with a dense plasma such that the plasma wave excited by the beam during the instability can be escribed, with a good degree of accuracy, as a potential wave. General relativistic nonlinear equations are btained that describe the temporal dynamics of beam-plasma instabilities with allowance for plasma nonlinearity and the generation of harmonics of the initial perturbation. Under the assumption that the resonant interaction between the beam waves and the plasma waves is weak, the general equations are reduced to relativistic equations with cubic nonlinearities by using the method of expansion in small perturbations of the trajectories and momenta of the beam and plasma electrons. The reduced equations are solved analytically, the time scales on which the instability saturates are determined, and the nonlinear saturation amplitudes are obtained. A comparison between analytical solutions to the reduced equations and numerical solutions to the general nonlinear equations shows them to be in good agreement. Nonlinear processes caused by the relativistic nature of the beam are found to prevent stochastization of the system in the nonlinear stage of the well-developed instability. In contrast, a nonrelativistic electron beam is found to be subject to significant anomalous nonlinear stochastization.  相似文献   

The problem is solved of the stability of a nonneutral plasma that completely fills a waveguide and consists of magnetized cold electrons and a small density fraction of ions produced by ionization of the atoms of the background gas. The ions are described by an anisotropic distribution function that takes into account the characteristic features of their production in crossed electric and magnetic fields. By solving a set of Vlasov-Poisson equations analytically, a dispersion equation is obtained that is valid over the entire range of allowable electric and magnetic field strengths. The solutions to the dispersion equation for the m = +1 main azimuthal mode are found numerically. The plasma oscillation spectrum consists of the families of Trivelpiece-Gould modes at frequencies equal to the frequencies of oblique Langmuir oscillations Doppler shifted by the electron rotation and also of the families of “modified” ion cyclotron (MIC) modes at frequencies close to the harmonics of the MIC frequency (the frequencies of radial ion oscillations in crossed fields). It is shown that, over a wide range of electric and magnetic field strengths, Trivelpiece-Gould modes have low frequencies and interact with MIC modes. Trivelpiece-Gould modes at frequencies close to the harmonics of the MIC frequency with nonnegative numbers are unstable. The lowest radial Trivelpiece-Gould mode at a frequency close to the zeroth harmonic of the MIC frequency has the fastest growth rate. MIC modes are unstable over a wide range of electric and magnetic field strengths and grow at far slower rates. For a low ion density, a simplified dispersion equation is derived perturbatively that accounts for the nonlocal ion contribution, but, at the same time, has the form of a local dispersion equation for a plasma with a transverse current and anisotropic ions. The solutions to the simplified dispersion equation are obtained analytically. The growth rates of the Trivelpiece-Gould modes and the behavior of the MIC modes agree with those obtained by numerical simulation.  相似文献   

The Cherenkov emission of transverse-longitudinal waves in an anisotropic plasma is considered by applying a Hamiltonian method and by drawing an analogy between the equations for the Cherenkov emission of purely transverse and purely longitudinal waves in isotropic media and the equations for the emission of transverse-longitudinal electromagnetic waves in a highly anisotropic medium (a magnetized plasma). A formula for the emitted power is derived, as well as an expression for the directional pattern of the emitted waves in an anisotropic plasma.  相似文献   

The stability of periodic flows and helicon waves against large-scale perturbations is investigated analytically in resistive electron magnetohydrodynamics by the method of two-scale expansions. It is shown that long-wavelength perturbations of a Kolmogorov-type flow are destabilized by the effect of negative resistivity. The destabilization of long-wavelength perturbations of a Beltrami-type helical flow and helicon waves is related to the microhelicity of the primary flow (wave). The instability of long-wavelength perturbations of an anisotropic helical flow is found to result from both the effect of negative resistivity and the effect associated with the microhelical nature of the flow. The criteria for the onset of the corresponding instabilities are derived. Numerical simulations are carried out based on nonlinear electron magnetohydrodynamic equations with initial conditions corresponding to the analytic formulation of the problem. The results of simulations on the whole confirm analytical results in the parameter range in which the latter are applicable and, in addition, extend the stability analysis to the parameter ranges that are beyond the scope of analytic approximations.  相似文献   

A simplified wave equation is derived that describes both Suydam modes in a nonuniformly rotating plasma column in a helical magnetic field and related flute modes. A study is made of a low-pressure plasma under the assumption that the azimuthal component of the magnetic field is much weaker than the axial component. It is shown that, when the monotonic radial variation of the plasma rotation velocity is sufficiently sharp, the plasma core becomes stable against short-wavelength Suydam modes. The instabilities that can develop in a nonuniformly rotating plasma are classified.  相似文献   

A method for analyzing the characteristics of turbulence responsible for radial heat transport is proposed. The method is based on the previously proposed hypotheses (to a great extent, confirmed experimentally) concerning the consistency of normalized pressure profiles in tokamak plasmas and the mechanism of internal transport barrier formation. Using the proposed approach, it is shown that, under an external action on the plasma, when the plasma heat flux onto the wall grows, the spectrum of turbulent modes broadens due to the excitation of modes with lower poloidal numbers m. Thus, in contrast to the conventional diffusion approach, the transport coefficient depends on the flux intensity. A mechanism of formation of internal transport barriers is proposed.  相似文献   

The regimes of the instabilities of an annular relativistic electron beam in a waveguide with an annular plasma are systematically analyzed and classified. The growth rates of the instabilities are calculated different limiting cases, and the resonance conditions for the development of the instabilities are determined. The fastest growing instability of a high-current relativistic electron beam in a waveguide with a dense plasma is considered. The possible onset of a low-frequency instability of a beam in a waveguide with a low-density plasma is investigated. Typical examples of how the growth rates depend on the perturbation wavenumbers are presented for systems with parameters close to the experimental ones.  相似文献   

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