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蜻蜒腹神经束上存在着自运动检测神经元和目标运动检测神经元.我们采用了两种视觉刺激条件来测试自运动检测神经元的光谱反应.当采用控制强度和波长的闪光进行测试时、它们的光谱反应曲线与绿色光感受器的光谱灵敏度曲线极其相似,峰值位于500nm处.然而采用运动的条纹进行测试时,它们的峰值却位于560nm处.当用一种颜色的运动图案作为目标放置在另一种颜色背景的前方测试时,发现存在某个目标的照明强度值能使反应下降到自发放电的水平,这表明自运动检测器无法检测这二种颜色的差别,即它们是色盲的、它主要接受来自绿色光感受器的信号.目标运动检测神经元的光谱反应特性与自运动检测神经元的不同,目标运动检测神经元在以380nm至580nm的范围中有着平坦的光谱反应曲线,有时在紫外频段出现峰有(?)前景与背景颜色不同且固定背景光的颜色与强度而改变前景的光强时,神经元的反应不会下降到自发放电水平,当背景为绿色而目标为另一个颜色.特别是兰色时,神经元反应强烈,但当背景为兰色而目标为绿色时,它们的反应相对较弱.这些结果表明目标运动检测神经元是对颜色敏感的.  相似文献   

蜻蜒腹神经束上存在着自运动检测神经元和目标运动检测神经元.我们采用了两种视觉刺激条件来测试自运动检测神经元的光谱反应.当采用控制强度和波长的闪光进行测试时、它们的光谱反应曲线与绿色光感受器的光谱灵敏度曲线极其相似,峰值位于500nm处.然而采用运动的条纹进行测试时,它们的峰值却位于560nm处.当用一种颜色的运动图案作为目标放置在另一种颜色背景的前方测试时,发现存在某个目标的照明强度值能使反应下降到自发放电的水平,这表明自运动检测器无法检测这二种颜色的差别,即它们是色盲的、它主要接受来自绿色光感受器的信号.目标运动检测神经元的光谱反应特性与自运动检测神经元的不同,目标运动检测神经元在以380nm至580nm的范围中有着平坦的光谱反应曲线,有时在紫外频段出现峰有(?)前景与背景颜色不同且固定背景光的颜色与强度而改变前景的光强时,神经元的反应不会下降到自发放电水平,当背景为绿色而目标为另一个颜色.特别是兰色时,神经元反应强烈,但当背景为兰色而目标为绿色时,它们的反应相对较弱.这些结果表明目标运动检测神经元是对颜色敏感的.  相似文献   

不同质地背景对自由飞行蜜蜂跟踪运动目标的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了不同质地背景对自由飞行蜜蜂跟踪运动目标的影响.质地背景采用了灰度调制度和空间频率均可调整的双正弦波图形构成,其灰度对比幅度为64级,平均灰度为32,运动目标是一个直径3.4厘米,灰度值为32的均匀灰色圆盘.当幅度调制度从小(31%)到大(93%)变化时,蜜蜂目标跟踪系统的水平增益S1也随之增大.这是由于较大的调制度可以给予蜜峰以较大的背景与目标之间的灰度对比.从短(7.6毫米)到长(38毫米)改变质地背景的空间波长,结果显示,在空间波长为30.4毫米处有一个明显的锐起峰值.计算结果表明,质地背景与目标之间在目标边缘的灰度反差,其最大值恰好发生在空间波长等于30.4毫米的情况下.这充分说明,S1的锐起峰值完全是由于形成于此的强烈灰度反差造成的.这一结果表明:无论目标运动与否,无论背景是均匀的还是质地的,背景与目标在目标边缘形成的灰度反差对蜜蜂发现并且跟踪目标起着重要乃至决定性的作用.  相似文献   

研究了蜜蜂对相同颜色和不同颜色目标图对的形状以及颜色的综合识别能力实验过程中,蜜蜂始终处于自由飞行状态.做为刺激目标使用的图对分别有相同颜色不同几何形状、相同颜色不同拓扑结构和不同颜色几何形状三组.主要结果有三点:(1)在相同颜色的条件下,蜜蜂可以分辨出图形的几何形状,并且识别能力与图对的相似程度成反比(2)在刺激图形为环形时,蜜蜂对图形平均亮度敏感;在平均亮度相同的情况下,对环形细节变和尺寸大小不敏感.(3)在不同颜色不同几何形状的刺激条件下.蜜蜂视觉信息加工过程中颜色因素会抑制几何形状因素而起主要作用.这三个结果可以视为深入研究颜色加工通道和几何形状加工通道之间内在关系的基础.  相似文献   

点格局分析中边缘校正的一种新算法及其应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在点格局分析中,通常选取一个矩形作为研究区域,而K(d)函数估计值的方差倾向于随着距离尺度的增加而增加.作为一种粗略的指导,距离尺度的最大值一般为矩形最小边长度的一半.在这种情况下,边缘校正的权重最小值为0.25.通过在校正圆上等弧长取点,用校正圆上落在研究区域之内的点数除以整个校正圆上的点数,作为边缘校正权重的近似值.点数越多,这种近似算法越接近传统的精确算法.这种近似算法不仅适用于计算研究区域为矩形的边缘校正权重,而且适用于计算研究区域为任意多边形的边缘校正权重.此外,当矩形研究区域中点事件的信息不足时,这种算法可以允许计算接近到距离尺度的上限(即矩形对角线长度的一半)对应的K(d)函数.  相似文献   

立体视觉不仅指对静态深度信息的感知,也包括对物体在三维空间中的运动方向的判断.本研究记录了人眼对于动态随机点图运动方向的辨别能力以及视觉训练在提高对动态信息分辨能力的作用.实验结果表明,对于没有任何相关经验的视力正常的受试者,很难分辨出动态随机点的深度运动方向,而视觉训练可以大大提高人眼对物体深度运动方向判断的敏感度.此外,这种视觉训练所达到的效果具有较长时间的持续性(至少6个月).这种通过视觉训练提高受试者对立体运动信息敏感度的方式,为立体视觉相关的实验和研究提供了新的视角.  相似文献   

雄蝇追逐行为的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报告了在自由飞行条件下雄蝇追逐的行为实验及其分析的初步结果.其结果如下:1.追逐雄蝇水平方向偏转的角速度dF_1线性地依赖于目标蝇水平方位误差角T_1的大小.当目标在前视场中,即空间误差角|G|<π/4时,线性回归直线的斜率约为37**;而当空间误差角|G|>π/4时,线性回归直线的斜率约为6.7.2.追逐雄蝇俯仰方向偏转角速度dF_2在(-(π/2),π/2)的范围内线性依赖于俯仰误差角T_2的大小,其回归直线的斜率约为14.3.雄蝇追逐行为中,水平方位误差角频数分布的直方图呈现为峰值在零点的对称型分布;而俯仰误差角T_2频数分布的直方图是非对称型的,即仰角出现的频数大大超过俯角出现的频数.4.雄蝇主要利用了两蝇间距离变化dD的信息以及目标误差角来控制向前飞行的速度V.当误差角小时(即目标在前视场中),dD一般为负值,说明两蝇间的距离减小,而雄蝇追逐飞行的加速度A却与dD呈现正的线性关系.当误差角大时(即目标位于后视场中),dD一般为正值,说明两蝇间的距离增加.  相似文献   

对于运动信息在脑内的加工,一种观点认为分两阶段进行,低级视皮层只对运动图形内部成分的取向进行调谐,高级视皮层整合低级视皮层的输入,对图形整体的运动方向敏感。用网格(plaid)作为刺激的实验表明,在较低级皮层区,细胞多表现为成分方向选择性(Component-motion Selectivity),即对刺激中的取向因素敏感:而较高视皮层的细胞多表现为整体方向选择性(Pattern-motion Selecitivity),对运动整体的方向敏感,从而支持运动信息加工的“两阶段”理论。实验中,用一系列运动随机线条刺激(random line patterns)。研究猫前内侧上雪氏区(Anteriormedial lateral suprasylvian area,AMLS)神经元的方向调谐特性。结果表明多数细胞为整体方向选择性,且随线长增加此类细胞比例下降,而成分方向选择性细胞的比例有所增加,呈现由整体方向选择性向中间类型(Unclassified),由中间类型向成分方向选择性变化的趋势,提示整体或成分方向选择性可能并非细胞的固有特性,而是可以随刺激取向因素的变化而改变的。  相似文献   

用细胞外记录方法研究了蝇髓部细胞的运动敏感性.实验证明,在蝇髓部有运动敏感型细胞,它们的主要特点是对运动敏感,但不具有方向选择性.其主要性质如下:1.有些细胞对闪光刺激给出超极化反应,有些则为去极化反应;2.对运动反应,但不具有方向性;3.有些对大视场的运动敏感,有些则对小视场的运动敏感;4.反应幅度与图形运动速度有关;5.感受野为简单型,并且不很大.对于可能对应的算法进行了讨论.  相似文献   

为了摸清我国饶河黑蜂(亦称东北黑蜂)群体与俄罗斯蜜蜂(亦称USDA-ARS俄罗斯蜜蜂)、C形态学分支的卡尼鄂拉蜂Apis mellifera carnica、O形态学分支的高加索蜂Apis mellifera caucasica和安拉托尼亚蜂Apis mellifera anatoliaca之间的亲缘关系,本试验运用16个微卫星DNA标记,以来自饶河县7个区域(东北黑蜂国家级自然保护区所在地)的东北黑蜂为研究对象,其它5个蜜蜂群体为对照,分析了东北黑蜂与其他西方蜜蜂的亲缘关系、群体遗传结构和种质特性。结果表明东北黑蜂群体与俄罗斯蜜蜂亲缘关系最近(遗传距离(dμ)2=0.31~0.55),在遗传进化关系上处于同一进化分支,而与高加索蜂、安拉托尼亚蜂和卡尼鄂拉蜂的亲缘关系相对较远(遗传距离(dμ)2=0.52~0.86)。该实验结果进一步证明东北黑蜂起源于俄罗斯蜜蜂,其对东北黑蜂的选育、推广和保护具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

Visual control of cursorial prey pursuit by tiger beetles (Cicindelidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Target detection poses problems for moving animals, such as tiger beetles, that track targets visually. The pursuer's movements degrade target image contrast and induce reafferent image movement that confounds continuous detection of prey. In nature, beetles pursue prey discontinuously with several iterations of stop-and-go running. The beetle's dynamics were analyzed by filming pursuits of prey or experimenter-controlled dummies. Durations of stops are inversely related to prey visual angular velocity; as the prey image moves between neighboring ommatidial fields, the beetle relocalizes it and renews running. During subsequent runs, translation and rotation depend upon prey visual angular velocity and position, respectively, seen during the previous stop. The beetle runs, then stops, while prey continues moving. After two to three iterations of stop-and-go the beetle catches its prey, suggesting open-loop control of running. Computational model simulations produce good qualitative spatio-temporal fit with actual pursuits. However, when pursuing prey dummies, beetles track continuously and quickly follow changes in target position, suggesting closed-loop control using a position-sensitive servo mechanism. Differences between these types of pursuit control system are discussed with respect to limitations in signal detection, particularly spatio-temporal contrast, that may force beetles to use an open-loop system. Accepted: 7 April 1997  相似文献   

Summary Flies (Musca domestica) avoid danger by initiating a rapid jump followed by flight. To identify the visual cues that trigger the escape response in the housefly, we measured the timing and probability of escapes when the fly was presented with a variety of visual stimuli created by moving targets toward it. Our results show that an escape response is triggered by an approaching dark disk, but not by a receding dark disk. On the other hand, a bright disk elicits escape only when it recedes. A disk with black and white rings is less effective at eliciting escape than is a dark solid disk of the same size. This indicates that the darkening contrast produced by an approaching stimulus is a more crucial parameter than expansion cues contained in the optical flow. Escape is also triggered by a horizontally moving dark edge, but not by a moving bright edge or by a grating. An examination of several visual parameters reveals that the darkening contrast, measured from the onset of stimulation to the start of escape is nearly constant for a variety of stimuli that trigger escape reliably. Thus darkening contrast, coupled with motion may be crucial in eliciting the visually evoked escape response. Other visual parameters such as time-to-contact or target angular velocity seem to be relatively unimportant to the timing of escapes.Abbreviations P s Probability of successful escape - r disk radius of disk target - r arena radius of shielding arena - v disk linear velocity of disk target - v edge linear velocity of edge - d disk angular velocity of disk target boundary - edge angular velocity of edge - escape target distance at escape - d start target distance before onset of target movement - h edge height of the edge above fly - x start distance from corner of triangle to start position of edge (0 or 50 mm) - x escape distance from corner of triangle to the position of the edge when the fly escapes - x center distance from corner of triangle to point above the center of the pad - x total distance from the corner of the triangle to the base (height of triangle = base of triangle)  相似文献   

The distance over which an object is detected by bees depends on the subtended visual angle and on spectral cues. At large angular subtenses detection is mediated only by chromatic cues. Achromatic targets, however, are also detectable. We investigated how chromatic and achromatic cues interact in detecting large-size targets. Coloured targets were used, with varied chromatic contrast that either did or did not present L-receptor contrast. Better detection correlated with higher chromatic contrast. Adding L-receptor contrast did not affect detection. It did allow the detection of achromatic targets, but at a lower level than most coloured ones, which indicates that the input from the achromatic system is negligible due to low sensitivity.  相似文献   

The discrimination of patterns was studied in a Y-choice chamber fitted with a transparent baffle in each arm, through which the bees had a choice of two targets via openings 5cm wide. The bees see the positive (rewarded) and the negative (unrewarded) targets from a fixed distance. The patterns were bars (subtending 22 degrees x5.4 degrees at the point of choice) presented in one-quarter of each target. The bars were moved to a different quarter of the target every 5min, to make the location of black useless as a cue. A coincident presentation is when the bar on the left target is on the same side of the target as the bar on the right target. The bees learn the orientation cue when the presentation is coincident but otherwise cannot learn it. This experiment shows that bees do not centre their attention on the individual bars, otherwise they would always discriminate the orientation. Centring the target as a whole precedes learning. Having learned with the bar on one side of the targets, bees do not recognize the same cue presented on the other side. A separate orientation cue can be learned on each side. A radial/tangential cue is preferred to a conflicting orientation cue.  相似文献   

Summary Free flying honeybees were conditioned to moving black and white stripe patterns. Bees learn rapidly to distinguish the direction of movement in the vertical and horizontal plane.After being trained to a moving pattern bees do not discriminate the moving alternative from a stationary one. There is no significant velocity discrimination for patterns moving in the same direction.For vertical movements there are clear asymmetries in the spontaneous choice preference and in the learning curves for patterns moving upward or downward.After bees are trained to a stationary pattern they can discriminate it from an upward moving alternative. Learning curves involving movement are generally biphasic, suggesting different adaptive systems depending on the number of rewards.The flight pattern of bees which are trained to movement changes during the process of learning. At the beginning of the learning procedure bees reveal an optokinetic response to the moving patterns, this response is strongly reduced after a number of rewards on a moving pattern.  相似文献   

Summary The role of the queen in relation to wax secretion and comb building in honeybees was analyzed with respect to queen status (mated, virgin and dead queens and queenlessness), and pheromones of the head and abdominal tergite of queens. Worker variables considered were colony size, percentage of bees bearing wax scales, wax scale weight, and weight of constructed combs.The amount of wax recovered from festoon bees and the percentage of festoon bees bearing wax were independent of queen status, the pheromones of queens and access to the queen. Colonies with full access to freely moving mated queens always constructed significantly more comb than those headed by virgin or dead queens as well as all permutations of caged and division board queens whose mandibular glands and/or abdominal tergite glands were operative or not.Despite pheromonal similarity of virgin queens to mated ones, colonies headed by virgin queens constructed as little comb as did queenless colonies. The bouquets of the mandibular glands did not differ significantly among queens nor was the amount of comb constructed correlated with pheromonal bouquet. Comb building is greatest among colonies having full access to freely moving queens but the stimulus for such building is not attributable to the 90DA, 9HDA and 10HDA components of the queen's mandibular gland secretions.  相似文献   

Chaotic dynamics introduced in a recurrent neural network model is applied to controlling an object to track a moving target in two-dimensional space, which is set as an ill-posed problem. The motion increments of the object are determined by a group of motion functions calculated in real time with firing states of the neurons in the network. Several cyclic memory attractors that correspond to several simple motions of the object in two-dimensional space are embedded. Chaotic dynamics introduced in the network causes corresponding complex motions of the object in two-dimensional space. Adaptively real-time switching of control parameter results in constrained chaos (chaotic itinerancy) in the state space of the network and enables the object to track a moving target along a certain trajectory successfully. The performance of tracking is evaluated by calculating the success rate over 100 trials with respect to nine kinds of trajectories along which the target moves respectively. Computer experiments show that chaotic dynamics is useful to track a moving target. To understand the relations between these cases and chaotic dynamics, dynamical structure of chaotic dynamics is investigated from dynamical viewpoint.  相似文献   

Many animals visualize and track small moving targets at long distances-be they prey, approaching predators or conspecifics. Insects are an excellent model system for investigating the neural mechanisms that have evolved for this challenging task. Specialized small target motion detector (STMD) neurons in the optic lobes of the insect brain respond strongly even when the target size is below the resolution limit of the eye. Many STMDs also respond robustly to small targets against complex stationary or moving backgrounds. We hypothesized that this requires a complex mechanism to avoid breakthrough responses by background features, and yet to adequately amplify the weak signal of tiny targets. We compared responses of dragonfly STMD neurons to small targets that begin moving within the receptive field with responses to targets that approach the same location along longer trajectories. We find that responses along longer trajectories are strongly facilitated by a mechanism that builds up slowly over several hundred milliseconds. This allows the neurons to give sustained responses to continuous target motion, thus providing a possible explanation for their extraordinary sensitivity.  相似文献   

While it was initially thought that attention was space-based, more recent work has shown that attention can also be object-based, in that observers find it easier to attend to different parts of the same object than to different parts of different objects. Such studies have shown that attention more easily spreads throughout an object than between objects. However, it is not known to what extent attention can be confined to just part of an object and to what extent attending to part of an object necessarily causes the entire object to be attended. We have investigated this question in the context of the multiple object tracking paradigm in which subjects are shown a scene containing a number of identical moving objects and asked to mentally track a subset of them, the targets, while not tracking the remainder, the distractors. Previous work has shown that joining each target to a distractor by a solid connector so that each target-distractor pair forms a single physical object, a technique known as target-distractor merging, makes it hard to track the targets, suggesting that attention cannot be restricted to just parts of objects. However, in that study the target-distractor pairs continuously changed length, which in itself would have made tracking difficult. Here we show that it remains difficult to track the targets even when the target-distractor pairs do not change length and even when the targets can be differentiated from the connectors that join them to the distractors. Our experiments suggest that it is hard to confine attention to just parts of objects, at least in the case of moving objects.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on two experiments concerning the effect of the visual field of fovea on the subjective estimation of angular velocity. Experiment 1 investigates the effect of a slow moving target on the perception of self motion. The result of this experiment can be summarized as follows: a slow moving target seen in the visual field of fovea by a stationary person generates in this person a sensation of self rotation in the same direction as the motion of the target. This phenomenon will be called foveal induced ego motion. Experiment 2 investigates the latency for the detection of a self angular acceleration when the person focusses his fovea on a slowly moving target. From the results of this experiment we conclude that the latency for detection of a small self angular acceleration is shorter if the person sees a small foveal target moving with respect to the person in the direction of self rotation than if that small foveal target is moving (with respect to the person) in the opposite direction. The results of these experiments help us in refining existing models of visual-vestibular interaction, by providing a model which accounts for the phenomenon of oculogyral illusion.This research was conducted while serving as a Visiting Professor at the Man Vehicle Laboratory, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA  相似文献   

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