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During the early blastula period of zebrafish embryos, the outermost blastomeres begin to undergo a significant thinning in the apical/basolateral dimension to form the first distinct cellular domain of the embryo, the enveloping layer (EVL). During this shape transformation, only the EVL-precursor cells generate a coincidental series of highly restricted Ca(2+) transients. To investigate the role of these localized Ca(2+) transients in this shape-change process, embryos were treated with a Ca(2+) chelator (5,5'-difluoro BAPTA AM; DFB), or the Ca(2+) ionophore (A23187), to downregulate and upregulate the transients, respectively, while the shape-change of the forming EVL cells was measured. DFB was shown to significantly slow, and A23187 to significantly facilitate the shape change of the forming EVL cells. In addition, to investigate the possible involvement of the phosphoinositide and Wnt/Ca(2+) signaling pathways in the Ca(2+) transient generation and/or shape-change processes, embryos were treated with antagonists (thapsigargin, 2-APB and U73122) or an agonist (Wnt-5A) of these pathways. Wnt-5A upregulated the EVL-restricted Ca(2+) transients and facilitated the change in shape of the EVL cells, while 2-APB downregulated the Ca(2+) transients and significantly slowed the cell shape-change process. Furthermore, thapsigargin and U73122 also both inhibited the EVL cell shape-change. We hypothesize, therefore, that the highly localized and coincidental Ca(2+) transients play a necessary role in initiating the shape-change of the EVL cells.  相似文献   

The effects of dissolved oxygen (DO) on incubating salmonid embryos have been studied extensively in the laboratory but there is little information on levels experienced by salmon embryos in complex natural channels. We monitored 33 natural egg pockets of chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta , from shortly after spawning until emergence, and found that DO levels varied considerably among and within egg pockets over time. Egg pocket DO levels varied from 2–10 mg l−1 at the time of spawning and generally declined during incubation but the declines did not occur in all pockets and were not always steady. Much of the variability may be attributed to local channel topography. Pool tailouts had the highest and least variable DO levels whereas levels in lateral bars were generally lower and more variable. Levels in glides and riffles tended to be intermediate between those in pool tailouts and lateral bars. In spite of the variation in DO levels and habitats used by chum salmon, DO levels were not correlated with egg pocket sediment composition (per cent of the sample<1.0 or 4.0 mm diameter) or with the egg pocket's depth.  相似文献   

Juvenile chum Oncorhynchus keta and pink Oncorhynchus gorbuscha salmon change the composition of their visual pigments when they move from coastal waters to offshore in the Okhotsk Sea. Levels of the visual pigment rhodopsin were found to be high on the coast, while porphyropsin levels were high in offshore waters in both species. These facts suggest visual function may be similar, allowing them to coexist in the same sea area.  相似文献   

Feeding rate experiments were conducted for pink salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha fry [mean fork length ( L F) 39 mm], juveniles (103–104 mm L F) and juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta (106–107 mm L F). Fishes were presented with small copepod ( Tisbi sp.) or larger mysid shrimp ( Mysidopsis bahia ) prey at varying densities ranging from 1 to 235 prey l−1 in feeding rate experiments conducted at water temperatures ranging from 10·5 to 12·0° C under high light levels and low turbidity conditions. Juvenile pink and chum salmon demonstrated a type II functional response to mysid and copepod prey. Mysid prey was readily selected by both species whereas the smaller bodied copepod prey was not. When offered copepods, pink salmon fry fed at a higher maximum consumption rate (2·5 copepods min−1) than larger juvenile pink salmon (0·4 copepods min−1), whereas larger juvenile chum salmon exhibited the highest feeding rate (3·8 copepods min−1). When feeding on mysids, the maximum feeding rate for larger juvenile pink (12·3 mysids min−1) and chum (11·5 mysids min−1) salmon were similar in magnitude, and higher than feeding rates on copepods. Functional response models parameterized for specific sizes of juvenile salmon and zooplankton prey provide an important tool for linking feeding rates to ambient foraging conditions in marine environments, and can enable mechanistic predictions for how feeding and growth should respond to spatial-temporal variability in biological and physical conditions during early marine life stages.  相似文献   

The micropylar canal of the chum salmon egg was almost completely closed following egg activation caused by incubation in a hypotonic salt solution (HSS) for I h. The closure occurred in both inseminated and parthenogenetically activated eggs. Incubation of isolated envelopes from non-activated eggs in HSS or perivitelline fluid (PVF) did not induce any modification in micropylar structure, indicating that normal organization of the egg is essential for inducing closure. To reduce the volume of the perivitelline fluid, the eggs were activated in PVF or HSS containing 8 mM Dextran, Although the envelope showed hardening, closure of the micropyle was not observed in these eggs. The wall of the micropylar canal, however, possessed a slightly rough surface. Following activation in a Ca-free hypotonic salt solution with 10 mM EDTA, hardening of the egg envelope was completely inhibited. Although such eggs possessed an apparent perivitelline space, neither closure of the micropylar canal nor roughening of the canal surface were detected. We conclude that the synergistic action of perivitelline turgor pressure and perivitelline material is responsible for the closure of the micropyle.  相似文献   

The variability of 32 enzyme loci was studied in chum salmon populations with different types of reproduction—natural, mixed, and artificial—in some Magadan Region rivers. Among the populations studied, the values of mean heterozygosity and allele number per locus did not differ significantly. We found evidence of definite temporal stability of the populations, and also found that their genetic variability was expressed only slightly but still remained in spite of periodic egg transplantations between rivers. Statistically significant spatial genetic differentiation of the populations accounted for 0.55 to 0.76% of the total variation and the mean inter-year differentiation accounted for 0.30% of the total. Significant temporal (seasonal) genetic subdivision was revealed in chum salmon of the Tauy River. The populations of the Okhotsk Sea coast are very similar genetically to the east Sakhalin populations. The industrial chum salmon population founded and reproduced artificially in the Kulkuty River preserves the genetic similarity of the donor Yama River chum salmon. In the industrial population, we observed a tendency toward reduction of genetic variation over time. The contribution of the Yama population to the gene pool of the Ola chum salmon, (both by natural reproduction and by farming) is small in spite of many large-scale transplantations. However, the consequences of those transplantations are revealed by means of linkage disequilibrium analysis.  相似文献   

We report the characterization of 13 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping assays for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). These assays are based on the 5′‐nuclease reaction and thus facilitate high‐throughput genotyping with minimal optimization time. Because data generated using these markers may be transported and combined across laboratories, SNPs offer the potential to reduce the amount of redundant work being done in mixture and migratory studies of chum salmon.  相似文献   

Whole‐genome duplications are major evolutionary events with a lasting impact on genome structure. Duplication events complicate genetic analyses as paralogous sequences are difficult to distinguish; consequently, paralogs are often excluded from studies. The effects of an ancient whole‐genome duplication (approximately 88 MYA) are still evident in salmonids through the persistence of numerous paralogous gene sequences and partial tetrasomic inheritance. We use restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing on 10 collections of chum salmon from the Salish Sea in the USA and Canada to investigate genetic diversity and population structure in both tetrasomic and rediploidized regions of the genome. We use a pedigree and high‐density linkage map to identify paralogous loci and to investigate genetic variation across the genome. By applying multivariate statistical methods, we show that it is possible to characterize paralogous loci and that they display similar patterns of population structure as the diploidized portion of the genome. We find genetic associations with the adaptively important trait of run‐timing in both sets of loci. By including paralogous loci in genome scans, we can observe evolutionary signals in genomic regions that have routinely been excluded from population genetic studies in other polyploid‐derived species.  相似文献   

Data on age- and size-at-maturity, growth, and abundance of chum salmon were collected from 1959 to 1977 at Olsen Creek in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Age composition of spawners (3 to 6-year-olds) varied from year to year: 4-year-old fish were the dominant age group in most (16 out of 19) years and 6-year-old fish usually represented less than 1 % of the returns. Mean size of older spawners was significantly larger than that of younger spawners. Size-at-maturity was similar among fish from different broods maturing at different ages in the same year. Size-at-maturity and survival of progeny were significantly related. The larger the mean size of spawners, the higher the survival rate to adulthood of their progeny. Possible reasons for this relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence and crystal structure of chum salmon trypsin (CST) are now reported. The cDNA isolated from the pyloric caeca of chum salmon encodes 222 amino acid residues, the same number of residues as the anionic Atlantic salmon trypsin (AST), but one residue less than bovine beta-trypsin (BT). The net charge on CST determined from the sum of all charged amino acid side-chains is -3. There are 79 sequence differences between CST and BT, but only seven sequence differences between CST and AST. Anionic CST isolated from pyloric caeca has also been purified and crystallized; the structure of the CST-benzamidine complex has been determined to 1.8A resolution. The overall tertiary structure of CST is similar to that of AST and BT, but some differences are observed among the three trypsins. The most striking difference is at the C terminus of CST, where the expected last two residues are absent. The absence of these residues likely increases the flexibility of CST by the loss of important interactions between the N and C-terminal domains. Similarly, the lack of Tyr151 in CST (when compared with BT) allows more space for Gln192 in the active site thereby increasing substrate accessibility to the binding pocket. Lys152 in CST also adopts the important role of stabilizing the loop from residue 142 to 153. These observations on CST provide a complementary view of a second cold-adapted trypsin, which in comparison with the structures of AST and BT, suggest a structural basis for differences in enzymatic activity between enzymes from cold-adapted species and mammals.  相似文献   

Gene sequence similarity due to shared ancestry after a duplication event, that is paralogy, complicates the assessment of genetic variation, as sequences originating from paralogs can be difficult to distinguish. These confounded sequences are often removed prior to further analyses, leaving the underlying loci uncharacterized. Salmonids have only partially rediploidized subsequent to a whole‐genome duplication; residual tetrasomic inheritance has been observed in males. We present a maximum‐likelihood‐based method to resolve confounded paralogous loci by observing the segregation of alleles in gynogenetic haploid offspring and demonstrate its effectiveness by constructing two linkage maps for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), with and without these newly resolved loci. We find that the resolved paralogous loci are not randomly distributed across the genome. A majority are clustered in expanded subtelomeric regions of 14 linkage groups, suggesting a significant fraction of the chum salmon genome may be missed by the exclusion of paralogous loci. Transposable elements have been proposed as drivers of genome evolution and, in salmonids, may have an important role in the rediploidization process by driving differentiation between homeologous chromosomes. Consistent with that hypothesis, we find a reduced fraction of transposable element annotations among paralogous loci, and these loci predominately occur in the genomic regions that lag in the rediploidization process.  相似文献   

Bioenergetics modeling was used to estimate zooplankton prey consumption of hatchery and unmarked stocks of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) migrating seaward in littoral (nearshore) and neritic (epipelagic offshore) marine habitats of southeastern Alaska. A series of model runs were completed using biophysical data collected in Icy Strait, a regional salmon migration corridor, in May, June, July, August, and September of 2001. These data included a temperature (1-m surface versus surface to 20-m average), zooplankton standing crop (surface to 20-m depth versus entire water column), chum salmon diet (percent weight of prey type consumed), energy densities, and weight. Known numbers of hatchery releases were used in a cohort reconstruction model to estimate total abundance of hatchery and wild chum salmon in the northern region of southeastern Alaska, given average survival to adults and for two different (low and high) early marine littoral mortality rate assumptions. Total prey consumption was relatively insensitive to temperature differences associated with the depths potentially utilized by juvenile chum salmon. However, the magnitudes and temporal patterns of total prey consumed differed dramatically between the low and high mortality rate assumptions. Daily consumption rates from the bioenergetics model and CPUE abundance from sampling in Icy Strait were used to estimate amount and percentage of zooplankton standing crop consumed by mixed stocks of chum salmon. We estimated that only a small percentage of the available zooplankton was consumed by juvenile chum salmon, even during peak abundances of marked hatchery and unmarked mixed stocks in July. Total daily consumption of zooplankton by all stock groups of juvenile chum salmon was estimated to be between 330 and 1764 g/km2d1 from June to September in the neritic habitat of Icy Strait. As with any modeling exercise, model outputs can be misleading if input parameters and underlying assumptions are not valid; therefore, additional studies are warranted, especially to determine physiological input parameters, and to improve abundance and mortality estimates specific to juvenile chum salmon. Future bioenergetics modeling is also needed to evaluate consumption by the highly abundant, vertically migrating planktivorous that co-occurred in our study; we suggest that these fishes have a greater impact on the zooplankton standing crop in Icy Strait than do hatchery stock groups of juvenile chum salmon.  相似文献   

We examined regional and latitudinal variation in fecundity and egg weight for five species of Pacific salmon ( Oncorhynchus ) along the Pacific coast of North America. Data were examined for 24 chum salmon, 15 pink salmon, 34 sockeye salmon, 44 chinook salmon, and 40 coho salmon populations from published sources, unpublished Canadian hatchery records, our own laboratory investigations, and other unpublished sources. Substantial regional variation in fecundity and egg weight was observed, with salmon on the Queen Charlotte Islands and Vancouver Island in British Columbia generally having lower fecundity and larger egg size than nearby mainland populations. The relative distance of freshwater migration to the spawning grounds generally had a marked effect on both fecundity and egg size, with populations spawning in the upper portions in the drainages of large rivers like the Fraser River in British Columbia having reduced fecundity and egg size compared with coastal spawning populations. Fecundity was generally higher and egg size generally lower in more northern populations of sockeye, chinook, and coho salmon compared with southern ones. We suggest that egg size tends to be lower in northern populations of some species as a result of increased fecundity due to their older ages at maturity and a limited amount of energy that can be expended on egg production.  相似文献   

Migrating fish such as salmonids are affected by external environmental factors and salinity changes are particularly important, influencing spawning migration. The aim of this study was to test whether changes in salinity would affect the expression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis hormones (gonadotropin-releasing hormones (GnRHs) [salmon GnRH and chicken GnRH-II], GnRH receptors [GnRHR1 and GnRHR5], and mRNA of the gonadotropin hormone [GTH] subunits [GTHα, follicle stimulating hormone β, and luteinizing hormone β]) in chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta). Fish were progressively transferred from seawater (SW) through 50% SW to freshwater (FW), and the relationship between the osmoregulatory hormone prolactin (PRL) and sexual maturation was determined. The expression and activity of HPG hormones and their receptors, and levels of estradiol-17β and PRL increased after fish were transferred to FW, demonstrating that changes in salinity stimulate the HPG axis and PRL production in migrating chum salmon. These findings reveal details about the role of the endocrine system in maintaining homeostasis and stimulating sexual maturation and reproduction in response to salinity changes in this species.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are a class of genetic markers that are well suited to a broad range of research and management applications. Although advances in genotyping chemistries and analysis methods continue to increase the potential advantages of using SNPs to address molecular ecological questions, the scarcity of available DNA sequence data for most species has limited marker development. As the number and diversity of species being targeted for large-scale sequencing has increased, so has the potential for using sequence from sister taxa for marker development in species of interest. We evaluated the use of Oncorhynchus mykiss and Salmo salar sequence data to identify SNPs in three other species (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, Oncorhynchus nerka and Oncorhynchus keta). Primers designed based on O. mykiss and S. salar alignments were more successful than primers designed based on Oncorhynchus-only alignments for sequencing target species, presumably due to the much larger number of potential targets available from the former alignments and possibly greater sequence conservation in those targets. In sequencing approximately 89 kb we observed a frequency of 4.30 x 10(-3) SNPs per base pair. Approximately half (53/101) of the subsequently designed validation assays resulted in high-throughput SNP genotyping markers. We speculate that this relatively low conversion rate may reflect the duplicated nature of the salmon genome. Our results suggest that a large number of SNPs could be developed for Pacific salmon using sequence data from other species. While the costs of DNA sequencing are still significant, these must be compared to the costs of using other marker classes for a given application.  相似文献   

Groups of juvenile chum salmon were reared on food that was either dispersed throughout, or localized in one area of, the rearing tank. Groups receiving localized food displayed more aggression than those receiving dispersed food. This led to differences in growth, with fish reared on localized food having greater individual growth variability, i.e. growth depensation. However, after several months of rearing in these different feeding/social environments, fish reared on dispersed food were just as aggressive when first exposed to localized food as were fish reared on localized food. Furthermore, in competitive contests between fish of the two rearing histories, those reared on dispersed food were just as likely to become dominant as those reared on localized food. These results suggest that the behavioural development of aggressiveness is not amenable to alteration by manipulation of food distribution.  相似文献   

Populations of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta , are recognizable by the allelic frequencies of allozyme loci. Identification of these was used to assess the return of spawning adults to alien rivers into which they were introduced via hatchery-reared, artificially-fertilized eggs obtained from populations elsewhere in the Soviet Far East. Coefficients of return to spawn in the alien rivers were much lower than returns for the native fish, and in succeeding generations the alien fish disappeared from the spawning runs. It is concluded that transplanting salmonid eggs between populations is ineffective as a means of establishing new stock in territory already occupied by another stock, and the practice is deplored on grounds of conserving unique gene pools within species.  相似文献   

We characterize 38 single nucleotide polymorphism genotyping assays for chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), an important species for both commercial and subsistence fisheries in western Alaska. These assays are based on the 5′‐nuclease reaction and thus facilitate high‐throughput genotyping with minimal optimization time. Minor allele frequency differences (Δq) among collections were between 0.01 and 0.50 resulting in per locus FST estimates of 0.00–0.08 with an average of 0.03.  相似文献   

The effect of egg vitamin A (VA) status and egg incubation temperature on the development of spinal disorders was investigated in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fry. Atlantic salmon eggs were sorted into two groups with high VA (3·3 ± 0·1 μg retinol g−1 dry mass) and low VA (2·2 ± 0·3 μg retinol g−1 dry mass) status before fertilization and incubated at high (14° C) or low (8° C) temperature from 133 day degrees until the onset of feeding. High egg incubation temperatures increased the concentration of retinol in the eggs: the high VA and high temperature group displayed a significantly higher retinol concentration than the high VA and low temperature group ( P  = 0·001). After hatching, all experimental groups increased their retinol concentration. The source of the increased retinol levels was probably retinal, although astaxanthin may also be a VA precursor after hatching. Atlantic salmon fry incubated at high temperatures had increased amounts of notochord tissue. When measuring morphogenic activity in the notochord using the expression of sonic hedgehog ( shh , mRNA), however, no significant difference was found between the experimental groups. No clear effect of VA status or incubation temperature could be found on the formation of the early vertebral column although Atlantic salmon fry incubated at low temperatures had less regular constrictions of the prospective vertebral column than fry incubated at high temperatures.  相似文献   

We examined changes on N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NRs) in different growth stages (early parr, parr, and early smolt) of chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta, during parr-smolt transformation from freshwater to seawater. Expression levels of NR genes mRNA and concentration of cortisol, T3, T4, dopamine and Na+/K+-ATPase activity significantly increased at salinity change condition. Moreover, in cultured brain cells, NRs were significantly lower in all groups treated with MK-801 (an antagonist of NRs) than in the early parr stage group in the FW treatment. We confirmed that the reduction in mRNA expression levels of NRs increased from the early parr to the early smolt stage. The information reported here should be taken into account in future studies on the relationship between memory factors of natal streams and homing mechanisms in Salmonidae.  相似文献   

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