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伊朗晚中新世的几个地点新近发现了哺乳动物足迹化石。足迹化石在伊朗中北部分布在一套被称为上红组的厚层、混杂的泻湖-陆相地层序列的数个层位中;在伊朗北部的里海地区南部,则位于一套陆相沉积序列中。产自上红组的足迹以偶蹄动物类型为主,由于个体很小,可归入几种像羚羊一样大小的种;其他足迹则分别归入小型、中型和大型的鼬科和猫科食肉动物。产自伊朗北部的足迹化石主要为长鼻类,有些可能是犀牛,少数为偶蹄类足迹。根据上红组中发现的猫科动物(剑齿虎)足迹,可认为产足迹的地层年代为晚中新世,而产于伊朗北部古地中海边缘区沉积中的长鼻类足迹显示,地层的最大年龄为中新世最早期。这些足迹化石的发现填补了这一重要地区新近纪哺乳动物化石记录的空白。  相似文献   

J. J. HOOKER 《Palaeontology》2007,50(3):739-756
Abstract:  A new genus and species of omomyid primate, Melaneremia bryanti , is described from the Early Eocene Blackheath Beds of Abbey Wood, London, UK. It shares unique derived characters with the European subfamily Microchoerinae and is its most primitive member. It is nevertheless more derived than the primitive omomyid Teilhardina belgica from the beginning of the European Eocene. Cladistic analysis shows that the Microchoerinae are sister group to a clade comprising subfamilies Omomyinae and Anaptomorphinae, but excluding Teilhardina belgica and T. asiatica , which are stem omomyids. The Mammalian Dispersal Event (MDE), which marks the beginning of the Eocene (55·8 Ma), saw the dispersal of primates, perissodactyls and artiodactyls into the Northern Hemisphere. At this time similar species of Teilhardina lived in Europe, Asia and North America. The Abbey Wood microchoerine lived about 1 million years later. It co-occurs with non-primate species identical or very similar to those that lived in North America. The latter were ground-dwellers, whereas the microchoerine and others that show distinct differences from North American relatives were tree-dwellers. Land-bridges connected North America and Europe via Greenland at the beginning of the Eocene, but 2 million years later these had been severed by submarine rifting. North American species at Abbey Wood indicate that a land connection still remained at c . 55 Ma. However, the forest belt that must have been continuous during the MDE to allow tree-dwellers to disperse between the continents is likely by this time to have been disrupted, perhaps by volcanic eruption.  相似文献   

山东临朐中新世山旺组昆虫蛀蚀遗迹   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭双兴 《古生物学报》1991,30(6):739-742
本文研究的昆虫遗迹化石材料产自山东临朐中新统山旺组,是鞘翅目棘胫小蠹虫科单配类群的雌虫在成熟后钻入榆树皮内产卵及孵化的幼虫成长时食木质部而留下的幼虫室雕痕。此遗迹化石的发现证明在中新世时中国华北地区已有小蠧虫生存,为丰富的山旺昆虫化石又增加新记录。  相似文献   

轮藻纲植物Lychnothamnus barbatus的化石在西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区比利牛斯山脉东部Cerdanya盆地上中新统(Turolian阶)发现。通过与现生L.barbatus的比较研究,发现两者在藏卵器大小方面存在较大差别,据此建立新亚种Lychnothamnus barbatus ssp.megalicarpus subsp.nov.,其藏卵器的各项特征均与器官属Rhabdochara(Madler)Grambast一致,证实两者为同物异名。Lychnothamnus barbatus在盆地上部湖相沉积层中的大量存在,表明湖盆演化史后期发生过营养状况由富营养化向贫营养化转变的现象。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The vertebrate community of the late Miocene locality of Batallones-1, Madrid Province, Spain, is mainly composed of mammals of the order Carnivora, which represents 98 per cent of the total number of macro-mammal fossils. Here, we describe craniodental remains of approximately 12 individuals of a new, highly specialized member of the Amphicyonidae, previously assigned to Amphicyon sp. cf. A. castellanus . A phylogenetic analysis of Amphicyoninae shows that this new form, named Magericyon anceps gen. et sp. nov., is markedly distinct from all other known Amphicyoninae, specifically in its hypercarnivorous features (strongly compressed upper canines, absence of dP1/dp1 and P2/p2, single-rooted p3, absence of a metaconid on the lower molars, and reduction of M2 relative to M1).  相似文献   

Shanwang, one of the famous fossil localities in the world, lies 22 kilometers east of the Linqu county town in Shandong province, China. There are a wide variety of well-preserved plant and animal fossils embedded in diatomite layers. Most Chinese paleontologists considered the age of the Shanwang Formation to correspond to the mid-Miocene, but some others belived that it is of the early mid-Miocene age.  相似文献   

系统整理了中国刺鳅属鱼类Mastacembelus,记述2新种,腹纹刺鳅M.strigiventus Zhouet Yang,sp.nov.和三叶刺鳅M.triolobus Zhouet Yang,sp.nov.及中国1新纪录种,云斑刺鳅M.oatesii(Boulenger)。新种模式标本分别保存于中国科学院昆明动物研究所(KIZ)鱼类标本库和西南林业大学(SWFC)。腹纹刺鳅与三叶刺鳅、大刺鳅的区别在于:背鳍、臀鳍与尾鳍基部大部愈合,但具缺刻相区分;体侧前部具4~5条褐色纵条纹,最下1条常断续,全部纵纹至肛门前方渐成网格交叉或断续;腹面亦具1条明显褐色纵纹,有时分歧形成小网格。三叶刺鳅区别于腹纹刺鳅及大刺鳅的主要特征包括:背鳍条、臀鳍条和尾鳍条数目均少;背鳍、臀鳍与尾鳍仅在基部相连,在端部分开,能明显区分;除背部的黑色大斑块外,体无六角状环纹或锯齿状纹,腹面亦无斑纹;头长为头宽3.5倍以下,为吻长2.8倍以下。云斑刺鳅以下面组合特征区别于三叶刺鳅和腹纹刺鳅:背鳍条,臀鳍条数目均少,尾鳍条数目相对较多;背鳍、臀鳍与尾鳍仅基部愈合;体侧具云状斑,背部具14~15个褐色斑块,腹面无纵纹或网眼斑;头长为头宽4.0倍以上,为吻长3.0倍以上。  相似文献   

陕西彬县晚中新世猪类化石   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本文记述了陕西彬县发现的晚中新世哺乳动物群中的猪类化石,共两属两种.双齿尖河猪 (Dicoryphochoerus binxianensis),为—新种其性质较印度 Chinji 组的 D. chisholmi 进步,而比我国蓝田组的 D. medius 又略显得原始;弓颌猪 (Chleuastochoerus stehlini) 是我国特有的一个属种,是北方三趾马动物群中的成员.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The fidelity of the fossil record reflects how accurately it preserves the history of life. Since Darwin's time any mismatch between our theories and the fossil record has been attributed to the imperfections of the record. For over a century scarcity of gradual evolutionary trends was explained in this way until the punctuated equilibrium model was proposed. A null hypothesis that all morphological patterns in the fossil record are unbiased random walks can be rejected because it predicts far more apparent trends than exist. Current best estimates suggest that trends occur in at most 5% of characters. When an organism dies either it becomes fossilized or it doesn't. To be confident a species has not been preserved the probability against preservation must be significantly larger than the total number of individuals of that species that ever existed. For skeletized species preservation was the norm not the exception. Nevertheless, fossils must then avoid subsequent destruction and be discovered to be useful.  相似文献   

记陕北子长晚三叠世一新的古鳕类   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
记述了陕北子长晚三叠世古鳕科(Palaeoniscidae)一新属新种──子长瓦窑堡鳕(Wayaobulepis zichangensis gen. et sp. nov.)。其一般形态特征如身体长纺锤形、背鳍基长,后部对着腹鳍和臀鳍之间的空隙、鳍条粗壮、饰缘棘鳞细小、悬挂骨倾斜、鳃盖骨很高大、鳞片小及横列鳞数目多等,与澳大利亚中至晚三叠世的Myriolopis很相似,但新属具有吻较尖、背鳍鳍条数目较少、鳞片具有众多的斜嵴、后缘成梳齿状以及具有背嵴鳞等显著特征区别于Myriolopis。瓦窑堡鳕在体形、鳍的位置、鳃盖骨高大及鳞片的纹饰等方面也与欧洲中至晚三叠世的 Gyrolepis相似,但新属以背鳍基较长、臀鳍基较短、背峪鳞发达及鳍条粗壮等特征区别于Gyrolepis。根据瓦窑堡鳕的性质和化石层位的情况,将合鱼化石地层的时代定为晚三叠世。  相似文献   

中国南海蛇鳗科一新纪录属及一新纪录种(鱼纲,鳗鲡目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国南海蛇鳗科1新纪录属Echelus Rafinesque,1810和1新纪录种Echelus uropterus(Temminck et Schlegel,1846).该属的特征为:尾鳍、胸鳍存在;背鳍起点在胸鳍后端之前;头部无额骨孔、眶后孔和上颞骨孔;鳃孔中等大;鳃膜骨条连于舌骨或上舌骨尖前.该种的特征:尾尖柔软;颌齿和犁骨齿颗粒状,带形;后鼻孔在上唇边缘外侧.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The cranial remains of a new Lower Miocene anguimorph, Merkurosaurus ornatus gen. et sp. nov., are described from north-west Bohemia (Czech Republic). The animal is morphologically very similar to the Recent Shinisaurus crocodilurus , but it differs in several ways. The distinctive features of Merkurosaurus are: the nasal process of premaxilla is long and slender with a bilaterally constricted shaft and bilaterally broadened dorsal portion; the dorsal portion of the nasal process divides into three processes of which the median one is the longest; the ornamented surface of the parietal is subdivided into five pustule-like mounds on both right and left sides, with one further mound around the posterior and lateral margins of the parietal foramen. A close phylogenetic affinity to the anguimorph genera Shinisaurus , Bahndwivici , Dalinghosaurus and Carusia , and partially to Xenosaurus , is indicated by characters such as: frontal fused with deep cristae cranii; lateral border of frontals strongly constricted between orbits; double interorbital row of large mounds diverge posteriorly along orbital margin; sculptured postorbital ramus of jugal; small mounds on frontal and parietal with ornamented vermiculate structures; and parietal foramen within parietal but close to anterior margin. Merkurosaurus is the only taxon of this affinity known from the Cenozoic of Eurasia.  相似文献   

记述采自我国内蒙古贺兰山的2种小蚁蛛,其中有1新种:阿拉善小蚁蛛Mi-caria alxa sp.nov.,1新纪录种:图瓦小蚁蛛Micaria tuvensis Danilov,1993。  相似文献   

记述了采自美国内布拉斯加州中新统的一保存较完整的美獾(Leptarctus)头骨化石。与美獾属的其他已知种相比,该标本的颊齿粗壮,P4臼齿化,近方形,宽略大于长,齿尖磨蚀均匀,I3犬齿化,且向大齿方向弯曲;M1宽略大于长,且比已知种的M1大;听泡具钩状突,突起上有一明显的舌骨关节面。依据上述与已知种的差别,我们将其定为一新种Leptarctusmartinisp nov。新种的牙齿形态及齿尖磨蚀状况显示其为杂食动物。  相似文献   

本文报道朱传典采自四川省和吉林省的隙蛛属(Coelotes)蜘蛛四新种和一新纪录种:三重隙蛛,新种C.trifasaiatussp.nov.;杯状隙蛛,新种C.tryblionatussp.nov.;龙骨隙蛛,新种C.tropidosatussp.nov.;螺形隙蛛,新种C.gyriniformissp.nov.和游荡隙蛛C.erraticusNishikawa,1983。  相似文献   

AnewgenusandspeciesofXenocyprininae(Eoxenocyprisliui)isdescribedfromaplacergoldminenorthwestofHua'nanCounty,HeilongiiangProvince.ThedistributionoftheextantmembersofthesubfamilyislindtedtotheeasternlowlandsofChinaandHanoiBasin(SongHongValley),northernVetnam.InInteChnozoic,however,inadditiontotheirrecentareaofhabitattheywerealsowidelyspreadinJapan,mainlyinthelacustrinedepositsinthewesternsideoftheislandarchalnal,gaPoblique,lengthofheaongtheSeaofJapan.~~tagen'n0v'DiagnosisXen0cyprininofre…  相似文献   

首次报道了瘤螳蛉属Tuberonotha在中国的分布,对原"华安螳蛉Entanoneur asinica Yang,1999"进行了修订和重新描述,建立新组合华瘤螳蛉Tuberonoth asini cacomb.nov.;报道了中国螳蛉另一属——澳蜂螳蛉属Austroclimaciella的中国3新纪录种:吕宋澳蜂螳蛉A.luzonica(Weele)、小褐澳蜂螳蛉A.subfusca(Nakahara)和韦氏澳蜂螳蛉A.weelei Handschin,并对拉氏澳蜂螳蛉A.lacolombierei(Navás)进行了重新描述。编写了中国澳蜂螳蛉属检索表,首次对该两属的外生殖器进行了解剖描述和绘图。研究标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆(CAU)和中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆(IOZ)。  相似文献   

记述蚁蛉科Myrmeleontidae蚁蛉亚科Myrmeleoninae双蚁蛉属Mesonemurus Navás,1920,及蒙双蚁蛉M.mongolicus Hlzel,1970;格双蚁蛉M.guentheri Hlzel,1970在中国的首次发现。提供了形态描述及特征图。研究标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

本文描述的较完整的花鳅 Cobitis 化石在我国尚属首次发现.花鳅属是花鳅亚科(Cobitinae)中较进步的鱼类,广布于欧洲、亚洲和非洲,已知化石则产自欧洲和亚洲的第三系.长胸鳍花鳅 Cobitis longipectoralis sp. nov. 的发现为探讨鳅科起源及其地理分布提供了新的资料.  相似文献   

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