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Traditionally Right Ventricle has been the preferred site of pacing for the management of symptomatic brady-arrhythmias. The deleterious effect of chronic RV pacing has been shown by several studies. This has generated interest into a novel pacing strategy called physiological pacing wherein the His bundle or the left bundle is paced directly with 4.1 F pacing lead. Herewith we are reporting a case of congenital complete heart block in a 13-year-old child for whom selective left bundle branch pacing was done. This physiological pacing will ensure a synchronized contraction of the ventricles thereby avoiding the deleterious effect of RV pacing.  相似文献   

The important increase in life expectancy of adult patients with congenital heart disease (ACHD) has generated new challenges, including arrhythmias that represent one of the main late complications. Reentrant atrial arrhythmias are by far the main mechanism encountered, and catheter ablation has been now presented as a first-line therapy in this patient population. The number of procedures is expected to continuously increase year after year. The heterogeneity and complexity of phenotypes encountered require these cases to be performed by highly experienced operators, in specialized centers with multidisciplinary competencies. A thorough knowledge and understanding of anatomic specificities, vascular access issues, and main circuits encountered according to underlying phenotype is essential. Acute success rates have significantly improved and are now excellent, but recurrences remain a common issue, with different mechanisms or circuits frequently encountered. Observational data have suggested the interest of systematically targeting all inducible atrial arrhythmias, whether previously documented or not, and a lot of hope and research is based on the prediction of arrhythmia substrate before arrhythmia development by imaging or electroanatomic mapping to deliver a prophylactic patient tailored ablation approach. In this review, we summarize those different points in the most common or distinctive defects to offer a didactic overview of atrial flutter catheter ablation in ACHD patients.  相似文献   

Autoantibody-associated congenital heart block (CHB) is a passively acquired autoimmune condition associated with maternal anti-Ro/SSA antibodies and primarily affecting electric signal conduction at the atrioventricular node in the fetal heart. CHB occurs in 1–2% of anti-Ro/SSA antibody-positive pregancies and has a recurrence rate of 12–20% in a subsequent pregnancy. Despite the long-recognized association between maternal anti-Ro/SSA autoantibodies and CHB, the molecular mechanisms underlying CHB pathogenesis are not fully understood, but several targets for the maternal autoantibodies in the fetal heart have been suggested. Recent studies also indicate that fetal susceptibility genes determine whether an autoantibody-exposed fetus will develop CHB or not, and begin to identify such genes. In this article, we review the different lines of investigation undertaken to elucidate the molecular pathways involved in CHB development and reflect on the hypotheses put forward to explain CHB pathogenesis as well as on the questions left unanswered and that should guide future studies.  相似文献   

Patients with congenital heart disease corrected in early childhood may later in life present with cardiac symptoms caused by other associated congenital anomalies that were initially not diagnosed. Nowadays, several noninvasive imaging modalities are available for the visualisation of cardiac anatomy in great detail. We describe two patients with an unroofed coronary sinus, a rare congenital anomaly which could be diagnosed using a combination of modalities including echocardiography, cardiac CT and cardiac MRI.  相似文献   

In experiments on atrium trabeculae the heterogeneity of myocardium contractile activity in patients operated on for inborn or acquired heart defects was studied. Contractile activity was assessed in isometric regime of muscle drugs work. The degree of functional heterogeneity was reported to differ in myocardium biopsies from patients with inborn or acquired heart defects. The difference was expressed in susceptibility to stimulating action or electrical impulses and in the degree of the change of myocardium contractile activity. The study of human myocardium functional heterogeneity is likely to present a new approach to increase efficacy of the work of pathologically changed heart muscle.  相似文献   

Acquired heart block during pregnancy is rare. We describe the case of a 29-year-old pregnant female with fatigue due to an unexplained high-degree AV conduction disorder. She was treated with a dual chamber pacing system. Further pregnancy and delivery were without complications. The sparse literature on this topic is reviewed. (Neth Heart J 2008;16:419-21.)  相似文献   

Recently, the research efforts in the context of electrocardiographical recording during atrial fibrillation (AF) has been directed to broaden the understandings on the electrophysiological and structural remodelling occurring during the arrhythmia and on characterizing the different types of AF. Following this line, both surface ECG and endocardial electrograms have been thoroughly studied and a series of linear and non-linear parameters were computed either directly on the electrograms or on the derived activation series.

In this paper, we reviewed some signal processing methods used to characterize surface ECG and endocardial electrograms during AF, focusing on spectral and non-linear analysis. In particular, parametric and non-parametric methods for spectral analysis of the residual ECG, i.e. atrial waves obtained from surface ECG after removing ventricular activity, and endocardial recordings are described. The different purposes of spectral analysis (exploring autonomic functions, analysis of spontaneous AF behaviour and predicting therapeutic effects) are illustrated with some examples. In addition, we described some more recent non-linear methods applied to AF, assessing the organization of atrial signals as well as ventricular response in AF. In particular, methods derived from embedding time series and based on entropy computation are illustrated and exemplified.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate routine prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart diseases (CHD) by fetal ultrasound examination in a well-defined population during the period 1994-1999 and to compare these results with the results from 1979 to 1993. This study included 80,076 consecutive pregnancies of known outcome from 1994 to 1999. CHD were classified as isolated or associated when at least one other major extra-cardiac malformation was present. Only 137 out of 688 malformed fetuses with CHD without chromosomal anomalies were detected (19.9%). The sensitivity of detection varied from 61.9% for malformations such as isolated hypoplastic left heart and single ventricle, to around 7-19% for atrial and ventricular septal defects. Prenatal detection rate of CHD was 11.4% for isolated cases, and 40.2% for multiple malformed with CHD. The gestational age at discovery varied from 16 to 36 weeks. There is no upper limit for termination of pregnancies in our country; 12.3% of all pregnancies were terminated after prenatal diagnosis. However, 62% of the pregnancies with a CHD detected prenatally were terminated. The detection rate of CHD increased during time from 9.2% during the period 1979-1988 to 13.7% during the period 1990-1993 and to 19.1% during the period 1994-1999. Our study shows large variation in the prenatal detection rate of CHD. Prenatal diagnosis of CHD is significantly higher when associated malformations are present. Cardiac defects affecting the size of the ventricles have the highest detection rate. Gestational age at discovery was 20-24 weeks for the majority of associated cardiac defects. The prenatal detection rate of CHD increased during time from 1979 to 1999.  相似文献   

Expression of atrial natriuretic factor gene in heart ventricular tissue   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
A novel peptide hormone, atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), was recently isolated and characterized in mammalian atria. This hormone has potent natriuretic, diuretic and vasorelaxant activities. Since ANF bioactivity was initially found in atria but not in ventricles, it was assumed that the ANF gene is specifically expressed in atria. We now report that ANF mRNA is present in ventricular tissue as well as in atria. This is clearly demonstrated by in situ hybridization and by Northern blot analysis. Rat ventricular ANF mRNA concentration is a hundred-fold lower than in atria. As in atria, the 126 amino acids precursor form of ANF is predominant in ventricles and it is present at a thousand-fold lower concentration. The ten-fold discrepancy in the ratio of ANF mRNA to immunoreactivity between atria and ventricles could reflect a higher rate of peptide release in the latter. Thus, ventricular ANF production may be physiologically significant in view of the much larger ventricular mass.  相似文献   

31 years lady with complete atrioventricular canal defect, large primum atrial septal defect (ASD), inlet ventricular septal defect (VSD) and Eisenmenger syndrome, presented with atrial flutter and complete heart block. She was not suitable for corrective cardiac surgery and not yet indicated for heart-lung transplantation. She was advised single chamber permanent pacemaker and eventually Micra VR transcatheter leadless pacemaker was finalised for her. Transcatheter leadless pacemaker was deployed in her RV septum despite some unforeseen technical problems. This patient had intrahepatic interruption of IVC with Azygous continuation draining into SVC but this altered venovascular course was detected only fluoroscopically midway during the pacemaker implantation procedure and this was not detected in the preprocedural transthoracic echocardiography. This abnormal venous course was clearly demonstrated in the cardiac CT which was performed only after completion of the pacemaker implantation procedure in this patient. The technical challenges encountered mainly were mostly during the manipulation of the 27F delivery catheter of Micra through this altered cardiovascular anatomy via transfemoral approach and also due to the presence of septal defects. Thus, transcatheter leadless permanent pacemaker was implanted successfully through transfemoral access in this complex congenital heart disease with interrupted IVC and azygous continuation. Besides transthoracic echocardiography, it may be better to perform transesophageal echocardiography or even preferably radiological imaging like cardiac CT or MRI prior to transcatheter leadless pacemaker implantation in patients with complex congenital heart disease to understand the cardiovascular anatomy and plan the procedure.  相似文献   

BackgroundSome elements were claimed to play a role in the pathogenesis of congenital heart defects (CHD) and influence the general well-being and health of these children.ObjectivesWe aimed to assess the levels of some elements simultaneously in the blood and teeth samples of children with cyanotic and acyanotic CHD compared with healthy children.MethodsA total of 39 children with CHD (11 with cyanotic and 28 with acyanotic CHD) and 42 age- and sex-adjusted controls were enrolled. Levels of 13 elements, including magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, chromium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, strontium, cadmium, lead, mercury, and molybdenum, were assessed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.ResultsChildren with cyanotic and acyanotic CHD had significantly lower teeth calcium and calcium/phosphorus ratio as compared to the controls after adjusting for confounders. The mean blood iron level was found to be significantly higher in the cyanotic CHD group compared to the other groups. In addition, children with acyanotic CHD had significantly higher teeth copper levels, higher blood molybdenum and lower blood magnesium levels compared to the healthy control group. Blood cadmium and mercury levels were found to be significantly elevated in both the cyanotic and acyanotic CHD groups compared to the healthy control group. There were no differences in toxic metal levels of teeth in cases with CHD.ConclusionMonitoring adequate and balanced gestational micronutrient intake might support not only maternal health but also fetal cardiac development and infant well-being. Supplementation of magnesium should be evaluated in patients having CHD.  相似文献   

Ozone can cause pulmonary edema and simultaneously decrease blood pressure. Atrial natriuretic peptides may mediate both of these effects in that they increase pulmonary capillary permeability resulting in edema formation and are potent vasodilating peptides. To examine this possibility, the lungs of Fischer 344 rats were exposed to ozone (0.5 ppm) for 8 hours which resulted in a three- to fourfold increase in atrial natriuretic peptides. Ozone also increased atrial natriuretic peptides in the heart two- to fivefold from 266 ± 25, 226 ± 22, and 288 ± 40 ng/g (room air) to 716 ± 26, 471 ± 14, and 1473 ± 235 ng/g recognized by the proANFs 1–30 and 31–67 and atrial natriuretic factor radioimmunoassays, respectively. Ozone also doubled the concentrations of proANFs 1–30, 31–67, and 1–98 and ANF in the circulation. This study demonstrates that ozone increases atrial natriuretic peptides within the heart, lung, and circulation, suggesting that atrial natriuretic peptides may mediate the decreased blood pressure and pulmonary edema observed with ozone exposure. Since the proANF 31–67 radioimmunoassay exclusively recognizes the ANF prohormone within the heart, this study further indicates that ozone can increase the synthesis of the ANF prohormone.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare protein profiling of atria and ventricles in children operated for congenital heart disease. Tissue samples were obtained during surgery from patients with normoxemic (ventricular and atrial septal defects) and hypoxemic (tetralogy of Fallot) diseases. Protein fractions were isolated by stepwise extraction from both fight ventricular and atrial musculature. The concentration of total atrial protein in the normoxemic patients exceeded the ventricular value (110±2.1 vs 99.9±4.0mg.g–1 wet weight, respectively); in the hypoxemic group this atrio-ventricular difference disappeared. The concentration of contractile proteins in all cardiac samples was significantly higher in the ventricles as compared with atria, while the concentration of collagenous proteins was significantly higher in the atria (due to a higher amount of the insoluble collagenous fraction). The concentration of sarcoplasmic proteins (containing predominantly enzyme systems for aerobic and anaerobic substrate utilization), however did not differ between ventricles and atria. Furthermore, ventricular contractile fractions obtained from both normoxemic and hypoxemic patients were contaminated with the myosin light chain of atrial origin. Soluble collagenous fractions (containing newly synthesized collagenous proteins, predominantly collagen I and III), derived from all ventricular samples, were contaminated by low molecular weight fragments (mol. weight 29–35 kDa). The proportion of the soluble collagenous fraction was significantly higher in atrial but not in ventricular myocardium of hypoxemic children as compared with the normoxemic group. It seems, therefore, that lower oxygen saturation affects the svnthesis of collagen preferentially in atrial tissue.  相似文献   

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