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Population cycles of many forest-defoliating insects often show synchronous fluctuations at both intra-specific (spatial synchrony) and inter-specific levels. However, population dynamics of different host-associated biotypes of the same species, such as those of the larch budmoth (LBM), Zeiraphera diniana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), have never been compared. This species causes extensive defoliation of larch forests every 8 to 9 years in the Alps, but it consists of two genetically-differentiated host races, the first one developing on European larch, Larix decidua , and the other one developing on Swiss stone pine, Pinus cembra . The dynamics of Zeiraphera populations have been extensively studied on larch, whereas little is known about larval density and possible population fluctuations on sympatric pines. A larval census on Swiss stone pine was conducted in the Swiss Alps intermittently between 1958 to 2004 and in the French Alps from 1992 to 2004. Population density of Zeiraphera on pine varied up to 5000-fold and showed periodic oscillations, with five peaks in Switzerland and one in France. Because the feeding activity of the pine race is restricted to the elongating shoot of the current year, no conspicuous defoliation of pine trees was noted during years of high larval densities. Zeiraphera populations on pine oscillated in significant synchrony with larch-associated populations, and peak densities were observed either the same year or shifted by±one year. Our results did not allow any explanation for cyclic fluctuations of LBM on pine, but the synchrony with the larch race's cycle suggests that studies on genetics as well as on parasitism should be intensified.  相似文献   

Studies of fluctuating insect populations generally discuss the regulating processes at high insect numbers, but very rarely why a cycling population at low densities switches immediately from the declining phase to the increasing phase of the cycle. A long-term study of the larch bud moth (Zeiraphera diniana Gn) has suggested that the key to recovery is assortative mating of specific phenotypes. Z. diniana exhibits distinct host races living either on the deciduous larch or evergreen pines and spruces. As an adaptation to its hosts Z. diniana is necessarily rather polymorphic in its life history parameters, i.e. developmental rate, fertility and survival. Apart from the direct association of the larva with the host tree, the colouration of the mature larva provides the only readily apparent trait by which the host race can be recognised; the larch form is black and the pine or spruce form has a light orange head capsule, anal plate and body colour. Evidence that frequencies of the colour morphs on larch regularly change from an intermediate colour type to black during the increasing phase of the cycle suggests that the combination of traits, such as earliest larval emergence, largest body size and homozygosity, characteristic of the black morph, constitutes the inherent driving force of population increase.  相似文献   

Exploring stable pattern formation in models of tussock moth populations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The western tussock moth ( Orgyia vetusta ) at the University of California Bodega Marine Reserve (Sonoma County, California, USA) exhibits dense, localized populations in the midst of extensive habitats where variation in host plant quality or predator abundance is unable to explain the restricted extent of the outbreaks.
2. Two primary features suggest that the host patterning is intrinsically generated: (i) female tussock moths are wingless, producing a low effective dispersal distance for the hosts; and (ii) the tussock moth population is attacked by several species of widely dispersing wasp and fly parasitoids.
3. We consider a set of spatially explicit host–parasitoid models to examine whether intrinsically generated patterns are possible within this system. These models include a spatially extended Nicholson–Bailey model to examine general features of pattern formation in host–parasitoid systems, and two system-specific models, an individual-based simulation and a population-level analytic model, to examine the details of this empirical system.
4. Both stable patterning and rapid extinction of the host population are initial-condition dependent outcomes of the general and specific models, implying that an intrinsically generated stable host pattern is feasible within the tussock moth system.
5. Stable patterning is enhanced by a large parasitoid-to-host dispersal ratio, local host resource limitation, and increased parasitism at the host patch's edge.  相似文献   

Many discrete-time predator-prey models possess three equilibria, corresponding to (1) extinction of both species, (2) extinction of the predator and survival of the prey at its carrying capacity, or (3) coexistence of both species. For a variety of such models, the equilibrium corresponding to coexistence may lose stability via a Hopf bifurcation, in which case trajectories approach an invariant circle. Alternatively, the equilibrium may undergo a subcritical flip bifurcation with a concomitant crash in the predator's population. We review a technique for distinguishing between subcritical and supercritical flip bifurcations and provide examples of predator-prey systems with a subcritical flip bifurcation.  相似文献   

Females of the grey larch bud moth (Zeiraphera diniana Gn.) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) laid significantly more eggs on larch branches covered with naturally occurring Parmelia lichens than on branches without them.Numbers of eggs deposited and behaviour suggest that besides olfactory and mechanical stimuli from the antennae and the tarsi, thigmotactic stimuli perceived by the ovipositor play an important role for optimum oviposition.The fact that oviposition efficiency is reduced by 50% on larch branches from the lowland region of Europe where no lichens occur, is considered to be of importance for the determination of the fluctuations at low density in the lowland region.
Zusammenfassung Die Weibchen des Grauen Lärchenwicklers (Zeiraphera diniana Gn.) legen auf Lärchenzweigen mit Parmelia-Flechten aus dem subalpinen Gradationsareal statistisch gesichert mehr Eier ab als auf Lärchenzweigen ohne Flechten aus dem collinen Verbreitungsgebiet.Die Anzahl und die Lage der abgelegten Eier sowie das Verhalten der Weibchen deuten darauf hin, dass thigmotaktische Reize des Ovipositors die vorausgegangene olfaktorische und mechanische Stimulation der Antennen und Tarsen ergänzen müssen, damit eine optimale Eiablage gewährleistet sei.Die Tatsache, dass die Ovipositionsleistung auf Lärchenzweigen ohne Flechten um ca. 50% verringert wird, dürfte von Bedeutung für die Determination des latenten Fluktuationstypus der Art sein.

寄主胁迫下小菜蛾种群的RAPD分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
罗德  黄斌  侯有明 《昆虫知识》2011,48(2):273-279
采用RAPD-PCR技术,研究了取食6种不同十字花科寄主植物第4、9、15代小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)种群的DNA多态性。通过17条引物的重复PCR扩增实验,利用NTsys软件对电泳条带统计分析,构建了遗传距离矩阵和聚类分析图谱。结果表明:取食芥蓝的小菜蛾种群与其它5种寄主种群遗传距离较远(0.6523~0.8246),独立聚为一枝;取食萝卜的小菜蛾种群遗传距离与甘蓝上种群较近(0.3443),聚为一枝,并且与白菜、芥菜和菜心上小菜蛾种群遗传距离较近,逐次聚为一枝,芥蓝、萝卜及甘蓝寄主种群随代次的增多种群分化出现稳定规律性。各寄主种群间遗传距离平均值和范围、多态性条带占总条带数目的比例随代次增多而增大,说明种群分化程度随代次增多而加深。  相似文献   

Populations of the autumnal moth, Epirrita autumnata, exhibit cycles with high amplitudes in northernmost Europe, culminating in devastating outbreak densities at favourable sites. Parasitism by hymenopteran parasitoids has been hypothesised to operate with a delayed density dependence capable of producing the observed dynamics. It has also been hypothesised that insects in crowded conditions invest greatly in their immunity as a counter-measure to increased risk of parasitism and pathogen infections. Furthermore, inducible plant defences consequent to grazing by herbivorous insects may be linked to the performance of parasitoids and pathogens through increased immunocompetence of the herbivore feeding on the foliage, in which the defence induction has taken place. At ten sampling sites, we quantified larval abundance, outbreak status and percentage larval parasitism during an extended peak phase of a population cycle. These population level covariates, together with an individual pupal mass, were used to explain differences in the immune defence, measured as an encapsulation reaction to artificial antigen. We also conducted a field study for an investigation of the susceptibility of autumnal moth pupae to naturally occurring pupal parasitoids. We did not find obvious differences between the encapsulation rate of autumnal moths originating from the sites with different past and current larval densities and risks for parasitism. The best ranked statistical models included pupal mass and outbreak status as explanatory variables, although both showed only slight effects on the encapsulation rate. The host resistance test revealed positive relationships between the encapsulation rate, body size and percentage parasitism of the exposed pupae, indicating that pupal parasitoids chose, and/or survived better, in large host individuals irrespective of their encapsulation ability. Thus, our results do not provide support for the hypothesis that variation in the immune function drives or modulates population cycles of autumnal moths. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorised users.  相似文献   

  • 1 Spatial fluctuations of the Sardinian population of the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) were characterized using geostatistical and climate models. Data on gypsy moth egg mass abundance recorded at 282 permanent monitoring sites from 1980 to 2004 were incorporated in a geographic information system with the vegetational, geomorphological and pedological features of the sites.
  • 2 Statistical analyses revealed that the relative outbreak frequency was related to the predominant host tree, slope and elevation of the monitoring sites, whereas there was no correlation between outbreak frequency and exposure and soil type.
  • 3 By using bioclimatic modelling, probability maps of gypsy moth outbreaks were generated. The model identified a probability surface with climatic conditions favourable to gypsy moth outbreaks and thus potentially subject to defoliation. The maps included 92 sites where outbreaks never occurred, suggesting that the Sardinian climate may not be a determinant factor for gypsy moth outbreaks.
  • 4 The geostatistical method cokriging with outbreak frequency as a covariate was found to be the most suitable technique to estimate gypsy moth egg mass abundance. Semivariograms showed spatial correlation of egg mass abundance within the range 18.5–53 km. The results obtained were used to create regional gypsy moth distribution maps by cokriging, which demonstrated the outbreak foci and different infestation levels at each monitoring area. These results can help to delimit the treatment areas and develop rational gypsy moth management programmes.

Flow cytometry was employed as a tool to analyze and characterize batches of oocysts from laboratory and field isolates of Eimeria spp. from chickens and to propagate sub-populations of batches of oocysts. Oocyst batches were cleaned of debris by a combination of salt flotation, washing and treatment with dilute sodium hypochlorite (1.5% aqueous). Oocyst size and shape were registered by forward-angle light scatter with the argon laser excitation set at 488 nm at 300 mW. Sub-populations of oocysts were collected by map gating and used for microscopy or for propagation. The profile of particle size was characteristic for each species. Propagation of sub-populations of oocysts of specified sizes resulted in cultures of coccidia that were pure species or nearly pure species. The small size of E. mitis caused difficulty in separation from the remaining fine debris. This technique was useful for studying the mixed isolates by bit-map gating had the same limitations as micromanipulation because of the overlapping size of Eimeria spp. Characterization is further limited by the lack of suitable size/shape standards for flow cytometry.  相似文献   

Spatiotemporal dynamic models of plant populations and communities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The idea of relating spatial patterns and temporal processes in plant community dynamics is not new, but its transformation into realistic spatiotemporal models is the result of quite recent methodological developments. There are now two classes of analytical model and a broad class of simulation models pertaining to the role of spatial structure in vegetation dynamics. They indicate that any community-dynamical theory intended to be predictive should not omit the spatial aspects of plant population dynamics, because these may radically change the conditions of persistence and coexistence.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. It is hypothesised that the larch bud moth cycle is controlled by host‐tree foliage quality. In a Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment at the Swiss alpine treeline (2180 m a.s.l.), the effects of elevated CO2 and previous year defoliation on needle quality of larch and the performance of the larch bud moth were investigated. 2. Starch and lignin concentrations increased and water content decreased in elevated CO2‐grown needles compared with ambient CO2 concentration. Defoliation resulted in reduced N, water, starch, and sugar concentrations in needles of the next year generation. No interactions between elevated CO2 and defoliation on needle quality were observed. 3. Needle quality changes due to needle maturation over the course of the experiment, however, were much larger than the effects of elevated CO2 and defoliation. For example, N concentration was on average 38% lower and lignin concentration 55% higher at the end of the experiment (early July 2003) than at the beginning (mid June 2003). 4. On non‐defoliated trees, larch bud moth larvae grew somewhat more slowly under elevated CO2 compared with ambient CO2 concentration. If, however, trees had been defoliated, this response was reversed, with a faster growth of larch bud moth on high CO2‐exposed trees than on control trees. Pupal weight was not affected by either CO2 treatment or defoliation. 5. These results suggest that the larch bud moth has to cope with large changes in food quality due to needle maturation during its development, and that additional CO2‐ and defoliation‐induced alterations in needle chemistry have comparatively minor influences on larch bud moth performance at the treeline.  相似文献   

One of the most common examples of audiovisual speech integration is the McGurk effect. As an example, an auditory syllable /ba/ recorded over incongruent lip movements that produce “ga” typically causes listeners to hear “da”. This report hypothesizes reasons why certain clinical and listeners who are hard of hearing might be more susceptible to visual influence. Conversely, we also examine why other listeners appear less susceptible to the McGurk effect (i.e., they report hearing just the auditory stimulus without being influenced by the visual). Such explanations are accompanied by a mechanistic explanation of integration phenomena including visual inhibition of auditory information, or slower rate of accumulation of inputs. First, simulations of a linear dynamic parallel interactive model were instantiated using inhibition and facilitation to examine potential mechanisms underlying integration. In a second set of simulations, we systematically manipulated the inhibition parameter values to model data obtained from listeners with autism spectrum disorder. In summary, we argue that cross-modal inhibition parameter values explain individual variability in McGurk perceptibility. Nonetheless, different mechanisms should continue to be explored in an effort to better understand current data patterns in the audiovisual integration literature.  相似文献   

Dispersal has been the focus of spatial ecology for a few decades. What should be a proper theoretical framework for understanding and modelling of dispersal processes remains a controversial issue though. Integrodifference equations (IDE) model the spatial dynamics of a population with distinct growth and dispersal stages in their life cycle. Depending on the stage observed, the equations take on different forms, only one of which is usually studied in the literature. Here we reveal that while these different forms are mathematically equivalent, the biological conclusions drawn from the different forms may differ considerably. We provide a summary of similarities and differences and point out the greatest potential caveats when applying IDE.  相似文献   

Many populations, especially in insects, fluctuate in size, and periods of particularly low population size can have strong effects on genetic variation. Effects of demographic bottlenecks on genetic diversity of single populations are widely documented. Effects of bottlenecks on genetic structure among multiple interconnected populations are less studied, as are genetic changes across multiple cycles of demographic collapse and recovery. We take advantage of a long‐term data set comprising demographic, genetic and movement data from a network of populations of the butterfly, Parnassius smintheus, to examine the effects of fluctuating population size on spatial genetic structure. We build on a previous study that documented increased genetic differentiation and loss of spatial genetic patterns (isolation by distance and by intervening forest cover) after a network‐wide bottleneck event. Here, we show that genetic differentiation was reduced again and spatial patterns returned to the system extremely rapidly, within three years (i.e. generations). We also show that a second bottleneck had similar effects to the first, increasing differentiation and erasing spatial patterns. Thus, bottlenecks consistently drive random divergence of allele frequencies among populations in this system, but these effects are rapidly countered by gene flow during demographic recovery. Our results reveal a system in which the relative influence of genetic drift and gene flow continually shift as populations fluctuate in size, leading to cyclic changes in genetic structure. Our results also suggest caution in the interpretation of patterns of spatial genetic structure, and its association with landscape variables, when measured at only a single point in time.  相似文献   

Dispersal has been the focus of spatial ecology for a few decades. What should be a proper theoretical framework for understanding and modelling of dispersal processes remains a controversial issue though. Integrodifference equations (IDE) model the spatial dynamics of a population with distinct growth and dispersal stages in their life cycle. Depending on the stage observed, the equations take on different forms, only one of which is usually studied in the literature. Here we reveal that while these different forms are mathematically equivalent, the biological conclusions drawn from the different forms may differ considerably. We provide a summary of similarities and differences and point out the greatest potential caveats when applying IDE.  相似文献   

Effects of cyclic AMP and traumatic acid on adventitious bud initiation inTorenia stem segments culturedin vitro were examined. Both the compounds stimulated bud initiation at relatively low concentrations. Simultaneous addition of an anticytokinin did not counteract the stimulatory action of the 2 chemicals. Their stimulatory effects were also clear when expiants were pre-incubated for 2 h with 1 μM of either of the 2 substances. The treatment with cyclic AMP and traumatic acid may favourably modify some physiological process which is triggered by excising expiants (wounding) and leads to adventitious bud initiation.  相似文献   

Whitmire SL  Tobin PC 《Oecologia》2006,147(2):230-237
Exotic invasive species are a mounting threat to native biodiversity, and their effects are gaining more public attention as each new species is detected. Equally important are the dynamics of exotic invasives that are previously well established. While the literature reports many examples of the ability of a newly arrived exotic invader to persist prior to detection and population growth, we focused on the persistence dynamics of an established invader, the European gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) in the United States. The spread of gypsy moth is largely thought to be the result of the growth and coalescence of isolated colonies in a transition zone ahead of the generally infested area. One important question is thus the ability of these isolated colonies to persist when subject to Allee effects and inimical stochastic events. We analyzed the US gypsy moth survey data and identified isolated colonies of gypsy moth using the local indicator of spatial autocorrelation. We then determined region-specific probabilities of colony persistence given the population abundance in the previous year and its relationship to a suite of ecological factors. We observed that colonies in Wisconsin, US, were significantly more likely to persist in the following year than in other geographic regions of the transition zone, and in all regions, the abundance of preferred host tree species and land use category did not appear to influence persistence. We propose that differences in region-specific rates of persistence may be attributed to Allee effects that are differentially expressed in space, and that the inclusion of geographically varying Allee effects into colony-invasion models may provide an improved paradigm for addressing the establishment and spread of gypsy moth and other invasive exotic species.  相似文献   

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