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Contributions of left-handed helical residues to the structure and stability of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
Non-glycine residues in proteins are rarely observed to have "left-handed helical" conformations. For glycine, however, this conformation is common. To determine the contributions of left-handed helical residues to the stability of a protein, two such residues in phage T4 lysozyme, Asn55 and Lys124, were replaced with glycine. The mutant proteins fold normally and are fully active, showing that left-handed non-glycine residues, although rare, do not have an indispensable role in the folding of the protein or in its activity. The thermodynamic stability of the Lys124 to Gly variant is essentially identical with that of wild-type lysozyme. The Asn55 to Gly mutant protein is marginally less stable (0.5 kcal/mol). These results indicate that the conformational energy of a glycine and a non-glycine residue in the left-handed helical conformation are very similar. This is consistent with some theoretical energy distributions, but is inconsistent with others, which suggest that replacements of the sort described here might increase the stability of the protein by up to 5 kcal/mol. Crystallographic analysis of the mutant proteins shows that the backbone conformation of the Lys124 to Gly variant is essentially identical with that of the wild-type structure. In the case of the Asn55 to Gly replacement, however, the (phi, psi) values of residue 55 change by about 20 degrees. This suggests that the energy minimum for left-handed glycine residues is not the same as that for non-glycine residues. This is strongly indicated also by a survey of accurately determined protein crystal structures, which suggests that the energy minimum for left-handed glycine residues is near (phi = 90 degrees, psi = 0 degrees), whereas that for non-glycine residues is close to (phi = 60 degrees, psi = 30 degrees). This apparent energy minimum for glycine is not clearly predicted by any of the theoretical (phi, psi) energy contour maps. 相似文献
The thermodynamics of melting of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme and four of its mutants have been measured by van't Hoff methods. The effect of pH has been explored and utilized to obtain the dependence of the enthalpy on temperature as suggested by Privalov and co-workers. The enthalpy change is a steep linear function of temperature. ΔCp is large and constant within experimental error. Changes in ΔHu are as large as 30% for a single point mutation. Changes in enthalpy are largely compensated by changes in entropy. Changes in stability, as measured by the free energy of unfolding, are smaller than those of ΔH, but are very large in a relative sense, since ΔG is very much smaller than ΔH. Origins of the destabilization caused by mutations are discussed. 相似文献
Gassner NC Baase WA Mooers BH Busam RD Weaver LH Lindstrom JD Quillin ML Matthews BW 《Biophysical chemistry》2003,100(1-3):325-340
In order to further explore the tolerance of proteins to amino acid substitutions within the interior, a series of core residues was replaced by methionine within the C-terminal domain of T4 lysozyme. By replacing leucine, isoleucine, valine and phenylalanine residues a total of 10 methionines could be introduced, which corresponds to a third of the residues that are buried in this domain. As more methionines are incorporated the protein gradually loses stability. This is attributed in part to a reduction in hydrophobic stabilization, in part to the increased entropic cost of localizing the long, flexible methionine sidechains, and in part to steric clashes. The changes in structure of the mutants relative to the wildtype protein are modest but tend to increase in an additive fashion as more methionines are included. In the most extreme case, namely the 10-methionine mutant, much of the C-terminal domain remains quite similar to wildtype (root-mean-square backbone shifts of 0.56 Å), while the F and G helices undergo rotations of approximately 20° and center-of-mass shifts of approximately 1.4 Å. For up to six methionine substitutions the changes in stability are additive. Beyond this point, however, the multiple mutants are somewhat more stable than suggested from the sum of their constituents, especially for those including the replacement Val111→Met. This is interpreted in terms of the larger structural changes associated with this substitution. The substituted sidechains in the mutant structures have somewhat higher crystallographic thermal factors than their counterparts in WT*. Nevertheless, the interiors of the mutant proteins retain a well-defined structure with little suggestion of molten-globule characteristics. Lysozymes in which selenomethionine has been incorporated rather than methionine tend to have increased stability. At the same time they also fold faster. This provides further evidence that, at the rate-limiting step in folding, the structure of the C-terminal domain of T4 lysozyme is similar to that of the fully folded protein. 相似文献
We investigated the folding of substantially destabilized mutant forms of T4 lysozyme using differential scanning calorimetry and circular dichroism measurements. Three mutations in an alpha-helix in the protein's N-terminal region, the alanine insertion mutations S44[A] and K48[A], and the substitution A42K had previously been observed to result in unexpectedly low apparent enthalpy changes of melting, compared to a pseudo-wild-type reference protein. The pseudo-wild-type reference protein thermally unfolds in an essentially two-state manner. However, we found that the unfolding of the three mutant proteins has reduced cooperativity, which partially explains their lower apparent enthalpy changes. A three-state unfolding model including a discrete intermediate is necessary to describe the melting of the mutant proteins. The reduction in cooperativity must be considered for accurate calculation of the energy changes of folding. Unfolding in two stages reflects the underlying two-subdomain structure of the lysozyme protein family. 相似文献
Atomic solvation parameters (ASPs) are widely used to estimate the solvation contribution to the thermodynamic stability of proteins as well as the free energy of association for protein-ligand complexes. In view of discrepancies in the results of free energies of solvation of folding for various proteins obtained using different atomic solvation parameter sets, systematic studies have been carried out for the calculation of accessible surface area and the changes in free energy of solvation of folding (deltaG(s,f)) for mutants of lysozyme T4 where threonine 157 is replaced by amino acids: cysteine, aspartate, glutamate, phenylalanine, glycine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, asparagine, arginine, serine and valine. The deviations of the calculated results from the experimental results are discussed to highlight the discrepancies in the atomic solvation parameter sets and possible reasons for them. The results are also discussed to throw light on the effect of chain free energy and hydrogen bonding on the stability of mutants. The octanol to water-based ASP sets 'Sch1' and 'EM' perform better than the vacuum to water-based ASP sets. The vacuum to water-based ASP sets 'Sch3' and 'WE' can be used to predict the stability of mutants if a proper method to calculate the hydrogen bond contribution to overall stability is in place. 相似文献
Simulation analysis of the stability mutant R96H of T4 lysozyme 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Free energy simulation methods are used to analyze the effects of the mutation Arg 96----His on the stability of T4 lysozyme. The calculated stability change and the lack of significant structural rearrangement in the folded state due to the mutation are in agreement with experimental studies [Kitamura, S., & Sturtevant, J. M. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 3788-3792; Weaver, L. H., et al. (1989) Biochemistry 28, 3793-3797]. By use of thermodynamic integration, the contributions of specific interactions to the free energy change are evaluated. It is shown that a number of contributions that stabilize the wild type or the mutant partially cancel in the overall free energy difference; some of these involve the unfolded state. Comparison of the results with conclusions based on structural and thermodynamic data leads to new insights into the origin of the stability difference between wild-type and mutant proteins. Of particular interest is the importance of the contributions of more distant residues, solvent water, and the covalent linkage of the mutated amino acid. Also, the analysis of the interactions of Arg/His 96 with the C-terminal end of a helix (residues 82-90) makes it clear that the nearby carbonyl groups (Tyr 88 and Asp 89) make the dominant contribution, that the amide groups do not contribute significantly, and that the helix-dipole model is inappropriate for this case. 相似文献
Comparison of the predicted and observed secondary structure of T4 phage lysozyme. 总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31
B W Matthews 《Biochimica et biophysica acta》1975,405(2):442-451
Predictions of the secondary structure of T4 phage lysozyme, made by a number of investigators on the basis of the amino acid sequence, are compared with the structure of the protein determined experimentally by X-ray crystallography. Within the amino terminal half of the molecule the locations of helices predicted by a number of methods agree moderately well with the observed structure, however within the carboxyl half of the molecule the overall agreement is poor. For eleven different helix predictions, the coefficients giving the correlation between prediction and observation range from 0.14 to 0.42. The accuracy of the predictions for both beta-sheet regions and for turns are generally lower than for the helices, and in a number of instances the agreement between prediction and observation is no better than would be expected for a random selection of residues. The structural predictions for T4 phage lysozyme are much less successful than was the case for adenylate kinase (Schulz et al. (1974) Nature 250, 140-142). No one method of prediction is clearly superior to all others, and although empirical predictions based on larger numbers of known protein structure tend to be more accurate than those based on a limited sample, the improvement in accuracy is not dramatic, suggesting that the accuracy of current empirical predictive methods will not be substantially increased simply by the inclusion of more data from additional protein structure determinations. 相似文献
Complete primary structure of phage lysozyme from Escherichia coli T4 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
Inter-residue interactions play an important role to the folding and stability of protein molecules. In this work, we analyze the role of medium- and long-range interactions to the stability of T4 lysozyme mutants. We found that, in buried mutations, the increase in long-range contacts upon mutations destabilizes the protein, whereas, in surface mutations, the increase in long-range contacts increases the stability, indicating the importance of surrounding polar residues to the stability of surface mutations. Further, the increase in medium-range contacts decreases the stability of buried and surface mutations and a direct relationship is observed between the increase of medium-range contacts and increase in stability for partially buried/exposed mutations. Moreover, the relationship between amino acid properties and stability of T4 lysozyme mutants at positions Ile3, Phe53, and Leu99 showed that the effect of medium- and long-range contacts is less for buried mutations and the inter-residue contacts have significant correlation with the stability of partially buried mutations. 相似文献
Folding intermediates have been detected and characterized for many proteins. However, their structures at atomic resolution have only been determined for two small single domain proteins: Rd-apocytochrome b(562) and engrailed homeo domain. T4 lysozyme has two easily distinguishable but energetically coupled domains: the N and C-terminal domains. An early native-state hydrogen exchange experiment identified an intermediate with the C-terminal domain folded and the N-terminal domain unfolded. We have used a native-state hydrogen exchange-directed protein engineering approach to populate this intermediate and demonstrated that it is on the folding pathway and exists after the rate-limiting step. Here, we determined its high-resolution structure and the backbone dynamics by multi-dimensional NMR methods. We also characterized the folding behavior of the intermediate using stopped-flow fluorescence, protein engineering, and native-state hydrogen exchange. Unlike the folding intermediates of the two single-domain proteins, which have many non-native side-chain interactions, the structure of the hidden folding intermediate of T4 lysozyme is largely native-like. It folds like many small single domain proteins. These results have implications for understanding the folding mechanism and evolution of multi-domain proteins. 相似文献
The tail lysozyme complex of bacteriophage T4 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Arisaka F Kanamaru S Leiman P Rossmann MG 《The international journal of biochemistry & cell biology》2003,35(1):16-21
The tail baseplate of bacteriophage T4 contains a structurally essential, three-domain protein encoded by gene 5 in which the middle domain possesses lysozyme activity. The gene 5 product (gp5) undergoes post-translational cleavage, allowing the resultant N-terminal domain (gp5*) to assemble into the baseplate as a trimer. The lysozyme activity of the undissociated cleaved gp5 is inhibited until infection has been initiated, when the C-terminal portion of the molecule is detached and the rest of the molecule dissociates into monomers. The 3D structure of the undissociated cleaved gp5, complexed with gp27 (another component of the baseplate), shows that it is a cell-puncturing device that functions to penetrate the outer cell membrane and to locally dissolve the periplasmic cell wall. 相似文献
Purification of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme 总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24
Understanding the molecular determinants of protein interactions in solution has fundamental implications for understanding protein solution thermodynamics and, hence, processes as diverse as separations performance and cellular self-organization. Our earlier theoretical calculations indicate that the protein-protein interactions are dominated by a small number of configurations in which highly complementary surface regions are apposed, rather than by the overall colloidal interactions. To examine this paradigm more explicitly, we investigated the effects of protein structural modifications on protein-protein interactions. Experimental measurements are presented of B(22)(') values of a set of mutants of Ser44 in bacteriophage T4 lysozyme. Effects are seen with both charged and uncharged substitutions. The results with the charged substitutions follow the expected trends, whereas those with the uncharged substitutions may be explained by the impact of the mutations on the local protein geometry, which directly affects the complementarity of protein interactions. These effects are also captured well by molecular calculations that account for the mutations. The interaction energetics between protein pairs could provide information on the propensity for adventitious interactions, which can have important implications for separations and for normal and pathological self-assembly. Thus, protein structural data implicit in genomic information, coupled with appropriate calculational and experimental tools, can ultimately provide insights into protein interactions in vivo and in bioprocessing. 相似文献
Kuntz and Kauzmann have argued that dehydrating a protein results in conformational changes. In contrast, Rupleyet al. have developed a hydration model which involves no significant change in conformation; the onset of enzyme activity in hen egg-white lysozyme at hydration values of about 0.2 g water/g protein they ascribe rather to a solvation effect. Using a direct difference infra-red technique we can follow specific hydration events as water is added to a dry protein. Conformational studies of lysozyme using laser Raman spectroscopy indicate changes in conformation with hydration that are complete just before measurable activity is found. Parallel nuclear magnetic resonance measurements of exchangeability of the main chain amide hydrogens, as a function of hydration from near dryness, suggest a hydration-related increase in conformational flexibility which occurs before-and is probably necessary for-the Raman-detected conformational changes. Very recent inelastic neutron scattering measurements provides direct evidence of a flexibility change induced by hydration, which is apparently necessary before the enzyme can achieve adequate flexibility for it to begin to function. 相似文献
Electrostatic contributions to T4 lysozyme stability: solvent-exposed charges versus semi-buried salt bridges

We carried our Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) calculations for the effects of charge reversal at five exposed sites (K16E, R119E, K135E, K147E, and R154E) and charge neutralization and proton titration of the H31-D70 semi-buried salt bridge on the stability of T4 lysozyme. Instead of the widely used solvent-exclusion (SE) surface, we used the van der Waals (vdW) surface as the boundary between the protein and solvent dielectrics (a protocol established in our earlier study on charge mutations in barnase). By including residual charge-charge interactions in the unfolded state, the five charge reversal mutations were found to have DeltaDeltaG(unfold) from -1.6 to 1.3 kcal/mol. This indicates that the variable effects of charge reversal observed by Matthews and co-workers are not unexpected. The H31N, D70N, and H31N/D70N mutations were found to destabilize the protein by 2.9, 1.3, and 1.6 kcal/mol, and the pK(a) values of H31 and D70 were shifted to 9.4 and 0.6, respectively. These results are in good accord with experimental data of Dahlquist and co-workers. In contrast, if the SE surface were used, the H31N/D70N mutant would be more stable than the wild-type protein by 1.3 kcal/mol. From these and additional results for 27 charge mutations on five other proteins, we conclude that 1) the popular view that electrostatic interactions are generally destabilizing may have been based on overestimated desolvation cost as a result of using the SE surface as the dielectric boundary; and 2) while solvent-exposed charges may not reliably contribute to protein stability, semi-buried salt bridges can provide significant stabilization. 相似文献
The structural changes of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme during its binding to the inhibitor, i. e. disaccharide-tetrapeptide N-acetylglucosaminyl-N-acetylmuraminyl - L - alanyl-gamma-D-glutaminyl - mesodiaminopimelyl-D-alanine) isolated from Escherichia coli cell wall have been studied. During the inhibitor binding to the protein the degree of helicity decreases by approximately 14% as was shown using the circular dichroism technique. The changes in optical properties of tryptophane, tyrosine and phenylalanine residues detected by UV difference and fluorescence spectroscopy have been observed. Based on the experimental data and a comparison of spatial organization of phage T4 lysozyme and chicken egg-white lysozyme made it possible to develop a structural model of phage T4 lysozyme functioning. This model may account for the differences in specificity of action of bacteriophage T4 and chicken egg-white lysozymes and allows to establish the role of the "extra" part of phage lysozyme. According to the model, at the first stage of binding the peptide part of the substrate comes in contact with the "upper" (with respect to the cleft) part of the protein molecule (residues 106--116 and 135--140). This results in rearrangement of the molecule, with opening of the cleft at the second stage. This makes possible the access of the polysaccharide part of the substrate of the active site and a subsequent hydrolysis of the beta (1 leads to 4) glycoside bond. 相似文献
Kostyuchenko VA Chipman PR Leiman PG Arisaka F Mesyanzhinov VV Rossmann MG 《Nature structural & molecular biology》2005,12(9):810-813
Bacteriophage T4 and related viruses have a contractile tail that serves as an efficient mechanical device for infecting bacteria. A three-dimensional cryo-EM reconstruction of the mature T4 tail assembly at 15-A resolution shows the hexagonal dome-shaped baseplate, the extended contractile sheath, the long tail fibers attached to the baseplate and the collar formed by six whiskers that interact with the long tail fibers. Comparison with the structure of the contracted tail shows that tail contraction is associated with a substantial rearrangement of the domains within the sheath protein and results in shortening of the sheath to about one-third of its original length. During contraction, the tail tube extends beneath the baseplate by about one-half of its total length and rotates by 345 degrees , allowing it to cross the host's periplasmic space. 相似文献