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Proteoglycans synthesized by cultured human muscle cells were separated by ion-exchange high-performance liquid chromatography using a Bio-gel TSK DEAE 5-PW analytical column. The procedure requires only 40 min to complete. The same analytical size column can be used for either analytical or semipreparative scale separations without significant loss of resolution. Proteoglycans elute from the TSK column with a similar recovery and at similar elution ionic strengths when compared to the established cellulose-based chromatographic gel, DEAE-Sephacel. The technique has been applied to the analysis of chondroitinase-digested samples and is particularly useful for rapid screening of large numbers of cultures for both biosynthetic rate studies and analysis of patterns of proteoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   

Heparin has been enzymatically depolymerized with heparinase (heparin lyase (EC and then separated into di-, tetra-, hexa-, octa-, and decasaccharide mixtures by low-pressure gel-permeation chromatography (GPC). These sized mixtures were resolved by strong anion-exchange (SAX) HPLC into multiple components. The fractions from the SAX-HPLC were collected and characterized for size by GPC-HPLC and sulfate content by ion chromatography. This study provides detailed methodology for the separation of larger and more highly sulfated oligosaccharides than previously reported. It describes the first use of ion chromatography for the accurate determination of the sulfate content of heparin oligosaccharides, a method which can also be applied to heparin and other glycosaminoglycans.  相似文献   

A fast sensitive method for the isolation and quantitation of biliary bile pigments by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography has been developed. Nine conjugates of bilirubin as well as unconjugated bilirubin and an internal standard, unconjugated mesobilirubin IX alpha, were all separated to baseline by gradient elution. The following sequence of eluted compounds was chemically identified by separating their ethyl anthranilate derivatives by thin-layer chromatography and by their enzymatic formation with UDP-bilirubin transferase and cosubstrate: bilirubin diglucuronide, bilirubin monoglucuronide monoglucoside, bilirubin monoglucuronide monoxyloside, bilirubin monoglucuronide (C-8, C-12), bilirubin diglucoside, bilirubin monoglucoside monoxyloside, bilirubin dixyloside, bilirubin monoglucoside (C-8, C-12), and bilirubin monoxyloside. The use of the commercially available mesobilirubin IX alpha as an internal standard was found to facilitate quantitation of the bilirubin conjugates.  相似文献   

Thirteen of 48 dermatophyte isolates were found by bioassay to produce beta-lactam antibiotics and seven produced other antibiotics. Estimation and detection of specific beta-lactams in culture broths by derivatization and HPLC was only possible following concentration and extraction procedures. Analysis of the concentrated broths demonstrated the production of penicillin X and penicillin G by two Trichophyton mentagrophytes strains and by one Microsporum canis strain; one further T. mentagrophytes strain produced only penicillin X. Additions of the beta-lactam side-chain precursors, phenylacetic acid and phenoxyacetic acid, to fermentation media failed to increase the antibiotic titres.  相似文献   

Thirteen of 48 dermatophyte isolates were found by bioassay to produce beta-lactam antibiotics and seven produced other antibiotics. Estimation and detection of specific beta-lactams in culture broths by derivatization and HPLC was only possible following concentration and extraction procedures. Analysis of the concentrated broths demonstrated the production of penicillin X and penicillin G by two Trichophyton mentagrophytes strains and by one Microsporum canis strain; one further T. mentagrophytes strain produced only penicillin X. Additions of the beta-lactam side-chain precursors, phenylacetic acid and phenoxyacetic acid, to fermentation media failed to increase the antibiotic titres.  相似文献   

The N-feruloylserotonin containing fraction was isolated from seeds of Leuzea carthamoides (Willd.) DC by solvent extraction followed by column chromatography on silica gel or on Sephadex LH-20. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic analysis of the isolated fraction showed the presence of four structurally related compounds. These compounds were identified as four isomers of N-feruloylserotonin: N-(Z)-feruloylserotonin, N-(Z)-isoferuloylserotonin, N-(E)-feruloylserotonin and N-(E)-isoferuloylserotonin. They were analyzed by HPLC on Separon SGX C18, Separon SGX and Separon SGX phenyl, using various mobile phases. Separon SGX phenyl phase was found the most efficient for a rapid analysis and for the final separation of the N-feruloylserotonin isomers.  相似文献   

Pulsed amperometric detection (PAD) is useful for detection of cephalosporins following separation on a C18 column using an acetate buffer solvent with a small percentage of organic modifier. Under these conditions, the indirect PAD mode worked better than direct PAD, with IPAD outperforming both. A gradient program was demonstrated that allowed separation and sensitive electrochemical detection of eleven different cephalosporins with widely differing side chain structures. The cephalosporins could be detected to sub-micromolar levels with this separation. Applications of the method for quantitation of pharmaceutical formulations and for monitoring cephalexin in porcine serum were demonstrated. To improve the detectability of cephalexin, an on-column concentration scheme using separate concentration and elution solvents was applied to porcine serum.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) has been used to separate and quantificate the dimethyl ester (DME) derivatives of the four biliverdin isomers of the IX series: biliverdin-IXα, -IXβ, -IXγ, and -IXδ. Samples of 0.5 to 10.0 nmol of biliverdin DME were detected quantitatively upon elution by monitoring the absorbance at 375 nm. A technique was developed in which p-bromoacetanilide (Dupont's recommended test compound for their Zorbax column) is used as a marker for biliverdin-IXα DME. To facilitate quantification of biliverdin-IXβ DME, its extinction coefficient was determined. This method has been used to study biliverdin isomers in various biological species. High-resolution NMR (360 MHz) was used to further characterize the isomers.  相似文献   

The role of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in methods of analysis for anabolic compounds in biological samples is reviewed. Special attention is given to both the separation and detection of anabolic compounds. A distinction is made between on-line detection systems, such as ultraviolet detection and diode-array detection, and off-line detection methods with special emphasis on immunochemical detection methods using non-isotopic labels. A number of applications are given to elucidate the possibilities of HPLC in the analysis of anabolic compounds.  相似文献   

The capacity of lung explant cultures to synthesize collagen can be estimated by determining the content of [3H]hydroxyproline in protein following incubation with [3H]proline. The technique requires acid hydrolysis followed by quantitative separation of hydroxyproline from proline for scintillation counting and is often restricted to methods that can accommodate large samples because of relatively low specific radioactivity. A method which is useful for such samples, providing rapid separation of nonderivatized amino acids by ion-exchange HPLC, is described here. The HPLC system employs an HPX-87C cation-exchange column in 10 mm calcium acetate, pH 5.5, at 85°C. Under isocratic conditions hydroxyproline is completely resolved from proline with quantitative recovery of the 3H cpm applied to the column. Large amounts of material, equivalent to at least 150 mg wet wt of lung, can be applied without affecting resolution or recovery, and samples can be injected at intervals as short as 40 min. This method was used to study collagen biosynthesis in a model of pulmonary fibrosis induced in rabbits by the tumor-promoting agent, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), and provides information concerning total protein synthesis as well as production of collagen. The data show a doubling in the rate of collagen production in lung explants prepared from animals treated with PMA compared with explants from control animals.  相似文献   

A novel single reversed-phase HPLC system was developed for separating oxaliplatin and its biotransformation products formed in rat plasma. The major stable biotransformation products of oxaliplatin formed in rat plasma were identified as Pt(dach)(Cys)2, Pt(dach)(Met) and free dach. The minor biotransformation products Pt(dach)Cl2, Pt(dach)(GSH) and Pt(dach)(GSH)2 could also be resolved from other Pt-dach complexes. Among these biotransformation products, the identification of Pt(dach)(Met) was further confirmed by LC–ESI-MS, and the identification of Pt(dach)(Cys)2, Pt(dach)(GSH), Pt(dach)(GSH)2 and free dach was confirmed by atomic absorption and double isotope labeling. This HPLC technique should prove useful for separating and identifying the biotransformation products of Pt-dach drugs such as oxaliplatin, ormaplatin and Pt(dach)(mal) in biological fluids. This will allow a more complete characterization of the pharmacokinetics and biotransformations of these Pt-dach drugs, which should in turn lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms leading to their toxicity and efficacy.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic system, which uses a weak cation exchanger (PolyCATA) together with Bis-Tris buffer (pH 6.47–7.0) and sodium acetate gradients, is described. Samples from adults and newborns were analysed and a clean separation of many minor and major normal and abnormal haemoglobin (Hb) variants was greatly improved. The method allows the separation of minor foetal haemoglobin (HbF) variants and the simultaneous quantitation of HbF and glycated HbA. HbF values correlated well with those obtained by the alkali denaturation method (r=0.997). The glycated haemoglobin (HbArIc) levels measured in patients with high HbF concentrations correlated with the total glycated haemoglobin determined by bioaffinity chromatography (r=0.973). The procedure is useful for diagnostic applications and affords an effective and sensitive way of examining blood samples for haemoglobin abnormalities.  相似文献   

A crude fraction of soybean nodule ferri-leghemoglobin was absorbed onto a commercial DEAE HPLC column at pH 8.0, and resolved into eight isoprotein fractions. The identity of the leghemoglobins were determined by their order of elution from the DEAE column and by isoelectric focusing, using isoprotein standards isolated by conventional procedures. The three isoproteins of the c complex, c1, c2, c3, were not resolved. Unexpected heme containing proteins eluted just after leghemoglobin a and the c complex. These components possessed proteins similar to leghemoglobin a and the c complex, respectively, as judged by isoelectric focusing and absorbance spectra of the ferri and ferrous forms. The components designated leghemoglobin a' and leghemoglobin c' were also differentiated from leghemoglobin a and c by reverse-phase HPLC in a C18 column. Amounts of protein for the DEAE HPLC column ranged from 10 micrograms to 20 mg and sample volumes ranged from 2 to 250 microliters. The time required for chromatography varied depending on the gradient used, but never exceeded 40 min for samples up to 5 mg protein or 120 min for samples containing 5 to 20 mg protein. Due to the sensitivity of detection at 403 nm and leghemoglobins being the predominant chromophore at that wavelength, it was possible to quantitate levels of individual leghemoglobins in samples extracted from single nodules (ca. 15 to 65 mg fresh weight tissue). Quantitation was performed by interfacing the spectrophotometer output (10 mV) to a microcomputer and using commercially available software.  相似文献   

Fluoroquinolones are antibacterial agents widely used clinically. In recent years, there has been an important development of new derivatives, and more than 7000 analogues have been described today. Different fluoroquinolones (FQ) have one or two chiral centers in their chemical structure and are available as racemates, diastereoisomers, or pure enantiomers. The clinical and pharmaceutical uses of these compounds need effective analytical procedures for quality control and pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic studies. This review article focuses on the high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of fluoroquinolone stereoisomers by the use of derivatization methods and ligand exchange (LE) or chiral liquid chromatography.  相似文献   

Using ultraviolet detection (254 nm), pentafluorobenzyl esters have been shown to be suitable derivatives for the semi-preparative separation of fatty acids by number of double bonds on silica columns and by chain length on reversed-phase columns. The two chromatographic systems are entirely complementary in that a critical pair in one of the two systems can be completely separated in the other system, thus allowing the isolation of any given fatty acid from a complex mixture following two sequential injections. The complete separation of pentafluorobenzyl cis-9,10-methylene-hexadecanoate and petafluorobenzyl heptadec-10-enoate in both systems has also been achieved.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid, reverse-phase HPLC procedure for separating and quantifying tetrapyrroles of biological interest. This procedure uses a 5-micron C18 column and the mobile phase is ammonium phosphate (pH 3.5) with a methanol gradient that is increased from 61 to 100%. Detection is by absorbance at 405 nm or by fluorescence. Porphyrins, heme, and the heme breakdown products, biliverdin and bilirubin, can be separated from a single injection in 25 min. Injections can be made every 40 min. Limits of detection are about 0.1 pmol for porphyrins, 5 pmol for heme, and 10 pmol for biliverdin and bilirubin. We present examples of the use of the system for separating tetrapyrroles formed by primary cultures of chick embryo hepatocytes and homogenates of rat liver.  相似文献   

Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic methods were developed for the separation of enantiomers of eleven unnatural beta(2)-homoamino acids on chiral stationary phases containing macrocyclic glycopeptides (teicoplanin-containing Chirobiotic T and T2) or the macrocyclic peptide teicoplanin aglycone (Chirobiotic TAG) as chiral selectors. The effects of the organic modifier, the mobile phase composition, temperature, and the structures of the analytes on the separations were investigated. Separations were carried out at constant mobile phase compositions in temperature range 7-45 degrees C and the changes in enthalpy, Delta(DeltaH(o)), entropy, Delta(DeltaS(o)), and free energy, Delta(DeltaG(o)), were calculated. The -Delta(DeltaG(o)) values obtained on the three columns indicated that Chirobiotic TAG, without sugar units, may promote the interactions of the enantiomers of beta(2)-homoamino acids with branched alkyl or aryl side-chains, whereas for beta(2)-homoamino acids with alkyl side-chains Chirobiotic T and T2 seem to be more favorable. The elution sequence was determined in some cases and was observed to be R < S.  相似文献   

To facilitate the structural studies of invertebrate collagens, a sensitive and effective method was developed, using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography for preparative isolation of the collagen subunits and their clostridial collagenase-derived peptides; the methods have been applied to Nereis cuticle collagen. The two subunits of denatured Nereis cuticle collagen, termed A and B, were initially separated by high-performance liquid chromatography. These polypeptides, with Mr of about 0.5 million, were each exhaustively digested with clostridial collagenase. The digest of the A subunit, which contains all of the uronic acid, was enriched for the uronic acid-containing glycopeptides by means of gel filtration. These glycopeptides were resolved into 23 major peaks, using reverse-phase HPLC, over a 5-h elution time, with an acetonitrile gradient (0-20%) containing 0.1% TFA. The amino acid composition data suggests that the peptides are of variable length, from 5 to 17 residues, while beta-elimination studies show that the uronic acid-containing moieties are all O-glycosidically linked to threonine residues, in the peptides examined. The amino acid sequence of one of the major glycopeptides was determined and found to be Gly-Hyp-Ala-Gly-Gly-Ile-Gly-Glu-Thr-Gly-Ala-Val-Gly-Leu-Hyp. The amino acid compositions of glycosylated and nonglycosylated peptides which had eluted, numbering about 100, showed a correspondence between hydrophobicity or hydrophilicity and emergence time from the column. We also found that the peptides most enriched in 4-hydroxyproline emerged earliest. These studies provide a foundation for elucidating the detailed structures of the large, unusual subunits of a well-characterized cuticle collagen.  相似文献   

The properties of proteoglycans (PGs) produced by normal human skin fibroblast were investigated with increasing passage. The increase of subculture number was associated with a constant increase in PG molecular size, which was particularly evident in cell layer extracts. In the cell layer, the ratio of DS-PGs/HS-PGs was markedly higher in early passage cultures. Moreover, the cell layer from young cells contained lower amounts of radioactivity incorporated into the most hydrophobic PG populations, suggesting that the PG core protein might also undergo significant modification with increasing subcultures. There was no significant difference in energy charge value between early and late passage cultures, whereas the NAD/NADH ratio was found to decrease markedly in senescent cells.  相似文献   

A method for separating the three human protamines by HPLC of underivatized, total protamine extracts on a Nucleosil RP-C18 column is described. The identities of the three proteins have been confirmed by a combination of disc gel electrophoresis, amino acid composition, and primary sequence analysis. The results show that human protamine 3 elutes first, closely followed by protamine 2. Protamine 1 elutes later. The amino acid compositions and partial amino terminal sequences of human protamines 2 and 3 indicate that these two proteins are very closely related and suggest that they differ only by three amino-terminal amino acids.  相似文献   

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