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The mating system of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is based on leks. In field cage choice experiments we examined lek site selection as influenced by the presence of fruit and the presence of conspecific flies. Males were allowed to choose between artificial trees containing fruit and trees without fruit. Males showed a significant preference for the tree baited with fruit. To determine which fruit-related stimuli were important, males were allowed to choose between visual and/or olfactory fruit-derived stimuli. Males preferred to lek on trees presenting both stimuli. To determine the influence of conspecifics on lek site selection, males were allowed to choose between trees containing male and/or female conspecific flies. The presence of pheromone-emitting males was preferred. In addition, both in the field and on artificial trees, we examined the effect of leaf size on lek site selection. In the field, males preferred to lek on leaves of a particular size. Moreover, leaf integrity was important, as males tended to select undamaged leaves as lek sites. In field cage experiments, males consistently chose to lek on trees containing the largest leaves. We conclude that the choice of lek site is influenced by the presence of fruit and of other lekking males, while leaf size and integrity determine male location within a lek.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the nutritional state of male Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.) (medfly), is an important influence on various components of their reproductive biology, including mating success. The objective of the present study was to examine experimentally the effect of temporary starvation on the mating success of wild male C. capitata. Males were maintained on protein–sugar or sugar-only diets, and for each diet we compared the mating success of continuously fed males versus males starved for 18 or 24 h immediately before testing. In trials conducted on field-caged, host trees, males starved for 24 h obtained only about half as many matings as fed males for both diets. However, when the starvation period was 18 h, starved males reared on the protein–sugar diet mated significantly less frequently than fed males, whereas starved males reared on sugar mated as often as fed males. Measurements of male pheromone calling and female attraction revealed that reduced mating success likely reflected the decreased signaling activity of starved males.  相似文献   

This study quantitatively describes the host-searching behavior of Fopius arisanus (Sonan) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), an important egg-larval parasitoid of tephritid fruit fly pests, on coffee berries infested with host eggs of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). We also investigate the parasitoid's response to local variation in host patch quality. The temporal pattern of behavioral organisation was examined by constructing an ethogram. The parasitoid spent over 90% of its foraging time in detecting and locating hosts after arriving on a host-infested fruit, and displayed a relatively fixed behavioral pattern leading to oviposition. Patch residence time increased in the presence of host-associated cues, following successful ovipositions, and with increasing size of host clutches per fruit, but decreased with each successive visit to the same host patch and with increasing availability of alternative host patches. The parasitoid females discriminated against previously parasitized hosts and spent significantly less time and searching effort on patches previously exploited by herself or by conspecific females. The effective host-searching behavior, perfect host discrimination ability, and success-motivated searching strategy shown by F. arisanus ensured a thorough exploitation of host resources by this parasitoid.  相似文献   

The mating success of individually marked male Mediterranean fruit flies was monitored over 6 consecutive days in the laboratory. Mating frequency was nonrandom, as the numbers of both males that failed to mate and males that mated many (more than four) times were much higher than expected by chance alone. Differential mating success resulted in part from intermale variation in activity level. Male copulatory success was positively correlated with the numbers of courtships performed, attempted copulations (mountings), and females courted. Male-male aggression, on the other hand, and a negligible effect on male mating success. Female choice also appeared to influence male mating frequency. Fewer than 10% of courtships resulted in mating, and in most cases females terminated courtship by simply moving away from the male. Females that did mate generally selected males having higher copulatory scores than previously rejected males.  相似文献   

When mature larvae of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) pupated in bran rather than naked there was an increase in adult eclosion, but no difference in 9 day pupal weight, 9 day lipid content, or flight ability. There was no difference when pupation occurred at 20 or 25°C. Pupation in sand at 20°C caused severe mortality, while pupation in sand at 25°C did not. Data are presented which favour naked pupation over pupation in any medium, and evidence is presented which indicates that collection of mature larvae in a rotary tumbler rather than by the conventional popping method is economically preferable and is without significant biologically adverse effects.
Résumé Si des larves mûres de Ceratitis capitata se nymphosent dans du son ou à l'air libre, dans le premier cas le taux d'éclosions est plus élevé, mais le poids et la teneur en lipides au neuvième jour de nymphose ainsi que l'aptitude au vol sont identiques dans les deux. Il n'y a pas de différences pour les pupaisons à 20°C et 25°C, mais la pupaison dans le sable à 20°C provoque une forte mortalité, tandis qu'à 25°C le sable n'a aucun effet. Les résultats obtenus sont favorable à une pupaison à nu plutôt que dans un substrat, et des arguments sont apportés montrant que la collecte des larves mûres dans un culbuteur rotatif ne provoque significativement pas plus d'effets nocifs que la méthode classique du saut.

Using a genetic sexing line based on pupal colour dimorphism in Ceratitis capitata Wied., field cage experiments were carried out with a wild population in Italy. The experiments were designed to monitor the competitiveness of males of this line in comparison with wild males and to assess the effect of removal of females prior to release on the proportion of wild females mated by the released males.The results showed that the genetic sexing strain competed well with the wild population but there was a large degree of intra-strain mating. Removal of females prior to release radically changed the mating pattern from intra to inter-strain mating. This change greatly increases the efficiency of the sterile insect method of control.It was concluded that as well as the obvious economic advantages of genetic sexing, significant biological advantages would also be associated with the integration of such a strain in a sterile insect control programme.
Résumé Des expériences en cage en champ ont été réalisées en Italie avec des populations naturelles de Ceratitis capitata en utilisant une lignée dont le sexage était basé sur le dimorphisme de la couleur des pupes. Les expériences ont été conçues pour contrôler la compétitivité des mâles de cette lignée face aux mâles sauvages, et d'évaluer l'effet du retrait des femelles avant le lâcher sur le pourcentage de femelles sauvages accouplées avec des mâles lâchés.Les expériences montrent que la compétition ne défavorise pas la lignée génétiquement sexable mais révèlent une fréquence élevée d'accouplement intralignée.Le retrait des femelles avant le lâcher modifie radicalement l'orientation des accouplements d'intra vers interlignées. Ce changement accroît fortement l'efficacité de la technique d'utilisation des mâles stériles dans la lutte biologique. On en a conclu que non seulement des intérêts économiques évidents mais aussi des avantages biologiques significatifs seraient retirés de l'intégration de telles lignées sexables génétiquement dans les programmes de lutte avec des mâles stériles.

Predation is probably the most important male mortality factor in insect species with courtship displays that render males performing them conspicuous targets of predators. Sexually active Mediterranean fruit fly males, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.), aggregate in leks, where they participate in agonistic encounters and engage in visual, acoustic and pheromone-calling displays to attract receptive females. The objective of this study was to assess: a) whether sexually displaying C. capitata males in leks inside host and non-host foliage are subject to predation by the most prominent predators yellow-jacket wasps, Vespula germanica (F.), and if so, b) whether olfactory, visual or auditive stimuli are used by foraging wasps in locating male C. capitata prey. Studies were carried out in a citrus orchard and surroundings on the island of Chios, Greece. Observations were conducted using perforated containers hung within mulberry, fig or citrus foliage. Living C. capitata flies of different sex and either mature or immature were placed inside. Our results show that the yellowjacket wasps have learned to associate the presence of sexually active medfly males aggregated in leks with their prey's pheromone (kairomone). Foraging wasps, flying through the crowns of host trees, responded to the odour source of C. capitata male pheromone by approaching from downwind. Even inside dense citrus tree foliage, wasps keyed in on aggregations of pheromone-calling males using olfactory stimuli. Stimuli of visual and acoustic male signalling were only used at close range, after having followed the pheromone plume close to its source. Visual cues played a greater role in directing wasp foraging under more open and exposed host foliage conditions. Odour-based foraging of wasps inside host foliage in the mid-morning hours, when medfly male lekking activities peak, shifted gradually to a more visual-based host fruit patrolling in the afternoons to capture ovipositing and feeding medfly females. On ripe fruit, particularly fig, V. germanica visual prey hunting also included the capture of feeding medfly males, other feeding Diptera, as well as medfly larvae extracted from wasp-made perforations in the fruit.  相似文献   

The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) is used in many regions worldwide to manage wild populations of the Mediterranean fruit fly (`medfly'), an important pest species. This technique relies on released sterile males outcompeting their wild counterparts in fertilizing ova of wild females. Numerous studies have investigated the ability of sterile males to secure copulations, an essential step toward overall success. Here we progress further along the mating sequence by studying reproductive barriers that may remain ahead of sterile males that manage to secure copulations in field cage experiments and whether ability to pass these barriers is influenced by a male's age, diet and size, or the size of his mate. Amongst those virgin males that succeeded in copulating, both the number of sperm stored by mates and the chances of having any sperm stored at all decreased with age. Sperm tended to be stored asymmetrically between the females' two spermathecae, and this tendency was more apparent when few sperm were stored. In accord with effects of male age on number of sperm stored, sperm of older males were stored more asymmetrically than that of young males. We found no evidence that male size, male diet or female size influenced copula duration, number of sperm stored or allocation of sperm between the female's two spermathecae. The decline in number of sperm stored as males aged was not accompanied by age-dependent changes in copula duration, indicating that copula duration and insemination success are not deterministically linked. We discuss these results in light of their relevance to SIT and the medfly mating system.  相似文献   

Precolorbreak treatment of Marsh grapefruit and Shamouti and Valencia oranges with 20 or 50 ppm gibberellic acid (GA) reduced fruit susceptibility to laboratory infestation by Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann). Treatment effects were dose-dependent and the benefits were most pronounced with the orange cultivars. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to use of GA treatment for improved fruit fly control in citrus.
Zusammenfassung In den hier beschriebenen Versuchen wurde untersucht, wie weit durch die Anwendung von Gibberilinsäure (GA) im Freiland die Resistenz von Pampelmuse (Marsh), sowie von Shamoutiund Valencia-Orangen gegenüber Befall durch die Mittelmeerfruchtfliege, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) gesteigert werden kann.In den Jahren 1982/83 spritzten wir in Israel Bäume dieser drei Zitrusarten mit GA in den Konzentrationen von 5 ppm und 50 ppm zu zwei verschiedenen Zeitpunkten vor dem Farbumschlag der Früchte (September, Oktober). Die so behandelten Früchte wurden anschliessend während der Reifeperiode in verschiedenen Zeitpunkten adulten Mittelmeerfruchtfliegen für die Eiablage dargeboten. Diese Exposition wurde sowohl im Freiland mit Früchten am Baum sowie im Laboratorium mit gepflückten Früchten durchgeführt. Untersucht wurde einerseits die Anfälligkeit resp. Resistenz der Früchte bezüglich der Eiablage, andererseits die Entwicklung der Larven in den Früchten.Wir stellten fest, dass die Behandlung mit GA bei Pampelmuse in Abhängigkeit vom Zeitpunkt und Konzentration der Behandlung eine gewisse erhöhte Befallsresistenz bewirken konnte. Bezüglich der beiden geprüften Orangensorten konnten wegen ungünstigen Witterungsbedingungen während der Reifezeit keine schlüssigen Befunde erarbeitet werden.Im Winterhalbjahr 1983/84 wurden Bäume aller drei Zitrussorten vor dem Farbwechsel der Früchte mit 20 ppm und 50 ppm GA behandelt. Um den negativen Einfluss der Witterung in den Expositionsversuchen auszuschalten, wurden die Versuchsfrüchte den Fruchtfliegen während der Reifeperiode ausschliesslich im Laboratorium dargeboten. In dieser Versuchsperiode stellten wir auch bei Orangen eine erhöhte Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Fruchtfliegenbefall fest, und zwar in erhöhtem Ausmass bei Valencia-Orangen. Gleichzeitig beobachteten wir eine stark verzögerte Entwicklung des Farbwechsels von grün auf orange als Folge der hohen GA-Konzentration.

Previous studies have reported considerable variation in copula duration in the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata Weidemann (Diptera: Tephritidae). Presently, however, this variation is largely unexplained. In this study we measure copula duration in two medfly strains used in applied research in Israel and examine how much of the variation in copula duration is due to the strain, age, the time of day the mating begins and the relative size of the mating pair. We found the following: flies of a strain reared in the laboratory since 1976 (Vienna) copulated for longer than flies of a strain collected in 1969 and periodically refreshed with wild males (Sade); older flies copulated for longer than young flies; and pairs in which males were smaller than females copulated for longer than pairs in which males were larger or the sexes were more evenly size-matched. The time of day the mating commenced (morning vs afternoon) had no effect. We discuss potential mechanisms underlying these variations in medfly copula duration.  相似文献   

Summary Studies of the synthesis of integumental proteins during the feeding and non-feeding stages ofCeratitis capitata demonstrated stage specificity. The synthetic profile changed dramatically, showing a maximum of protein synthesis just before the larval wandering stage, followed by an abrupt decline. The comparison between synthetic and accumulation profiles indicated that some polypeptides must be internalized into the integument from the haemolymph. The major haemolymph proteins or arylphorins have already been documented to be incorporated into the integument. In the present work, we demonstrated the interalization of some haemocyte proteins into the integument. For that purpose, polyclonal antibodies were raised against total haemocyte proteins. Immunoblot analysis of haemocyte salt extractable proteins revealed that the protein bands at 36, 54, 58, 84, 110 and 130 kDa were immunoreactive with the total haemocyte antibodies. Cell-free protein synthesis, organ culture experiments and immunoblot analysis indicated that the 36-, 54- and 58-kDa polypeptides were synthesized only in the haemocytes and were probably internalized into the integument from the serum. The 36-kDa polypeptide was also demonstrated to be internalized into the fat body of white puparia. The immunofluorescence experiments suggested that the internalization of haemocyte proteins first occurs into the epidermal cells and then into the cuticle. The presence of haemocyte proteins in the integument was also demonstrated by immunofluorescence experiments in twoC. capitata mutants. These mutations affect the darkening and stiffening of the cuticle. The demonstration of 36-, 54- and 58-kDa haemocyte polypeptides in the integument reveals a hitherto unknown function of this cell type. Moreover, the demonstration of tyrosine binding to the 54- and 58-kDa polypeptides points to their potential involvement in the sclerotization process in the cuticle.  相似文献   

Quality control charting was applied to a number of criteria implemented to monitor the large scale (ca 10 million pupae per week) production of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and to assess the quality of the flies so produced. The control chart procedure was useful and indicated the development involving adult flight ability. It also illustrated the variability inherent in some parameters e.g. percent recovery of pupae from eggs, but in the absence of similar data from other rearing facilities it is not possible to state whether or not that level of virability is inherent in the process.
Résumé Une procédure de contrôle de la qualité a été appliquée à une série de critères de l'élevage de masse (c'est-à-dire 10 millions de pupes var semaine) de C. capitata pour garantir la qualité des mouches produites. La charte de contrôle a été utile et a permis de mettre en évidence un problème concernant l'apptitude au vol des adultes. Elle a illustré la variabilité de certains paramètres, par exemple le taux de pupes obtenues à partir des oeufs, mais en l'absence de données semblables provenant d'autres élevages, il n'est pas possible de savoir quelle part du taux de variabilité est inhérente ou non à la méthode.

Male Mediterranean fruit flies, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), are attracted to the synthetic compound trimedlure. Despite the common use of trimedlure in control programs, the underlying basis of male attraction remains unknown. In a series of laboratory trials, we compared the mating success of (treated) males exposed to trimedlure and (control) males not given access to trimedlure. When tested immediately after exposure, treated males mated more frequently than control males. This mating advantage was short-lived, however, and males tested as little as 24 h after exposure had no advantage over control males. When tested immediately after exposure, treated males exhibited higher levels of pheromone calling than control males. Consequently, more females were attracted to treated males than to control males in field tests.  相似文献   

Attraction of female Mediterranean fruifly (medfly) to ammonia and to protein baits was studied with an olfactometer. Ammonia bait (1 cc/trap) proved to be an effective lure. The maximum number of females was caught in traps loaded with 0.01 M ammonia solution with a release rate of 5.28 g/cc/h.A positive correlation was found between female catch and the ammonia release rate of various protein baits, especially from dry protein hydrolysate of which casein hydrolysate was the most effective. However, casein hydrolysate was less attractive than certain ammonia solutions having a lower rate of ammonia release. Elevation of the pH of the liquid commercial baits, Buminal and Naziman, increased the latter's efficacy as medfly baits but the increased stimulation could not be strictly correlated with the increased rate of ammonia release. It is therefore suggested that medfly olfactory response to protein baits is affected not only by ammonia but by other volatiles as well.
Résumé L'attraction de la femelle de la mouche méditeranéenne à l'ammoniaque et aux attractifs protéiniques a été étudiée au moyen de l'olfactomètre décrit par Gothilf & Galun (1982). L'ammoniaque (1 cc/piege) s'avéra être un attractif efficace. Le nombre maximum de femelles fut attrappé dans les pièges chargés avec une solution d'ammoniaque 0.01 M ayant une vitesse de diffusion de 5.28/g/cc/h.Une corrélation positive a été trouvée entre les captures de femelles et les vitesses de diffusion de divers attractifs protéiniques, particulierement ceux à base d'hydrolysats de protéines secs parmi lesquels le plus effectif a été l'hydrolysat de caséine. Toutefois, l'hydrolysat de caséine a été moins attractif que certaines solutions d'ammoniaque ayant une vitesse de diffusion plus basse. Une hausse du pH des attractifs liquides commerciaux, Buminal et Naziman, a augmenté leur efficacité en tant qu'attractifs pour la mouche méditeranéenne; toutefois la stimulation plus intense n'a pu étre mise en correlation stricte avec une vitesse accrue de la diffusion de l'ammoniac. C'est pourquoi il est suggéré que la réaction olfactive de la mouche méditerranéenne est régie, non seulement par l'ammoniaque mais aussi par d'autres substances volatiles.

Summary The viability of a series of recombination suppressor (RS) strains in Ceratitis capitata, all previously found to contain a reciprocal autosomal translocation, was assessed for egg hatchability and adult emergence in both the homozygous and heterozygous state. Except in T 30C, which contains a Y-autosome translocation in addition to the A-A translocation, egg hatch was significantly reduced in all heterozygous translocation strains, and ranged from 42.4% to 58.5% in seeded eggs compared to a control value of 82.8%. Adult emergence from hatched eggs was affected to a lesser extent, but with a range of 59.5% to 84.2%, compared to the control value of 83.1%, remained significantly reduced in 4 of the 6 translocation strains, as well as in the male line of T 30C. In the homozygous configuration all strains, except T 19 and T 109, showed a significant reduction in egg hatchability, whereas adult emergence was not adversely affected. A significant reduction in the egg hatchability of the translocation heterozygotes compared to that of the homozygotes was observed in 5 of the 7 strains, the observed reduction in T 55/109 being non-significant while that of T 30C was significantly increased. The behaviour of translocations as recombination suppressors and their suitability for inclusion in breeding schemes for the isolation of induced recessive mutations is discussed.This work forms part of a Joint FAO/IAEA research programme on the development of genetic sexing mechanisms for the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.)  相似文献   

The first intron of the gene encoding one of the alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzymes (ADH-1) in Ceratitis capitata is highly polymorphic in size. Five size variants of this intron were isolated from different strains and populations and characterized. Restriction map and sequence analysis showed that the intron size polymorphism is due to the presence or absence of (a) a copy of a defective mariner-like element, postdoc; (b) an 550-bp 3 indel which exhibits no similarity to any known sequence; and (c) a central duplication of 704 bp consisting of part of the 3 end of the postdoc element, the region between postdoc and the 3 indel, and the first 20 bp of the 3 indel. The homologous Adh-1 intron was amplified from the congeneric species, Ceratitis rosa, in order to obtain an outgroup for comparative and phylogenetic analyses. The C. rosa introns were polymorphic in size, ranging from about 1100 to 2000 bp, the major difference between them being the presence or absence of a mariner-like element Crmar2, unrelated to the postdoc element. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that the shorter intron variants in C. capitata may represent the ancestral form of the intron, the longest variants apparently being the most recent.  相似文献   

Male Mediterranean fruit flies,Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), produce volatile chemicals thought to be attractive sex pheromones. We demonstrated for the first time that male odor elicits upwind flight and zigzagging upwind flight patterns in mature unmated females. Such flight patterns indicate the mechanisms involved in female location of the pheromone source and arrival at that source. Similar female oriented upwind flight responses occurred with a three component blend comprised of ethyl-(E)-octenoate, geranyl acetate, andE,E-alpha farnesene. These findings clarify the role of male sex pheromone in mate-location strategies in this species and provide new bioassay criteria for evaluating attraction responses to male pheromone and synthetic blends.  相似文献   

Female medflies were subjected to four different patterns of host deprivation at each of three levels for a 24-day period. Treatments ranged from host absence 8 days post-eclosion to host absence 2 out of 3 days. Survival was recorded daily and egg production was recorded on the days in which hosts were present.The direct effect of host deprivation is to deny females the opportunity to oviposit. This disrupts their reproductive cycle and reduces their overall reproductive effort. Reduced reproductive effort at young ages increases survival (up to 2-fold) and daily reproduction (up to 8-fold) at older ages. Therefore, the long term effect of host deprivation is to postpone senescence.The implications of these findings regarding medfly sensescence are discussed in relation to: (i) reduction in population extinction rates during periods of host scarcity and (ii) egging strategies in medfly mass-rearing.
Résumé Les femelles de C. capitata ont été privées d'hôtes suivant 4 modalités pendant 3 durées (33, 50 et 67% de leur vie) par période de 24 heures. Les modalités se répartissaient de la privation pendant 8 jours après l'éclosion jusqu'à 1 jour sur 3. La survie a été notée chaque jour et la ponte pour tous les jours où il y avait des hôtes.L'effect direct de l'absence d'hôte est d'empêcher la femelle de pondre. Ceci interrompt leur cycle de ponte et réduit leur activité reproductrice totale. Un effort reproductif réduit des femelles jeunes augmente la survie (jusqu'à 2 fois) et la ponte quotidienne (jusqu'à 8 fois) chez les femelles plus âgées. Ainsi, l'effet à long terme de la privation d'hôtes est d'ajourner la sénescence.Les implications de ces observations sur la sénescence de C. capitata sont discutées quant à: (1) la réduction des taux d'extinction des populations pendant les périodes de rareté d'hôtes; et: (2) les stratégies d'obtention de pontes dan les élevages de masse de C. capitata.

A genetic map based on microsatellite polymorphisms and visible mutations of the Mediterranean fruit fly (medfly), Ceratitis capitata is presented. Genotyping was performed on single flies from several backcross families. The map is composed of 67 microsatellites and 16 visible markers distributed over four linkage groups. Fluorescence in situ hybridization of selected microsatellite markers on salivary gland polytene chromosomes allowed the alignment of these groups to the second, fourth, fifth and sixth chromosome. None of the markers tested showed segregation either with the X or the third chromosome. However, this map constitutes a substantial starting point for a detailed genetic map of C. capitata. The construction of an integrated map covering the whole genome should greatly facilitate genetic studies and future genome sequence projects of the species.  相似文献   

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