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We have produced a new mouse mAb that identifies a sheep T cell activation Ag. The mAb B5-5 is specific for low m.w. components on nearly all sheep thymocytes and peripheral T and B lymphocytes but does not label immature B cells in Peyer's patches or germinal centers. After cross-linking of target structures either directly by plastic-bound mAb or indirectly using anti-Ig reagents, peripheral T cells, but not thymocytes or peripheral B cells, were activated. IL-2 was secreted by T cells after cross-linking and activation was strongly augmented in the presence of PMA. The addition of soluble B5-5 mAb to mitogen-stimulated cultures of sheep lymphocytes resulted in a suppression of PHA responses and augmentation of PWM responses and had a variable effect on Con A responses but had no effect on LPS- or protein A-induced proliferation. When added to alloantigen-stimulated cultures, B5-5 augmented the proliferative response. The B5-5 membrane component consists of 14- to 19-kDa glycoproteins but the banding patterns obtained during SDS-PAGE analysis of 125I-labeled Ag differed between thymocytes, peripheral T cells, and peripheral B cells. On the basis of its range of expression on lymphoid cells and known biochemical and functional properties, we conclude that the B5-5 component on sheep lymphocytes is different from T cell activation Ag in other species.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from either normal (nonimmunized) mice or mice preimmunized with TNP KLH were depleted of T cells by treatment with a heterologous anti θ serum and complement. Fractionation of these B cells by velocity sedimentation followed by challenge with either a T independent antigen (DNP POL) or a T dependent antigen (TNP KLH), the latter being performed in the presence of additional helper T cells, revealed apparent size difference between B cells responding to the two antigens. This difference, while most marked with preimmunized B cells, was also apparent with normal B cells from the spleen or bone marrow, but not from the lymph node. Similar data were observed with other T dependent and T independent antigens. The differences in the sedimentation profile of splenic B cells for T dependent and T independent antigens did not seem to be due to a difference in the kinetics of appearance of antibody upon stimulation with these antigens, though large B cells did seem to give rise to antibody producing cells at later times than small B cells.  相似文献   

Previous experiments with cloning of immunocompetent cells indicate a switch from IgM to IgG during the multiplication of immunologically activated cells derived by proliferation from one precursor. An alternative explanation, cooperation of one T cell with two different B cells (IgM and IgG precursors) is experimentally studied in the present work. Control experiments indicate that all detected foci are dependent on the production of antibodies and the action of complement. Numbers of foci are linearly dependent on the quantity of cells transferred to isologous lethally irradiated mice. There is a time gap between the first detection of antibodies by the focus technique (on the 4th day after the transfer) and by the plaque technique with isolated cells (detectable only from the 6th day after the transfer); early foci contain antibodies but do not produce (secrete) them in sufficient amounts. Transfer of lymphocytes isolated from spleen, bone marrow and thymus showed that foci in the primary response are formed only by B lymphocytes. The transfer of a constant number of B lymphocytes with increased numbers of T lymphocytes did not change the quantity of Ab-forming foci; there is an increase, however, of the numbers of individual cells producing antibodies detected by the plaque technique,i.e. the number of Ab forming cells per individual clone (focus). Through the action of T lymphocytes the switch from IgM to IgG is made possible. The auxiliary role of T lymphocytes in the primary response is discussed. Dedicated to Prof. F. Patočka on his 70th birthday  相似文献   

R. Lawson    S.J. Burch    S. M. Ooughterson    S. Heath    D. H. Davies 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(1):101-106
An investigation of the phylogenetic relationships of a number of cartilaginous fish based on the use of the immunological properties of the iron-binding serum protein, transferrin. is presented. Data on immunological distance and the rate of amino acid substitution are used to produce a dendrogram. The tree confirms the close relationships of the holocephalan species examined which are a sister group of other neoselachians. The tree also indicates that the squaloids and galeoids are separate groups and that Heterodontus belongs with the galeoids. It is also clear that the divergence between the squaloids, galeoids (including Heterodontus ) and the Holocephali is an ancient one and that the rajids probably diverged from this basal stock rather than any more recent squaloid/squatinoid/galeoid grouping.  相似文献   

The phosphoinositide 3-kinase signaling pathway has been implicated in a range of T lymphocyte cellular functions, particularly growth, proliferation, cytokine secretion, and survival. Dysregulation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase-dependent signaling and function in leukocytes, including B and T lymphocytes, has been implicated in many inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. As befits a pivotal signaling cascade, several mechanisms exist to ensure that the pathway is tightly regulated. This minireview focuses on two lipid phosphatases, viz. the 3'-phosphatase PTEN (phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10) and SHIP (Src homology 2 domain-containing inositol-5-phosphatase). We discuss their role in regulating T lymphocyte signaling as well their potential as future therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Complement system of bony and cartilaginous fish   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Accumulating evidence indicates that the complement system experienced a discontinuous development at an early stage of vertebrate evolution. Invertebrates such as echinoderms and ascidians, and the most primitive extant vertebrates, the cyclostomes, seem to have a primitive complement system equipped only with the alternative and lectin pathways. In contrast, cartilaginous fish and higher vertebrates seem to have a modern complement system which has two additional pathways, namely the classical and lytic pathways. Recent molecular analyses of the complement system of bony and cartilaginous fish have not only confirmed the above conclusion, but also revealed a unique characteristic of the complement system of fish, where certain key component genes are duplicated. The complement system seems to play a more pivotal role in body defence in fish, whose adaptive immunity is considered to be at a relatively undeveloped state.  相似文献   

Innate B and T lymphocytes are a subset of lymphocytes that express a restricted set of semi-invariant, germ-line-encoded, autoreactive antigen receptors. Although they have long been set apart from mainstream immunological thought, they now seem to represent a distinct immune-recognition strategy that targets conserved stress-induced self-structures, rather than variable foreign antigens. Innate lymphocytes regulate a range of infectious, tumour and autoimmune conditions. New studies have shed light on the principles and mechanisms that drive their unique development and function, and show their resemblance to another subset of innate lymphocytes, the natural killer cells.  相似文献   



Insulin resistance, which can lead to a number of diseases including type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease, is believed to have evolved as an adaptation to periodic starvation. The "thrifty gene" and "thrifty phenotype" hypotheses constitute the dominant paradigm for over four decades. With an increasing understanding of the diverse effects of impairment of the insulin signaling pathway, the existing hypotheses are proving inadequate.  相似文献   

Niche and dispersal ability are key traits for explaining the geographical structuring of species into discrete populations, and its evolutionary significance. Beyond their individual effects, the interplay between species niche and its geographic limits, together with the evolutionary lability of dispersal ability, can underpin trait diversification and speciation when exposed to gradients of selection. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, two complementary papers demonstrate how evolutionary lability for dispersal ability linked to niche shift can drive such a model in a context that includes selection. Both papers investigate the evolution of dispersal limitation in arthropods across altitudinal gradients, but using taxa with contrasting ecologies. McCulloch et al. (2019) investigate the evolution of wing loss at higher altitudes in stoneflies, a taxon inhabiting freshwater systems. Suzuki et al. (2019) report a similar phenomenon, but involving wing reduction at higher altitudes in scorpionflies, a taxon associated with moist terrestrial habitats. Here, we compare and contrast the results of both studies to explore their broader implications for understanding diversification and speciation within arthropods.  相似文献   

Purification of human T and B lymphocytes   总被引:78,自引:0,他引:78  

A B cell hybrid (2C3E1), which when cultivated in vitro stably expresses a serologically defined private idiotype on the cell surface, undergoes a somatic variation which culminates in the generation of idiotype-negative variants when propagated as a tumor in syngeneic BALB/c mice. Lyt-1+ and Lyt-2- BALB/c T cells derived from appropriately primed spleen cells when co-cultured with 2C3E1 tumor cells in vitro are responsible for the generation or selection of the idiotype-negative tumor variants. The idiotype-specific effector T cells responsible for the variant production in vitro and in vivo are triggered either by viable or irradiated 2C3E1 tumor cells, but not by soluble idiotype-positive monoclonal antibody secreted by the tumor. The idiotype-positive antibody did stimulate the production of the effector T cells when the soluble protein was covalently linked to the plasma membrane of BALB/c spleen cells, but not when the idiotype-positive protein was presented on allogeneic C57BL/6 spleen cells. A single exposure of spleen cells to 2C3E1 cells in vivo was sufficient to prime the idiotype-specific T cells, but the frequency and reproducibility of variant selection increased when the in vivo primed effector T cells were restimulated by irradiated 2C3E1 cells in vitro prior to co-cultivation with the wild-type 2C3E1 cells. The initial variant B cell lines could be segregated into several different phenotypes. However, after extensive cultivation either in vitro or after repeated transfer in vivo, all of the variant cell lines acquired a single stable phenotype that was characterized by the loss of both the surface and secreted idiotype marker and antigen-binding activity associated with the wild-type 2C3E1 cells.  相似文献   

Hepatitis B core (HBc)Ag-specific T cells present in the peripheral blood of a patient with chronic active hepatitis B were expanded by co-cultivation for 7 days with rHBcAg. After cloning at 1 cell/well in the presence of PHA and IL-2, five HBcAg-specific CD4+ cloned lines were obtained. All five lines proliferated and produced IL-2, IFN-gamma, and TNF in a dose-dependent fashion in response to HBcAg, but not to HBV envelope Ag. The cloned lines and derivative clones were HLA class II (DR1) restricted. All T cell clones were able to induce anti-HBc production by autologous B cells in response to HBcAg (helper effect). The proliferative response and the helper effect of the HBcAg-specific T cell lines and clones were augmented by co-cultivation with an autologous, autoreactive (HLA-DQ1 specific) T cell clone, even in the absence of HBcAg, and the autoreactive T cells directly stimulated anti-HBc secretion by autologous B cells, presumably due to the release of Ag-nonspecific factors. These findings define a model immunoregulatory circuit the physiologic significance of which remains to be determined.  相似文献   

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