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Models predict that community invasibility generally declines with species diversity, a prediction confirmed by small‐scale experiments. Large‐scale observations and experiments, however, find that diverse communities tend to be more heavily invaded than simple communities. One hypothesis states that large‐scale environmental heterogeneity, which similarly influences native and invasive species, can cause a positive correlation between diversity and invasibility, overriding the local negative effects of diversity on invasibility. We tested this hypothesis using aquatic microbial communities consisting of protists and rotifers consuming bacteria and nanoflagellates. We constructed a productivity gradient to simulate large‐scale environmental heterogeneity, started communities with the same number of species along this gradient, and subjected equilibrial communities to invasion by non‐resident consumer species. Both invaders and most resident species increased their abundances with resource enrichment, resulting in a positive correlation between diversity and invasibility. Intraspecific interference competition within resident species and the positive effect of enrichment on the number of available resources probably accounted for the higher invasibility with enrichment. Our results provide direct experimental evidence that environmental heterogeneity in productivity can cause a positive diversity–invasibility relationship.  相似文献   

Abstract. Since its introduction in the late 1800s, the perennial tussock grass Cortaderia jubata (Lemoine) Stapf has become an increasingly frequent member of coastal plant communities in California and Oregon. In this study, the community changes associated with C. jubata invasion into the mediterranean-type vegetation of Vandenberg Air Force Base, California were examined. Pristine plots of maritime chaparral were compared with spatially and topographically matched plots dominated by C. jubata . Aerial photographs indicated that the invaded plots had previously been shrubland. C. jubata invasion created a structurally less complex perennial grassland that was markedly depauperate in native shrub species. The absence of native shrubs depressed native richness in jubata grassland, but the greater richness of both native and alien herbaceous species made overall richness in jubata grassland indistinguishable from maritime chaparral. Vegetational differences were associated with differences in arthropod and small mammal populations between vegetation types. Arthropod abundance and order diversity were lower in plots dominated by C. jubata than in adjacent chaparral. Insect traps in C. jubata plots contained a significantly smaller proportion of Hymenoptera and Homoptera and a significantly greater proportion of Aràneae than traps in maritime chaparral. Rodent activity was significantly lower while rabbit activity was significantly greater in jubata grassland compared to maritime chaparral. This study indicates that the presence of C. jubata can dramatically alter the mediterranean-type landscape of central California. While it is likely that the initial establishment of C. jubata is associated with disturbances that are common in this ecosystem, the ability of C. jubata to expand from founding populations and to persist for long periods of time pose a serious threat to the native diversity of these unique systems.  相似文献   

California vernal pools were used to develop and test hypotheses related to species response patterns and distributions along environmental moisture and elevation gradients. Data from three rainfall years were examined for patterns of plant distribution in relation to length and frequency of inundation and relative elevation. Field distributions on elevation and inundation duration gradients were characteristic of each species, with species distributions overlapping along the gradient. Plants with limited inundation tolerance (`Non-Pool' species) responded to wet years by shifting their distributions toward the dry end of the moisture gradient and in the dry year toward the wetter end. These species have most of their distribution outside of pools. Species with limited tolerance to the gradient extremes had their peak frequency in intermediate positions (`Edge' species). `Pool' species had substantial inundation tolerance. Several were near the limits of inundation tolerance in the deepest study pools, but others withstood longer inundation. `Pool' species had static distributions on the elevation gradient, growing in whatever conditions prevailed in a particular year. A number of annual `Pool' species had their highest frequency in the intermediate, moderately wet year. The dry year had a strong negative effect on the frequency of a few `Pool' annuals, but established perennials persisted regardless. In general, results of the regression analyses can be understood given the other information available on pool hydrology and vegetation. They do not produce any obvious hypotheses to test. For a given species, variables have different predictive value, depending on the year.  相似文献   

Invasive plants can simplify plant community structure, alter ecosystem processes and undermine the ecosystem services that we derive from biotic diversity. Two invasive plants, purple loosestrife ( Lythrum salicaria ) and reed canary grass ( Phalaris arundinacea ), are becoming the dominant species in many wetlands across temperate North America. We used a horizontal, observational study to estimate per capita effects (PCEs) of purple loosestrife and reed canary grass on plant diversity in 24 wetland communities in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Four measures of diversity were used: the number of species (S), evenness of relative abundance (J), the Shannon–Wiener index (H') and Simpson's index (D). We show that (1) the PCEs on biotic diversity were similar for both invasive species among the four measures of diversity we examined; (2) the relationship between plant diversity and invasive plant abundance ranges from linear (constant slope) to negative exponential (variable slope), the latter signifying that the PCEs are density-dependent; (3) the PCEs were density-dependent for measures of diversity sensitive to the number of species (S, H', D) but not for the measure that relied solely upon relative abundance (J); and (4) invader abundance was not correlated with other potential influences on biodiversity (hydrology, soils, topography). These results indicate that both species are capable of reducing plant community diversity, and management strategies need to consider the simultaneous control of multiple species if the goal is to maintain diverse plant communities.  相似文献   

研究外来植物不同程度入侵对区域群落结构和植物群落物种多样性的影响对评价其对生态系统的危害具有重要意义。以入侵植物以意大利苍耳(Xanthium italicum)为主要研究对象,选择意大利苍耳危害较明显且分布面积较大的中国新疆乌鲁木齐市米东区为研究区域进行植物样方调查,以意大利苍耳和其共生的本地植物为切入点,以物种多样性指数、群落稳定性、群落可入侵性、影响程度指数、入侵植物的竞争优势和入侵强度来探究不同入侵程度下的本地植物群落物种多样性和群落稳定性的变化。结果表明:(1)与未入侵地相比,意大利苍耳轻度入侵显著增加了本地植物群落的物种多样性(P < 0.05),而重度入侵显著降低了本地植物群落的物种多样性(P < 0.05)。(2)在意大利苍耳入侵的群落中,群落稳定性由轻度入侵水平到重度入侵水平降低了25%,而群落可入侵性、意大利苍耳的竞争优势指数和入侵强度指数分别增加了77%、79%和83%。(3)在轻度入侵水平下,意大利苍耳对本植物群落物种多样性、群落稳定性和群落物种数的影响程度指数 < 0,产生了积极影响;相反,在轻中度和重度入侵水平下意大利苍耳对本植物群落物种多样性、群落稳定性和群落物种数的影响程度指数 > 0,产生了负面影响。(4)本地植物群落多样性与群落稳定性均呈正相关,但与群落可入侵性呈负相关(P < 0.05)。(5)Shannon-Wiener指数对群落的稳定性的直接通经系数最大,为0.828;Simpson''s指数对群落可入侵性的直接通经系数最大,为0.932。由此可见,意大利苍耳在中度和重度入侵对植物群落结构产生巨大影响,而作为"一带一路"的核心和枢纽地带的新疆,将会对其脆弱的生态系统和土著物种的多样性造成不可估量的影响。应在入侵初期对其进行控制与铲除,防止意大利苍耳等有害外来入侵种的入侵和进一步扩散与蔓延。  相似文献   

Analysis of long‐term patterns of invasion can reveal the importance of abiotic factors in influencing invasion dynamics, and can help predict future patterns of spread. In the case of the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile), most prior studies have investigated this species’ limitations in hot and dry climates. However, spatial and temporal patterns of spread involving two ant populations over the course of 30 years at a high elevation site in Hawaii suggest that cold and wet conditions have influenced both the ant's distribution and its rate of invasion. In Haleakala National Park on Maui, we found that a population invading at lower elevation is limited by increasing rainfall and presumably by associated decreasing temperatures. A second, higher elevation population has spread outward in all directions, but rates of spread in different directions appear to have been strongly influenced by differences in elevation and temperature. Patterns of foraging activity were strongly tied to soil temperatures, supporting the hypothesis that variation in temperature can influence rates of spread. Based on past patterns of spread, we predicted a total potential range that covers nearly 50% of the park and 75% of the park's subalpine habitats. We compared this rough estimate with point predictions derived from a degree‐day model for Argentine ant colony reproduction, and found that the two independent predictions match closely when soil temperatures are used in the model. The cold, wet conditions that have influenced Argentine ant invasion at this site are likely to be influential at other locations in this species’ current and future worldwide distribution.  相似文献   

Abstract Seventy-three per cent of dry rainforest in Forty Mile Scrub National Park and large areas in adjacent savanna woodland have more than 5000 individuals per ha of lantana (Lantana camara L.). Transect studies in dry rainforest and savanna woodland across varying intensities of lantana infestation show a negative correlation between the density of lantana and tree cover in rainforest. The density of pig rooting is very high in areas of the dry rainforest on deep soil that was not heavily infested with lantana. It is suggested that the digging activities of these animals may cause tree death and subsequent increased light penetration, which favours lantana. The species richness of the dry rainforest declines as the density of lantana increases. However, the saplings and seedlings and the soil seed bank of dry rainforest and savanna woodland tree species have comparable densities in heavy and light lantana infestations. The proliferation of lantana results in the build up of heavy fuel loads across the boundary of dry rainforest and savanna woodland. Recent fires have killed the canopy trees in a large area of dry rainforest within the Park. Active management of Forty Mile Scrub National Park is urgent and some initiatives are suggested.  相似文献   

Whether non-native plant invasions are causes, consequences, or independent of the low species diversity in recipient ecosystems remains a debated question. We tried to test these three hypotheses in the special case of the American black cherry ( Prunus serotina Ehrh.), a gap-dependent tree species, which is invading European temperate forests. We compared plant communities, soil properties, and disturbance history between P. serotina -invaded and uninvaded paired-stands in a managed mixed forest. Relationships between invasion, disturbances, plant communities, and environmental conditions were investigated using redundancy analyses with variation partitioning. Several soil characteristics differed between paired stands, but were rather components of stand invasibility than invasion effects, except for topsoil available phosphorus. The disturbance history was similar among paired stands except for the amount of storm-induced tree falls, which correlated with the invader's density. Wild boar-disturbed soil areas were more important beneath P. serotina canopies, suggesting a positive feedback on its own establishment. Overall, species assemblages in invaded and uninvaded stands were similar; their ecological inconsistency suggested a management-sustained non-equilibrium. Habitat conditions and disturbances explained most of the variation in both plant diversity and P. serotina density, the last two factors exhibiting a weak direct association. We conclude that in managed forest ecosystems where plant communities are mainly driven by non-interactive factors and immigration processes, non-native plant species can naturalize without being directly influenced by measured features of the plant community in the receiving environment on the short term.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Eucalyptus cladocalyx F. Muell., is a tree with a restricted distribution in the Southern Flinders Ranges, South Australia. It was originally introduced into the urban bushland of Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia in 1932 as an ornamental. Since its planting, E. cladocalyx has become invasive, spreading into the bushland up to 70 m away from planting sites. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the E. cladocalyx population is increasing at a greater rate than the two principal native tree species, E. gomphocephala DC. and E. marginata Donn ex Smith, but little is known about the factors influencing its invasion, or its biology. This study describes the population structure of E. cladocalyx , E. gomphocephala and E. marginata in Kings Park and the role of fire in the recruitment process. The study indicated that the three species have characteristics common to temperate Eucalyptus species that mass recruit seedlings following fire, with high numbers of seedlings found in recently burnt areas and low numbers in unburnt areas. Seedling survival in E. cladocalyx was higher than either of the native species. Furthermore, E. cladocalyx adults showed higher rates of canopy recovery following fires. It is argued that although fire in Kings Park is providing opportunities for E. cladocalyx , E. gomphocephala and E. marginata recruitment, the E. cladocalyx population is more resilient in an environment frequently disturbed by fire compared with the native populations.  相似文献   

Australia's mountain vegetation is under pressure from a range of threats, not least being weed invasion. Can a program to control the introduced Ox‐eye Daisy succeed and what can be learned to assist management of this weed in other natural areas?  相似文献   

Aim Invasive alien species (IAS) pose a significant threat to biodiversity. The Convention on Biological Diversity’s 2010 Biodiversity Target, and the associated indicator for IAS, has stimulated globally coordinated efforts to quantify patterns in the extent of biological invasion, its impact on biodiversity and policy responses. Here, we report on the outcome of indicators of alien invasion at a global scale. Location Global. Methods We developed four indicators in a pressure‐state‐response framework, i.e. number of documented IAS (pressure), trends in the impact of IAS on biodiversity (state) and trends in international agreements and national policy adoption relevant to reducing IAS threats to biodiversity (response). These measures were considered best suited to providing globally representative, standardized and sustainable indicators by 2010. Results We show that the number of documented IAS is a significant underestimate, because its value is negatively affected by country development status and positively by research effort and information availability. The Red List Index demonstrates that IAS pressure is driving declines in species diversity, with the overall impact apparently increasing. The policy response trend has nonetheless been positive for the last several decades, although only half of countries that are signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have IAS‐relevant national legislation. Although IAS pressure has apparently driven the policy response, this has clearly not been sufficient and/or adequately implemented to reduce biodiversity impact. Main conclusions For this indicator of threat to biodiversity, the 2010 Biodiversity Target has thus not been achieved. The results nonetheless provide clear direction for bridging the current divide between information available on IAS and that needed for policy and management for the prevention and control of IAS. It further highlights the need for measures to ensure that policy is effectively implemented, such that it translates into reduced IAS pressure and impact on biodiversity beyond 2010.  相似文献   

延河流域植物群落功能性状对环境梯度的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
龚时慧  温仲明  施宇 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6088-6097
研究群落水平上的植物功能性状特征及其随环境梯度的变化规律,对认识不同环境梯度下植物群落的形成及其对环境的适应机制具有重要意义。以延河流域不同环境梯度下的稳定的自然植物群落为对象,测量了植物群落组成物种的叶厚度、比叶面积、叶组织密度、比根长、根组织密度、单位质量叶氮含量、单位质量根氮含量、种子质量、种子体积等9个性状,然后以物种重要值为基础加权平均得到各个性状在群落水平上的平均值(即群落性状值);以现有的环境因子栅格图为基础,利用ArcGIS提出各群落对应的环境因子值,同时测定各个群落的土壤水分,分析群落各性状值与环境因子的关系,并建立关系模型。结果表明:在群落水平上,9个植物功能性状分别与13个环境因子存在不同程度的相关性,同时这9个植物功能性状对8个环境因子梯度(土壤水分、年4-10月平均气温、年7-9月总降雨量、降雨季节变化、年平均降雨量、年平均蒸发量、坡度、坡向)的响应特征较好,不同植物功能性状间具有较好相关性。群落水平上植物功能性状及其组合随环境梯度的规律性变化,反映了延河流域植被群落构建过程中环境对功能性状的筛选效应。该研究结果对该区的植被恢复重建的物种选择及植被布局规划具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

Aim  To assess whether eight traits of fish communities (species richness, three reproductive traits and four trophic traits) respond similarly to environmental gradients, and consequently display convergence between the lakes of France and north-east USA (NEUSA).
Location  75 French and 168 north-east USA lakes.
Methods  The data encompass fish surveys, the assignment of species into reproductive and trophic guilds, and environmental variables characterizing the lakes and their catchments. The analytical procedure was adapted from the recommendations of Schluter (1986 ) [ Ecology , 67 , 1073–1085].
Results  The comparison of the regional pools of lacustrine fishes indicated that NEUSA was about twice as speciose as France, mostly due to higher species turnover across lakes, although NEUSA lakes were consistently about 20% more speciose than French lakes for a given surface area. Warmer environments were consistently inhabited by a higher proportion of phytophilous and guarder species than were colder lakes. Hence there was convergence in community reproductive traits. Conversely, there was no evidence of convergence in the trophic structure of lacustrine fish communities between regions.
Main conclusions  The influence of temperature on the availability and quality of spawning substrates appears to be a major constraint on present-day lacustrine fish communities. In parallel, phylogenetic constraints, past events such as the diversification of the North American fish fauna, and selective extinctions during Pleistocene glaciations and subsequent recolonizations contribute to explaining the dissimilarities between the communities of the two regions and differences in their relationship to the environment.  相似文献   

Background: Coastal ecosystems in Mexico remain understudied in spite of their ecological, economic and conservation value and are being impacted by human activities along the coast. Knowledge on spatial patterns of plant species distribution that helps preserve these fragile ecosystems is crucial.

Aims: We evaluated differences in species richness, species diversity and species dominance patterns in 16 plant communities as well as the degree to which differences were driven by climatic conditions in sandy dunes in Yucatán. We evaluated the importance of invasive species in mediating patterns of species diversity and species dominance patterns.

Results: We found wide variation in plant species richness, species diversity and species dominance patterns among communities that stems from broad climatic differences along dune systems. Invasive plants represent almost one-third of total species richness and seem to be drastically changing the species dominance patterns in these communities.

Conclusions: Regional climatic differences along the Yucatán north coast seems to be a major driver of plant diversity and species composition. Our findings suggest that invasive plants have successfully colonised and spread along the coast over the past 30 years. Even though invasive species do not alter spatial patterns of species diversity, they are becoming more dominant with potential detrimental consequences for native plants.  相似文献   

Aim To estimate invasiveness of exotic plant species, many studies have used the frequency of occurrence within a defined region. This measure is informative on how widespread exotics are, however, it does not inform on their local dominance, which is crucial for conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. The aim of the present study is to determine if regional frequency of occurrence of exotic plant species indeed is indicative of their local dominance. We also determined which plant traits and other factors predict regional and local frequencies best. Location The Netherlands. Methods We used information on exotic plant species established in The Netherlands and compared traits relating to their frequency of occurrence regionally (the entire country) and their frequency of dominance locally (in 1–100 m2 quadrats). We created minimal adequate models with factors explaining regional frequency and frequency of local dominance of 111 exotic plant species in The Netherlands. Results The model that used plant traits to explain regional frequency of exotic plant species differed from the models that best explained their frequency of local dominance. Regionally, the factors that correlated with frequency were: life form, height, polyploidy, length of flowering season, residence time, human use and origin. The factors that correlated to frequency of local dominance were lateral vegetative spread and residence time. Main conclusions We conclude that plant traits relating to the regional frequency of exotic plant species differ from those that relate to their frequency of local dominance. The implication of our results is that predictive studies on plant invasiveness based on regional frequencies may not be indicative of the local impacts. Since the prediction of local impacts is crucial for conservation and risk assessment, our study emphasized the need for better information on the local abundance of exotic invaders.  相似文献   

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