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梭热杆菌(Clostridium thermocellum)是一种嗜热厌氧细菌,通过分泌大量纤维素酶高效降解纤维素.根据作用纤维素的不同部位,梭热杆菌分泌的纤维素酶分为内切纤维素酶和外切纤维素酶.纤维小体是由支架蛋白、锚定元件、黏合蛋白、纤维素结合域和催化单位组成的复合体,其独特的结构,使得它可以比真菌纤维素酶更紧密地结合到纤维素表面,这个复合结构结合着多种催化单位,而此特殊的结构是梭热杆菌高效降解纤维素的必要条件.近年来,为更深入透彻地了解纤维小体的结构与功能进行了大量的研究工作,现对相关研究进展进行综述,并给出了未来可能的发展方向.  相似文献   

The 3' region of a gene designated cipB, which shows strong homology with cipA that encodes the cellulosome SL subunit of Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405, was isolated from a gene library of C. thermocellum strain YS. The truncated S1 protein encoded by the cipB derivative bound tightly to cellulose. The cellulose-binding domain in this polypeptide consisted of a C-terminal proximal 167 residue sequence which showed complete identity with residues 337-503 of mature SL from C. thermocellum strain ATCC 27405. The cellulose-binding domain interacted with both crystalline and amorphous cellulose, but not with xylan.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum, a Gram-positive, thermophilic anaerobe produces a highly active cellulase system. This system, termed the cellulosome, is a complex composed of at least 14-18 different types of components organized around a large, cellulose-binding protein. Combining recombinant DNA technology and protein biochemistry has proved to be a successful approach in unravelling some important features of the system.  相似文献   

A test based on the binding of 125I-labelled endoglucanase CelD was used to clone a DNA region encoding at least two different polypeptides that interact with the conserved reiterated segment present in many catalytic components of the Clostridium thermocellum cellulosome. One of the polypeptides corresponds to the COOH-terminal region of the SL (or S1) component of the cellulosome (U.T. Gerngross and A.L. Demain, personal communication). It comprises repeated domains that are responsible for binding 125I-labelled CelD, and presumably represent anchoring sites for the various catalytic components of the cellulosome. The other polypeptide is encoded by a gene that has not yet been described.  相似文献   

Abstract Three clostridial cellulases viz. a hydrophilic cellobiohydrolase (CBH3), a hydrophobic endoglucanase (EG1), and an aggregate-forming hydrophilic endoglucanase (EG5), all purified from recombinant strains of Escherichia coli , were used in different combinations to reconstitute the synergistic effect during cellulose hydrolysis. EG1 and EG5 were weakly active on crystalline cellulose, if added separately or together in the reaction mixture. However, when CBH3 was added to the reaction mixture, its hydrolytic activity was increased to 1.8-fold in the presence of EG1 and EG5. A further increase in the activity from 1.8 to 2.2-fold was observed when calcium and dithiothreitol were added to the reaction mixture containing all three enzymes and filter paper as substrate. The synergistic effect remained unaffected even when EG1 was replaced by its 33-amino acid C-terminal deleted variant BL35. BL35 was less active compared to EG1, but was equally hydrophobic as EG1. These results suggest that the hydrophobic interaction between cellulolytic components and/or with the crystalline substrate is important for positive synergistic effect.  相似文献   

Abstract The anaerobic degradation of microcrystalline cellulose by thermostable cellulolytic enzyme complexes from Clostridium thermocellum JW20 (ATCC 31449) was monitored. For quantitative investigations as enzyme-coupled spectrophotometric assay has been developed. The assay allows for the evaluation of the release of cellubiose-/glucose-units from native cellulose. Kinetic studies revealed that the anaerobic breakdown of crystalline cellulose (CC) at 60°C follows Michaelis-Menten kinetics K m CC values have been determined for different aggregation states of the cellulolytic complex. The presented assay seems well suited to screen for CC-degrading enzymes of various sources, and to further explore the mechanism of CC-breakdown.  相似文献   

Five independent collections, comprising a total of 34 clones encoding cellulases, hemicellulases and cell surface proteins of Clostridium thermocellum, were searched for overlapping or contiguous DNA fragments. The clones were hybridized to large genomic restriction fragments separated by pulse-field electrophoresis. Clones hybridizing to the same fragment were further compared by hybridization to smaller fragments, by cross-hybridization and by restriction mapping. The probes hybridized to loci which were usually not clustered and were scattered over at least one third of the chromosome. Besides previously identified clusters, only two clones were found to be adjacent. Two pairs of clones appeared to contain the same genes cloned in duplicate, and one of the genes was shown to be cloned in triplicate.  相似文献   

Abstract The cellulolytic enzyme complex from Clostridium thermocellum JW 20 was purified from the cellulose to which the enzyme was bound during growth. After centrifugation and gel filtration the enzyme complex was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Three subunits with apparent molecular weights of 195 000 Da, 97 000 Da and 72 000 Da were purified by preparative SDS-PAGE and electroelution. Polyclonal antibodies directed against these three subunits were raised in rabbits. The specificity of the antisera was tested with immunochemical methods. Cross reactions with other subunits of the cellulase complex were observed. Immunoelectron microscopy of protein-A gold labeled, resin embedded cells indicated that the three types of subunits were located in the outer region of the cytoplasm and on structures at the outside of the cell wall.  相似文献   

Clostridium thermocellum is a candidate bacterium for lignocellulose utilization due to its efficient lignocellulose solubilization ability. It has been reported that C. thermocellum efficiently degrades purified cellulose substrates, but cannot completely degrade milled lignocellulose powders. Evaluation of cellulose and hemicellulose contents in a lignocellulose residue after the cultivation of C. thermocellum indicated that C. thermocellum degraded cellulose and hemicellulose equally. Microscopic observations demonstrated that C. thermocellum significantly degraded small-sized lignocellulose particles, but it only partially degraded the larger sized particles. The lignin content of the large-sized particles was higher than that of the small particles. The remained large-sized particles included vascular tissues. These results suggest that the lignified structures such as vascular tissues in milled lignocellulose were less susceptible to bacterial lignocellulose solubilization.  相似文献   

The catalytic domain of cellulase CelA, a family 8 glycohydrolase from C. thermocellum, has been crystallized in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions a = 50.12 Å, b = 63.52 Å, c = 104.97 Å. The diffraction pattern extends beyond 1.5 Å resolution. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract Certain isolated components of fungal cellulases, which cannot effect the breakdown of highly ordered cellulose individually, interact together synergistically to do so when recombined. Suprisingly, not all fungal cellulase components exhibit this property, and no such synergism has been observed so far between fungal and bacterial cellulases.
The cellulase complex of Clostridium thermocellum cannot effect the extensive breakdown of highly ordered cellulose unless Ca2+ and dithiothreitol (DTT) are present. However, we now report that isolated cellobiohydrolase from Trichoderma koningii can combine with C. thermocellum cellulase to effect the breakdown of cellulose in the absence of Ca2+ and DTT. enhanced activity is observed if Ca2+ and DTT are present.
This finding may have important applications in industry: it certainly has important implications for those interested in the basic mechanism of cellulase action in C. thermocellum .  相似文献   

Continuous hydrogen (H2) production during fermentation of alpha-cellulose was established using the thermophillic, anaerobic bacterium Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405. The objectives of this work were to characterize growth of C. thermocellum, quantify H2 production and determine soluble end-product synthesis patterns during fermentation of a cellulosic substrate under continuous culture conditions. A 5 L working volume fermentor was established and growth experiments were maintained for over 3,000 h. Substrate concentrations were varied from 1 to 4 g/L and the feed was introduced with continuous nitrogen gas sparging to prevent clogging of the feed-line. The pH and temperature of the reactor were maintained at 7.0 and 600 degrees C, respectively, throughout the study. At concentrations above 4 g/L, the delivery of alpha-cellulose was impaired due to feed-line clogging and it became difficult to maintain a homogenous suspension. The highest total gas (H2 plus CO2) production rate, 56.6 mL L(-1) h(-1), was observed at a dilution rate of 0.042 h(-1) and substrate concentration of 4 g/L. Under these conditions, the H2 production rate was 5.06 mmol h(-1). Acetate and ethanol were the major soluble end-products, while lactate and formate were greatly reduced compared to production in batch cultures. Concentrations of all metabolites increased with increasing substrate concentration, with the exception of lactate. Despite a number of short-term electrical and mechanical failures during the testing period, the system recovered quickly, exhibiting substantial robustness. A carbon balance was completed to ensure that all end-products were accounted for, with final results indicating near 100% carbon recovery. This study shows that long-term, stable H2 production can be achieved during direct fermentation of an insoluble cellulosic substrate under continuous culture conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract Growth and production of cellulosome by three strains (YS, LQRI and NCIB 10682) of Clostridium thermocellum were compared using Avicel (microcrystalline cellulose) and cellobiose as carbon sources. All three strains grew faster on cellobiose than on Avicel and produced 0.71–0.74 IU of endoglucanase/ml compared to 0.88–1.18 IU/ml on Avicel. Also, the cellulase produced by these strains in the presence of 0.2–1% cellobiose and Avicel, when compared on the basis of equal units of endoglucanase (0.5 IU), degraded cotton almost completely. SDS-PAGE further confirmed the production of cellulosome by all three strains when grown on cellobiose and Avicel. Thus, the cellobiose, like Avicel, acts as a true inducer of cellulosome in C. thermocellum .  相似文献   

【目的】采取人工构建复合菌系的方法探索微生物协同降解纤维素的机理及菌间关系。【方法】从一组高温发酵木质纤维素原料产沼气的菌群中分离获得若干菌株,其中一株细菌经16S rRNA基因全序列测序比对后鉴定为地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis),将该菌株与厌氧纤维素分解菌Clostridium thermocellum CTL-6进行共培养,菌株组合表现出很强的滤纸纤维素分解能力。【结果】两菌共培养9 d,累计滤纸分解量为484.6 mg,滤纸相对分解率高达93.2%;pH变化呈先下降后逐步回升,培养3 d后pH由初始时的7.00降到最低值6.57,第9天升至7.73;菌株组合能同时产生纤维素酶和半纤维素酶,培养过程中两种酶活性大小均呈不断上升趋势,最大值分别为0.32 U/m L和0.57 U/m L。利用HPLC监测了乳酸、甲酸、乙酸、丙酸和丁酸5种有机酸含量的变化,其中丁酸、丙酸代谢量最高,分别为1 477.3 mg/L和1 068.8 mg/L;除丙酸外,其他4种有机酸含量变化趋势与滤纸降解的变化均无明显相关性。5种有机酸总含量的变化与p H的变化趋势一致,表明对pH变化起决定性作用的很可能是某种未检测的酸性较强的物质含量变化。【结论】Bacillus licheniformis能有效促进Clostridium thermocellum CTL-6的纤维素分解活性,且该菌株组合可作为后期进一步构建纤维素甲烷转化复合菌系的基础。  相似文献   

Cellulosomes are cellulolytic complexes produced by anaerobic bacteria, and are composed of a scaffolding protein and several catalytic components. The complexes are formed by highly specific interactions of one of the reiterated cohesin modules of the scaffolding protein with a dockerin module of the catalytic components. The affinities of a dockerin module of Clostridium thermocellum CelJ (Cel9D-Cel44A) for several cohesin modules from C. thermocellum and Clostridium josui scaffolding proteins were quantitatively measured by surface plasmon resonance analysis. The recombinant CelJ dockerin-containing protein interacted with three recombinant C. josui cohesin proteins as well as recombinant C. thermocellum cohesin proteins beyond the so-called 'species specificity' of the dockerin and cohesin interactions. However, this protein did not recognize a second cohesin module from the C. josui scaffolding protein, suggesting that the catalytic components are not necessarily arranged randomly on a scaffolding protein in native cellulosomes.  相似文献   

The recombinant enzyme lichenase of size 30 kDa was over-expressed using E. coli cells and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography (IMAC) and size exclusion chromatography. The enzyme displayed high activity towards lichenan and β-glucan. The enzyme showed no activity towards carboxymethyl cellulose, laminarin, galactomannan or glucomannan. Surprisingly, affinity-gel electrophoresis on native-PAGE showed that the enzyme binds only glucomannan and not lichenan or β-glucan or other manno-configured substrates. The enzyme was thermally stable between the temperatures 60°C and 70°C. Presence of Cu2+ ions at a concentration of 5 mM enhanced enzyme activity by 10% but higher concentrations of Cu2+ (>25 mM) showed a sharp fall in the enzyme activity. Heavy metal ions Ni2+, Co2+ and Zn2+ did not affect the activity of the enzyme at low concentrations (0–10 mM) but at higher concentrations (>10 mM), caused a decrease in the enzyme activity. The crystals of lichenase were produced and the 3-dimensional structure of native form of enzyme was previously solved at 1.50 Å. Lichenase displayed (β/α)8-fold a common fold among many glycoside hydrolase families. A cleft was identified that represented the probable location of active site.  相似文献   

Cloning of Clostridium thermocellum acetate kinase (ack) and/or phosphotransacetylase (pta) genes in Escherichia coli by functional complementation of ack and/or pta mutants was complicated by an alternative acetate assimilation pathway involving acetyl-CoA synthetase (ACS). In addition to the problems encountered with the complementation approach, cloning of these genes was not readily achieved using heterologous probing with corresponding genes from Escherichia coli and Methanosarcina thermophila due to the lack of sufficient homology. The use of a PCR-based approach, on the other hand, yielded a specific C. thermocellum gene fragment which showed significant sequence identity to the ack gene for which primers were designed. The subcloned ack fragment was then successfully used as a probe for the isolation of the corresponding gene and restriction analysis of that region. Received 22 January 1998/ Accepted in revised form 31 August 1998  相似文献   

Our lab and most others have not been able to close a carbon balance for fermentation by the thermophilic, cellulolytic anaerobe, Clostridium thermocellum. We undertook a detailed accounting of product formation in C. thermocellum ATCC 27405. Elemental analysis revealed that for both cellulose (Avicel) and cellobiose, >92% of the substrate carbon utilized could be accounted for in the pellet, supernatant and off-gas when including sampling. However, 11.1% of the original substrate carbon was found in the liquid phase and not in the form of commonly-measured fermentation products - ethanol, acetate, lactate, and formate. Further detailed analysis revealed all the products to be <720 da and have not usually been associated with C. thermocellum fermentation, including malate, pyruvate, uracil, soluble glucans, and extracellular free amino acids. By accounting for these products, 92.9% and 93.2% of the final product carbon was identified during growth on cellobiose and Avicel, respectively.  相似文献   

Whole cells of Clostridium thermoaceticum, crude extracts of such cells as well as the supernatant of 100 000 × g centrifugations catalyse the reduction of carbon monoxide to methanol in the presence of viologens or cobalt sepulchrate. Without such a mediator methanol could not be detected. The reaction shows a marked optimum at pH 5. The incubation of [5-14C]methyltetrahydrofolate led only to the formation of 14C-labeled ethanol; the radioactivity in methanol was negligible. The reaction seems to be catalysed by carbon monoxide dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

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