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Summary We introduce a simple model describing the evolution of a population of information-carrying macromolecules. We discuss the asymptotic dependence of the variability of the population on different parameters, representing the severity or the fluctuations of the environment. We show the existence of a transition separating a neutralist evolutionary regime from a trapped one. We investigate the dependence of the evolutionary behavior of the population on the correlation properties of the fitness landscape.  相似文献   

The causes and consequences of fluctuating population densities are an important topic in ecological literature. Yet, the effects of such fluctuations on maintenance of variation in spatially structured populations have received little analytic treatment. We analyze what happens when two habitats coupled by migration not only differ in their trade‐offs in selection but also in their demographic stability—and show that equilibrium allele frequencies can change significantly due to ecological feedback arising from locally fluctuating population sizes. When an ecological niche exhibits such fluctuations, these drive an asymmetry in the relative impact of gene flow, and therefore, the equilibrium frequency of the locally adapted type decreases. Our results extend the classic conditions on maintenance of diversity under selection and migration by including the effect of fluctuating population densities. We find simple analytic conditions in terms of the strength of selection, immigration, and the extent of fluctuations between generations in a continent‐island model. Although weak fluctuations hardly affect coexistence, strong recurrent fluctuations lead to extinction of the type better adapted to the fluctuating niche—even if the invader is locally maladapted. There is a disadvantage to specialization to an unstable habitat, as it makes the population vulnerable to swamping from more stable habitats.  相似文献   

To a first order of approximation, selection is frequency independent in a wide range of family structured models and in populations following an island model of dispersal, provided the number of families or demes is large and the population is haploid or diploid but allelic effects on phenotype are semidominant. This result underlies the way the evolutionary stability of traits is computed in games with continuous strategy sets. In this paper similar results are derived under isolation by distance. The first-order effect on expected change in allele frequency is given in terms of a measure of local genetic diversity, and of measures of genetic structure which are almost independent of allele frequency in the total population when the number of demes is large. Hence, when the number of demes increases the response to selection becomes of constant sign. This result holds because the relevant neutral measures of population structure converge to equilibrium at a rate faster than the rate of allele frequency changes in the total population. In the same conditions and in the absence of demographic fluctuations, the results also provide a simple way to compute the fixation probability of mutants affecting various ecological traits, such as sex ratio, dispersal, life-history, or cooperation, under isolation by distance. This result is illustrated and tested against simulations for mutants affecting the dispersal probability under a stepping-stone model.  相似文献   

To a first order of approximation, selection is frequency independent in a wide range of family structured models and in populations following an island model of dispersal, provided the number of families or demes is large and the population is haploid or diploid but allelic effects on phenotype are semidominant. This result underlies the way the evolutionary stability of traits is computed in games with continuous strategy sets. In this paper similar results are derived under isolation by distance. The first-order effect on expected change in allele frequency is given in terms of a measure of local genetic diversity, and of measures of genetic structure which are almost independent of allele frequency in the total population when the number of demes is large. Hence, when the number of demes increases the response to selection becomes of constant sign. This result holds because the relevant neutral measures of population structure converge to equilibrium at a rate faster than the rate of allele frequency changes in the total population. In the same conditions and in the absence of demographic fluctuations, the results also provide a simple way to compute the fixation probability of mutants affecting various ecological traits, such as sex ratio, dispersal, life-history, or cooperation, under isolation by distance. This result is illustrated and tested against simulations for mutants affecting the dispersal probability under a stepping-stone model.  相似文献   

This paper presents a unified account of the properties of the measures, Malthusian parameter and entropy in predicting evolutionary change in populations of macromolecules, cells and individuals. The Malthusian parameter describes the intrinsic rate of increase of the population. The entropy describes the intrinsic variability in populations: it characterizes the variability in mutation and replication rates in populations of macromolecules; the rate of decay of synchrony in populations of cells; and the degree of iteroparity in populations of individuals. The Malthusian parameter determines ultimate population numbers: under constant environmental conditions, it is the rate of increase when equilibrium conditions are attained. Entropy determines population stability: the gain in the Malthusian parameter due to small fluctuations in the life-cycle variables is determined by entropy. These properties, which are valid for populations of macromolecules, cells and individuals, show that the Malthusian parameter and entropy act as complimentary fitness indices in understanding evolutionary change in populations.  相似文献   

The Eigen's model for the Darwinian selection of self-reproductive macromolecules is viewed by non-equilibrium thermodynamics of chemical reactions. An excess entropy suitable for the purpose is introduced. It, as the case may be, becomes a Liapunov function to investigate the stability of the selected state characterized by an extremum principle. The selection under the condition for the total concentration of self-reproductive macromolecular species to remain constant in time is discussed on the three cases; the selection described by the simplest Eigen's equation that the effect of mutation is neglected, the selection of quasi-species, and the selective behavior of elementary hypercycle.  相似文献   

Understanding how environmental variation affects phenotypic evolution requires models based on ecologically realistic assumptions that include variation in population size and specific mechanisms by which environmental fluctuations affect selection. Here we generalize quantitative genetic theory for environmentally induced stochastic selection to include general forms of frequency- and density-dependent selection. We show how the relevant fitness measure under stochastic selection relates to Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection, and present a general class of models in which density regulation acts through total use of resources rather than just population size. In this model, there is a constant adaptive topography for expected evolution, and the function maximized in the long run is the expected factor restricting population growth. This allows us to generalize several previous results and to explain why apparently “-selected” species with slow life histories often have low carrying capacities. Our joint analysis of density- and frequency-dependent selection reveals more clearly the relationship between population dynamics and phenotypic evolution, enabling a broader range of eco-evolutionary analyses of some of the most interesting problems in evolution in the face of environmental variation.  相似文献   

Experiments in recent years have vividly demonstrated that gene expression can be highly stochastic. How protein concentration fluctuations affect the growth rate of a population of cells is, however, a wide-open question. We present a mathematical model that makes it possible to quantify the effect of protein concentration fluctuations on the growth rate of a population of genetically identical cells. The model predicts that the population's growth rate depends on how the growth rate of a single cell varies with protein concentration, the variance of the protein concentration fluctuations, and the correlation time of these fluctuations. The model also predicts that when the average concentration of a protein is close to the value that maximizes the growth rate, fluctuations in its concentration always reduce the growth rate. However, when the average protein concentration deviates sufficiently from the optimal level, fluctuations can enhance the growth rate of the population, even when the growth rate of a cell depends linearly on the protein concentration. The model also shows that the ensemble or population average of a quantity, such as the average protein expression level or its variance, is in general not equal to its time average as obtained from tracing a single cell and its descendants. We apply our model to perform a cost-benefit analysis of gene regulatory control. Our analysis predicts that the optimal expression level of a gene regulatory protein is determined by the trade-off between the cost of synthesizing the regulatory protein and the benefit of minimizing the fluctuations in the expression of its target gene. We discuss possible experiments that could test our predictions.  相似文献   

This study presents a complex approach for modeling the natural evolution of a population in terms of population number and dynamics of the genetic structure. A set of dynamic models that consider various types of natural selection was applied to describe possible mechanisms underlying the formation of existing genetic variations in litter sizes in coastal, inland, and farmed arctic fox populations (Alopex lagopus, family Canidae, order Carnivora). The r–K selection model for uniform population and the models with natural selection were assessed on various life cycle stages in a two-age population. The life cycle of arctic fox was fitted to the population model with two age stages. The different reproductive potentials and survivability of progeny on the early stage of life cycle were genetically determined using the model with a single diallelic gene. A monomorphism was obtained for a considered characteristic in a population of coastal arctic fox with constant food supply. Meanwhile, a polymorphism with cyclic fluctuations in population number and gene frequency was obtained in inland arctic fox populations, which could be due to cyclic fluctuations of prey. In farmed fox populations, the considered gene becomes pleiotropic (defines the survival rate of individuals on early and late stages of the life cycle) because of artificial selection performed by farmers to increase the reproductive success of breeders. The application of an appropriate model (with selection by pleiotropic gene) can be used to determine the elimination rate of low litter size alleles from the farmed populations. The possible applications of the proposed models for formulating and solving optimal control tasks in arctic fox populations are discussed too.  相似文献   

A null model for habitat patch selection in spatially heterogeneous environments is the ideal free distribution (IFD), which assumes individuals have complete knowledge about the environment and can freely disperse. Under equilibrium conditions, the IFD predicts that local population growth rates are zero in all occupied patches, sink patches are unoccupied, and the fraction of the population selecting a patch is proportional to the patch's carrying capacity. Individuals, however, often experience stochastic fluctuations in environmental conditions and cannot respond to these fluctuations instantaneously. An evolutionary stability analysis for fixed patch-selection strategies reveals that environmental uncertainty disrupts the classical IFD predictions: individuals playing the evolutionarily stable strategy may occupy sink patches, local growth rates are negative and typically unequal in all patches, and individuals prefer higher-quality patches less than predicted by their carrying capacities. Spatial correlations in environmental fluctuations can enhance or marginalize these trends. The analysis predicts that continually increasing environmental variation first selects for range expansion, then selects for persisting coupled sink populations, and ultimately leads to regional extinction. In contrast, continually increasing habitat degradation first selects for range contraction and may select for persisting coupled sink populations before regional extinction. These results highlight the combined roles of spatial and temporal heterogeneity on the evolution of habitat selection.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is vitally important for wildlife populations to respond to pathogen threats. As natural populations can fluctuate greatly in size, a key issue concerns how population cycles and bottlenecks that could reduce genetic diversity will influence MHC genes. Using 454 sequencing, we characterized genetic diversity at the DRB Class II locus in montane voles (Microtus montanus), a North American rodent that regularly undergoes high‐amplitude fluctuations in population size. We tested for evidence of historic balancing selection, recombination, and gene duplication to identify mechanisms maintaining allelic diversity. Counter to our expectations, we found strong evidence of purifying selection acting on the DRB locus in montane voles. We speculate that the interplay between population fluctuations and gene duplication might be responsible for the weak evidence of historic balancing selection and strong evidence of purifying selection detected. To further explore this idea, we conducted a phylogenetically controlled comparative analysis across 16 rodent species with varying demographic histories and MHC duplication events (based on the maximum number of alleles detected per individual). On the basis of phylogenetic generalized linear model‐averaging, we found evidence that the estimated number of duplicated loci was positively related to allelic diversity and, surprisingly, to the strength of purifying selection at the DRB locus. Our analyses also revealed that species that had undergone population bottlenecks had lower allelic richness than stable species. This study highlights the need to consider demographic history and genetic structure alongside patterns of natural selection to understand resulting patterns of genetic variation at the MHC.  相似文献   

Despite considerable interest in temporal and spatial variation of phenotypic selection, very few methods allow quantifying this variation while correctly accounting for the error variance of each individual estimate. Furthermore, the available methods do not estimate the autocorrelation of phenotypic selection, which is a major determinant of eco‐evolutionary dynamics in changing environments. We introduce a new method for measuring variable phenotypic selection using random regression. We rely on model selection to assess the support for stabilizing selection, and for a moving optimum that may include a trend plus (possibly autocorrelated) fluctuations. The environmental sensitivity of selection also can be estimated by including an environmental covariate. After testing our method on extensive simulations, we apply it to breeding time in a great tit population in the Netherlands. Our analysis finds support for an optimum that is well predicted by spring temperature, and occurs about 33 days before a peak in food biomass, consistent with what is known from the biology of this species. We also detect autocorrelated fluctuations in the optimum, beyond those caused by temperature and the food peak. Because our approach directly estimates parameters that appear in theoretical models, it should be particularly useful for predicting eco‐evolutionary responses to environmental change.  相似文献   

Wright's adaptive topography describes gene frequency evolution as a maximization of mean fitness in a constant environment. I extended this to a fluctuating environment by unifying theories of stochastic demography and fluctuating selection, assuming small or moderate fluctuations in demographic rates with a stationary distribution, and weak selection among the types. The demography of a large population, composed of haploid genotypes at a single locus or normally distributed phenotypes, can then be approximated as a diffusion process and transformed to produce the dynamics of population size, N, and gene frequency, p, or mean phenotype, . The expected evolution of p or is a product of genetic variability and the gradient of the long-run growth rate of the population, , with respect to p or . This shows that the expected evolution maximizes , the mean Malthusian fitness in the average environment minus half the environmental variance in population growth rate. Thus, as a function of p or represents an adaptive topography that, despite environmental fluctuations, does not change with time. The haploid model is dominated by environmental stochasticity, so the expected maximization is not realized. Different constraints on quantitative genetic variability, and stabilizing selection in the average environment, allow evolution of the mean phenotype to undergo a stochastic maximization of . Although the expected evolution maximizes the long-run growth rate of the population, for a genotype or phenotype the long-run growth rate is not a valid measure of fitness in a fluctuating environment. The haploid and quantitative character models both reveal that the expected relative fitness of a type is its Malthusian fitness in the average environment minus the environmental covariance between its growth rate and that of the population.  相似文献   

A simple difference equation model of the dynamics of the B-chromosome of Myrmeleotettix maculatus is developed, validated with field data, and analysed. The maintenance of the B in a population is due to a frequency-dependent balance between a net meiotic drive and strong selection against karyotypes containing 2 B's. This equilibrium will be subject to substantial fluctuations even in moderately large populations. In the long run a B is likely to be maintained in a population despite the selection of suppressor genes, which will tend to remain polymorphic in the population. These qualitative conclusions are likely to apply to many B-chromosome systems.  相似文献   

A self-contained presentation of the main concepts and methods for interpretation of X-ray and neutron-scattering patterns of biological macromolecules in solution, including a reminder of the basics of X-ray and neutron scattering and a brief overview of relevant aspects of modern instrumentation, is given. For monodisperse solutions the experimental data yield the scattering intensity of the macromolecules, which depends on the contrast between the solvent and the particles as well as on their shape and internal scattering density fluctuations, and the structure factor, which is related to the interactions between macromolecules. After a brief analysis of the information content of the scattering intensity, the two main approaches for modelling the shape and/or structure of macromolecules and the global minimization schemes used in the calculations are presented. The first approach is based, in its more advanced version, on the spherical harmonics approximation and relies on few parameters, whereas the second one uses bead models with thousands of parameters. Extensions of bead modelling can be used to model domain structure and missing parts in high-resolution structures. Methods for computing the scattering patterns from atomic models including the contribution of the hydration shell are discussed and examples are given, which also illustrate that significant differences sometimes exist between crystal and solution structures. These differences are in some cases explainable in terms of rigid-body motions of parts of the structures. Results of two extensive studies--on ribosomes and on the allosteric protein aspartate transcarbamoylase--illustrate the application of the various methods. The unique bridge between equilibrium structures and thermodynamic or kinetic aspects provided by scattering techniques is illustrated by modelling of intermolecular interactions, including crystallization, based on an analysis of the structure factor and recent time-resolved work on assembly and protein folding.  相似文献   

 Roguing and replanting is a widely adopted control strategy of infectious diseases in orchards. Little is known about the effect of this type of management on the dynamics of the infectious disease. In this paper we analyze a structured population model for the dynamics of an S-I-R type epidemic under roguing and replanting management. The model is structured with respect to the total number of infections and the number of post-infectious infections on a tree. Trees are assumed to be rogued, and replaced by uninfected trees, when the total number of infections on the tree reaches a threshold value. Stability analysis and numerical exploration of the model show that for specific parameter combinations the internal equilibrium can become unstable and large amplitude periodic fluctuations arise. Several hypothesis on the mechanism causing the destabilisation of the steady-state are considered. The mechanism leading to the large amplitude fluctuations is identified and biologically interpreted. Received 2 September 1994  相似文献   

Summary Responses from four generations of index selection for egg production to 280 days of age in four White Leghorn populations have been presented. A pedigreed randombred population derived from one of the lines was reared with the selected lines to measure the environmental trend. The magnitude of total as well as average response although varying from population to population was positive in all the lines studied. Close correspondence between predicted and realized gains indicated that natural selection, genotype environmental interactions and environmental fluctuations were unimportant during the course of selection. Realized heritabilities agreed fairly well with the estimated heritabilities in at least three out of four populations studied. Probable reasons for variable and insufficient response were investigated.  相似文献   

Determining causes of variation in population size and identifying factors responsible for fluctuations in species abundance are crucial questions both in theoretical and applied ecology. Based on the analysis of abundance time series, many studies have concluded that population dynamics of the stream-living brown trout ( Salmo trutta L.) are mainly driven by year-to-year variation in the discharge level during emergence. Endogenous regulatory processes have often been considered as weak explanations for these fluctuations. This led some authors to consider that brown trout was able to persist in time with no operation of density-dependent processes. Using a model of population dynamics, we studied the influence of both discharge level during emergence and density-dependent regulatory processes on population limitation and fluctuations. We show that density-dependent and density-independent processes can act together on population density and stability at equilibrium (limitation process). We also show that the effects of internal feedbacks regulating population may often be invisible when analyzing abundance fluctuations at the interannual scale. Our results question the accuracy of studies based on the analysis of interannual fluctuations in abundance to identify processes driving population density at equilibrium.  相似文献   

The ability of random fluctuations in selection to maintain genetic diversity is greatly increased when generations overlap. This result has been derived previously using genetic models with very special assumptions about the population age structure. Here we explore its robustness in more realistic population models, with very general age structure or physiological structure. For a range of genetic models (haploid, diploid, single and multilocus) we find that the condition for maintaining genetic diversity generalizes almost without change. Genetic diversity is maintained by selection if a product of the form (generation overlap)×(selection intensity)×(variability in the selection regime) is sufficiently large, where the generation overlap is measured in units of Fisher's reproductive value. This conclusion is based on a local evolutionary stability analysis, which differs from the standard “protected polymorphism” criterion for the maintenance of genetic diversity. Simulation results match the predictions from the local stability analysis, but not those from the protected polymorphism criterion. The condition obtained here for maintaining genetic diversity requires fitness fluctuations that are substantial but well within the range observed in many studies of natural populations.  相似文献   

An extension of the selection differential in the Robertson–Price equation for the mean phenotype in an age‐structured population is provided. Temporal changes in the mean phenotype caused by transient fluctuations in the age‐distribution and variation in mean phenotype among age classes, which can mistakenly be interpreted as selection, will disappear if reproductive value weighting is applied. Changes in any weighted mean phenotype in an age‐structured population may be decomposed into between‐ and within‐age class components. Using reproductive value weighting the between‐age class component becomes pure noise, generated by previous genetic drift or fluctuating selection. This component, which we call transient quasi‐selection, can therefore be omitted when estimating age‐specific selection on fecundity or viability within age classes. The final response can be computed at the time of selection, but can not be observed until lifetime reproduction is realized unless the heritability is one. The generality of these results is illustrated further by our derivation of the selection differential for the continuous time age‐structured model with general age‐dependent weights. A simple simulation example as well as estimation of selection components in a house sparrow population illustrates the applicability of the theory to analyze selection on the mean phenotype in fluctuating age‐structured populations.  相似文献   

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