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In an attempt to better our understanding of the conformational stabilities in RNAs, an intensive theoraticl study has been carried out on one of its dimeric subunits, ApA, using an improved set of atom-atom interaction energy parameters and an improved version of energy-minimization technique. The C(3′)0endo and the C(2′)-endo sugar ApA units were sperately considered and 38 probable conformations have been analyzed in each case. The total potential energy, comprising nonbonded, electrostatic, and torsional contributions, was minimized by varying all seven relevant dihedral angles simumtaneously. The result reveal that 17 conformations in the case of C(3′)-endo sugar ApA and 7 confomations in the case of C(2′)-endo sugar ApA unit, the lowest energy conformation corresponds to a nonhelical structure and the A-RNA and the Watson-Crick-yype conformations lie at energy levels of about 0.5 and 1.0 Kcal/mo., respectively, above the lowest energy found. For ApA with the lops of different types in the backbone and they all differ in energies by about 3.5 Kcal/mol with refrence to the lowest energy founs. It is noted that the order ofmprefrence of the base stacking is observed in the A-RNA and the Watson-Crick type conformers. The ApA unit with C(2′)-endo sugar is forced to assume phosphodiester conformations with large deviations fom the expected staggered conformations compared to the ApA unit with C(3′)-endo sugar. The result obtained for ApA are discussed with refrence to those previously obtained for the dApdA unit. Te theoretical predictions are compared with the experimental data on the tRNAPhe crystal, as well as those on fibrous RNAs and RNa subunitlike crystal structures. This study brings out many important aspects of the conformational stability of ApA which have been missed by studies made by others on this system.  相似文献   

The conformational characteristics of the deoxydinucleoside monophosphates with adenine and thymine bases in all possible sequences, namely, dApdA, dApdT, dTpdA, and dTpdT have been studied using an improved set of energy parameters to calculate the total potential energy and an improved set of energy parameters to calculate the total potential energy and an improved version of the minimization technique to minimize the total energy by allowing all seven dihedral angles of the molecular fragment to vary simultaneously. The results reveal that the most preferred conformation in all these units usually corresponds to one of the four helical conformations, namely, the A-DNA, B-DNA, C-DNA, and Watson-Crick DNA models. These helical conformations differ in energies by about 3 kcal/mol with respect to one another. The conformations which could promote a loop or bend in the backbone are, in general, less stable by about 3.5 kcal/mol with respect to the respective lowest-energy helical conformation. The results indicate that there is a definite influence of bases and their actual sequences on the preferred conformations of the deoxydinucleoside monophosphates. The lowest-energy structure, although corresponding to one of the four helical conformations, differ with the type of the deoxydinucleoside monophosphate. Good or reasonable base stacking is noted in dApdA and dTpdA with both C(3′)-endo and C(2′)-endo sugars and in dApdT and dTpdT with only C(3′)-endo sugar. The inversion of the base sequence in deoxydinucleoside monophosphates alters the order of preference of low-energy conformations as well as the base-stacking property of the unit. The paths linking the starting and final states in the (ω′, ω) plane show interesting features with regard to the energy spread, thus providing insight into the path of conformational movement ofthe molecule under slight perturbation. The stabilities of the A and B forms, including the internal energies of the C(3′)-endo ans C(2′)-endo sugar systems, indicate that for dTpdT the B → A transition is less probable. For dApdA, dApdT, and dTpdA this transition is probable in the same order of preference. We propose that the T-A sequence in the polynucleotide chain might serve as the site accessible for B ? A transitions. The theoretical predictions are in good agreement with the experimental observations.  相似文献   

As a continuation of our theoretical studies on nucleic acid subunit systems, in this article we consider the case of the tetranucleoside d-GpCpGpC, the minimally ideal representative unit for analyzing the relative stabilities of different forms of homo- and mixed helical conformation of polynucleotides. The four sugar rings are kept so as to generate B-genus, B+A genus and Z-genus conformations. Twenty five helical conformational states which resulted from judicious mixing of A-, B-, C-, W-, and Z-, states locally are subjected to energy minimization permitting the 19 dihedral angles to vary simultaneously. Conformational states corresponding to regular helical forms and mixed helical forms, when analyzed provide valuable information as to the local conformational flexibility and transitions available to polynucleotides.  相似文献   

The deoxydinucleoside triphosphate units d-pCpGp and d-pGpCp were subjected to a rigorous theoretical investigation with a view to describing their distinctive conformational characteristics. For each unit 216 probable three-dimensional forms defined by the backbone-base dihedral angles and sugar pucker modes were considered for conformational energy minimization process and scrutinized with reference to properties, such as base-stacking, hydrogen-bonding, internal flexibility and base sequence-phosphate influence. The P-O bond torsions and the phosphate groups were treated with special attention. The results reveal a number of preferred conformational states other than the known helical forms, such as, A-, B-, C-, Z-, and Watson-Crick conformation. Many interesting one-step (change in only one of the dihedral angles or sugar puckers) conformational transitions which involve just about a kcal/mol of energy came to light. The two base sequences CG and GC were noted to differ strikingly in many of their conformational characteristics.  相似文献   

The conformation of cyclolinopeptide A [cyclo(Pro-Pro-Phe-Phe-Leu-Ile-Ile-Leu-Val)], a naturally occurring cyclic nonapeptide has been investigated in dimethylsulfoxide solution by 270 MHz 1H-nmr. A complete assignment of all C alpha H and NH resonances has been accomplished using two-dimensional correlated spectroscopy and nuclear Overhauser effects (NOEs). Analysis of interresidue NOEs and JHNC alpha H values permit construction of a molecular model for the cyclic peptide backbone. The crude model derived from nmr has been used as a starting point for energy minimization, which yields a refined structure largely compatible with nmr observations. The major features of the conformation of cyclolinopeptide A are a Type VI beta-turn centered at Pro(1)-Pro(2), with a cis peptide bond between these residues and a gamma-turn (C7 structure) centered at Ile(6). Two intramolecular hydrogen bonds Val(9) CO--Phe(3)NH (4----1) and Leu(5) CO--Ile(7)NH (3----1) are observed in the low-energy conformation. The limited solvent accessibility observed for the Val(9) and Leu(5) NH groups in the nmr studies are rationalized in terms of steric shielding.  相似文献   

H Senn  H R Loosli  M Sanner  W Braun 《Biopolymers》1990,29(10-11):1387-1400
The three-dimensional structure of a cyclic bouvardin analogue, cyclo (-Pro-MeTyr-Ala-MeTyr-MeTyr-D-Ala-) has been determined by distance geometry calculation and restrained energy minimization from nmr data. The preparation of the input for the distance geometry calculations, the modification of the amino acid library, and the analysis of the structures were done with the aid of a recently developed software package, GEOM. A great variety of different initial structures were explored to check the uniqueness of the determined solution structure. Calculations with 500 different initial structures and two different strategies led to a uniquely determined backbone conformation with a root mean square deviations value of 0.4 A. The backbone structure consists of two beta-turns, a beta-II turn at Pro1-MeTyr2, and a beta-VI turn at MeTyr4-MeTyr5. The efficiency of the two calculation strategies were compared in order to propose an optimal means for performing distance geometry calculations with cyclic structures.  相似文献   

The conformational stability of dimeric globular proteins can be measured by equilibrium denaturation studies in solvents such as guanidine hydrochloride or urea. Many dimeric proteins denature with a 2-state equilibrium transition, whereas others have stable intermediates in the process. For those proteins showing a single transition of native dimer to denatured monomer, the conformational stabilities, delta Gu (H2O), range from 10 to 27 kcal/mol, which is significantly greater than the conformational stability found for monomeric proteins. The relative contribution of quaternary interactions to the overall stability of the dimer can be estimated by comparing delta Gu (H2O) from equilibrium denaturation studies to the free energy associated with simple dissociation in the absence of denaturant. In many cases the large stabilization energy of dimers is primarily due to the intersubunit interactions and thus gives a rationale for the formation of oligomers. The magnitude of the conformational stability is related to the size of the polypeptide in the subunit and depends upon the type of structure in the subunit interface. The practical use, interpretation, and utility of estimation of conformational stability of dimers by equilibrium denaturation methods are discussed.  相似文献   

Low energy conformations with dihedral angles similar to those occurring in fibers of the 'A' and 'B' forms of DNAs have been calculated for the deoxydinucleoside phosphates dApdA, dCpdC, dTpdT, dGpdG and dGpdC (1-3). These conformers have been used as building blocks for generating larger single stranded polymers, whose helical parameters we have calculated. We find that single stranded 'A' and 'B' form helices tend to be narrower and more tightly wound than the duplexes obtained in fibers (4,5). This is consistent with experimental observations on single stranded fibers of poly (rC) (6). We also find that the different sequences have different helix geometries. In addition, it is observed that large variations in helix geometry for a given sequence are achievable at little energetic cost.  相似文献   

Summary The molecular structure of RNA polymerases from Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella anatum, Serratia marcescens, Aerobacter aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis and Bacillus subtilis were compared based on: i) inhibition of the enzyme activity by treatment with antibodies against E. coli RNA polymerase subunits; ii) analysis of antibody precipitates by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; and iii) analysis of antibody precipitates by urea-isoelectrofocusing followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-slab gel electrophoresis in the second dimension.All the bacterial RNA polymerases examined cross-react equally with anti-E. coli holopolymerase but exhibit different extents of cross-reaction with antibodies against individual subunits. Except for B. subtilis RNA polymerase, the molecular weight and isoelectric point of the enzyme subunits are close to those of E. coli polymerase. However, minor differences were found at least within the resolution of the techniques employed: S. anatum polymerase has subunit larger than E. coli subunit; P. mirabilis enzyme has subunit larger in size and more acidic in charge, and subunit smaller and more basic than corresponding E. coli subunits. The electrophoretic map of B. subtilis enzyme subunits is completely different from that of E. coli enzyme.  相似文献   

Empirical intramolecular energy calculations were carried out on molecular fragments related to phosphatides in order to find the preferred conformations. The energy was mapped as a function of several pairs of torsional angles in progressively larger molecular fragments, with energy minimization being carried out at each map point with respect to other significant variables. The energy mapping results were used as starting points for energy minimization on diheptanoyl L-α-phosphatidic acid-C, which consisted of the named molecule plus a carbon atom attached to one of the phosphate oxygens. It was found that there are 6 pairs of values for 2 of the torsional angles at the 3-way branch point in the glyceryl group which give sterically acceptable conformations; only 4 of these are compatible with lipid bilayer structure in that they can give a parallel arrangement of the acyl chains. The several acceptable conformations of the phosphate and acyl ester groups within each of these conformational classes are enumerated. The results obtained may be used as a guide for further experimental and theoretical work on phosphatide structures.  相似文献   

Minimum energy conformations have been calculated for the deoxydinucleoside phosphates dGpdC, dApdA, dCpdC, dGpdG, and dTpdT. In these potential energy calculations the eight diheldral angles and the sugar pucker were flexible parameters. A substantial survey of conformation space was made in which all staggred combination ofthe dihedral angles ω′,ω, and ψ, in conjuction with C(2′)-endo puker, were used as starting conformers for the energy minimization. The most important conformations in the C(3′)-endo-puckering domain have ψ = g+; ω′,ω = g?,g?(A-form),g+, g+, and g?,t. With C(2′)-endo-type puker the most important conformations have ψ = g+; ω′,ω =g_,g_(B-form) and g+,t; and ψ =t; ω′,ω =g_,t(Watson-Crick from) and t,g+ (skewed). Stacked bases are a persistent feature of the low-energy conformations, the g+ conformer being an exception. Freeing the suger puker allowed this conformation to become low energy, with C(3′)-exo puker. It also caused other low-energy forms, such and the Waston-Crick conformation, to become more favourable. Conformation flexibility in the sugar puker and in ψ, as well as the ω′,ω angle pair, is indicated for the dimeric subunits of DNA.  相似文献   

C F Bucci  E Bucci 《Biochemistry》1975,14(20):4451-4458
The beta subunits of hemoglobin upon alkylation of the cysteinyl residues with iodoacetamide showed a sedimentation velocity with an S20w, near 1.8 as for monomeric subunits. They reacted with alpha chains to give a tetrameric hemoglobin with a sedimentation constant near 4.4. Their CD spectrum was indistinguishable from that of untreated beta chains below 270 nm, otherwise they showed some deviation that became pronounced in the Soret region, where the optical activity of the alkylated subunits was definitely lower than that of the native subunits. Upon removal of the heme the apo-beta subunits showed a decreased optical activity in the far-uv region of the spectrum indicating a substantial loss of helical content. Their sedimentation behavior was consistent with the presence of large aggregates, which dissociates into monomers upon reconstitution with cyanoheme. The apo-beta subunits could be renatured from 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. They showed a stoichiometric reaction with heme in the molar ratio 1:1. Upon reconstitution with the heme their optical activity became similar to that of the native beta chains in the far-uv region of the spectrum, but remained lower in the near-uv and Soret regions. After acylation of the lysyl residues with citraconic anhydride the apo-beta subunits were digested with trypsin and the arginyl-COOH peptides beta(1-30), beta(31-40), beta(41-104), and beta(105-146) were separated by gel chromatography. With the exception of the peptide beta/105-146), which was insoluble at neutral pH, the sedimentation behavior of the other peptides showed the presence of small polymers. The sedimentation behavior of the peptide beta(31-40) was not tested. The percentage of alpha helix, beta conformation, and of random coil (or unordered structure) of the various proteins and peptides was measured fitting their CD spectra in the far-uv region with the parameter published by Y.H. Chen et al. ((1974), Biochemistry 13, 3350) and by N. Greenfield and G.D. Fasman ((1969), Biochemistry 8, 4108). In this way the helical content of the native and reconstituted alkylated beta subunits appeared to be near 76%, a value very near to that present in the same subunits in the hemoglobin crystal. The helical content of the apo-beta subunits in 0.04 M borate buffer at pH 9.6 decreased to a value near 45%. The helical content of the isolated peptides in electrolyte solutions was in any case near 10% indicating an almost complete loss of the structure that they have in the hemoglobin crystal. Cyanoheme reacted with the peptide beta(41-104), however, the reaction was not stoichiometric indicating a low affinity of the heme for the peptide. With the exception of the peptide beta(31-104), all of the other peptides recovered some of their helical structure when dissolved in 50% methanol. Notably also the apo-beta subunits did so suggesting that the loss of structure upon the removal of the heme could be in part due to the exposure of the heme pocket to water.  相似文献   

By circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy, the conformation of luliberin (luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone) has been investigated under various conditions of pH and solvents. Several structural parameters have been defined which seem predominant for the maintenance of the hormone in some privileged conformation(s). Formation of an intramolecular hydrogen bond between CO (His) and NH (Ser) seems likely when dissolving the hormone in organic solvent such as dioxane. Energy transfer has been demonstrated between Tyr and Trp residues. Calculation of the energy-transfer efficiency at different pH's allowed us to estimate in the range of 10 A the distance which separates these residues. Evidence is also provided for a charge-transfer interaction between protonated histidine and tryptophan. These data suggest that, when luliberin has organized structure (under appropriate surrounding conditions), its conformational pattern would resemble that of beta-turn structure in which a beta bend would exist at the level of the aromatic residues.  相似文献   

Empirical conformational energy calculations with the use of ECEPP energy functions have been carried out for linear dipeptides H-X-L -Pro-OH, with X = Gly, L -Ala, D -Ala, L -Leu, D -Leu, L -Phe, and D -Phe, in different states of protonation of the end groups. The results of these calculations are compared with the previously reported experimental equilibrium populations for the cis and trans isomers of the X-Pro bond in the different species. For all the protonation states of the seven dipeptides, the calculated nonbonded interactions and the conformational entropy term lead to a preference of the trans forms over the cis isomers by at least 1 kcal/mol. The electrostatic interactions stabilize the cis conformations in all species except the cationic forms of the D ,L -peptides, and it could further be shown that only the carbonyl group of X and the two end groups contribute significantly to the total electrostatic energy. One of the principal results of the experimental studies, i.e., the occurrence of 5–15% cis-proline in all the peptides with an uncharged C-terminus, was corroborated by our investigation of the cationic species. A detailed assessment of the electrostatic contribution to the total energy of the different conformations of H-Gly-L -Pro-OH indicates that the standard ECEPP parameters tend to overestimate the electrostatic interactions in aqueous solutions of the X-Pro dipeptides.  相似文献   

Ribonuclease P RNA and protein subunits from bacteria.   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文

The conformations of oligopeptides derived from L -alanine and co-oligomers of L -alanine with γ-methyl-L -glutamate were studied in several solvents via optical rotation and far-ultraviolet spectroscopy. Calculated values for optical rotation based on model compounds were compared with experimental values for the oligomers. In trifluoroacetic and dichloroacetic acids, the oligomers and co-oligomers exhibit rotations in close agreement with predicted values based on model compounds. Thus, in these solvents only nonhelical conformations exist. In trifluoroethanol, the experimental points of molar rotation for the pentamer and larger oligomers no longer follow the predicted values. In addition, the benzyloxycarbonyl and acetyl cononamers show b0 values of about ?150, which demonstrates the presence of stable helical forms for these peptides. We also examined the molar extinction coefficients of oligopeptides in the 190 mμ region and determined the values for nonhelical peptide groups. The molar extinction coefficients per amide bond for the benzyloxycarbonyl and acetyl cononamers show extensive hypo-chromism, once again indicating the presence of stable helices for these compounds in trifluoroethanol.  相似文献   

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