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Although commonly used to induce anesthesia in rodents, the effective dose of tribromoethanol is associated with various side effects. The authors previously found that a tribromoethanol-medetomidine combination reduced the dose of tribromoethanol necessary for effective anesthesia in male Sprague-Dawley rats, an effect reversible by atipamezole. Here, the authors focus on the effect of this anesthetic combination in female Sprague-Dawley rats, its effects on their estrous cycles, and its efficacy at low sex hormone levels. Their results suggest that the anesthetic combination is effective in female rats, does not affect their estrous cycles, and works even when hormone levels are low, such as after ovariectomy.  相似文献   

The rat hindlimb suspension model was used to ascertain the importance of ground reaction forces in maintaining bone and tendon homeostasis. Young female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to either a suspended or a nonsuspended group. After 28 days, femur bones and patellar tendons were obtained for morphological and biochemical analyses. Prolonged suspension induced a significant change in the geometric configuration of the femur middiaphysis by increasing the minimum diameter (12%) without any significant alterations in cortical area, density, mineral, and collagen concentrations. Femur wet weight, length, DNA, and uronic acid concentrations of suspended animals were not significantly different from bones of nonsuspended rats. However, the collagen and proteoglycan concentrations in patellar tendons of suspended rats were 28% lower than the concentrations of matrix proteins in tissues obtained from nonsuspended animals. These data suggest that elimination of ground reaction forces induces alterations in tendon composition and femur diaphyseal shape by changing regional rates in bone remodeling and localized tendon strain. Therefore it appears that ground reaction forces are an important factor in the maintenance of cortical bone and patellar tendon homeostasis during weight-bearing conditions.  相似文献   

Yajid, Fatima, Jacques G. Mercier, Béatrice M. Mercier, Hervé Dubouchaud, and Christian Préfaut.Effects of 4 wk of hindlimb suspension on skeletal musclemitochondrial respiration in rats. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(2): 479-485, 1998.We investigated inrats the effect of 4 wk of hypodynamia on the respiration of mitochondria isolated from four distinct muscles [soleus,extensor digitorum longus, tibial anterior, and gastrocnemius(Gas)] and from subsarcolemmal (SS) and intermyofibrillar (IMF)regions of mixed hindlimb muscles that mainly contained the four citedmuscles. With pyruvate plus malate as respiratory substrate, 4 wk ofhindlimb suspension produced an 18% decrease in state3 respiration for IMF mitochondria compared with thosein the control group (P < 0.05). TheSS mitochondria state 3 were notsignificantly changed. Concerning the four single muscles, themitochondrial respiration was significantly decreased in the Gasmuscle, which showed a 59% decrease in state3 with pyruvate + malate(P < 0.05). The other musclespresented no significant decrease in respiratory rate in comparisonwith the control group. With succinate + rotenone, there was nosignificant difference in the respiratory rate compared with therespective control group, whatever the mitochondrial origin (SS, orIMF, or from single muscle). We conclude that 4 wk of hindlimbsuspension alters the respiration of IMF mitochondria in hindlimbskeletal muscles and seems to act negatively on complex I of theelectron-transport chain or prior sites. The muscle mitochondria mostaffected are those isolated from the Gas muscle.


Stump, Craig S., Charles M. Tipton, and Erik J. Henriksen.Muscle adaptations to hindlimb suspension in mature and oldFischer 344 rats. J. Appl. Physiol.82(6): 1875-1881, 1997.We examined skeletal and cardiac muscleresponses of mature (8 mo) and old (23 mo) male Fischer 344 rats to 14 days of hindlimb suspension. Hexokinase (HK) and citrate synthase (CS)activities and GLUT-4 glucose transporter protein level, which arecoregulated in many instances of altered neuromuscular activity, wereanalyzed in soleus (Sol), plantaris (Pl), tibialis anterior (TA),extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and left ventricle. Protein contentwas significantly (P < 0.05) lowerin all four hindlimb muscles after suspension compared with controls inboth mature (21-44%) and old (17-43%) rats. Old ratsexhibited significantly lower CS activities than mature rats for theSol, Pl, and TA. HK activities were significantly lower in the old ratsfor the Pl (19%) and TA (33%), and GLUT-4 levels were lower in theold rats for the TA (38%) and EDL (24%) compared with the maturerats. Old age was also associated with a decrease in CS activity (12%)and an increase in HK activity (14%) in cardiac muscle. CS activitieswere lower in the Sol (20%) and EDL (18%) muscles from maturesuspended rats and in the Sol (25%), Pl (27%), and EDL (25%) musclesfrom old suspended rats compared with corresponding controls. However,suspension was associated with significantly higher HK activities forall four hindlimb muscles examined, in both old (16-57%) andmature (10-43%) rats, and higher GLUT-4 concentrations in the TAmuscles of the old rats (68%) but not the mature rats. These resultsindicate that old age is associated with decreased CS and HK activities and GLUT-4 protein concentration for several rat hindlimb muscles, andthese variables are not coregulated during suspension. Finally, old ratskeletal muscle appears to respond to suspension to a similar orgreater degree than mature rat muscle responds.


Cross-sectional areas and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities of soleus muscle fibers and their spinal motoneurons in male Wistar Hannover rats were determined after 16 days of hindlimb suspension. A decreased percentage of type I fibers and an increased percentage of type I+II fibers were observed after hindlimb suspension. Cross-sectional areas of all types of fibers were smaller in the hindlimb suspended than control rats. SDH activities of all types of fibers did not change after hindlimb suspension. Numbers, cross-sectional areas, or SDH activities of spinal motoneurons did not change after hindlimb suspension. It is suggested that spinal motoneurons innervating the rat soleus muscle are not affected by decreased neuromuscular activity on Earth and that gravity itself is important for maintaining of spinal motoneuron metabolic properties.  相似文献   

Effects of chronic hindlimb suspension or exposure to 2-G from postnatal day 4 to month 3 followed by ambulation recovery on the floor on the morphology of hindlimb bones were investigated in rats. The dorsi-flexion of the ankle was inhibited in the suspended group and such phenomena were not recovered at all. The mean weight and length of femur, tibia, and fibula were less than the cage controls at the end of suspension, but gradually increased during recovery. However, they were still less than those of the age-matched controls even after 3-month recovery. External bending of shaft and rotation of distal end of tibia were observed in the suspended group and these phenomena were not recovered at all. These morphological changes caused the inhibition of dorsi-flexion of ankle joints. The electromyogram activities of ankle plantar-flexors, soleus, plantaris, lateral gastrocnemius, were inhibited and those of dorsi-flexor, tibialis anterior, were increased during suspension. Typical changes in bone morphology were not induced by exposure to 2-G. It was suggested that gravitational unloading during developing period causes irreversible inhibition of normal bone growth. It was also indicated that the suspension-related changes in bone morphology may be caused by abnormal mechanical stress due to the altered mobilization of hindlimb muscles.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the bone changes induced by unloading in rats fed different diets, because space flight studies use a semipurified diet, whereas space flight simulation studies typically use nonpurified diets. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a purified American Institute of Nutrition (AIN) 93G diet or a standard nonpurified diet and kept ambulatory or subjected to unloading by hindlimb suspension (HLS) for 38 days. Bone mineral content (BMC), mechanical strength, and factors related to the diet that affect bone (i.e., urinary calcium excretion, estradiol, and corticosterone) were measured. Average food intakes (grams per day) differed for diets, but caloric intake (kilocalories per day) and the final body masses of treatment groups were similar. The HLS-induced decrease in femoral BMC was not statistically different for rats fed a nonpurified diet (-8.6%) compared with a purified AIN-93G diet (-11.4%). The HLS-induced decrease in femoral mechanical strength was not statistically different for rats fed a nonpurified diet (-24%) compared with a purified AIN-93G diet (-31%). However, bone lengths were decreased (P < 0.05) in rats fed a nonpurified diet compared with a purified diet. Plasma estradiol levels were lower (P < 0.05) in the HLS/AIN-93G group but similar in the HLS and ambulatory rats fed a nonpurified diet. Plasma estradiol was related to femoral BMC (r = 0.85, P < 0.01). Urinary calcium excretion was higher (P < 0.05) in rats fed a nonpurified diet than those fed a purified AIN-93G diet, which is consistent with the higher level of calcium in the nonpurified diet. Urinary corticosterone levels were higher (P < 0.05) in rats fed a nonpurified diet than rats fed the AIN-93G diet. Although the osteopenia induced by unloading was similar in both diet groups, there were differences in longitudinal bone growth, calcium excretion, plasma estradiol levels, and urinary corticosterone levels. Results indicate that the type of standard diet used is an important factor to consider when measuring bone end points.  相似文献   

Laouris et al. (1990) reported that the development of air-righting in growing new-born rats was clearly suppressed when their neck and/or back rotations were prevented. Thus, it is suggested that the neck and back muscles play an important role for a quick righting in response to drop from supine position. Further, we reported that an inhibiton of posture adjustment in response to head-down drop from a height of approximately 30 cm following chronic hindlimb suspension of adult rats was accompanied by a decrease of electromyogram (EMG) activity in both neck and back muscles (Kawano et al., 2002). However, it is still unclear how the air-righting performance is influenced by hindlimb suspension in adult rats. Thus, the effects of chronic hindlimb suspension of adult rats on the patterns and time of air-righting and role of neck and back muscles in the air-righting were investigated in the current study.  相似文献   

Although apoptosis has been demonstrated in soleus during hindlimb suspension (HS), it is not known whether apoptosis is also involved in the loss of muscles dominated by mixed fibers. Therefore, we examined the apoptotic responses in gastrocnemius muscles of young adult and aged Fischer 344 x Brown Norway rats after 14 days of HS. The medial gastrocnemius muscle wet weight significantly decreased by 30 and 32%, and muscle wet weight normalized to the animal body weight decreased by 11 and 15% in young adult and aged animals, respectively, after HS. The extent of apoptotic DNA fragmentation increased by 119 and 61% in suspended muscles from young and aged rats, respectively. Bax mRNA increased by 73% in young muscles after HS. Bax and Bcl-2 protein levels were greater in suspended muscles relative to control muscles in both age groups. The level of cytosolic mitochondria-housed apoptotic factor cytochrome c was significantly increased in the mitochondria-free cytosol of suspended muscles from young and aged rats. In contrast, the release/accumulation of AIF, a caspase-independent apoptogenic factor, was exclusively expressed in the suspended muscles from aged rats. Our data also show that aging favors the proapoptotic signaling in skeletal muscle by altering the contents of Bax, Bcl-2, Apaf-1, AIF, caspases, XIAP, Smac/DIABLO, and cytochrome c. Furthermore, these results indicate that apoptosis occurs not only in slow-twitch soleus muscle but also in the mixed-fiber (predominately fast fibered) gastrocnemius muscle. Our data are consistent with the hypothesis that apoptotic signaling differs in young adult and aged gastrocnemius muscles during HS.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to ascertain the time course of changes, whilst suspending the hindlimb and physical exercise training, of myosin light chain (LC) isoform expression in rat soleus and vastus lateralis muscles. Two groups of six rats were suspended by their tails for 1 or 2 weeks, two other groups of ten rats each were subjected to exercise training on a treadmill for 9 weeks, one to an endurance training programme (1-h running at 20 m.min-1 5 days.week-1), and the other to a sprint programme (30-s bouts of running at 60 m.min-1 with rest periods of 5 min). At the end of these experimental procedures, soleus and vastus lateralis superficialis muscles were removed for myosin LC isoform determination by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Hindlimb suspension for 2 weeks significantly increased the proportion of fast myosin LC and decreased slow myosin LC expression in the soleus muscle. The pattern of myosin LC was unchanged in the vastus lateralis muscle. Sprint training or endurance training for 9 weeks increased the percentage of slow myosin LC in vastus lateralis muscle, whereas soleus muscle myosin LC was not modified. These data indicate that hindlimb suspension influences myosin LC expression in postural muscle, whereas physical training acts essentially on phasic muscle. There were no differences in myosin LC observed under the influence of sprint- or endurance-training programme.  相似文献   

Bloomfield, Susan A., Beverly E. Girten, and Steven E. Weisbrode. Effects of vigorous exercise training and -agonist administration on bone response to hindlimb suspension.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1):172-178, 1997.The effectiveness of dobutamine (Dob) inpreventing bone loss during 14 days of hindlimb suspension (Sus) wastested in exercise-trained (Ex; n = 25) and sedentary (Sed; n = 22) rats(age 155 days). One-half of each group was given Dob (2 mg · kg1 · day1)or saline (Sal). Histomorphometric measurements at midfemur revealed a17% smaller cortical bone area (CBA) and a 32% lower periostealmineral apposition rate (MAR) in suspended vs. nonsuspended Sed/Salrats. Dob abolished this decline in CBA in Sed/Sus rats, probably via an attenuation of the decrease in periosteal MAR; similarbut nonsignificant effects on cross-sectional moment of inertia wereobserved. Nonsuspended Ex rats had no change in bone CBA when CBA isindexed to body weight. Sus appeared to uncouple the relationshipbetween soleus weight and CBA. Dob attenuated the 43% decline insoleus weight after Sus in Ex but not in Sed rats. In summary, vigorousEx before Sus does not affect loss of bone mass due to unloading; Dobeffectively maintains CBA in Sed rats subjected to suspension.


It is well known that gravitational unloading induces muscle atrophy associated with a shift of fiber type in slow-twitch muscle. Ishihara et al. (1996 & 1997) reported that 2 weeks of spaceflight caused a decrease in succinate dehydrogenase activities of ventral horn and dorsal root ganglion neurons in rats. Significant effects on motor performance are also induced in both human (Kozlovskaya et al., 1981) and rats (Canu and Falempin, 1997), but these changes are reversible. However, it is not known how neuromuscular function respond to long-term gravitational unloading. Therefore, the current study was carried out to investigate the effects of 9 weeks of hindlimb suspension on the neuromuscular function and mass in hindlimb muscles in rats.  相似文献   

Kisspeptin, encoded by Kiss1, plays a key role in pubertal maturation and reproduction as a positive upstream regulator of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis. To examine the role of high-fat diet (HFD) on puberty onset, estrous cycle regularity, and kisspeptin expression, female rats were exposed to HFD in distinct postnatal periods. Three groups of rats were exposed to HFD containing 60% energy from fat during the pre-weaning period (postnatal day (PND) 1–16, HFD PND 1–16), post-weaning period (HFD PND 21–34), or during both periods (HFD PND 1–34). Puberty onset, evaluated by vaginal opening, was monitored on days 30–34. Leptin, estradiol (E2), Kiss1 mRNA levels, and number of kisspeptin-immunoreactive cells in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus (AVPV) and arcuate nucleus (ARC) were measured at day 34. Body weight increased only in rats exposed to HFD during post-weaning period, whereas the timing of vaginal opening was unaffected in all three groups. Leptin, Kiss1 mRNA levels, and number of kisspeptin-immunoreactive cells at day 34 were not affected by HFD. Additionally, the estrous cycle regularity was monitored in rats exposed to HFD for 40 days from weaning. Leptin, E2, and Kiss1 mRNA levels in the AVPV and ARC were measured after the HFD exposure. Thirty-three percent of rats exposed to HFD exhibited irregular estrous cycles and a two-fold increase in leptin. By contrast, E2 level and Kiss1 mRNA levels were not affected by the treatment. These data show that postnatal HFD exposure induced irregular estrous cycles, but had no effect on puberty onset or kisspeptin.  相似文献   

This study tested the specific and combined effects of testosterone treatment and hindlimb suspension (HS) on the properties of steroid receptors in skeletal muscle. Male rats were either administered weekly high doses of testosterone heptylate (10 mg x kg(-1)) or olive oil placebo, and were either tail-suspended or acted as controls. After 3 weeks of treatment, three muscles were excised from each animal, soleus (SOL), extensor digitorum longus (EDL), and plantaris. The results showed that the testosterone treatment was unable to minimise the HS-induced atrophy of skeletal muscle. As expected, HS altered the fibre-type composition of SOL muscles (-33% of type I, +188% and +161% of type IIa and intermediate fibres respectively, P < 0.01). No overall effect of treatment was detected on the fibre-type composition of either slow or fast-twitch muscles. Binding capacity determined by a radiocompetition technique was increased by HS, especially in SOL and EDL muscles (P < 0.01), while HS or steroid treatment decreased the affinity of the steroid receptors. The combination of HS and testosterone administration resulted in a decrease in binding capacity and affinity of steroid receptors in skeletal muscles. Steroid receptors in fast-twitch muscles exhibited a higher affinity than those in slow-twitch muscles, and it is suggested that it is likely that testosterone treatment is more effective in fast-twitch than in slow-twitch muscles. It was concluded that the lack of preventive effect of testosterone treatment on HS-induced SOL muscle atrophy could be explained by both a decrease in steroid sensitivity and the removal of mechanical factors.  相似文献   

Deterioration of vital functions is observed in living organisms in microgravity. However, this deterioration can be arrested by adequate exercises. In this study, utilizing tail suspension in rats to simulate microgravity, we examined the influence of running exercise every other day on blood constituents, visceral parameters, and muscles.  相似文献   

1. The activity of the enzyme Hexokinase (E.C. has been measured after a 21 day period of hindlimb suspension and a 14 day period of recovery with or without electrical stimulation in the old rat Medial Gastrocnemius muscle divided in its white and red parts. 2. After suspension, the activity of the enzyme increased in both parts of the muscle and returned near its control value more rapidly in the red part of the muscle when electrical stimulation was applied.  相似文献   

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