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Twenty eyes from 10 Pacific sleeper sharks Somniosus pacificus, infected with the copepod Ommatokoita elongata, were collected in Prince William Sound, Alaska, and the eyes of an additional 18 S. pacificus captured in the same area were inspected for copepods. Prevalence of infection by adult female O. elongata was 97% (n = 28); mean intensity of infection was 1.89 (+/-1SD = 0.32) adult female copepods per infected shark and 1.0 (+/- 1SD = 0.0) adult female copepods per infected eye. Five of the 20 collected eyes were infected by O. elongata chalimi, and 9 of 20 eyes had 1 to several remnants of bullae embedded in the cornea. Bullae were each associated with a corneal opacity, and anchoring plugs of chalimi were associated with pinpoint lesions in the cornea or conjunctiva. All eyes exhibited marked edema and erosion of the bulbar conjunctiva, and this torus-shaped lesion corresponded to each O. elongata adult female's presumed feeding and abrasion radius. Histological examinations revealed lesions in the anterior segment of eyes to be generally similar, but graded, in severity, and in all eyes they involved the conjunctiva, cornea, filtration angle, and iris. Epithelial lesions were characterized by corneal ulceration, dysplasia, hyperplasia, and heterophilic keratitis, and by ulcerative conjunctivitis accompanied by epithelial hyperplasia with rete peg formation. Disorganization of fibers, necrosis, mineralization, minimal heterophilic influx, and perilimbic neovascularization were associated with bullae in the corneal stroma. Within the limbus there was diffuse histiocytic and lymphocytic inflammation and marked lymphofollicular hyperplasia. Heterophilic and mononuclear anterior uveitis affecting the filtration angle and anterior surface of the iris was also observed in most eyes. One eye had a partial transcorneal prolapse of a ruptured lens, with degenerative changes in the ruptured lens and severe keratitis associated with the anchoring devices of an adult copepod and several chalimi. Fourteen eyes exhibited 1 to several, randomly distributed, small, round to irregular, corneal opacities or pits that were not associated with copepods, and it is likely that these opacities represented lesions associated with adult female or larval anchoring devices from past infections. The avascular cornea represents a niche that is somewhat shielded from host immune reactions, and this, and the fact that the general body surface of sleeper sharks is covered by tall and sharp placoid scales, may partially explain the corneal attachment of O. elongata adult females. It was concluded that O. elongata infections can lead to severe vision impairment in Pacific sleeper sharks but that these infections do not significantly debilitate hosts because they probably do not need to rely on acute vision for their survival.  相似文献   

Three dirivultid copepods, Stygiopontius puxillifer sp.n . and S. appositus sp.n., unusual in having pegs along the ventral edges of the cephalosome, and S. lurniger sp.n., distinguiahcd from congeners by the modificd thorn-like seta on the second segment of the maxilliped, arc dcscrihcd from a depth of 2616 m at 21°N in the eastern Pacific.  相似文献   

The stages in the metamorphosis of the pennellid Cardiodectes medusaeus (Wilson) are described from mid-water fishes in the Indo-Pacific. The earliest metamorphic stage was found within the body cavity of the second host and indicates a double origin for the frontal processes of the cephalic holdfast in this species. A new species of Lophoura (family Sphyriidae) is described from a single female taken from a deep-water synaphobranchid eel caught in the North Atlantic. The new species, L. simplex, is characterised by the lack of any neck processes. Another sphyriid, Periplexis lobodes Wilson, is reported for the second time. It was found on a deep-sea alepocephalid belonging to the genus Rouleina in Fijian waters.  相似文献   

Johnsson  R. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):431-440
Two new artotrogids are recorded from Madeira Island. A new species of Cryptopontius, associated with algae, differs from its congeners in the number of antennular segments, setation of the antennal exopod, setation and length of the maxillule lobes, and setation of both rami of the first and fourth legs. The second new artotrogid belongs to Dyspontius.It was associated with Gerardia savagliae Lacaze-Duthiers, 1864 (Cnidaria: Zoanthidea) and differs from its congeners in cephalothorax shape, siphon length and setation of the maxillule lobes.  相似文献   

Both sexes of a new species of pandarid copepod are described from sharks of the genus Squalus L. (Squaliformes: Squalidae). Specimens of Pseudopandarus cairae n. sp. were collected from Squalus bucephalus Last, Séret & Pogonoski and S. melanurus Fourmanoir & Rivaton in New Caledonian waters, the first parasitic copepod to be described from either host species. This is the eighth nominal species of Pseudopandarus Kirtisinghe, 1950 and the first to be described from a shark of the order Squaliformes. Pseudopandarus cairae n. sp. is easily distinguished from P. australis Cressey & Simpfendorfer, 1988, P. longus (Gnanamuthu, 1951) Cressey, 1967, and P. pelagicus Rangnekar, 1977 in having the female genital complex concealed beneath an elongate dorsal genital shield with a trilobed posterior margin. It can be distinguished from P. gracilis Kirtisinghe, 1950 and P. scyllii Yamaguti & Yamasu, 1959 by the armature of the leg 4 endopod and by the proportions of the dorsal genital shield. The new species is unique among known species of Pseudopandarus in its possession of only 1 setal element on the distal endopod segment of leg 4. In addition to describing the new species, the host associations of all species of Pseudopandarus are reviewed and observations are made regarding sexual dimorphism and mode of attachment. A key to the species considered valid is provided.  相似文献   

Populations of hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna and Eusphyra) have declined in many regions of the world. Six of the eight hammerheads known to date are distributed in the Mexican Pacific: S. corona, S. lewini, S. media, S. mokarran, S. tiburo and S. zygaena. These species, with exception of S. corona, were abundant in the Gulf of California in 1960s. I analyze records from fishery-dependent and fishery-independent surveys, and records from ichthyological collections to determine the presence and frequency of hammerheads in the Mexican Pacific. The most frequent hammerheads in fishery-dependent and fishery-independent surveys were S. lewini and S. zygaena. It appears that S. media, S. mokarran and S. tiburo might have been extirpated from the Gulf of California. In the last two decades, records of S. mokarran (n = 61) were restricted to Central and Southern Mexican Pacific, and records of S. tiburo (n = 3) and S. media (n = 3) were restricted to the Southern region. Given the continued fishing pressure, inferred declines and the probable extirpation of populations, S. tiburo and S. media should be reassessed for the IUCN red list as Endangered or Critically Endangered. Sphyrna corona should be reassessed as Endangered or Critically Endangered, because it is endemic to the Eastern Pacific and recent records have been obtained only from Colombian waters. The Endangered status of S. mokarran is confirmed for this region.  相似文献   

The caligid genus Pupulina van Beneden, 1892 currently has three accepted species. Two new species, Pupulina cliffi n. sp. and P. merira n. sp., are described from Mobula kuhlii (Müller & Henle) and M. eregoodootenkee (Bleeker) (Mobulidae) caught along the east coast of South Africa. Pupulina cliffi can be distinguished from all the other species by the absence of posterolateral processes on the genital complex, whereas P. merira has very short, rounded posterolateral processes on the genital complex compared to the three previously known species. Additionally, P. merira is the only species with the abdomen only about two-thirds the length of the genital complex and the caudal rami about the same length as the abdomen. A dichotomous key to distinguish the five species of Pupulina is provided.  相似文献   

Miller  Charles B. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,480(1-3):129-143
Megacalanus longicornis (Sars, 1905) is a mesopelagic copepod widely distributed in the oceans. Specimens collected in deep coastal waters off California and at other sites in the eastern Pacific bear sharply edged cephalic crests. These crests have not been found in other regions. Close examination of body form and details of limbs revealed no other distinguishing characters between crested and uncrested forms. The very large size of Megacalanus calls special attention to morphologic details, including massive hooks borne on the bases of the first swimming legs, maculae cribrosae (presumed to be sensory structures), clavate setae on segment 9 of each male antennule, and externally opening glands on exopodite segments of the swimming legs.  相似文献   

Jusheyus shogunus Deets and Benz, 1987 (Copepoda: Eudactylinidae) is reported from wreckfish, Polyprion americanus (Schneider, 1801) collected from widely separated locations in the north Atlantic. This represents a new host record and new ocean report for this parasite. Examination of male and female copepods allowed some confusion regarding the morphology of J. shogunus to be eliminated. Jusheyus shogunus possesses a cephalothorax rather than a cephalosome and its dorsal styliform processes are connected by an internal bridging sclerite and an external dorsal plate that is hinged to its cephalothorax. Each process also articulates with its own internal ventral sclerite. A series of muscles services these structures, and comparisons of the dorsal styliform processes of J. shogunus with the dorsal stylets of Kroyeria spp. revealed some morphological similarities. Adult female J. shogunus in the study collection varied in size from 2.16 to 4.97 mm total length, and smaller and larger specimens presented somewhat different body forms. Most egg sacs contained multiseriately arranged eggs; however, several specimens possessed a sac whose distal portion contained uniseriately arranged eggs and whose proximal portion contained 2 rows of eggs. Jusheyus shogunus attaches to the gill filament lamellae of its hosts using its second antennae and maxillipeds. The dorsal styliform processes can be erected by either directly raising them or by flexing the cephalothorax at its junction with the first free thoracic segment. In either case the tips of the processes can engage 1 to several lamellae on the adjacent gill filament to help secure the parasite.  相似文献   

R. Johnsson 《Hydrobiologia》2002,470(1-3):247-268
Four new asterocherid siphonostomatoid copepods are described, and several new geographical and host records are provided from California Reefs off the coast of Brazil. Acontiophorus monanchorae sp. nov. and Scottocheres youngi sp. nov. were both found associated with the sponge Monanchora sp. Asterocheres aplysinus sp. nov. and Asterocheres spongus sp. nov. were each associated with three genera of sponges. Asterocheres crenulatus previously recorded from the region, was associated with the sponge Xestospongia sp. Asterocheres paraboecki was recorded for the first time in the region. Asterocheres spinopaulus, previously reported from sponges, was found associated with bryozoans and cnidarians. Cletopontius titanus and Orecturus bahiensis were again recorded from the region and from sponges. Scottocheres laubieri, previously known from the Mediterranean Sea, was recorded for the first time in Brazilian waters, associated with the sponge Aplysina sp.  相似文献   

To gain a better understanding of the trophic ecology of Pacific blue marlin Makaira nigricans off eastern Taiwan, nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes (δ15N and δ13C) and Bayesian mixing models were used to explore trophic dynamics and potential ontogenetic feeding shifts across M. nigricans of different size classes. Makaira nigricans samples from east of Taiwan (n = 213) and Palau (n = 37), as well as their prey (n = 70), were collected during 2012 and 2013. Results indicated increases in δ15N with size, with values of larger size classes (> 200 cm eye-to-fork length; LEF) significantly higher than those < 200 cm LEF. Values of δ13C were negatively correlated with size. Makaira nigricans > 200 cm LEF had the highest estimated trophic position (4.44) and also exhibited ontogenetic changes in trophic position. Large M. nigricans fed more on dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus and hairtail Trichiurus lepturus, while smaller M. nigricans consumed smaller forage fish (e.g., moonfish Mene maculata) and cephalopods. These changes may relate to greater swimming speeds and vertical habitat use in larger M. nigricans, allowing capture and consumption of larger prey items at higher trophic positions. The high trophic level of M. nigricans east of Taiwan confirms its important role as an apex predator in marine food webs and how ecological role changes with size.  相似文献   

Systematic Parasitology - Two new species of the genus Tripaphylus Richiardi in Anonymous, 1878 (family Sphyriidae) are described from elasmobranch hosts caught as bycatch within the Demersal and...  相似文献   

A new species of planktonic copepod, Oncaea praeclara, is describedfrom a depth of 2003–2635 m at the East Pacific Rise,the Galapagos Rift, and the Guaymas Basin in the Gulf of California.The species may be recognized by a combination of characters:its relatively large size; the long caudal ramus, which is abouttwo times longer than the anal segment and has a ratio of 4.96–6.7:1;the sexual dimorphism in the armature of the fourth segmentof the second antenna; and the labrum with a nearly straightposteroventral margin having four median teeth and lateral setules.  相似文献   

Haury  Loren R. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):335-342
Vertical distributions of six species of Pleuromamma at ten stations across the eastern North Pacific Ocean from Honolulu to San Diego were determined from oblique Longhurst-Hardy Plankton Recorder tows to 650 m (350–450 m in the California Current). Vertical resolution was 20 m below 200 m and 5–10 m above. There was considerable overlap in surface layer distributions at night among all co-occurring species; daytime distributions showed less overlap. All species generally occurred deeper both day and night as distance offshore increased. The proportion of a species' population that remained at daytime depths during the night decreased with distance offshore. Warm water species penetrated into the California Current and nearshore region to a much greater extent than cool water species entered central gyre waters.  相似文献   

New records of freshwater rotifers (Rotifera) from Indian waters   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
S. S. S. Sarma 《Hydrobiologia》1988,160(3):263-269
This study adds 25 rotifer species to the fauna of India viz.Cyrtonia tuba (Ehrb.)Epiphanes macrourus (Barrois & Daday),Liliferotrocha subtilis (Rodewald),Microcodides chleana (Gosse),Brachionus dimidiatus (Bryce),Keratella ticinensis Carlin,Notholca labis (Gosse),Platyias leloupi (Gillard),Euchlanis incisa Carlin,Mytilina bisulcata (Lucks),Wolga spinifera (Western),Lecane (Lecane)althausi Rudescu,L. (L.)doryssa Harring,L. (L.)elongata Harring & Myers,L. (Monostyla)bifurca (Bryce)L. (M.)lamellata thalera (Harring & Myers),L. (Hemimonostyla)blachei Berzins,Cephalodella giganthea Remane,Monommata arndti Remane,Trichocerca (Trichocerca)pusilla (Lauterborn),Testudinella emarginula (Stenroos),Ptygura melicerta Ehrb,P. tacita Edmondson,Filinia cornuta (Weisse),Collotheca mutabilis (Hudson),C. ornata (Ehrb.) andC. trilobata (Collins).B. dimidiatus andP. leloupi are new records from Delhi Region.  相似文献   

Hyperbenthic harpacticoid samples from Japanese hydrothermal vents in the Okinawa Trough and cold seep sites in Sagami Bay were examined and resulted in the discovery of four new species belonging to three new genera of Aegisthidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida). Females of Nudivorax todai gen. et sp. nov. possess a large area of flexible integument between the cephalosome and the first pedigerous somite which is suggestive of a gorging feeding strategy. Main diagnostic characters separating the new genus from other Aegisthidae are provided by the unusually short caudal rami, the complete lack of intcgumcntal surface lamellae, and the presence in the male of a linear array of pores along the rostral margin which appears to be sensory in function. Scabrantenna yooi gen. et sp. nov. displays several similarities with Aegisthus aculeatus Giesbrecht, 1891 but is highly distinctive in its male morphology which includes extremely atrophied mouthparts and a unique prehensile antenna. Jamstecia terazakii gen. et sp. nov. is only known from a single female caught in the Okinawa Trough. Jamstecia gen. nov. is most closely related to Andromastax Conroy-Dalton & Huys, 1999 but can be distinguished on the basis of the elongate antennules, the antennary morphology, the absence of lateral spinous processes on the cephalosome and swimming legs 2–4, and differences in the mandibular palp and armature of the maxilliped. Andromastax cephaloceratus sp. nov. differs from the type species A. muricatus Conroy-Dalton & Huys, 1998 primarily in the presence of long spinous processes on the cephalosome and the absence of the inner seta on the female P5.  相似文献   

Janinecaira darkthread n. gen., n. sp. (Eudactylinidae, Siphonostomatoida, Copepoda) infects gills of the ornate eagle ray Aetomylaeus vespertilio (Bleeker, 1852) (Myliobatidae, Myliobatiformes) in the Beagle Gulf (Timor Sea, eastern Indian Ocean) off northern Australia. The adult female of Janinecaira darkthread n. sp. is most easily distinguished from other eudactylinids (Eudactylinidae) by its long genital complex that comprises about 86-90% of the total body length. A diagnostic key to genera of Eudactylinidae based on adult females is provided.  相似文献   

Johnsson  R. 《Hydrobiologia》2001,(1):427-430
A new species of Acontiophorus belonging to the family Asterocheridae was found in Ushuaia, Patagonia, southern Argentina. The new species is distinctive in having 9-segmented antennule, five setae on terminal endopodal segment of leg 1, seven elements on terminal segment of leg 1 and leg 4 exopods, and characteristic setation on maxillule lobes. This combination of characteristic features does not occur in any other species of the genus. The genus Acontiophorus is recorded for the first time from the South Atlantic.  相似文献   

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