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Heparin is well known to suppress vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation, and attempts to exploit this therapeutically have led to recognition of multiple pathways for heparin's anti-mitogenic actions. At low concentrations (ca. 1 microg.ml(-1)), these suppressive effects may reflect physiological activities of endogenous heparan sulfates, and appear to be rapid responses to extracellular or cell surface-associated heparin. Because heparin has been shown to influence expression of caveolin proteins, and caveolae/lipid rafts are critical structures modulating cell signaling, we examined the effect of heparin on signaling involving cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains. The VSMC line PAC-1 activates the MAP kinase Erk in response to the cholesterol-sequestering agents methyl-beta-cyclodextrin and nystatin. This follows a temporal sequence that involves Ras-GTP activation of MEK, and is independent of PKC, Src, and PI3 kinase. However, ligand-independent phosphorylation of the EGF receptor (EGFR) by removal of cholesterol precedes Ras activation, and the EGFR kinase inhibitor AG1478 blocks Erk phosphorylation, supporting occurrence of the signaling sequence EGFR-Ras-MEK-Erk. Phosphorylation of EGFR occurs predominantly in caveolin-rich microdomains as identified by Western blotting of fractions from density gradient centrifugation of membranes prepared under detergent-free conditions. In these situations, heparin inhibits phosphorylation of EGFR on the Src-dependent site Tyr(845), but not the autophosphorylation of Tyr(1173), and decreases Ras activation and Erk phosphorylation. We conclude that heparin can suppress Erk signaling in VSMC with effects on site-specific phosphorylation of EGFR localized in caveolin-enriched lipid rafts.  相似文献   

Betaglycan, a cell surface heparan sulphate proteoglycan, is traditionally thought to function by binding transforming growth factor type beta (TGF-beta) via its core protein and then transferring the growth factor to its signaling receptor, the type II receptor. However, there is increasing evidence that the function of betaglycan is more complex. Here, we have evaluated the role of betaglycan through adenoviral expression (Adv-BG) in myoblasts and fibroblasts and found that in Adv-BG-infected cells, the activity of p3TP-Lux and pCTGF-Luc reporter after transient transfection, as well as fibronectin synthesis, all of which are target processes for TGF-beta, were highly increased in the absence of TGF-beta. It is known that this cytokine strongly inhibits myogenin induction in myoblasts. In Adv-BG-infected myoblasts, the activity of pMyo-Luc reporter after transient transfection was strongly inhibited in the absence of TGF-beta. These effects were not precluded by applying TGF-beta-blocking antibodies, the soluble TGF-beta type II receptor, or soluble betaglycan to sequester TGF-beta present in the cell medium. Furthermore, the data suggest that the cytoplasmic domain of betaglycan is required for this TGF-beta-independent response, giving further support to a ligand-independent signaling effect for betaglycan. The process also seemed independent of Smad-2 phosphorylation, although Adv-BG infection induced p38 phosphorylation, and SB239063, an inhibitor of the p38 pathway, inhibited p3TP-Lux-driven activity. These results suggest a novel signaling mechanism for betaglycan, which is independent of the canonical TGF-beta signal pathway although it involves TGF-beta receptors and takes place through p38 pathways.  相似文献   

Thresholds are a central but somewhat neglected aspect of cellular processes in development. An analysis has been made of the conditions in which different thresholds can be generated in the covalent modification of a number of target proteins when the concentration of an effector is continuously increased. It is assumed that the effector, which could represent a morphogen, activates, for example, kinases that phosphorylate the proteins. Thresholds are found when the modifying enzymes are saturated by their protein substrates, i.e. in conditions of zero-order ultrasensitivity (Goldbeter, A. & Koshland, D. E. 1981. An amplified sensitivity arising from covalent modification in biological systems. Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 78, 6840-6844). Sequential thresholds can be generated when the kinase/phosphatase pairs differ either in the ratio of maximum modification rates or in the affinity of the effector for each kinase.  相似文献   

c-Src is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that associates with both the plasma membrane and endosomal compartments. In many human cancers, especially breast cancer, c-Src and the EGF receptor (EGFR) are overexpressed. Dual overexpression of c-Src and EGFR correlates with a Src-dependent increase in activation of EGFR, and synergism between these two tyrosine kinases increases the mitogenic activity of EGFR. Despite extensive studies of the functional interaction between c-Src and EGFR, little is known about the interactions in the trafficking pathways for the two proteins and how that influences signaling. Given the synergism between c-Src and EGFR, and the finding that EGFR is internalized and can signal from endosomes, we hypothesized that c-Src and EGFR traffic together through the endocytic pathway. Here we use a regulatable c-SrcGFP fusion protein that is a bona fide marker for c-Src to show that c-Src undergoes constitutive macropinocytosis from the plasma membrane into endocytic compartments. The movement of c-Src was dependent on its tyrosine kinase activity. Stimulation of cells with EGF revealed that c-Src traffics into the cell with activated EGFR and that c-Src expression and kinase activity prolongs EGFR activation. Surprisingly, even in the absence of EGF addition, c-Src expression induced activation of EGFR and of EGFR-mediated downstream signaling targets ERK and Shc. These data suggest that the synergy between c-Src and EGFR also occurs as these two kinases traffic together, and that their co-localization promotes EGFR-mediated signaling.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP as a signaling molecule for epithelial cells   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The charge of this invited review is to present a convincing case for the fact that cells release their ATP for physiological reasons. Many of our "purinergic" colleagues as well as ourselves have experienced resistance to this concept, because it is teleologically counter-intuitive. This review serves to integrate the three main tenets of extracellular ATP signaling: ATP release from cells, ATP receptors on cells, and ATP receptor-driven signaling within cells to affect cell or tissue physiology. First principles will be discussed in the Introduction concerning extracellular ATP signaling. All possible cellular mechanisms of ATP release will then be presented. Use of nucleotide and nucleoside scavengers as well as broad-specificity purinergic receptor antagonists will be presented as a method of detecting endogenous ATP release affecting a biological endpoint. Innovative methods of detecting released ATP by adapting luciferase detection reagents or by using "biosensors" will be presented.Because our laboratory has been primarily interested in epithelial cell physiology and pathophysiology for several years, the role of extracellular ATP in regulation of epithelial cell function will be the focus of this review. For ATP release to be physiologically relevant, receptors for ATP are required at the cell surface. The families of P2Y G protein-coupled receptors and ATP-gated P2X receptor channels will be introduced. Particular attention will be paid to P2X receptor channels that mediate the fast actions of extracellular ATP signaling, much like neurotransmitter-gated channels versus metabotropic heptahelical neurotransmitter receptors that couple to G proteins. Finally, fascinating biological paradigms in which extracellular ATP signaling has been implicated will be highlighted. It is the goal of this review to convert and attract new scientists into the exploding field of extracellular nucleotide signaling and to convince the reader that extracellular ATP is indeed a signaling molecule.  相似文献   

The lysophospholipids, lysophosphatidic acid, sphingosine-1-phosphate, and sphingosylphosphorylcholine (SPC), are bioactive lipid molecules that regulate diverse biological processes. Although the specific G protein-coupled receptors for lysophosphatidic acid and sphingosine-1-phosphate have been well-characterized, much less is known of the SPC receptors. It has been reported that ovarian cancer G protein-coupled receptor 1 (OGR1) is a high affinity receptor for SPC, and its closely related homologue GPR4 is a high affinity receptor for SPC with low affinity for lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). However, in a functional assay to examine the specificity of ligand binding, we found that neither SPC nor LPC, or other related lysophospholipids, induced internalization of GPR4 from the plasma membrane. In agreement, these lysolipids also did not induce translocation of beta-arrestin2-GFP from the cytosol to the plasma membrane in GPR4 expressing cells. However, when these cells were cotransfected with G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2, in the absence of added ligands, beta-arrestin2-GFP accumulated in cytoplasmic vesicles, reminiscent of vesicular labeling usually observed after agonist stimulation of GPCRs. In addition, neither SPC nor LPC stimulated the binding of GTPgammaS to membranes prepared from GPR4 expressing cells and did not activate ERK1/2. Surprisingly, enforced expression of GPR4 inhibited activation of ERK1/2 induced by several stimuli, including SPC, sphingosine-1-phosphate, and even EGF. Collectively, our results suggest that SPC and LPC are not the ligands for GPR4 and that this receptor may constitutively inhibit ERK1/2 activation.  相似文献   

Persistent c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) activation induces cell death. Different mechanisms are ascribed to JNK-induced cell death. Most of the JNK-apoptosis studies employ stress stimuli known to activate kinases other than JNK. Here we used overexpression of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7 (MKK7) to activate selectively JNK in T lymphoma Jurkat cells. Similar to that reported previously, Fas ligand (FasL) expression was up-regulated by JNK activation. Dominant negative-FADD and caspase-8 inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-Ile-Glu-Thr-Asp effectively inhibited MKK7-induced cell death, supporting a major involvement of FADD cascade. However, MKK7-induced cell death was not prevented by antagonist antibody ZB4 and Fas-Fc, indicating that Fas-FasL interaction is minimally involved. Confocal microscopy revealed that persistent JNK activation led to clustering of Fas. Our results suggest that, in contrast to that reported previously, JNK alone-induced death in Jurkat cells is FADD-dependent but is not triggered by Fas-FasL interaction.  相似文献   

In the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy, H-Ras (a small molecular weight G-protein) and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) act as pro-apoptotic, accelerating the apoptosis of retinal capillary cells, a phenomenon that predicts its development and the activation of MMP9 is under the control of H-Ras. The goal of this study is to elucidate the cellular mechanism by which H-Ras activates MMP9 culminating in the development of diabetic retinopathy. Using isolated retinal endothelial cells, the effect of regulation of H-Ras downstream signaling cascade, Raf-1, MEK, and ERK, was investigated on glucose-induced activation of MMP9. In vitro results were confirmed in the retina obtained from diabetic mice manipulated for MMP9 gene, and also in the retinal microvasculature obtained from human donors with diabetic retinopathy. Regulation of Raf-1/MEK/ERK by their specific siRNAs and pharmacologic inhibitors prevented glucose-induced activation of MMP9 in retinal endothelial cells. In MMP9-KO mice, diabetes had no effect on retinal MMP9 activation, and H-Ras/Raf-1/MEK signaling cascade remained normal. Similarly, donors with diabetic retinopathy had increased MMP9 activity in their retinal microvessels, the site of histopathology associated with diabetic retinopathy, and this was accompanied by activated H-Ras signaling pathway (Raf-1/ERK). Collectively, these results suggest that Ras/Raf-1/MEK/ERK cascade has an important role in the activation of retinal MMP9 resulting in the apoptosis of its capillary cells. Understanding the upstream mechanism responsible for the activation of MMP9 should help identify novel molecular targets for future pharmacological interventions to inhibit the development/progression of diabetic retinopathy.  相似文献   


Hedgehog (Hh) signaling is important for development and homeostasis in vertebrates and invertebrates. Ligand-independent, deregulated Hh signaling caused by loss of negative regulators such as Patched causes excessive cell proliferation, leading to overgrowth in Drosophila and tumors in humans, including basal-cell carcinoma and medulloblastoma. We show that in Drosophila deregulated Hh signaling also promotes cell survival by increasing the resistance to apoptosis. Surprisingly, cells with deregulated Hh activity do not protect themselves from apoptosis; instead, they promote cell survival of neighboring wild-type cells. This non-cell autonomous effect is mediated by Hh-induced Notch signaling, which elevates the protein levels of Drosophila inhibitor of apoptosis protein-1 (Diap-1), conferring resistance to apoptosis. In summary, we demonstrate that deregulated Hh signaling not only promotes proliferation but also cell survival of neighboring cells. This non-cell autonomous control of apoptosis highlights an underappreciated function of deregulated Hh signaling, which may help to generate a supportive micro-environment for tumor development.  相似文献   

Mutations in the epidermal growth factor receptor have been identified in several human tumor types, including gliomas. These receptor mutants have deletions in their extracellular ligand-binding domains and are, therefore, no longer regulated by ligand, resulting in constitutive activation of the receptor kinase. These mutants have been proposed to transduce oncogenic signals via ligand-independent signaling pathways. Avian viral homologues of these oncogenic epidermal growth factor receptors exhibit structurally homologous deletions and form tumors in chickens. One such mutant, S3v-ErbB, transforms fibroblasts in vitro, and transformation has been correlated with the formation of a novel tyrosine phosphoprotein complex. V-ErbB-mediated complex formation and transformation have been shown to occur independently of Ras activation. The major aims of this study are to further characterize this ligand-independent v-ErbB oncogenic signaling pathway. Here we show that both v-ErbB-mediated phosphoprotein complex formation and transformation are inhibited by a dominant negative mutant of Rho. This inhibition is specific for dominant negative Rho; dominant negative mutants of Rac and Cdc42 have no effect on transformation or on tyrosine phosphorylation of the phosphoprotein complex. Based on these observations, we propose that S3v-ErbB stimulates a Rho-dependent tyrosine kinase, resulting in complex formation and ultimately oncogenic transformation.  相似文献   

The adipocyte secreted hormone leptin (OB) and its receptor (OB-R) are key regulators of mammalian body weight homeostasis. Two predominant isoforms of OB-R have been described: long form (OB-R(L)) characterized as a signal transducing receptor that is highly expressed in specific nuclei of the hypothalamus; and a short, signaling-defective form (OB-R(S)) of indeterminate function that is ubiquitously expressed throughout the body. Receptor chimera studies indicate that OB-R(L) signals via homo-oligomers. However, co-expression experiments have demonstrated that signaling by OB-R(L) is only marginally susceptible to dominant negative suppression by OB-R(S). In the present study we have used receptor epitope tagging to analyze the ligand-independent and -dependent association properties of OB-R(S) and OB-R(L). We present evidence for ligand-independent homo-oligomerization by both receptor isoforms. Ligand treatment of these complexes does not dramatically augment homo-oligomerization. In contrast, hetero-oligomerization between long and short OB-R cannot be detected in the absence of ligand but can be resolved in the presence of ligand. Deletion and substitution mutagenesis of the OB-R(L) intracellular domain indicates that ligand-independent homo-oligomerization by OB-R(L) is sensitive to reduction in JAK kinase recruitment capability, suggesting that JAK interaction and signaling competency may provide means for isoform specific OB-R sorting. These results are discussed with regard to possible mechanisms permitting efficient leptin-induced signaling by OB-R(L) in tissues that co-express OB-R(S).  相似文献   

The orphan nuclear receptors SF-1 and LRH-1 are constitutively active, but it remains uncertain whether their activation is hormone dependent. We report the crystal structure of the LRH-1 ligand binding domain to 2.4 A resolution and find the receptor to be a monomer that adopts an active conformation with a large but empty hydrophobic pocket. Adding bulky side chains into this pocket resulted in full or greater activity suggesting that, while LRH-1 could accommodate potential ligands, these are dispensable for basal activity. Constitutive LRH-1 activity appears to be conferred by a distinct structural element consisting of an extended helix 2 that provides an additional layer to the canonical LBD fold. Mutating the conserved arginine in helix 2 reduced LRH-1 receptor activity and coregulator recruitment, consistent with the partial loss-of-function phenotype exhibited by an analogous SF-1 human mutant. These findings illustrate an alternative structural strategy for nuclear receptor stabilization in the absence of ligand binding.  相似文献   

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