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栎属的历史植物地理学研究   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  

松科冷杉属植物的化石历史和现代分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷杉是北半球阴暗针叶林的优势种和建群种,现全世界共有52种1亚种12变种,在北半球形成南欧、北美和东亚三个分布中心,这三个地区也是冷杉属化石最丰富的地区。在垂直分布上,冷杉集中分布于1000~2000m(15种)和2500~4000m(13种)两个海拔地段。在中国,冷杉植物呈南北间断分布,集中分布在横断山地区。冷杉属的特有现象和孑遗分布现象都十分突出,有7个种呈孑遗分布。根据冷杉属的地史分布和现代分布的研究并结合最新的系统演化资料,本文推测冷杉属于白垩世中期起源于北半球的中高纬度地区,始新世以后,随着全球气候的变冷,逐步向南迁移,由于喜马拉雅山脉、阿尔卑斯山、落基山脉抬升及东亚季风气候的出现以及第四纪冰期的影响而形成了现代间断的分布格局。冷杉与银杉、金钱松等其它松科植物的形成模式十分相似。  相似文献   

壳斗科植物摘录(Ⅳ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄成就  张永田   《广西植物》1990,10(1):1-10
<正> 乔木,高达25米,芽近圆球形,芽鳞阔卵形,被早脱落的棕色微柔毛,顶部边缘有红褐色蜡鳞,小枝干后黑褐色,密布微凸起的皮孔。叶近革质,卵状椭圆形或披针形,长10—15厘米,宽3.5—5厘米,顶部渐尖或尾状尖,基部一侧略短且偏斜,宽楔形或急尖,边全缘或近顶部边缘有1—3小裂齿,中脉在叶面凸起,侧脉每边9—12条,网状支脉纤细,新生嫩叶背面沿叶脉被疏长柔毛及散布暗灰色蜡鳞,叶柄长8—10毫米,幼嫩时被疏长柔毛及蜡鳞。雄花序为圆锥花序,花序轴被疏长毛及星芒状蜡鳞,花8—4朵一簇,雌花有花柱8  相似文献   

壳斗科植物摘录(Ⅴ)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄成就  张永田   《广西植物》1992,12(1):1-2
壳斗科 FAGACEAE 锥属 Castanopsis Spach 苦槠钩锥 Castanopsis kuchugouzhui Huang et Y. T. Chang, hybr. nov. [Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott. ×C. tibetana Hance] Castanopsis tibetana × sclerophylla Huang et Y. T. Chang in Guihaia 10(1) :7. 1990.  相似文献   

壳斗科植物摘录(II)   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  

通过植物专业网站及发表的论文论著,收集每一种壳斗科植物在中国的具体分布地点(县),并采用地理信息系统技术,以县为空间数据的基本单元,以壳斗科植物为研究对象,制作属的空间分布图,从图中定量地提取斑块的数目、面积、周长,计算形状指数、最大斑块指数,以及属的Shannon均匀度指数、Simpson均匀度指数,分析中国壳斗科植物属的空间分布及其特点,为植物区系空间分布定量研究提供依据。结果表明:(1)中国壳斗科植物属的空间分布呈现连续分布或间断分布,间断分布有星散分布、主次分布区、主分布区3种类型,以图形和定量的方式体现出属在空间上的分布差异。(2)中国壳斗科植物属的分布区或最大斑块的分布区在中国亚热带,能连续分布到热带,但在温带斑块分散,面积小,由此推断中国亚热带植物区系应划分为古热带植物区。(3)根据三棱栎属、锥属、柯属在世界和中国的分布,推断它们均为热带亚洲和热带美洲洲际间断分布。  相似文献   

<正> 壳斗科 FAGACEAE 锥属 Castanopsis Spach 苦槠钩锥 Castanopsis kuchugouzhui Huang et Y. T. Chang, hybr. nov. [Castanopsis sclerophylla (Lindl.) Schott. ×C. tibetana Hance] Castanopsis tibetana × sclerophylla Huang et Y. T. Chang in Guihaia 10(1) :7. 1990.  相似文献   

青冈亚属植物的地理分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对壳斗科青冈亚属(Quercus subg.Cyclobalanopsis)植物分布区内各地区的分布作了分析和统计。通过分析,认为中国南部、西南部和中南半岛北部,即印度支那植物地区,是青冈亚属植物地理分布的分布区中心。基于其形态、现代分布和地史资料,马来西亚地区分布有许多性状较原始的类群,是青冈亚属原始类的保存中心。青冈亚属植物中有许多地区 特有种,它们的分布区很狭窄,集中分布在加里曼丹、台湾、海南和云南东部部,其产生的原因主要是地理隔离,如海峡、高山等,以及气候和地史的复杂性。青冈亚属植物还存在许多替代现象,如青冈(Q.schottkyana)、赤皮青冈(Q.gilva)和黄毛青冈(Q.delavayi)`、云山青冈(Q.sessifolia)和窄叶青冈(Q.augustinii)为中国-日本分布式和中国-喜马拉雅分布式之间替代。  相似文献   

【目的】巨盘锥(Castanopsis grandicicatricata)是原产于越南中、北部的壳斗科锥属植物,现于云南屏边苗族自治县大围山地区发现一零星分布的居群。为确定该种的身份,检验原始文献基于形态学推测的近亲,并展示该种所处的系统地位。【方法】利用细胞核rRNA基因5.8S、26S间隔区ITS2与叶绿体基因rbcL分子标记重建系统树。【结果】形态上,该种壳斗4.5~6.0 cm,刺树状分枝,坚果扁球形,果脐占坚果表面积2/3,与中国已知锥属均不同。分子系统树支持形态学推测,湄公锥(C.mekongensis)是其近缘种之一。【结论】巨盘锥是中国锥属一新记录种,这对于研究中国滇东南与越南北部植物区系有重要的意义。  相似文献   

壳斗科植物摘录(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄成就  张永田   《广西植物》1988,(1):1-42
本文报道柯属Lithocarpus Bl。的新分类群,即17新种,7新变种,新名3,新组合5,对少好的种作了订正。属的中名取名为柯,并作简要的讨论。又文内提到的绝大多数的新种,早在1982年出版的《中国高等植物图鉴》补编Ⅰ里用分种检索的形式作了初报,但全部都是裸名。此外,尚有个别种更改其等级或归并。 本文引用的标本,除属华南植物研究所SCBI外均注明标本的保存单位(标术室缩写代号见植物分类学报20(2):252—256,1982)。  相似文献   

Background and Aims The genetic variation and divergence estimated by allozyme analysis were used to reveal the evolutionary history of Castanopsis carlesii in Taiwan. Two major questions were discussed concerning evolutionary issues: where are the diversity centres, and where are the most genetically divergent sites in Taiwan?• Methods Twenty-two populations of C. carlesii were sampled throughout Taiwan. Starch gel electrophoresis was used to assay allozyme variation. Genetic parameters and mean FST values of each population were analysed using the BIOSYS-2 program. Mean FST values of each population against the remaining populations, considered as genetic divergence, were estimated using the FSTAT program.• Key Results Average values of genetic parameters describing the within-population variation, the average number of alleles per locus (A = 2·5), the effective number of alleles per locus (Ae = 1·38), the allelic richness (Ar = 2·38), the percentage of polymorphic loci (P = 69 %), and the expected heterozygosity (He = 0·270) were estimated. High levels of genetic diversity were found for C. carlesii compared with other local plant species. Genetic differentiation between populations was generally low.• Conclusions From the data of expected heterozygosity, one major diversity centre was situated in central Taiwan corroborating previous reports for other plant species. According to the mean FST value of each population, the most divergent populations were situated in two places. One includes populations located in north central Taiwan between 24·80°N and 24·20°N. The other is located in south-eastern Taiwan between 22·40°N and 23·10°N. These two regions are approximately convergent with the most divergent locations determined for several other plant species using chloroplast DNA markers published previously. An important finding obtained from this study is that unordered markers like allozymes can be used to infer past population histories as well as chloroplast DNA markers do.  相似文献   

采用基因组DNA富集法FIASCO对我国典型常绿阔叶林建群种栲树(Castanopsis fargesii Franch.)进行了微卫星分子标记的开发。从栲树基因组中分离和筛选了15个微卫星位点,并对江西九连山栲树自然分布居群的遗传多样性进行了分析。结果表明,栲树具有较高水平的遗传多样性,每个位点在28株栲树个体上的平均等位基因数(A)为6.7(4~8个),平均观察杂合度(HO)为0.690(0.250~1.000),平均预期杂合度(HE)为0.698(0.293~0.867)。每个位点的第一排除概率值Pr(Ex1)为0.043~0.527,位点综合值为0.9972。单个位点的第二排除概率Pr(EX2)为0.159~0.694,位点综合值为0.9999。这些微卫星标记可为研究栲树的遗传多样性及居群遗传结构提供有效的遗传工具。  相似文献   

Castanopsis tibetana is a typical and dominant component in subtropical evergreen broad leaved forests of China. However, its genetic diversity and long term persistence have been jeopardized by habitat fragmentation. To examine its genetic diversity and genetic structure, cross species amplification of 51 microsatellite loci which are derived from four congeneric species, ie., Castanopsis chinensis, Csclerophylla, Ccuspidata and Csieboldii, were tested in Ctibetana.Thirty five loci were successfully amplified in Ctibetana, among them 11 were polymorphic across four wild populations of Ctibetana (24 individuals in total). Genetic diversity of four Ctibetana populations (Jiangxi) was relatively low. The number of alleles (NA) ranged from 2 to 7 (average 45) and the ranges of observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosities were 0505 and 0471,respectively. The results will facilitate the study and conservation of genetic diversity of Ctibetana.  相似文献   

Cheng YP  Hwang SY  Lin TP 《Molecular ecology》2005,14(7):2075-2085
In this study, we examined spatial patterns of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) variation in a total of 30 populations of Castanopsis carlesii Hayata (Fagaceae), a subtropical and temperate tree species, including 201 individuals sampled throughout Taiwan. By sequencing two cpDNA fragments using universal primers (the trnL intron and the trnV-trnM intergenic spacer), we found a total of 1663 bp and 21 polymorphic sites. These gave rise to a total of 28 cpDNA haplotypes. The level of differentiation among the populations studied was relatively high (GST = 0.723). Two ancestral haplotypes are widely distributed. The Central Mountain Ridge (CMR) of Taiwan represents an insurmountable barrier to the east-west gene flow of C. carlesii. Among the populations studied, three separated populations, at Lienhuachih, Fushan and Lichia, have high nucleotide diversity. Estimates of NST-GST for populations on both sides of the CMR indicate that no phylogeographical structure exists. According to the genealogical tree, number of rare haplotype and population genetic divergence, this study suggests that two potential refugia existed during the last glaciation: the first refugium was located in a region to the north of Hsuehshan Range (HR) and west of the CMR; the second refugium was located in south, especially southeastern Taiwan. In fact, the second refugium happens to be the same as that reported for Quercus glauca. A 'star-like' genealogy is characteristic when all haplotypes rapidly coalesce and is a general outcome of population expansion. The neutrality test and mismatch distribution also suggest demographic expansion recovering from a bottleneck.  相似文献   

对昆明西山地区滇青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides)和高山栲(Castanopsis delavayi)种子(坚果)虫蛀率在两个年份、整个落种期和山坡不同部位的变化情况进行研究,结果表明:① 寄生于滇青冈种子内的象甲为青冈象(Curculio megadens)和Curculio sp.,寄生于高山栲种子内的象甲是Curculio sp.和剪枝象(Cyllorhynchites sp.);② 滇青冈样地的虫蛀率为2484%~2760%,样地间无显著差异,两年间的平均虫蛀率亦无显著差异;高山栲样地间虫蛀率为1794%~2655%,有显著差异性,两年间的平均虫蛀率也有显著差异。③ 高山栲的下落种子虫蛀率随时间逐步下降,9月和10月中下旬出现两个虫蛀率的高峰期;高山栲种子内寄生的昆虫落地后即入土化蛹,滇青冈落地种子内的寄生昆虫在初期会滞留一段时间;④ 虫蛀率与林下实生苗数量无显著相关性,实生苗多集中在大树周围以及草本层植物较丰富的小生境。  相似文献   

广西壳斗科植物发掘利用初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹明  邓敏  张奠湘   《广西植物》2007,27(2):170-173
在较全面野外考察、调研的基础上,结合资料查询、查阅,对广西壳斗科植物的发掘和利用进行了初步探索研究。该文着重对广西壳斗科植物资源的地理分布状况、经济利用价值及潜力、利用现状和前景等方面进行了论述;并提出了合理开发利用广西壳斗科植物的建议。  相似文献   

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