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Molluscan neurons and muscle cells express transient (T-type like) and sustained LVA calcium channels, as well as transient and sustained HVA channels. In addition weakly voltage sensitive calcium channels are observed. In a number of cases toxin or dihydropyridine sensitivity justifies classification of the HVA currents in L, N or P-type categories. In many cases, however, pharmacological characterization is still preliminary. Characterization of novel toxins from molluscivorousConus snails may facilitate classification of molluscan calcium channels. Molluscan preparations have been very useful to study calcium dependent inactivation of calcium channels. Proposed mechanisms explain calcium dependent inactivation through direct interaction of Ca2+ with the channel, through dephosphorylation by calcium dependent phosphatases or through calcium dependent disruption of connections with the cytoskeleton. Transmitter modulation operating through various second messenger mediated pathways is well documented. In general, phosphorylation through PKA, cGMP dependent PK or PKC facilitates the calcium channels, while putative direct G-protein action inhibits the channels. Ca2+ and cGMP may inhibit the channels through activation of phosphodiesterases or phosphatases. Detailed evidence has been provided on the role of sustained LVA channels in pacemaking and the generation of firing patterns, and on the role of HVA channels in the dynamic changes in action potentials during spiking, the regulation of the release of transmitters and hormones, and the regulation of growth cone behavior and neurite outgrowth. The accessibility of molluscan preparations (e.g. the squid giant synapse for excitation release studies,Helisoma B5 neuron for neurite and synapse formation) and the large body of knowledge on electrophysiological properties and functional connections of identified molluscan neurons (e.g. sensory neurons, R15, egg laying hormone producing cells, etc.) creates valuable opportunities to increase the insight into the functional roles of calcium channels.  相似文献   

虫瘿—昆虫与植物互作的奇特产物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虫瘿是昆虫刺激产生的植物不正常组织。造瘿昆虫几乎能在高等植物的所有类群中产生形态各异的虫瘿,甚至能在同一种植物上形成多种形态不一的虫瘿。虫瘿形成的机制仍不清楚,普遍认为是昆虫控制了虫瘿的形成,但植物细胞也参与了虫瘿形成的调控。为了探索这一神秘的领域,科学家们已经对昆虫的刺激物以及植物的反应作了大量的研究,未来工作的难点将是如何把二者联系起来。  相似文献   

A hypothesis is presented that glycosphingolipids of circulating erythrocytes are membrane-packing substances providing for an energetically cheap carbohydrate protective coat at the cell surface. The glycosphingolipids should cover the membrane surface not occupied by functional glycoproteins. This role is envisaged for the globo series of glycosphingolipids which are Pk and P antigens of human blood. Glycosphingolipids of the neolacto series terminated with non-informative A, B, H. Lewis, P1 antigenic structures as well as with sialic acid residues should serve the same purpose. These carbohydrate structures may be also used for conferring biological inertness on otherwise functionally active carbohydrate structures and provide protection for circulatory and membrane glycoproteins from proteolysis, denaturation and recognition of potentially antigenic sites of protein moieties by the immunosurveillance system of the body. At the external body surface the same carbohydrate structures may protect cells from the action of pathogenic microorganisms and other environmental factors. The roles of the above mentioned carbohydrate sequences on glycosphingolipids and glycoproteins in the development, tumorigenesis and evolution of blood group polymorphism are discussed.Abbreviations GP glycoprotein - GSL glycosphingolipid - GC glycoconjugate  相似文献   

本文通过对浙江丽水市区园林花卉植物的蚧壳虫调查,表明有6科29属44种蚧壳虫为害53种植物寄主。文中列出各蚧壳虫的中名、学名、寄主、危害度等。  相似文献   

Protease inhibitors have been proposed as potential defense molecules for increased insect resistance in crop plants. Compensatory over-production of insensitive proteases in the insect, however, has limited suitability of these proteins in plant protection, with very high levels of inhibitor required for increased plant resistance. In this study we have examined whether combined used of two inhibitors is effective to prevent this compensatory response. We show that leaf-specific over-expression of the potato PI-II and carboxypeptidase inhibitors (PCI) results in increased resistance to Heliothis obsoleta and Liriomyza trifolii larvae in homozygote tomato lines expressing high levels (#62;1 the total soluble proteins) of the transgenes. Leaf damage in hemizygous lines for these transformants was, however, more severe than in the controls, thus evidencing a compensation response of the larvae to the lower PI concentrations in these plants. Development of comparable adaptive responses in both insects suggests that insect adaptation does not entail specific recognition of the transgene, but rather represents a general adaptive mechanism triggered in response to the nutritional stress imposed by sub-lethal concentrations of the inhibitors. Combined expression of defense genes with different mechanisms of action rather than combinations of inhibitors may then offer a better strategy in pest management as it should be more effective in overcoming this general adaptive response in the insect.  相似文献   

A technique is introduced (Western enzyme-linked lectin analysis, WELLA) for detecting lectin-reactive cellular glycoproteins after separation on the basis of molecular weight in sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gels. Lectin-reactive glycoproteins are detected on Western transfers by reaction with lectin-peroxidase conjugates followed by development with hydrogen, peroxide and 4-chloro-1-naphthol which forms a purple-gray precipitate. WELLA is more rapid, more sensitive, and the bands are highly reproducible and better resolved than those obtained, by autoradiography of fluorography.Using this technique, we have detected human differentiation-related glycoproteins on cells of different hematological lineages. Both wheat germ agglutinin-peroxidase (WGA-P) and concanavalin A-peroxidase (ConA-P) detected distinct glycoprotein patterns on isolated peripheral blood platelets, lymphocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes and granulocytes. WGA-P detected numerous similarities between immature myeloid cells isolated from bone marrow and acute myelogenous leukemia cells, including major glycoproteins at 20 and 25 kDa. ConA-P detected a similar pattern of glycoproteins between isolated peripheral blood lymphocytes and T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) cells. The T-ALL cells, however, had a major 200 kDa glycoprotein not present on lymphocytes. WGA-P also showed nearly identical patterns between the lymphocytes and the T-ALL cells, but detected prominent 200 and 250 kDa glycoproteins on the T-ALL cells which were absent from the lymphocytes. We have also detected polymorphic differences in the glycoproteins on lymphocytes from normal donors in the range of 95-100 kDa using ConA-P.Abbreviations WELLA Western enzyme-linked lectin analysis - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - BSA bovine serum albumin - PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - AML acute myelogenous leukemia - ALL acute lymphocytic leukemia - WGA wheat germ agglutinin - Con A concanavalin A - WGA-P wheat germ agglutinin-peroxidase conjugate - ConA-P concanavalin A-peroxidase conjugate  相似文献   

虫瘿多样性及其与寄主植物和环境间关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虫瘿是自然界极常见的生物现象,凝聚着昆虫与植物间显著、复杂而密切的协同关系。本文主要阐述了致瘿昆虫的主要类群及其在植物上的致瘿部位、虫瘿外部形态、虫瘿发育过程、虫瘿内部结构、虫瘿寄主植物多样性以及虫瘿空间分布规律等,探讨了致瘿昆虫和寄主植物间相互关系,以及影响虫瘿空间分布的环境因素等。最后对目前虫瘿生物学存在的问题及以后的研究方向进行了讨论,以期为有害虫瘿的控制和有益虫瘿的开发与利用,以及致瘿昆虫与寄主植物间协同演化关系、致瘿昆虫的致瘿机理等研究奠定一定的理论基础。  相似文献   

植物与植食性昆虫防御与反防御的三个层次   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在植物与植食性昆虫长期的进化过程中,双方形成了一系列的防御与反防御策略。本文将这些策略归为3个层次:第一层次起始于植物对植食性昆虫相关分子模式的识别,并由此激活植食性昆虫分子模式相关的免疫反应。这种免疫反应对于不能产生效应子的植食性昆虫种群是有效的;第二层次是一些植食性昆虫种群可以通过释放特异性效应子抑制植物产生的植食性昆虫分子模式相关的免疫反应,从而在植物上正常生长与繁衍;第三层次是一些植物基因型可以通过特异抗性基因识别植食性昆虫的效应子,进而激活效应子诱导的免疫反应,表现出特异的抗虫性。深入揭示植物与植食性昆虫间的这种分子互作机制,不仅在理论上有助于理解昆虫与植物的协同进化机制,而且在实践上可为作物抗性品种的培育提供重要的技术指导。  相似文献   

Common features of segregation distortion in plants and animals   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Taylor DR  Ingvarsson PK 《Genetica》2003,117(1):27-35
Segregation distortion is increasingly recognized as a potentially powerful evolutionary force. This runs counter to the perception that non-Mendelian genes are rare genetic curiosities, a view that seems to be supported by the near ubiquity of the Mendelian system of inheritance. There are several reasons why segregation distortion may be more important than is evidenced by known empirical examples. One possibility is that the types of segregation distorters we have found are only a subset of a broader range of non-Mendelian systems, many of which go undetected. In this paper, we review what is known about the sex-linked meiotic drive system in the plant, Silene latifolia, and present some data on the mechanism of segregation distortion. We outline the general features that segregation distorters in plants and animals have in common. In some cases, such as the paucity of systems that directly alter meiotic segregation, there are likely to be inherent constraints on the range of systems that can possibly occur. Other generalities, however, support the notion that many forms of meiotic drive are possible, and that the known examples of segregation distortion are likely to be only subset of those that can possibly occur. Non-Mendelian genes may therefore have greater evolutionary importance than their current abundance in nature would suggest.  相似文献   

Summary Monoamine-containing elements in the intestines of Bivalvia and Polychaeta species have been found by use of histochemical fluorescence methods according to Falck and Furness. Catecholamine-containing perikarya and fibers are seen within the epithelium and subepithelial layers of the midgut of the bivalves Mytilus edulis, Mya arenaria, Arctica islandica, as well as the polychaete Harmothoe imbricata. In addition, intraepithelial cell bodies and fibers containing serotonin-like substance are present in Mytilus edulis. Results obtained with the Furness method, applied earlier to vertebrates, correlate with those obtained with the Falck method.  相似文献   

By introducing the steroid hapten digoxigenin specifically into sugars, a sensitive detection system for glycoproteins on blots has been developed. Sugars are oxidized to obtain aldehyde groups, which then react with digoxigenin-succinyl--amido caproic acid hydrazide. A high-affinity antibody, conjugated to alkaline phosphatase, is used for the detection of the incorporated digoxigenin.This system allows the detection of nanogram-amounts of glycoproteins on blots, and it's specificity allows a clear distinction of a glycoprotein from a non-glycoprotein. In combination with endo- and exoglycosidases it is very useful for determining the type of carbohydrate linkage in a glycoprotein, and by varying the oxidation conditions, specific labeling of sialic acids and terminal galactoses can be achieved.  相似文献   

Suspension-cultured cells of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) secrete a number of acid hydrolases and other proteins that have both highmannose and complex asparagine-linked glycans. We used affinity chromatography with concanavalin A and an antiserum specific for complex glycans in conjunction with in vivo-labeling studies to show that all of the secreted proteins carry glycans. The presence of complex glycans on secretory proteins indicates that they are passing through the Golgi complex on the way to the extracellular compartment. The sodium ionophore, monensin, did not block the transport of proteins to the extracellular medium, even though monensin efficiently inhibited the Golgi-mediated processing of complex glycans. The inhibition of N-glycosylation by tunicamycin reduced by 76% to 84% the accumulation of newly synthesized (i.e. radioactively labeled) protein that was secreted by the sycamore cells, while cytoplasmic protein biosynthesis was not affected by this antibiotic. However, in the presence of glycoprotein-processing inhibitors, such as castanospermine and deoxymannojirimycin, the formation of complex glycans was prevented but glycoprotein secretion was unchanged. These results support the conclusion that N-linked glycan processing is not necessary for sorting, but glycosylation is required for accumulation of secreted proteins in the extracellular compartment.  相似文献   

Summary Orthoptera spermatids and spermatozoa from two species of Tettigoniidae and from one of Acrididae were analysed by means of the fluorescent lectins, concanavalin A or wheat-germ agglutinin, with the aim of finding -D mannose· -D glucose· N-acetylglucosamine and sialic acid sugar residues in their plasmamembrane glycoproteins. Labelling with lectins shows remarkable changes occurring in the plasma membrane during spermiogenesis. In early spermatids, the whole cell surface is labelled, but in mature spermatids and spermatozoa, a noticeable fluorescence is restricted to the membrane that covers the acrosome. The end piece of the tail of Acrididae spermatids and spermatozoa fluoresces after wheat-germ agglutinin labelling. The intense labelling of acrosomal area is independent of acrosomal size and shape, as shown by the marked differences observed in the acrosomes of Tettigoniidae compared with Acrididae: in the former, the acrosome is a well-developed structure with an arrow-like shape, but in Acrididae, the acrosome resembles a small vesicle in the anterior tip of the cell. The large amount of some sugar residues in the plasma membrane covering the acrosome is discussed in relation to the features observed in other species, and also in connection with the physiology of the male gamete prior or during fertilization.  相似文献   

论昆虫与植物的相互作用和进化的关系   总被引:77,自引:4,他引:77  
钦俊德  王琛柱 《昆虫学报》2001,44(3):360-365
昆虫与植物是陆地生物群落中最为重要的组成部分,二者间的相互作用是多方面的,其中最为重要的是昆虫选择植物作为食物和生长场所、昆虫为植物传授花粉两方面。该文集中讨论这两方面的相互作用有哪些因素与进化有密切的关系。植食性昆虫根据其寄主植物范围,通常分为专食性(寄主范围窄)和广食性(寄主范围广)。从生态关系来看,广食性的取食行为比专食性的更为有利,但实际情况却与此相反,统观植食性昆虫的取食行为,有向专食性演化更为普遍的倾向。专食性发展有利于提高昆虫对寄主植物的选择效率,还可缓和天敌作用所造成的压力。根据昆虫与植物相互作用的特点,目前已提出很多昆虫与植物的进化理论,包括成对的协同进化、弥散的协同进化、群落的协同进化以及顺序进化。在昆虫对寄主植物的选择中,以植物对昆虫的影响较昆虫对植物的影响更为重要,称为顺序进化是适宜的;昆虫为被子植物传授花粉造成互惠共生,其中的进化关系应称为协同进化。  相似文献   

Cotyledons cut from axenic seedlings were immersed inAgrobacterium tumefaciens suspension which was treated with acetosyringone and nopaline at low pH overnight. The infected cotyledon explants were cultured on MSB medium (MS salts + B5 Vitamins) containing 6-BA 3mg/1 for 2–3 days, and transferred onto selective medium (MSB with kanamycin 50–100 mg/l). Kanamycin-resistant shoots were selected. More than 60 regenerated plants were obtained. About 60% of the plants showed high NPT II activity. Southern blot hybridization showed that some of the plants gave a positive signal with the insecticidal crystal protein gene (cry IA gene) probe, and exhibited tolerant to insects such asPieris rapae (cabbage caterpillar) in leaf feeding experiments. Kanamycin-resistance and insect-resistance were maintained in the progeny.Abbreviations 6-BA 6-benzylaminopurine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - CryIA gene bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal crystal protein genecryIA - NPT II neomycin phosphotransferase II  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against the cockroach neuropeptide leucokinin I (LKI) was used to study peptidergic neurons and their innervation patterns in larvae and adults of three species of higher dipteran insects, the flies Drosophila melanogaster, Calliphora vomitoria, and Phormia terraenovae, as well as larvae of a primitive dipteran insect, the crane fly Phalacrocera replicata. In the larvae of the higher dipteran flies, the antiserum revealed three pairs of cells in the brain, three pairs of ventro-medial cells in the subesophageal ganglion, and seven pairs of ventro-lateral cells in the abdominal ganglia. Each of these 14 abdominal leucokinin-immunoreactive (LKIR) neurons innervates a single muscle of the abdominal body wall (muscle 8), which is known to degenerate shortly after adult emergence. Conventional electron microscopy demonstrates that this muscle is innervated by at least one axon containing clear vesicles and two axons containing dense-cored vesicles. Electronmicroscopical immunocytochemistry shows that the LKIR axon is one of these two axons with dense-cored vesicles and that it forms terminals on the sarcolemma of its target muscle. The abdominal LKIR neurons appear to survive metamorphosis. In the adult fly, the efferent abdominal LKIR neurons innervate the spiracles, the heart, and neurohemal regions of the abdominal wall. In the crane fly larva, dorso-medial and ventrolateral LKIR cell bodies are located in both thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. As in the larvae of the other flies, the abdominal ventrolateral LKIR neurons form efferent axons. However, in the crane fly larva there are two pairs of efferent LKIR neurons in each of the abdominal ganglia and their peripheral targets include neurohemal regions of the dorsal transverse nerves. An additional difference is that in the crane fly, a caudal pair of LKIR axons originating from the penultimate pair of dorso-median LKIR cells in the terminal ganglion innervate the hindgut.  相似文献   

The presence of carbohydrates on proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, was investigated by using a digoxigenin labeling method together with Schiff staining and N-glycosidase F assay. The two major outer surface exposed proteins of 31 kDa and 34 kDa showed to be glycosylated and gel filtration high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) of proteins of B. burgdorferi metabolically labeled with 14C-N-acetylglucosamine revealed the incorporation of the carbohydrate into the glycosyl residue of these proteins.Abbreviations N-glycosidase F peptide-N-glycosidase F (EC - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - WB Western blotting - HPLC high pressure liquid chromatography - SDS sodium dodecyl sulphate - mAb monoclonal antibody - MIAF mouse immune ascitic fluid - SS Schiff staining - Osp Outer surface protein  相似文献   

The accumulation of hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) in cell walls of dicotyledonous plants is thought to be involved in the defense response to pathogens. An antiserum raised against deglycosylated HRGPs from melon was used for studying the subcellular localization of these glycoproteins in susceptible and resistant tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) root tissues infected by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. radicis-lycopersici. A time-course of HRGP accumulation revealed that these glycoproteins increased earlier and to a higher extent in resistant than in susceptible cultivars. In the compatible interaction, increase in HRGPs was largely correlated with pathogen invasion and appeared to occur as a result of wall damage. In the incompatible interaction, HRGPs accumulated in the walls of uninvaded cells, thus indicating a possible role in the protection against fungal penetration. The occurrence of substantial amounts of HRGPs in papillae, known to be physical barriers formed in response to infection, and in intercellular spaces provides additional support to the concept that such glycoproteins play an important role in disease resistance.  相似文献   

New techniques are presented on the use of 15N to mark insects. 15N, a stable isotope of nitrogen, was enriched above natural abundance in plant and insect tissues. Two laboratory studies demonstrated that enriched 15N-concentrations could be tracked from plant to insect using mass spectrometry. In the first study, adult Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjimov) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Hippodamia convergens Guérin-Méneville (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were allowed to feed at the flowers of rapid-cycling Chinese cabbage plants that had been fertilized with 15N-enriched potassium nitrate (KNO3-15NO3). Both insect groups were found to have significantly elevated 15N levels after visiting the flowers of the 15N-enriched plants for 48 hours. In the second study, 15N-enriched bean plant (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) tissue was incorporated into an insect diet and fed to navel orangeworms, Amyelois transitella (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). When the navel orangeworm larvae were 4th instars, they were removed from the diet and exposed to the parasitoid, Goniozus legneri Gordh (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae). Results indicated that the enriched 15N-concentration of the bean plants was transferred to the navel orangeworms and, subsequently, to the parasitoids. This work may provide useful techniques to help establish whether agriculturally important entomophaga visiting 15N-enriched flowers or parasitizing enriched sentinel larvae in the field can be effectively marked with 15N.  相似文献   

The adaptation of three allopatric populations of a generalist moth, Operophtera brumata (L.), on two tree species, Prunus padus (L.) and Quercus robur (L.) which represent the extremes of the timing of budburst in spring, was studied in Finland and Sweden. The synchrony of the hatching and budbursting was monitored, and its importance to dispersal and growth of larvae was assessed by rearing cohorts of larvae, whose hatching dates were manipulated, on both hosts. In addition, the realised heritability of the hatching time was estimated.Experimental populations hatched in approximate synchrony with the budburst of their original host species. As a result of the manipulation of the hatching dates of larvae, the growth rates of larvae decreased and the dispersal rates increased on both hosts in relation to the ageing of foliage. The realised heritability of hatching times was rather high (0.63). There were fewer differences in the host use efficiency and behaviour of the experimental populations than in the hatching phenology. The synchrony of hatching with the budburst of the local dominant host plant is probably a result of stabilising selection.  相似文献   

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