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Over the past few years, several reports have described the presence of F0F1 ATP synthase subunits at the surface of hepatocytes, where the hydrolytic activity of F1 sector faces outside and triggers HDL endocytosis. An intriguing question is whether the ectopic enzyme has same subunit composition and molecular mass as that of the mitochondrial ATP synthase. Also due to the polar nature of hepatocytes, the enzyme may be localized to a particular cell boundary. Using different methods to prepare rat liver plasma membranes, which have been subjected to digitonin extraction, hr CN PAGE, immunoblotting, and mass spectrometry analysis, we demonstrate the presence of ecto-F0F1 complexes which have a similar molecular weight to the monomeric form of the mitochondrial complexes, containing both nuclear and mitochondrially-encoded subunits. This finding makes it unlikely that the enzyme assembles on the plasma membranes, but suggest it to be transported whole after being assembled in mitochondria by still unknown pathways. Moreover, the plasma membrane preparation enriched in basolateral proteins contains much higher amounts of complete and active F0F1 complexes, consistent with their specific function to modulate the HDL uptake on hepatocyte surface.  相似文献   

The Na(+) F(1)F(0) ATP synthase operon of the anaerobic, acetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii is unique because it encodes two types of c subunits, two identical 8 kDa bacterial F(0)-like c subunits (c(2) and c(3)), with two transmembrane helices, and a 18 kDa eukaryal V(0)-like (c(1)) c subunit, with four transmembrane helices but only one binding site. To determine whether both types of rotor subunits are present in the same c ring, we have isolated and studied the composition of the c ring. High-resolution atomic force microscopy of 2D crystals revealed 11 domains, each corresponding to two transmembrane helices. A projection map derived from electron micrographs, calculated to 5 A resolution, revealed that each c ring contains two concentric, slightly staggered, packed rings, each composed of 11 densities, representing 22 transmembrane helices. The inner and outer diameters of the rings, measured at the density borders, are approximately 17 and 50 A. Mass determination by laser-induced liquid beam ion desorption provided evidence that the c rings contain both types of c subunits. The stoichiometry for c(2)/c(3) : c(1) was 9 : 1. Furthermore, this stoichiometry was independent of the carbon source of the growth medium. These analyses clearly demonstrate, for the first time, an F(0)-V(0) hybrid motor in an ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The Na+ F1FO ATP synthase of the anaerobic, acetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii has a unique FOVO hybrid rotor that contains nine copies of a FO-like c subunit and one copy of a VO-like c 1 subunit with one ion binding site in four transmembrane helices whose cellular function is obscure. Since a genetic system to address the role of different c subunits is not available for this bacterium, we aimed at a heterologous expression system. Therefore, we cloned and expressed its Na+ F1FO ATP synthase operon in Escherichia coli. A Δatp mutant of E. coli produced a functional, membrane-bound Na+ F1FO ATP synthase that was purified in a single step after inserting a His6-tag to its β subunit. The purified enzyme was competent in Na+ transport and contained the FOVO hybrid rotor in the same stoichiometry as in A. woodii. Deletion of the atpI gene from the A. woodii operon resulted in a loss of the c ring and a mis-assembled Na+ F1FO ATP synthase. AtpI from E. coli could not substitute AtpI from A. woodii. These data demonstrate for the first time a functional production of a FOVO hybrid rotor in E. coli and revealed that the native AtpI is required for assembly of the hybrid rotor.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-F(1)F(0)-ATPase operon of Acetobacterium woodii was recently shown to contain, among eleven atp genes, those genes that encode subunit a and b, a gene encoding a 16-kDa proteolipid (subunit c(1)), and two genes encoding 8-kDa proteolipids (subunits c(2) and c(3)). Because subunits a, b, and c(1) were not found in previous enzyme preparations, we re-determined the subunit composition of the enzyme. The genes were overproduced, and specific antibodies were raised. Western blots revealed that subunits a, b, and c(1) are produced and localized in the cytoplasmic membrane. Membrane protein complexes were solubilized by dodecylmaltoside and separated by blue native-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and the ATPase subunits were resolved by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. N-terminal sequence analyses revealed the presence of subunits a, c(2), c(3), b, delta, alpha, gamma, beta, and epsilon. Biochemical and immunological analyses revealed that subunits c(1), c(2), and c(3) are all part of the c-oligomer, the first of a F(1)F(0)-ATPase that contains 8- and 16-kDa proteolipids.  相似文献   

Previously identified mutations in subunits a and b of the F0 sector of the F1F0-ATPase from Escherichia coli are further characterized by isolating detergent-solubilized, partially purified F1F0 complexes from cells bearing these mutations. The composition of the various F1F0 complexes was judged by quantitating the amount of each subunit present in the detergent-solubilized preparations. The composition of the F0 sectors containing altered polypeptides was determined by quantitating the F0 subunits that were immunoprecipitated by antibodies directed against the F1 portion. In this way, the relative amounts of F0 subunits (a, b, c) which survived the isolation procedure bound to F1 were determined for each mutation. This analysis indicates that both missense mutations in subunit a (aser206----leu and ahis245----tyr) resulted in the isolation of F1F0 complexes with normal subunit composition. The nonsense mutation in subunit a (atyr235----end) resulted in isolation of a complex containing the b and c subunits. The bgly131----asp mutation in the b subunit results in an F0 complex which does not assemble or survive the isolation. The isolated F1F0 complex containing the mutation bgly9----asp in the b subunit was defective in two regards: first, a reduction in F1 content relative to F0 and second, the absence of the a subunit. Immunoprecipitations of this preparation demonstrated that F1 interacts with both c and mutant b subunits. A strain carrying the mutation, bgly9----asp, and the compensating suppressor mutation apro240----leu (previously shown to be partially unc+) yielded an F1F0 ++ complex that remained partially defective in F1 binding to F0 but normal in the subunit composition of the F0 sector. The assembly, structure, and function of the F1F0-ATPase is discussed.  相似文献   

An oligomycin-sensitive F1F0-ATPase isolated from bovine heart mitochondria has been reconstituted into phospholipid vesicles and pumps protons. this preparation of F1F0-ATPase contains 14 different polypeptides that are resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions, and so it is more complex than bacterial and chloroplast enzymes, which have eight or nine different subunits. The 14 bovine subunits have been characterized by protein sequence analysis. They have been fractionated on polyacrylamide gels and transferred to poly(vinylidene difluoride) membranes, and N-terminal sequences have been determined in nine of them. By comparison with known sequences, eight of these have been identified as subunits beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon, which together with the alpha subunit form the F1 domain, as the b and c (or DCCD-reactive) subunits, both components of the membrane sector of the enzyme, and as the oligomycin sensitivity conferral protein (OSCP) and factor 6 (F6), both of which are required for attachment of F1 to the membrane sector. The sequence of the ninth, named subunit e, has been determined and is not related to any reported protein sequence. The N-terminal sequence of a tenth subunit, the membrane component A6L, could be determined after a mild acid treatment to remove an alpha-N-formyl group. Similar experiments with another membrane component, the a or ATPase-6 subunit, caused the protein to degrade, but the protein has been isolated from the enzyme complex and its position on gels has been unambiguously assigned. No N-terminal sequence could be derived from three other proteins. The largest of these is the alpha subunit, which previously has been shown to have pyrrolidonecarboxylic acid at the N terminus of the majority of its chains. The other two have been isolated from the enzyme complex; one of them is the membrane-associated protein, subunit d, which has an alpha-N-acetyl group, and the second, surprisingly, is the ATPase inhibitor protein. When it is isolated directly from mitochondrial membranes, the inhibitor protein has a frayed N terminus, with chains starting at residues 1, 2, and 3, but when it is isolated from the purified enzyme complex, its chains are not frayed and the N terminus is modified. Previously, the sequences at the N terminals of the alpha, beta, and delta subunits isolated from F1-ATPase had been shown to be frayed also, but in the F1F0 complex they each have unique N-terminal sequences.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

In F1F0-ATP synthase, the subunit b2delta complex comprises the peripheral stator bound to subunit a in F0 and to the alpha3beta3 hexamer of F1. During catalysis, ATP turnover is coupled via an elastic rotary mechanism to proton translocation. Thus, the stator has to withstand the generated rotor torque, which implies tight interactions of the stator and rotor subunits. To quantitatively characterize the contribution of the F0 subunits to the binding of F1 within the assembled holoenzyme, the isolated subunit b dimer, ab2 subcomplex, and fully assembled F0 complex were specifically labeled with tetramethylrhodamine-5-maleimide at bCys64 and functionally reconstituted into liposomes. Proteoliposomes were then titrated with increasing amounts of Cy5-maleimide-labeled F1 (at gammaCys106 and analyzed by single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer. The data revealed F1 dissociation constants of 2.7 nm for the binding of F0 and 9-10 nm for both the ab2 subcomplex and subunit b dimer. This indicates that both rotor and stator components of F0 contribute to F1 binding affinity in the assembled holoenzyme. The subunit c ring plays a crucial role in the binding of F1 to F0, whereas subunit a does not contribute significantly.  相似文献   

Acetate synthesis from CO2 by Acetobacterium woodii may occur as in homoacetate-fermenting clostridia, as indicated by high levels of enzymes of the tetrahydrofolate pathway and by pyruvate-dependent formation of acetate from methyl-B12 and methyltetrahydrofolate.  相似文献   

The beta-subunit of the F1F0-ATPase is conserved in mycoplasmas   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Monospecific polyclonal antibodies that were generated against the beta-subunit of Escherichia coli ATPase (F1Fo) cross-reacted with a protein present in the cells of several Mycoplasma and Acholeplasma species. In Mycoplasma gallisepticum, the reactive protein was found almost exclusively in the cell membrane. This protein had an apparent molecular mass of approximately 52 kDa and could not be released from the membranes by repeated washings with either low or high salt solutions in the presence or absence of EDTA. The reactive protein was found to be catalytically active, exhibiting up to 44% of the total membrane-bound ATPase activity. We suggest that mycoplasmas possess a F1Fo-ATPase which undergoes structural modification(s) allowing its integration into the membrane.  相似文献   

Cell envelope vesicles of Halobacterium halobium synthesize ATP by utilizing base-acid transition (an outside acidic pH jump) under optimal conditions (1 M NaCl, 80 mM MgCl2, pH 6.8) even in the presence of azide (a specific inhibitor of F0F1-ATPase) (Mukohata & Yoshida (1987) J. Biochem. 101, 311-318). An azide-insensitive ATPase was isolated from the inner face of the vesicle membrane, and shown to hydrolyze ATP under very specific conditions (1.5 M Na2SO4, 10 mM MnCl2, pH 5.8) (Nanba & Mukohata (1987) J. Biochem. 102, 591-598). This ATPase activity could also be detected when the vesicle components were solubilized by detergent. The relationship between ATP synthesis and the membrane-bound ATPase was investigated by modification of the vesicles with 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole (NBD-Cl) or N-ethylmaleimide (NEM). The inhibition pattern of ATP synthesis in the modified vesicles and that of ATP hydrolysis of the solubilized modified vesicles were compared under the individual optimum conditions. The inhibition patterns were almost identical, suggesting that the ATP synthesis and hydrolysis are catalyzed by a single enzyme complex. The ATP synthase includes the above ATPase (300-320 kDa), which is composed of two pairs of 86 and 64 kDa subunits. This is a novel H+-translocating ATP synthase functioning in the extremely halophilic archaebacterium. This "archae-ATP-synthase" differs from F0F1-ATPase/synthase, which had been thought to be ubiquitous among all respiring organisms on our biosphere.  相似文献   

Gao YQ  Yang W  Karplus M 《Cell》2005,123(2):195-205
Many essential functions of living cells are performed by nanoscale protein motors. The best characterized of these is F(o)F1-ATP synthase, the smallest rotary motor. This rotary motor catalyzes the synthesis of ATP with high efficiency under conditions where the reactants (ADP, H2PO4(-)) and the product (ATP) are present in the cell at similar concentrations. We present a detailed structure-based kinetic model for the mechanism of action of F1-ATPase and demonstrate the role of different protein conformations for substrate binding during ATP synthesis and ATP hydrolysis. The model shows that the pathway for ATP hydrolysis is not simply the pathway for ATP synthesis in reverse. The findings of the model also explain why the cellular concentration of ATP does not inhibit ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

The homoacetogenic bacterium Acetobacterium woodii relies on a sodium ion current across its cytoplasmic membrane for energy-dependent reactions. The sodium ion potential is established by a yet to be identified primary, electrogenic pump connected to the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway. Reactions possibly involved in Na(+) export are discussed. The electrochemical sodium ion potential generated is used to drive endergonic reactions such as flagellar rotation and ATP synthesis. Biochemical and molecular data identified the Na(+)-ATPase of A. woodii as a typical member of the F(1)F(0) class of ATPases. Its catalytic properties and the hypothetical sodium ion binding site in subunit c are discussed. The encoding genes were cloned and, surprisingly, the atp operon was shown to contain multiple copies of genes encoding subunit c. Two copies encode identical 8 kDa proteolipids, and a third copy arose by duplication and subsequent fusion of two genes. Furthermore, the duplicated subunit c does not contain the ion binding site in hair pin two. Biochemical and molecular data revealed that all three copies of subunit c constitute a mixed oligomer. The evolution of the structure and function of subunit c in ATPases from eucarya, bacteria, and archaea is discussed.  相似文献   

The γ and ε subunits of F(0)F(1)-ATP synthase from photosynthetic organisms display unique properties not found in other organisms. Although the γ subunit of both chloroplast and cyanobacterial F(0)F(1) contains an extra amino acid segment whose deletion results in a high ATP hydrolysis activity (Sunamura, E., Konno, H., Imashimizu-Kobayashi, M., Sugano, Y., and Hisabori, T. (2010) Plant Cell Physiol. 51, 855-865), its ε subunit strongly inhibits ATP hydrolysis activity. To understand the physiological significance of these phenomena, we studied mutant strains with (i) a C-terminally truncated ε (ε(ΔC)), (ii) γ lacking the inserted sequence (γ(Δ198-222)), and (iii) a double mutation of (i) and (ii) in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803. Although thylakoid membranes from the ε(ΔC) strain showed higher ATP hydrolysis and lower ATP synthesis activities than those of the wild type, no significant difference was observed in growth rate and in intracellular ATP level both under light conditions and during light-dark cycles. However, both the ε(ΔC) and γ(Δ198-222) and the double mutant strains showed a lower intracellular ATP level and lower cell viability under prolonged dark incubation compared with the wild type. These data suggest that internal inhibition of ATP hydrolysis activity is very important for cyanobacteria that are exposed to prolonged dark adaptation and, in general, for the survival of photosynthetic organisms in an ever-changing environment.  相似文献   

Eight genes (atpI, atpB, atpE(1), atpE(2), atpE(3), atpF, atpH, and atpA) upstream of and contiguous with the previously described genes atpG, atpD, and atpC were cloned from chromosomal DNA of Acetobacterium woodii. Northern blot analysis revealed that the eleven atp genes are transcribed as a polycistronic message. The atp operon encodes the Na(+)-F(1)F(0)-ATPase of A. woodii, as evident from a comparison of the biochemically derived N termini of the subunits with the amino acid sequences deduced from the DNA sequences. The molecular analysis revealed that all of the F(1)F(0)-encoding genes from Escherichia coli have homologs in the Na(+)-F(1)F(0)-ATPase operon from A. woodii, despite the fact that only six subunits were found in previous preparations of the enzyme from A. woodii. These results unequivocally prove that the Na(+)-ATPase from A. woodii is an enzyme of the F(1)F(0) class. Most interestingly, the gene encoding the proteolipid underwent quadruplication. Two gene copies (atpE(2) and atpE(3)) encode identical 8-kDa proteolipids. Two additional gene copies were fused to form the atpE(1) gene. Heterologous expression experiments as well as immunolabeling studies with native membranes revealed that atpE(1) encodes a duplicated 18-kDa proteolipid. This is the first demonstration of multiplication and fusion of proteolipid-encoding genes in F(1)F(0)-ATPase operons. Furthermore, AtpE(1) is the first duplicated proteolipid ever found to be encoded by an F(1)F(0)-ATPase operon.  相似文献   

To couple the energy present in the electrochemical proton gradient, established across the mitochondrial membrane by the respiratory chain, to the formation of ATP from ADP and Pi, ATP-synthase goes through a sequence of coordinated conformational changes of its major subunits (alpha, beta). These changes are induced by the rotation of the gamma subunit driven by the translocation of protons through the c subunit of the membrane portion of the enzyme. During this process, the F1-portion of the ATP-synthase adopts at least two major conformations depending on the occupancy of the beta subunits: one with two nucleotides, the other with three. In the two-nucleotide structure, the empty beta subunit adopts an open conformation that is highly different from the other conformations of beta subunits: tight, loose and closed. The three-dimensional structures of the F1-ATPase in each of these two major conformations provide a framework for understanding the mechanism of energy coupling by the enzyme. The energetics associated with two different models of the reaction steps, analysed using molecular dynamics calculations, show that three-nucleotide intermediates do not occur in configurations with an open beta subunit; instead, they are stabilized by completing a jaw-like motion that closes the beta subunit around the nucleotide. Consequently, the energy driven, major conformational change takes place with the beta subunits in the tight, loose and closed conformation.  相似文献   

Adaptation and tolerance to bile stress are important factors for the survival of bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract. Bifidobacterium animalis is a probiotic microorganism which has been largely applied in fermented dairy foods due to its technological properties and its health-promoting effects for humans. The effect of the presence of bile on the activity and expression of F1F0-ATPase, the pool of ATP and the intracellular pH of B. animalis IPLA 4549 and its mutant with acquired resistance to bile B. animalis 4549dOx was determined. The bile-resistant mutant tolerated the acid pH better than its parent strain. Bile induced the expression of the F1F0-ATPase and increased the membrane-bound H+-ATPase activity, in both parent and mutant strains. In acidic conditions (pH 5.0), the expression and the activity of this enzyme were higher in the mutant than in the parent strain when cells were grown in the absence of bile. Total ATP content was higher for the mutant in the absence of bile, whereas the presence of bile induced a decrease of intracellular ATP levels, which was much more pronounced for the parent strain. At pH 4.0, and independently on the presence or absence of bile, the mutant showed a higher intracellular pH than its parent strain. These findings suggest that the bile-adapted B. animalis strain is able to tolerate bile by increasing the intracellular ATP reserve, and by inducing proton pumping by the F1F0-ATPase, therefore tightly regulating the internal pH, and provide a link between the physiological state of the cell and the response to bile.  相似文献   

The epsilon subunit in F0F1-ATPase/synthase undergoes drastic conformational rearrangement, which involves the transition of two C-terminal helices between a hairpin "down"-state and an extended "up"-state, and the enzyme with the up-fixed epsilon cannot catalyze ATP hydrolysis but can catalyze ATP synthesis (Tsunoda, S. P., Rodgers, A. J. W., Aggeler, R., Wilce, M. C. J., Yoshida, M., and Capaldi, R. A. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 98, 6560-6564). Here, using cross-linking between introduced cysteine residues as a probe, we have investigated the causes of the transition. Our findings are as follows. (i) In the up-state, the two helices of epsilon are fully extended to insert the C terminus into a deeper position in the central cavity of F1 than was thought previously. (ii) Without a nucleotide, epsilon is in the up-state. ATP induces the transition to the down-state, and ADP counteracts the action of ATP. (iii) Conversely, the enzyme with the down-state epsilon can bind an ATP analogue, 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-ATP, much faster than the enzyme with the up-state epsilon. (iv) Proton motive force stabilizes the up-state. Thus, responding to the increase of proton motive force and ADP, F0F1-ATPase/synthase would transform the epsilon subunit into the up-state conformation and change gear to the mode for ATP synthesis.  相似文献   

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