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Leaf water potential was decreased by withholding irrigation to provide three levels of stress described as mild ({ie69-1}) moderate ({ie69-2}) and severe ({ie69-3}). The specific activity of NADP linked glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, phosphoglycerate kinase, aldolase, phosphogluco-isomerase and RuBP carboxylase decreased under mild stress, but the activity of phosphoglucomutase showed an increase whilst ribulose-5-phosphate kinase was least affected. With further decrease in water potential, the activity of NADP linked glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and aldolase showed a decrease, whereas, the activities of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase, phosphoglycerate kinase, phosphogulcomutase and RuBP carboxylase increased. Net CO2 fixation decreased sharply with stress, whereas, respiration and photorespiration increased in moderate stress, but decreased under severe stress. Stomatal resistance also increased with decrease in water potential. It seems that in vitro enzyme activities of PCR cycle are not responsible for decreased photosynthesis in pigeonpea under short term water stress. 相似文献
Thidiazuron either alone or in combination with IAA induced high frequency shoot regeneration from primary leaf segments of
three pigeonpea cultivars. Transfer of the cultures to medium with reduced concentration of thidiazuron resulted in further
development of the shoots. The regenerated shoots were subsequently transferred to medium supplemented with BA, IAA and gibberellic
acid where 5-10% of the shoots elongated further. Rooting of shoots could be obtained on half strength MS medium supplemented
with NAA. Histological studies confirmed the mode of regeneration as shoot organogenesis.
This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
Urease of pigeonpea has been immobilized on polyethyleneimine-activated cotton cloth followed by cross-linking with dimethyl suberimidate. Optimum immobilization (56%) was obtained at a protein loading of 1.2mg/5×5cm2 cloth piece. The immobilized enzyme stored in 0.1M Tris/acetate buffer, pH6.5, at 4°C had a t1/2 of 70 days. There was practically no leaching of the enzyme from the immobilization matrix in 15 days. The immobilized enzyme was used 7 times at an interval of 24h between each use with 75% residual activity at the end of the period. Blood urea analysis was carried out with immobilized urease for some clinical samples. 相似文献
Changes in different biochemical parameters like total phenolic content, protein pattern, polyphenol oxidase, peroxidase and
isozymes of peroxidase were compared in sterility mosaic resistant (Hy3C) and susceptible (Type-21) pigeonpea varieties at
different growth stages both under inoculated and uninoculated conditions. Resistant variety was characterized by the presence
of specific isoperoxidase and proteins but only little difference was recorded between resistant and susceptible variety with
respect to preformed or induced total phenolics and peroxidase activity. The activity of polyphenol oxidase increased substantially
in susceptible variety following infection. Role of these changes is discussed in relation to disease resistance.
Research Publication no. 3949 G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, India.
Deceased. 相似文献
Ammonia assimilatory and ureide biogenic enzymes were measured in the cytosol fraction of pigeonpea nodules during the period
15–120 days after sowing. The activity of enzymes involved in the initial assimilation of ammonia, i.e. glutamine synthetase,
glutamate synthase, asparagine synthetase and aspartate aminotransferase, substantially increased activities during the period
of plant growth and reached a maximum value around 105 days after sowing. These increases paralleled the increase in nodule
mass, nitrogenase activity and ureide content in nodules. Though no regular pattern was obtained for their specific activities,
yet these activities when expressed relative to the specific activity of nitrogenase were many fold higher at each stage of
development. Similar increases were observed in the activities of enzymes associated with the formation of ureides from purines.
In almost all cases, the activities were again maximum around 90–105 days after sowing. The specific activities of nucleotidase,
nucleosidase, xanthine dehydrogenase, uricase and allantoinase, when expressed relative to the specific activity of nitrogenase
at vegetative, flowering and podsetting stages were again many fold higher indicating the sufficiency of the levels of these
enzymes for the biosynthesis of ureides. The data presented are consistent with the proposal that in ureide producing legumes,
ammonia is initially assimilated into glutamine, aspartate, etc., which are metabolised for the denovo synthesis of purines. The purines are then utilised for the production of ureides by a group of enzymes investigated here 相似文献
Kassa MT Penmetsa RV Carrasquilla-Garcia N Sarma BK Datta S Upadhyaya HD Varshney RK von Wettberg EJ Cook DR 《PloS one》2012,7(6):e39563
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) is an annual or short-lived perennial food legume of acute regional importance, providing significant protein to the human diet in less developed regions of Asia and Africa. Due to its narrow genetic base, pigeonpea improvement is increasingly reliant on introgression of valuable traits from wild forms, a practice that would benefit from knowledge of its domestication history and relationships to wild species. Here we use 752 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) derived from 670 low copy orthologous genes to clarify the evolutionary history of pigeonpea (79 accessions) and its wild relatives (31 accessions). We identified three well-supported lineages that are geographically clustered and congruent with previous nuclear and plastid sequence-based phylogenies. Among all species analyzed Cajanus cajanifolius is the most probable progenitor of cultivated pigeonpea. Multiple lines of evidence suggest recent gene flow between cultivated and non-cultivated forms, as well as historical gene flow between diverged but sympatric species. Evidence supports that primary domestication occurred in India, with a second and more recent nested population bottleneck focused in tropical regions that is the likely consequence of pigeonpea breeding. We find abundant allelic variation and genetic diversity among the wild relatives, with the exception of wild species from Australia for which we report a third bottleneck unrelated to domestication within India. Domesticated C. cajan possess 75% less allelic diversity than the progenitor clade of wild Indian species, indicating a severe "domestication bottleneck" during pigeonpea domestication. 相似文献
Sixty-one isolates of Macrophomina phaseolina were characterised on the basis of different morphological characters to study the variability in the population. PCA analysis extracted three main components, microsclerotia, texture and colour, from the population that described the variability in the population most appropriately. Colour of the isolates and the presence of the microsclerotia have a significant effect on the area under disease progress curve. Isolates with the production of microsclerotia (M+) were more aggressive as compared to isolates with no production of microsclerotia (M?). The study has brought out pathogenic variation in M. phaseolina, thus better understanding of host pathogen relationship to identify physiologic races in the breeding programme. 相似文献
Effect of phenolic compounds on symbiotic nitrogen fixation in pigeonpea(Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.)
The effect of different phenolic compounds:p-hydroxybenzoic acid, resorcinol and chlorogenic acid (mono-, di- and polyphenol) was studied on nodulation and related metabolic processes in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. cv. Al-15). Nitrogenease activity, leghaemoglobin and ascorbic acid content of the nodules increased with the application of phenols. Phenols increase the contents of amino acids, proteins and total soluble carbohydrates in the nodules as reserve food materials. 相似文献
Effects of acidic soil factors (Al, H-ion, Mo, and Mn) upon the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Essex)/Bradyrhizobium japonicum symbiosis were examined in acidified soil. Plants were grown under full sunlight in pots containing N-deficient soil (pH 6.7) or similar soil amended with sufficient Al2(SO4)3 or elemental S to give soil pH values of 4.8 and 4.6, respectively, and water-extractable Al levels of 30 and 14 M, respectively. Other treatments consisted of the addition of inorganic N or inoculation with commercial or locally-isolated B. japonicum. Acidification did not reduce shoot or root weights of plants receiving inorganic N but reduced (P0.05) shoot and root dry weights, nodule dry weights and numbers, shoot N concentrations, and chlorophyll levels of inoculated plants. Shoot dry weights and nodulation of inoculated plants were greater (P0.05) in Al2(SO4)3-amended soil than in S-amended soil. Addition of Mo was not beneficial. It was concluded that reduced plant growth was caused by the effects of acidified soil on nodulation and that H-ion toxicity was probably the most limiting factor. Effects of Al, Mn, or Mo appeared less likely. 相似文献
Tran Thanh Thu Tran Thi Xuan Mai Eric Dewaele Slama Farsi Yohannes Tadesse Geert Angenon Michel Jacobs 《Molecular breeding : new strategies in plant improvement》2003,11(2):159-168
A requirement for generating transgenic pigeonpea [Cajanuscajan (L.) Millsp] plants is the development of a highly efficientin vitro regeneration procedure. This goal was achieved byusing germinated seedlings grown on B5 medium supplemented with 10 mgl–1 6-benzylaminopurine, which induced differentiatingcallus formation in the cotyledonary node region. The calli were transferred onB5 medium with 0.2 mg l–1 6-benzylaminopurine toobtain shoot induction. Elongated shoots were then further cultured on a B5hormone-free medium for rooting. Using this regeneration system transgenicpigeonpea plants were obtained both by particle bombardment andAgrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer. Thepresence of the transgenes in the pigeonpea genome was confirmed by GUS assays,PCR and Southern hybridisation. The transgenic rooted plants were successfullytransferred to soil in the greenhouse. GUS and PCR assays of T1 progeniesconfirmed that the transgenes were stably transmitted to the next generation.This is the first report of successful use ofAgrobacteriumas well as particle bombardment for production of transgenic pigeonpea plants. 相似文献
R. P. S. Pundir R. B. Singh 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1985,69(5-6):531-534
Summary Biosystematic studies encompassing morphocytological and electrophoretic analyses of Cajanus cajan, seven species of Atylosia and one of Rhynchosia revealed that A. cajanifolia is closest to C. cajan, followed by A. lineata, A. scarabaeoides, A. sericea, A. albicans, A. volubilis, A. platycarpa and R. rothii, in that order. A revision has been suggested for the taxonomic placement of the seven Atylosia species. Regarding the evolution of cultivated C. cajan, three possible alternatives have been suggested. Firstly, C. cajan could have evolved through gene mutation in A. cajanifolia; secondly, some of the Atylosia species and pigeonpea probably evolved from the same source; and thirdly, the pigeonpea might have developed from naturally occurring interspecific crosses of A. lineata and A. scarabaeoides. 相似文献
Susanne Rumich-Bayer Christoph Giersch G. Heinrich Krause 《Photosynthesis research》1987,14(2):137-145
Isolated mesophyll protoplasts from Valerianella locusta L. were subjected to freeze-thaw cycles. Subsequently, steady-state pool sizes of 14C-labeled intermediates of the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Protoplasts in which CO2 fixation was inhibited by preceding freezing stress, showed a strong increase in the proportion of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate, sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphate and triose phosphates. These results indicate an inhibition of the activities of stromal fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and sedoheptulose-1,7-bisphosphatase. Furthermore, freezing stress caused a slight increase in the proportion of labeled ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate, which may be based on an inhibition or ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase activity. It was shown earlier (Rumich-Bayer and Krause 1986) that freezing-thawing readily affects photosynthetic CO2 assimilation independently of thylakoid inactivation. The present results are interpreted in terms of an inhibition of the light-activation system of the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle, caused by freezing stress.Abbreviations FBP
Hexose Monophosphates
Pentose Monophosphates
- TP
Triose Phosphates 相似文献
A. Kumar Suresh T. P. Reddy G. M. Reddy 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1985,70(2):151-156
Summary Studies on callus growth and shoots/cotyledon, using seven different genotypes of pigeonpea and their hybrid progenies, revealed continuous variation for these traits. Hence, the type of gene action influencing in vitro cell proliferation and differentiation has been investigated in a diallel analysis of seven pigeonpea genotypes. Highly significant average heterosis was recorded for callus growth and seed yield/plant. In general, the F1 hybrids which showed heterosis for callus growth also exceeded their better parent for yield/ plant. Combining ability analysis revealed both additive and non-additive gene effects for callus growth, while number of shoots/cotyledon was mostly governed by non-additive gene effects. The genotype, ICP 7035, was the best general combiner for callus growth and shoot forming capacity of cotyledons. Two cross combinations, 7186×6974 and 7035×T-21, showed maximum SCA effects for callus growth and shoots/cotyledon. Callus dry weight was positively correlated with seed yield/plant and seedling weight. The strong positive association of callus growth with seed yield indicates the possibility of using this system for mass screening and selection of superior hybrids. 相似文献
Abstract Water-stressed pigeonpea leaves have high levels of osmotic adjustment at low leaf water potentials. The possible contribution of this adjustment of dehydration tolerance of leaves was examined in plants grown in a controlled environment. Osmotic adjustment was varied by withholding water from plants growing in differing amounts of soil, which resulted in different rates of decline of leaf water potential. The level of osmotic adjustment was inversely related to leaf water potential in all treatments. In addition, at any particular water potential, plants that had experienced a rapid development of stress exhibited less osmotic adjustment than plants that experienced a slower development of stress. Leaves with different levels of osmotic adjustment died at water potentials between –3.4 and –6.3 MPa, but all leaves died at a similar relative water content (32%). Consequently, leaves died when relative water content reached a lethal value, rather than when a lethal leaf water potential was reached. Osmotic adjustment delayed the time and lowered the leaf water potential when the lethal relative water content occurred, because it helped maintain higher relative water contents at low leaf water potentials. The consequences of osmotic adjustment for leaf survival in water-stressed pigeonpea are discussed. 相似文献
Sarkar Snehasish Roy Souri Ghosh Sudip K. Basu Asitava 《Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture》2019,137(1):23-32
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) - Establishment of a compatible and suitable regeneration and gene transformation protocol is of immense significance to achieve the desired improvement... 相似文献
Cadmium (Cd) causes oxidative damage and affects nodulation and nitrogen fixation process of legumes. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been demonstrated to alleviate heavy metal stress of plants. The present study was conducted to assess role of AM in alleviating negative effects of Cd on nodule senescence in Cajanus cajan genotypes differing in their metal tolerance. Fifteen day-old plants were subjected to Cd treatments--25 mg and 50 mg Cd per kg dry soil and were grown with and without Glomus mosseae. Cd treatments led to a decline in mycorrhizal infection (MI), nodule number and dry weights which was accompanied by reductions in leghemoglobin content, nitrogenase activity, organic acid contents. Cd supply caused a marked decrease in nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and iron (Fe) contents. Conversely, Cd increased membrane permeability, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), and Cd contents in nodules. AM inoculations were beneficial in reducing the above mentioned harmful effects of Cd and significantly improved nodule functioning. Activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and peroxidase (POD) increased markedly in nodules of mycorrhizal-stressed plants. The negative effects of Cd were genotype and concentration dependent. 相似文献
M. B. Ratnaparkhe V. S. Gupta M. R. Ven Murthy P. K. Ranjekar 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1995,91(6-7):893-898
Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used for the identification of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] cultivars and their related wild species. The use of single primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence resulted in the selective amplification of DNA fragments that were unique to individual accessions. The level of polymorphism among the wild species was extremely high, while little polymorphism was detected within Cajanus cajan accessions. All of the cultivars and wild species under study could be easily distinguished with the help of different primers, thereby indicating the immense potential of RAPD in the genetic fingerprinting of pigeonpea. On the basis of our data the genetic relationship between pigeonpea cultivars and its wild species could be established.NCL Communication No. 6062 相似文献
K. P. Kollipara L. Singh T. Hymowitz 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》1994,88(8):986-993
Variation in the trypsin inhibitors (TIs) and the chymotrypsin inhibitors (CIs) among 69 pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] strains from a wide geographical distribution and among 17 accessions representing seven wild Cajanus species was studied by electrophoretic banding pattern comparisons and by spectrophotometric activity assays. The TI and CI electrophoretic migration patterns among the pigeonpea strains were highly uniform but varied in the inhibitor band intensities. The migration patterns of the inhibitors in the wild Cajanus species were highly species specific. The mean TI activity of pigeonpea strains (2279 units) was significantly higher than that of the wild Cajanus species (1407 units). However, the mean CI activity in the pigeonpea strains (62 units) was much lower than that in the wild species (162 units). Kenya 2 and ICP 9151 were the lowest and the highest, respectively, in both the TI and CI activities among all the pigeonpea strains used in this study. A highly-significant positive correlation was observed between the TI and CI activities. The Bowman-Birk type inhibitors with both TI and CI activities were identified in all the pigeonpea strains and also in the accessions of all the wild species except C. volubilis (Blanco) Blanco. The C. volubilis accession ICPW 169 was found to be null for both CI bands and CI activity. Environment, strain, and environment x strain interaction showed highly-significant effects on both the TI and CI activities. Growing the pigeonpea strains at a different environment from their area of adaptation increased TI and CI activities and also altered the maturity period. 相似文献
J. V. D. K. Kumar Rao J. A. Thompson P. V. S. S. Sastry K. E. Giller J. M. Day 《Plant and Soil》1987,101(1):107-113
Two experiments were carried out from 1981 to 1983 in Vertisol field at ICRISAT Center, Patancheru, India to measure N2-fixation of pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] using the15N isotope dilution technique. One experiment examined the effect of control of a nodule-eating insect on fixation while another
in vestigated the effect of intercroping with cereals on fixation and the residual effect of pigeonpea on a succeeding cereal
crop. Although both experiments indicated that at least 88% of the N in pigeonpea was fixed from the atmosphere, one result
is considered fortuitous in view of the differential rates of growth of the legume and the control, sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]. The difference method of calculation in dieated negative fixation and the results emphasized the problem of
finding a suitable nonfixing control. In a second experiment, when all plants were confined to a known volume of soil to which15N fertilizer was added in the field, these problems were overcome, and isotope dilution and difference methods gave similar
results of N2-fixation of about 90%. In intercropped pigeonpea 96% of the total N was derived from the atmosphere. This estimate might
be an artifact. There was no evidence of benefit from N fixed by pigeonpea to intercropped sorghum plants. Plant tissue15N enrichments of cereal crops grown after pigeonpea indicated that the cereal derived some N fixed by the previous pigeonpea.
Thus residual benefits to cereals are not only an effect of ‘sparing’ of soil N. 相似文献