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The oxidation of glutathione to a thiyl radical by prostaglandin H synthase was investigated. Ram seminal vesicle microsomes, in the presence of arachidonic acid, oxidized glutathione to its thiyl-free radical metabolite, which was detected by ESR using the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide. Oxidation of glutathione was dependent on arachidonic acid and inhibited by indomethacin. Peroxides also supported oxidation, indicating that the oxidation was by prostaglandin hydroperoxidase. Glutathione served as a reducingcofactor for the reduction of 15-hydroperoxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid to 15-hydroxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid at 1.5-2 times the nonenzymatic rate. Although purified prostaglandin H synthase in the presence of either H2O2 or 15-hydroperoxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid oxidized glutathione to a thiyl radical, arachidonic acid did not support glutathione oxidation. Glutathione also inhibited cyclooxygenase activity as determined by measuring oxygen incorporation into arachidonic acid. Reverse-phase high pressure liquid chromatography analysis of the arachidonic acid metabolites indicated that the presence of glutathione in an incubation altered the metabolite profile. In the absence of the cofactor, the metabolites were PGD2, PGE2, and 15-hydroperoxy-PGE2 (where PG indicates prostaglandin), while in the presence of glutathione, the only metabolite was PGE2. These results indicate that glutathione not only serves as a cofactor for prostaglandin E isomerase but is also a reducing cofactor for prostaglandin H hydroperoxidase. Assuming that glutathione thiyl-free radical observed in the trapping experiments is involved in the enzymatic reduction of 15-hydroperoxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid to 15-hydroxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid, then a 1-electron donation from glutathione to prostaglandin hydroperoxidase is indicated.  相似文献   

We have proposed, using styrene as a model, a new mechanism for the formation of glutathione conjugates that is independent of epoxide formation but dependent on the oxidation of glutathione to a thiyl radical by peroxidases such as prostaglandin H synthase or horseradish peroxidase. The thiyl radical reacts with styrene to yield a carbon-centered radical which subsequently reacts with molecular oxygen to give the styrene-glutathione conjugate. We have used electron spin resonance spin trapping techniques to detect the proposed free radical intermediates. A styrene carbon-centered radical was trapped using the spin traps 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide (DMPO) and t-nitrosobutane. The position of the carbon-centered radical was confirmed to be at carbon 7 by the use of specific 2H-labeled styrenes. The addition of the spin trap DMPO inhibited both the utilization of molecular oxygen and the formation of styrene-glutathione conjugates. Under anaerobic conditions additional styrene-glutathione conjugates were formed, one of which was identified by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry as S-(2-phenyl)ethylglutathione. The glutathione thiyl radical intermediate was observed by spin trapping with DMPO. These results support the proposed free radical-mediated formation of styrene-glutathione conjugates by peroxidase enzymes.  相似文献   

The metabolism of styrene by prostaglandin hydroperoxidase and horseradish peroxidase was examined. Ram seminal vesicle microsomes in the presence of arachidonic acid or hydrogen peroxide and glutathione converted styrene to glutathione adducts. Neither styrene 7,8-oxide nor styrene glycol was detected as a product in the incubation. Also, the addition of styrene 7,8-oxide and glutathione to ram seminal vesicle microsomes did not yield styrene glutathione adducts. The peroxidase-generated styrene glutathione adducts were isolated by high pressure liquid chromatography and characterized by NMR and tandem mass spectrometry as a mixture of (2R)- and (2S)-S-(2-phenyl-2-hydroxyethyl)glutathione. (1R)- and (1S)-S-(1-phenyl-2-hydroxyethyl)glutathione were not formed by the peroxidase system. The addition of phenol or aminopyrine to incubations, which greatly enhances the oxidation of glutathione to a thiyl radical by peroxidases, increased the formation of styrene glutathione adducts. We propose a new mechanism for the formation of glutathione adducts that is independent of epoxide formation but dependent on the initial oxidation of glutathione to a thiyl radical by the peroxidase, and the subsequent reaction of the thiyl radical with a suitable substrate, such as styrene.  相似文献   

Human myoglobin (hMb) possesses a cysteine (Cys) residue which is rare among mammalian Mbs. To investigate the effects of this unique Cys residue at the amino acid position 110 (Cys110) on hMb reactions, we studied the reactions of wild type (WT) methMb and its alanine mutant at Cys110 (C110A) with H(2)O(2), particularly in the presence of reduced glutathione (GSH) which is well known as a reducing agent. The formation rates of the ferryloxo (Fe(IV)=O) species by H(2)O(2) under air were about the same for WT and C110A methMbs, whereas the protein decomposed more in the case of WT than C110A hMb. With the addition of GSH, hMb consumed H(2)O(2) faster and decomposition of the protein decreased, where the effects were more prominent in WT than C110A hMb. The radicals produced by the reaction with H(2)O(2) decreased significantly due to the addition of 1mM GSH in the case of WT hMb, but not in the case of C110A hMb. These results show that GSH reduces H(2)O(2)-induced protein decomposition due to reduction of the C110-thiyl radical in WT hMb by electron transfer.  相似文献   

The thiyl free radical is formed in the L-cysteine/N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) system (pH 7.8) without exposure to light as detected by the ESR spin trapping technique. The formation of N-methyl-N'-nitroguanidine in the system is identified by thin-layer chromatography. The hypothesis that the thiyl radical is formed by the attack of the nucleophilic reagent L-cysteine on the nitroso group of MNNG is verified by these results.  相似文献   

Microsomes isolated from sheep seminal vesicles (SSV) were found to catalyze the metabolic activation of paracetamol as evidenced by rapid formation of paracetamol glutathione conjugate when SSV microsomes were incubated with paracetamol in the presence of arachidonic acid and GSH. The activity was inhibited by indomethacin indicating the involvement of prostaglandin synthetase in the reaction. The initial activity was very rapid, and the affinity for paracetamol in the reaction was high, since formation of the glutathione conjugate was optimal already at 0.2 mM drug concentration.It is concluded that the activation of paracetamol is due to the peroxidase activity of prostaglandin synthetase in SSV microsomes, since linolenic acid hydroperoxide was also able to support the reaction.  相似文献   

Purified and microsomal preparations of prostaglandin H synthase catalyzed the arachidonic acid-dependent polymerization of acetaminophen and, in the presence of GSH, catalyzed the formation of 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen. The formation of these products was inhibited by indomethacin and by purging reaction mixtures with argon. When H2O2 replaced arachidonic acid, neither indomethacin nor argon purging inhibited product formation. These results suggest that the peroxidase activity of prostaglandin H synthase catalyzed the oxidation of acetaminophen. Addition of GSH to reaction mixtures decreased acetaminophen polymerization; however, 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen formation was maximal with 40 microM GSH, and higher concentrations of GSH did not substantially alter its formation. In the presence of GSH, either ascorbic acid or NADPH decreased polymerization by greater than 97% while 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen formation was still observed. These data suggest that polymers and conjugates were formed by two different pathways. Since polymerization of acetaminophen involves radical termination of N-acetyl-p-benzosemiquinone imine whereas 3-(glutathion-S-yl)acetaminophen is formed by conjugation of N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine with GSH, the data suggest that prostaglandin H synthase catalyzed both the overall 1- and 2-electron oxidation of acetaminophen.  相似文献   

The ESR spin trapping technique was used to study the first detectable radical intermediate in the oxidation of arachidonic acid by purified prostaglandin H synthase. The holoenzyme and the apoenzyme, reconstituted with either hematin or Mn2+ protoporphyrin IX, were investigated. Depending on the different types of enzyme activity present, arachidonic acid was oxidized to at least two free radicals. One of these radicals is thought to be the first ESR detectable radical intermediate in the conversion of arachidonic acid to prostaglandin G2 and was detected previously in incubations of ram seminal vesicle microsomes, which are rich in prostaglandin H synthase. The ESR findings correlated with oxygen incorporation into arachidonic acid and prostaglandin formation, where the spin trap inhibits oxygen incorporation and prostaglandin formation by apparently competing with oxygen for the carbon-centered radical. Substitution of arachidonic acid by octadeuterated (5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 15)-arachidonic acid confirmed that the radical adduct contained arachidonic acid that is bound to the spin trap at one of these eight positions. An attempt was made to explain the apparent time lag between the metabolic activity observed in the oxygraph measurements and the appearance of the trapped radical signals.  相似文献   

Diethylstilbestrol is carcinogenic in rodents and in humans and its peroxidatic oxidation in utero has been associated with its carcinogenic activity. Horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of [14C]diethylstilbestrol and [14C]diethylstilbestrol analogs induced binding of radiolabel to DNA only when the compound contained a free hydroxy group (Metzler, M., and Epe, B. (1984) Chem. Biol. Interact. 50, 351-360). We have found that horseradish peroxidase or prostaglandin-H synthase-catalyzed oxidation of diethylstilbestrol in the presence of the spin trap 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide caused the generation of an ESR signal indicative of a free radical intermediate (aN = 14.9 G, aH = 18.3 G). The identity of the trapped radical could not be identified on the basis of published hyperfine coupling constants, but the observation that horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of 1-naphthol produced an identical ESR signal suggests that the radical was either a phenoxy or phenoxy-derived radical. During horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of diethylstilbestrol in the presence of glutathione the thiol reduced the diethylstilbestrol radical to generate a thiyl radical. This was shown by a thiol-dependent oxygen uptake during horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of diethylstilbestrol and the observation of an ESR signal consistent with 5,5-dimethylpyrroline-N-oxide-glutathionyl radical adduct formation. A diethylstilbestrol analog devoid of free hydroxy groups, namely diethylstilbestrol dipropionate, did not produce an ESR signal above control levels during horseradish peroxidase-catalyzed metabolism in the presence of 5,5-dimethylpyrroline-N-oxide. Thus, free radicals are formed during peroxidatic oxidation of diethylstilbestrol and must be considered as possible determinants of the genotoxic activity of this compound.  相似文献   

R K Upmacis  R S Deeb  D P Hajjar 《Biochemistry》1999,38(38):12505-12513
Nitric oxide and its derivatives have been shown to both activate and inhibit prostaglandin H(2) synthase 1 (PGHS-1). We set out to determine the mechanisms by which different nitrogen oxide derivatives modulate PGHS-1 activity. To this end, we show that 3-morpholinosydnonimine hydrochloride (SIN-1), a compound capable of generating peroxynitrite, activates purified PGHS-1 and also stimulates PGE(2) production in arterial smooth muscle cells in the presence of exogenous arachidonic acid. The effect of SIN-1 in smooth muscle cells was abrogated by superoxide and peroxynitrite inhibitors, which supports the hypothesis that peroxynitrite is an activating species of PGHS-1. Indeed, authentic peroxynitrite also induced PGE(2) production in arachidonic acid-stimulated cells. In contrast, when cells were exposed to the nitric oxide-releasing compound 1-hydroxy-2-oxo-3-[(methylamino)propyl]-3-methyl-1-triazene (NOC-7), PGHS-1 enzyme activity was inhibited in the presence of exogenous arachidonic acid. Finally, in lipid-loaded smooth muscle cells, we demonstrate that SIN-1 stimulates arachidonic acid-induced PGE(2) production; albeit, the extent of activation is reduced compared to that under normal conditions. These results indicate that formation of peroxynitrite is a key intermediary step in PGHS-1 activation. However, other forms of NO(x)() inhibit PGHS-1. These results may have implications in the regulation of vascular function and tone in normal and atherosclerotic arteries.  相似文献   

The oxidation of aminopyrine to an aminopyrine cation radical was investigated using a solubilized microsomal preparation or prostaglandin H synthase purified from ram seminal vesicles. Aminopyrine was oxidized to an aminopyrine cation radical in the presence of arachidonic acid, hydrogen peroxide, t-butyl hydroperoxide or 15-hydroperoxyarachidonic acid. Highly purified prostaglandin H synthase, which processes both cyclo-oxygenase and hydroperoxidase activity, oxidized aminopyrine to the free radical. Purified prostaglandin H synthase reconstituted with Mn2+ protoporphyrin IX, which processes only cyclo-oxygenase activity, did not catalyze the formation of the aminopyrine free radical. Aminopyrine stimulated the reduction of 15-hydroperoxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid to 15-hydroxy-5,8,11-13-eicosatetraenoic acid. Approximately 1 molecule of 15-hydroperoxy-5,8,11,13-eicosatetraenoic acid was reduced for every 2 molecules of aminopyrine free radical formed, giving a stoichiometry of 1:2. The decay of the aminopyrine radical obeyed second-order kinetics. These results support the proposed mechanism in which aminopyrine is oxidized by prostaglandin H synthase hydroperoxidase to the aminopyrine free radical, which then disproportionates to the iminium cation. The iminium cation is further hydrolyzed to the demethylated amine and formaldehyde. Glutathione reduced the aminopyrine radical to aminopyrine with the concomitant oxidation of GSH to its thiyl radical as detected by ESR of the glutathione thiyl radical adduct.  相似文献   

Vanadate V(V) markedly stimulated the oxidation of NADPH by GSSG reductase and this oxidation was accompanied by the consumption of O2 and the accumulation of H2O2. Superoxide dismutases completely eliminated this effect of V(V), whereas catalase was without effect, as was exogenous H2O2 added to 0.1 mM. These effects could be seen equally well in phosphate- or in 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid-buffered solutions. Under anaerobic conditions there was no V(V)-stimulated oxidation of NADPH. Approximately 4% of the electrons flowing from NADPH to O2, through GSSG reductase, resulted in release of O2-. The average length of the free radical chains causing the oxidation of NADPH, initiated by O2- plus V(V), was calculated to be in the range 140-200 NADPH oxidized per O2- introduced. We conclude that GSSG reductase, and by extension other O2(-)-producing flavoprotein dehydrogenases such as lipoyl dehydrogenase and ferredoxin reductase, catalyze V(V)-stimulated oxidation of NAD(P)H because they release O2- and because O2- plus V(V) initiate a free radical chain oxidation of NAD(P)H. There is no reason to suppose that these enzymes can act as NAD(P)H:V(V) oxidoreductases.  相似文献   

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit the action of prostaglandin H synthase (PGH synthase), and this effect may constitute the basis for therapeutic and idiosyncratic responses to these agents. We found that aspirin treatment of cultured ovine tracheal epithelial cells blocked PGH synthase-catalyzed formation of PG as expected but also caused a dose-dependent increase in 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE) production from arachidonic acid. In contrast, aspirin caused only inhibition of PG production without enhancing 15-HETE formation in ovine seminal vesicle and other tissues. The 15-HETE formed by aspirin-treated ovine tracheal epithelial cells was generated by a PGH synthase-dependent mechanism because: (i) the 15-HETE forming activity was just as sensitive as PG forming activity to selective inhibition by indomethacin; (ii) both 15-HETE and PG forming activities were quantitatively immunoprecipitated (depleted from supernatants and recovered in immune complex pellets) by a specific anti-PGH synthase antiserum. Additional immunoprecipitation experiments indicated that anti-PGH synthase monoclonal antibodies (cyo-1 and cyo-5) raised against the aspirin-inhibited form of the enzyme (contained in seminal vesicle) did not recognize the aspirin-stimulated 15-HETE-forming PGH synthase (contained in cultured epithelial cells). Thus, sequential immunoprecipitation of cultured epithelial cell material first with excess cyo-1 followed by anti-PGH synthase antiserum indicated that two isoforms of PGH synthase were expressed in these cells. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitated PGH synthase from cultured epithelial cells revealed distinct protein bands for each form of the enzyme (M(r) = 70,000 and 72,000). The identification of a distinct PGH synthase which may be modified by aspirin so that selective oxygenation of fatty acid substrate is enhanced (while PG formation is inhibited) indicates that isozymes of PGH synthase exist which are pharmacologically distinct.  相似文献   

Implication of free radical mechanisms in ethanol-induced cellular injury.   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Numerous experimental data reviewed in the present article indicate that free radical mechanisms contribute to ethanol-induced liver injury. Increased generation of oxygen- and ethanol-derived free radicals has been observed at the microsomal level, especially through the intervention of the ethanol-inducible cytochrome P450 isoform (CYP2E1). Furthermore, an ethanol-linked enhancement in free radical generation can occur through the cytosolic xanthine and/or aldehyde oxidases, as well as through the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Ethanol administration also elicits hepatic disturbances in the availability of non-safely-sequestered iron derivatives and in the antioxidant defense. The resulting oxidative stress leads, in some experimental conditions, to enhanced lipid peroxidation and can also affect other important cellular components, such as proteins or DNA. The reported production of a chemoattractant for human neutrophils may be of special importance in the pathogenesis of alcoholic hepatitis. Free radical mechanisms also appear to be implicated in the toxicity of ethanol on various extrahepatic tissues. Most of the experimental data available concern the gastric mucosa, the central nervous system, the heart, and the testes. Clinical studies have not yet demonstrated the role of free radical mechanisms in the pathogenesis of ethanol-induced cellular injury in alcoholics. However, many data support the involvement of such mechanisms and suggest that dietary and/or pharmacological agents able to prevent an ethanol-induced oxidative stress may reduce the incidence of ethanol toxicity in humans.  相似文献   

Synthesis of prostaglandin H2 by prostaglandin H synthase (PHS) results in a two-electron oxidation of the enzyme. An active reduced enzyme is regenerated by reducing cofactors, which become oxidized. This report examines the mechanism by which PHS from ram seminal vesicle microsomes catalyzes the oxidation of the reducing cofactor N-acetylbenzidine (ABZ). During the conversion of 0.06 mM ABZ to its final end product, 4'-nitro-4-acetylaminobiphenyl, a new metabolite was observed when 1 mM ascorbic acid was present. Similar results were observed whether 0.2 mM arachidonic acid or 0.5 mM H2O2 was used as the substrate. This metabolite co-eluted with synthetic N'-hydroxy-N-acetylbenzidine (N'HA), but not with N-hydroxy-N-acetylbenzidine. The new metabolite was identified as N'HA by electrospray ionization/MS/MS. N'HA represented as much as 10% of the total radioactivity recovered by high pressure liquid chromatography. When N'HA was substituted for ABZ, PHS metabolized N'HA to 4'-nitro-4-acetylaminobiphenyl. Inhibitor studies demonstrated that metabolism was due to PHS, not cytochrome P-450. The lack of effect of 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline N-oxide, mannitol, and superoxide dismutase suggests the lack of involvement of one-electron transfer reactions and suggests that hydroxyl radicals and superoxide are not sources of oxygen or oxidants. Oxygen uptake studies did not demonstrate a requirement for molecular oxygen. When [18O]H2O2 was used as the substrate, 18O enrichment was observed for 4'-nitro-4-acetylaminobiphenyl, but not for N'HA. A 97% enrichment was observed for one atom of 18O, and a 17 +/- 7% enrichment was observed for two 18O atoms. The rapid exchange of 18O-N'HA with water was suggested to explain the lack of enrichment of N'HA and the low enrichment of two 18O atoms into 4'-nitro-4-acetylaminobiphenyl. Results demonstrate a peroxygenase oxidation of ABZ and N'HA by PHS and suggest a stepwise oxidation of ABZ to N'-hydroxy, 4'-nitroso, and 4'-nitro products.  相似文献   

Methimazole, an irreversible, mechanism-based (suicide substrate) inhibitor of thyroid peroxidase and lactoperoxidase, also inhibits the oxidation of xenobiotics by prostaglandin hydroperoxidase. The mechanism(s) by which methimazole inhibits prostaglandin H synthase-catalyzed oxidations is not conclusively known. In studies reported here, methimazole inhibited the prostaglandin H synthase-catalyzed oxidation of benzidine, phenylbutazone, and aminopyrine in a concentration-dependent manner. Methimazole poorly supported the prostaglandin H synthase-catalyzed reduction of 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl hydroperoxide to the corresponding alcohol (5-phenyl-4-pentenyl alcohol), suggesting that methimazole is not serving as a competing reducing cosubstrate for the peroxidase. Methimazole is not a mechanism-based inhibitor of prostaglandin hydroperoxidase or horseradish peroxidase since methimazole did not inhibit the peroxidase-catalyzed, benzidine-supported reduction of 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl hydroperoxide. In contrast, methimazole inhibited the reduction of 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl hydroperoxide to 5-phenyl-4-pentenyl alcohol catalyzed by lactoperoxidase, confirming that methimazole is a mechanism-based inhibitor of that enzyme and that such inhibition can be detected by our assay. Glutathione reduces the aminopyrine cation free radical, the formation of which is catalyzed by the hydroperoxidase, back to the parent compound. Methimazole produced the same effect at concentrations equimolar to those required for glutathione. These data indicate that methimazole does not inhibit xenobiotic oxidations catalyzed by prostaglandin H synthase and horseradish peroxidase through direct interaction with the enzyme, but rather inhibits accumulation of oxidation products via reduction of a free radical-derived metabolite(s).  相似文献   

Purified prostaglandin H synthase (EC, reconstituted with hemin, was reacted with substrates of the cyclooxygenase and peroxidase reaction. The resulting EPR spectra were measured below 90 K. Arachidonic acid, added under anaerobic conditions, did not change the EPR spectrum of the native enzyme due to high-spin ferric heme. Arachidonic acid with O2, as well as prostaglandin G2 or H2O2, decreased the spectrum of the native enzyme and concomitantly a doublet signal at g = 2.005 was formed with maximal intensity of 0.35 spins/enzyme and a half-life of less than 20 s at -12 degrees C. From the conditions for the formation and the effect of inhibitors, this doublet signal was assigned to an enzyme intermediate of the peroxidase reaction, namely a higher oxidation state. The doublet signal with characteristic hyperfine structure was nearly identical to the signal of the tyrosyl radical in ribonucleotide reductase (EC Hence the signal of prostaglandin H synthase was assigned to a tyrosyl radical. Electronic spectra as well as decreased power saturation of the tyrosyl radical signal indicated heme in its ferryl state which coupled to the tyrosyl radical weakly. [FeIVO(protoporphyrin IX)]...Tyr+. was suggested as the structure of this two-electron oxidized state of the enzyme. A hypothetical role for the tyrosyl radical could be the abstraction of a hydrogen at C-13 of arachidonic acid which is assumed to be the initial step of the cyclooxygenase reaction.  相似文献   

TPA regulation of prostaglandin H synthase activity in primary and subcultured dog urothelial cells was investigated. Previous studies have demonstrated an early (0-2 hr) increase in PGE2 synthesis mediated by TPA which is dependent upon release of endogenous arachidonic acid by a phospholipase-mediated pathway. In this study, prostaglandin H synthase activity was assessed directly with microsomes and indirectly after addition of exogenous arachidonic acid at a maximum effective concentration (100 microM) to media. PGE2 synthesis, measured by radioimmunoassay, served as an index of prostaglandin H synthase activity. After a 24-hr incubation with 0.1 microM TPA or 1.0 microM A23187, arachidonic acid elicited significantly more PGE2 synthesis in agonist-treated cells than it did in control cells in primary culture. Microsomes from 24-hr TPA-treated cells exhibited significantly more prostaglandin H synthase activity than did those from control cells. In addition, the PGE2 content of overnight media was approximately 10-fold greater in TPA-treated cells than in control cells. The late (24 hr) response was more sensitive to lower concentrations of TPA than was the earlier (0-2 hr) response. TPA at 0.1 microM was a maximum effective dose for both responses. The 24-hr response was blocked by cycloheximide and staurosporine, inhibitors of protein synthesis and protein kinase C, respectively. Pretreatment of cells with aspirin, an irreversible inhibitor of prostaglandin H synthase, prior to addition of TPA did not prevent the late TPA-mediated increase in PGE2 synthesis. Subcultured cells exhibited both an early and a late TPA response. Only the early response was inhibited by aspirin pretreatment. Results suggest that the late response with TPA is caused by de novo synthesis of prostaglandin H synthase. Thus, primary and subcultured dog urothelial cells possess two distinct mechanisms for regulating signal transduction by arachidonic acid metabolism. This study provides a basis for assessing these mechanisms of signal transduction in urothelial cell lines and transformed cells.  相似文献   

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