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Summary A time-depth-temperature recorder provided a continuous record of diving by a female southern elephant seal in relation to water temperature for 27 days (1939 dives) after completion of moult. Mean maximum dive depth was 391±2.6 m and the overall maximum was 775 m. Dives lasted on average 17.5±0.09 min. Most dives showed a rapid descent to the discontinuity between the cold surface water and warmer deep water. Consequently the seal spent 57% of its time while diving at a depth of 200–400 m when it may have been foraging. This strongly suggests that the seal was exploiting a food source at the discontinuity between vertically stratified water masses. The water temperature data also indicated that the seal was diving in waters south of the Antarctic Polar Front and at some distance from the northern edge of the pack ice. The seal spent 88% of its time under water. Normal surface intervals between dives lasted an average of 2.1 ± 0.1 min whereas 16 extended surface intervals (>10 min duration) lasted 32.7±4.6 min. Dives were deeper during the day than at night and all but one extended surface interval occurred at night. The pattern of dives was similar to records from northern elephant seals but this is the first study to show how diving behaviour relates to water temperature.  相似文献   

Understanding observed patterns of connectivity requires an understanding of the evolutionary processes that determine genetic structure among populations, with the most common models being associated with isolation by distance, allopatry or vicariance. Pinnipeds are annual breeders with the capacity for extensive range overlap during seasonal migrations, establishing the potential for the evolution of isolation by distance. Here, we assess the pattern of differentiation among six breeding colonies of the southern elephant seal, Mirounga leonina, based on mtDNA and 15 neutral microsatellite DNA markers, and consider measures of their demography and connectivity. We show that all breeding colonies are genetically divergent and that connectivity in this highly mobile pinniped is not strongly associated with geographic distance, but more likely linked to Holocene climate change and demographic processes. Estimates of divergence times between populations were all after the last glacial maximum, and there was evidence for directional migration in a clockwise pattern (with the prevailing current) around the Antarctic. We discuss the mechanisms by which climate change may have contributed to the contemporary genetic structure of southern elephant seal populations and the broader implications.  相似文献   

Identifying individuals' foraging strategies is critical to understanding the ecology of a species, and can provide the means to predict possible ecological responses to environmental change. Our study combines stable isotope analysis and satellite telemetry to study the variability in individual foraging strategies of adult female southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina). Our hypothesis is that female elephant seals from the Western Antarctica Peninsula (WAP) display individual specialization in their diets. We captured adult female elephant seals (n = 56, 2005-2009) at Livingston Island (Antarctica), and instrumented them with SMRU-CTD satellite tags. We collected blood, fur, and vibrissae samples for δ(13)C and δ(15)N analyses. The mean values for all vibrissae were -21.0 ± 0.7‰ for δ(13)C, and 10.4 ± 0.8‰, for δ(15)N. The individual variability of δ(13)C (60%) was more important than the within-individual variability (40%) in explaining the total variance observed in our data. For δ(15)N, the results showed the opposite trend, with the within-individual variability (64%) contributing more to the total variance than the individual variability (36%), likely associated with the effect that the fasting periods have on δ(15)N values. Most individuals were specialists, as inferred from the low intra-individual variability of δ(13)C values with respect to the population variability, with half the individuals utilizing 31% or less of their available niche. We found eight different foraging strategies for these animals. Female elephant seals from the WAP are a diverse group of predators with individuals utilizing only a small portion of the total available niche, with the consequent potential to expand their foraging habits to exploit other resources or environments in the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Modern environmental research is typically governed by a number of protocols designed to embrace the epistemological and ethical values of society. These protocols evolve in response to changing values, and few disciplines in environmental science have received as much attention as biological conservation. This paper describes the events leading to a controversy regarding a particular research technique used to investigate the cause of a long-term population decline of southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) at Macquarie Island, south of Australia – hot-iron branding of individuals. We discuss procedures and protocols that were in place at the time the controversy erupted, the subsequent reflection of the researchers and authorities involved, and the steps taken to avoid future occurrences. Our treatment of the issue is framed within a discussion of modern ethical philosophy, and our aim is to identify the true source of the controversy. We offer several suggestions as to how such events can be avoided in the future, and provide a model framework for incorporating changing ethical values into important biological conservation objectives.  相似文献   

Partitioning resources is a key mechanism for avoiding intraspecific competition and maximizing individual energy gain. However, in sexually dimorphic species it is difficult to discern if partitioning is due to competition or the different resource needs of morphologically distinct individuals. In the highly dimorphic southern elephant seal, there are intersexual differences in habitat use; at Iles Kerguelen, males predominantly use shelf waters, while females use deeper oceanic waters. There are equally marked intrasexual differences, with some males using the nearby Kerguelen Plateau, and others using the much more distant Antarctic continental shelf (~2,000 km away). We used this combination of inter and intrasexual behavior to test two hypotheses regarding habitat partitioning in highly dimorphic species. (a) that intersexual differences in habitat use will not appear until the seals diverge in body size and (b) that some habitats have higher rates of energy return than others. In particular, that the Antarctic shelf would provide higher energy returns than the Kerguelen Shelf, to offset the greater cost of travel. We quantified the habitat use of 187 southern elephant seals (102 adult females and 85 subadult males). The seals in the two groups were the same size (~2.4 m) removing the confounding effect of body size. We found that the intersexual differences in habitat use existed before the divergence in body size. Also, we found that the amount of energy gained was the same in all of the major habitats. This suggests that the use of shelf habitats by males is innate, and a trade‐off between the need to access the large benthic prey available on shelf waters, against the higher risk of predation there. Intrasexual differences in habitat use are another trade‐off; although there are fewer predators on the Antarctic shelf, it is subject to considerable interannual fluctuations in sea‐ice extent. In contrast, the Kerguelen Plateau presents more consistent foraging opportunities, but contains higher levels of predation. Habitat partitioning in this highly dimorphic species is therefore the result of complex interplay of life history strategies, environmental conditions and predation pressure.  相似文献   

We used dung surveys to estimate population size and extracted an age structure from boli diameters for the elephants living in the Maputo Elephant Reserve. Our estimate was based on published defecation rates, dung decay rates, distance-sampling techniques and 1,672 dung piles encountered on 204 line-transects. The reserve had at least 311 (95% CI: 198–490) elephants at a density of 0.60 (95% CI: 0.38–0.94) per km2. However, observer bias reduced effective strip widths and inflated estimates and their confidence limits. The age structure extrapolated from dung measurements indicated few newborn calves compared with other populations. To detect population changes of 2–5% at 80% power, dung surveys should be carried out every second year for the next 20 years using 100 transects of at least 500 m each. Comparison with a 1995 dung survey suggests that the population is stable and that previous fears of a major population decline during the civil war have no foundation.  相似文献   

Chromosome analyses were carried out on bone marrow cells from three elephant seal pups (Mirounga leonina), a species characterized by a 2n = 34 chromosome number. Arm ratios for the different chromosomes were calculated to facilitate the classification of chromosomes into groups. The karyotype of the southern elephant seal differs from other reported 34-chromosome phocids in the morphology of the Y chromosome and in that of one of the autosomal chromosome pairs.  相似文献   

The ability of air-breathing marine predators to forage successfully depends on their ability to remain submerged. This is in turn related to their total O(2) stores and the rate at which these stores are used up while submerged. Body size was positively related to dive duration in a sample of 34 adult female southern elephant seals from Macquarie Island. However, there was no relationship between body size and dive depth. This indicates that smaller seals, with smaller total O(2) stores, make shorter dives than larger individuals but operate at similar depths, resulting in less time being spent at depth. Nine adult female elephant seals were also equipped with velocity time depth recorders. In eight of these seals, a plot of swimming speed against dive duration revealed a cloud of points with a clear upper boundary. This boundary could be described using regression analysis and gave a significant negative relationship in most cases. These results indicate that metabolic rate varies with activity levels, as indicated by swimming speed, and that there are quantifiable limits to the distance that a seal can travel on a dive of a given swimming speed. However, the seals rarely dive to these physiological limits, and the majority of their dives are well within their aerobic capacity. Elephant seals therefore appear to dive in a way that ensures that they have a reserve of O(2) available.  相似文献   

The evolution of resource specializations is poorly understood, especially in marine systems. The southern elephant seal (Mirounga leonina) is the largest of the phocid seals, sexually dimorphic, and thought to prey predominantly on fish and squid. We collected vibrissae from male and female southern elephant seals, and assessed stable C and N isotope ratios along the length of the vibrissae. Given that whiskers grow slowly, this sampling strategy reflects any variation in feeding behaviour over a period of time. We found that isotopic variation among females was relatively small, and that the apparent prey choice and trophic level of females was different from that for males. Further, males showed a very broad range of trophic/prey choice positions, grouped into several clusters, and this included isotopic values too low to match a broad range of potential fish and cephalopod prey tested. One of these clusters overlapped with data for South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens), which were measured for comparison. Both male southern elephant seals and southern sea lions forage over the continental shelf, providing the potential for competition. We discuss the possibility that individual southern elephant seals are pursuing specialist foraging strategies to avoid competition, both with one another, and with the South American sea lions that breed nearby.  相似文献   

Marker-loss is a common feature of mark–recapture studies and important as it may bias parameter estimation. A slight alteration in tag-site of double tagged southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), marked at Marion Island from 1983 to 2005 in an ongoing mark–recapture program, had important consequences for tag-loss. We calculated age-specific tag-retention rates and cumulative tag-retention probabilities using a maximum likelihood model selection approach in the software application TAG_LOSS 3.2.0. Under the tag-loss independence assumption, double tag-loss of inner interdigital webbing tags (IIT; 17 cohorts) remained below 1% in the first 5 yr and increased monotonically as seals aged, with higher tag-loss in males. Lifetime cumulative IIT tag-loss was 11.9% for females and 18.4% for males, and equivalent for all cohorts. Changing the tag-site to the outer interdigital webbing (OIT; 6 cohorts) resulted in increased and cohort-dependent tag-loss, although the variation (mean ± 95% CI) in cumulative tag-loss probabilities never exceeded 5.3% between cohorts at similar age. Although different studies may homogenize techniques, we advocate the importance of data set-specific assessment of tag-loss rates to ensure greatest confidence in population parameters obtained from mark–recapture experiments. Permanent marking should be implemented where feasible.  相似文献   

Humans and chimpanzees share >99% identity in most proteins. One rare difference is a human-specific inactivating deletion in the CMAH gene, which determines biosynthesis of the sialic acid N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc). Since Neu5Gc is prominent on most chimpanzee cell surfaces, this mutation could have affected multiple systems. However, Neu5Gc is found in human cancers and fetuses and in trace amounts in normal human tissues, suggesting an alternate biosynthetic pathway. We inactivated the mouse Cmah gene and studied the in vivo consequences. There was no evidence for an alternate pathway in normal, fetal, or malignant tissue. Rather, null fetuses accumulated Neu5Gc from heterozygous mothers and dietary Neu5Gc was incorporated into oncogene-induced tumors. As with humans, there were accumulation of the precursor N-acetylneuraminic acid and increases in sialic acid O acetylation. Null mice showed other abnormalities reminiscent of the human condition. Adult mice showed a diminished acoustic startle response and required higher acoustic stimuli to increase responses above the baseline level. In this regard, histological abnormalities of the inner ear occurred in older mice, which had impaired hearing. Adult animals also showed delayed skin wound healing. Loss of Neu5Gc in hominid ancestors approximately 2 to 3 million years ago likely had immediate and long-term consequences for human biology.  相似文献   

We examined the cortisol responses to chemical and physical restraint stress in southern elephant seal Mirounga leonina females and their pups at three stages during lactation. In anaesthetised females the serum cortisol levels changed moderately during the 45-min sampling period following restraint, with average peaks at 23 min after anaesthetic administration. Overall, cortisol was relatively low 2 days postpartum and increased throughout lactation. In physically restrained pups serum cortisol increased rapidly after capture; the response was milder at age 2 days than at 11 days and 21 days. Levels were higher in female pups than in males. In order to test whether cortisol levels and/or responses became chronically (i.e. days to weeks) altered due to restraint, we compared the cortisol response at a late stage of lactation between three groups of mother-pup pairs previously given different levels of chemical (mothers) or physical (pups) restraint stress: control (not handled previously), moderate treatment (previously handled twice), and high treatment (previously handled 3-4 times). Pups of the three treatment groups showed similar adrenocortical responses suggesting no chronic effect of repeated physical restraint, despite the clear acute effects. Mothers of the control and moderate treatment groups showed similar cortisol responses; however, mothers of the high treatment group showed significantly attenuated responses. This indicated that elephant seals tolerated moderate degrees of handling disturbance; however, repeated (3-4) chemical immobilisations in lactating females may reduce their adrenocortical responsiveness for a period of days or weeks.  相似文献   

Abstract The northern elephant seal (NES) suffered a severe population bottleneck towards the end of the nineteenth century. Theoretical expectations for the impact of population bottlenecks include the loss of genetic diversity and a loss of fitness (e.g. through a disruption of developmental stability); however, there are few direct demonstrations in natural populations. Here, we report on the comparison of archive samples collected prior to and following the NES population bottleneck. Measures of genetic diversity show a loss of variation consistent with expectations and suggest a strong disruption in the pattern of allele frequencies following the bottleneck. Measures of bilateral characters show an increase in fluctuating asymmetry.  相似文献   

The southern elephant seal population at Macquarie Island has undergone a serious decline since regular surveys were commenced in 1949. Approximately 2,900 cows and 250 bulls were counted in the isthmus study area during the 1985 breeding season. Comparisons with 20 other counts made in the same area between 1949 and 1984 showed that, although there was considerable fluctuation between the years, the number of seals ashore has dropped at an average rate of 2.1% per year, resulting in a net decrease of approximately 50% for both males and females. This is similar to the ratio of decline of elephant seal populations in the southern Indian Ocean. The census information from all major elephant seal populations was reviewed and it was concluded that there may be a common factor, or group of factors, acting to reduce the Macquarie Island and Indian Ocean populations, while the populations of the South Atlantic seem to be stable. Several potential explanations for these observations are advanced, but it is concluded that a greater knowledge of the ecology of the seals is needed if the declines are to be understood.  相似文献   

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