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Natural killer (NK) cells are being appreciated not only for their ability to recognize and lyse tumor cells and virus-infected cells but also for their immunoregulatory properties. NK cells provide a first line of defense against invading pathogens with a two pronged attack, lysis of infected cells and secretion of cytokines and chemokines with potent antipathogen effects. This article describes the standard chromium release assay, which measures the ability of NK cells derived from the peripheral blood to lyse appropriate target cells.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examined the dynamics of splenic natural killer (NK) cells under two conditions of enhanced NK cell activity: (1) CBA/J mice given polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly-I:C), an NK-cell-enhancing agent, and 62) untreated athymic nude (nu/nu) mice. The 'total NK cell activity' of the spleen (percentage specific lysis corrected for changes in organ cellularity) increased 5-fold and 2.7-fold after poly-I:C treatment for 1 day and 4 days, respectively. An injection of hydroxyurea (HU), a cell-cycle-toxic drug, given together with either poly-I:C or saline to CBA/J mice resulted in both cases in a 25% reduction in total NK cell activity 1 day later. This suggests that the renewal rate of nondividing NK cells is similar in poly-I:C-treated and saline-injected mice, and that the NK-enhancing effect of poly-I:C is not due to a stimulation of proliferation among NK cell precursors. HU administered simultaneously with poly-I:C or saline for 4 days eliminated NK cell activity in both cases, indicating that spleen NK cell activity is mediated almost entirely by newly formed (less than or equal to 4 days) cells. In nude mice, NK cell activity was assayed at various intervals after an HU depletion period of 2 days. NK depletion was initially more rapid in nu/nu mice than in control (nu/+) mice, although equally profound, and the subsequent recovery of NK cell activity after cessation of HU was also more rapid than in control (nu/+) mice.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary In order to analyze the state of the natural resistance system of bladder cancer patients in vivo, we measured natural killer (NK) activity and NK cell subsets of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from 46 patients with bladder cancer and 25 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers. The mean NK activity in patients with lowstage bladder cancer was similar to that in the controls, while NK activity in patients with high-stage bladder cancer was significantly depressed. The mean proportions of Leu7+ cells in patients with both low-stage and highstage bladder cancer were significantly higher than that in the controls. The mean proportion of Leu11a+ cells in patients with low-stage bladder cancer was similar to that in the controls, while in patients with high-stage bladder cancer it was significantly higher. This study demonstrates the abnormal immunological state of bladder cancer patients; namely, abnormalities exist not only in NK activity but also in the proportions of circulating NK cell subsets.  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell activity was evaluated in three groups of Macaca nemestrina that varied with respect to SAIDS D retrovirus serotype 2 (SRV-2/W) and viremic status. Target cells used were Raji and K562 cells. No significant differences (ANOVA) in mean NK activity were detected among the three groups of animals studied. Using Raji targets, mean LU30/106 ± SEM was 6.3 ± 1.6 for seronegative (V-Ab−) animals, 7.3 ± 1.5 for seropositive (V-Ab+) animals, and 10.2 ± 3.5 for persistently viremic (V + Ab−) animals. Using K562 targets, mean LU30/106 was 7.6 ± 1.7 for seronegative (V-Ab−) animals, 6.5 ± 2.5 for seropositive (V-Ab+) animals, and 5.1 ± 1.9 for persistently viremic (V+Ab−) animals. Percentage blood CD16+ and CD8+cells also were not different in the three groups of animals. NK activity did not always correlate with percentage of CD16+ or CD8+ cells in peripheral blood at the time the assays were done. In persistently viremic animals, there was a strong positive correlation between percent CD16+ and CD8+ cells and NK activity using K562 cells but not Raji cells. Depletion experiments indicated that lysis was mediated by both CD8+ and CD16+ cells with both Raji and K562 cells. However, Raji targets were a better indicator of killing mediated by CD16+ cells. Our studies indicate that M. nemestrina may be classified as high or low responders with regard to NK activity, and there was no correlation with SRV-2/W viral or antibody status. Additionally, our results suggested that group housing of M. nemestrina was usually associated with increased NK activity. In conclusion, studies of NK activity in M. nemestrina should consider target cells used, phenotype of effectors, endogenous (high or low) levels of NK activity in individual animals, and housing conditions. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to determine if natural killer (NK) activity in the mononuclear cells harvested from infected lungs was dependent on local or systemic factors. Mice were inoculated by intratracheal (it), intraperitoneal (ip), or intravenous (iv) routes with (a LD50 dose of) influenza virus A PR/8/34. At various days postinoculation cells from lungs, spleens, and peripheral blood were assayed for NK activity, and lung wash, lung homogenates, and serum were assayed for interferon. After it inoculation there was three- to fourfold increase of NK activity in the lung with little or no increase in NK activity in spleens or peripheral blood. The local augmentation of NK activity in the lung correlated with an increase in interferon (IFN) titer in the lung wash and lung homogenate of PR8 inoculated mice. The virus failed to induce IFN or augment NK activity when it was inoculated systemically. The observed local augmentation of NK activity and local induction of interferon production following it inoculation suggests that the NK population in the lung is capable of responding to locally derived regulatory factors.  相似文献   

Inhibition of natural killer cell activity by IgA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The in vitro effect of IgA on natural killer (NK) activities of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells was investigated. Purified myeloma polymeric IgA2 (pIgA2) and secretory IgA (S-IgA) from human colostrum inhibited NK activity, while myeloma polymeric IgA1 (pIgA1), monomeric IgA1 (mIgA1), IgG, and IgM were ineffective. Inhibition was proportional to the concentration of pIgA2 (0.125-1 mg/ml) and was observed after as little as 1 hr of incubation at various effector to K562 target cell ratios. pIgA2 and S-IgA also inhibited NK activity of NK cell-enriched lymphoid cells and gamma-interferon-treated effector cells, but did not interfere with effector-target cell binding. The inhibitory effect was slightly diminished after 24 hr culture in pIgA2-free medium. Inhibition of cytotoxicity was not due to direct toxicity on lymphoid cells by IgA because PBL treated with pokeweed mitogen in the presence of pIgA2 or S-IgA differentiated into immunoglobulin-producing cells. Viability after 24 hr of preculture with pIgA2 and S-IgA was comparable to that of untreated control cells. Morphological examination of effector cells cultured with pIgA2 or S-IgA showed a decrease in the number of granules, and the formation of cytoplasmic vacuoles. These morphological changes appeared to coincide with the depressed cytotoxicity of NK cells. The results demonstrate that purified pIgA2 and S-IgA have significant immunomodulatory effects on human NK activity.  相似文献   

动脉粥样硬化发生发展与免疫细胞参与的免疫反应密切相关,其中自然杀伤细胞主要是通过释放IFN-γ、穿孔素和颗粒酶等方式发挥生物学作用,自然杀伤T细胞通过释放多种细胞因子影响动脉粥样硬化形成,但其具体机制未明。本文就自然杀伤细胞和自然杀伤T细胞对动脉粥样硬化的影响做一综述,为动脉粥样硬化及其相关疾病的防治研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

The activity of natural effector (NE) cells was studied in lamina propria lymphocytes (LPL) obtained from 61 histologically normal specimens of human intestine, which included 45 resected for colon carcinoma and 16 resected for nonmalignant conditions. The mean spontaneous natural killer (NK) cell activity in LPL (1.7 X 10(2) cytotoxic units (C.U.)/10(5) cells) was very low in contrast to that found in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) (38.5 X 10(2) C.U./10(5) cells). Significant NK activity was detected in only 16 (47%) of the tissues resected for carcinoma, and in five (38%) of those removed for nonmalignant conditions. Exposure to human leucocyte interferon resulted in only minimal increases in cytotoxicity for K562 target cells. Consistent with these findings, large granular lymphocytes represented less than 0.5% of freshly isolated LPL. Cultures of LPL from both carcinoma and nonmalignant conditions in MLA144-conditioned medium (CM), a source of interleukin 2 (IL 2), generated marked increases in cytotoxicity to levels comparable with or exceeding those found in PBMC. (Mean cytotoxicities were 90.4 X 10(2) and 49 X 10(2) C.U./10(5) cells, respectively.) Cytotoxicity induced by culture in MLA144-CM could be blocked by pretreatment of LPL with the monoclonal antibody anti-Tac directed against the IL 2 receptor. In addition, LPL cultured in recombinant human IL 2 were induced to levels of cytotoxicity that were similar to those induced by MLA144-CM. These data indicate that IL 2 is the factor in MLA144-CM responsible for generating lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells in LPL. The IL 2-activated LPL killer cells were OKT11+, OKT3-, Leu-7-, Leu-11b-, as determined by antibody and complement-mediated lysis, and the precursor cells in the lamina propria necessary for generation of killer cells by IL 2 were also OKT11+, OKT3-, Leu-7-, Leu-11b-. These studies indicate that LAK cells may be an important potential source of nonspecific cytotoxicity in the intestinal mucosa.  相似文献   

When purified murine plasminogen was added to cultures of mouse spleen B cells, active plasmin progressively appeared in the supernatants. This reaction, resulting from the specific cleavage of the plasminogen by lymphocyte plasminogen activator (LPA), was measured in a fibrinolysis assay using 125I-fibrinogen. T cells were totally ineffective; under certain conditions, they could even antagonize the B cell action. Of the various B populations studied, i.e., obtained from spleen, lymph nodes, or blood of various mouse strains, all expressed the same property of plasminogen activation, which concerned mainly medium-sized B cells. Since only slight activities were detected in extracellular or intracellular compartments, a membrane-associated proteolytic enzyme may be responsible for plasminogen activation. Submitted to a series of group-specific antiproteases, the lymphocyte plasminogen activator essentially behaved as a serine-protease, with sensitivity to diisopropyl fluorophosphate, phenyl methyl sulfonyl fluoride, and nitro phenyl guanidino benzoate. The fast renewal of the enzyme in the membrane was also demonstrated by different techniques, using modifiers of cell physiology, like cycloheximide and dexamethasone, or following the reexpression of the enzyme by the cell kinetically.  相似文献   

自然杀伤(natural killer,NK)细胞和自然杀伤T(natural killer T,NKT)细胞是参与机体抗病毒免疫和肿瘤免疫的两群淋巴细胞亚群,是介导先天性免疫(innate immunity)应答和调节适应性免疫(adaptive immunity)应答的重要效应细胞。近年来,随着对NK细胞和NKT细胞及其转录调控因子研究的不断深入,NK细胞和NKT细胞的发育机制逐步被阐明,这将为提高NK细胞和NKT细胞的抗病毒和肿瘤免疫疗效提供新的策略。  相似文献   

Combinations of chemotherapy and interleukin-2 (IL-2) aimed at improving therapeutic efficacy in cancer patients have generally proved disappointing. Although chemotherapy blocks tumor growth and sometimes boosts immune functions, most drugs are immunosuppressive, at least transiently. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that maximal exploitation of the immunostimulatory and antitumor activity of both modalities requires careful coordination of chemotherapy and IL-2 timing. We analyzed the temporal effect of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU, 100–120 mg/kg), cyclophosphamide (CY, 100 mg/kg), Adriamycin (8 mg/kg) and dacarbazine (100 mg/kg) on the activation of natural killer/lymphokine-activated killer (NK/LAK) cells by IL-2 in several strains of euthymic mice and in athymic nude mice. Following in vivo or in vitro exposure to IL-2 1–15 days after chemotherapy, the total lytic activity of the spleen and the number of LAK precursors (LAK-p) were measured. In euthymic mice injected with IL-2 (5×104 Cetus units twice daily for 4–5 days), 5-FU augmented (up to 37-fold, days 1–9) and CY reduced (up to day 6) LAK activity, as compared with that in the IL-2 control. In bulk cultures containing IL-2 (1000 CU/ml, 3–4 days), both 5-FU and CY reduced LAK activity of euthymic mice splenocytes for up to 6 days after chemotherapy, which was followed on day 9 by full recovery. In splenocytes of nude mice, 5-FU increased and CY diminished LAK activation in bulk cultures, starting 3 days after chemotherapy. In athymic mice, 5-FU markedly augmented the total number of LAK-p/spleen (up to 30-fold, days 3–9), as determined by limiting-dilution cultures with IL-2 (for 7–8 days). In euthymic mice, in contrast, LAK-p levels decreased for up to 6–9 days after treatment with 5-FU, Adriamycin or dacarbazine, later recovering to pretreatment levels, whereas CY markedly increased LAK-p (up to 15-fold) when administered 6–12 days before limiting-dilution culture initiation. The effect of chemotherapy on LAK and NK activity was essentially similar. In other experiments, a subset of asialoGM1-LAK-p was found in the spleens of 5-FU-treated mice, but not in untreated mice. Our results suggest that the immunomodulatory effect of chemotherapy on NK/LAK activity in mice is variable and largely depends on the drug itself, the interval between chemotherapy and IL-2 administration, the strain of mice and the assay used.  相似文献   

A mAb, porcine NK-inhibitory mAb (PNK-I) that inhibits porcine NK activity without affecting antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) has been developed. PNK-I acts at the level of the effector cell and inhibition of NK activity is independent of complement. Inhibitory effects are seen against various human and murine NK-susceptible targets. Addition of PNK-I antibody up to 60 min after assay initiation was effective at inhibiting NK activity. Furthermore PNK-I does not inhibit E:T conjugation and inhibits during the Ca2(+)-dependent phase of NK cytolysis. PNK-I Ag is present on virtually all PBL showing a bimodal distribution with 74% "dim" and 15% "bright" by flow cytometry. Monocytes and granulocytes stain with an intermediate intensity with greater than 90% and 95% staining positively, respectively. F(ab')2 fragments of PNK-I antibody show identical staining and functional activity as the whole molecule indicating that PNK-I acts independently of FcR. PNK-I immunoprecipitates molecules of molecular mass of 166, 155, 95 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions. PNK-I appears to be recognizing an epitope on a CD18 molecule. The CD18 molecule (beta-chain of CD11a,b,c) is ubiquitous on the surface of leukocytes and is implicated in a variety of cellular functions. Dim and bright populations were sorted and assessed functionally for NK and ADCC activity. It is demonstrated that PNK-I+ bright lymphocytes contain all detectable NK and ADCC activity in porcine PBL. Furthermore PNK-I+ bright lymphocytes contain the cytokine responsive NK cells capable of stimulation by IL-2, porcine NK-activating factor, and porcine natural killer-enhancing mAb. PNK-I+ dim cells were devoid of all baseline as well as inducible NK and ADCC activity. Giemsa stain of sorted populations show PNK-I+ bright cells containing the large granular lymphocytes whereas dim are devoid of these. Two color analysis show that PT4+ cells are PNK-I+ dim whereas PT8+ lymphocytes are divided between PNK-I+ bright and dim populations. Our results indicate that we are able to isolate all active as well as inducible NK and ADCC effector cells from porcine PBL based on relative Ag expression of CD18. Therefore quantitative as well as qualitative antigen expression is important in NK/ADCC-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

Mechanism of cell contact-mediated inhibition of natural killer activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural killer cell activity is inhibited by primary cultures of monolayer cells. In this study, we analyzed the mechanism of the inhibition. Inhibited NK cells showed unaltered binding capacity to NK sensitive K562 cells. The orientation of the effector cells' actin-containing microfilaments, an event known to occur during the programming for the lysis stage in lytic conjugates, was unaffected by the inhibition. In single cell cytotoxicity experiments, the number of killer cells among conjugate-forming cells was reduced. The capacity of the inactivated NK cells to secrete cytotoxic factors upon stimulation with Con A was also impaired. Both NK-resistant inactivating target cells and NK-sensitive K562 cells were sensitive to the toxic factors secreted by NK cells. Thus, the results indicate that the target cell-mediated inactivation of NK cell is based on a block in the lethal hit stage, possibly due to reduced release of toxic factor(s) from the effector cells. The capacity of inactivated effector cells to mediate antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity was unimpaired, suggesting that the contact-mediated inhibition of cytotoxicity selectively affects NK cells.  相似文献   

Acquisition of enhanced natural killer cell activity under anesthesia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An increase in natural killer (NK) cell activity can be conditioned with a one trial learning paradigm to demonstrate the interaction between the central nervous system (CNS) and the immune system. In order to demonstrate learning possibilities during ‘non-conscious’ state, mice were anesthetized with a ketamin/rompun mixture and underwent one trial learning with odor cue as the conditioned stimulus (CS) preceding the unconditioned stimulus (US). The results indicated that mice that were exposed to camphor odor cue under the influence of anesthesia can associate the signal with the poly I:C unconditioned stimulus and were able to recall the conditioned response upon reexposure to the CS. Secondly, the conditioned association made in a conscious state can be recalled by exposure to the same olfactory odor cue in a ‘non-conscious’ state. The increase in the conditioned change in NK cell activity of both situations was significantly higher than the control group. The results demonstrate that learning can take place and the learned response can be recalled under the reduced awareness caused by anesthesia. The findings we report are unusual and novel in that they demonstrate that the CNS can learn new associations under conditions where the host is apparently unaware of the signals being linked. Anesthesia combined with the long interstimulus interval indicates that certain neuronal pathways in the CNS are receptive to second signals (elicited by the US) even when the second signal is separated by one day. This means the conditioned learning of a physiological response can take place unconsciously at a separate level and under situations where the host is totally unaware of the events which the brain is processing and linking as incoming information.  相似文献   

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