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Goldfish have a tetrachromatic color vision with a high discrimination ability for spectral colors as well as for object colors. We investigate the question whether goldfish organize the high number of discriminable colors in terms of color categories, i.e. in a few larger groups of colors independent of wavelength discrimination. Twenty-four goldfish were trained with food reward, each fish on one out of 13 wavelengths between 371 nm and 630 nm. In transfer tests two different wavelengths were presented, one shorter and one longer than the training wavelength, and the choice behavior was determined. Choice frequencies of ≥50% were assumed to indicate similarity to the training color. The wavelength ranges ≥50% were about 100 nm and twice as large as the just noticeable differences measured in wavelength discrimination tests (Fig. 7). The ranges were surprisingly about the same for all training wavelengths, provided the data were plotted on a wavelength scale weighted according to discrimination ability (Fig. 4). Thus, with the training method chosen goldfish showed a kind of categorization which, however, depends on training wavelength and discrimination ability. Generalization tests in which training wavelength and test wavelengths were shown separately for 2 min each gave the same results as wavelength discrimination tests (Figs. 5 and 6) and are, therefore, not indicative for color categories.  相似文献   

It has long been assumed that bees cannot see red. However, bees visit red flowers, and the visual spectral sensitivity of bees extends into wavelengths to provide sensitivity to such flowers. We thus investigated whether bees can discriminate stimuli reflecting wavelengths above 560 nm, i.e., which appear orange and red to a human observer. Flowers do not reflect monochromatic (single wavelength) light; specifically orange and red flowers have reflectance patterns which are step functions, we thus used colored stimuli with such reflectance patterns. We first conditioned honey bees Apis mellifera to detect six stimuli reflecting light mostly above 560 nm and found that bees learned to detect only stimuli which were perceptually very different from a bee achromatic background. In a second experiment we conditioned bees to discriminate stimuli from a salient, negative (un-rewarded) yellow stimulus. In subsequent unrewarded tests we presented the bees with the trained situation and with five other tests in which the trained stimulus was presented against a novel one. We found that bees learned to discriminate the positive from the negative stimulus, and could unambiguously discriminate eight out of fifteen stimulus pairs. The performance of bees was positively correlated with differences between the trained and the novel stimulus in the receptor contrast for the long-wavelength bee photoreceptor and in the color distance (calculated using two models of the honeybee colors space). We found that the differential conditioning resulted in a concurrent inhibitory conditioning of the negative stimulus, which might have improved discrimination of stimuli which are perceptually similar. These results show that bees can detect long wavelength stimuli which appear reddish to a human observer. The mechanisms underlying discrimination of these stimuli are discussed. Handling Editor: Lars Chittka.  相似文献   

Animals emit visual signals that involve simultaneous, sequential movements of appendages that unfold with varying dynamics in time and space. Algorithms have been recently reported (e.g. Peters et al. in Anim Behav 64:131–146, 2002) that enable quantitative characterization of movements as optical flow patterns. For decades, acoustical signals have been rendered by techniques that decompose sound into amplitude, time, and spectral components. Using an optic-flow algorithm we examined visual courtship behaviours of jumping spiders and depict their complex visual signals as “speed waveform”, “speed surface”, and “speed waterfall” plots analogous to acoustic waveforms, spectrograms, and waterfall plots, respectively. In addition, these “speed profiles” are compatible with analytical techniques developed for auditory analysis. Using examples from the jumping spider Habronattus pugillis we show that we can statistically differentiate displays of different “sky island” populations supporting previous work on diversification. We also examined visual displays from the jumping spider Habronattus dossenus and show that distinct seismic components of vibratory displays are produced concurrently with statistically distinct motion signals. Given that dynamic visual signals are common, from insects to birds to mammals, we propose that optical-flow algorithms and the analyses described here will be useful for many researchers.Damian O. Elias and Bruce R. Land contributed equallyAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

We report the first study of the relation between the wavelength of maximum absorbance (λmax) and the photoactivation energy (E a) in invertebrate visual pigments. Two populations of the opossum shrimp Mysis relicta were compared. The two have been separated for 9,000 years and have adapted to different spectral environments (“Sea” and “Lake”) with porphyropsins peaking at λmax=529 nm and 554 nm, respectively. The estimation of E a was based on measurement of temperature effects on the spectral sensitivity of the eye. In accordance with theory (Stiles in Transactions of the optical convention of the worshipful company of spectacle makers. Spectacle Makers’ Co., London, 1948), relative sensitivity to long wavelengths increased with rising temperature. The estimates calculated from this effect are E a,529=47.8±1.8 kcal/mol and E a,554=41.5±0.7 kcal/mol (different at P<0.01). Thus the red-shift of λmax in the “Lake” population, correlating with the long-wavelength dominated light environment, is achieved by changes in the opsin that decrease the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state of the chromophore. We propose that this will carry a cost in terms of increased thermal noise, and that evolutionary adaptation of the visual pigment to the light environment is directed towards maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio rather than the quantum catch.  相似文献   

This study evaluates auditory memory for variations in the rate of sinusoidal amplitude modulation (SAM) of noise bursts in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris). To estimate the extent of the starling’s auditory short-term memory store, a delayed non-matching-to-sample paradigm was applied. The birds were trained to discriminate between a series of identical “sample stimuli” and a single “test stimulus”. The birds classified SAM rates of sample and test stimuli as being either the same or different. Memory performance of the birds was measured as the percentage of correct classifications. Auditory memory persistence time was estimated as a function of the delay between sample and test stimuli. Memory performance was significantly affected by the delay between sample and test and by the number of sample stimuli presented before the test stimulus, but was not affected by the difference in SAM rate between sample and test stimuli. The individuals’ auditory memory persistence times varied between 2 and 13 s. The starlings’ auditory memory persistence in the present study for signals varying in the temporal domain was significantly shorter compared to that of a previous study (Zokoll et al. in J Acoust Soc Am 121:2842, 2007) applying tonal stimuli varying in the spectral domain.  相似文献   

1.  The spectral sensitivities of the photoreceptors in the compound eye of the stingless bee, Melipona quadrifasciata (Hymenoptera, Apoidea), was determined by the spectral scanning method. Three spectral receptor types were found with max at 356 nm, 424 nm, and 532 nm (Fig. 1). Intracellular markings confirmed one morphological type of green receptor (svf 1) and one type of UV receptor (1vf 1) whose axon morphology resembles that of the corresponding spectral receptor types in the honeybee, Apis mellifera (Fig. 2).
2.  Training experiments with a large number of color signals were performed at the hive entrance and the feeding place under natural daylight conditions (Figs. 4–6). The tests were either dual (2 alternative color signals) choice tests or multiple (12 simultaneously presented alternative color signals) choice tests. Melipona discriminates colors very well in both behavioral contexts, but discrimination is generally better at the feeding place (Fig. 7). A comparison with Apis shows that Melipona discriminates colors in the bluish green better than Apis, and that Apis discriminates all other colors better.
3.  The spectral properties of the receptor types were used to construct a color space in which all the color signals tested in the behavioral experiments are represented at particular loci (Fig. 3). A receptor model of color vision as proposed by Backhaus and Menzel (1987) for the honeybee is used to calculate the perceptual distance between the colors corresponding to the loci of the color stimuli. This model interprets the perceptual distance between two color stimuli as the number of just noticeable difference steps in the corresponding receptor voltage signals. The predicted distances are highly correlated with the discrimination values of the behavioral tests (Fig. 12).

The wavelength discrimination threshold of three goldfish was examined in a series of behavioral experiments. Using an auto-shaping technique, detection thresholds were established for 531 and 648 nm spectral increments presented on a 6.6 cd m–2 white background. Next, discrimination between the wavelengths was established at equal, suprathreshold, intensities. Finally, the intensities of the two stimuli were reduced to establish the intensity threshold for the wavelength discrimination. The results indicate that goldfish, like several mammalian species, can discriminate wavelength at detection threshold intensity. This finding suggests that high color sensitivity is not confined to mammals or dependent upon a very high percentage of wavelength opponent ganglion cells. Rather, high color vision sensitivity may be based upon an inherent sensitivity advantage of wavelength opponent receptive fields compared to non-wavelength opponent receptive fields and be an important selective advantage of wavelength opponency and color vision.  相似文献   

In this paper architectural forms are presented as symbolic forms issued from the complex semiosis that characterises human cognition (Ferreira (2007, 2010)). Being semiotic objects, these symbolic forms are, consequently, context- dependent_they emerge and have meaning, i.e., they are assigned a functional and/or aesthetic value, in particular physical, social and cultural frameworks. As it happens with all semiotic objects, architectural forms, whatever their nature, are not static but highly interactive. In fact, they act as agents of specific semiotic processes, engaged in a permanent dialectic relationship with the environment they are embedded in. From this dialectics important physical, social, cultural and economic changes frequently arise, redefining this way the original framework for decades to come. As Pallasmaa (2009) points out: “Architecture is existentially rooted, and it expresses fundamental existential experiences, the complex condensation of how it feels to be human being in this world. Architecture grounds and frames existence and creates specific horizons of perception, understanding and identity.” Architecture happens in the context of particular landscapes both natural and man-made, individuating spaces, assigning them an identity, turning the frequently undifferentiated physical environment into “locus”, “place”, “site”, “ort”, definitely contributing to the definition of the mental map that individual minds are able to share collectively. The fundamental role played by architectural forms in the definition of “place” and identity and in the shaping or reshaping of a physical, social and cultural environment is analysed in this paper through a case study that observes the consequences of this dynamics in the development of the social and cultural tissue of a particular city.  相似文献   

Several authors have recently argued that invasion biologists should adopt a more objective and dispassionate stance towards invasive species. Brown and Sax (Austral Ecol 29:530–536, 2004; Austral Ecol 30:481–483, 2005) assert that invasion biologists risk their objectivity, “commit the naturalist fallacy” or “embark on a slippery slope” with engaged concern about invasive species. Elsewhere, Colautti and MacIsaac (Divers Distrib 10:135–141, 2004) propose a neutral language for invasion biology, one that insulates scientific from popular discussion about invasive species. While there is certainly hyperbole about the effects of some invasive species, the type of objectivity promoted in these papers may often be inappropriate for invasion biology. It implies a policy of non-action that is inconsistent with the conservation values of many invasion biologists. To engage these values, invasion biologists can adopt deliberative methods for environmental problem-solving that involve stakeholders in their research design and which still promote high standards of scientific rigor.  相似文献   

The “reverse migration hypothesis” as the explanation for the vagrancy of Far Eastern birds in Europe is commented on. It is concluded that, as the postulated switch of 180° along a great circle line would lead the eastern or even central Siberian birds to North America rather than to Europe, the application of the “reverse migration hypothesis” to them seems untenable (which, however, does not preclude its plausibility in case of transatlantic, southern European, or even southwestern Siberian vagrants). On the other hand, patterns of appearance of the Turdus [naumanni] superspecies (Machalska et al. 1967) suggest the relationship of the phenomenon of vagrancy to post-breeding nomadic movements and/or periodical invasions of non-migrating species.  相似文献   

The type specimens of platycephalid Platycephalus endrachtensis Quoy and Gaimard 1825 are regarded as being conspecific with Platycephalus arenarius Ramsay and Ogilby 1886, so the latter becomes a junior synonym. This species is characterized as having a caudal fin with four or more longitudinal dark bands and lacking a yellow blotch. It is also found that Platycephalus westraliae (Whitley 1938), which had been considered to be a junior synonym of Platycephalus bassensis Cuvier 1829, is a valid species. Specimens that recently had been mistakenly identified as “P. endrachtensis,” having the caudal fin with three or four longitudinal dark bands and a yellow blotch on the upper lobe, should be referred to P. westraliae.  相似文献   

Lennard Davis’s “Biocultural Critique” of the alleged certainty of diagnosis (Davis Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7:227−235, 2010) makes errors of fact concerning psychiatric diagnostic categories, misunderstands the role of power in the therapeutic relationship, and provides an unsubstantiated and vague alternative to the management of psychological distress via a conceptually outdated model of the relationships between physical and psychological disease and illness. This response demonstrates that diagnostic knowledge vouchsafes legitimate power to physicians, and via them relief to patients who suffer from psychological distress. The history of medicine and psychiatry demonstrates that psychiatric diagnosis shares many features with physical diagnosis, while there is also reason to believe that the two types will continue to be distinct in some respects. Diagnostic categories in psychological medicine, like those in physical medicine, are provisional, probabilistic, and often uncertain. These features do not detract from the dependence on diagnosis of therapeutic efficacy in both domains.  相似文献   

Ependymin (EPN) is a brain glycoprotein that functions as a neurotrophic factor in optic nerve regeneration and long-term memory consolidation in goldfish. To date, trueepn genes have been characterized in one order of teleost fish,Cypriniformes. In the study presented here, polymerase chain reactions were used to analyze the completeepn genes,gd (1480 bp), andsh (2071 bp), fromCypriniformes giant danio and shiner, respectively. Southern hybridizations demonstrated the existence of one copy of each gene per corresponding haploid, genome. Each gene was found to contain six exons and five introns. Genegd encodes a predicted 218-amino acid (aa) protein GD 93% conserved to goldfish EPN, whilesh encodes a predicted 214-aa protein SH 91% homologous to goldfish. Evidence is presented classifying proteins previously termed “EPNs” into two major categories: true EPNs and non-EPN cerebrospinal fluid glycoproteins. Proteins GD and SH contain all the hallmark features of true EPNs.  相似文献   

The ability to see colors is not universal in the animal kingdom. Those animals that can detect differences in the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum glean valuable sensory information about their environment. They use color vision to forage, avoid predators, and find high-quality mates. In the past, the colors that humans could see clouded scientists’ study of animals’ color perception. Leaving that bias behind has led to new insights about how and why the color vision of animals evolved. This paper provides a brief introduction to color vision, the genetics of color vision in humans, what colors other animals see, and how scientists study color vision. We examine the consequences of having color vision, including speciation, loss of olfactory capabilities, and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Jack Kerouac, the author of On The Road, was a central figure of the Beat Generation, a generation which rebelled against middle-class conformity in post–World War II America. Kerouac described himself as “a religious wanderer” (Kerouac 2006: 2), but an examination of his texts and life suggest his travels may also be understood as tourism. Viewed through the prism of tourism, this study will argue, for example, that MacCannell’s notion of the tourist’s quest for reality and authenticity (MacCannell 1989: 3) provides some insight into why Kerouac wrote that just south of Macon, Georgia, he and his travelling companion Neal Cassady stopped and got out of the car, “and suddenly both of us were stoned with joy to realize that in the darkness all around us was fragrant green grass and the smell of fresh manure and warm waters” (Kerouac 1957: 115). As Kerouac rebelled against being, as one of his protagonists in The Dharma Bums put it, “imprisoned in a system of work, produce, consume, work, produce, consume” (Kerouac 2006: 73) he travelled across America on a rapidly improving network of highways, turning “mobility into a retreat” (Holladay and Holton 2009: 42). Kerouac alternately identified himself as a hobo (Kerouac 1973: 181) and “not a real hobo” (Kerouac 1973: 173), but this article asks whether Kerouac’s travels were those of the last in a line of wanderers rebelling against conformity and modernization or a precursor of mobile mass tourism in America.  相似文献   

Chromatic cues to trap the oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Various colors have been used as visual cues to trap insect pests. For example, yellow traps for monitoring and control of the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis) have been in use for a very long time. However, the chromatic cue of using color traps has never been meticulously investigated. In this study, the spectral sensitivities of the photoreceptors in the compound eyes of B. dorsalis were measured intracellularly, and the theory of receptor quantum catch was applied to study the chromatic cue of fly attracting. Responses to five wavelength categories with peak wavelengths of 370, 380, 490, and 510 nm, and one with dual peaks at 350 and 490 nm were recorded. Based on spectral sensitivities, six colored papers were chosen to test the color preference of the fly, and an additional UV preference test was done to confirm the effect of the UV stimuli. It was concluded that UV and green stimuli (spectra: 300-380 nm and 500-570 nm) would enhance the attractiveness of a colored paper to the oriental fruit fly, and blue stimuli (380-500 nm) would diminish the attractiveness.  相似文献   

Since its introduction into eastern North America in the 1940s, the eastern population of house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) has become partially migratory, unlike its nonmigratory source population in southern California (Able and Belthoff in Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 265 (1410), 2063–2071, 1998; Belthoff and Gauthreaux in Condor 93, 374–382, 1991). The infectious disease mycoplasmal conjunctivitis (pathogen Mycoplasma gallisepticum or “MG”), which has been monitored in the house finch population since its appearance around 1993 (Dhondt et al. in J. Wild. Dis. 34 (2), 265–280, 1998), may induce higher mortality rates among populations in more northerly latitudes relative to more southerly populations. Here, we investigate the potential impact of this differential disease mortality on the migratory structure of the eastern house finch population using an epidemic modeling approach. Analytical and computational results suggest the ongoing MG epidemic in the eastern house finch could lead to increases in the percentage of and the total number of migrating individuals in a population despite overall population declines, assuming relatively high winter mortality rates in the north eastern part of their range. These results also suggest that empirical evidence of such a change in migratory structure would be most noticeable in northerly inland populations that showed significant declines following the initial outbreak of MG in the east.  相似文献   

Maynard et al. (Coral Reefs 27:745–749, 2008a) claim that much of the concern about the impacts of climate change on coral reefs has been “based on essentially untested assumptions regarding reefs and their capacity to cope with future climate change”. If correct, this claim has important implications for whether or not climate change represents the largest long-term threat to the sustainability of coral reefs, especially given their ad hominem argument that many coral reef scientists are guilty of “popularising worst-case scenarios” at the expense of truth. This article looks critically at the claims made by Maynard et al. (Coral Reefs 27:745–749, 2008a) and comes to a very different conclusion, with the thrust and veracity of their argument being called into question. Contrary to the fears of Grigg (Coral Reefs 11:183–186, 1992), who originally made reference to the Cassandra syndrome due to his concern about the sensationalisation of science, the proposition that coral reefs face enormous challenges from climate change and ocean acidification has and is being established through “careful experimentation, long-term monitoring and objective interpretation”. While this is reassuring, coral reef ecosystems continue to face major challenges from ocean warming and acidification. Given this, it is an imperative that scientists continue to maintain the rigour of their research and to communicate their conclusions as widely and clearly as possible. Given the shortage of time and the magnitude of the problem, there is little time to spare.  相似文献   

A model previously introduced to account for a number of phenomena of color vision is studied for the conditions in which the alternation of colors is periodic. The case of three primary receptors having no differences in their time constants is considered for the situations such as the temporal alternation of two primaries, a primary and a neighboring binary, a primary and white, a binary and white, etc. Using the same mathematical model which was used to account for the enhancement effect of interrupted illumination, it is found possible to account for observed changes in hue in a qualitative manner. A method is suggested for measuring the color changes quantitatively. This method is readily adapted for demonstration purposes. The model shows that there should be differences between “primaries” and “binaries” with respect to change in hue. In principle, therefore, comparison between theory and experiment should yield information regarding the physiological primaries. This research was supported by the United States Air Force through the Air Force Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command under contract No. AF 18 (600) 1454.  相似文献   

In the cells of Haemanthus albiflos leaf epidermis there are structures containing lipids analogous to “elaioplasts” (Wakker in Jahrb F Wiss Bot 19:423–496, 1888). Ultrastructural analysis has shown that they are cytoplasmic domains—lipotubuloids, since they exhibit all the features of Ornithogalum umbellatum lipotubuloids. They are composed of numerous lipid bodies surrounded by microtubules, ER cisternae and vesicles, some mitochondria, Golgi structures, and microbodies. In the center of some lipotubuloids there are also autolytic vacuoles. Microtubules adjacent to H. albiflos lipid bodies were revealed only when taxol preincubation was used before fixing the epidermis in the mixture of glutaraldehyde and OsO4. The presence of tubulin in H. albiflos and O. umbellatum lipotubuloids was confirmed with use of the immunogold method involving antibodies against tubulin α. It is possible that the association of microtubules with lipid bodies may be more common than originally thought, but it is difficult to reveal due to the methodological problems.  相似文献   

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