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The reproductive behavior of six species of tenebrionid beetles (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) was studied in the Namib Desert of southern Africa. In three species, males follow closely behind females (following behavior), while in the other three species, males mount females and remain clasped to them for extended periods (riding behavior). Following behavior occurs before and sometimes after copulation, while riding behavior occurs primarily after copulation. Males of all six species guard females from contesting males, although the effectiveness of guarding is greater in riding species. The evolution of the two male mating strategies does not appear to be related to operational sex ratio differences but, rather, to differential tendencies of females to remate. Variation in total pair duration within following and riding species may be attributed partly to species differences in operational sex ratio. However, pair durations are not affected by experimental manipulations of sex ratio in each species.  相似文献   

Tenebrionidae are one of the largest families of beetles and are known for their adaptations to hot and dry climates. An increase in body size also increases the volume/surface area ratio, which reduces transpiration, and hence water loss. If an increase in body size is an important adaptation in tenebrionids to cope with increasing aridity, we expect a correlation between body size and climatic gradients in the major tenebrionid clades. Alternatively, we can postulate that arid climates do not drive body size evolution, but rather select, from a wider fauna containing species of any size, those that have larger bodies. In this case we expect that drier regions will host faunas that contain, on average, larger species. To test the first hypothesis, we correlated inter-specific body size variation in the main tenebrionid clades with climatic gradients in Europe. We found only weak trends. To test the second hypothesis, we regressed mean body size of European country faunas against climatic characteristics. We found a strong increase in body size in southern faunas experiencing hot and dry climates. Therefore, increase in body size is not a major adaptation in tenebrionid evolution, but climate is an important filtering factor that determines a prevalence of larger species in southern Europe.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to use museum collection data to estimate measures of species rarity and then to relate these measures to extinction risk. For this purpose, 170 taxa (138 species and 32 subspecies) of tenebrionid beetles from 32 Aegean Islands (Greece) were considered. For each taxon, rarity was evaluated as geographic distribution (mean incidence on islands in the archipelago), potential habitat exploitation (total area of the islands occupied on the total area of the study system) and contactability (number of decades of taxon’s records on the total number of decades of assumed persistence from 1870 to 2000). All of these indices were correlated to each other. Whether expressed in terms of range size or habitat exploitation rarity was a major determinant of a species’ risk of extinction (evaluated as extinction decade). Thus, the designation of rarity provides a good basis for identifying species that are most in need of conservation at a particular scale.  相似文献   

The following new synonymies are established: Paranemia Heyden, 1892 = Taklamakania Ferrer et Yvinec, 2004, syn. n.; Paranemia schroederi Heyden, 1892 = P. argiropuloi A. Boga?ev, 1965 = P. argyropuloi A. Boga?ev, 1967, syn. n.; Paranemia bicolor Reitter, 1895 = Taklamakania lepetzi Ferrer et Yvinec, 2004, syn. n.; Lachnogya squamosa Ménétriés, 1849 = L. skopini Ferrer et Yvinec, 2004, syn. n. Placement of the genus Lachnodactylus Seidl. in the tribe Lachnogyini and the distinctness of the tribe Klewariini are substantiated. The larva of Agnaptoria anthracina G. Medv. is described.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

The maintenance of species boundaries in sympatric populations of closely related species requires some kind of reproductive isolation that limits gene flow among species and/or prevents the production of viable progeny. Because in orchids mycorrhizal fungi are needed for seed germination and subsequent seedling establishment, orchid–mycorrhizal associations may be involved in acting as a post-mating barrier.


We investigated the strength of post-mating barriers up to the seed germination stage acting between three closely related Orchis species (Orchis anthropophora, O. militaris and O. purpurea) and studied the role of mycorrhizal fungi in hybridization by burying seed packets of pure and hybrid seeds. After retrieval and assessment of seed germination, the fungi associating with protocorms originating from hybrid and pure seeds were determined and compared with those associating with adult individuals using DNA array technology.


Whereas pre-zygotic post-mating barriers were rather weak in most crosses, post-zygotic post-mating barriers were stronger, particularly when O. purpurea was crossed with O. anthropophora. Germination trials in the field showed that seed germination percentages of hybrid seeds were in most cases lower than those originating from pure crosses. In all species pair combinations, total post-mating reproductive isolation was asymmetric. Protocorms associated with a smaller range of fungal symbionts than adult plants, but there was considerable overlap in mycorrhizal associations between protocorms and their respective parents.


Our results suggest that mycorrhizal associations contribute little to reproductive isolation. Pre-mating barriers are probably the main factors determining hybridization rates between the investigated species.  相似文献   

Oenanthe conioides is a lower Elbe endemic plant species growing in the freshwater tidal zone around Hamburg (Germany). Its closest relative Oenanthe aquatica is widely distributed in Eurasia and grows in calm and shallow freshwater. The two species differ in habitat requirements but are otherwise sympatrically distributed, suggesting that ecological divergence has to be maintained in the face of gene flow. In the present study, we investigated ecological differentiation and reproductive isolation in these two species. An amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis found clear genetic differentiation between the two species implying reproductive isolation. A reciprocal transplantation experiment including artificial F1 hybrids showed strong selection against immigrants. In the two parental habitats, the non‐native species are less fit than the native species. Hybrids are less fit in the habitat of Oe. aquatica but perform as well as the native species in the habitat of Oe. conioides. We hypothesize that selection against immigrants is the most important component of reproductive isolation between the two species, and that selection against immigrants is the result of exposure to cold and wind in the tidal habitat of Oe. conioides and to herbivory in the habitat of Oe. aquatica. These results are congruent with a role for differential ecological selection in the formation and maintenance of these two species. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 526–535.  相似文献   

Cytological considerations have led to the hypothesis that Tribolium confusum (CF) evolved from an ancestor similar to T. castaneum (CS) by translocation of an autosome to the X chromsome, and that T. destructor (DEST) was derived from CF. T. brevicornis (BREV) is regarded as the most primitive on morphological grounds. Electrophoretic analyses of 19 strains of CS, 7 of CF, and 1 each of DEST and BREV do not support this postulated evolutionary pathway. CF and CS are much more similar to BREV than they are to each other. (Comparisons of morphological mutations in CS and CF also indicate that the two species are not similar genetically.) DEST and CF are very dissimilar electrophoretically. It is likely that the species evolved independently from an ancestral stock which may be represented by BREV. Recognition of gene homology in different species is the keystone for all attempts at constructing genetically meaningful evolutionary pathways. The difficulties involved in doing so are pointed out.  相似文献   

D. Wool  E. Shirtz 《Genetica》1984,63(3):229-236
As a result of selection for high amylase activity in two strains of the flour beetle Tribolium confusum, mean activity considerably increased. Selection for low activity was ineffective in one strain, and mean activity increased, contrary to expectation, in the downward-selection line of the other.Heritabilities of amylase activity were 0.52 and 0.18 for the two strains (estimated by offspring-midparent regression in generation 1). Environmental factors have considerable effects on activity.The outcome of selection and possible models for the genetic control of amylase activity in Tribolium are discussed.  相似文献   

A new genus and species Microdocnemis xerophilicus gen. et sp. n. of the tenebrionid-beetle tribe Helopini is described from southwestern Turkey. The new genus belongs to the cylindrinotoid group of genera and is closely related to the genus Odocnemis Allard, 1876 in the structure of the male genitalia and female genital tubes and in the denticulation of the inner margin of the fore tibia. Microdocnemis differs from Odocnemis in the following characters: body very weakly flattened dorsally and ventrally; apical part of elytra, body ventrally, and epipleura with hairs; anal sternite with double bordering; apical margins of tibiae with short thick spines. The only species of the new genus inhabits xerophytic stony biotopes and has been found under stones; the species of the genus Odocnemis live on tree trunks covered with lichens.  相似文献   

Insect diversity represents about 60% of the estimated million‐and‐a‐half described eukaryotic species worldwide, yet comprehensive and well‐resolved intra‐ordinal phylogenies are still lacking for the majority of insect groups. This is the case especially for the most species‐rich insect group, the beetles (Coleoptera), a group for which less than 4% of the known species have had their DNA sequenced. In this study, we reconstruct the first higher level phylogeny based on DNA sequence data for the species‐rich darkling beetles, a family comprising at least 20 000 species. Although amongst all families of beetles Tenebrionidae ranks seventh in terms of species diversity, the lack of knowledge on the phylogeny and systematics of the group is such that its monophyly has been questioned (not to mention those of the subfamilies and tribes contained within it). We investigate the evolutionary history of Tenebrionidae using multiple phylogenetic inference methods (Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and parsimony) to analyse a dataset consisting of eight gene fragments across 404 taxa (including 250 tenebrionid species). Although the resulting phylogenetic framework only encompasses a fraction of the known tenebrionid diversity, it provides important information on their systematics and evolution. Whatever the methods used, our results provide strong support for the monophyly of the family, and highlight the likely paraphyletic or polyphyletic nature of several important tenebrionid subfamilies and tribes, notably the polyphyletic subfamilies Diaperinae and Tenebrioninae that clearly require substantial revision in the future. Some interesting associations in several groups are also revealed by the phylogenetic analyses, such as the pairing of Aphtora Bates with Phrenapatinae. Furthermore this study advances our knowledge of the evolution of the group, providing novel insights into much‐debated theories, such as the apparent relict distribution of the tribe Elenophorini.  相似文献   

The taxocene of lichen-feeding darkling beetles from the tribe Helopini is studied in the steppes of the south of Rostov Province. The species of lichens grazed on by the representatives of this tribe are identified for the first time and dependence of circadian activity and spatial distribution of adults on temperature and air humidity is shown. Global warming and human activities may have caused degradation of steppe lichen communities that formed the dietary base for the lichen-feeding darkling beetles in natural ecosystems. As a result, 3 out of 4 beetle species completely left steppe biotopes for tree shelterbelts. This caused a change in the trophic relationships (transition from epigeic to epiphytic lichens) and in the spatial distribution of darkling beetles, promoted the establishment of competitive interactions, and increased the duration of circadian and seasonal activity due to the lengthening of the periods with optimum temperature and air humidity for each species.  相似文献   

In beetles, the system responsible for an attachment of forewings (elytra) to the thorax consists of interlocking fields of microtrichia (MT) located between thorax and body and between left and right elytra. The present study provides comparative data about microtrichia design on the thorax and elytra in three species of tenebrionid beetles (Tribolium castaneum, Tenebrio molitor, Zophobas rugipes) (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae), which are different in their size. The length, width, density and directionality of microtrichia in 13 MT fields (4 on the thorax, 1 on the abdomen, 7 on the elytra, and 1 on the costal vein of the hindwing) were quantified. (1) Parameters studied are dependent on the dimension of an insect. The length of the microtrichia of most fields compared increases with an increase in body size. The MT width in the majority of fields increases with an increase in the elytra length. The MT density decreases with an increase in the elytra length. (2) Both width and length of microtrichia increase with an increase in the distance between single MT. The density of outgrowths increases with an increase in their length and width. (3) The fields oriented along the same spatial axis constitute functional groups responsible for a particular direction. Co-opted fields can be oriented in the same or opposite directions. (4) The design of MT correlates in co-opted surfaces. There are 3 field groups, which were stated as functionally corresponding to one another : the medial, anterio-lateral, and posterio-lateral. The lengths and widths of microtrichia from fields of these functional groups were quite similar in corresponding fields. Length-to-width ratios of MT in elytral fields were usually weakly correlated with those of thoracic fields. The distances between microtrichia on the elytra surface directly depended on those of the thorax. Distance-to-width ratio of MT of one surface slightly increased with an increase in this parameter on the co-opted surface. The MT densities on co-opted fields were usually quite different. (5) The ultrastructure of the cuticle suggests differences in the material properties of the cuticle between MT fields. The thoracic fields usually consist of elastic cuticle, whereas elytral fields are much harder. Usually, a MT field of elastic cuticle corresponds to the field composed of hard cuticles. The study also provides information about the ultrastructure of epidermal cells and about the design of pore channels, which are presumably responsible for production and transport of an adhesive secretion into the area of contact between lateral fields. Sensory organs monitoring contact between co-opted binding sites were also studied. The results of this study may aid in understanding the morphological basis of cuticular microsculptures acting as frictional devices.  相似文献   

Morphological, mitochondrial DNA, and single-copy nuclear DNA differences show that the tropical sea urchin Echinometra mathaei is composed of at least four independent gene pools. Evolutionary distance between species measured with restriction-site changes (for mitochondrial DNA) and thermal renaturation (for single-copy nuclear DNA) is 1%-3% nucleotide divergence. Thus these are the most closely related sea urchin species known. Despite this genetic similarity, strong blocks to interspecific fertilization exist in this genus. Between two Hawaiian species, few eggs are fertilized in hybrid crosses, even in the presence of excess sperm. Microscopic examination of such crosses shows that sperm attachment to heterologous eggs is inhibited. Measures of genetic distance between species can help reveal the tempo of speciation and allow comparisons of morphological, biochemical, and ecological characteristics to be made in an evolutionary framework. Our results show that strong reproductive isolation can evolve by changes in egg-sperm recognition without extensive genetic divergence between species. Such mechanisms are most easily studied in free-spawning animals such as sea urchins but as well may represent an important aspect of speciation in species with internal fertilization.  相似文献   

台湾和日本处在不同的地理纬度上,同属岛屿海洋性气候,前者地域面积远小于后者,拟步甲的物种多样性却大于后者。为弄清楚这些科学问题,作者采用G-F指数对从台湾到日本不同纬度梯度上的拟步甲多样性分布格局进行了比较分析,得到如下初步结论:(1) G-F指数从大到小依次是:台湾(21°N-25°N)(0.826)>日本(24°N-45°N)(0.824)>日本Ⅱ纬度区(30°N-35°N)(0.792)>日本Ⅰ纬度区(24°N-30°N)(0.765)>日本Ⅲ纬度区(35°N-40°N)(0.761)>日本Ⅳ纬度区(40°N-45°N)(0.603);(2)台湾拟步甲属的多样性(DG)、族的多样性(DF)和G-F指数(DG-F)均最高,分别是4.263、24.464和0.826;(3)各纬度上拟步甲的物种分布情况:台湾(21°N-25°N)(541种)>日本(24°N-45°N)(489种)>日本Ⅰ纬度区(24°N-30°N)(257种)>日本Ⅱ纬度区(30° N-35° N)(231种)>日本Ⅲ纬度区(35° N-40° N)(172种)>日本Ⅳ纬度区(40° N-45° N)(60种)。研究数据显示, G-F指数能较好地反映台湾和日本各地拟步甲族、属的多样性。其物种多样性在纬度上的分布表现为从南向北递减的趋势,并对其基本原因进行分析。作者首次基于台湾和日本两个岛屿拟步甲物种多样性的比较分析,对现有岛屿生物多样性的有关理论提出个人看法,认为岛屿生物地理学的“物种-面积关系理论”中的“岛屿面积越大,物种数量就越多”可能存在一定的局限性,不一定能客观地反映种类众多的现生岛屿昆虫物种多样性的实际情况。  相似文献   

Trophic relations of lichen-feeding darkling beetles of the tribe Helopini in Turkey, the Caucasus, and Anti-Atlas are considered. This group is the most diverse in relict Anatolian forests of Cedrus libani, Abies cilicica, Pinus nigra, Juniperus spp., and Quercus cerris, where multitaxon lichenophagous assemblages exist. Three life strategies for attenuation of interspecific competition are distinguished: (1) differentiation of the consumed lichens, (2) separation of the life forms based on the types of the lichens consumed, and (3) segregation of circadian activity in adults. We assume that adaptation of the Helopini larvae to the soil life promoted their wide distribution in different landscapes by elimination of the limiting factor for completing their life cycles, namely the need for ligneous substrate of old rotting trees. The possibility of using lichen-feeding beetles of the tribe Helopini in ecosystem and lichen indication is considered.  相似文献   

Abstract. The thermoregulation strategies of Scarabaeus sacer L. and Scarabaeus cicatricosus Lucas were studied in the Doñana National Park, Spain. In this area, both species coexist, showing the same habitat and food preferences. However, S. cicatricosus is active during warmer parts of the day compared to S. sacer. Both species thermoregulate their thoracic temperature but, whereas the abdomen of S. sacer is a passive thermal window, S. cicatricosus actively thermoregulates abdominal temperature by increasing heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen at high Ta values. In the case of S. sacer, their endothermy indicates an adaptive capacity to thorax heat retention, as occurs mainly in winter‐flying insects. This mechanism, possibly related to the aerodynamic flight posture in Scarabaeinae, could be an effective barrier to retard the rate of abdominal heat loss during flight. This endothermic strategy makes flight difficult at higher temperatures, although it allows flight during cooler periods of the day. On the other hand, S. cicatricosus showed a different adaptive behaviour to S. sacer. In this case, a significant decrease in abdominal heat loss at higher ambient temperatures would indicate a decrease in heat transfer from the thorax to the abdomen, as occurs in some desert and semiarid insects. This ‘heat exchanger’ mechanism observed in S. cicatricosus could be due to the irregular posture adopted during flight, with the posterior legs clearly extended and separate from the body. This behaviour increases turbulence and convective cooling, favouring exposure of the soft abdominal tergal cuticle and, subsequently, water loss. Thus, for S. cicatricosus, the well‐adapted ‘heat exchanger’ permits flight during periods of the day when temperatures would possibly be lethal for those species with high endothermy. From an adaptive viewpoint, these mechanisms of thermoregulation may explain how both closely‐related sympatric species respond in different ways to environmental temperature, favouring their coexistence.  相似文献   

Floral nectar is thought to be one of the most important rewards that attract pollinators in Pedicularis;however,few studies have examined variation of nectary structure and/or nectar secretion in the genus,particularly among closely related species. Here we investigated nectary morphology,nectar quality,and nectar production dynamics in flowers of Pedicularis section Cyathophora. We found a conical floral nectary at the base of the ovary in species of the rex-thamnophila clade. Stomata were found on the surface of the nectary,and copious starch grains were detected in the nectary tissues. In contrast,a semi-annular nectary was found in flowers of the species of the superba clade. Only a few starch grains were observed in tissues of the semi-annular nectary,and the nectar sugar concentration in these flowers was much lower than that in the flowers of the rexthamnophila clade. Our results indicate that the floral nectary has experienced considerable morphological,structural,and functional differentiation among closely related species of Pedicularis. This could have affected nectar production,leading to a shift of the pollination mode. Our results also imply that variation of the nectary morphology and nectar production may have played an important role in the speciation of sect. Cyathophora.  相似文献   

严春  初众 《昆虫学报》2008,51(8):804-809
对洋虫Martianus dermestoides Chevrolat成虫脱脂蛋白酶解液的抗氧化作用进行了研究。用木瓜蛋白酶水解洋虫成虫脱脂蛋白,用截留分子量分别为10 kDa和6 kDa的超滤膜将其分离成3个组分,用邻苯三酚 鲁米诺发光法、DPPH自由基清除法、Fenton法和Oyaizu法,分别测定不同分子量的洋虫成虫脱脂蛋白酶解液清除超氧阴离子自由基、DPPH自由基及羟基自由基的能力。结果表明:洋虫成虫蛋白酶解液3个组分都有很好的清除自由基能力,且还原性较强,以分子量<6 kDa的组分清除效果最佳(P<0.05)。结果揭示洋虫成虫脱脂蛋白酶解液具有很好的抗氧化作用。  相似文献   

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