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Diversity of Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein genes.   总被引:63,自引:3,他引:63       下载免费PDF全文
Genomic DNA libraries were constructed for Chlamydia trachomatis serovars B and C by using BamHI fragments, and recombinants that contained the major outer membrane protein (omp1) gene for each serovar were identified and sequenced. Comparisons between these gene sequences and the gene from serovar L2 demonstrated fewer base pair differences between serovars L2 and B than between L2 and C; this finding is consistent with the serologic and antigenic relationships among these serovars. The translated amino acid sequence for the major outer membrane proteins (MOMPs) contained the same number of amino acids for serovars L2 and B, whereas the serovar C MOMP contained three additional amino acids. The antigenic diversity of the chlamydial MOMP was reflected in four sequence-variable domains, and two of these domains were candidates for the putative type-specific antigenic determinant. The molecular basis of omp1 gene diversity among C. trachomatis serovars was observed to be clustered nucleotide substitutions for closely related serovars and insertions or deletions for distantly related serovars.  相似文献   

The nuclear envelope (NE) is the interface of the two major compartments of the cell. We used differential solubilization in conjunction with ultrastructural visualization to localize components of the NE in the surf clam Spisula solidissima. The high salt-resistant NE fraction can be separated into a pore complex-containing supernatant (4 M urea extract) and a membrane pellet devoid of pore complexes or pore remnants. Urea extraction of the membrane pellet reveals two major proteins with an apparent molecular weight (MWapp) of 67 000 (clam lamin) and 200 000 that are also found in the high-salt and detergent-extracted NE containing pore complexes. Urea extraction of the clam NE under reducing conditions removes the clam lamin. The 200 000 D protein remaining in the NE after removal of the pore complex is not solubilized by detergent extraction and thus can be localized on the inner nuclear part of the NE.  相似文献   

Chlamydia trachomatis is one of the most prevalent sexually transmitted pathogens. Chlamydial major outer membrane protein (MOMP) can induce strong cellular and humoral immune responses in murine models and has been regarded as a potential vaccine candidate. In this report, the amino acid sequence of MOMP was analyzed using computer-assisted techniques to scan B-cell epitopes, and three possible linear B-cell epitopes peptides (VLKTDVNKE, TKDASIDYHE, TRLIDERAAH) with high predicted antigenicity and high conservation were investigated. The DNA coding region for each potential epitope was cloned into pET32a(+) and expressed as Trx-His-tag fusion proteins in Escherichia coli. The fusion proteins were purified by Ni-NTA agarose beads and followed by SDS-PAGE and western blot analysis. We immunized mice with these three fusion proteins. The sera containing anti-epitope antibodies from the immunized mice could recognize C. trachomatis serovars D and E in ELISA. Antisera of these fusion proteins displayed an inhibitory effect on invasion of serovar E by in vitro neutralization assays. In addition, serum samples from convalescent C. trachomatis-infected patients were reactive with the epitope fusion proteins by western blot assay. Our results showed that the epitope sequences selected by bioinformatic analysis are highly conserved C. trachomatis MOMP B-cell epitopes, and could be good candidates for the development of subunit vaccines, which can be used in clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (MAb No. 25-16), raised against purified cortical secretory vesicles (CVs) from the eggs of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, has been used to identify a previously uncharacterized CV-derived polypeptide component of the sea urchin fertilization envelope (FE). MAb No. 25-16, an IgG1, bound to a group of proteins with Mr approximately 200,000 on immunoblots of CVs. This same group of proteins also was detected in fertilization product and in soft FEs prepared from early embryos, indicating that the antigen is released at fertilization by CV exocytosis and becomes incorporated into the FE. The multiple components recognized by MAb No. 25-16 apparently did not result from proteolysis during sample preparation or differential N-linked glycosylation. No simplification of the SDS-gel or immunoblot patterns was observed when samples of fertilization product or cell surface complex were prepared in the presence of a cocktail of protease inhibitors; nor was a change in mobility of any of the antigen forms detected following treatment with endoglycosidase F. Upon partial denaturation and reduction of the protein by incubation at room temperature in the presence of SDS and dithiothreitol, the antigen was shown to undergo a decrease in relative mobility on SDS-PAGE. Complete reduction and denaturation, by boiling in dithiothreitol-containing SDS sample buffer or by an on-blot reduction technique, resulted in loss of the epitope. The protein component recognized by MAb No. 25-16 underwent a striking increase in mobility on SDS-PAGE after chelation of calcium ions with EGTA. Immunogold labeling on thin sections of unfertilized eggs revealed that the antigen is located in the spiral lamellar cores of all CVs. In fertilized eggs, fixed 5 min after insemination, the antigen was detected in the FE. Based on these biochemical and immunological data, we suggest that the antigen recognized by MAb No. 25-16 is released exocytotically from the CVs into the perivitelline space at fertilization and becomes incorporated into the FE. The abundance of this antigen suggests that it may function as a structural component of the FE.  相似文献   

Protein II, a major outer cell envelope membrane protein, was found together with lipopolysaccharide to stoichiometrically inhibit conjugation in Escherichia coli K12.  相似文献   

The genome of the obligate intracellular bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis comprises 894 genes predicted by computer-based analysis. As part of a large-scale proteome analysis of C. trachomatis, a small abundant protein encoded by a previously unrecognized novel 204-bp open reading frame was identified by tandem mass spectrometry. No homology of this protein was observed to proteins from other organisms. The protein was conserved in C. trachomatis but not found in Chlamydia pneumoniae. Using proteomics, we show that the expression of the protein is initiated at the middle of the developmental cycle. The protein is rapidly degraded and is only present in reticulate or intermediate bodies, suggesting a possible function in the intracellular stage of C. trachomatis development. We have termed the protein '7-kDa reticulate body protein'.  相似文献   

We have mutated amino acids within the receptor-binding domain of Moloney murine leukemia virus envelope in order to identify residues involved in receptor binding. Analysis of mutations in the region of amino acids 81 to 88 indicates that this region is important for specific envelope-receptor interactions. None of the aspartate 84 (D-84) mutants studied bind measurably, although they are efficiently incorporated into particles. D-84 mutants have titers that correspond to the severity of the substitution. This observation suggests that D-84 may provide a direct receptor contact. Mutations in the other charged amino acids in this domain (R-83, E-86, and E-87) yield titers similar to those of wild-type envelope, but the affinity of the mutant envelope in the binding assay is decreased by nonconservative substitutions in parallel to the severity of the change. These other amino acids may either provide secondary receptor contacts or assist in maintaining a structure in the domain that favors efficient binding. We also studied other regions of high hydrophilicity. Our initial characterization indicates that amino acids 106 to 111 and 170 to 188 do not play a major role in receptor binding. Measurements of relative binding affinity and titer indicate that most mutations in the region of amino acids 120 to 131 did not significantly affect receptor binding. However, SU encoded by mutants H123V, R124L, and C131A as well as C81A could not be detected in particles and therefore did not bind measurably. Therefore, the region encompassed by amino acids 81 to 88 appears to be directly involved in receptor binding.  相似文献   

Identification of the major intestinal fatty acid transport protein.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
While intestinal transport systems for metabolites such as carbohydrates have been well characterized, the molecular mechanisms of fatty acid (FA) transport across the apical plasmalemma of enterocytes have remained largely unclear. Here, we show that FATP4, a member of a large family of FA transport proteins (FATPs), is expressed at high levels on the apical side of mature enterocytes in the small intestine. Further, overexpression of FATP4 in 293 cells facilitates uptake of long chain FAs with the same specificity as enterocytes, while reduction of FATP4 expression in primary enterocytes by antisense oligonucleotides inhibits FA uptake by 50%. This suggests that FATP4 is the principal fatty acid transporter in enterocytes and may constitute a novel target for antiobesity therapy.  相似文献   

Cell envelopes from the Gram-negative staining but phylogenetically Gram-positive rumen anaerobe Selenomonas ruminantium OB268 contained a major 42 kDa heat modifiable protein. A similarly sized protein was present in the envelopes of Selenomonas ruminantium D1 and Selenomonas infelix. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of Triton X-100 extracted cell envelopes from S. ruminantium OB268 showed that they consisted primarily of the 42 kDa protein. Polyclonal antisera produced against these envelopes cross-reacted only with the 42 kDa major envelope proteins in both S. ruminantium D1 and S. infelix, indicating a conservation of antigenic structure among each of the major envelope proteins. The N-terminus of the 42 kDa S. ruminantium OB268 envelope protein shared significant homology with the S-layer (surface) protein from Thermus thermophilus, as well as additional envelope proteins containing the cell surface binding region known as a surface layer-like homologous (SLH) domain. Thin section analysis of Triton X-100 extracted envelopes demonstrated the presence of an outer bilayer over-laying the cell wall, and a regularly ordered array was visible following freeze-fracture etching through this bilayer. These findings suggest that the regularly ordered array may be composed of the 42 kDa major envelope protein. The 42 kDa protein has similarities with regularly ordered outer membrane proteins (rOMP) reported in certain Gram-negative and ancient eubacteria.  相似文献   

The proteins of fish egg envelopes are encoded by genes that are closely related to the genes for human zona pellucida proteins. A cluster of three genes coding for an egg envelope protein was isolated from the zebrafish, Danio rerio. The three genes, zp2a, zp2b, and zp2c, are located within an 11 kb region and are each comprised of eight exons spanning 1.85 kb. The exon-intron structures of the genes are nearly identical; however, their deduced amino acid sequences diverge at exon 7 (zp2b and zp2c from zp2a) and exon 8 (zp2c from zp2b). Exons 2-7 have a structural organization similar to exons in the carboxy-terminal half of the human zona pellucida ZP1, ZP2, and ZPB genes, suggesting they arose from a common ancestral gene. Sequence comparisons indicate that the deduced zebrafish proteins are most closely related to human ZPB. Zebrafish mRNAs coding for each of the three ZP2 variants have been found either as full-length cDNAs or expressed sequence tags. Distinct from the wf(female) gene of winter flounder which we first reported (Lyons et al., 1993: J Biol Chem 268:21351-21358), expression of the zebrafish zp2 genes was found to be ovary-specific, instead of liver-specific, and the promoter regions of zp2a and zp2b, while different, both contained E-box sequences (CANNTG) that have been demonstrated to be essential for coordination of zona pellucida gene expression in mammalian oocytes. Mixed peptide sequence analysis was used to identify the major polypeptide component of isolated zebrafish egg envelopes as the zp2 gene product.  相似文献   

We recently demonstrated that the major outer membrane protein of Chlamydia psittaci, the primary vaccine candidate for combating chlamydial infections, functions as a porin-like ion channel. In this study, we have cloned, expressed and functionally reconstituted recombinant major outer membrane proteins from C. psittaci and Chlamydia pneumoniae and analysed them at the single channel level. Both form porin-like ion channels that are functionally similar to those formed by native C. psittaci major outer membrane protein. Also, like the native channels, recombinant C. psittaci channels are modified by a native major outer membrane protein-specific monoclonal antibody. This is the first time that native function has been demonstrated for recombinant chlamydial major outer membrane proteins. Future bilayer reconstitution will provide a strategy for detailed structure/function studies of this new subclass of bacterial porins and the work also has important implications for successful protein refolding and the development of improved subunit vaccines.  相似文献   

Architecture of the cell envelope of Chlamydia psittaci 6BC.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The cysteine-rich envelope proteins of the elementary body form of chlamydiae are thought to be located in the outer membrane on the basis of their insolubility in the weak anionic detergent N-lauryl sarcosinate (Sarkosyl). We found, however, that the insolubility of the small (EnvA) and the large (EnvB) cysteine-rich proteins of Chlamydia psittaci 6BC in Sarkosyl is dependent on the maintenance of a supramolecular disulfide-cross-linked complex and is unlikely to be a valid indicator of outer membrane location. Consequently, we used other methods to characterize the architecture of the cell envelope of C. psittaci 6BC. We found that disulfide-reduced EnvA, previously shown to be a lipoprotein, segregated into the detergent phase during Triton X-114 partitioning experiments and was recovered from the membrane fraction of elementary bodies lysed by nondetergent means. In contrast, disulfide-reduced EnvB segregated to the aqueous phase in partitioning experiments and was found in the soluble fraction of elementary bodies lysed in the absence of detergents. The hydrophobic affinity probe 3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-[125I]iodophenyl)-diazirine labeled the major outer membrane protein and EnvA but did not label EnvB. Treatment of intact elementary bodies of C. psittaci with trypsin had no effect on the cysteine-rich proteins, although the major outer membrane protein was partially degraded. On the basis of these and other observations, we propose that EnvA is anchored to the outer membrane by its lipid moiety, with a hydrophilic peptide portion extending into the periplasm, and that EnvB is located exclusively within the periplasm. We further propose that disulfide-cross-linked polymers of EnvB are the functional equivalent of peptidoglycan, forming a disulfide-cross-linked network with the periplasmic domains of EnvA and other membrane proteins, which accounts for the osmotic stability of elementary bodies.  相似文献   

A six-step biochemical key is presented for the identification of all recognized Enterococcus spp. The key consists of 12 tests, but no more than 6 are needed for the most complicated identification. The reliability of the key has been evaluated with collection type strains and clinical and environmental isolates. This key has fewer tests than those reported in previous studies. There is no commercial kit that includes the whole set of tests. However, some of the tests are included in enzyme activity-based kits that could be used with the proposed key. The key is designed for use in routine applications, especially in environmental and clinical studies with a high number of isolates.  相似文献   

We characterized a DNA-binding protein with an approximate molecular weight of 129,000 (DB129) which is present in the nuclei of cytomegalovirus- (strain Colburn) infected cells, but not in virus particles. Results of two types of experiments demonstrated that DB129 is a member of the early class of herpesviral proteins. First, time course pulse-labeling experiments showed that its synthesis begins after that of the immediate-early protein IE94, but prior to the appearance of late viral proteins, and was reduced at late times. Second, in the presence of inhibitors of viral DNA replication, DB129 continued to be made and accumulated to elevated levels. A second set of experiments showed that DB129 bound to single-stranded DNA in vitro and was eluted by a NaCl gradient in two peaks, one at about 0.2 M and the second at about 0.6 M. A similar pattern of release was observed when infected-cell nuclei were serially extracted with increasing NaCl concentrations. In addition, treatment of nuclei with DNase I selectively released DB129, along with a small but significant fraction of another DNA-binding protein, DB51. These results suggest that DB129 is associated with DNA in vivo and that it interacts directly with single-stranded DNA. It was also shown that cells infected with human cytomegalovirus (strain Towne) contain a slightly larger counterpart to DB129, which was designated DB140. Similarities between these proteins and the major DNA-binding protein of herpes simplex virus are discussed.  相似文献   

The recA+ lexA+-dependent induction of four Escherichia coli SOS proteins was readily observed by two-dimensional gel analysis. In addition to the 38-kilodalton (kDa) RecA protein, which was induced in the greatest amounts and was readily identified, three other proteins of 115, 62, and 12 kDa were seen. The 115-kDa protein is the product of the uvrA gene, which is required for nucleotide excision repair and has previously been shown to be induced in the SOS response. The 62-kDa protein, which was induced to high intracellular levels, is the product of recN, a gene required for recBC-independent recombination. The recA and recN genes were partially derepressed in a recBC sbcB genetic background, a phenomenon which might account for the recombination proficiency of such strains. The 12-kDa protein has yet to be identified.  相似文献   

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