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Salsola ferganica L. (Chenopodianceae) is an annual halophytic species. Experiments were carried out in laboratory to determine the effects of temperature, perianths and various types of salinity on seed germination and germination recovery. Seeds were germinated at 6 levels of temperature with perianths, plus perianths and removed perianths in complete darkness for 9 days. The germination responses of the seeds without perianths at 25 °C were determined over a wide range of NaCl, NaHCO3 or NaCl–NaHCO3 mixed stress for 13 days. Perianths seriously affected germination as a barrier for seed germination and the optimal temperature was at 25 °C. Highest germination percentage was obtained under control and seed germination was progressively inhibited with the increase of salinity concentration. The negative effect of NaHCO3 at the same concentration on germination was stronger than that of NaCl and NaCl–NaHCO3 mixed. When substrate salinity was removed, seeds exposed to a high NaCl concentration (400–800 mM), NaHCO3 (50–200 mM) and NaCl–NaHCO3 mixed (100–400 mM) germinated well. Final germination of Salsola ferganica seeds was significantly affected by types of salt at the low salinity (?200 mM) and with increased salinity it was influenced mainly by salinity concentration for various proportion of salt–alkali mixed stress.  相似文献   

Mouse models of Alzheimer disease (AD) have been generated based on Amyloid-β Precursor Protein (AβPP) and the Presenilin (PSEN) gene mutations associated with familial AD (FAD). Such models have provided valuable insights into AD pathogenesis and represent an important research tool for the discovery of potential treatments. To model amyloid deposition in AD, we generated a new mouse line based on the presence of two copies of the genomic region encoding human wild-type AβPP as well as a mutation (L166P) in the murine Psen1. By ~6 months of age, these mice have begun to develop cerebral Aβ pathology with a significant increase in the levels of AβPP C-terminal fragments and Aβ42, as well as increase Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio. Since in the brain and other tissues of these mice, wild-type human AβPP mRNA and protein levels are comparable to those of endogenous AβPP, this model may allow studies about the role of AβPP isoforms in the pathogenesis of AD. This animal model may be suitable to test drugs aimed at inhibiting expression or altering splicing and processing of AβPP, without artifacts associated with the presence of mutations in AβPP or overexpression due to the use of exogenous promoters. These features of the new model are of critical importance in assessing the success of therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

One fundamental property of prions is the formation of strains—prions that have distinct biological effects, despite a common amino acid sequence. The strain phenomenon is thought to be caused by the formation of different molecular structures, each encoding for a particular biological activity. While the precise mechanism of the formation of strains is unknown, they tend to arise following environmental changes, such as passage between different species. One possible mechanism discussed here is heterogeneous seeding; the formation of a prion nucleated by a different molecular structure. While heterogeneous seeding is not the only mechanism of prion mutation, it is consistent with some observations on species adaptation and drug resistance. Heterogeneous seeding provides a useful framework to understand how prions can adapt to new environmental conditions and change biological phenotypes.  相似文献   

Chen W  van der Kamp MW  Daggett V 《Biochemistry》2010,49(45):9874-9881
Prion diseases are fatal neurodegenerative disorders that involve the conversion of the normal cellular form of the prion protein (PrP(C)) to a misfolded pathogenic form (PrP(Sc)). There are many genetic mutations of PrP associated with human prion diseases. Three of these point mutations are located at the first strand of the native β-sheet in human PrP: G131V, S132I, and A133V. To understand the underlying structural and dynamic effects of these disease-causing mutations on the human PrP, we performed molecular dynamics of wild-type and mutated human PrP. The results indicate that the mutations induced different effects but they were all related to misfolding of the native β-sheet: G131V caused the elongation of the native β-sheet, A133V disrupted the native β-sheet, and S132I converted the native β-sheet to an α-sheet. The observed changes were due to the reorientation of side chain-side chain interactions upon introducing the mutations. In addition, all mutations impaired a structurally conserved water site at the native β-sheet. Our work suggests various misfolding pathways for human PrP in response to mutation.  相似文献   

Misfolding and aggregation of cellular prion protein (PrPc) is a major molecular process involved in the pathogenesis of prion diseases. Here, we studied the aggregation properties of a prion fragment peptide PrP(106–128). The results show that the peptide aggregates in a concentration-dependent manner in an aqueous solution and that the aggregation is sensitive to pH and the preformed amyloid seeds. Furthermore, we show that the zwitterionic POPC liposomes moderately inhibit the aggregation of PrP(106–128), whereas POPC/cholesterol (8:2) vesicles facilitate peptide aggregation likely due to the increase of the lipid packing order and membrane rigidity in the presence of cholesterol. In addition, anionic lipid vesicles of POPG and POPG/cholesterol above a certain concentration accelerate the aggregation of the peptide remarkably. The strong electrostatic interactions between the N-terminal region of the peptide and POPG may constrain the conformational plasticity of the peptide, preventing insertion of the peptide into the inner side of the membrane and thus promoting fibrillation on the membrane surface. The results suggest that the charge properties of the membrane, the composition of the liposomes, and the rigidity of lipid packing are critical in determining peptide adsorption on the membrane surface and the efficiency of the membrane in catalyzing peptide oligomeric nucleation and amyloid formation. The peptide could be used as an improved model molecule to investigate the mechanistic role of the crucial regions of PrP in aggregation in a membrane-rich environment and to screen effective inhibitors to block key interactions between these regions and membranes for preventing PrP aggregation.  相似文献   

Many Unionoida are considered to be extinct, endangered, or of special concern. These bivalves have complex life cycle stages that limit successful culture. In nature, the larvae (glochidia) of these bivalves must successfully parasitize a host (mainly fish) in order to metamorphose into juveniles. The two artificial methods used to obtain juvenile freshwater mussels in laboratory are either by induced attachment to host fish or by in vitro culture of glochidia. This article is focused on the in vitro method that represents a novel and alternative process to fish infestation, offering the ability to obtain larger numbers of juveniles without the need for host fishes and reducing the overall costs of propagation. In vitro culture requires a medium which fulfills the nutritional needs of each glochidia species and avoids microbial contamination. Recently, this methodology has presented excellent results with survival and transformation rates up to 94% using host fish plasma. High efficiencies on growth, and survival rates (84%) of juvenile freshwater bivalve Hyriopsis myersiana (Lea, 1856) up to 120 days were obtained when reared in adequate recirculating aquacultural systems using a very specific diet. More research is still needed to demonstrate successful propagation, mainly concerning the media nutritional composition to increase glochidia transformation and juvenile quality.  相似文献   

Observations like high Zn2+ concentrations in senile plaques found in the brains of Alzheimer''s patients and evidences emphasizing the role of Zn2+ in amyloid-β (Aβ)-induced toxicity have triggered wide interest in understanding the nature of Zn2+-Aβ interaction. In vivo and in vitro studies have shown that aggregation kinetics, toxicity, and morphology of Aβ aggregates are perturbed in the presence of Zn2+. Structural studies have revealed that Zn2+ has a binding site in the N-terminal region of monomeric Aβ, but not much is precisely known about the nature of binding of Zn2+ with aggregated forms of Aβ or its effect on the molecular structure of these aggregates. Here, we explore this aspect of the Zn2+-Aβ interaction using one- and two-dimensional 13C and 15N solid-state NMR. We find that Zn2+ causes major structural changes in the N-terminal and the loop region connecting the two β-sheets. It breaks the salt bridge between the side chains of Asp23 and Lys28 by driving these residues into nonsalt-bridge-forming conformations. However, the cross-β structure of Aβ42 aggregates remains unperturbed though the fibrillar morphology changes distinctly. We conclude that the salt bridge is not important for defining the characteristic molecular architecture of Aβ42 but is significant for determining its fibrillar morphology and toxicity.  相似文献   

Survivin is a member of the inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family with crucial roles in apoptosis and cell cycle regulation. Post-translational modifications (PTMs) have a ubiquitous role in the regulation of a diverse range of proteins’ cellular functions and survivin is not an exception. Phosphorylation, acetylation and ubiquitination seem to regulate survivin anti-apoptotic and mitotic roles and also its nuclear localization. In the present review we explore the role of PTMs on protein–protein interactions focused on survivin to provide new insights into the functions and cell localization of this IAP in pathophysiological conditions, which might help the envisioning of novel targeted therapies for diseases characterized by impaired survivin activity. Protein–protein interaction analysis was performed with bioinformatics tools based on published data aiming to give an integrated perspective of this IAP’s role in the cell.  相似文献   

The present literature review investigated the recent knowledge/ findings on Insomnia, the most prevalent sleep disorder in the general population. Insomnia consequences included mortality risk, physical and mental problems, particularly depression, cognitive impairment, work-related problems such as accidents, injuries, absenteeism, lower productivity and diminished job satisfaction. Female gender, aging, unemployment, lower education levels, manual occupations, lifestyle behaviors (e.g. heavy drinking) and sleep hygiene practices (e.g. improper sleep schedules) increased the likelihood of experiencing Insomnia. By contrast, physical exercise improved Insomnia symptoms. Personality factors such as Neuroticism, Perfectionism and Evening Chronotype increased the odds of experiencing Insomnia. Conversely, Extroversion and Optimism were associated with less Insomnia symptoms. Negative affect (depression and anxiety) predicted new cases of Insomnia in the long term. Cognitive processes (e.g. worry), sleep-related cognitive processes (e.g. dysfunctional sleep beliefs) and emotional dysregulation processes were also related to Insomnia. In the workplace, Insomnia was associated with night work and short-time duration for recovery between shifts or work-related psychological processes such as embeddedness, effort–reward imbalance, surface acting, low social support or interpersonal conflict, higher over commitment, low employment level and job insecurity.  相似文献   

A combination of three heteronuclear three-dimensional NMR experiments tailored for sequential resonance assignments in uniformly 15N, 13C-labeled flexible polypeptide chains is described. The 3D (H)N(CO-TOCSY)NH, 3D (H)CA(CO-TOCSY)NH and 3D (H)CBCA(CO-TOCSY)NH schemes make use of the favorable 15N chemical shift dispersion in unfolded polypeptides, exploit the slow transverse 15N relaxation rates of unfolded polypeptides in high resolution constant-time [1H, 15N]-correlation experiments, and use carbonyl carbon homonuclear isotropic mixing to transfer magnetization sequentially along the amino acid sequence. Practical applications are demonstrated with the 100-residue flexible tail of the recombinant human prion protein, making use of spectral resolution up to 0.6 Hz in the 15N dimension, simultaneous correlation with the two adjacent amino acid residues to overcome problems associated with spectral overlap, and the potential of the presently described experiments to establish nearest-neighbor correlations across proline residues in the amino acid sequence.  相似文献   

Coastal wetlands reclamation is facing the problem of salinization. Along with the alternation of ecosystem status, studying the following effect on soil properties becomes emergency. Here we reported the pH, salinity and elemental content (mainly metals) variation affected by the vegetation situations, water sources and geographic positions. The results showed that vegetation could lead the pH and salinity of seawater zones closer to that of freshwater zones in both spatial and time scales. Spartina alterniflora (SA) was the most efficient species among the investigated plants, causing decreases of 0.15–0.69 in pH and 2.250–3.821 in salinity. This result might be caused by the absorption of Ca and K from salt marshes by SA and Suaeda salsa (SS), due to the fact that the component content of calcium (all reduced to approximate one-third) and potassium (reduced in some samples) both decreased. Meanwhile, vegetation could improve soil in seawater zones in Fe content with no extra negative influences in elemental analysis. Thus, ecological engineered vegetation indicated great potential in alternating coastal salt marshes to favorable wetlands or farmlands with almost primitive ecosystem. The results might be significant for ecological engineering and agricultural management in future.  相似文献   

1. Chondromucoprotein from bovine nasal cartilage was purified by cetylpyridinium chloride or by bismuth nitrate in acetone. 2. Amino acid compositions of crude and purified preparations were compared and few differences were found, in spite of the decrease in protein content on purification. 3. Amino acid analysis of bismuth-purified material revealed the existence of four groups of amino acids. Within each group, the amino acids were present in approximately equimolar concentrations. 4. Amino end-group assay on the same material showed six alpha-DNP derivatives. 5. A molecular weight of 6.3x10(5) for the protein-polysaccharide complex was calculated from the latter analysis.  相似文献   

The outer membrane (OM) of Gram-negative bacteria functions as an essential barrier and is characterized by an asymmetric bilayer with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the outer leaflet. The enzyme LpxC catalyzes the first committed step in LPS biosynthesis. It plays a critical role in maintaining the balance between LPS and phospholipids (PL), which are both derived from the same biosynthetic precursor. The essential inner membrane proteins YejM (PbgA, LapC), LapB (YciM), and the protease FtsH are known to account for optimal LpxC levels, but the mechanistic details are poorly understood. LapB is thought to be a bi-functional protein serving as an adaptor for FtsH-mediated turnover of LpxC and acting as a scaffold in the coordination of LPS biosynthesis. Here, we provide experimental evidence for the physical interaction of LapB with proteins at the biosynthetic node from where the LPS and PL biosynthesis pathways diverge. By a total of four in vivo and in vitro assays, we demonstrate protein–protein interactions between LapB and the LPS biosynthesis enzymes LpxA, LpxC, and LpxD, between LapB and YejM, the anti-adaptor protein regulating LapB activity, and between LapB and FabZ, the first PL biosynthesis enzyme. Moreover, we uncovered a new adaptor function of LapB in destabilizing not only LpxC but also LpxD. Overall, our study shows that LapB is a multi-functional protein that serves as a protein–protein interaction hub for key enzymes in LPS and PL biogenesis presumably by virtue of multiple tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) motifs in its cytoplasmic C-terminal region.  相似文献   

The cellular prion protein PrPc plays important roles in proliferation, cell death and survival, differentiation and adhesion. The participation of PrPc in tumor growth and metastasis was pointed out, but the underlying mechanisms were not deciphered completely. In the constantly renewing intestinal epithelium, our group demonstrated a dual localization of PrPc, which is targeted to cell-cell junctions in interaction with Src kinase and desmosomal proteins in differentiated enterocytes, but is predominantly nuclear in dividing cells. While the role of PrPc in the dynamics of intercellular junctions was confirmed in other biological systems, we unraveled its function in the nucleus only recently. We identified several nuclear PrPc partners, which comprise γ-catenin, one of its desmosomal partners, β-catenin and TCF7L2, the main effectors of the canonical Wnt pathway, and YAP, one effector of the Hippo pathway. PrPc up-regulates the activity of the β-catenin/TCF7L2 complex and its invalidation impairs the proliferation of intestinal progenitors. We discuss how PrPc could participate to oncogenic processes through its interaction with Wnt and Hippo pathway effectors, which are controlled by cell-cell junctions and Src family kinases and dysregulated during tumorigenesis. This highlights new potential mechanisms that connect PrPc expression and subcellular redistribution to cancer.  相似文献   

N(α)-Acetyltransferases (NATs) cause the N(α)-acetylation of the majority of eukaryotic proteins during their translation, although the functions of this modification have been largely unexplored. In yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), four NATs have been identified: NatA, NatB, NatC, and NatD. In this study, the N(α)-acetylation status of ribosomal protein was analyzed using NAT mutants combined with two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) and mass spectrometry (MS). A total of 60 ribosomal proteins were identified, of which 17 were N(α)-acetylated by NatA, and two by NatB. The N(α)-acetylation of two of these, S17 and L23, by NatA was not previously observed. Furthermore, we tested the effect of ribosomal protein N(α)-acetylation on protein synthesis using the purified ribosomes from each NAT mutant. It was found that the protein synthesis activities of ribosomes from NatA and NatB mutants were decreased by 27% and 23%, respectively, as compared to that of the normal strain. Furthermore, we have shown that ribosomal protein N(α)-acetylation by NatA influences translational fidelity in the presence of paromomycin. These results suggest that ribosomal protein N(α)-acetylation is necessary to maintain the ribosome's protein synthesis function.  相似文献   

Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker disease (GSS) is a cerebral amyloidosis associated with mutations in the prion protein (PrP) gene (PRNP). The aim of this study was to characterize amyloid peptides purified from brain tissue of a patient with the A117V mutation who was Met/Val heterozygous at codon 129, Val(129) being in coupling phase with mutant Val117. The major peptide extracted from amyloid fibrils was a approximately 7-kDa PrP fragment. Sequence analysis and mass spectrometry showed that this fragment had ragged N and C termini, starting mainly at Gly88 and Gly90 and ending with Arg148, Glu152, or Asn153. Only Val was present at positions 117 and 129, indicating that the amyloid protein originated from mutant PrP molecules. In addition to the approximately 7-kDa peptides, the amyloid fraction contained N- and C-terminal PrP fragments corresponding to residues 23-41, 191-205, and 217-228. Fibrillogenesis in vitro with synthetic peptides corresponding to PrP fragments extracted from brain tissue showed that peptide PrP-(85-148) readily assembled into amyloid fibrils. Peptide PrP-(191-205) also formed fibrillary structures although with different morphology, whereas peptides PrP-(23-41) and PrP-(217-228) did not. These findings suggest that the processing of mutant PrP isoforms associated with Gerstmann-Str?ussler-Scheinker disease may occur extracellularly. It is conceivable that full-length PrP and/or large PrP peptides are deposited in the extracellular compartment, partially degraded by proteases and further digested by tissue endopeptidases, originating a approximately 7-kDa protease-resistant core that is similar in patients with different mutations. Furthermore, the present data suggest that C-terminal fragments of PrP may participate in amyloid formation.  相似文献   

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