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Fibronectin is a principal component of the extracellular matrix. Soluble fibronectin molecules are assembled into the extracellular matrix as insoluble, fibrillar strands via a cell-dependent process. In turn, the interaction of cells with the extracellular matrix form of fibronectin stimulates cell functions critical for tissue repair. Cross-talk between cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix adhesion complexes is essential for the organization of cells into complex, functional tissue during embryonic development and tissue remodeling. Here, we demonstrate that fibronectin matrix assembly affects the organization, composition, and function of N-cadherin-based adherens junctions. Using fibronectin-null mouse embryonic myofibroblasts, we identified a novel quaternary complex composed of N-cadherin, β-catenin, tensin, and actin that exists in the absence of a fibronectin matrix. In the absence of fibronectin, homophilic N-cadherin ligation recruited both tensin and α5β1 integrins into nascent cell-cell adhesions. Initiation of fibronectin matrix assembly disrupted the association of tensin and actin with N-cadherin, released α5β1 integrins and tensin from cell-cell contacts, stimulated N-cadherin reorganization into thin cellular protrusions, and decreased N-cadherin adhesion. Fibronectin matrix assembly has been shown to recruit α5β1 integrins and tensin into fibrillar adhesions. Taken together, these studies suggest that tensin serves as a common cytoskeletal link for integrin- and cadherin-based adhesions and that the translocation of α5β1 integrins from cell-cell contacts into fibrillar adhesions during fibronectin matrix assembly is a novel mechanism by which cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesions are coordinated.  相似文献   

We report that dermatopontin (DP), an abundant dermal extracellular matrix protein, is found in the fibrin clot and in the wound fluid, which comprise the provisional matrix at the initial stage of wound healing. DP was also found in the serum but at a lower concentration than that in wound fluid. DP co-localized with both fibrin and fibronectin on fibrin fibers and interacted with both proteins. Both normal fibroblast and HT1080 cell adhesion to the fibrin-fibronectin matrix were dose-dependently enhanced by DP, and the adhesion was mediated by α5β1 integrin. The cytoskeleton was more organized in the cells that adhered to the fibrin-fibronectin-DP complex. When incubated with DP, fibronectin formed an insoluble complex of fibronectin fibrils as visualized by electron microscopy. The interacting sites of fibronectin with DP were the first, thirteenth, and fourteenth type III repeats (III(1), III(13), and III(14)), with III(13) and III(14) assumed to be the major sites. The interaction between III(2-3) and III(12-14) was inhibited by DP, whereas the interaction between I(1-5) and III(12-14) was specifically and strongly enhanced by DP. Because the interaction between III(2-3) and III(12-14) is involved in forming a globular conformation of fibronectin, and that between I(1-5) and III(12-14) is required for forming fibronectin fibrils, DP promotes fibronectin fibril formation probably by changing the fibronectin conformation. These results suggest that DP has an accelerating role in fibroblast cell adhesion to the provisional matrix in the initial stage of wound healing.  相似文献   

The function-blocking, non-RGD-containing, and primate-specific mouse monoclonal antibody 17E6 binds the αV subfamily of integrins. 17E6 is currently in phase II clinical trials for treating cancer. To elucidate the structural basis of recognition and the molecular mechanism of inhibition, we crystallized αVβ3 ectodomain in complex with the Fab fragment of 17E6. Protein crystals grew in presence of the activating cation Mn2+. The integrin in the complex and in solution assumed the genuflected conformation. 17E6 Fab bound exclusively to the Propeller domain of the αV subunit. At the core of αV-Fab interface were interactions involving Propeller residues Lys-203 and Gln-145, with the latter accounting for primate specificity. The Propeller residue Asp-150, which normally coordinates Arg of the ligand Arg-Gly-Asp motif, formed contacts with Arg-54 of the Fab that were expected to reduce soluble FN10 binding to cellular αVβ3 complexed with 17E6. This was confirmed in direct binding studies, suggesting that 17E6 is an allosteric inhibitor of αV integrins.  相似文献   

The dynamic turnover of integrin-mediated adhesions is important for cell migration. Paxillin is an adaptor protein that localizes to focal adhesions and has been implicated in cell motility. We previously reported that calpain-mediated proteolysis of talin1 and focal adhesion kinase mediates adhesion disassembly in motile cells. To determine whether calpain-mediated paxillin proteolysis regulates focal adhesion dynamics and cell motility, we mapped the preferred calpain proteolytic site in paxillin. The cleavage site is between the paxillin LD1 and LD2 motifs and generates a C-terminal fragment that is similar in size to the alternative product paxillin delta. The calpain-generated proteolytic fragment, like paxillin delta, functions as a paxillin antagonist and impairs focal adhesion disassembly and migration. We generated mutant paxillin with a point mutation (S95G) that renders it partially resistant to calpain proteolysis. Paxillin-deficient cells that express paxillin S95G display increased turnover of zyxin-containing adhesions using time-lapse microscopy and also show increased migration. Moreover, cancer-associated somatic mutations in paxillin are common in the N-terminal region between the LD1 and LD2 motifs and confer partial calpain resistance. Taken together, these findings suggest a novel role for calpain-mediated proteolysis of paxillin as a negative regulator of focal adhesion dynamics and migration that may function to limit cancer cell invasion.  相似文献   

Laminin-332 (Lm332; formerly laminin-5) is a basement membrane protein in the skin, which promotes cell motility in wound healing and cancer invasion. In a previous study, we reported that the introduction of bisecting GlcNAc into Lm332 (GnT-III-Lm332), catalyzed by N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase III (GnT-III), reduced cell migration (Kariya, Y., Kato, R., Itoh, S., Fukuda, T., Shibukawa, Y., Sanzen, N., Sekiguchi, K., Wada, Y., Kawasaki, N., and Gu, J. (2008) J. Biol. Chem. 283, 33036–33045). However, the underlying molecular mechanism by which GnT-III-Lm332 suppresses the normal biological functions of Lm332 remains to be elucidated. In this study, we show that galectin-3, which is a β-galactoside-binding protein, strongly bound to unmodified Lm332 but not to GnT-III-Lm332 and that binding of galectin-3 was completely blocked by lactose. Exogenous galectin-3 significantly enhanced keratinocyte cell motility on control Lm332 but not on GnT-III-Lm332. A functional blocking antibody against galectin-3 inhibited Lm332-induced α3β1 and α6β4 integrin clustering and focal contact formation. Co-immunoprecipitation revealed that galectin-3 associated with both β4 integrin and epidermal growth factor receptor, thereby cross-linking the two molecules. The associations were inhibited by either the presence of lactose or expression of GnT-III. Moreover, galectin-3 consistently enhanced ERK activation. Taken together, the results of this study are the first to clearly identify the molecular mechanism responsible for the inhibitory effects of GnT-III on extracellular matrix-integrin-meditated cell adhesion, migration, and signal transduction. The findings presented herein shed light on the importance of N-glycosylation-mediated supramolecular complex formation on the cell surface.  相似文献   

S100 proteins promote cancer cell migration and metastasis. To investigate their roles in the process of migration we have constructed inducible systems for S100P in rat mammary and human HeLa cells that show a linear relationship between its intracellular levels and cell migration. S100P, like S100A4, differentially interacts with the isoforms of nonmuscle myosin II (NMIIA, K(d) = 0.5 μM; IIB, K(d) = 8 μM; IIC, K(d) = 1.0 μM). Accordingly, S100P dissociates NMIIA and IIC filaments but not IIB in vitro. NMIIA knockdown increases migration in non-induced cells and there is no further increase upon induction of S100P, whereas NMIIB knockdown reduces cell migration whether or not S100P is induced. NMIIC knockdown does not affect S100P-enhanced cell migration. Further study shows that NMIIA physically interacts with S100P in living cells. In the cytoplasm, S100P occurs in discrete nodules along NMIIA-containing filaments. Induction of S100P causes more peripheral distribution of NMIIA filaments. This change is paralleled by a significant drop in vinculin-containing, actin-terminating focal adhesion sites (FAS) per cell. The induction of S100P, consequently, causes significant reduction in cellular adhesion. Addition of a focal adhesion kinase (FAK) inhibitor reduces disassembly of FAS and thereby suppresses S100P-enhanced cell migration. In conclusion, this work has demonstrated a mechanism whereby the S100P-induced dissociation of NMIIA filaments leads to a weakening of FAS, reduced cell adhesion, and enhanced cell migration, the first major step in the metastatic cascade.  相似文献   

Melanocytes, which produce the pigment melanin, are known to be closely regulated by neighboring keratinocytes. However, how keratinocytes regulate melanin production is unclear. Here we report that melanin production in melanoma cells (B16F10 and MNT-1) was increased markedly on a keratinocyte-derived extracellular matrix compared with a melanoma cell-derived extracellular matrix. siRNA-mediated reduction of keratinocyte-derived laminin-332 expression decreased melanin synthesis in melanoma cells, and laminin-332, but not fibronectin, enhanced melanin content and α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone-regulated melanin production in melanoma cells. Similar effects were observed in human melanocytes. Interestingly, however, laminin-332 did not affect the expression or activity of tyrosinase. Instead, laminin-332 promoted the uptake of extracellular tyrosine and, subsequently, increased intracellular levels of tyrosine in both melanocytes and melanoma cells. Taken together, these data strongly suggest that keratinocyte-derived laminin-332 contributes to melanin production by regulating tyrosine uptake.  相似文献   

Localization of secreted matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) on the cell surface is required not only for processing of cell surface proteins, but also for controlled degradation of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Our previous study demonstrated that binding of MMP-7 (matrilysin) to cell surface cholesterol sulfate (CS) is essential for the cell membrane-associated proteolytic action of this MMP. In this study, we investigated the role of CS in the MMP-7-catalyzed degradation of protein components of ECM. We found that the degradation of laminin-332 (laminin-5) catalyzed by MMP-7 was accelerated dramatically in the presence of CS, whereas the sulfated lipid inhibited the degradation of casein catalyzed by the protease. The MMP-7-catalyzed degradation of fibronectin was partially inhibited in the presence of low concentrations of CS, whereas it was accelerated significantly at high concentrations of the lipid. Therefore, it is likely that CS alters the substrate preference of MMP-7. We also found that the proteins of which MMP-7-catalyzed degradation were accelerated by CS also had affinities for CS, suggesting that CS facilitates the proteolyses by cross-linking MMP-7 to its substrates. Moreover, MMP-7 tethered to cancer cell surface via CS degraded fibronectin and laminin-332 coated on a culture plate. The degradations of the adhesive proteins led to significant detachment of the cells from the plate. Taken together, our findings provide a novel mechanism in which cell surface CS promotes the proteolytic activities of MMP-7 toward selective substrates in the pericellular ECM, thereby contributing to cancer cell migration and metastasis.  相似文献   

Analyses of mice with targeted deletions in the genes for alpha3 and beta1 integrin suggest that the alpha3beta1 integrin heterodimer likely determines the organization of the extracellular matrix within the basement membrane of skin. Here we tested this hypothesis using keratinocytes derived from alpha3 integrin-null mice. We have compared the organizational state of laminin-5, a ligand of alpha3beta1 integrin, in the matrix of wild-type keratinocytes with that of laminin-5 in the matrix of alpha3 integrin-null cells. Laminin-5 distributes diffusely in arc structures in the matrix of wild-type mouse keratinocytes, whereas laminin-5 is organized into linear, spike-like arrays by the alpha3 integrin-null cells. The fact that alpha3 integrin-null cells are deficient in their ability to assemble a proper laminin-5 matrix is also shown by their failure to remodel laminin-5 when plated onto surfaces coated with purified laminin-5 protein. In sharp contrast, wild-type keratinocytes organize exogenously added laminin-5 into discrete ring-like organizations. These findings led us next to assess whether differences in laminin-5 organization in the matrix of the wild-type and alpha3 integrin-null cells impact cell behavior. Our results indicate that alpha3 integrin-null cells are more motile than their wild-type counterparts and leave extensive trails of laminin-5 over the surface on which they move. Moreover, HEK 293 cells migrate significantly more on the laminin-5-rich matrix derived from the alpha3 integrin-null cells than on the wild-type keratinocyte laminin-5 matrix. In addition, alpha3 integrin-null cells show low strength of adhesion to surfaces coated with purified laminin-5 compared to wild-type cells although both the wild type and the alpha3 integrin-null keratinocytes adhere equally strongly to laminin-5 that has been organized into arrays by other epithelial cells. These data suggest: (1) that alpha3beta1 integrin plays an important role in determining the incorporation of laminin-5 into its proper higher-order structure within the extracellular matrix of keratinocytes and (2) that the organizational state of laminin-5 has an influence on laminin-5 matrix function.  相似文献   

RET is a tyrosine kinase receptor involved in numerous cellular mechanisms including proliferation, neuronal navigation, migration, and differentiation upon binding with glial cell derived neurotrophic factor family ligands. RET is an atypical tyrosine kinase receptor containing four cadherin domains in its extracellular part. Furthermore, it has been shown to act as a dependence receptor. Such a receptor is active in the absence of ligand, triggering apoptosis through a mechanism that requires receptor intracellular caspase cleavage. However, different data suggest that RET is not always associated with the cell death/survival balance but rather provides positional information. We demonstrate here that caspase cleavage of RET is involved in the regulation of adhesion in sympathetic neurons. The cleavage of RET generates an N-terminal truncated fragment that functions as a cadherin accessory protein, modifying cadherin environment and potentiating cadherin-mediated cell aggregation. Thus, the caspase cleavage of RET generates two RET fragments: one intracellular domain that can trigger cell death in apoptotic permissive settings, and one membrane-anchored ectodomain with cadherin accessory activity. We propose that this latter function may notably be important for the adequate development of the superior cervical ganglion.  相似文献   

CD157, a member of the CD38 gene family, is an NAD-metabolizing ectoenzyme and a signaling molecule whose role in polarization, migration, and diapedesis of human granulocytes has been documented; however, the molecular events underpinning this role remain to be elucidated. This study focused on the role exerted by CD157 in monocyte migration across the endothelial lining and adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins. The results demonstrated that anti-CD157 antibodies block monocyte transmigration and adhesion to fibronectin and fibrinogen but that CD157 cross-linking is sufficient to overcome the block, suggesting an active signaling role for the molecule. Consistent with this is the observation that CD157 is prevalently located within the detergent-resistant membrane microdomains to which, upon clustering, it promotes the recruitment of β(1) and β(2) integrin, which, in turn, leads to the formation of a multimolecular complex favoring signal transduction. This functional cross-talk with integrins allows CD157 to act as a receptor despite its intrinsic structural inability to do so on its own. Intracellular signals mediated by CD157 rely on the integrin/Src/FAK (focal adhesion kinase) pathway, resulting in increased activity of the MAPK/ERK1/2 and the PI3K/Akt downstream signaling pathways, which are crucial in the control of monocyte transendothelial migration. Collectively, these findings indicate that CD157 acts as a molecular organizer of signaling-competent membrane microdomains and that it forms part of a larger molecular machine ruled by integrins. The CD157-integrin partnership provides optimal adhesion and transmigration of human monocytes.  相似文献   

Tropoelastin (TE), the soluble monomer of elastin, is synthesized by elastogenic cells, such as chondrocytes, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells (SMCs). The C-terminal domain of TE interacts with cell receptors, and these interactions play critical roles in elastic fiber assembly. We recently found that oxidation of TE prevents elastic fiber assembly. Here, we examined the effects of oxidation of TE on cell interactions. We found that SMCs bind to TE through heparan sulfate (HS), whereas fetal lung fibroblasts (WI-38 cells) bind through integrin α(v)β(3) and HS. In addition, we found that oxidation of TE by peroxynitrite (ONOO(-)) prevented binding of SMCs and WI-38 cells and other elastogenic cells, human dermal fibroblasts and fetal bovine chondrocytes. Because the C-terminal domain of TE has binding sites for both HS and integrin, we examined the effects of oxidation of a synthetic peptide derived from the C-terminal 25 amino acids of TE (CT-25) on cell binding. The CT-25 peptide contains the only two Cys residues in TE juxtaposed to a cluster of positively charged residues (RKRK) that are important for cell binding. ONOO(-) treatment of the CT-25 peptide prevented cell binding, whereas reduction of the CT-25 peptide had no effect. Mass spectrometric and circular dichroism spectroscopic analyses showed that ONOO(-) treatment modified both Cys residues in the CT-25 peptide to sulfonic acid derivatives, without altering the secondary structure. These data suggest that the mechanism by which ONOO(-) prevents cell binding to TE is by introducing negatively charged sulfonic acid residues near the positively charged cluster.  相似文献   

Integrin transmembrane (TM) and/or cytoplasmic domains play a critical role in integrin bidirectional signaling. Although it has been shown that TM and/or cytoplasmic α and β domains associate in the resting state and separation of these domains is required for both inside-out and outside-in signaling, the role of TM homomeric association remains elusive. Formation of TM homo-oligomers was observed in micelles and bacterial membranes previously, and it has been proposed that homomeric association is important for integrin activation and clustering. This study addresses whether integrin TM domains form homo-oligomers in mammalian cell membranes using cysteine scanning mutagenesis. Our results show that TM homomeric interaction does not occur before or after soluble ligand binding or during inside-out activation. In addition, even though the cysteine mutants and the heterodimeric disulfide-bounded mutant could form clusters after adhering to immobilized ligand, the integrin TM domains do not form homo-oligomers, suggesting that integrin TM homomeric association is not critical for integrin clustering or outside-in signaling. Therefore, integrin TM homo-oligomerization is not required for integrin activation, ligand binding, or signaling.  相似文献   

The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), a key regulator of melanogenesis, is known to control inflammation, acting in concert with the MC1R ligand α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone. Although cell migration is a key event in inflammation, few studies have addressed the function of MC1R in this context. Using highly motile melanoma cells, we found that the expression level of MC1R was associated with the extent of migration of mouse melanoma cells, suggesting that MC1R plays a functional role in controlling this migration. Overexpression of MC1R enhanced melanoma cell migration, whereas the opposite was true when MC1R levels were knocked down using small inhibitory RNAs. Interestingly, MC1R expression enhanced the synthesis of syndecan-2, a cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycan known to be involved in melanoma cell migration. Knockdown of syndecan-2 expression decreased MC1R-mediated cell migration. Further, MC1R inhibited the activation of p38 MAPK, subsequently enhancing expression of sydnecan-2, in parallel with an increase in the extent of cell migration. Consistently, activation of p38 by H(2)O(2) inhibited syndecan-2 expression and cell migration, whereas inhibition of p38 activation enhanced syndecan-2 expression and cell migration. Finally, we found that α-melanocyte-stimulating hormone inhibited MC1R-mediated cell migration via activation of p38 and inhibition of syndecan-2 expression. Together, the data strongly suggest that MC1R regulates melanoma cell migration via inhibition of syndecan-2 expression.  相似文献   

CD157/BST-1 behaves both as an ectoenzyme and signaling receptor and is an important regulator of leukocyte trafficking and ovarian cancer progression. However, the molecular interactions underpinning the role of CD157 in these processes remain obscure. The biological functions of CD157 and its partnership with members of the integrin family prompted us to assume the existence of a direct interaction between CD157 and an unknown component of the extracellular matrix. Using solid-phase binding assays and surface plasmon resonance analysis, we demonstrated that CD157 binds fibronectin with high affinity within its heparin-binding domains 1 and 2. Furthermore, we found that CD157 binds to other extracellular matrix proteins containing heparin-binding domains. Finally, we proved that the CD157-fibronectin interaction occurs with living cells, where it elicits CD157-mediated cell responses. Indeed, knockdown of CD157 in Met-5A mesothelial cells changed their morphology and cytoskeleton organization and attenuated the activation of intracellular signaling pathways triggered by fibronectin. This led to impaired cell spreading and adhesion to selected extracellular matrix proteins. Collectively, these findings indicate a central role of CD157 in cell-extracellular matrix interactions and make CD157 an attractive therapeutic target in inflammation and cancer.  相似文献   

Procollagen C-proteinase enhancer-1 (PCPE-1) is an extracellular matrix (ECM) glycoprotein that can stimulate procollagen processing by procollagen C-proteinases (PCPs) such as bone morphogenetic protein-1 (BMP-1). The PCPs can process additional extracellular protein precursors and play fundamental roles in developmental processes and assembly of the ECM. The stimulatory activity of PCPE-1 is restricted to the processing of fibrillar procollagens, suggesting PCPE-1 is a specific regulator of collagen deposition. PCPE-1 consists of two CUB domains that bind to the procollagen C-propeptides and are required for PCP enhancing activity, and one NTR domain that binds heparin. To understand the biological role of the NTR domain, we performed surface plasmon resonance (SPR) binding assays, cell attachment assays as well as immunofluorescence and activity assays, all indicating that the NTR domain can mediate PCPE-1 binding to cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs). The SPR data revealed binding affinities to heparin/HSPGs in the high nanomolar range and dependence on calcium. Both 3T3 mouse fibroblasts and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293) attached to PCPE-1, an interaction that was inhibited by heparin. Cell attachment was also inhibited by an NTR-specific antibody and the NTR fragment. Immunofluorescence analysis revealed that PCPE-Flag binds to mouse fibroblasts and heparin competes for this binding. Cell-associated PCPE-Flag stimulated procollagen processing by BMP-1 several fold. Our data suggest that through interaction with cell surface HSPGs, the NTR domain can anchor PCPE-1 to the cell membrane, permitting pericellular enhancement of PCP activity. This points to the cell surface as a physiological site of PCPE-1 action.  相似文献   

Extracellular short fibulins, fibulin-3, -4, and -5, are components of the elastic fiber/microfibril system and are implicated in the formation and homeostasis of elastic tissues. In this study, we report new structural and functional properties of the short fibulins. Full-length human short fibulins were recombinantly expressed in human embryonic kidney cells and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography. All three fibulins showed various levels of degradation after the purification procedure. N-terminal sequencing revealed that all three fibulins are highly susceptible to proteolysis within the N-terminal linker region of the first calcium-binding epidermal growth factor domain. Proteolytic susceptibility of the linker correlated with its length. Exposure of these fibulins to matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, -2, -3, -7, -9, and -12 resulted in similar proteolytic fragments with MMP-7 and -12 being the most potent proteases. Fibulin-3 proteolysis was almost completely inhibited in cell culture by the addition of 25 μm doxycycline (a broad spectrum MMP inhibitor). Reducible fibulin-4 dimerization and multimerization were consistently observed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, and mass spectrometry. Atomic force microscopy identified monomers, dimers, and multimers in purified fibulin-4 preparations with sizes of ∼10–15, ∼20–25, and ∼30–50 nm, respectively. All short fibulins strongly adhered to human fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. Although only fibulin-5 has an RGD integrin binding site, all short fibulins adhere at a similar level to the respective cells. Solid phase binding assays detected strong calcium-dependent binding of the short fibulins to immobilized heparin, suggesting that these fibulins may bind cell surface-located heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

The laminin family of extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins plays crucial roles in regulating cellular growth, migration, and differentiation. We report here that laminin-5 is expressed in the tunica media of the rat aorta and pulmonary arteries. Using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy, Western blots, and RT-PCR analysis, we found that primary cultures of rat arterial smooth muscle cells express laminin-5 and deposit it into their insoluble ECM. These cells also attach strongly to laminin-5 via beta1 integrin receptors in 30 min adhesion assays. Laminin-5 expression in these cells is upregulated by growth factors in vitro and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF-BB) stimulation reduces adhesion to laminin-5. As laminin-5 promotes enhanced migration of other cell types, the production of and adhesion to laminin-5 by vascular smooth muscle cells may play a role in the pathological growth and migration of these cells associated with restenosis following vascular injury.  相似文献   

The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) is a family C G protein-coupled receptor that is activated by elevated levels of extracellular divalent cations. The CaSR couples to members of the G(q) family of G proteins, and in the endocrine system this receptor is instrumental in regulating the release of parathyroid hormone from the parathyroid gland and calcitonin from thyroid cells. Here, we demonstrate that in medullary thyroid carcinoma cells, the CaSR promotes cellular adhesion and migration via coupling to members of the integrin family of extracellular matrix-binding proteins. Immunopurification and mass spectrometry, co-immunoprecipitation, and co-localization studies showed that the CaSR and β1-containing integrins are components of a macromolecular protein complex. In fibronectin-based cell adhesion and migration assays, the CaSR-positive allosteric modulator NPS R-568 induced a concentration-dependent increase in cell adhesion and migration; both of these effects were blocked by a specific CaSR-negative allosteric modulator. These effects were mediated by integrins because they were blocked by a peptide inhibitor of integrin binding to fibronectin and β1 knockdown experiments. An analysis of intracellular signaling pathways revealed a key role for CaSR-induced phospholipase C activation and the release of intracellular calcium. These results demonstrate for the first time that an ion-sensing G protein-coupled receptor functionally couples to the integrins and, in conjunction with intracellular calcium release, promotes cellular adhesion and migration in tumor cells. The significance of this interaction is further highlighted by studies implicating the CaSR in cancer metastasis, axonal growth, and stem cell attachment, functions that rely on integrin-mediated cell adhesion.  相似文献   

Chondroadherin is a leucine-rich repeat protein known to mediate adhesion of isolated cells via the integrin α(2)β(1) and to interact with collagen. In this work, we show that cell adhesion to chondroadherin leads to activation of MAPKs but does not result in cell spreading and division. This is in contrast to the spreading and dividing of cells grown on collagen, although the binding is mediated via the same α(2)β(1) receptor. We identified a cell binding motif, CQLRGLRRWLEAK(318) by mass spectrometry after protease digestion of chondroadherin. Cells adhering to the synthetic peptide CQLRGLRRWLEAK(318) remained round, as was observed when they bound to the intact protein. The peptide added in solution was able to inhibit cell adhesion to the intact protein in a dose-dependent manner and was also verified to bind to the α(2)β(1) integrin. A cyclic peptide, CQLRGLRRWLEAKASRPDATC(326), mimicking the structural constraints of this sequence in the intact protein, showed similar efficiency in inhibiting binding to chondroadherin. The unique peptide motif responsible for cellular binding is primarily located in the octamer sequence LRRWLEAK(318). Binding of cells to the active peptide or to chondroadherin immobilized on cell culture plates rapidly induces intracellular signaling (i.e. ERK phosphorylation). Thus, chondroadherin interaction with cells may be central for maintaining the adult chondrocyte phenotype and cartilage homeostasis. The peptides, particularly the more stable cyclic peptide, open new opportunities to modulate cell behavior in situations of tissue pathology.  相似文献   

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