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We describe Franck-Condon simulations of vibrational cooling effects on absorption difference spectra in chlorophyll a (Chl a). The relative contributions of vibrational equilibration in the electronic ground and excited states depend on the pump and probe wavelengths. For Franck-Condon-active vibrational modes exhibiting small Huang-Rhys factors (S < 0.1, characteristic in Chl a pigments), vibrational thermalization causes essentially no spectral changes when the origin band is excited. Significant spectral evolution does occur for S < 0.1 when the 0-1 and 1.0 (hot) vibronic bands are excited. However, vibrational equilibration in these cases causes no spectral shifting in the empirical photobleaching/stimulated emission band maximum. This result bears on the interpretation of time-resolved absorption difference spectra of Chl a-containing antennae such as the Chl a/b light-harvesting peripheral antenna of photosystem II.  相似文献   

H. Kasemir  G. Prelim 《Planta》1976,132(3):291-295
Summary The rate of chlorophyllide esterification in mustard cotyledons can be increased by a pretreatment with 5 min red light applied 24 h prior to the protochlorophyll(ide)chlorophyll(ide) photoconversion at 60 h after sowing. Simultaneously the red light pulse pretreatment leads to a decrease of the total amount of chlorophyll(ide) a in darkness. It has been proven that phytochrome (Pfr) is the photoeffector for both. Since the amounts of esterified chlorophyllide are determined by the ratio [chlorophyll a]/[chlorophyllide a+chlorophyll a] it is assumed that Pfr increases the rate of esterification indirectly via stimulating the decrease of chlorophyll(ide) a. The regulation of chlorophyll synthesis by Pfr does not seem to involve a control of esterification. The duration of the chlorophyllide esterification differs from the duration of the Shibata shift although both are greatly shortened by the red light pulse pretreatment. The effect of 5 min red light on the duration of the esterification is fully reversible by 5 min far-red light while the reversibility with respect to the Shibata shift is lost within 2 min [Jabben, M. and H. Mohr, Photochem. Photobiol. 22, 55–58 (1975)]. We conclude that the control of the chlorophyllide esterification and the control of the Shibata shift cannot be traced back to the same initial action of Pfr.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - Chlide chlorophyllide - Chl(ide) sum of Chl and Chlide - PChl protochlorophyll - PChlide protochlorophyllide - PChl(ide) sum of PChl and PChlide - Pfr far-red absorbing form of the phytochrome system  相似文献   

R. Grill 《Planta》1977,134(1):11-16
Phytochrome determinations at 730/800 nm were performed on de-etiolated turnip (Brassica rapa L.) cotyledons in which chlorophyll (Chl) content had been reduced experimentally to varying degrees by pre-treatment with high temperature (HT), or transfer to 3% ethanol. The magnitude of detectable phytochrome depended on Chl content, showing a linear relationshop in vivo. The results were confirmed by an in vitro experiment where, however, the correlation was exponential. An attempt is made to illustrate phytochrome decay in continuous blue or red light after corretion for Chl interference. To overcome the possible objection that the higher (A) measured in continuous light after HT pre-treatment could be caused by a reduced rate of destruction, apparent re-synthesis following red light was measured after several hours of darkness during which time the HT effect was lost. Under these conditions HT pre-treated samples display a more realistic magnitude of apparent new synthesis and make correlation with a physiological response possible.Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - HT high temperature - E ethanol - W water - D darkness - FR far red - R red - FW fresh weight  相似文献   

Abstract. The effect of chlorophyll fluoresence on the spectral light gradients within a model green leaf was examined under different light qualities (day-light, sunset, canopy) and different quantum efficiencies. Light fluxes within the leaf tissue are nearly doubled in the emission domain of fluorescence but the effect on the phytochrome photoequilibrium is very small.  相似文献   

Distorted phytochrome action spectra in green plants   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A. M. Jose  E. Schäfer 《Planta》1978,139(1):25-28
An evaluation was made of the extent which a Münch-type pressure flow mechanism (i.e., osmotically-generated pressure flow) might contribute to phloem transport in soybean. Estimates of sucrose concentrations in source (leaf) and sink (root) sieve tubes were obtained by a negativestaining procedure. Water potential measurements of the leaf and of the nutrient solution allowed calculation of the turgor pressures in source and sink sieve tubes. The turgor difference between source and sink sieve tubes was compared to that required to drive translocation at the observed velocity between the source and sink, as measured by [14C] photosynthate movement. Sieve-tube conductivity was calculated from the sieve-tube dimensions, assuming an essentially unobstructed pathway. In three experiments, the sucrose concentration was consistently higher in source sieve tubes (an average of 11.5%) than in sink sieve tubes (an average of 5.3%). The ratio of these values (2.3:1) agreed reasonably well with an earlier ratio for source/sink sieve tube concentrations of 1.8:1, obtained by quantitative microautoradiography. The resulting calculated turgor difference (an average of 4.1 bars) was adequate to drive a pressure flow mechanism at the observed translocation velocities (calculated to require a turgor difference of 1.2 to 4.6 bars). No other force need be presumed to be involved.This work was presented in part at a joint U.S.-Australian Conference on Transport and Transfer Processes in Plants, Canberra, Australia, December 15–20, 1975; see Fisher (1976)  相似文献   

The elongation of hypocotyls excised from de-etiolated seedlings of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. British Wax) is inhibited by light, blue and red irradiations being equally effective. Conditions which decrease chlorophyll fluorescence, such as CO2-free air, abolish the inhibitory effect of blue irradiation and enhance the inhibition by red light. Conversely, conditions which increase chlorophyll fluorescence, such as a N2 atmosphere or irradiation through a chlorophyll filter, abolish the inhibitory effect of red light and enhance the inhibition by blue irradiation. The inhibitory effect of blue light is reversible by red irradiation under increased fluorescence as well as by far red. We propose that the chlorophyll fluorescence excited by blue and red irradiations in λF > 660 nm and λF > 720 nm, respectively, is responsible for the inhibitory effect of blue light and the reduction of the inhibitory effect of non fluorescing red light. Both red and blue wavelengths seem, therefore, to control hypocotyl elongation through phytochrome.  相似文献   

Pike CS 《Plant physiology》1976,57(2):185-187
The water permeability of tissues was investigated by measuring the efflux of 3HHO from previously loaded (in darkness) etiolated bean buds (Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. Red Kidney), pea epicotyl segments (Pisum sativum L. var. Alaska), and oat coleoptile segments (Avena sativa L. var. Garry). Red light, far red light, or darkness was applied at the time of transfer of tissue from labeled to unlabeled medium. There were no effects of light on half-time for efflux or on the maximum level of radioactivity in the medium. Based on these criteria, phytochrome exerts no apparent control over water permeability.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet difference spectra of pepsin   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A shift of pH of pepsin solutions from 4.6 to 1.0 gives rise to spectral displacements in the ultraviolet. If represented as difference spectra three peaks with maxima at 2770, 2850, and 2930 Ångströms are present which can be attributed to the tyrosine and tryptophan residues in the protein. On mild autolysis of pepsin at pH 2.0 the absorbancy in the ultraviolet further decreases. Although some of these effects can be ascribed to the occurrence of hydrogen bonding between the aromatic residues and a carboxylate ion, those observed on autolysis are caused by charge effects of newly formed polar groups in the vicinity of a chromophore. No direct relation between the optical properties described here and enzymic activity of pepsin has been observed.  相似文献   

An investigation of the hydrography and the population, production and biomass of plankton in the Red Sea, carried out during the METEOR cruise in summer 1987, aimed to describe the ecosystem characteristics during the SW monsoon period. Vertical profiles of in-vivo chlorophyll fluorescence intensity, measured in the presence of chlorphenyl-dimethyl-urea (CMU), are presented. Variations in the fluorescence pattern were observed and assumed to be due to the influence of a reef and surface influx of nutrient rich water from the Gulf of Aden into the Red Sea. This northward influx was driven by SE winds, caused by an unusual northward shift of the innertropical convergence zone up to 20°N in summer 1987. Integrated chlorophyll a values were calculated from fluorescence data. They showed a slight increase from north to south and higher pigment contents in August (8.7–20.2 mg m–2) than in July (3.3–9.0 mg m–2), the latter was attributed to the above mentioned influx. Calibration of the fluorescence measurements using cultures of a green alga and cyanobacterium indicated that there may have been an underestimate of the contribution of Oscillatoria populations to the chlorophyll a concentration of the samples. Fluorescence peaks were recorded in the lower part of the euphotic zone, indicating a deep maximum of phytoplankton and/or an increase in chlorophyll fluorescence per unit biomass at these depths.  相似文献   

In view of alleged positive effects of coloured (red) hailnets on phytochrome, photosynthesis, yield and fruit quality, the objective of the present work was to investigate a range of red and green hailnets using apple as a model crop with cvs. ‘Pinova’ and ‘Fuji Kiku 8’. Light transmission of green or red hailnets peaked between 500 and 570 nm (green) or above 570 nm (red–orange) and was reduced by 12% (white) or 14% (red–white), 18% (red–black) and 23% (green–black) hailnets; there were no effects on phytochrome. Leaf chlorophyll concentration increased under coloured hailnets by up to 46% under the green–black hailnet, while air temperature was reduced by 0.2°C. Under sunny conditions, photosynthesis of ca. 18 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 was not reduced under coloured hailnets, in contrast with a 21% reduction under cloudy conditions with a concomitant reduction in transpiration by 13%. Vegetative growth was affected in different ways: shaded trees showed smaller trunk diameter, but increased the number and length of their 1-year shoots under coloured hailnets, particularly with cv. ‘Fuji’ when grown under green–black hailnet. Hailnets reduced flower induction in June and return bloom in the next spring to the same extent as they reduced the light transmission. Overall, tree growth under coloured hailnets was genetically influenced, with cv. ‘Fuji’ being more prone and sensitive to adverse effects of coloured hailnets than cv. ‘Pinova’, but is also influenced by the environment. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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