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Summary Fine structure, postnatal development and reaction to efferent duct ligation of the loose connective tissue of the rat rete testis were studied by light and electron microscopy.The loose connective tissue of adult rats consists of elongate fibroblasts in a homogenous ground substance, together with some Leydig cells, lymphocytes, macrophages and mast cells. During postnatal development this tissue increases in amount, while the interstitial areolar tissue decreases. The looseness of the tissue becomes more evident between days 22 and 27, and may reflect an increase in hydration.Efferent duct ligation for 15 min to five days has no effect on the histological appearance of the tissue.  相似文献   

Summary The present study examines events of the Sertoli cell iron delivery pathway following the secretion of diferric testicular transferrin (tTf) into the adluminal compartment of the rat seminiferous epithelium. The unidirectional secretion of tTf by Sertoli cells was verified, in vivo, and it was shown that this protein is internalized by adluminal germ cells. It was further determined by Scatchard analysis that this internalization was mediated by high affinity transferrin binding sites on the surface of round spermatids, numbering 1453/cell and displaying a Kd=0.6×10-9 M. Northern blot analysis of RNA isolated from adluminal germ cells, namely spermatocytes, round spermatids and elongating spermatids, indicated that these cells expressed Tf receptor mRNA and ferritin mRNA in levels inversely related to their stage of maturation. Finally it was determined that following binding and internalization in round spermatids, Tf became associated with the endosomal compartment and was recycled back to the cell surface. This study illustrates the immediate fate of tTf once it is secreted by the Sertoli cell. Thus, diferric tTf binds of Tf receptor on the surface of adluminal germ cells, is internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis and the apo Tf-Tf receptor complex is recycled back to the cell surface where apotTf is released into the adluminal fluid.  相似文献   

Mechanism of transferrin iron uptake by rat reticulocytes was studied using 59Fe- and 125I-labelled rat transferrin. Whereas more than 80% of the reticulocyte-bound 59Fe was located in the cytoplasmic fraction, only 25–30% of 125I-labelled transferrin was found inside the cells. As shown by the presence of acetylcholine esterase, 10–15% of the cytoplasmic 125I-labelled transferrin might have been derived from the contamination of this fraction by the plasma membrane fragments. Electron microscopic autoradiography indicated 26% of the cell-bound 125I-labelled transferrin to be inside the reticulocytes. Both the electron microscopic and biochemical studies showed that the rat reticulocytes endocytosed their plasma membrane independently of transferrin. Sepharose-linked transferrin was found to be capable of delivering 59Fe to the reticulocytes. Our results suggest that penetration of the cell membrane by transferrin is not necessary for the delivery of iron and that, although it might make a contribution to the cellular iron uptake, internalization of transferrin reflects endocytotic activity of the reticulocyte cell membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the normal human rete testis was analyzed. The rete testis cavities are irregularly shaped and contain virtually no spermatozoa. Smooth muscle cells often surround the cavities.In the epithelial lining, two cell types are distinguishable. Flat, dark cells exhibit numerous slender microvilli, and numerous apical and basal microvesicles. Prismatic, lighter cells have more cell organelles, mostly polarized towards a supranuclear position. Both cell types contain variable amounts of glycogen and fat, and an occasional cilium. All cells display intricate lateral cell surfaces that possess different cell-to-cell attachment devices. Intermediate cell types are frequently found.On a morphological basis, the epithelial cells seem to be involved in the release of substances into the lumen and probably also in transport towards the base.Connective tissue elements are found subjacent to the epithelium. Scattered among the fibrocytes are typical smooth muscle cells. Expansions of some smooth muscle cells are connected to the epithelial basement membrane by a network of microfibrillar material. The smooth muscle cells may be involved in changing the shape of the rete testis channels, thus promoting the flux of the rete testis fluid.Different types of nerve fibre bundles are distinguished in the connective tissue of the rete testis which may correspond to autonomic and sensory nerves or sensory receptors.Presented in part at the 31st Annual Meeting of the American Fertility Society, Los Angeles, April 1975Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, on leave of absence from Depto. de Biologia Celular y Genética Sede Norte, Universidad de Chile, Santiago. Supported by travel aid from the Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche StiftungSupported by Grants from the Deutsche ForschungsgemeinschaftDedicated to Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. Wolfgang Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Transferrin is the major iron transporter in blood plasma, and is also found, at lower concentrations, in saliva. We studied the synthesis and secretion of transferrin in rat parotid acinar cells in order to elucidate its secretory pathways. Two sources were identified for transferrin in parotid acinar cells: synthesis by the cells (endogenous), and absorption from blood plasma (exogenous). Transferrin from both sources is secreted from the apical side of parotid acinar cells. Endogenous transferrin is transported to secretory granules. It is secreted from mature secretory granules upon stimulation with a β-adrenergic reagent and from smaller vesicles in the absence of stimulation. Exogenous transferrin is internalized from the basolateral side of parotid acinar cells, transported to the apical side by transcytosis, and secreted from the apical side. Secretory processes for exogenous transferrin include transport systems involving microfilaments and microtubules.  相似文献   

Numb (Nb) and Numb-like (Nbl) are functionally redundant adaptor proteins that critically regulate cell fate and morphogenesis in a variety of organs. We selectively deleted Nb and Nbl in testicular germ cells by breeding Nb/Nbl floxed mice with a transgenic mouse line Tex101-Cre. The mutant mice developed unilateral or bilateral cystic dilation in the rete testis (RT). Dye trace indicated partial blockages in the testicular hilum. Morphological and immunohistochemical evaluations revealed that the lining epithelium of the cysts possessed similar characteristics of RT epithelium, suggesting that the cyst originated from dilation of the RT lumen. Spermatogenesis and the efferent ducts were unaffected. In comparisons of isolated germ cells from mutants to control mice, the Notch activity considerably increased and the expression of Notch target gene Hey1 significantly elevated. Further studies identified that germ cell Fgf4 expression negatively correlated the Notch activity and demonstrated that blockade of FGF receptors mediated FGF4 signaling induced enlargement of the RT lumen in vitro. The crucial role of the FGF4 signaling in modulation of RT development was verified by the selective germ cell Fgf4 ablation, which displayed a phenotype similar to that of germ cell Nb/Nbl null mutant males. These findings indicate that aberrant over-activation of the Notch signaling in germ cells due to Nb/Nbl abrogation impairs the RT development, which is through the suppressing germ cell Fgf4 expression. The present study uncovers the presence of a lumicrine signal pathway in which secreted/diffusible protein FGF4 produced by germ cells is essential for normal RT development.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12079-021-00628-0.  相似文献   

The localization of albumin and transferrin was examined immunohistochemically in germ cells and Sertoli cells during rat gonadal morphogenesis and postnatal development of the testis. These proteins appeared as early as the 13th day of gestation in migrating primordial germ cells before Sertoli cell differentiation. In the fetal testis, strong immunoreactivity was only detected in the gonocytes. In the prepubertal testis, spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, and some Sertoli cells accumulate albumin and transferrin. At puberty, different patterns of immunostaining of the germ cells were observed at the various stages of the cycle of the seminiferous epithelium. Diplotene spermatocytes at stage XIII, spermatocytes in division at stage XIV, and round spermatids at stages IV–VIII showed maximal staining. Labeling was evident in the cytoplasm of adult Sertoli cells. Albumin and transferrin staining patterns paralleled each other during ontogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary The bovine testis has a central mediastinum consisting of longitudinally oriented rete channels and spacious lymph vessels, embedded in the mediastinal stroma. The latter represents a contractile-elastic unit and is composed of myofibroblasts, collagen bundles and accumulations of elastin, connecting the myofibroblasts. The dimension of the mediastinum varies in cross sections at different levels between 3.5 and 31.8 mm2. In one cross section 30 rete channels and 30 openings of straight testicular tubules are encountered. Nearly 25% of the area is occupied by thinwalled, valveless lymph vessels. Arterial convolutes, interpolated between straight centripetal and straight centrifugal branches of the testicular artery flank the rete on all sides. It is concluded that the pulsation within these convolutes together with the contractile-elastic stroma promotes lymph and rete content in a caudo-cranial direction. Chordae retis as described by Roosen-Runge and Holstein (1978) for the human testis are a common feature in the bovine mediastinum testis. The rete channels are lined by a simple cuboidal or columnar epithelium. Short intraepithelial crypts are present and function as epithelial reserve for dilatation and expansion of the rate. The inventory of organelles is rather inconspicuous in the rete epithelium. The apical border bears short microvilli and gives a strong reaction for alkaline phosphatase. The basal cytoplasm contains many small to medium-sized electron-dense bodies and is site of a strong acid phosphatase reaction. The rete epithelium as a whole reacts strongly with leucine aminopeptidase, the marker enzyme of the testicular excurrent duct system. Many free mononuclear cells, mostly macrophages, are observed in the basal half of the rete epithelium.  相似文献   

Antibodies raised against rat hepatic epoxide hydrolase (EC and glutathione S-transferases (EC B, C and E were used to determine the presence and localizations of these epoxide-metabolizing enzymes in testes of sexually immature and mature Wistar and Holtzman rats. Unlabeled antibody peroxidase-antiperoxidase staining for each enzyme was readily detected in rat testes at the light microscopic level. Although significant strain-related differences were not apparent, staining intensity for certain enzymes differed markedly between Leydig cells and seminiferous tubules. Leydig cells of immature and mature rats were stained much intensely for epoxide hydrolase and glutathione S-transferase B and E than were seminiferous tubules, whereas Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids, as well as Leydig cells, were stained intensely by the anti-glutathione S-transferase C. Age-related differences in staining for glutathione S-transferase B were not obvious, while the anti-glutathione S-transferase C stained seminiferous tubules more intensely in immature rats, and antibodies to expoxide hydrolase and glutathione S-transferases C and E stained Leydig cells much more intensely in mature rats. These observations thus demonstrate that testes of both sexually immature and mature rats contain epoxide hydrolase and glutathione S-transferases. Except for glutathione S-transferase C in immature rats, Leydig cells appear to contain much higher levels of enzymes than do seminiferous tubules. During sexual maturation, the testicular level of glutathione S-transferase B appears to remain constant, while levels of epoxide hydrolase and glutathione S-transferases C and E increase within Leydig cells and the level of glutathione S-transferase C decreases within seminiferous tubules.  相似文献   

The unusual histone composition of testicular cells generates changes in chromatin organization in order to allow the chromosomal pairing necessary for genetic recombination. Accessibility of testis nuclear DNA was determined by flow cytometry. The observed differences in staining between testis and liver nuclear chromatin, as well as the differences of perpendicular light scatter signal, correlate with alterations in protein composition with the chromatin reorganization.  相似文献   

Nuclei and chromatin of seminiferous epithelial cells of rat testis contain acid-extractable and non-extractable proteins which interact readily with [3H]DFP (diisopropylfluorophosphate). Proteinase activity is closely associated with these DFP-interacting proteins, and the proteinase activities are inhibited by DFP and PMSF. DFP-interacting proteins of testis chromatin increase greatly in amount at 26–32 days after birth when spermatids are appearing in increasing numbers. In nuclei separated by zonal centrifugation on sucrose gradients, the DFP-labeled proteins are highest in activity in the elongated spermatids at the stage in spermiogenesis at which histones are being replaced by testis-specific proteins and protamines. Electrophoresis in SDS-polyacrylamide gels reveals the presence of three species of DFP-interacting proteins in nuclei of seminiferous epithelial cells of the testis. The chromatin of epididymal spermatozoa of the rat contains three or four species of DFP-interacting proteins by SDS-polyacrylamide electrophoresis and some of these labeled proteins co-migrate with two of the three basic proteins which are observed during electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels in Triton-urea.  相似文献   

1. Receptor-mediated endocytosis of mannose-terminated glycoproteins in rat liver endothelial cells has been followed by means of subcellular fractionation and by immunocytochemical labelling of ultrathin cryosections after intravenous injection of ovalbumin. For subcellular-fractionation studies the ligand was labelled with 125-tyramine-cellobiose adduct, which leads to labelled degradation products being trapped intracellularly in the organelle where the degradation takes place. 2. Isopycnic centrifugation in sucrose gradients of a whole liver homogenate showed that the ligand is sequentially associated with three organelles with increasing buoyant densities. The ligand was, 1 min after injection, recovered in a light, slowly sedimenting vesicle and subsequently (6 min) in larger endosomes. After 24 min the ligand was recovered in dense organelles, where also acid-soluble degradation products accumulated. 3. Immunocytochemical labelling of ultrathin cryosections showed that the ligand appeared rapidly after internalization in coated vesicles and subsequently in two larger types of endosomes. In the 'early' endosomes (1 min after injection) the labelling was seen closely associated with the membrane of the vesicle; after 6 min the ligand was evenly distributed in the lumen. At 24 min after injection the ligand was found in the lysosomes. 4. A bimodal distribution of endothelial cell lysosomes with different buoyant densities was revealed by centrifugation in iso-osmotic Nycodenz gradients, suggesting that two types of lysosomes are involved in the degradation of mannose-terminated glycoproteins in liver endothelial cells. Two populations of lysosomes were also revealed by sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation after injection of large amounts of yeast invertase. 5. In conclusion, ovalbumin is transferred rapidly through three endosomal compartments before delivering to the lysosomes. The degradation seems to take place in two populations of lysosomes.  相似文献   

The molar proportions and relative rates of synthesis of histones in normal and hypophysectomized rat testis seminiferous epithelial cells were determined. After hypophysectomy the molar proportions of histones H1, H2B and (H2A + protein A24) in seminiferous epithelial cells of rat testis increased while their corresponding variants TH1-x, TH2B-x and X2 decreased, but the molar proportions of major-class histones (i.e., sum of subfractions) remained relatively constant and similar to the proportions in somatic cells. The apparent molar proportions of the labeled histones, determined immediately after 2-h periods of [3H]leucine incorporation, were much higher relative to H4 than the proportions of total histones determined by dye binding. The values, however, approached the molar proportions of total histones when rats were killed 11 days after the [3H]leucine injection. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis confirmed that the high initial molar proportions relative to H4 by [3H]leucine incorporation were not due to the possible contamination by highly-labeled non-histone proteins. The specific activity of histone H4 relative to the specific activity of DNA, determined immediately after 3-h periods of [3H]leucine and [14C]thymidine incorporations was similar to the value when rats were killed 13 days after the injections. It is proposed that histones of seminiferous epithelial cells are synthesized disproportionally relative to H4 and in excess of the quantities required for polynucleosome assembly. The excess histones are subsequently displaced or degraded slowly.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1988,106(6):1821-1829
We used a conjugate of transferrin and horseradish peroxidase (Tf/HRP) to label the intracellular transferrin receptor route in the human hepatoma cell line HepG2. The recycling kinetics of [125I]Tf/HRP were similar to those of unmodified [125I]Tf, implying identical routes for both ligands. 3,3'Diaminobenzidine (DAB)-cytochemistry was performed on post-nuclear supernatants of homogenates of cells which were incubated with both Tf/HRP and [125I]Tf, and caused two different effects: (a) the equilibrium density of [125I]Tf containing microsomes in a Percoll density gradient was increased, and (b) the amount of immunoprecipitable [125I]Tf from density-shifted lysed microsomes was only 20% of that of nonDAB treated microsomes. The whole biosynthetic route of alpha 1-antitrypsin (AT), a typical secretory glycoprotein in HepG2 cells, was labeled during a 60-min incubation with [35S]methionine. DAB cytochemistry was performed on post-nuclear supernatants of homogenates of cells which were also incubated with Tf/HRP. DAB cytochemistry caused approximately 40% of microsome- associated "complex" glycosylated [35S]alpha 1-antitrypsin ([35S]c-AT) to shift in a Percoll density gradient. Only part of the density shifted [35S]c-AT could be recovered by immunoprecipitation. A maximum effect was measured already after 10 min of Tf/HRP uptake. The density distribution of the "high mannose" glycosylated form of 35S-alpha 1- anti-trypsin [( 35S]hm-AT) was not affected by Tf/HRP. If in addition to Tf/HRP also an excess of non-conjugated transferrin was present in the medium, [35S]c-AT was not accessible for Tf/HRP, showing the involvement of the transferrin receptor (TfR) in the process. Furthermore, we show that if Tf/HRP and [35S]c-AT were located in different vesicles, the density distribution of [35S]c-AT was not affected by DAB-cytochemistry. Pulse-labeling with [35S]methionine was used to show that [35S]c-AT became accessible to endocytosed Tf/HRP minutes after acquirement of the complex configuration. A common intracellular localization of endocytosed Tf/HRP and secretory protein could be confirmed by immuno-electron microscopy: cryosections labeled with anti-albumin (protein A-colloidal gold) as well as DAB reaction product showed double-labeling in the trans-Golgi reticulum.  相似文献   

Cultures of rete testis epithelial cell-enriched preparations from testes of adult rams have been investigated, and some of their properties have been determined. In monolayers, the cells form mosaic-like borders, and retain many ultrastructural features characteristic of rete epithelial cells in situ, including an indented nucleus with prominent heterochromatin clumps, short rod-shaped or round mitochondria that are easily distinguished from the elongated mitochondria of Sertoli cells, the presence of desmosomes, and few if any lipid droplets or vacuoles. Unlike Sertoli cell-enriched aggregates in culture, rete testis epithelial cell preparations do not form cytoplasmic extensions, and no associated germ cells are present. Rete cells in culture express cytokeratin and vimentin in the cytoskeleton, whereas Sertoli cells prepared from testes of adult rams contain vimentin but not cytokeratin. Both rete cells and Sertoli cells stain positively for laminin but not for fibronectin, Collagen Type I, or Collagen Type III. The rete cells synthesize and secrete several proteins into the culture medium, evident in gel electrophoresis patterns of radiolabeled proteins. This pattern is similar, but not identical, to that secreted by Sertoli cell-enriched preparations. Rete cells in culture in the presence of serum continue to undergo mitotic division, but Sertoli cells do not. A variety of criteria were employed to estimate the relative numbers of Sertoli cells present in the rete testis epithelial cell-enriched preparations from testes of adult rams, including morphological and ultrastructural differences between the two cell types, and the presence of desmosomal proteins and cytokeratin in rete cells but not in Sertoli cells. The relative number of fibroblast-like cells was determined by measuring the expression of fibronectin and Collagen Type I, and an immunocytochemical probe for the detection of Factor VIII was used to estimate the degree of contamination by vascular endothelial cells. Using these markers, we determined that the rete testis epithelial cell-enriched preparations were about 93% pure. Primary cultures under defined conditions contained relatively few Sertoli cells (0.4%), but were contaminated to a larger extent by fibroblast-like cells (approximately 4%) and by endothelial cells (about 3%). The possible functions of rete testis epithelial cells are discussed herein.  相似文献   

Summary The rete testis of the bull is situated within an axial mediastinum and consists of approximately 30 longitudinally arranged, anastomosing rete channels. At the cranial testicular pole all rete channels empty into a common space, the area confluens reds, which is subdivided by small septa and narrow chordae retis. The area confluens always contains numerous spermatozoa and is connected with the bulbous initial portions of the efferent ductules by short, often tortuous rete tubules. Since the connection between rete and efferent ductules is situated within the tunica albuginea, the bovine excurrent duct system is not provided with an extratesticular rete as in many other mammals.Straight testicular tubules merge from all directions to connect with superficial rete channels, but the inlets are not evenly distributed. In the periphery each straight tubule begins with a cup-like structure followed by a narrow stalk region and a heavily folded portion opening either immediately into a rete channel or into a tube-like lateral rete extension.In close contiguity to the rete testis lie extremely coiled arterial portions connecting the centripetal and the centrifugal branches of the testicular artery. Since intrinsic musculature is scarcely developed in the mediastinum, and transport of rete content relies primarily on massage due to external pressure changes, the pulsatile blood flow through these coiled arteries may influence conveyance processes within the rete testis.An intimate spatial association between area confluens reds and adjacent large, thin-walled lymph vessels may facilitate a transfer of androgens into the fluid of the rete testis.Supported by the Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität Bern  相似文献   

The mature rat testis contains both a soluble guanylate cyclase and a soluble adenylate cyclase. Both these soluble enzymes prefer manganous ion for activity. It is known that guanylate cyclase can, when activated by a variety of agents, catalyze the formation of cyclic AMP. The following experiments were performed to determine whether the testicular soluble adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities were carried on the same molecule. Analysis of supernatants from homogenized rat testis by gel filtration and sucrose density gradient centrifugation showed that the two activities were clearly separable. The molecular weight of guanylate cyclase is 143 000, while that of adenylate cyclase is 58 000.Treatment of the column fractions with 0.1 mM sodium nitroprusside allowed guanylate cyclase activity to be expressed with Mg2+ as well as with Mn2+. Sodium nitroprusside did not affect the metal ion or substrate specificity of adenylate cyclase.These experiments show that adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities are physically separable.  相似文献   

Insulin regulates glucose uptake through effects on the trafficking of the glucose transporter Glut4. To investigate the degree of overlap between Glut4 and the general endocytic pathways, the kinetics of trafficking of Glut4 and the receptors for transferrin (Tf) and α(2)-macroglobulin (α-2-M; LRP-1) were compared using quantitative flow cytometric assays. Insulin increased the exocytic rate constant (k(ex)) for both Glut4 and Tf. However, the k(ex) of Glut4 was 5-15 times slower than Tf in both basal and insulin-stimulated cells. The endocytic rate constant (k(en)) of Glut4 was also five times slower than Tf. Insulin did not affect the k(en) of either protein. In basal cells, the k(en) for α-2-M/LRP-1 was similar to Glut4 but 5-fold slower than Tf. Insulin increased k(en) for α-2-M/LRP-1 by 30%. In contrast, the k(ex) for LRP-1 was five times faster than Glut4 in basal cells, and insulin did not increase this rate constant. Thus, although there is overlap in the protein machineries/compartments utilized, the differences in trafficking kinetics indicate that Glut4, the Tf receptor, and LRP-1 are differentially processed both within the cell and at the plasma membrane. It has been reported that insulin decreases the k(en) of Glut4 in adipocytes. However, the effect of exocytosis on the "internalization" assays was not considered. Because it is counterintuitive, the effect of exocytosis on these assays is often overlooked in endocytosis studies. Using mathematical modeling and simulation, we show that the reported decrease in Glut4 k(en) can be entirely accounted for by the well established increase in Glut4 k(ex).  相似文献   

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