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This critical essay examines the place of educational discourse in contemporary anthropology. I address the growing influence of "cultural studies" frameworks in anthropology—especially in research on popular culture, media, and identity—and the corresponding neglect of specifically educational discourses and practices, in and out of schools. To illustrate, I briefly examine recent research by four noted cultural anthropologists who mention the effects of schools at their field sites but pay insufficient attention to complex educational discourses and practices. Then I address the reasons why most contemporary anthropologists outside the subfield of "anthropology of education" ignore or downplay the role of modern schools in structuring identities and power relations, both locally and globally. I end with a programmatic synthesis: to recognize and account for the continuing power of schools in most contemporary ethnographic sites, even as we broaden our vision of "education" and extend our analytic tools well beyond schools. This resituating of educational discourse in anthropology might accomplish two important things. First, it could arrest the trend toward subfield specialization and provide a more unifying research program. Second, it would promote anthropology's renewed engagement with some of the most pressing problems of democracy and public policy, fostering an organic link between our multiple roles as teachers, researchers, and institutional actors, [education, identity, cultural studies, ethnographyJ  相似文献   

This article addresses the relationship between educational theory—as manifested in particular ideologies of teaching and learning—and classroom practice. Based on an ethnographic study of English-as-a-second-language (ESL) learning at a Canadian senior public school, I outline a conflict between two language ideologies that give shape to, and are shaped by, the classroom practices of the ESL teacher, his assistants, and the students. I discuss the implications of this ideological conflict in terms of the opportunities ESL students are given, and that they create for themselves, to practice speaking English. I end by outlining how these findings can be used to shape educational policy as it relates to ESL classroom curricula in order to create a more equitable learning environment for ESL students.  相似文献   

在城乡一体化的过程中,以平均受教育水平测量的城乡人口教育差距,并没有出现库兹涅茨倒U型发展,乡村、县镇与城市之间的差距都在不断扩大。对近20年间差距演变的过程进行分析表明,乡村和县镇人口平均受教育水平的增长速度始终低于城市,尤其是县镇区域几乎没有增长。通过对主要影响因素及作用机制的理论分析和实证检验,研究发现,经济发展水平的提高并没有促使已经存在的差距自然消弥,城乡两个被分割的群体通过显性渠道与隐性渠道不断地文化教育再生产是差距存在和扩大的社会基础;高中阶段教育投入的增加更多是促进了城镇人口受教育水平的提高,初中阶段教育投入城乡差距的扩大直接导致人口受教育程度差距的扩大,而小学阶段教育投入城乡差距没有显示出统计上显著的影响;非户籍人口流动造成城乡人口结构的异质化,并进而扩大城乡常住人口受教育程度的差距;户籍人口迁入对城市和县镇人口受教育程度都有提升作用,迁出在抵消迁入的提升作用后,仍然导致城市与县镇之间教育差距的扩大。  相似文献   

This interview deals with arts education in Iran. After the Islamic Revolution of 1979, a drastic change occurred in arts education. In terms of aim, arts education in Iran assumed a teleological orientation according to which art should be a process aimed at appreciating the manifestation of God's beauty in the world. As for curricular subjects, some branches of art such as dance are prohibited or used in modified and restricted forms. Arts education has a marginalized position in Iran for two reasons: one, which is more or less global, is that science and mathematics are widely granted a superior position in education, and the other is based on a religious understanding of some arts being inherently associated with sinful activities prohibited in Islam. However, a development in this religious understanding has led to a critical approach according to which the alleged association with sinful activity is denied and thus the prohibited forms of art can be allowed under some conditions. This new approach may have different educational consequences in the realm of arts education.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that individual differences in educational achievement are highly heritable in the early and middle school years in the UK. The objective of the present study was to investigate whether similarly high heritability is found at the end of compulsory education (age 16) for the UK-wide examination, called the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). In a national twin sample of 11,117 16-year-olds, heritability was substantial for overall GCSE performance for compulsory core subjects (58%) as well as for each of them individually: English (52%), mathematics (55%) and science (58%). In contrast, the overall effects of shared environment, which includes all family and school influences shared by members of twin pairs growing up in the same family and attending the same school, accounts for about 36% of the variance of mean GCSE scores. The significance of these findings is that individual differences in educational achievement at the end of compulsory education are not primarily an index of the quality of teachers or schools: much more of the variance of GCSE scores can be attributed to genetics than to school or family environment. We suggest a model of education that recognizes the important role of genetics. Rather than a passive model of schooling as instruction (instruere, ‘to build in’), we propose an active model of education (educare, ‘to bring out’) in which children create their own educational experiences in part on the basis of their genetic propensities, which supports the trend towards personalized learning.  相似文献   

On the basis of an ethnographic analysis of an Imam-Hatip vocational religious secondary school in Turkey, I examine teachers' and parents' expectations and the process of students' identity formation. Although the students attending the Imam-Hatip school were expected to accept a reality infused with an Islamic worldview, their schooling experience actually strengthened the relational nature of identity formation in the context of Islamism and secularism, respectively.  相似文献   


In 1968 the Bilingual Education Act marked the first comprehensive federal intervention in the schooling of language minoritized students by creating financial incentives for bilingual education in an effort to address social and educational inequities created by poverty and linguistic isolation in schools. Since that time federal education policies related to language instruction for emergent bilingual students have undergone a number of shifts that reflect changing ideological perspectives on language and citizenship. These shifts, in turn, frame seemingly neutral educational requirements for preservice and practicing art educators related to language and visual art instruction, implicating art educators in ideological stances toward students and families who primarily speak languages other than English. This article reviews the Elementary and Secondary Education Act in its most recent reauthorization as the Every Student Succeeds Act, and offers insight into ideological implications of standards and assessments that impact art educator preparation and art teaching practices with regard to language in the art classroom, including the National Core Arts Standards and the Education Teacher Performance Assessment. Implications regarding ways art education, framed by ideological policies, might support or undermine social and educational inequities educational policies are intended to address are discussed.  相似文献   

课程思政是新时期高校思想政治教育的重要途径之一。科学史记载了科学知识从产生到持续发展的过程,蕴含着丰富的育人价值,能够为专业课的课程思政教学提供新的视角和思路。本文从科学史丰富的育人价值中选择科学精神、科学思维、科学兴趣和科学伦理4个方面的素材;依托"基因工程"课程内容,对有关诺贝尔奖的科学史进行梳理;然后,以4个方面的素材为育人载体,深挖其中蕴含的思政元素,通过实施课程思政教学,帮助学生达成课程思政目标;最后,综合运用问卷和深度访谈相结合的方式评价教学效果。借此引领学生树立正确的价值观,提高思想政治水平,以期为生物学专业的课程思政体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

国外国家公园教育利用研究进展与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈东军  钟林生 《生物多样性》2020,28(10):1266-317
教育是国家公园的主要功能之一, 教育利用是国家公园的公益性和国家主导性要求。我国国家公园体制建设起步较晚, 国家公园教育利用的实践经验和理论探讨相对不足。本文基于Web of Science核心合集数据库相关文献, 系统回顾了国外国家公园教育利用的研究进展, 并对国内未来研究进行展望。21世纪以来, 国外的国家公园教育利用研究进展加快, 相关文献多发表在环境科学和地球科学类期刊, 研究内容主要包括教育资源评估以及教育目的、教育管理、教育成效及其影响因素。国家公园教育资源丰富, 教育价值评估和教育利用适宜性评价是对其合理利用及保护管理的前提。教育目的主要包括争取保护支持、缓解社区冲突、提供文化及教育服务和防范旅游伤害, 多样化的教育媒介使用及针对性的教育设计、良好的教育合作共同促进教育成效的最佳实现。教育成效围绕教育目标分类的认知/意识、情感/态度、行为等维度评估教育受众在教育前后的表现差异, 主要受个体特征与教育管理两方面因素影响。国外国家公园教育利用研究已初步形成研究内容体系, 并呈现研究区域集中、学科理论交叉、研究方法趋于定性与定量综合运用、研究内容丰富且涉及领域广等特点。本文提出未来中国应重点加强国家公园教育资源评价、教育内容体系、教育媒介应用、教育合作与管理、教育成效及其影响因素分析等研究议题。  相似文献   

J. B. Hughes 《Oecologia》2000,123(3):375-383
Numerous hypotheses have been proposed for the commonly observed, positive relationship between local abundance and geographic distribution in groups of closely related species. Here I consider how hostplant specialization and abundance affect the relative abundance and distribution of lycaenid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). I first discuss three components of specialization: local specialization, turnover of specialization across a species’ range, and the minimum number of resources (or habitats) required by a species. Within this framework, I then consider one dimension of a lycaenid species’ niche, larval hostplant specialization. In a subalpine region of Colorado, I surveyed 11 lycaenid species and their hostplants at 17 sites. I compare this local information to continental hostplant use and large-scale distributions of the lycaenids and their hostplants. Local abundance of a lycaenid species is positively correlated with its local distribution (the number of sites occupied), but not with its regional or continental distribution. Neither local specialization (the number of hostplants used within one habitat) nor continental specialization (the number of hostplants used across many habitats) is correlated with local lycaenid abundance. Continental specialization is positively correlated with a species’ continental distribution, however. Finally, while generalist butterflies tend to have more hostplant available to them, differences in resource availability do not explain the differences in butterfly abundance. Although local abundance is correlated only with local distribution, I suggest that abundance-distribution relationships might emerge at regional and continental scales if local abundance were averaged across many habitat types. Consideration of the scale of a species’ resource specialization (within or among habitats) appears to be key to understanding the relationships between resource specialization, resource availability, and a species’ abundance and distribution. Received: 1 September 1999 / Accepted: 12 December 1999  相似文献   

This article explores one way in which the Classical Islamic community in Java, Indonesia, seeks to negotiate modernization and globalization through the interface of an Islamic boarding school (pesantren) and higher education. This negotiation requires imagining and (reinventing both modernity and tradition. By examining how the leadership of a particular pesantren for university students engages these processes in their curricular goals and practices, this article expands theoretical considerations of education in translocal processes such as Islamization and globalization.  相似文献   

课程是人才培养的核心要素,是学生从大学里受益最直接、最核心和最显效的途径。生物化学是生命科学中重要的核心课程。梳理我国生物化学课程教学改革的变迁对促进全国生物化学教育事业的发展具有实践意义。本文收集了自1985年以来,生物化学教学改革研究的文献5 871篇。按照国家主要教育方针政策和策略转变文件,将文献按其年份划分为1985~2006,2007~2012,2013~2016和2017~2021四个阶段。运用软件NVivo 11 Plus对文献题录文本和关键词进行相似性分析表明,生物化学课程教学研究与国家教育发展策略相适应,具有鲜明的时代特征。依据扎根理论,通过编码处理和客观分析,将生物化学教学研究划分为“教学策略”、“教学方向”、“教学对象”和“教学评价”四个范畴。详细阐述了“以学生为中心”的生物化学教学改革研究取得的成效:整合包括结构性思维、问题导向、团队合作、翻转课堂和线上线下混合的多种教学方法;结合包括多媒体、虚拟仿真和互联网的先进教学技术;发掘思政元素并将思政教育贯穿到生物化学教学全过程。从强化学生学习能力,关注学习效果和促进学生发展的多元角度促进我国生物化学教学事业的全面发展。  相似文献   


Citizenship education intends to prepare students to become politically active citizens. However, studies investigating the relationship between citizenship education and political participation have largely neglected the mediating role of political attitudes. This study examines whether political efficacy and political interest are mediators of expected political participation, using the data of the Belgian (Flemish) sample of the ICCS 2016 study. The results indicate that three educational strategies (i.e., classroom discussions, civic learning opportunities, and student participation at school) are positively associated with expected political participation (i.e., institutionalized and noninstitutionalized participation) in a distinct way. A substantial part of this relationship is mediated by political interest and political efficacy. Future research should take this underlying mechanism into account when studying the development of civic engagement amongst adolescents in a school context. The findings of this study call for a broad approach to citizenship education for the development of political attitudes, as well as behavior.  相似文献   

Public education remains the nation‐state's foremost instrument of forging citizens. But the emergence of ‘international education’, a system explicitly based on the ideology of globality and outside the purview of national curricula, provides a way to circumvent the citizen‐making machine. This article, based on fieldwork among Chinese secondary school students in Hungary, considers the interaction between ‘international education’ and transnational migrants in a nation‐state whose public education, as the state itself, has little interest in the ‘integration’ of non‐natives.  相似文献   

研究生教育作为我国高等教育体制中最高层次的教育,是培养具有高素质、创新型人才的核心环节。医学院校研究生的素 质教育与创新能力是决定其基础医学研究能力和临床专业技能的重要因素,而研究生课程体系的建设是决定研究生培养过程中 重要的一环。为了提高研究生的创新能力,我校对研究生课程体系进行了一系列的改革。通过总结国内外10 所知名院校生物学 专业研究生课程体系的特点,对比分析我校在此方面存在的不足,进一步明确生物学专业研究生培养的目标,并有针对性的提出 课程体系改革的措施,为后续研究生教育改革奠定基础。  相似文献   

孟建宇  杨燕  白薇 《生命的化学》2021,41(1):197-201
课程思政对高校落实立德树人、实现人才培养目标具有重要的意义。在专业课中进行课程思政改革有助于探究高校专业课程中育人功能的发挥。遗传学是生命科学专业重要的基础课程,在生命科学知识体系的构建中具有重要作用。立足内蒙古农业大学示范课程改革的教学实践,我们重塑了教学目标,改革教学方法,挖掘遗传学课程中蕴含的思政元素,使德育教育深入教师心、学生心,贯穿于教学、教评全过程,使知识传授、能力培养与价值引领同向同行,以提升学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

This article examines a program for newly arrived, non-English-speaking immigrant children in a major California city. Focusing on students of Mexican and other Latino origin, I explore the local model of success and ask, How is student success defined and fostered? This study lays the ethnographic foundation for a comparison between settings for first-generation students. The research demonstrates how a nurturing setting, a culturally flexible teaching approach, linguistic and cultural validation, and a valued spatial environment can contribute to newcomer students' success and educational confidence. Further, it addresses both the personal and political tensions that can arise when such programs are physically separate and distant from the "home" or neighborhood school.  相似文献   

国家公园研学旅行适宜性评价指标体系构建与实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈东军  钟林生  肖练练 《生态学报》2020,40(20):7222-7230
国家公园兼具自然生态系统保护与教育、游憩等社会文化功能,是自然性、体验性和课程性研学旅行的潜在活动场所之一。研学旅行为国家公园的教育、游憩价值实现提供路径参考。基于"内在价值-外在条件"分析框架,根据独立性、全面性、科学性及可操作原则,选择教育价值、游憩价值、环境条件、相关设施及服务等4个因子构建国家公园研学旅行适宜性评价指标体系,并以钱江源国家公园为例进行实证分析。结果表明,国家公园的研学旅行利用应首先考虑教育价值,在完善教育、游憩等相关设施及服务的同时兼顾环境承载力及利益相关者态度等环境条件,最后考虑游憩价值;钱江源国家公园的研学旅行利用具有良好的教育及游憩价值基础,中小学生的研学旅行需求与利益相关者的支持态度等提供了外在环境条件保障,但在教育、交通及安全等方面的设施及服务有待改善。研究结果可为国家公园及其他场地的研学旅行利用规划与管理提供参考。  相似文献   

In a climate where increasing numbers of students are encouraged to pursue post-secondary education, the level of preparedness students have for college-level coursework is not far from the minds of all educators, especially high school teachers. Specifically within the biological sciences, introductory biology classes often serve as the gatekeeper or a pre-requisite for subsequent coursework in those fields and pre-professional programmes (eg pre-medicine or pre-veterinarian). Thus, how helpful high school science and mathematics experiences are in preparing students for their introductory biology classes is important and relevant for teachers, science educators and policy makers alike. This quantitative study looked at the association between students' high school science and mathematics experiences with introductory college biology performance. Using a nationally representative sample of US students (n?=?2667) enrolled in 33 introductory college biology courses, a multi-level statistical model was developed to analyse the association between high school educational experiences and the final course grade in introductory biology courses. Advanced high school science and mathematics coursework, an emphasis on a deep conceptual understanding of biology concepts and a prior knowledge of concepts addressed in well-structured laboratory investigations are all positively associated with students' achievement in introductory college biology.  相似文献   

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