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Most studies of genetic variation within species to date are based on random markers. However, how well this correlates with quantitative variation is contentious. Yet, functional, or'ecotypic' variation in quantitative traits determines the ecological niche of a species, its future evolutionary potential, and, for livestock, crops and their wild relatives, their usefulness as a genetic resource for breeding. But nowadays we can also assess genetic diversity using markers directly targeted at specific genes or gene families. Such gene-targeted, multilocus profiles of markers can contribute to ex-situ management of genetic resources, ecological studies of diversity, and conservation of endangered species.  相似文献   

Most studies on the genetic diversity of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) have focussed on accessions from the Mesoamerican gene pool compared to the Andean gene pool. A deeper knowledge of the genetic structure of Argentinian germplasm would enable researchers to determine how the Andean domestication event affected patterns of genetic diversity in domesticated beans and to identify candidates for genes targeted by selection during the evolution of the cultivated common bean. A collection of 116 wild and domesticated accessions representing the diversity of the Andean bean in Argentina was genotyped by means of 114 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Forty-seven Mesoamerican bean accessions and 16 Andean bean accessions representing the diversity of Andean landraces and wild accessions were also included. Using the Bayesian algorithm implemented in the software STRUCTURE we identified five major groups that correspond to Mesoamerican and Argentinian wild accessions and landraces and a group that corresponds to accessions from different Andean and Mesoamerican countries. The neighbour-joining algorithm and principal coordinate clustering analysis confirmed the genetic relationships among accessions observed with the STRUCTURE analysis. Argentinian accessions showed a substantial genetic variation with a considerable number of unique haplotypes and private alleles, suggesting that they may have played an important role in the evolution of the species. The results of statistical analyses aimed at identifying genomic regions with consistent patterns of variation were significant for 35 loci (~20 % of the SSRs used in the Argentinian accessions). One of these loci mapped in or near the genomic region of the glutamate decarboxylase gene. Our data characterize the population structure of the Argentinian germplasm. This information on its diversity will be very valuable for use in introgressing Argentinian genes into commercial varieties because the majority of present-day common bean varieties are of Andean origin.  相似文献   

Aim This study investigated the influence of contemporary habitat loss on the genetic diversity and structure of animal species using a common, but ecologically specialized, butterfly, Theclinesthes albocincta (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), as a model. Location South Australia. Methods We used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and allozyme datasets to investigate the genetic structure and genetic diversity among populations of T. albocincta in a fragmented landscape and compared this diversity and structure with that of populations in two nearby landscapes that have more continuous distributions of butterflies and their habitat. Butterflies were sampled from 15 sites and genotyped, first using 363 informative AFLP bands and then using 17 polymorphic allozyme loci (n = 248 and 254, respectively). We complemented these analyses with phylogeographic information based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotype information derived from a previous study in the same landscapes. Results Both datasets indicated a relatively high level of genetic structuring across the sampling range (AFLP, FST = 0.34; allozyme, FST = 0.13): structure was greatest among populations in the fragmented landscape (AFLP, FST = 0.15; allozyme, FST = 0.13). Populations in the fragmented landscape also had significantly lower genetic diversity than populations in the other two landscapes: there were no detectable differences in genetic diversity between the two continuous landscapes. There was also evidence (r2 = 0.33) of an isolation by distance effect across the sampled range of the species. Main conclusions The multiple lines of evidence, presented within a phylogeographic context, support the hypothesis that contemporary habitat fragmentation has been a major driver of genetic erosion and differentiation in this species. Theclinesthes albocincta populations in the fragmented landscape are thus likely to be at greater risk of extinction because of reduced genetic diversity, their isolation from conspecific subpopulations in other landscapes, and other extrinsic forces acting on their small population sizes. Our study provides compelling evidence that habitat loss and fragmentation have significant rapid impacts on the genetic diversity and structure of butterfly populations, especially specialist species with particular habitat preferences and poor dispersal abilities.  相似文献   

The extraordinary success of linkage analysis in diseases with Mendelian inheritance has not extended readily to the genetics of common complex diseases. VAPSE-based analysis is a type of candidate gene approach that represents an alternative strategy by which genetic mechanisms can be defined despite the presence of substantial genetic heterogeneity. Recent advances in mutation screening and statistical methodology have enhanced substantially the efficiency and power of this approach. The "bread and butter" of VAPSE-based analysis is genotype-to-phenotype searches in large populations with computerized medical records.  相似文献   

Bacterial species are internally diverse in genomic and multi-locus gene comparisons. The ecological causes of phenotypic and genotypic diversity within species are far less well understood. Here, we focus on the competitive fitness for growth on nutrients within Escherichia coli, an internally rich species. Competition experiments in nutrient-limited chemostats revealed that members of the ECOR collection exhibited a wide continuum of competitive abilities, with some fitter and some less fit than the lab strain MG1655. We observed an inverse relationship between competitiveness and the resistance of strains to detergent and antibiotic, consistent with the notion that membrane permeability and competitive fitness are linked by a trade-off between self-preservation and nutritional competence (SPANC); high permeability has a postulated cost in antibacterial sensitivity whereas a low permeability has a cost in nutrient affinity. Isolates moved along the markedly nonlinear trade-off curve by mutational adaptation; an ECOR strain sensitive to antibacterials and a good competitor was easily converted by mutation into a mutant with higher resistance but poorer competition in the presence of low antibiotic concentrations. Conversely, a resistant ECOR strain changed into a better competitor after a short period of selection under nutrient limitation. In both directions, mutations can affect porin proteins and outer membrane permeability, as indicated by protein analysis, gene sequencing and an independent assay of outer membrane permeability. The extensive, species-wide diversity of E. coli in ecologically important traits can thus be explained as an evolutionary consequence of a SPANC trade-off driven by antagonistic pleiotropy.  相似文献   

本文根据华中型20个猪品种27个微卫星DNA标记的研究数据, 应用Weitzman方法, 即通过估计总体遗传多样性、期望多样性、品种对总体遗传多样性的贡献、边际遗传多样性、保种潜力等指标, 评估华中型20个猪品种的遗传多样性, 并通过构建品种间遗传多样性的最大似然树, 图示化展示20个品种间遗传多样性的相互关系。20个华中型猪品种的总体遗传多样性是11,707, 期望多样性占总的遗传多样性的66.96%, 金华猪、皖南花猪、嵊县花猪和乐平猪是对总体遗传多样性贡献最大的4个品种, 其贡献率分别是8.90%、7.46%、7.40%和7.04%, 保种潜力最大的4个品种分别是金华猪、嵊县花猪、杭猪和大花白猪。根据遗传多样性进行聚类分析, 大致可将华中型猪分为3类: 大围子猪、沙子岭猪、宁乡猪等分布于湖南、湖北的品种为一类; 南城猪、嵊县花猪与杭猪聚成另一类; 金华猪与皖南花猪单独聚成一类。研究结果可为我国华中型地方猪种遗传多样性的最大化保护和利用提供科学决策依据, 本文也对Weitzman方法在应用中的关键性问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The candidate gene approach in plant genetics: a review   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The candidate gene (CG) approach has been applied in plant genetics in the past decade for the characterisation and cloning of Mendelian and quantitative trait loci (QTLs). It constitutes a complementary strategy to map-based cloning and insertional mutagenesis. The goal of this paper is to present an overview of CG analyses in plant genetics. CG analysis is based on the hypothesis that known-function genes (the candidate genes) could correspond to loci controlling traits of interest. CGs refer either to cloned genes presumed to affect a given trait (`functional CGs') or to genes suggested by their close proximity on linkage maps to loci controlling the trait (`positional CGs'). In plant genetics, the most common way to identify a CG is to look for map co-segregation between CGs and loci affecting the trait. Statistical association analyses between molecular polymorphisms of the CG and variation in the trait of interest have also been carried out in a few studies. The final validation of a CG will be provided through physiological analyses, genetic transformation and/or sexual complementation. Theoretical and practical applications of validated CGs in plant genetics and breeding are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular analysis of congenital scoliosis: a candidate gene approach   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The etiology of congenital scoliosis is largely unknown. The severe vertebral disorder, spondylocostal dysostosis type 1, is associated with a homozygous delta-like 3 (DLL3) mutation. Scoliosis has been observed in a heterozygous DLL3 carrier, raising the possibility of its involvement in congenital scoliosis. We present the first molecular study of congenital scoliosis by analysis of the candidate gene DLL3 and demonstrate one novel missense variant. However, no novel or previously described mutations are present in our cohort, indicating that DLL3 mutations may not be a major cause of congenital scoliosis. Additionally, we have evaluated patients with congenital scoliosis not diagnosed with a known syndrome and identified a significant number of associated renal and cardiac anomalies and familial incidence of idiopathic scoliosis in this group.  相似文献   

We recently identified miR-19 as the critical activity for leukemogenesis within the oncogenic 17~92 cluster of microRNAs.1 This finding prompted us to test an unbiased method for pinpointing those miR-19 targets may be key to its oncogenic action. Specifically, we used a large-scale short hairpin RNA screen to identify those miR-19 target genes, whose knockdown could reproduce miR-19's effects on lymphocyte transformation. In this way, we found that miR-19 produces a coordinate clampdown on multiple negative regulators of PI3K-related survival signals. These findings have implications for the therapy of miR-19 expressing tumors. They also validate a new strategy for the unbiased identification of functionally important microRNA target genes. Using the example of miR-19 in leukemia, we will discuss some possibilities and limitations of this new approach.  相似文献   

Reinforcement is the process by which prezygotic isolation is strengthened as a response to selection against hybridization. Most empirical support for reinforcement comes from the observation of its possible phenotypic signature: an accentuated degree of prezygotic isolation in the hybrid zone as compared to allopatry. Here, we implemented a novel approach to this question by seeking for the signature of reinforcement at the genetic level. In the house mouse, selection against hybrids and enhanced olfactory‐based assortative mate preferences are observed in a hybrid zone between the two European subspecies Mus musculus musculus and M. m. domesticus, suggesting a possible recent reinforcement event. To test for the genetic signature of reinforcing selection and identify genes involved in sexual isolation, we adopted a hitchhiking mapping approach targeting genomic regions containing candidate genes for assortative mating in mice. We densely scanned these genomic regions in hybrid zone and allopatric samples using a large number of fast evolving microsatellite loci that allow the detection of recent selection events. We found a handful of loci showing the expected pattern of significant reduction in variability in populations close to the hybrid zone, showing assortative odour preference in mate choice experiments as compared to populations further away and displaying no such preference. These loci lie close to genes that we pinpoint as testable candidates for further investigation.  相似文献   

RAPD (randomly amplified polymorphic DNA) markers generated by arbitary decamers have been successfully employed to detect genetic polymorphisms between coffee species and between Coffea arabica genotypes. The RAPD profiles were used to construct dendrograms and these were consistent with the known history and evolution of Coffea arabica. Material originating from Ethiopia and the arabica sub-groups — C. arabica var. typica and C. arabica var. bourbon — were clearly distinguished. RAPD analysis therefore reflects morphological differences between the sub-groups and the geographical origin of the coffee material. Species-specific amplification products were also identified, but, more importantly, amplification products specific to C. canephora were identified in two C. arabica genotypes, Rume Sudan and Catimor 5175. This diagnostic product is therefore indicative of interspecific gene flow in coffee and has biological implications for selective introgressive hybridisation in coffee. Our study demonstrates the power of the polymerase chain reaction technology for the generation of genetic markers for long-lived perennial tree and bush crops.On study leave from: Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Facultad de Agronomia, Ciudad Universitaria, Zona 12, Apartado Postal No. 1545, Guatemala, Central America  相似文献   

This study was aimed to authenticate and present phylogenetic relationship among 19 species of genus Chlorophytum using DNA barcoding. In all, 107 accessions were analyzed with eight plastid (matK, rbcL, trnH-psbA, rpoC1, ycf5, rpoB, atp and psbK-psbI) and six nuclear (ITS) markers. The matK and rbcL were found to be ideal markers for identification and discrimination of Chlorophytum species. Phylogenetic analysis based on matK and rbcL sequences resolved the species in two major clades. All markers, except matK and rbcL, showed ambiguous reads and paralogy in analysis. DGGE analysis showed the presence of pseudogenes and/or co-amplification in these markers, which caused poor sequence quality. Phylogeny and probable evolution of genus Chlorophytum was proposed on the basis of cytological, morphological and genetic information.  相似文献   

Colouration patterns have an important role in adaptation and speciation. The European crow system, in which all-black carrion crows and grey-coated hooded crows meet in a narrow hybrid zone, is a prominent example. The marked phenotypic difference is maintained by assortative mating in the absence of neutral genetic divergence, suggesting the presence of few pigmentation genes of major effect. We made use of the rich phenotypic and genetic resources in mammals and identified a comprehensive panel of 95 candidate pigmentation genes for birds. Based on functional annotation, we chose a subset of the most promising 37 candidates, for which we developed a marker system that demonstrably works across the avian phylogeny. In total, we sequenced 107 amplicons (∼3 loci per gene, totalling 60 kb) in population samples of crows (n=23 for each taxon). Tajima''s D, Fu''s FS, DHEW and HKA (Hudson–Kreitman–Aguade) statistics revealed several amplicons that deviated from neutrality; however, none of these showed significantly elevated differentiation between the two taxa. Hence, colour divergence in this system may be mediated by uncharacterized pigmentation genes or regulatory regions outside genes. Alternatively, the observed high population recombination rate (4Ner∼0.03), with overall linkage disequilibrium dropping rapidly within the order of few 100 bp, may compromise the power to detect causal loci with nearby markers. Our results add to the debate as to the utility of candidate gene approaches in relation to genomic features and the genetic architecture of the phenotypic trait in question.  相似文献   

Stripe rust is one of the most devastating diseases, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, affecting a huge amount of wheat crops worldwide. In this study, the genetic diversity of 16 National Uniform Wheat Yield Trial (NUWYT) candidate lines was evaluated by using 22 screened microsatellite markers. These lines were found resistant for stripe rust at adult plant stage. These wheat microsatellite markers identified a total of 38 alleles, with an average of 2.3 alleles per microsatellite locus. The number of alleles ranged from one to five alleles and the highest number of alleles were associated with B genome (25), as compared to D (11) and A (2) genomes. The allelic polymorphism index content (PIC) reflecting the gene diversity of these microsatellite markers ranged from 0.00 to 0.66, with an average of 0.27. The maximum PIC value of 0.66 was observed for xgwm 159-5B and 0.64 for xgwm 413-1B. The gene diversity ranged from 0.00 to 0.71, with an average of 0.30. The genetic similarity matrix was used to construct a dendrogram and the cluster analysis was performed by the use of unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic average algorithm. This divided the entire 16 candidate lines into three main clusters on the basis of their similarity. Our results indicate that the genetic diversity among the 16 candidate NUWYT lines was very narrow.  相似文献   

Nine polymorphic microsatellite loci have been used to infer population genetic diversity and structure of the threatened Australian freshwater fish, Macquarie perch, across three tributaries of the Murrumbidgee River in south-eastern Australia. This investigation has revealed a high level of divergence among all three populations, along with contrasting patterns of genetic diversity. The Cotter Reservoir, which is a stronghold population for the species, has typically higher diversity and effective population size than nearby riverine populations. This suggests that the reservoir population is unlikely to have undergone a genetic bottleneck during and following dam construction. Genetic diversity estimates were comparable with one riverine site but were significantly higher than a population sampled from the Queanbeyan River. This comparison revealed significantly less heterozygotes in the Queanbeyan River and lower estimates of effective population size. Options and considerations for stock replenishment of this population are discussed.  相似文献   

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