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Acute exacerbations of Crohn''s disease are usually treated with prednisolone or potentially more toxic immunosuppressive drugs or by surgery. In pilot studies replacing the normal diet by a protein free elemental diet also induced remission. A controlled trial was therefore conducted in which 21 patients acutely ill with exacerbations of Crohn''s disease were randomised to receive either prednisolone 0.75 mg/kg/day or an elemental diet (Vivonex) for four weeks. Assessment at four and 12 weeks showed that the patients treated with the elemental diet had improved as much as and by some criteria more than the steroid treated group. Elemental diet is a safe and effective treatment for acute Crohn''s disease.  相似文献   

Thirty-two patients with Crohn''s disease were treated with a fibre-rich, unrefined-carbohydrate diet in addition to conventional management and followed for a mean of four years and four months. Their clinical course was compared retrospectively with that of 32 matched patients who had received no dietary instruction. Hospital admissions were significantly fewer and shorter in the diet-treated patients, who spent a total of 111 days in hospital compared with 533 days in the non-diet-treated control group. Whereas five of the controls required intestinal operation, only one diet-treated patient needed surgery. This is in strong contrast to general experience with this disease. Treatment with a fibre-rich, unrefined-carbohydrate diet appears to have a favourable effect on the course of Crohn''s disease and does not lead to intestinal obstruction.  相似文献   

Between 1 September 1980 and 31 August 1983, 352 patients with inactive or mildly active Crohn''s disease but not taking drug treatment apart from sulphasalazine were entered from 40 hospitals into a prospective trial to assess the effects of two different diets on disease activity over two years. One hundred and sixty two patients were randomly allocated to take a diet unrestricted in sugar and low in fibre and 190 to a diet with little or no sugar and high in unrefined carbohydrate. No clear difference in clinical course was detected among patients who accepted the two different types of dietary advice.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven patients with 32 acute exacerbations of Crohn''s disease were treated for four weeks with an elemental diet. At the end of treatment 29 of the exacerbations had remitted both clinically and biochemically. After six months six patients had relapsed. These findings suggest that the elemental diet is effective in treating acute Crohn''s disease, but the reasons are not clear. The diet may be effective because it provides nutritional support, is hypoallergenic, acts as a medical bypass from the affected area, or alters bowel flora. The patient''s general wellbeing is improved by the supply of adequate energy and essential foodstuffs in a form easily available without further digestion and given in a safe, simple, non-toxic way.  相似文献   

The distribution of radioactivity after the oral administration of sucralfate labelled with technetium-99m was studied in 33 patients with Crohn''s disease (13 adults, 20 children), 10 with ulcerative colitis (four adults), and 29 controls (23 with upper intestinal disease, four irritable bowel, one hypolactasia, and one malrotation of the gut). Positive scans were obtained in all patients with ulcerative colitis and 29 of 31 with active Crohn''s disease. The scans of two patients with inactive Crohn''s disease were negative. There were two false negative scans in patients with Crohn''s colitis and one false positive scan. Overall, sensitivity was 95% and specificity 97%. Comparison with radiology in 39 patients showed similar distribution of disease in 24 and more extensive disease in 12. The scan was inexpensive, simple to perform, well tolerated, allowed small and large bowel to be visualised simultaneously, and used a lower dose of radiation than barium studies. It may prove useful as a screening test for inflammatory bowel disease and in the serial assessment of disease activity.  相似文献   



Mutations in the IRGM gene have been associated with Crohn''s disease in several populations but have not been explored in Indian patients with this disease. This study examined the association of IRGM mutations with ulcerative colitis and Crohn''s disease in Indian patients with inflammatory bowel disease.


The IRGM gene was amplified in four segments and Sanger-sequenced in 101 participants (42 Crohn''s disease, 39 ulcerative colitis, and 20 healthy controls). Ten single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) were genotyped in 1200 participants (352 Crohn''s disease, 400 ulcerative colitis, and 448 healthy controls) using Sequenom MassARRAY iPLEX. Disease associations were evaluated for each of the ten SNPs.


Thirty one mutations were identified in the IRGM gene, of which two had not hitherto been reported (150226250- ss947429272 & 150227858- ss947429273). Ten SNPs (6 from the above and 4 from the literature) were evaluated. Significant associations with Crohn''s disease were noted with the T allele of rs1000113 (OR 1.46, 95% CI 1.12–1.90), T allele of rs9637876 (OR 1.25, 95% CI 1.005–1.561) and C allele of rs 13361189 (OR 1.33, 95% CI 1.07–1.669). Two SNPs – rs11747270 and rs180802994 – did not exhibit Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium but were associated with both Crohn''s disease and ulcerative colitis in this population. The remaining SNPs did not show significant associations with either Crohn''s disease or ulcerative colitis.


Association of IRGM gene SNPs with Crohn''s disease is reported for the first time in Indian patients. We also report, for the first time, an association of rs 9637876 in the IRGM gene with Crohn''s disease.  相似文献   

In a case-control study 82 patients with Crohn''s disease and matched controls drawn from general practice lists were questioned about their smoking habits. Patients with Crohn''s disease were significantly more likely to be smokers than the controls, and the association was stronger for smoking habit before the onset of the disease than for current smoking habit, the relative risks for smokers compared with non-smokers being 4.8 and 3.5 respectively. Taken in conjunction with earlier data showing an association between non-smoking and ulcerative colitis, these results suggest that smoking habit may be an important determinant of the type of inflammatory bowel disease that develops in predisposed subjects.  相似文献   

Granulomatous inflammation typifying Crohn''s disease was centred within or confined to appendices in six patients, two of whom developed lesions attributable to Crohn''s disease elsewhere in the gut. The remaining four patients have remained symptom-free for periods varying from two to six years. Histological evidence of Crohn''s disease was also present in five of 46 appendices available for re-examination in a survey of 63 cases of Crohn''s enterocolitis. It is adduced that appendiceal involvement in Crohn''s disease is not uncommon.  相似文献   

A Kveim suspension has been shown to inhibit the migration of leucocytes in vitro from 12 out of 18 patients with Crohn''s disease but to have no comparable effect on leucocytes from patients with ulcerative colitis or from a group of patients with other diseases. These findings provide further evidence of cross-reactivity or of a possible aetiological link between Crohn''s disease and sarcoidosis and suggest a further immunological distinction between Crohn''s disease and ulcerative colitis.  相似文献   

The prevalence of use of oral contraception before the onset of disease was established in 100 consecutive women attending follow up clinics for inflammatory bowel disease. A significant excess of women with Crohn''s disease confined to the colon had taken oral contraceptives in the year before developing symptoms (10/16 (63%] compared with women with small-intestinal Crohn''s disease (12/49 (24%); p less than 0.02) and women with ulcerative colitis (3/35 (9%); p less than 0.0005). When the patient groups were matched for age and year of onset of disease usage of oral contraception before the onset of disease was still more common among women with isolated colonic Crohn''s disease (9/12, 75%) than among those with ulcerative colitis (2/12 (17%); p less than 0.02) and was also more common than would be expected from reported figures for oral contraception in England and Wales (31.4% of women aged under 41; p less than 0.005). A survey of current patient records showed that isolated colonic disease was at least twice as common among women with Crohn''s disease (63/218, 29%) compared with men (25/181, 14%; p less than 0.001). These data support the suggestion made previously that oral contraceptives may predispose to a colitis that resembles colonic Crohn''s disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the mode of inheritance of ulcerative colitis and Crohn''s disease by complex segregation analysis. DESIGN--Cross sectional population based survey of familial occurrence of chronic inflammatory bowel disease. SETTING--Population of the Copenhagen county in 1987. SUBJECTS--662 patients in whom inflammatory bowel disease had been diagnosed before 1979, of whom 637 (96%) provided adequate information. Of 504 patients with ulcerative colitis, 54 had 77 relatives with ulcerative colitis and of 133 patients with Crohn''s disease, five had seven relatives with Crohn''s disease. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Patterns of segregation of either disease as assessed by complex segregation analysis performed with the computer program POINTER. RESULTS--The analysis suggested that a major dominant gene with a penetrance of 0.20-0.26 is present in 9-13% of adult patients with ulcerative colitis. The analysis did not allow for other components in the familial aggregation. For Crohn''s disease the best fitting model included a major recessive gene with complete penetrance, for which 7% of the patients are homozygous. However, this model was not significantly different from a multifactorial model. CONCLUSIONS--The segregation pattern indicates that a major dominant gene has a role in ulcerative colitis, and suggests that a major recessive gene has a role in Crohn''s disease.  相似文献   

Finger clubbing, measured objectively by using the hyponychial angle, was present in 75 out of 200 (38%) patients with Crohn''s disease, 15 out of 103 (15%) with ulcerative colitis, and two out of 24 (8%) with proctitis. In Crohn''s disease and ulcerative colitis the hyponychial angle was significantly correlated with both disease activity and the extent of fibrosis in the resected specimens from 47 surgically treated patients. The prevalence of finger clubbing in patients with macroscopic disease within the area of the gut innervated by the vagus nerve was significantly higher than that in patients in whom the disease was confined to the distal colon and rectum. Finger clubbing in patients with Crohn''s disease tended to regress after resection of macroscopic disease. It is concluded that finger clubbing is significantly commoner in Crohn''s disease than ulcerative colitis. The focal stimuli for finger clubbing include mucosal inflammatory change and fibrosis mediated by the vagus and possibly other autonomic pathways acting as the afferent arc of a finger-clubbing reflex.  相似文献   

This paper reports the outcome of 60 pregnancies in 40 women, all of whom had concomitant Crohn''s disease. Detailed analysis of pregnancy rates in Crohn''s disease supports in outline the hypothesis that some patients with bowel symptoms may be rendered temporarily subfertile by the activity of their bowel complaints. In contrast there is little or no evidence of any adverse effect during pregnancy on mother or child. Most pregnancies went normally to term and, if anything, Crohn''s disease tended to improve during the period of confinement.After delivery, however, over 40% of patients suffered a relapse of Crohn''s disease. Such a situation might well constitute a logical indication for the administration of corticosteroid therapy.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effect of medically induced symptomatic disease improvement on in vitro tests of cell-mediated immune responses in 33 patients with Crohn''s disease. When results obtained in 17 patients with ulcerative colitis were compared with those of 10 patients with ulcerative colitis who had undergone a colectomy, no significant correlation was detected between individual clinical and laboratory variables or the Crohn''s disease activity index and in vitro tests of cell-mediated immunity. A different pattern emerged from the longitudinal tests of cell-mediated immunity: when these test results were initially abnormal in patients with Crohn''s disease, clinical improvement as assessed by the Crohn''s disease activity index was associated with normalizing cell-mediated immunity. In contrast, when the test results were initially normal, clinical improvement was not associated with any change in the immune response. Following colectomy in patients with ulcerative colitis, some abnormalities of suppressed immune responses remained, although patients were cured of their disease. Factors other than clinical disease activity may be responsible for the suppressed immunoresponsiveness in some patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and variable changes in cell-mediated immunity occur after both surgical and medical treatment.  相似文献   

The clinical features of ulcerative colitis and Crohn''s disease are similar to those of infections of the bowel, although their cause is uncertain. Many bacteria that cause intestinal diseases adhere to the gut mucosa, and adhesion of pathogenic Escherichia coli is resistant to D-mannose. The adhesive properties of isolates of E coli were assessed by assay of adhesion to buccal epithelial cells with mannose added. The isolates were obtained from patients with inflammatory bowel diseases (50 with a relapse of ulcerative colitis, nine with ulcerative colitis in remission, 13 with Crohn''s disease, and 11 with infectious diarrhoea not due to E coli) and 22 controls. The median index of adhesion to buccal epithelial cells (the proportion of cells with more than 50 adherent bacteria) for E coli from patients with ulcerative colitis in relapse was significantly higher (43%) than that for controls (5%) and patients with infectious diarrhoea (14%). The index was not significantly different among isolates from patients with ulcerative colitis in relapse, Crohn''s disease (53%), and ulcerative colitis in remission (30%). If an index of adhesion of greater than 25% is taken as indicating an adhesive strain 86% of isolates of E coli from patients with inflammatory bowel disease were adhesive compared with 27% from patients with infective diarrhoea and none from controls. The adhesive properties of the isolates from patients with inflammatory bowel disease were similar to those of pathogenic intestinal E coli, raising the possibility that they may have a role in the pathogenesis of the condition; the smaller proportion of adhesive isolates in patients with infective diarrhoea due to other bacteria suggests that the organism may be of primary importance rather than arising secondarily.  相似文献   

BackgroundCrohn''s disease (CD) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Genetic polymorphisms can confer CD risk and influence disease phenotype. Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase-1 (IDO1) is one of the most over-expressed genes in CD and mediates potent anti-inflammatory effects via tryptophan metabolism along the kynurenine pathway. We aimed to determine whether non-synonymous polymorphisms in IDO1 or IDO2 (a gene paralog) are important either as CD risk alleles or as modifiers of CD phenotype.MethodsUtilizing a prospectively collected database, clinically phenotyped CD patients (n = 734) and non-IBD controls (n = 354) were genotyped for established IDO1 and IDO2 non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and novel genetic variants elucidated in the literature. Allelic frequencies between CD and non-IBD controls were compared. Genotype-phenotype analysis was conducted. IDO1 enzyme activity was assessed by calculating the serum kynurenine to tryptophan ratio (K/T).ResultsIDO1 SNPs were rare (1.7% non-IBD vs 1.1% CD; p = NS) and not linked to Crohn''s disease diagnosis in this population. IDO1 SNPs did however associate with a severe clinical course, presence of perianal disease, extraintestinal manifestations and a reduced serum K/T ratio during active disease suggesting lower IDO1 function. IDO2 minor allele variants were common and one of them, rs45003083, associated with reduced risk of Crohn''s disease (p = 0.025). No IDO2 SNPs associated with a particular Crohn''s disease clinical phenotype.ConclusionsThis work highlights the functional importance of IDO enzymes in human Crohn''s disease and establishes relative rates of IDO genetic variants in a US population.  相似文献   

Serum titres of IgA are raised in ankylosing spondylitis and increased titres of antibodies to klebsiella have also been reported. The humoral response was investigated in ankylosing spondylitis and other inflammatory disorders. IgA antibodies to klebsiella pneumoniae K43 were measured in patients with ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn''s disease, ulcerative colitis, and rheumatoid arthritis and in controls. Significantly raised median titres of anti-klebsiella IgA, measured as optical density at 405 nm with an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), were seen among the patients with ankylosing spondylitis (0·7), Crohn''s disease (0·8), rheumatoid arthritis (0·6), and ulcerative colitis (0·8) compared with controls (0·4). Activity of disease in ankylosing spondylitis and titres of anti-klebsiella IgA were not correlated. In contrast, titres of anti-klebsiella IgM were significantly lower in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and ulcerative colitis.The increase in the titres of anti-klebsiella IgA may be due to increased permeability of the gut to bacterial antigens, leading to an increased IgA response in the gut mucosa and permitting the release of IgA into the circulation. As the increased antibody titres were seen in Crohn''s disease and rheumatoid arthritis as well as in ankylosing spondylitis the response may be non-specific, occurring because of possible underlying inflammatory bowel disease in these conditions.  相似文献   

Differences in the composition of the gut microbial community have been associated with diseases such as obesity, Crohn''s disease, ulcerative colitis and colorectal cancer (CRC). We used 454 titanium pyrosequencing of the V1–V2 region of the 16S rRNA gene to characterize adherent bacterial communities in mucosal biopsy samples from 33 subjects with adenomas and 38 subjects without adenomas (controls). Biopsy samples from subjects with adenomas had greater numbers of bacteria from 87 taxa than controls; only 5 taxa were more abundant in control samples. The magnitude of the differences in the distal gut microbiota between patients with adenomas and controls was more pronounced than that of any other clinical parameters including obesity, diet or family history of CRC. This suggests that sequence analysis of the microbiota could be used to identify patients at risk for developing adenomas.  相似文献   



We previously showed that activation of the bile salt nuclear receptor Farnesoid X Receptor (FXR) protects against intestinal inflammation in mice. Reciprocally, these inflammatory mediators may decrease FXR activation. We investigated whether FXR activation is repressed in the ileum and colon of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients in remission. Additionally, we evaluated whether genetic variation in FXR is associated with IBD.


mRNA expression of FXR and FXR target gene SHP was determined in ileal and colonic biopsies of patients with Crohn''s colitis (n = 15) and ulcerative colitis (UC; n = 12), all in clinical remission, and healthy controls (n = 17). Seven common tagging SNPs and two functional SNPs in FXR were genotyped in 2355 Dutch IBD patients (1162 Crohn''s disease (CD) and 1193 UC) and in 853 healthy controls.


mRNA expression of SHP in the ileum is reduced in patients with Crohn''s colitis but not in patients with UC compared to controls. mRNA expression of villus marker Villin was correlated with FXR and SHP in healthy controls, a correlation that was weaker in UC patients and absent in CD patients. None of the SNPs was associated with IBD, UC or CD, nor with clinical subgroups of CD.


FXR activation in the ileum is decreased in patients with Crohn''s colitis. This may be secondary to altered enterohepatic circulation of bile salts or transrepression by inflammatory signals but does not seem to be caused by the studied SNPs in FXR. Increasing FXR activity by synthetic FXR agonists may have benefit in CD patients.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To establish the frequency of permanent growth failure in juvenile onset inflammatory bowel disease. DESIGN--Measurement of height and weight in a geographically based cohort at a mean of 14 (range 5.2-29.5) years after diagnosis. Comparison with data from surveys of British adults in 1980 and 1987. SETTING--NHS hospitals throughout Scotland. SUBJECTS--105 Children admitted to hospital during 1968-83 who fulfilled diagnostic criteria for Crohn''s disease or ulcerative colitis and lived in specified regions. 87 were aged over 18 and living in Britain at follow up. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Height, weight, body mass index, and sexual maturity. RESULTS--All patients were sexually mature. 67 of the 70 patients examined were of normal height, and three women with Crohn''s disease were abnormally short. Weight and body mass index were normal in all patients with ulcerative colitis. Patients with Crohn''s disease had significantly lower weight than those with ulcerative colitis (men 66.8 (9.5) kg v 78.4 (13.8) kg, P = 0.04; women 51.5 (8.2) kg v 63.0 (12.1) kg, P < 0.02) irrespective of disease activity. Body mass index was also significantly lower than the normal distribution (P < 0.01). Growth retardation was not mentioned as a problem for any of the 17 patients interviewed only by telephone. CONCLUSIONS--Despite growth retardation in the teenage years most young people with inflammatory bowel disease will eventually achieve normal height. Reasons for lower weight in patients with Crohn''s disease remain to be established.  相似文献   

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