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Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) is a noxious, perennial weed that infests pastures, rangeland and waste areas in the northern Great Plains. The objective of this study was to determine the productive potential of this species when grown under optimum agronomic conditions. Plants were fertilized and irrigated. Oil, hydrocarbon, total protein, and dry-weight production were measured on 3 harvest dates. Calorimetric analyses were performed to determine the potential of leafy spurge as a fuel crop. The hydrocarbon content of 12 strains of leafy spurge was determined to measure genetic variability for this trait. The addition of fertilizer doubled dryweight production but did not affect percent oil or hydrocarbon content. Oil and hydrocarbon production averaged 6.8 and 0.6% on a plant dry-weight basis. Maximum production of plant biomass, protein, and hydrocarbon was obtained from a mid-July harvest. Oil content increased later in the growing season. The total protein content of leafy spurge averaged 12%. Whole-plant biomass had a caloric value of 4,407 cal/g while the oils contained 10,019 cal/g. Leafy spurge hay can produce 4 times more energy per year than wheat straw; therefore, the immediate potential of leafy spurge whole-plant biomass as a locally grown fuel crop for home-heating purposes is suggested.  相似文献   

An invasive weed can occupy a variety of environments and ecological niches and generally no single control method can be used across all areas the weed is found. Biological control agents integrated with other methods can increase and/or improve site-specific weed control, but such combinatorial approaches have not been widely utilized. The successful leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) control program provides examples for future integrated weed programs that utilize biological control agents with traditional methods. Weed control methods can be used separately, such as when the leafy spurge gall midge (Spurgia esulae Gagné) reduced seed production in wooded areas while herbicides prevented further spread outside the tree line. Traditional methods also can be used directly with biological control agents. Incorporation of Aphthona spp. with herbicides has resulted in more rapid and complete leafy spurge control than either method used alone. Also, the insect population often increased rapidly following herbicide treatment, especially in areas where Aphthona spp. were established for several years but had been ineffective. Incorporation of Aphthona spp. with sheep or goat grazing has resulted in a larger decline in leafy spurge production than insects alone and in weed density than grazing alone. Controlled burns can aid establishment of biological control agents in marginally suitable environments, but timing of the fire must be coordinated to the insect’s life-cycle to ensure survival. Integration of biological control agents with revegetation programs required the agent to be the last method introduced because the cultivation and herbicide treatments necessary to establish desirable grasses and forbs were destructive to the insect. In a practical application, herbicides were combined with Aphthona spp. to help the insect establish and control leafy spurge in the habitat of the western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak and Bowles), an endangered species. Several experimental designs can be used to evaluate biological control agents with cultural, mechanical, and chemical control methods or with additional biological agents.  相似文献   

Diet selection and preference by grazing animals are determined by genetic and environmental factors (i.e., nature and nurture) that interact and affect their efficacy for managing vegetation as targeted grazers. The effect of rearing environment on the consumption of leafy spurge by sheep and goats was investigated. We hypothesized that although rearing environment will affect the preference for chemically defended plants ultimately, the inherent ability to detoxify or eliminate phytotoxins will limit an animal’s preference for them. The objective of this study was to determine if sheep would consume more of the invasive weed leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) if they were raised by goat compared to sheep raised by sheep and goat raised by goat. Sheep were raised on leafy spurge-infested pastures by either their ewe (S) or a goat doe (FS) on which they were fostered within 24 hours of birth and parturition of lamb and doe, respectively. Does that fostered lambs also raised their own goat offspring (G) such that the same doe raised the FS and G animals. The rearing environment’s effect on leafy spurge consumption was tested the following growing season by simultaneously grazing all animals on the same leafy spurge-infested rangeland and estimating percentage leafy spurge in their diet with either fecal near-infrared spectroscopy (f.NIR) or bite count. Goats consumed more leafy spurge as determined by either f.NIR (62.8%, P < 0.06) or bite count (71.9%, P < 0.01) than FS (35.2 % f.NIR, 39.3% bite count) or S (10.1 % f.NIR, 18.2% bite count). The FS consumed over twice as much leafy spurge as S and were numerically intermediate to G and S for leafy spurge consumption but not significantly different from the S sheep, most likely because one FS sheep did not eat leafy spurge during the evaluation period. Because leafy spurge is aversive to sheep but not goats, higher leafy spurge consumption by FS sheep is hypothesized to result from inoculation of their rumen microbes with microbes from the does capable of denaturing aversive phytotoxins in leafy spurge. The higher consumption of leafy spurge by G compared to FS shows that genetically determined physiological differences influence an animal’s ability to ameliorate phytotoxins and determine the upper limit of an animal’s preference for a chemically defended plant. It also indicated that in addition to the animal’s genome, the genome of an animal’s microbiome, which the mother may influence, can play an important role in diet selection.  相似文献   

Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) has substantial negative effects on grassland biodiversity, productivity, and economic benefit in North America. To predict these negative impacts, we need an appropriate plant-spread model which can simulate the response of an invading population to different control strategies. In this study, using a stochastic map lattice approach we generated a spatially explicitly stochastic process-based model to simulate dispersal trajectories of leafy spurge under various control scenarios. The model integrated dispersal curve, propagule pressure, and population growth of leafy spurge at local and short-temporal scales to capture spread features of leafy spurge at large spatial and long-temporal scales. Our results suggested that narrow-, medium-, and fat-tailed kernels did not differ in their ability to predict spread, in contrast to previous works. For all kernels, Allee effects were significantly present and could explain the lag phase (three decades) before leafy spurge spread accelerated. When simulating from the initial stage of introduction, Allee effects were critical in predicting spread rate of leafy spurge, because the prediction could be seriously affected by the low density period of leafy spurge community. No Allee effects models were not able to simulate spread rate well in this circumstance. When applying control strategies to the current distribution, Allee effects could stop the spread of leafy spurge; no Allee effects models, however, were able to slow but not stop the spread. The presence of Allee effects had significant ramifications on the efficiencies of control strategies. For both Allee and no Allee effects models, the later that control strategies were implemented, the more effort had to be input to achieve similar control results.  相似文献   

Invasive plants are a widespread problem but the mechanisms used by these plants to become invasive are often unknown. The production of phytotoxic natural products by invasive weeds is one mechanism by which these species may become successful competitors. Here we conducted a bioactivity-driven fractionation of root extracts and exudates from the invasive plant leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.), and structurally characterized jatrophane diterpenes and ellagic acid derivatives. Ellagic acid derivatives and one of the jatrophane diterpenes, esulone A, have been previously reported from leafy spurge, but another of the jatrophane diterpenes, kasuinine B, has not. We show that these compounds are phytotoxic but affect plants in different ways, either inducing overall plant necrosis or reducing root branching and elongation.Key Words: phytotoxicity, allelochemicals, roots, root exudates, jatrophane diterpenes, kansuinine B, ellagic acid derivatives, leafy spurge, Euphorbia esula, Arabidopsis thaliana  相似文献   

Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula (s.1.)) is an herbaceous perennial and serious weed of Eurasian origin that has been accidentally introduced into North America. The two European root-boring mothsChamaesphecia hungarica andCh. astatiformis are univoltine and overwinter as mature larvae. Both species have a lower survival rate on leafy spurge than on their field hosts, and thus are not optimal candidates for the biological control of leafy spurge. However, the rate of larval development and larval growth on the target weed and on the two field hosts is nearly the same. The experimental host range of both species is restricted to a few species in the subgenusEsula within the genusEuphorbia. The two species occupy different habitats in the steppe biome and are targeted for similar leafy spurge habitats in North America.  相似文献   

DORMANCY ASSOCIATED MADS-BOX (DAM) genes are related to AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE genes of arabidopsis and are differentially regulated coordinately with endodormancy induction and release in buds of several perennial plant species. DAM genes were first shown to directly impact endodormancy in peach where a deletion of a series of DAM resulted in loss of endodormancy induction. We have cloned and characterized several MADS box genes from the model perennial weed leafy spurge. Leafy spurge DAM genes are preferentially expressed in shoot tips and buds in response to cold temperatures and day length in a manner that is relative to the level of endodormancy induced by various environmental conditions. Over-expression of one DAM gene in arabidopsis delays flowering. Additionally, we show that at least one DAM gene is differentially regulated by chromatin remodeling. Comparisons of the DAM gene promoters between poplar and leafy spurge have identified several conserved sequences that may be important for their expression patterns in response to dormancy-inducing stimuli.  相似文献   

Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.) is a perennial, invasive weed used as a model to study invasive plant behavior, because molecular tools (such as a deep expressed sequence tag database and deoxyribonucleic acid microarrays) have been developed for this species. However, the lack of effective in vitro regeneration and genetic transformation systems has hampered molecular approaches to study leafy spurge. In this study, we describe an efficient in vitro regeneration system. Three highly regenerative lines were selected by screening the in vitro regeneration capabilities of stem explants of 162 seedlings. The effects of various culture conditions on in vitro regeneration were then evaluated based on explant competence to form calluses and shoots. High rates of shoot regeneration can be obtained using a growth medium containing 1× woody plant basal medium and 1× Murashige and Skoog (MS) basal salts, 1× MS vitamins, 1.11 μM 6-benzylaminopurine, 1.97 μM indole-3-butyric acid, and 3% sucrose, pH 5.6–5.8. After 30 d culture, multiple shoots formed either directly from the stem or indirectly from the callus. This method is a requisite for the development of genetic transformation systems for leafy spurge and may be used to develop in vitro regeneration techniques for other species in the Euphorbiaceae.  相似文献   

This study is a first attempt at a holistic economic evaluation of South African endeavours to manage invasive alien plants using biological control. Our focus was on the delivery of ecosystem services from habitats that are invaded by groups of weeds, rather than by each individual weed species. We established the net present value of the weed biological control efforts, and derived benefit:cost ratios by comparing this value (a cost) to the estimated value of ecosystem services protected by weed biological control. We identified four major functional groupings of invading alien plants, and assessed their impact on water resources, grazing and biodiversity. We estimated the area that remained free of invasions due to all historic control efforts in South Africa, and the proportion that remained free of invasion as a result of biological control (which was initiated in 1913). The estimated value of potential ecosystem services amounted to 152 billion South African rands (ZAR—presently, about US$ 19.7 billion) annually. Although an estimated ZAR 6.5 billion was lost every year due to invading alien plants, this would have amounted to an estimated additional ZAR 41.7 billion had no control been carried out, and 5–75% of this protection was due to biological control. The benefit:cost ratios ranged from 50:1 for invasive sub-tropical shrubs to 3,726:1 for invasive Australian trees. Benefit:cost ratios remained positive and our conclusion, that biological control has brought about a considerable level of protection of ecosystem services, remains robust even when our estimates of the economic impacts of key variables (i.e. sensitivity analyses of indeterminate variables) were substantially reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: The use of plant traits to predict weed impact is a long‐standing goal in weed ecology. In particular, trait plasticity, i.e. the variability of a trait response to environmental change, is widely considered to contribute to weed success. However, the generality of the role of trait plasticity in determining weed impacts has never been systematically tested. Methods and location: We tested the hypothesis that high‐impact environmental weeds have greater plasticity in growth responses to nutrient availability than low‐impact species. In a glasshouse experiment, we supplied a complete nutrient solution at five different concentrations to seedlings of 24 species of high‐ and low‐impact environmental weeds from south east Queensland, Australia. Results: Almost all species showed plasticity in biomass accumulation in response to the nutrient treatments, but plasticity in biomass accumulation did not differ between related high‐ and low‐impact species. There was no evidence of nutrient‐related plasticity in root: shoot allocation. Seedling survival was greater at higher nutrient concentrations, and also differed greatly between families. Survival among low‐impact species was marginally (p= 0.0610) lower than among high‐impact species. Conclusion: We conclude that the impact of environmental weeds in south east Queensland cannot be predicted from nutrient‐related plasticity in seedling growth. The effects of nutrients on seedling survival warrant further research.  相似文献   

Banksia woodlands are renowned for their flammability and prescribed fire is increasingly employed to reduce the risk of wildfire and to protect life and property, particularly where these woodlands occur on the urban interface. Prescribed fire is also employed as a tool for protecting biodiversity assets but can have adverse impacts on native plant communities. We investigated changes in species richness and cover in native and introduced flora following autumn prescribed fire in a 700‐hectare Banksia/Tuart (Eucalyptus gomphocephala) woodland that had not burnt for more than 30 years. Effectiveness of management techniques at reducing weed cover and the impacts of grazing by Western Grey Kangaroo (Macropus fuliginosus) postfire were also investigated. Thirty plots were established across a designated burn boundary immediately before a prescribed fire in May 2011, and species richness and cover were measured 3 years after the fire, in spring of 2013. Fencing treatments were established immediately following the fire, and weed management treatments were applied annually in winter over the subsequent 3 years. Our results indicate that autumn prescribed fire can facilitate increases in weed cover, but management techniques can limit the establishment of targeted weeds postfire. Postfire grazing was found to have significant adverse impacts on native species cover and vegetation structure, but it also limited establishment of some serious weeds including Pigface (Carpobrotus edulis). Manipulating herbivores in time and space following prescribed fire could be an important and cost‐effective way of maintaining biodiversity values.  相似文献   

This paper presents data on the impact of biotic pressure in terms of grazing by livestock and wood cutting by humans on the plant community in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve of India. Grass, and herbaceous plant biomass, number of cattle dung piles, number of woody stems available and damaged by human activities and weed biomass were assessed at different proximity along transects radiating from village-forest boundary to forest interior to measure the ecological impact of livestock grazing and fire wood collection. The grass biomass was positively correlated to overgrazing indicating the adverse effect on natural vegetation by cattle. Woodcutting was intense along the forest boundary and significantly declined as distance increased. Similarly, weed biomass and number of thorny species declined positively with proximity from village-forest boundary and the weed biomass was significantly higher in the pastoral sites compared to residential sites. The results suggest that human impact adversely affects natural vegetation and promotes weed proliferation in forest areas adjoining human settlements in the ecologically important Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Continued anthropogenic pressure could cause reduction in fodder availability to large herbivores like elephants, which in turn leads to an increase in human–elephant conflict.  相似文献   

L. Fornasari 《BioControl》1997,42(4):605-617
Aphthona chinchihi Chen was collected in China feeding on leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.). Studies were conducted on its host specificity in the laboratory, using field collected adults and their progeny.Aphthona chinchihi can effectively complement the impact of the other natural enemies of leafy spurge established from Europe in the U.S.A. and Canada. The adults feed on leaves and shoots and the larvae, which cause the main damage to the plant, feed on the hypogeous portion of the plant, seriously stressing the plant and preventing its vegetative spread. The host range ofA. chinchihi was studied with tests on adult feeding and oviposition, larval survival and host suitability, using 40 plant species or varieties distributed in 12 families. The experiments demonstrated that it has a high level of specificity. This flea beetle completed its life cycle only on leafy spurge. Also, because of its ecological valence,A. chinchihi has a very good potential as a biocontrol agent in North America.  相似文献   

Screening large collections of microorganisms for potential biological control activity on economically important weeds is often diY cult. Seeds required as indicator species are often not available in large supply and are highly variable in viability and germination, resulting in uneven seedling development. A bioassay system for rapidly assessing the phytotoxic eVects of rhizobacteria was developed based on leafy spurge ( Euphorbia esula L. ) callus tissue culture in multiple-well plates. Callus pieces (0.5 g) were placed in 24-well plates containing Gamborg's B5 medium, inoculated with rhizobacterial suspension and incubated at 27oC for 48 h. By rating inoculated callus for cellular damage, about 30% of rhizobacteria isolated from weedy Euphorbia spp. collected in Europe and North America were identified as being highly phytotoxic. Symptoms of phytotoxicity included growth reduction, discoloration and extensive cellular leakage. A high proportion of isolates found to be phytotoxic in tissue culture bioassays were similarly eVective in standard leafy spurge seedling bioassays. The method is rapid, host specific and more uniform compared with assays using seedlings, and should be adaptable to other weed species for screening microorganisms for potential biocontrol activity.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2004,29(2):207-214
The goal of this study was to evaluate the biological control program of leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula) in a large natural area, Theodore Roosevelt National Park, western North Dakota, USA. Aphthona lacertosa and Aphthona nigriscutis have been released at more than 1800 points in the 18,600-ha South Unit of the park beginning in 1989; most releases have occurred since 1994. We established permanent vegetation plots throughout the infested area of the park and determined stem counts and biomass of leafy spurge and abundance of the two flea beetle species at these plots each year from 1999 to 2001. Both biomass and stem counts declined over the 3 years of the study. Both species of flea beetle are well established within the park and have expanded into areas where they were not released. A. nigriscutis was more abundant than A. lacertosa in the grassland areas we surveyed, but in all other habitats abundances were similar. Using structural equation models, only A. lacertosa could be shown to have a significant effect on counts of mature stems of leafy spurge. A. nigriscutis numbers were positively correlated with stem counts of mature stems. Previous year’s stem counts had the greatest influence on change in stem counts over each 2-year time step examined with structural equation models.  相似文献   

Plant growth responses to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are highly variable, ranging from mutualism in a wide range of plants, to antagonism in some non-mycorrhizal plant species and plants characteristic of disturbed environments. Many agricultural weeds are non mycorrhizal or originate from ruderal environments where AMF are rare or absent. This led us to hypothesize that AMF may suppress weed growth, a mycorrhizal attribute which has hardly been considered. We investigated the impact of AMF and AMF diversity (three versus one AMF taxon) on weed growth in experimental microcosms where a crop (sunflower) was grown together with six widespread weed species. The presence of AMF reduced total weed biomass with 47% in microcosms where weeds were grown together with sunflower and with 25% in microcosms where weeds were grown alone. The biomass of two out of six weed species was significantly reduced by AMF (?66% & ?59%) while the biomass of the four remaining weed species was only slightly reduced (?20% to ?37%). Sunflower productivity was not influenced by AMF or AMF diversity. However, sunflower benefitted from AMF via enhanced phosphorus nutrition. The results indicate that the stimulation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agro-ecosystems may suppress some aggressive weeds.  相似文献   

The role of herbivores in regulating aquatic plant dynamics has received growing recognition from researchers and managers. However, the evidence for herbivore impacts on aquatic plants is largely based on short-term exclosure studies conducted within a single plant growing season. Thus, it is unclear how long herbivore impacts on aquatic plant abundance can persist for. We addressed this knowledge gap by testing whether mute swan (Cygnus olor) grazing on lowland river macrophytes could be detected in the following growing season. Furthermore, we investigated the role of seasonal changes in water current speed in limiting the temporal extent of grazing. We found no relationship between swan biomass density in 1 year and aquatic plant cover or biomass in the following spring. No such carry-over effects were detected despite observing high swan biomass densities in the previous year from which we inferred grazing impacts on macrophytes. Seasonal increases in water velocity were associated with reduced grazing pressure as swans abandoned river habitat. Furthermore, our study highlights the role of seasonal changes in water velocity in determining the length of the mute swan grazing season in shallow lowland rivers and thus in limiting the temporal extent of herbivore impacts on aquatic plant abundance.  相似文献   

Sustainable Rangeland Grazing in Norse Faroe   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The introduction of domestic livestock, particularly sheep, and rangeland grazing by Norse settlers to Faroe during the ninth century has generally been described as a major pressure on a sensitive landscape, leading to rapid and widespread vegetation change and contributing to land degradation. This view has, however, been developed without consideration of Norse grazing management practices which may have served to minimize grazing impacts on landscapes as well as sustaining and enhancing vegetation and livestock productivity. These alternative scenarios are considered using a historical grazing management simulation model with Faroese climate and vegetation inputs and given archaeological, historical and palaeoenvironmental parameters. Three contrasting rangeland areas are investigated and, based on the maximum number of ewe/lamb pairs the rangeland could sustain, modeling suggests that utilizable biomass declined with the onset of grazing activity, but not to a level that would cause major changes in vegetation cover or contribute to soil erosion even under climatically determined poor growth conditions. When rangeland areas partitioned into what are termed hagi and partir are modeled, grazing levels are still within rangeland carrying capacities, but productivities are variable. Some rangeland areas increase biomass and livestock productivities and biomass utilization rates while other rangeland areas that were too finely partitioned were likely to suffer substantial decline in livestock productivity. Partitioning of rangeland is a likely contributor to long-term differentiation of landscapes and the relative success of settlements across Faroe beyond the Norse period.  相似文献   

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