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We investigated the fates of ovules following self- and cross-pollination of the variably self-sterile Epilobium obcordatum by observing thin sections of ovaries 4, 5, and 10 d postpollination (PP). Three types of unfertilized ovules were observed: apparently normal ovules not entered by pollen tubes, nonfunctional ovules with a nucellus but lacking an embryo sac, and empty ovules with integuments but lacking a nucellus. The average frequencies for all three types were not different for selfs and crosses. Fertilization frequencies did not differ among pollination treatments, averaging 61.4% of the total sample of 4 and 5 d PP ovules. The phenotypes of failing postfertilization ovules at 4 and 5 d PP included those containing preglobular and globular embryos lacking endosperm, ovules with endosperm but no embryo present, and failing embryos in the presence of endosperm. Self- and cross-fertilized 10 d PP ovules also possessed heart-stage and torpedo-stage failing embryos. Early embryo failures (5 d PP) were distributed throughout the length of the ovary, as expected if failures are the consequence of factors intrinsic to each ovule. The sizes of normally developing self- and cross-fertilized embryos were not different at 4 d PP. The 5 d PP cross embryos were larger than selfs. A comparison of 10 d samples was not possible due to attrition of self embryos. Although ovular position did not affect the probability of early embryo failure, it did affect the size of normally developing embryos at 4, 5, and 10 d PP, with embryos at the stylar end larger than those at the basal end.  相似文献   

In North America, the geographic distributions of diploid and tetraploid Chamerion (formerly Epilobium) angustifolium overlap in a narrow zone along the southern border of the boreal forest and along the Rocky Mountains. We examined the frequency and distribution of diploid and tetraploid cytotypes in a narrow (5 km) zone of sympatry across an elevational gradient and in putatively uniform diploid and tetraploid reference populations on the Beartooth Pass, in the Rocky Mountains of southern Montana-northern Wyoming. All five reference populations sampled were dominated by a single cytotype, but only one was completely uniform. In the zone of sympatry, 27 transects were sampled every 2 m for a total of 238 plants. Reproductive status (vegetative, flower buds, open flowers) was recorded, and the ploidy of each plant was determined by flow cytometry. Diploid and tetraploid plants predominated (36 and 55%, respectively) but were heterogeneously distributed among the transects. Six of the 27 transects were fixed for a single cytotype (four transects, diploid; two transects, tetraploid), and in seven others either diploids or tetraploids predominated (frequency >75%). Triploids represented 9% of the total sample and occurred most frequently in transects containing both diploids and tetraploids (G = 3.4, df = 2, P = 0.07). Diploids were more often reproductive (in bud, flower, or fruit) than either triploids or tetraploids (G = 12.0, df = 2, P < 0.001) and were the only cytotype to have produced open flowers. These results suggest that the zone of sympatry is best characterized as a mosaic rather than a cline, with diploid and tetraploids in close proximity and that the distribution of polyploidy is regulated by ecological sorting in a heterogeneous physical environment.  相似文献   

STÖCKLIN, J., 1992. Differences in the location of subcotyledonary buds among Epilobium angustifolium L., E. dodonaei Vill. and E. fleischeri Hochst. (Onagraceae) and effects on architecture and population structure . Morphological and architectural features in the two closely related pioneer plant species Epilobium dodonaei and E. fleischeri are examined in cultivation and in the field and compared with E. angustifolium. In E. angustifolium , the aerial shoot system is renewed every year from buds on horizontal roots and results in a horizontal spread and a clonal growth form. In E. dodonaei , bud formation is restricted to the hypocotyl and in larger plants to the transitional region between root and shoot. Consequently this species shows no vegetative mobility and develops a shrub-like habit. The alpine E. fleischeri combines the habit of E. angustifolium and E. dodonaei and may either develop successive generations of shoots from the transitional region between root and shoot and/or exploit new areas by horizontal roots and the formation of shoots from root buds. The simple difference in the location of renewal buds is accentuated by cumulative growth. The study shows that E. dodonaei and E. fleischeri , which often are considered as subspecies, are separated by fundamental differences in their architectural models. The ecological and demographic implications of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Aperture morphology of tetrad pollen of Epilobium luteum (Onagraceae: Epilobieae) from three Alaskan collections is highly variable. The first collection appears to lack apertures altogether and is presumed to consist of immature pollen gains in a genus known to achieve mature size before the apertures become distinctly protruding. A second collection has tetrads with 3- and 4-apertured grains, the apertures in the latter are often irregularly spaced and not in apposition with the apertures of neighboring members. The third collection consists of the more typical 3-apertured members that characterize the majority of Epilobium pollen grains. In all of these collections individual pollen grains (monads) are interspersed among the tetrads. The variations in the number of apertures emphasize the importance of having a comprehensive understanding of the stage of development of the pollen (taxon) examined when describing pollen collections. In the first collection this would mean the recognition that in Onagraceae apertures occur in the later stages of microspore ontogeny. In the latter two collections a thorough background of the literature of the pollen morphology on this largest Onagraceae taxon is useful for the understanding of the significance of a range of aperture numbers on Epilobium pollen grains.  相似文献   

I studied the effects of competition and soil fertilization on variation of seed yield components of the outcrossing perennial Epilobium dodonaei Vill. using a randomized complete block design. Fertilization as a main effect was not significant. Competition, however, reduced the number of flower buds per shoot (-29%), the number of ovules per fruit (-12%), and the number of ripe fruits per shoot (-51%). In addition, competition caused an increase in abortion of flower buds. Consequently the fruit/flower bud ratio decreased from 0.71 to 0.47. Average seed mass was not reduced significantly by competition. Some of the negative effects of competition on fruit production were mitigated by fertilization. However, competition considerably reduced the proportion of late-aborted seeds, which resulted in an increase of the seed/ovule ratio from 0.31 to 0.49 (+58%). As a consequence of this compensation, the reduction in the number of seeds per shoot due to competition was not significant. At the level of the genet, competition had a strong effect on seed yield due to decreases in the number of shoots produced. I discuss patterns of regulation at consecutive levels of reproduction. Shoots of plants suffering from competition initially invested less in reproductive structures than the control and showed a higher abortion rate of less costly structures early in reproductive development, but also had a lower abortion rate later in their development. The observed compensatory pattern in yield components illustrates the fine-tuning regulation capacity at different levels of reproductive development in plants.  相似文献   

Heterogaura is a monotypic genus of the tribe Onagreae of the Onagraceae. It is endemic to south western Oregon and California. Four flavonol glycosides, kaempferol 3-O-rhamnoside, quercetin 3-O-glucoside, quercetin 3-O-rhamnoglucoside and myricetin 3-O-glucoside, were found to occur in methanolic leaf extracts of each of the populations sampled. The presence of only flavonols is consistent with flavonoid analyses from other genera of the Onagreae, including Clarkia, the closest relative of Heterogaura.  相似文献   

Stenosiphon linifolius is a monotypic genus of the tribe Onagreae of the Onagraceae. The species is widespread in, but restricted to, the Great Plains of the United States. Three flavonol glycosides, kaempferol 3-O-rhamnoside, quercetin 3-O-rhamnoside and myricetin 3-O-rhamnoside, were found to occur in methanolic extracts of Stenosiphon leaves. Similar compounds are found in the leaves of such related genera as Oenothera and Gaura, but in the latter genera, additional flavonols exhibiting greater substitutional variation also are found.  相似文献   

Ernest Small 《Brittonia》1968,20(2):169-181
Diploid (2n = 36) plants ofEpilobium latifolium L. have been found in Alaska and the western Cordillera of North America, and tetraploids in Iceland, western Greenland, and southeastern Quebec. Study of the morphology of these chromosome races revealed a character, the number of pores in the pollen grains, by which they could be distinguished with an average probability of 75%. Tetraploids ofE. latifolium tend to have high percentages of 4-pored pollen, while the diploids usually have only 3-pored pollen. On this basis, the ranges of the races were extrapolated from herbarium material. Detailed comparisons of eight other features of the presumptive diploids and tetraploids showed no significant difference between them. The races appear to form worldwide, allopatric, ecogeographic phases. A high level (57.4%) of quadrivalent formation observed during tetraploid meiosis, and other considerations, indicate that the tetraploids arose by autopolyploidy. The recommendation is made that the races not be given formal taxonomic recognition.  相似文献   

David L. Boose 《Oecologia》1997,110(4):493-500
Sources of variation in floral nectar production were investigated in a natural population of Epilobium canum (Onagraceae), a hummingbird-pollinated herbaceous shrub. Field measurements showed significant phenotypic variation among plants in floral nectar production rates. Average variance among flowers within plants was approximately one-third to one-half as great as variance among plants, with coefficients of variation among flowers ranging from 6.5% to 116.7%. A greenhouse experiment using clonally propagated ramets from field plants showed significant genetic variation for nectar production rates; broad sense heritability was estimated to have a maximum value of 0.64. In the greenhouse, plants grown under low water or low light conditions produced approximately 25% less nectar on average than those grown under control conditions. However, significant genotype-environment interactions indicated that genets differed in their responses to the changes in conditions. Rank correlations for genet mean nectar production rates across environmental conditions were low, and in two out of three comparisons were not different from zero. It is concluded that although the opportunity for natural selection on nectar production rates exits in this population, the response to selection will likely be slow, and the opportunity for selection of a narrow-optimum nectar production phenotype may be limited. Received: 9 January 1996 / Accepted: 18 December 1996  相似文献   

Clarkia australis and C. virgata grow on the western slope of the central Sierra Nevada of California. Clarkia australis was established to accommodate populations of C. virgata from south of the Tuolumne River that could not be successfully hybridized to populations north of the river. Although the species is maintained in the new Jepson Manual, its validity has been questioned because only two populations were originally tested, and they had no useful morphological traits that distinguished them from C. virgata. We report here the results of a large program of interpopulation hybridizations that show that C. australis is distinct and that its reproductive isolation from C. virgata is complete and absolute and reflects a compatibility block that apparently causes abortion of hybrid seeds in early development. Both species include populations north and south of the Tuolumne River and, in general, those of C. australis occupy higher elevations. Morphologically, the species are extremely similar though the mean values of several dimensions of the petals are different. However, significant variation among their populations has the consequence that, at present, the only certain way to assign particular populations to species is to test their compatibility with previously tested populations.  相似文献   

Unfertilized and fertilized ovules of Gossypium barbadense Giza 45 (extra long staple variety) were used to study the effect of plant growth substances (auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins) on in vitro fiber initiation and development. Kinetin, alone did not increase total fiber unit (TFU) of unfertilized ovules, while an increase in TFU value occurred when a constant level of IAA and GA3 were used either separately or in combination in the liquid medium. GA3 used alone, produced a higher TFU value than that produced by IAA, whilst, IAA with a constant level of GA3 (5 M) produced the highest value of TFU. GA3 with a constant level of IAA (5 M) produced a lower TFU value. Kinetin reduced the stimulatory effect of IAA and GA3 on TFU value when used in combination with either substance. In fertilized ovules, the highest level of TFU was reached when IAA, with a constant level of GA3, was added to the medium, whilst its lowest level was obtained when IAA was used alone. Estimation of in vitro fiber production, as well as the effect of growth substances used in different concentrations on in vitro fiber initiation and development from unfertilized and fertilized ovules of Egyptian cotton varieties Gossypium barbadense Giza 45 are discussed.  相似文献   

Competition among pollen grains for the fertilization of ovules can play an important role in determining the male and female reproductive success of flowering plants. To examine the influence of pollen-donor genotype on male reproductive success, hand-pollinations were conducted on Clarkia unguiculata and the siring success of pollen-donor plants was compared between donors homozygous for different allelomorphs of the allozyme PGI (phosphoglucoisomerase). Donors homozygous for the B allele sired more seeds than C-allele donors. Single-donor crosses indicated that C-donor-sired seeds are aborted more often than are B-donor-sired seeds, suggesting that the B-allele donor's advantage in mixed pollinations was a result of differential abortion. A negative relationship between pollen load and the siring success of B-allele donors implies that pollen from B-allele donors has reduced performance relative to C-allele donors when pollen loads are high. These data demonstrate consistent differences in siring success between individuals homozygous for different alleles at a single locus and suggest that variation at the Pgi locus may be maintained by a post-pollination trade-off.  相似文献   

Many species exhibit reduced siring success of self-relative to outcross-pollen donors. This can be attributed either to postfertilization abortion of selfed ovules or to cryptic self-incompatibility (CSI). CSI is a form of self-incompatibility whereby the advantage to outcross pollen is expressed only following pollinations where there is gametophytic competition between self and outcross pollen. Under the definition of CSI, this differential success is due to the superior prefertilization performance (pollen germination rate and pollen tube growth rate) of outcross pollen relative to self pollen. Although CSI has been demonstrated in several plant species, no studies have assessed among-population variation in the expression of CSI. We conducted a greenhouse study on Clarkia unguiculata (an annual species with a mixed-mating system) to detect CSI, and we compare our observations to previous reports of CSI in C. gracilis and another population of C. unguiculata. In contrast to these previous studies of CSI in Clarkia, we used genetic rather than phenotypic markers to measure the relative performance of selfed vs. outcross pollen. In this study, we measured the intensity of CSI in C. unguiculata from a large population in southern California and we determined whether the magnitude of pollen competition (manipulated by controlling the number of pollen grains deposited on a stigma) influenced the outcome of competition between self and outcross pollen. In contrast to previous investigations of Clarkia, we found no evidence for CSI. The mean number of seeds sired per fruit did not differ between self and outcross pollen following either single-donor or mixed pollinations. In addition, the relative success of selfed vs. outcross pollen was independent of the magnitude of pollen competition. These results suggest that: (1) one of the few nonheterostylous species previously thought to be cryptically self-incompatible is completely self-compatible (at least in the population studied here) or (2) phenotypic markers may be problematic for the detection of CSI.  相似文献   

The potential for seed banks to significantly affect the genetic structure of populations was recognized nearly two decades ago. However, there has been little empirical work that examines the problem. In this study, we explore the possibility that the seed bank of a rare annual, Clarkia springvillensis, could act as a buffer against the genetic consequences of small population size. We examined the adult and seed bank cohort in three natural populations. The seed bank was surveyed by collecting soil cores twice during the growing season: postgermination and post seed set. The genetic constitution of the adults and seed bank cohort was determined by examining eight polymorphic isozyme loci via starch gel electrophoresis. The total genetic diversity in the seed bank (Ht = 0.355) was significantly higher than in the adults (Ht = 0.260). Additionally, Fst estimates of genetic differentiation among populations showed significantly less differentiation among population seed banks (Fst = 0.008) than among adults (Fst = 0.045). These results are in agreement with the expectation that seed banks would act to maintain genetic diversity in populations as well as have the effect of slowing differentiation of populations.  相似文献   

A population of hybridizing Epilobium in a clearing in fen carr was observed for two years. Traditional and statistical techniques were used to identify hybrids, of which there appeared to be three, involving three parents. The identified hybrids showed correlation in abundance with that of their parents and with the successional status of the vegetation. Even what purported to be a pure E. obscurum population showed characteristics of E. palustre , suggesting a hybrid swarm, but there was evidence that selection was gradually restoring the population to its presumed pre-clearance state.  相似文献   

Vascular system development in sepals, petals, and sepaloid petals was compared in wild-type and crinkled petal mutant plants of Clarkia tembloriensis. Patterns of vascularization in cleared whole mounts were visualized and traced under both brightfield and polarizing illumination. Wild-type sepals exhibited a basipetal pattern of maturation, with tracheary elements maturing relatively rapidly. Mature sepals had three primary veins with numerous secondary veins. In contrast, wild-type petals exhibited an acropetal pattern of maturation, with tracheary elements maturing relatively slowly. The mature petals had only one primary vein with numerous secondary veins. Sepaloid (crinkled) petals combined characteristics of both wild-type sepals and wild-type petals. They exhibited a basipetal pattern of development and a relatively rapid maturation of the tracheary elements characteristic of wild-type sepals. Venation architecture in crinkled petal mutants showed a single primary vein with numerous secondary veins, similar to wild-type petals. The crinkled petal mutant fits the definition of a homeotic mutant in that the petal has assumed characteristics of the sepal. However, homeotic transformation from petal to sepal is incomplete since the crinkled petal still retains many of the characteristics of wild-type petals.  相似文献   

Cytological, morphological, and geographical studies of Epilobium angustifolium in China reveal two partly distinct, partly overlapping entities that are best treated as subspecies. The diploid (n=18) subsp. angustifolium has smaller, triporate pollen grains, typically glabrous stems and leaves, and smaller leaves and flowers, and occurs in colder, more northern areas, and at higher elevations in overlap zones. The tetraploid (n=36) subsp. circumvagum has larger pollen with a mixture of quadriporate pollen grains, pubescent stems and leaves, and larger leaves and flowers, and occurs in warmer parts of southern China and at lower elevations. We report 11 chromosome counts, six diploid and five tetraploid, includingthe first reported tetraploids in Asia.  相似文献   

Selfing has evolved repeatedly in outcrossing taxa, and theory predicts that an increase in the level of self-fertilization should occur in concert with changes in reproductive allocation and the magnitude of inbreeding depression. Here we characterize the mating system of two sympatric congeners, Epilobium ciliatum and E. angustifolium, and compare the taxa for 1) reproductive allocation patterns and 2) the fitness consequences of self-fertilization. For E. ciliatum, autogamy rates were high, pollinator visitation was low, and electrophoresis revealed no genetic variation at 11 putative isozyme loci. For E. angustifolium, autogamy rates were low, pollinator visitation was relatively high, and electrophoresis generated an outcrossing rate estimate of t = 0.64 (SE = 0.08). The pollen/ovule ratio was ten times higher for E. angustifolium than for E. ciliatum, due to a decline in pollen production in the selfing species. The proportion of total flower biomass allocated to female function was significantly greater in E. ciliatum, while that allocated to male function and attractive structures was greater in E. angustifolium. We quantified the fitness consequences of selfing at three life stages: seed number, percent germination, and mature biomass. Relative performance (RP) measures indicated less inbreeding depression for E. ciliatum than for E. angustifolium at all stages; differences in RP between the species were significant for seed number and cumulative total, but not for germination or biomass. RP was correlated among life history stages for only one comparison, suggesting that the genetic basis of inbreeding depression differs among life history stages. Variation among maternal parents for RP was significant at almost all stages in both species, with the exception of seed number in E. ciliatum. The striking variation among maternal parents in E. angustifolium, ranging from strong inbreeding depression to strong outbreeding depression, may reflect both variation in the history of inbreeding and the long-distance migration of individuals from different populations.  相似文献   

The micropylar secrete of the ovules of Crocus vernus ssp. vernus was analyzed for the Ca+2 content by atomic absorption, and its capacity to germinate and attract pollen was tested by pollinating explanted ovules, and incubating in absence of culture medium. The results display a Ca+2 concentration of 28.9 mM in the micropylar secrete. On this secrete both compatible- and incompatible pollen germinates with a mean percentage of 53.7%, and their pollen tubes enter the micropylar canal with percentages of 32.3% to 21.0%. In situ the ovules fail to attract tubes of incompatible pollen. The results are discussed in relation to the ovule receptivity and the guided growth of pollen tubes, substantiating the model of the tropic growth towards increasing calcium concentrations.  相似文献   

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