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Floral reproductive morphology and scent are of primary importance to pollinators in guiding foraging decisions. We compared the floral scent and reproductive morphology between two subspecies of Linanthus dichotomus (Polemoniaceae) that are taxonomically distinguished by geography and flowering time: the vespertine L. dichotomus subsp. dichotomus and the diurnal L. dichotomus subsp. meridianus. Disparity in flowering time between the two subspecies is accompanied by differences in flower visitors. We collected floral volatiles using dynamic headspace methods and analyzed them using gas chromatography and mass spectroscopy. Together, the subspecies produced a total of 39 floral scent compounds. Subspecies differ in the quantitative pattern of volatiles that attract noctuid moths (e.g., lilac aldehydes) vs. a more general suite of visitors (e.g., phenylacetaldehyde), but not in overall scent emission rates. A discriminant function analysis correctly distinguished between the two subspecies based on scent samples 86% of the time. We measured seven reproductive morphological traits; a discriminant function analysis distinguished between the two subspecies based on morphological samples 81% of the time. We found significant differences between subspecies in scent but not in individual morphological traits. The evidence presented here is most consistent with a hypothesis of pollinator-mediated selection.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Pteris (Pteridaceae), comprising over 250 species, had been thought to be a monophyletic genus until the three monotypic genera Neurocallis, Ochropteris and Platyzoma were included. However, the relationships between the type species of the genus Pteris, P. longifolia, and other species are still unknown. Furthermore, several infrageneric morphological classifications have been proposed, but are debated. To date, no worldwide phylogenetic hypothesis has been proposed for the genus, and no comprehensive biogeographical history of Pteris, crucial to understanding its cosmopolitan distribution, has been presented.


A molecular phylogeny of Pteris is presented for 135 species, based on cpDNA rbcL and matK and using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference approaches. The inferred phylogeny was used to assess the biogeographical history of Pteris and to reconstruct the evolution of one ecological and four morphological characters commonly used for infrageneric classifications.

Key Results

The monophyly of Pteris remains uncertain, especially regarding the relationship of Pteris with Actiniopteris + Onychium and Platyzoma. Pteris comprises 11 clades supported by combinations of ecological and morphological character states, but none of the characters used in previous classifications were found to be exclusive synapomorphies. The results indicate that Pteris diversified around 47 million years ago, and when species colonized new geographical areas they generated new lineages, which are associated with morphological character transitions.


This first phylogeny of Pteris on a global scale and including more than half of the diversity of the genus should contribute to a new, more reliable infrageneric classification of Pteris, based not only on a few morphological characters but also on ecological traits and geographical distribution. The inferred biogeographical history highlights long-distance dispersal as a major process shaping the worldwide distribution of the species. Colonization of different niches was followed by subsequent morphological diversification. Dispersal events followed by allopatric and parapatric speciation contribute to the species diversity of Pteris.  相似文献   

All taxa endemic to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are hypothesized to have originated in situ or from immediately adjacent areas because of the relatively recent formation of the plateau since the Pliocene, followed by the large-scaled biota extinction and recession caused by the Quaternary ice sheet. However, identification of specific progenitors remains difficult for some endemics, especially some endemic genera. Nannoglottis, with about eight species endemic to this region, is one such genus. Past taxonomic treatments have suggested its relationships with four different tribes of Asteraceae. We intend to identify the closest relatives of Nannoglottis by evaluating the level of monophyly, tribal delimitation, and systematic position of the genus by using molecular data from ndhF gene, trnL-F, and ITS region sequences. We find that all sampled species of Nannoglottis are a well-defined monophyly. This supports all recent taxonomic treatments of Nannoglottis, in which all sampled species were placed in one broadly re-circumscribed genus. Nannoglottis is most closely related to the Astereae, but stands as an isolated genus as the first diverging lineage of the tribe, without close relatives. A tentative relationship was suggested for Nannoglottis and the next lineage of the tribe was based on the ITS topology, the "basal group," which consists of seven genera from the Southern Hemisphere. Such a relationship is supported by some commonly shared plesiomorphic morphological characters. Despite the very early divergence of Nannoglottis in the Astereae, the tribe must be regarded to have its origin in Southern Hemisphere rather than in Asia, because based on all morphological, molecular, biogeographical, and fossil data, the Asteraceae and its major lineages (tribes) are supposed to have originated in the former area. Long-distance dispersal using Southeast Asia as a steppingstone from Southern Hemisphere to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is the most likely explanation for this unusual biogeographic link of Nannoglottis. The 23-32-million-year divergence time between Nannoglottis and the other Astereae estimated by DNA sequences predated the formation of the plateau. This estimation is further favored by the fossil record of the Asteraceae and the possible time of origin of the Astereae. Nannoglottis seems to have reached the Qinghai-Tibet area in the Oligocene-Eocene and then re-diversified with the uplift of the plateau. The molecular infragenetic phylogeny of the genus identifies two distinct clades, which reject the earlier infrageneric classification based on the arrangement of the involucral bracts and the length of the ligules, but agree well with the habits and ecological preferences of its current species. The "alpine shrub" vs. "coniferous forest" divergence within Nannoglottis was estimated at about 3.4 million years ago when the plateau began its first large-scale uplifting and the coniferous vegetation began to appear. Most of the current species at the "coniferous forest" clade of the genus are estimated to have originated from 1.02 to 1.94 million years ago, when the second and third uprisings of the plateau occurred, the climate oscillated and the habitats were strongly changed. The assumed evolution, speciation diversity, and radiation of Nannoglottis based on molecular phylogeny and divergence times agree well with the known geological and paleobotanical histories of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

Toads of the Bufo peltocephalus Group (Anura: Bufonidae) occur throughout the Greater Antilles (Cuba to the Virgin Islands), a geographic region of relatively high endemicity. Previous morphological and immunological studies suggested that the West Indian toads are a monophyletic lineage derived from Neotropical Bufo but were unable to clarify relationships within the group. We examined the evolutionary relationships and biogeography of this group of frogs by collecting approximately 2 kb of mitochondrial DNA sequence data from eight West Indian species and selected non-West Indian species from the New World and the Old World. Our analyses support the monophyly of native West Indian toads and a New World origin for the group. Relationships among the West Indian species are less certain, but a Cuban lineage is defined in most analyses.  相似文献   

Wind pollination was experimentally demonstrated in Linanthus parviflorus (Polemoniaceae), a predominantly beefly-pollinated, self-incompatible annual. Seed set in plants enclosed in mesh tents that excluded pollinators but allowed airborne pollen flow provided evidence for wind pollination, and the extent of seed set due to wind pollination was compared to that in open-pollinated controls and pollen-supplemented treatments. Additional controls were included to test for possible confounding effects of the mesh tent. Mean seed number in open-pollinated plants was 72.8–81.1% of that in pollen-supplemented plants, while wind pollination alone produced 49.5–52.2%, a smaller but substantial proportion of seed set with pollen supplementation. Further evidence for wind pollination was found in a comparison of sites differing in the extent of wind exposure in two populations of L. parviflorus. Airborne pollen counts were higher in exposed sites than in protected sites, and the difference was marginally significant. Seed set was significantly pollen limited in protected sites, but not in exposed sites. Taken together, the data suggest that wind pollination provides some reproductive assurance in this obligately outcrossing species. Wind pollination is hypothesized to represent an alternative to selfing as an evolutionary solution to the problem of temporal or spatial variation in pollination visitation.  相似文献   

The endemic Hawaiian Succineidae represent an important component of the exceptionally diverse land snail fauna of the Hawaiian Islands, yet they remain largely unstudied. We employed 663-bp fragments of the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial gene to investigate the evolution and biogeography of 13 Hawaiian succineid land snail species, six succineid species from other Pacific islands and Japan, and various outgroup taxa. Results suggest that: (1) species from the island of Hawaii are paraphyletic with species from Tahiti, and this clade may have had a Japanese (or eastern Asian) origin; (2) species from five of the remaining main Hawaiian islands form a monophyletic group, and the progression rule, which states that species from older islands are basal to those from younger islands, is partially supported; no geographic origin could be inferred for this clade; (3) succineids from Samoa are basal to all other succineids sampled (maximum likelihood) or unresolved with respect to the other succineid clades (maximum parsimony); (4) the genera Succinea and Catinella are polyphyletic. These results, while preliminary, represent the first attempt to reconstruct the phylogenetic pattern for this important component of the endemic Hawaiian fauna.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensively sampled three‐gene phylogeny of the monophyletic Forcipulatacea, one of three major lineages within the crown‐group Asteroidea. We present substantially more Southern Hemisphere and deep‐sea taxa than were sampled in previous molecular studies of this group. Morphologically distinct groups, such as the Brisingida and the Zoroasteridae, are upheld as monophyletic. Brisingida is supported as the derived sister group to the Asteriidae (restricted), rather than as a basal taxon. The Asteriidae is paraphyletic, and is broken up into the Stichasteridae and four primary asteriid clades: (1) a highly diverse boreal clade, containing members from the Arctic and sub‐Arctic in the Northern Hemisphere; (2) the genus Sclerasterias; (3) and (4) two sister clades that contain asteriids from the Antarctic and pantropical regions. The Stichasteridae, which was regarded as a synonym of the Asteriidae, is resurrected by our results, and represents the most diverse Southern Hemisphere forcipulatacean clade (although two deep‐sea stichasterid genera occur in the Northern Hemisphere). The Labidiasteridae is artificial, and should be synonymized into the Heliasteridae. The Pedicellasteridae is paraphyletic, with three separate clades containing pedicellasterid taxa emerging among the basal Forcipulatacea. Fossils and timing estimates from species‐level phylogeographic studies are consistent with prior phylogenetic hypotheses for the Forcipulatacea, suggesting diversification of basal taxa in the early Mesozoic, with some evidence for more widely distributed ranges from Cretacous taxa. Our analysis suggests a hypothesis of an older fauna present in the Antarctic during the Eocene, which was succeeded by a modern Antarctic fauna that is represented by the recently derived Antarctic Asteriidae and other forcipulatacean lineages. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 162 , 646–660.  相似文献   

Erhard's wall lizard, Podarcis erhardii (Sauria: Lacertidae), is highly diversified in Greece and especially in the southern Aegean region. Out of the 28 recognized subspecies, 27 are found in Greece from the North Sporades island-complex in the North Aegean (grossly south of the 39th parallel) to the island of Crete in the South. The species exhibits great morphological and ecological plasticity and inhabits many different habitats from rocky islets and sandy shores to mountaintops as high as 2000m. By examining intraspecific variability at a segment of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b we have found that that extant populations of P. erhardii are paraphyletic. Furthermore, we have found that subspecies previously defined on the basis of morphological characteristics do not correspond to different molecular phylogenetic clades, so that their status should be reconsidered. The DNA based biogeographical and phylogenetic history of Podarcis in Southern Greece is congruent with available paleogeographic data of the region, which supports the view that DNA sequences may be a useful tool for the study of palaeogeography.  相似文献   

A partial sequence of the cytb gene (382 bp) was amplified and sequenced from 35 individuals (mainly museum specimens) of the genus Pernis representing all valid taxa (10) and two taxa (P. p. gurneyi, P. p. japonicus) with questionable validity as well as representatives of the Old World Perninae, namely Henicopernis and Aviceda, to assess their relationships to the genus Pernis. Furthermore, Gypaetus barbatus, Neophron percnopterus, and Buteo buteo were included as outgroup taxa. In the trees derived from the sequence data, Aviceda represents the sister group of the genus Pernis. The genus Henicopernis and the Old World vultures Gypaetus andNeophron appear rather distantly related to Pernis. Within the genus Pernis, two of the described species (Pernis apivorus, Pernis ptilorhyncus) form monophyletic groups, whereas the relationships of the two clades representing three subspecies of Pernis celebensis are still uncertain. Although this study is based on comparatively short DNA‐sections, the trees deduced from these sequences can be considered as a first approach for inferring the phylogenetic relationships of the genus Pernis and related genera and for addressing questions concerning the evolutionary history, biogeography, and systematics of this group.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were conducted for Astilbe (Saxifragaceae), an Asian/eastern North American disjunct genus, using sequences of nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and plastid matK, trnL‐trnF and psbA‐trnH regions. The monophyly of Astilbe is well supported by both ITS and plastid sequences. Topological incongruence was detected between the plastid and the ITS trees, particularly concerning the placement of the single North American species, A. biternata, which may be most probably explained by its origin involving hybridization and/or allopolyploidy with plastid capture. In Astilbe, all species with hermaphroditic flowers constitute a well‐supported clade; dioecious species form a basal grade to the hermaphroditic clade. Astilbe was estimated to have split with Saxifragopsis from western North America at 20.69 Ma (95% HPD: 12.14–30.22 Ma) in the early Miocene. This intercontinental disjunction between Astilbe and Saxifragopsis most likely occurred via the Bering land bridge. The major clade of Astilbe (all species of the genus excluding A. platyphylla) was inferred to have a continental Asian origin. At least three subsequent migrations or dispersals were hypothesized to explain the expansion of Astilbe into North America, Japan and tropical Asian islands. The intercontinental disjunct lineage in Astilbe invokes a hybridization event either in eastern Asia or in North America. This disjunction in Astilbe may be explained by a Beringian migration around 3.54 Ma (95% high posterior density: 1.29–6.18 Ma) in the late Tertiary, although long‐distance dispersal from eastern Asia to North America is also likely. The biogeographical connection between continental Asia, Taiwan, the Philippines and other tropical Asian islands in Astilbe provides evidence for the close floristic affinity between temperate or alpine south‐western China and tropical Asia. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   

The phylogeny and biogeography of Thamnochortus (Restionaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parsimony analysis of morphological data was used to demonstrate the existence of five groups in Thamnochortus (Restionaceae). Although the most parsimonious trees have a resolved relationship among these groups, there appears to be little support for this resolution. The composition of the terminal groups, and the relationships among the species making up these groups, is more robust. The distribution patterns of Thamnochortus differ only in detail from the general patterns ascribed to the Cape Flora (southern South Africa). Within the Cape Floristic Region four centres can be recognized, and more than half of the Thamnochortus species are endemic to these centres. Embedded in these centres (or phytochoria) are small centres of endemism: in the Cedarberg, Bokkeveld mountains, Cape Peninsula, Overberg, Bredasdorp plain and the Langeberg. These centres are best demonstrated by mapping the distributions of range-restricted species, rather than using parsimony analysis of endemicity. There are two major patterns within the phytogeographical elements: an arid group, which ranges from the West Coast to the Klein Swartberg, and a mesic coastal group. The coastal group can be further subdivided. A cladistic biogeographic analysis indicates that the first division follows the divide between all-year rainfall and summer drought, and the second division suggests greater aridity. This implies that geographical differentiation within the genus has followed climatic patterns, suggesting that some of the speciation may be a consequence of climatic change in southern Africa. Curiously, centres of endemism appear to be defined too narrowly for effective cladistic biogeographic analysis, and more success is obtained using wider areas.  相似文献   

Based on nuclear and chloroplast sequences we resolve species relationships in Calycanthaceae and develop a biogeographic hypothesis that explains their intercontinental disjunctions and intra-continental diversification in eastern Asia. Fossil-calibrated penalized likelihood and Bayesian divergence time estimates indicate that the Northern Hemisphere Calycanthus and Chimonanthus diverged from each other in the mid-Miocene, while the Australian Idiospermum had already diverged by the Upper Cretaceous and likely represents a remnant of a former Gondwanan distribution of Calycanthaceae that included South America, as indicated by the occurrence of Cretaceous Calycanthaceae fossils in Brazil. Relationships within Calycanthus were difficult to resolve, but a shared 155-bp deletion in the trnL-F intergenic spacer unites the two North American species, which were also sisters in a cpDNA restriction site study. Their ancestor apparently crossed the Bering land bridge in the Miocene. The six species of Chimonanthus, by contrast, diverged from each other as recently as 1-2my ago, and a DIVA analysis with four areas of endemism recognized within China suggests three vicariance and two dispersal events within Chimonanthus, with initial vicariance having occurred between eastern and southwestern or central China. Further divergence then appears to have involved eastern and south-central China, and southwestern and central China.  相似文献   

Apathya is a lacertid genus occurring mainly in south-east Turkey and its adjacent regions (part of Iran and Iraq). So far two morphological species have been attributed to the genus; A. cappadocica (with five subspecies, A. c. cappadocica, A. c. muhtari, A. c. schmidtlerorum, A. c. urmiana and A. c. wolteri) and A. yassujica. The first species occupies most of the genus’ distribution range, while A. yassujica is endemic of the Zagros Mountains. Here, we explored Apathya’s taxonomy and investigated the evolutionary history of the species by employing phylogenetic and phylogeographic approaches and using both mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear markers. The phylogenetic relationships and the genetic distances retrieved, revealed that Apathya is a highly variable genus, which parallels its high morphological variation. Such levels of morphological and genetic differentiation often exceed those between species of other Lacertini genera that are already treated as full species, suggesting the necessity for a taxonomic revision of Apathya. The phylogeographical scenario emerging from the genetic data suggests that the present distribution of the genus was determined by a combination of dispersal and vicariance events between Anatolia and Southwest Asia dating back to the Miocene and continuing up to the Pleistocene. Key geological events for the understanding of the phylogeography of the genus are the movement of the Arabian plate that led to the configuration of Middle East (orogenesis of the mountain ranges of Turkey and Iran) and the formation of Anatolian Diagonal.  相似文献   

Monacha is the most species‐rich genus of the family Hygromiidae with a centre of diversity in Anatolia. On the basis of the presence or absence of accessory genital appendages, the group was subdivided into three subgenera, Monacha s. str., Paratheba and Metatheba, in the past. We used mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences of a representative sample of species 1) to reconstruct the phylogeny of the major lineages of Monacha, 2) to reconstruct the evolution of the accessory genital appendages, and 3) to reconstruct the biogeography of the group. Our results show that the accessory genital appendages upon which the classification of Monacha into subgenera rested so far, that is the appendicula, which is homologous to the dart sac and/or its accessory sac in other helicoid land snails, and the penis retractor muscle, were lost several times independently in different lineages of Monacha. Even among sister species, these characters were found to be variable. Thus, the typologically defined subgenera are para‐ or polyphyletic assemblages. The reconstruction of the biogeographical history indicated an origin of Monacha in Anatolia and the adjacent Caucasus region which is consistent with the observation that most other genera currently included in the subfamily Monachainae are also endemic to this region. Most major Monacha lineages remained restricted to northern Anatolia. Southern Europe was colonized by Monacha s. str., the Aegean region by Aegaeotheba subgen. n., the Crimean Peninsula by Paratheba and the Levant by Platytheba. On the basis of our phylogenetic analyses and testing of alternative hypotheses, we propose to divide Monacha into eight subgenera. We newly delimit the previously proposed subgenera Monacha s. str., Metatheba, Paratheba and Platytheba, and describe Pontotheba subgen. n., Aegaeotheba subgen. n., Trichotheba subgen. n. and Rhytidotheba subgen. n. as new subgenera.  相似文献   

In this study we used sequence data from the entire mtDNA cytochrome b gene to reconstruct patterns and times of diversification in the roach genus Rutilus. The genus is present with numerous endemic species in the Eastern peri-Mediterranean area and with a few widespread species in Central Europe. Our phylogenetic results do not support the subdivision into two subgenera proposed on morphological grounds. Within R. pigus and R. rutilus we identify highly divergent and allopatric mitochondrial lineages. The deeper splits in the genus phylogeny date back to the middle Miocene; the main diversification took place at the Miocene-Pliocene boundary.  相似文献   

Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the marine shrimp Penaeus   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The evolutionary relationships among 13 species representing all six subgenera of the shrimp genus Penaeus were examined using 558 bp of mitochondrial (mt) DNA from the cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene. Analyses of this sequence revealed high genetic divergence between species (d = 8-24%), a finding which contrasts with previous work, which indicated that genetic diversity, based on electrophoretic analysis of allozymes, was extremely low in Penaeus. Three tree-building methods (maximum parsimony, neighbor joining, and maximum likelihood) were concordant in indicating that current subgenera assignments do not reflect evolutionary partitions within the genus Penaeus. While the molecular phylogenies cast doubt on the validity of subgenera, the observed relationships are concordant with biogeographic boundaries across the tropical range of Penaeus. Both the western Atlantic and eastern Pacific contain monophyletic species pairs which cluster together in all analyses. The Indo-Pacific contains a putative basal taxa (P. indicus), the deepest mtDNA lineages, and the highest diversity, including representatives of all three primary lineages observed in Penaeus. These data are consistent with the suggestion by Dall et al. (1990) that Penaeus arose in the Indo-Pacific and radiated eastward and westward to account for the current circumtropical distribution of the genus. This phylogenetic framework for Penaeus will enhance the scientific foundations for wildlife resource management and breeding experiments (hybridization and related manipulations) designed to improve the commercial value of captive strains.  相似文献   

Oriental voles of the genus Eothenomys are predominantly distributed along the Southeastern shoulder of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Based on phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1143 bp) obtained from 23 specimens (eight species) of Oriental voles collected from this area, together with nucleotide sequences from six specimens (two species) of Japanese red-backed voles (Eothenomys andersoni and Eothenomys smithii) and five species of the closely related genus Clethrionomys, we revised the systematic status of Eothenomys. We also tested if vicariance could explain the observed high species diversity in this area by correlating estimated divergence times to species distribution patterns and corresponding paleo-geographic events. Our results suggest that: (1) the eight species of Oriental voles form a monophyletic group with two distinct clades, and that these two clades should be considered as valid subgenera--Eothenomys and Anteliomys; (2) Eothenomys eleusis and Eothenomys miletus are not independent species; (3) Japanese red-backed voles are more closely related to the genus Clethrionomys than to continental Asian Eothenomys taxa; and (4) the genus Clethrionomys, as presently defined, is paraphyletic. In addition, the process of speciation of Oriental voles appears to be related to the Trans-Himalayan formation via three recent uplift events of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau within the last 3.6 million years, as well as to the effects of the mid-Quaternary ice age.  相似文献   

报道了青藏高原地区的点地梅属Androsace L.及羽叶点地梅属Pomatosace Maxim.共14种29个居群的ITS与trnL-F DNA序列各27与25条;并结合已报道相关种类的有关序列,构建了“点地梅群”的分子系统发育树。研究发现“点地梅群”的4个属为一单系类群,含有两个稳定的分支:一支全部由点地梅属的种类组成,另一支分别由羽叶点地梅属、Douglasia Lindley、Vitaliana Sesler和9种点地梅属植物组成;点地梅属裂叶组sect. Samuelia Schlechtd.的3个种与点地梅组sect. Androsace的2个种在3套序列分析中位于不同的系统位置。各分支基部的种都分布在中国东南部及青藏高原东部,分子地理标记的结果支持形态学提出该地区为“点地梅群”植物起源地的假设。从青藏高原东部地区向欧洲及其他北半球地区存在不同时期内多个进化支的多次扩散。粗略的时间估算表明该群植物可能是在第三纪的中新世以来才开始发生的。垫状种类分别在青藏高原和欧洲独立起源,而在青藏高原地区的分化要早于在欧洲的分化,在前一地区可能与青藏高原自中新世开始发生的造山运动、形成高海拔的山地有关,而在后一地区则是与第三纪末至第四纪的冰期气候反复波动有关。垫状植物在青藏高原上的大规模分布则可能较晚,与冰期结束后全新世晚期气候再次变冷有关。一些物种种内的遗传分化也可能部分反映了气候来回波动中它们在高原上的退缩和再扩张过程  相似文献   

A molecular phylogeny based on DNA/DNA hybridization revealed that the Sylvia-Parisoma complex is monophyletic and includes three main groups of species, the “mid-European” warblers, the genus Parisoma, and the “eu-Mediterranean” Sylvia species sensu stricto. The latter can be assigned to three main clusters, a “West-Mediterranean” group, a “Central-Mediterranean group”, and an “East-Mediterranean” group. The radiation of the whole complex is much more ancient than formerly believed. It started ca 12–13 Ma ago and the ancestors of the main extant groups differentiated during the Pliocene. Only speciation events within the “eu-Mediterranean” lineages occurred during the Pleistocene. The paleoclimatical and paleoecological history of the Mediterranean region is too complicated to provide any evidence for direct relationships between past events and evolutionary steps of these taxa which did not leave any reliable fossil record. However, some major speciation events may be related to well documented climatical crises as well as paleobotanical data. The largely man-induced extension of matorrals over several millenia presumably extended the range of several species that were formerly much more restricted, which complicates reconstruction of the spatio-temporal course of speciation.  相似文献   

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