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Analysis by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels, followed by silver staining, of dsRNA extracted from many samples of raspberry leaves infected with raspberry leaf mottle virus (RLMV) and/or raspberry leaf spot virus (RLSV) failed to detect reliably any significant quantities of dsRNA species in excess of 1·0 × 106mol. wt. This contrasts with results reported from Canada where three dsRNA species of estimated mol. wt 2·6 × 1061·6 × 106and 1·1 × 106were consistently associated with infection with RLSV but none were associated with RLMV. However, in Scotland, four dsRNA species of estimated mol. wt 2·4 × 1061·6 × 1060·7 × 106and 0·3 × 106were detected in raspberry infected with apple mosaic ilarvirus. These results suggest that the dsRNA species reported from Canada are not those of RLSV but are probably those of a second virus, possibly an ilarvirus, which occurs together with RLSV and/or induces similar symptoms. A few samples from plants infected with RLMV and RLSV contained very small amounts of two dsRNA species of estimated mol. wt 4·7 × 106and 4·5 × 106. It is not known whether these species are those of RLMV and RLSV.  相似文献   

As the result of electron microscope investigation of ultra-thin sections of the tissues infected by tomato spotted wilt virus it was shown that ultrastructural changes in the cells depend on the virus virulence. The isolate with low virulence induces mostly virus-specific changes (virus particles and virus inclusion bodies); the isolate with high virulence besides the virus-specific changes causes essential non-specific violation of cell organelle structure that could be the consequence of pathological action of the virus. It was determined that severe virus infection results in the decrease of general content of the proteins in the leaves. At the same time it induces formation of at least three pathogenesis-associated proteins (PR-proteins) and two antiviral factors of the types AVF (6) and IVR (7) active towards tobacco mosaic virus.  相似文献   

Carnation Italian ringspot virus (CIRV) was obtained only twice in tests on several thousand carnations in Britain during 15 yr. The two isolates, from cultivars ‘Dusty Sim’ imported from Italy and ‘Orchid Beauty’ from the U.S.A., were indistinguishable serologically and in host reactions. CIRV was cultured in Nicotiana clevelandii and assayed in Chenopodium amaranti-color; it was readily transmitted by leaf-rubbing inoculation to 62 of 104 plant species tested. Virus-free carnations were infected only by injecting purified preparations into the stem, and developed chlorotic spots and oval rings in the younger leaves. CIRV was eliminated from Nicotiana clevelandii plants grown for 8 weeks at 36°C. CIRV presents no threat to carnation growing in Britain. In N. clevelandii sap, CIRV was infective at a dilution of 1/50000 to 1/100000, after heating 10 min at 85 °C (but not 90 °C), and after 16 weeks at 16 °C or 23 weeks at 2 °C. After freeze-drying, the virus survived at least 7 yr storage under vacuum at room temperature. CIRV was still infective and antigenic after treatment for 30 min at 18 °C with ultraviolet radiation (750 μW/cm2), ultrasound, 2% formaldehyde or 0.2% tri-sodium ortho-phosphate (TSP). Infectivity was not wholly abolished in 30 min by 2% TSP. The virus was readily purified by overnight maceration of N. clevelandii leaves extracted in phosphate buffer + butanol, followed by differential centri-fugation. Purified preparations contained abundant isometric particles c. 29 nm diameter, and like other serotypes of the tomato bushy stunt-pelargonium leaf curl group, gave three or four specific bands in density-gradient centri-fugation. The bands corresponded to four Schlieren peaks in analytical centrifugation. Virus from the lower bands was usually less invasive in N. clevelandii than from the upper bands, although the material in the different bands contained similar amounts of nucleic acid. Only one antigenic component was found by Immunoelectrophoresis; different serotypes of the TBSV-PLCV group differed widely in immunoelectrophoretic behaviour. The present cryptogram of CIRV is */*:*/*:S/S:S/*.  相似文献   

This publication is an extension of the 1956 review of drought resistance in woody plants. The more important recently used terms are listed and defined. Summaries of reports of drought effects on forest trees are presented in tabular form. Frost-drought is discussed as an important factor in the limitation of woody plants’ geographical ranges. The role that droughts play in the initiation of tree diseases is considered, especially in the light of new evidence from studies of diebacks-declines of forest trees. Interactions between soil moisture and transpiration are discussed as well as ways to control transpiration in large stands. Also considered are drought experiments with tree seedlings and symptomatology of drought injury. The means by which woody plants survive drought (excluding ephemerals) are discussed.  相似文献   

Crystal-containing organelles in cells of virus infected plants lying at chloroplasts and mitochondria are identical with single membrane-bound microbodies containing crystals of catalase described in healthy plants. Massive complex inclusions caused by turnip mosaic virus very frequently contain the same microbodies with crystal inclusions; that phenomenon may be related to some pathophysiological changes of virus infected plants. Comparable proteinaceous crystals, but not lying within microbodies limited by a membrane, may also be found in cytoplasm of infected cells. These crystals are sometimes surrounded by a substance resembling the microbody matrix. Disintegrated cytoplasm of virus infected cells may also contain the same crystals lying free in “empty spaces”. Cytopathological effects responsible for this phenomenon and possible artifacts as well are discussed.  相似文献   

Tobacco ringspot virus belongs to the nepovirus group of the small spherical plant viruses. It has been suggested that the protein capsid, which displays icosahedral symmetry, consists of 240 protein subunits which are arranged on a T = 4 surface lattice. The virus crystallizes in orthorhombic space group P212121 (a = 388 A?, b = 396 A?, and c = 405 A?). The unit cell contains four virus particles while the crystallographic asymmetric unit consists of one complete virion. X-ray diffraction data from the crystals extend to at least 3.3 Å resolution.  相似文献   

An isolate of pea early-browning virus from Britain (PEBV (B)) has tubular particles most of which are either about 103 or 212 mμ long with sedimentation coefficients of 210 and 286 S respectively. Both types show cross-banding at intervals of 2.5 mμ. Virus preparations containing only the shorter particles were not infective. PEBV (B) was transmitted to pea seedlings by both adult and juvenile Trichodorus primitivus (de Man) (Nematoda) and persisted for 32 days in T. primitivus kept without plants. In two experiments T. primitivus failed to transmit a Dutch isolate (PEBV (D)), which is distantly related serologically to PEBV (B). PEBV (B) was transmitted by nematodes to cucumber roots more readily in soil at 20d? than at 24d? C., and more readily at 24d? than at 29d? C. When transmitted by inoculation of sap, PEBV (B) and PEBV (D) caused similar symptoms in some pea varieties but differed in virulence towards others. Thirty-one varieties resistant to natural infection with PEBV in The Netherlands were susceptible to PEBV (B) when manually inoculated with sap or when grown in naturally infested soil from one site; twenty-six of these varieties did not become infected in soil from a second site, in which several other varieties that are susceptible in The Netherlands were infected. Varieties should therefore be tested for resistance by growing them on many infested fields. All but one of the pea varieties resistant to PEBV in The Netherlands became infected with the English form of tomato black ring virus when grown in soil containing infective Longidorus attenuatus Hooper.  相似文献   

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