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The partition of cholesterol analogues between dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine and egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles was examined. Cholesterol, trans- and cis-22-dehydrocholesterols, and 24 alpha-ethyl,trans-22-dehydrocholesterol (stigmasterol) showed a preference from gel phase dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine over fluid phase egg phosphatidylcholine at 37 degrees C. Within this group, the sterol concentration in DPPC relative to that in egg PC ranged from about 1.5 to 2.0. Cholesterol analogues with a 24 alpha-methyl or ethyl substituent (campesterol and beta-sitosterol, respectively) and cholestanol (dihydrocholesterol) distributed about equally between the two types of phospholipid. Thus, in this study involving two kinds of phospholipid and a small number of cholesterol analogues, there was no simple correlation between the sterol structure and its partition behavior. The combined results from studies on sterol partition behavior and on sterol interaction with individual phospholipids (Rujanavech, C., Henderson, P.A., and Silbert, D.F. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7204-7214) provide an adequate basis to explain the different patterns of membrane lipid adaptation which accompany growth of LM cells on various cholesterol analogues (Rujanavech, C., and Silbert, D.F. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 7196-7203).  相似文献   

To investigate the susceptibilities of fungal and mammalian cells to amphotericin B (AmB), AmB-loaded lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC)micelles as drug delivery vehicles were incubated at 37 degrees C with phosphatidylcholine vesicles containing different sterols as model systems for fungal and mammalian cells. The binding and kinetics of AmB to sterols in the membranes were judged by UV-visible spectroscopy. In the 91% monomeric form, AmB interacted rapidly with ergosterol and slowly with 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC), while it did not interact with cholesterol. In the 50% monomeric form, AmB formed complexes more rapidly with ergosterol or 7-DHC than in the monomeric form, whereas it did not still interact with cholesterol. The interaction was also characterized by resonance energy transfer between the fluorescent probe trimethylammonium diphenylhexatriene (TMA-DPH) and AmB. In the 91% monomeric form, AmB caused initial fluorescence quenching in bilayer membranes containing any sterol as well as sterol-free bilayer membranes due to the release of AmB and its incorporation within the membranes. However, a second phase of increasing fluorescence was found in the case of ergosterol alone. On the other hand, in the 47% monomeric form, AmB gave a biphasic intensity profile in membranes containing any sterol as well as sterol-free membranes. However, the extent of the second phase of increasing fluorescence intensity was markedly dependent upon sterol composition. Studies using sterol-containing vesicles provide important insights into the role of the aggregation state of AmB in its effects on cells.  相似文献   

The effect of amphotericin B on the proton/hydroxide permeability of small unilamellar vesicles has been investigated by using potential-dependent paramagnetic probes. Amphotericin B at 1-10 molecules/vesicle causes a modest 4-8-fold increase in the background H+/OH- permeability of egg phosphatidylcholine (egg PC) vesicles. However, in the presence of cholesterol, amphotericin B promotes a dramatic increase in the H+/OH- permeability of more than 2 orders of magnitude. Surprisingly, this is not observed in vesicle membranes containing ergosterol. In membranes composed of 5-15 mol% ergosterol, amphotericin B is even less effective at promoting H+/OH- currents than in pure egg PC vesicles. The K+ current promoted by amphotericin B in vesicles formed from egg PC and from egg PC plus cholesterol or ergosterol was measured. No significant sterol dependence was found for the K+ current. These results strongly suggest that different mechanisms, or amphotericin B/sterol complexes, are responsible for the induction of H+/OH- and K+ currents. These results have important implications for understanding the therapeutic and toxic effects of amphotericin B.  相似文献   

The degree of sensitivity of the yeasts Kluyveromyces bulgaricus and K. lactis to amphotericin B is linked to a difference in the sterol composition of their membranes. No direct proportionality was found between sensitivity and the quantity of sterols present. At sublethal doses, amphotericin B perturbed sterol synthesis, resulting in ergosterol precursor accumulation. An ergosterol pathway is proposed for Kluyveromyces.  相似文献   

The equilibrium uptake of hydrophilic solutes, D-glucose and L-carnitine, by large unilamellar phospholipid vesicles composed of egg lecithin (PC), phosphatidic acid (PA), and various concentrations of cholesterol (Chol) has been measured. Calculation of the encapsulated volume of PC-PA and PC-PA-Chol vesicles, based on electron-microscopy data, agreed with the values directly measured by fluorescence techniques. Likewise, vesicle surface areas determined directly and from electron microscopy were in good agreement. Equilibrium uptake experiments by these well-characterized vesicles showed that glucose was taken up in excess of that amount predicted on the basis of the encapsulated aqueous volume. In contrast, the equilibrium uptake of carnitine can be predicted solely on the basis of the vesicle encapsulated volume. Each excess glucose molecule was found to be associated with from 7 to 5200 phospholipid molecules for 100 and 0.1 mM glucose, respectively. Uptake of glucose by PC-PA-Chol vesicles is independent of the cholesterol concentration and is similar to that observed in PC-PA vesicles. The cholesterol concentration independence and oil/buffer partitioning studies with octane and octanol, coupled with previous studies, strongly suggest that excess glucose is located in the vicinity of the phospholipid head group. A probable mechanism would have phospholipid, water and glucose all involved in the interaction rather than a competition between water and glucose for the phospholipid surface, as has been suggested in the literature.  相似文献   

A study on the interactions of surfactin with phospholipid vesicles.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Surfactin, an acidic lipopeptide produced by various strains of Bacillus subtilis, behaves as a very powerful biosurfactant and posses several other interesting biological activities. By means of differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction the effect of surfactin on the phase transition properties of bilayers composed of different phospholipids, including lipids forming hexagonal-HII phases, has been studied. The interactions of surfactin with phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylglycerol seem to be optimal in the case of myristoyl acyl chains, which have a similar length to the surfactin hydrocarbon tail. Data are shown that support formation of complexes of surfactin with phospholipids. The ionized form of surfactin seems to be more deeply inserted into negatively charged bilayers when Ca2+ is present, also supporting the formation of surfactin-Ca2+ complexes. In mixtures with dielaidoylphosphatidylethanolamine, a hexagonal-HII phase forming lipid, surfactin displays a bilayer stabilizing effect. Our results are compatible with the marked amphiphilic nature of surfactin and may contribute to explain some of its interesting biological actions; for instance the formation of ion-conducting pores in membranes.  相似文献   

C C Kan  J Yan  R Bittman 《Biochemistry》1992,31(6):1866-1874
14C-labeled sterols with structural variation in the polar function [3 alpha-OH, 3-O(CH2)2O-(CH2)2O(CH2)2OH, 3 alpha-NH2, 3 beta-NH2, and 3-OC(O)CHN = N] and at the 7 position (7-oxo, 7 alpha-OH, and 7 beta-OH) were synthesized and incorporated into unilamellar vesicles for studies of the rates of transfer to an excess of acceptor vesicles. Cholesterol, cholestanol, and epicholesterol underwent full exchange in a single kinetic pool, and 90% of the 3 alpha-triethoxycholesterol was exchangeable in one pool. Biphasic kinetics with full exchangeability were observed for cholesterylamines, which bear a positive charge at the 3 position; the slow phase reflects the high activation energy for inner-to-outer leaflet movement of the charged lipid. Biphasic kinetics were also found for cholesteryl diazoacetate, indicating that this photoaffinity probe and cholesterol have different mechanisms of transfer. Sterols that are more hydrophilic than cholesterol as estimated by reversed-phase high-performance chromatography (elution with acetonitrile-2-propanol, 4:1 v/v, with varying proportions of water) gave faster exchange rates than cholesterol, whereas sterols that are more hydrophobic gave slower exchange rates. However, the rates of [14C]sterol desorption from the lipid-water interface are not correlated with the relative sterol hydrophobicity as estimated by the logarithm of the capacity factors using acetonitrile-2-propanol-water as the mobile phase. These studies suggest that the interaction of sterols with phospholipids provides the principal physical-chemical basis for determining the rates of spontaneous exchange of sterols between bilayers.  相似文献   

Bindin is a 30,000-mol-wt protein of sea urchin sperm that is responsible for the specific adhesion of the sperm acrosomal process to the vitelline layer covering the egg plasma membrane during fertilization. Sulfated glycoconjugates are believed to be the egg surface receptors for bindin, but the mechanism by which bindin associates with the sperm acrosomal membrane is unknown. Here I report that bindin specifically associates with phospholipid vesicles in vitro. Interaction of the bindin polypeptide with liposomes was found to cause an increase in the density of the liposomes and induce the aggregation of the vesicles. A novel property of this association of bindin with membranes was that it required phospholipids in a gel phase. The interaction of bindin with liposomes was greatly reduced at temperatures above the phase transition temperature. The interaction of bindin with gel-phase vesicles appeared to be reversible, since the aggregated vesicles dissaggregated as the temperature was raised above the phase transition temperature. Association of bindin with the bilayer did not alter the accessibility of the polypeptide to cleavage by trypsin, which suggests that most of the polypeptide chain remains exposed at the surface of the membrane.  相似文献   

The fluorescence of the ionophore A23187 has been monitored in suspensions of egg yolk phosphatidylcholine (EYPC) and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) vesicles. Both the protonated form of A23187 and the Ca2+ complex exhibit fluorescence enhancement when extracted into a hydrophobic environment. Measurements of fluorescence intensity versus lipid concentration were thus used to establish lower limits to the lipid/ water partition coefficients. Values obtained in this way were ? 50 ml water/mg phosphatidylcholine. Quenching of A23187 fluorescence by the spin labels 5NMS (methyl ester of 5-nitroxyl stearate), 12NMS, 16NMS, and TEMPO stearamide in EYPC and DPPC vesicles was also investigated. In EYPC all the labels yielded fairly linear Stern-Volmer plots, with TEMPO stearamide quenching about half as strong as the other probes. Quenching in DPPC was generally much stronger than in EYPC, but 12 NMS and 16NMS gave hyperbolic Stern-Volmer plots, apparently due to clustering of the labels. In all the cases the protonated form of A23187 was quenched approximately twice as efficiently as the Ca2+ complex, possibly due to a longer fluorescence lifetime for the former. Calculations based on measured spectral properties were performed which indicate that the Förster transfer mechanism extends the nitroxides' quenching range to ~- 10 Å.  相似文献   

The circular dichroism of amphotericin B “Fungizone” has been used to study its interaction with lecithin, dimyristoyl and dipalmitoyl phosphadidylcholine vesicles with or without cholesterol. It appears that circular dichroism monitors species other than those monitored by electronic absorption. As a result of association, new spectra appear which are of opposite signs according to wether the vesicles are in the gel state or in the liquid crystalline state; the cholesterol dependance of the rate of these changes is also different according to the state of the vesicles. It is concluded that the model proposed by Hsu Chen and Feingold for the gel state should not be rejected on the basis of data obtained in the liquid crystalline state.  相似文献   

Sterols are essential components of the plasma membrane in eukaryotic cells. Nystatin-resistant erg mutants were used in the present study to investigate the in vitro effects of altered sterol structure on membrane lipid composition, fluidity, and asymmetry of phospholipids. Quantitative analyses of the wild type and mutants erg2, erg3 and erg6 revealed that mutants have lower sterol (free)-to-phospholipid molar ratios than the wild type. Phosphatidylcholine content was decreased in erg2 and erg3 mutants; however, it was increased in erg6 strains as compared to normals. Phosphatidylserine content was increased in the erg6 mutant only. Fluorescence anisotropy decreased with temperature in both probes, and was lower for mutants than for the wild type, suggesting an increased freedom in rotational movement due to decreased membrane order. Investigation of changes in the aminophospholipid transbilayer distribution using two chemical probes, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid and fluorescamine, revealed that the amounts of phosphatidylethanolamine derivatized by these probes were quite similar in both the wild type and various erg strains. The present findings suggest that adaptive responses in yeast cells with altered sterol structure are possibly manifested through changes in membrane lipid composition and fluidity, and not through transbilayer rearrangement of aminophospholipids.  相似文献   

Sodium-22 efflux was measured in multilamellar liposomes, exposed to one of the two polyene antibiotics amphotericin B or nystatin. Polyene mediated 22Na transport progressively rises with membrane sterol concentrations up to about 20 mol %, but falls with higher cholesterol concentrations. The polyene induced 22Na movement in cholesterol rich liposomes could be 'restored' by the addition of either dibucaine or propranolol (two local anesthetics) to the aqueous solution. These observations are interpreted in terms of the model of De Kruijff and Demel (Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 339, 57-70, 1974). In this model, nystatin and amphotericin B first complex with cholesterol and then these complexes aggregate to form transmembrane channels. It is here proposed that the aggregation of these complexes is inhibited by a high cholesterol content (decreased membrane fluidity) but that the two local anesthetics, by disrupting phospholipid-sterol interactions (increased membrane fluidity), can 'restore' this process of aggregation.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is a membrane-active antibiotic which has been shown to increase ion and small molecule permeability in a variety of model and biological membrane systems. A major mechanistic model, based on BLM systems, proposes that amphotericin forms barrellike pores with cholesterol which are cation selective when added to one side of the membrane and anion selective when added to both sides. We have tested this hypothesis on small and reverse-phase large unilamellar vesicles (SUV and REV) with and without cholesterol. The method used to measure K+, Cl-, and net ion currents is based on ion/H+ exchange detected by the entrapped pH probe pyranine. We find that AmB forms channels which have net selectivity for K+ over Cl- regardless of sidedness or sterol content in SUV. REV with 10% cholesterol also show net K+ selectivity with double-sided addition. Differences are noted between cholesterol- and non-sterol-containing vesicles consistent with at least two separate modes of action: (1) cholesterol-containing SUV form some larger diameter pores which allow the passage of larger ions especially when added to both sides; (2) SUV without sterol form pores which are still K+ over Cl- selective, but larger ions do not pass. The latter mode of action precludes a sterol/pore type of model but not necessarily a barrellike model consisting only of amphotericin molecules.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The behavior of dehydroergosterol in -α-dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) unsonicated multilamellar liposomes was characterized by absorption spectroscopy and fluorescence measurements. Dehydroergosterol exhibited a lowered absorption coefficient in multilamellar liposomes whiel the steady-state fluorescence anisotropy of dehydroergosterol in these membranes decreased significantly with increasing dehydroergosterol concentration, suggesting membrane sterol-sterol interactions. The comparative steady-state anisotropy of 0.9 mole percent dehydroergosterol in multilamellar liposomes was lower than in small unilamellar vesicles suggesting different sterol environments for dehydroergosterol. Dehydroergosterol fluorescence lifetime was relatively independent of membrane sterol content and yielded similar values in sonicated and unsonicated model membranes. In multilamellar liposomes containing 5 mole percent cholesterol, the gel-to-liqui crystalline phase transition of DMPC detected by 0.9 mole percent dehydroergosterol was significantly broadened when compared to the phase transition detected by dehydroergosterol in the absence of membrane cholesterol (Smutzer, G. et al. (1986) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 862, 361–371). In multilamellar liposomes containing 10 mole percent cholesterol, the major fluorescence lifetime of dehydroergosterol did not detect the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition of DMPC. Time-correlated fluorescence anisotropy decays of dehydroergosterol in DMPC multilamellar liposomes in the absence and presence of 5 mole percent cholesterol exhibited a single rotational correlation time near one nanosecond that was relatively independent of temperature and low concentrations of membrane cholesterol. The limiting anisotropy of 0.9 mole percent dehydroergosterol decreased above the gel-to-liquid crystalline phase transition in membranes without cholesterol and was not significantly affected by the phase transition in membranes containing 5 mole percent cholesterol. These results suggested hindered rotational diffusion of dehydroergosterol in multilamellar liposomes. Lifetime and time-correlated fluorescence measurements of 0.9 mole percent dehydroergosterol in multilamellar liposomes further suggested this fluorophore was detecting physical properties of the bulk membrane phospholipids in membranes devoid of cholesterol and was detecting sterol-rich regions in membranes of low sterol concentration.  相似文献   

A. Alonso  R. Sáez  F.M. Goñi 《FEBS letters》1982,137(1):141-145
Megasphaera elsdenii and Clostridium MP flavodoxins have been investigated by photo-CIDNP techniques. Using time-resolved spectroscopy and external dyes carrying different charges it was possible to assign unambiguously the resonance lines in the NMR-spectra to tyrosine, tryptophan and methionine residues in the two proteins. The results show that Trp-91 in M.elsdenii and Trp-90 in Cl.MP flavodoxin are strongly immobilized and placed directly above the benzene subnucleus of the prosthetic group. The data further indicate that the active sites of the two flavodoxins are extremely similar.  相似文献   

Amphotericin B (AmB) is still the most common anti-fungal agent used to treat systemic fungal infections. It is known that this antibiotic acts by forming pores with the ergosterol contained in the membranes of fungi, but it also interacts with the cholesterol contained in the membranes of eukaryotic cells, hence its toxicity. AmB may also interact with the most common oxidation products of cholesterol found in vivo, together with interacting with biosynthetic precursors of cholesterol, namely, lanosterol and 7-dehydrocholesterol (7-DHC). The purpose of the present work was to study the interactions in solution between AmB and these various sterols, the techniques used being UV-Vis spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. The results are globally interpreted in terms of the structural differences between the sterols. We show that AmB selectively interacts with 7-DHC which, according to a recent hypothesis proposed in the literature, has been identified in connexion with a therapeutic strategy against hepatocellular carcinomas. We find that the affinity of AmB towards 7-DHC is even greater than the affinity of the antibiotic towards ergosterol. We also find that AmB selectively interacts with the principal oxidation product of cholesterol, 7-ketocholesterol, a situation that has to be taken into account when AmB is administered.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) caryopses were grown in the presence of fenpropimorph, a systemic fungicide, for 7 days in the dark. Membrane fractions enriched, respectively, in endoplasmic reticulum, plasma membrane, and mitochondria were isolated from control and treated maize roots and analyzed for their free sterol, phospholipid, and fatty acid composition. In treated plants, the intracellular distribution of free sterols was dramatically modified both qualitatively and quantitatively. The normally occurring Δ5-sterols disappeared almost completely and were replaced by 9β, 19-cyclopropyl sterols, mainly cycloeucalenol and 24-methyl pollinastanol. These new compounds were found to accumulate in all the membrane fractions in such a way that the endoplasmic reticulum-rich fraction became the richest one in free sterols instead of the plasma membrane. In contrast, the fenpropimorph treatment of maize roots was shown not to affect either the relative proportions or the amounts of the individual phospholipids, but an increase in the unsaturation index of phospholipid-fatty acyl chains of the endoplasmic reticulum-rich fraction was observed. The present data suggest that, in higher plant membranes, cyclopropyl sterols could play a structural role similar to that of the bulk of Δ5-sterols.  相似文献   

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