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侧根的发生及其激素调控   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本文概述了侧根发生及其植物激素调控的研究进展。侧根的发生起源于特定的中柱鞘细胞,其发生过程可简单地分为侧根发生的起始、侧根原基的形成、侧根分生组织的形成和活化等几个关键时期。参与侧根发生调控的植物激素主要是生长素,它影响到侧根发生过程的各个时期。茉莉酸对侧根的发生也有一定的调控作用。  相似文献   

茉莉酸对水稻侧根发生的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验材料为水稻 (OryzasativaL .)栽培品种“IR8”(国际水稻所 8号 )及其少侧根突变体MT10。将 2d水稻幼苗种子根全部浸入 0 .0 16~ 5 0 μmol/L茉莉酸 (JA)溶液处理 2d ,结果表明JA显著抑制种子根的伸长 ,其抑制程度与JA浓度成正比。不高于 2 μmol/L的JA显著促进侧根的发生 ,每cm的侧根数目随浓度的增加而增加 ,最多可增加到原来的 16 8% (“IR8”)和 2 85 % (MT10 )。 10 μmol/L的JA仍促进处理过程中和处理后生成根区段的侧根数目的增加 ,但明显抑制处理前生成根区段侧根的发生 ,每cm的侧根数目有所下降  相似文献   

茉莉酸对水稻侧根发生的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实验材料为水稻(Oryza sativa L.)栽培品种"IR8"(国际水稻所8号)及其少侧根突变体MT10.将2 d水稻幼苗种子根全部浸入0.016~50 μmol/L 茉莉酸(JA)溶液处理2 d,结果表明JA显著抑制种子根的伸长,其抑制程度与JA浓度成正比.不高于2 μmol/L的JA显著促进侧根的发生,每cm的侧根数目随浓度的增加而增加,最多可增加到原来的168%("IR8")和285%(MT10).10 μmol/L的JA仍促进处理过程中和处理后生成根区段的侧根数目的增加,但明显抑制处理前生成根区段侧根的发生,每cm的侧根数目有所下降.  相似文献   

磷有效性与植物侧根的发生发育   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章概述了植物侧根的不同发生发育阶段的形态、生理和分子生物学基础以及磷有效性在侧根发生发育过程中的调控作用,并对这一研究领域的前景作了展望。  相似文献   

将品质均一的油菜(Brassica napus L.)种子播在加入0、0.08、0.40、2.00和10.00/μmol/L等不同浓度水杨酸的MS培养基中进行培养,结果表明,在MS培养基中添加水杨酸对油菜幼苗的侧根发生及内源生长素和脱落酸的含量有明显影响,其中添加0.40 μmol/L水杨酸,油菜幼苗的侧根发生量比对照明显增多,侧根发生量比对照增加47.8%,油菜幼苗的茎叶和根部生长素含量都高于对照和其它处理,而脱落酸含量则低于对照和其它处理。由此表明,水杨酸可能通过调节内源生长素和脱落酸含量变化,进而影响油菜幼苗侧根发生。  相似文献   

本实验研究了ABA对花生侧根发生的影响。结果表明:用10umol·L-1 ABA浸泡处理花生种子1h或在含ABA的培养基上培养,均抑制侧根的发生,侧根发生率降低,数目减少,长度降低,发生的时间推迟1-2d;用ABA合成抑制剂25umol·L-1 NAPR浸泡后的种子,无论在1/2MS还是在含NAA培养基上培养,侧根发生率、侧根的数目和长度均增加。用NAA的极性运输抑制剂10umol·L-1 TIBA浸泡处理种子后,再在含ABA培养基上培养,侧根不发生,说明ABA抑制花生侧根的发生与种子内源ABA和IAA的水平相关。  相似文献   

Li YA  Qi LL  Sun JQ  Liu HY  Li CY 《遗传》2011,33(9):1003-1010
外源茉莉酸处理野生型拟南芥能够促进侧根的形成,而在asa1-1突变体中茉莉酸抑制侧根的形成,这与在该突变体背景下茉莉酸显著降低PIN2蛋白水平密切相关。为了进一步研究茉莉酸诱导PIN2蛋白水平下调的分子机制,文章采用正向遗传学的方法筛选asa1-1抑制子soa,期望获得茉莉酸处理后侧根发育恢复的突变体。通过筛选鉴定获得2个突变体:soa563和soa856。这2个突变体在10μmol/L茉莉酸甲酯处理条件下都能够恢复侧根发育,而且茉莉酸处理后PIN2蛋白水平降低的现象在soa563中被完全抑制,在soa856中被部分抑制。这些结果表明这两个突变基因可能影响了茉莉酸调控的PIN2蛋白水平下调途径,并且参于了茉莉酸对侧根发生的调控。对这两个基因的分离和功能研究将为阐明茉莉酸与生长素互作调控侧根发生的分子机制提供新的知识积累。  相似文献   

在植物体内,细胞周期对于植物的萌发、生长、开花、结实等各个生长发育阶段具有重要作用。细胞周期正常运转需要依赖一些细胞周期蛋白,但是目前关于细胞周期蛋白调控根发育的分子机制还不清楚。通过筛选模式植物拟南芥的根发育异常突变体,分离鉴定了1个突变体dig9(drought inhibition of lateral root growth),该突变体表现为主根短、侧根少、发育迟缓、顶端分生组织变小、叶片扭曲、无主茎等表型。通过图位克隆,成功定位并克隆了DIG9基因,该基因编码一个细胞周期蛋白,是有丝分裂后期促进复合体的一个亚基APC8 (anaphase-promoting complex)。通过亚细胞定位发现DIG9定位于细胞核;qRT-PCR检测发现DIG9基因在根中有较高的表达量,进一步通过启动子-GUS报告系统发现DIG9在根尖、侧根和顶端分生组织等细胞分裂旺盛区域表达。外施IAA能恢复dig9突变体的侧根表型但不能恢复根短表型。dig9突变体对干旱及盐胁迫反应不敏感。研究结果表明DIG9基因可能通过影响IAA的产生来调控植物的侧根发育。  相似文献   

植物侧根发育的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
侧根是植物根系的重要组成部分,其发生和发育受到内源植物激素和外界环境因素的共同影响。生长素在侧根发生起始、侧根原基的发育和侧根突破母体表皮等阶段均发挥关键作用。研究侧根的发育和形态解剖结构以及信号调控途径等,都具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文结合近年来的研究进展,综述了拟南芥和水稻侧根发育的详细过程和影响因素,重点关注生长素在侧根原基发生和发育过程中的作用。  相似文献   

ABA对植物侧根发生的调节(综述)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文概述侧根发生及其受ABA调控的研究进展.ABA通过抑制部分侧根起始基因的表达、抑制侧根分生组织的活化等调控侧根发生.氮水平和干旱胁迫抑制拟南芥侧根发育,ABA可以缓解这种抑制作用.ABA和生长素在侧根原基发生过程中相互作用,其作用机理较为复杂.  相似文献   


Under the stressed conditions plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are able to stimulate plant growth through several mechanisms, including antioxidants alleviation, regulation of stress responsive genes and phytohormones etc. Present study is conducted to investigate the impact of Paenibacillus lentimorbus B-30488 inoculation on salinity and drought stress mitigation in Arabidopsis thaliana through modulation in defense enzymes, phyto-hormones and root system architecture associated gene expression profiling. In vitro experiments clearly demonstrated the role of B-30488 in stimulating the root length, branches, lateral root formation and biomass under salinity and drought stress. The inoculation of B-30488 modulated the phytohormones levels to protect the plants from salinity and drought stress. Similarly, defence enzymes were also activated under the stressed conditions, but B-30488 inoculation reduced the antioxidants content during salinity and drought stress as compared to their respective controls. Microscopy results showed decrease in lateral roots hair formation under both stresses and B-30488 inoculation not only mitigate but also enhanced the lateral root formation. Gene expression analysis through real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) showed modulated expression of several genes related to root development, stress and lateral root formation in B-30488 inoculated seedlings. Results based on the present study, B-30488 is also involved in alteration root architecture, its growth regulation via modulation in phytohormones and genes expression and overall significant improvement in plant growth under stress conditions.


The architecture of a plant’s root system, established postembryonically, results from both coordinated root growth and lateral root branching. The plant hormones auxin and cytokinin are central endogenous signaling molecules that regulate lateral root organogenesis positively and negatively, respectively. Tight control and mutual balance of their antagonistic activities are particularly important during the early phases of lateral root organogenesis to ensure continuous lateral root initiation (LRI) and proper development of lateral root primordia (LRP). Here, we show that the early phases of lateral root organogenesis, including priming and initiation, take place in root zones with a repressed cytokinin response. Accordingly, ectopic overproduction of cytokinin in the root basal meristem most efficiently inhibits LRI. Enhanced cytokinin responses in pericycle cells between existing LRP might restrict LRI near existing LRP and, when compromised, ectopic LRI occurs. Furthermore, our results demonstrate that young LRP are more sensitive to perturbations in the cytokinin activity than are developmentally more advanced primordia. We hypothesize that the effect of cytokinin on the development of primordia possibly depends on the robustness and stability of the auxin gradient.  相似文献   

Auxin Induced Lateral Root Formation in Chicory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The supply of auxins [2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4D),indole-3 acetic acid (1AA) and -naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA)]to excised chicory roots induced the formation of lateral rootmeristems mainly located close to the pre-existing apical rootmeristem. Lateral root growth induced in non-excised roots requiredhigher auxin concentrations. Inhibition of root elongation andconcomittant enlargement of the apices was also observed. SupplyingIAA induced the formation of lateral meristems earlier thanNAA, but subsequently favoured root elongation. Conversely,in the presence of 2,4D, reactivation of pericycle cells wasvery intense, but conversion of primordia to laterals was inhibited.Regardless of the auxin used, the responsive area in which lateralmeristems appeared was located a maximum of 4 mm away from theapical meristem. This region remained devoid of any lateralroot formation under control conditions. Pericycle cells oppositethe xylem poles in the diarch stele regained meristematic activityand divided transversally, giving rise to shorter cells. Thesecells subsequently divided periclinally, forming pairs of cellson the same transverse level. The root primordium extruded throughcortical cells and was surrounded by a lacuna formed to thedetriment of cortical cells.Copyright 1998 Annals of BotanyCompany Auxins,Cichorium intybus, chicory, lateral root, root elongation.  相似文献   

Environmental Regulation of Lateral Root Initiation in Arabidopsis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Plant morphology is dramatically influenced by environmental signals. The growth and development of the root system is an excellent example of this developmental plasticity. Both the number and placement of lateral roots are highly responsive to nutritional cues. This indicates that there must be a signal transduction pathway that interprets complex environmental conditions and makes the "decision" to form a lateral root at a particular time and place. Lateral roots originate from differentiated cells in adult tissues. These cells must reenter the cell cycle, proliferate, and redifferentiate to produce all of the cell types that make up a new organ. Almost nothing is known about how lateral root initiation is regulated or coordinated with growth conditions. Here, we report a novel growth assay that allows this regulatory mechanism to be dissected in Arabidopsis. When Arabidopsis seedlings are grown on nutrient media with a high sucrose to nitrogen ratio, lateral root initiation is dramatically repressed. Auxin localization appears to be a key factor in this nutrient-mediated repression of lateral root initiation. We have isolated a mutant, lateral root initiation 1 (lin1), that overcomes the repressive conditions. This mutant produces a highly branched root system on media with high sucrose to nitrogen ratios. The lin1 phenotype is specific to these growth conditions, suggesting that the lin1 gene is involved in coordinating lateral root initiation with nutritional cues. Therefore, these studies provide novel insights into the mechanisms that regulate the earliest steps in lateral root initiation and that coordinate plant development with the environment.  相似文献   

植物激素是植物体内合成的一类重要小分子物质,其含量可因外界条件变化而改变,并作为信号物质调控植物生长发育和适应环境。水培所用介质体积过小会造成植物生长受限、植株矮小,通常认为是小体积生长介质中营养成分不足所致。研究表明,在不同体积且不含任何营养物质的纯水中培养的水稻(Oryza sativa)亦表现出不同的生长速度,幼...  相似文献   

Carbon Monoxide Promotes Lateral Root Formation in Rapeseed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Carbon monoxide (CO), an odorless, tasteless and colorless gas, has recently proved to be an important bioactive or signalmolecule in mammalian cells, with its effects mediated mainly by nitric oxide (NO). In the present report, we show thatexogenous CO induces lateral root (LR) formation, an NO-dependent process. Administration of the CO donor hematin torapeseed (Brassica napus L. Yangyou 6) seedlings for 3 days, dose-dependently promoted the total length and number ofLRs. These responses were also seen following the application of gaseous CO aqueous solutions of different saturatedconcentrations. Furthermore, the actions of CO on seedlings were fully reversed when the CO scavenger hemoglobin (Hb)or the CO-specific synthetic inhibitor zinc protoporphyrin-IX (ZnPPIX) were added. Interestingly, depletion of endogenousNO using its specific scavenger 2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide potassium salt (cPTIO)or the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitor N~G-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME),led to the complete abolition ofLR development, illustrating an important role for endogenous NO in the action of CO on LR formation. However, theinduction of LR development by 200 umol/L sodium nitroprusside (SNP),an NO donor, was not affected by the presenceor absence of ZnPPIX. Furthermore, using an anatomical approach combined with laser scanning confocal microscopywith the NO-specific fluorophore 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate, we observed that both hematin and SNP increased NOrelease compared with control samples and that the NO signal was mainly distributed in the LR primordia (LRP), especiallyafter 36 h treatment. The LRP were found to have similar morphology in control, SNP-and hematin-treated seedlings.Similarly, the enhancement of the NO signal by CO at 36 h was differentially quenched by the addition of cPTIO, L-NAME,ZnPPIX and Hb. In contrast, the induction of NO caused by SNP was not affected by the application of ZnPPIX. Therefore,we further deduced that CO induces LR formation probably mediated by the NO/NOS pathway and NO may act downstreamof CO signaling, which has also been shown to occur in animals.  相似文献   

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