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Sympathetic neural discharge and vascular resistance during exercise in humans   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between changes in efferent muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) to the lower leg and calf vascular resistance (CVR) during isometric exercise in humans. We made intraneural (microneurographic) determinations of MSNA in the right leg (peroneal nerve) while simultaneously measuring calf blood flow to the left leg, arterial pressure, and heart rate in 10 subjects before (control), during, and after (recovery) isometric handgrip exercise performed for 2.5 min at 15, 25, and 35% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Heart rate and arterial pressure increased above control within the initial 30 s of handgrip at all levels, and the magnitudes of the increases at end contraction were proportional to the intensity of the exercise. In general, neither MSNA nor CVR increased significantly above control levels during handgrip at 15% MVC. Similarly, neither variable increased above control during the initial 30 s of handgrip at 25 and 35% MVC; however, during the remainder of the contraction period, progressive, parallel increases were observed in MSNA and CVR (P less than 0.05). The correlation coefficients relating changes in MSNA to changes in CVR for the individual subjects averaged 0.63 +/- 0.07 (SE) (range 0.30-0.91) and 0.94 +/- 0.06 (range 0.80-0.99) for the 25 and 35% MVC levels, respectively. During recovery, both MSNA and CVR returned rapidly toward control levels. These findings demonstrate that muscle sympathetic nerve discharge and vascular resistance in the lower leg are tightly coupled during and after isometric arm exercise in humans. Furthermore, the exercise-induced adjustments in the two variables are both contraction intensity and time dependent.  相似文献   

Tolerance to high-intensity constant-power (P) exercise is well described by a hyperbola with two parameters: a curvature constant (W') and power asymptote termed "critical power" (CP). Since the ability to sustain exercise is closely related to the ability to meet the ATP demand in a steady state, we reasoned that pulmonary O(2) uptake (Vo(2)) kinetics would relate to the P-tolerable duration (t(lim)) parameters. We hypothesized that 1) the fundamental time constant (τVo(2)) would relate inversely to CP; and 2) the slow-component magnitude (ΔVo(2sc)) would relate directly to W'. Fourteen healthy men performed cycle ergometry protocols to the limit of tolerance: 1) an incremental ramp test; 2) a series of constant-P tests to determine Vo(2max), CP, and W'; and 3) repeated constant-P tests (WR(6)) normalized to a 6 min t(lim) for τVo(2) and ΔVo(2sc) estimation. The WR(6) t(lim) averaged 365 ± 16 s, and Vo(2max) (4.18 ± 0.49 l/min) was achieved in every case. CP (range: 171-294 W) was inversely correlated with τVo(2) (18-38 s; R(2) = 0.90), and W' (12.8-29.9 kJ) was directly correlated with ΔVo(2sc) (0.42-0.96 l/min; R(2) = 0.76). These findings support the notions that 1) rapid Vo(2) adaptation at exercise onset allows a steady state to be achieved at higher work rates compared with when Vo(2) kinetics are slower; and 2) exercise exceeding this limit initiates a "fatigue cascade" linking W' to a progressive increase in the O(2) cost of power production (Vo(2sc)), which, if continued, results in attainment of Vo(2max) and exercise intolerance. Collectively, these data implicate Vo(2) kinetics as a key determinant of high-intensity exercise tolerance in humans.  相似文献   

Decay of inspiratory muscle pressure during expiration in conscious humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In eight conscious spontaneously breathing adults we studied the decay of pressure developed by the inspiratory muscles during expiration (PmusI). PmusI was obtained according to the following equation: PmusI(t) = Ers X V(t) - Rrs X V(t), where V is volume and V is flow at any instant t during spontaneous expiration, and Ers and Rrs are, respectively, the passive elastance and resistance of the total respiratory system. Ers was determined with the relaxation method, and resistance with the interrupter method. All subjects showed marked braking of expiratory flow by PmusI. The mean time for PmusI to reduce to 50 and 0% amounted, respectively, to 23 and 79% of expiratory time. During expiration, 24-55% of the elastic energy stored during inspiration was used as resistive work and the remainder (45-76%) as negative work.  相似文献   

Effect of upper airway negative pressure on inspiratory drive during sleep   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To determine the effect of upper airway(UA) negative pressure and collapse during inspiration on regulation ofbreathing, we studied four unanesthetized female dogs duringwakefulness and sleep while they breathed via a fenestratedtracheostomy tube, which was sealed around the permanent trachealstoma. The snout was sealed with an airtight mask, thereby isolatingthe UA when the fenestration (Fen) was closed and exposing the UA tointrathoracic pressure changes, but not to flow changes, when Fen wasopen. During tracheal occlusion with Fen closed, inspiratory time(TI) increased duringwakefulness, non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep and rapid-eye-movement(REM) sleep (155 ± 8, 164 ± 11, and 161 ± 32%,respectively), reflecting the removal of inhibitory lung inflationreflexes. During tracheal occlusion with Fen open (vs. Fen closed):1) the UA remained patent;2)TI further increased duringwakefulness and NREM (215 ± 52 and 197 ± 28%, respectively) but nonsignificantly during REM sleep (196 ± 42%);3) mean rate of rise of diaphragmEMG (EMGdi/TI) and rate offall of tracheal pressure(Ptr/TI) were decreased,reflecting an additional inhibitory input from UA receptors; and4) bothEMGdi/TI andPtr/TI were decreasedproportionately more as inspiration proceeded, suggesting greaterreflex inhibition later in the effort. Similar inhibitory effects ofexposing the UA to negative pressure (via an open tracheal Fen) wereseen when an inspiratory resistive load was applied over severalbreaths during wakefulness and sleep. These inhibitory effectspersisted even in the face of rising chemical stimuli. This inhibitionof inspiratory motor output is alinear within an inspiration andreflects the activation of UA pressure-sensitive receptors by UAdistortion, with greater distortion possibly occurring later in theeffort.


Seven normal human subjects inspired a CO2-O2 mixture from a constant-flow generator while performing maximal inspiratory maneuvers from functional residual capacity. End-tidal CO2 (ETCO2) was maintained at either 5.5 (normocapnia), 3.5 (hypocapnia), or 7% (hypercapnia) on separate testing days. Subjects attained maximal mouth pressure (Pm) while breathing at either 1.25 or 1 l/s, utilizing a fixed breathing pattern (duty cycle 0.43) with an inspiratory time of 1.5 s. Maximal Pm was measured at rest and then during a 10-min endurance trial in which subjects repeated maximal voluntary inspirations with constant flow and breathing pattern. The endurance Pm data were fit to nonlinear exponential regression. The results indicated that 1) maximal Pm at rest was unaffected by changing ETCO2; 2) the rate of Pm decay over time was accelerated by hypercapnia, whereas hypocapnia showed no consistent effects; and 3) "sustainable" Pm, attained toward the end of the endurance trial, was not decreased; therefore sustainable force output was preserved in response to changing ETCO2.  相似文献   

A central topic for conservation science is evaluating how human activities influence global species diversity. Humanity exacerbates extinction rates. But by what mechanisms does humanity drive the emergence of new species? We review human-mediated speciation, compare speciation and known extinctions, and discuss the challenges of using net species diversity as a conservation objective. Humans drive rapid evolution through relocation, domestication, hunting and novel ecosystem creation—and emerging technologies could eventually provide additional mechanisms. The number of species relocated, domesticated and hunted during the Holocene is of comparable magnitude to the number of observed extinctions. While instances of human-mediated speciation are known, the overall effect these mechanisms have upon speciation rates has not yet been quantified. We also explore the importance of anthropogenic influence upon divergence in microorganisms. Even if human activities resulted in no net loss of species diversity by balancing speciation and extinction rates, this would probably be deemed unacceptable. We discuss why, based upon ‘no net loss’ conservation literature—considering phylogenetic diversity and other metrics, risk aversion, taboo trade-offs and spatial heterogeneity. We conclude that evaluating speciation alongside extinction could result in more nuanced understanding of biosphere trends, clarifying what it is we actually value about biodiversity.  相似文献   

Regional distribution of diaphragmatic blood flow (Q; 15-microns-diam radionuclide-labeled microspheres) was studied in normal (n = 7) and laryngeal hemiplegic (LH; n = 7) ponies to determine whether the added stress of inspiratory resistive breathing during maximal exercise may cause 1) redistribution of diaphragmatic Q and 2) crural diaphragmatic Q to exceed that in maximally exercising normal ponies. LH-induced augmentation of already high exertional work of breathing resulted in diminished locomotor exercise capacity so that maximal exercise in LH ponies occurred at 25 km/h compared with 32 km/h for normal ponies. The costal and crural regions received similar Q in both groups at rest. However, exercise-induced increments in perfusion were significantly greater in the costal region of the diaphragm. At 25 km/h, costal diaphragmatic perfusion was 154 and 143% of the crural diaphragmatic Q in normal and LH ponies. At 32 km/h, Q in costal diaphragm of normal ponies was 136% of that in the crural region. Costal and crural diaphragmatic Q in LH ponies exercised at 25 km/h exceeded that for normal ponies but was similar to the latter during exercise at 32 km/h. Perfusion pressure for the three conditions was also similar. It is concluded that diaphragmatic perfusion heterogeneity in exercising ponies was preserved during the added stress of inspiratory resistive breathing. It was also demonstrated that vascular resistance in the crural and costal regions of the diaphragm in maximally exercised LH ponies remained similar to that in maximally exercising normal ponies.  相似文献   

To determinewhether nonchemical inhibition of respiratory activity occurs duringinspiratory pressure support (IPS) ventilation (IPSV), respiratorymotor output (in 9 subjects), obtained by calculatingtransdiaphragmatic pressure-time products, and central respiratoryoutput (in 5 subjects), obtained by integrating the electromyographicactivity of the diaphragm (EMGdi) during mechanical inspiratory time,EMGdi per minute, and electrical inspiratory time, asdetermined from onset to peak EMGdi, were compared during spontaneous ventilation (control) and IPSV with(IPS+CO2) and without (IPS)correction of hypocapnia. Both IPS andIPS+CO2 induced significantdecreases in transdiaphragmatic pressure-time products (46 ± 31 and53 ± 23%, respectively), EMGdi during mechanical inspiratory time(49 ± 12 and 57 ± 14%, respectively), EMGdi per minute (65 ± 22 and 69 ± 15%, respectively), andelectrical inspiratory time (73 ± 8 and 65 ± 6%,respectively). Because correction of hypocapnia failed to eliminate themarked inhibition of both respiratory and central motor output seenwith IPS, we conclude that nonchemical inhibition of respiratoryactivity occurs during IPSV.


We compared respiratory patterning at rest and during steady cycle exercise at work rates of 30, 60, and 90 W in 7 male chronically laryngectomized subjects and 13 normal controls. Breathing was measured with a pneumotachograph and end-tidal PCO2 by mass spectrometer. Inspired air was humidified and enriched to 35% O2. Peak flow, volume, and times for the inspiratory and expiratory half cycles, time for expiratory flow, minute ventilation, and mean inspiratory flow were computer averaged over at least 40 breaths at rest and during the last 2 min of 5-min periods at each work rate. During the transition from rest to exercise and with increasing work rate in both groups, there was an increase in respiratory rate and depth with selective and progressive shortening of expiratory time; these responses were not significantly different between the two groups, but there was a suggestion that respiratory "drive" as quantitated by mean inspiratory flow may limit in the laryngectomized subjects at high work rates. Time for expiratory flow increased on transition from rest to exercise and then decreased in both groups as the work rate increased; it was shorter in the laryngectomy than control group at all levels. In the laryngectomized subjects there was significantly more breath-by-breath scatter in some variables at rest, but there was no difference during exercise. It is concluded that chronic removal of the larynx and upper airways in mildly hyperoxic conscious humans has only subtle and, therefore, functionally insignificant effects on breathing during moderate exercise. Evidence is provided that the upper airways can modulate expiratory flow but not expiratory time during exercise.  相似文献   

Fat and carbohydrate are the principal substrates that fuel aerobic ATP synthesis in skeletal muscle. Most endogenous fat is stored as triacylglycerol in subcutaneous and deep visceral adipose tissue. Smaller quantities of triacylglycerol are deposited as lipid droplets inside skeletal muscle fibers. The potential role of intramyocellular triacylglycerol (IMTG) as a substrate source during exercise in humans has recently regained much of its interest because of the proposed functional relationship between IMTG accumulation and the development of skeletal muscle insulin resistance. Exercise likely represents an effective means to prevent excess IMTG accretion by stimulating its rate of oxidation. However, there is much controversy on the actual contribution of the IMTG pool as a substrate source during exercise. The apparent discrepancy in the literature likely stems from methodological difficulties that have been associated with the methods used to estimate IMTG oxidation during exercise. However, recent studies using stable isotope methodology, 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, and electron and/or immunofluorescence microscopy all support the contention that the IMTG pool can function as an important substrate source during exercise. Although more research is warranted, IMTG mobilization and/or oxidation during exercise seem to be largely determined by exercise intensity, exercise duration, macronutrient composition of the diet, training status, gender, and/or age. In addition, indirect evidence suggests that the capacity to mobilize and/or oxidize IMTG is substantially impaired in an obese and/or Type 2 diabetic state. As we now become aware that skeletal muscle has an enormous capacity to oxidize IMTG stores during exercise, more research is warranted to develop combined exercise, nutritional, and/or pharmacological interventions to effectively stimulate IMTG oxidation in sedentary, obese, and/or Type 2 diabetes patients.  相似文献   

In five healthy subjects, we studied the effects of controlled mechanical unloading of the respiratory system on ventilatory control during moderate exercise, utilizing a modified positive-pressure ventilator (IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. BME-33: 361-365, 1986). We were especially interested in whether isocapnia was maintained when a portion of the normal ventilatory response to constant-load cycling was subserved by the ventilator. The mechanical unloading was achieved by "assisting" airflow throughout inspiration in a constant proportion to instantaneous flow. Two modest degrees of assistance (A1 = 1.5 and A2 = 3.0 cmH2O X l-1 X s) were imposed. The assistance caused minute ventilation (VE) to increase immediately (inspiratory time shortening and tidal volume rising) and end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) to fall. Some 10-15 s later, inspiratory occlusion pressure (P100) decreased, and in the new steady-state VE and PETCO2 were virtually restored to their control exercise levels. The modest residual hyperventilation [delta PETCO2 = -0.9 Torr (A1) and -1.6 Torr (A2)], which was not significant statistically, contrasted markedly with the much larger increase predicted for VE had there been no compensatory reduction in ventilatory drive (as evidenced by the fall in P100). Consistent with earlier studies utilizing resistive loading (J. Appl. Physiol. 35: 361-366, 1973 and Acta Physiol. Scand. 120: 557-565, 1984), these observations suggest that ventilatory drive during moderate exercise is controlled to compensate for modest changes in respiratory-mechanical load, so that VE is preserved at a level appropriate to metabolic rate or nearly so.  相似文献   

Control of exercise hyperpnea during hypercapnia in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Previous studies have yielded conflicting results on the ventilatory response to CO2 during muscular exercise. To obviate possible experimental errors contributing to such variability, we have examined the CO2-exercise interaction in terms of the ventilatory response to exercise under conditions of controlled hypercapnia. Eight healthy male volunteers underwent a sequence of 5-min incremental treadmill exercise runs from rest up to a maximum CO2 output (VCO2) of approximately 1.5 l . min-1 in four successive steps. The arterial PCO2 (PaCO2) at rest was stabilized at the control level or up to 14 Torr above control by adding 0-6% CO2 to the inspired air. Arterial isocapnia (SD = 1.2 Torr) throughout each exercise run was maintained by continual adjustment of the inspired PCO2. At all PaCO2 levels the response in total ventilation (VE) was linearly related to exercise VCO2. Hypercapnia resulted in corresponding increases in both the slope (S) and zero intercept (V0) of the VE-VCO2 curve; these being directly proportional to the rise in PaCO2 (means +/- SE: delta S/ delta PaCO2, 2.73 +/- 0.28 Torr-1; delta V0/ delta PaCO2, 1.67 +/- 0.18 l . min-1 . Torr-1). Thus the ventilatory response to concomitant hypercapnia and exercise was characterized by a synergistic (additive plus multiplicative) effect, suggesting a positive interaction between these stimuli. The increased exercise sensitivity in hypercapnia is qualitatively consistent with the hypothesis that VE is controlled to minimize the conflicting challenges due to chemical drive and the mechanical work of breathing (Poon, C. S. In: Modelling and Control of Breathing, New York: Elsevier, 1983, p. 189-196).  相似文献   

Oronasal partitioning of ventilation during exercise in humans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The partitioning of oronasal breathing was studied in five normal subjects during progressive exercise. Subjects performed three to five identical runs, each consisting of four 1-min work periods at increments of 50 W. Nasal and oral airflow were measured simultaneously using a partitioned face mask both during and for 4 min after exercise. Total mean flows were the sum of nasal and oral flows. At a total mean inspiratory flow of 2 l/s, the nasal fraction of total flow was 0.36 +/- 0.04 (SE) and decreased by 6 +/- 3% between total flows of 1.5 and 2.5 l/s. Throughout exercise, the nasal fraction of total mean inspiratory flow did not differ from that of total expiratory flow and was similar to that of total mean inspiratory flow during the postexercise period at a corresponding total mean flow (both P greater than 0.02). The results show that oronasal flow partitioning is not directly due to the exercise itself but is related to the level of ventilation and is uninfluenced by the direction of upper airway flow (i.e., inspiratory vs. expiratory). These findings suggest tightly controlled modulation of the relative resistances of the oral and/or nasal pathways.  相似文献   

Changes of respiratory input impedance during breathing in humans.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Changes of total respiratory resistance (Rrs) and reactance (Xrs) were studied between 8 and 32 Hz at five moments during the respiratory cycle in healthy adults (group A) and children (group B) and in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (group C) and with upper airway obstruction (group D). Two forced oscillation techniques were used: the conventional one and the head generator, with the oscillations applied at the mouth and around the head of the subject, respectively. Both techniques yielded similar results. Rrs is lowest during the transition from inspiration to expiration and highest in the course of expiration, except in group D. Mean Xrs is highest at the transitions from inspiration to expiration or vice versa and lowest during expiration, except in group D. In groups C and D, the increases of Rrs are accompanied by a more pronounced negative frequency dependence of Rrs. The variations of Rrs and Xrs appear to be markedly flow dependent and may be a consequence of the interaction of breathing with oscillatory flows.  相似文献   

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