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The bacterial flagellum consists of a long external filament connected to a membrane-embedded basal body at the cell surface by a short curved structure called the hook. In Salmonella enterica, the hook extends 55 nm from the cell surface. FliK, a secreted molecular ruler, controls hook length. Upon hook completion, FliK induces a secretion-specificity switch to filament-type substrate secretion. Here, we demonstrate that an infrequent ruler mechanism determines hook length. FliK is intermittently secreted during hook polymerization. The probability of the specificity switch is an increasing function of hook length. By uncoupling hook polymerization from FliK expression, we illustrate that FliK secretion immediately triggers the specificity switch in hooks greater than the physiological length. The experimental data display excellent agreement with a mathematical model of the infrequent ruler hypothesis. Merodiploid bacteria expressing simultaneously short and long ruler variants displayed hook-length control by the short ruler, further supporting the infrequent ruler model. Finally, the velocity of FliK secretion determines the probability of a productive FliK interaction with the secretion apparatus to change secretion substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Hook forms a universal joint, which mediates the torque of the flagellar motor to the outer helical filaments. Domain organization of hook protein from Salmonella typhimurium was investigated by exploring thermal denaturation properties of its proteolytic fragments. The most stable part of hook protein involves residues 148 to 355 and consists of two domains, as revealed by deconvolution analysis of the calorimetric melting profiles. Residues 72-147 and 356-370 form another domain, while the terminal regions of the molecule, residues 1-71 and 371-403, avoid a compact tertiary structure in the monomeric state. These folding domains were assigned to the morphological domains of hook subunits known from EM image reconstructions, revealing the overall folding of hook protein in its filamentous state.  相似文献   

In wild-type Salmonella, the length of the flagellar hook, a structure consisting of subunits of the hook protein FlgE, is fairly tightly controlled at approximately 55 nm. Because fliK mutants produce abnormally elongated hook structures that lack the filament structure, FliK appears to be involved in both the termination of hook elongation and the initiation of filament formation. FliK, a soluble protein, is believed to function together with a membrane protein, FlhB, of the export apparatus to mediate the switching of export substrate specificity (from hook protein to flagellin) upon completion of hook assembly. We have examined the location of FliK during flagellar morphogenesis. FliK was found in the culture supernatants from the wild-type strain and from flgD (hook capping protein), flgE (hook protein) and flgK (hook-filament junction protein) mutants, but not in that from a flgB (rod protein) mutant. The amount of FliK in the culture supernatant from the flgE mutant was much higher than in that from the flgK mutant, indicating that FliK is most efficiently exported prior to the completion of hook assembly. Export was impaired by deletions within the N-terminal region of FliK, but not by C-terminal truncations. A decrease in the level of exported FliK resulted in elongated hook structures, sometimes with filaments attached. Our results suggest that the export of FliK during hook assembly is important for hook-length control and the switching of export substrate specificity.  相似文献   

During flagellar morphogenesis in Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli, the fliK gene product is responsible for hook length control. A previous study (M. Homma, T. Iino, and R. M. Macnab, J. Bacteriol. 170:2221-2228, 1988) had suggested that the fliK gene may generate two products; we have confirmed that both proteins are products of the fliK gene and have eliminated several possible explanations for the two forms. We have determined the DNA sequence of the fliK gene in both bacterial species. The deduced amino acid sequences of the wild-type FliK proteins of S. typhimurium and E. coli correspond to molecular masses of 41,748 and 39,246 Da, respectively, and are fairly hydrophilic. Alignment of the sequences gives an identity level of 50%, which is low for homologous flagellar proteins from S. typhimurium and E. coli; the C-terminal sequence is the most highly conserved part (71% identity in the last 154 amino acids). The central and C-terminal regions are rich in proline and glutamine residues, respectively. Linker insertion mutagenesis of the conserved C-terminal region completely abolished motility, whereas disruption of the less conserved N-terminal and central regions had little or no effect. We suggest that the N-terminal (or N-terminal and central) and C-terminal regions may constitute domains. For several reasons, we consider it unlikely that FliK is functioning as a molecular ruler for determining hook length and conclude that it is probably employing a novel mechanism.  相似文献   

FlgD is known to be absolutely required for hook assembly, yet it has not been detected in the mature flagellum. We have overproduced and purified FlgD and raised an antibody against it. By using this antibody, we have detected FlgD in substantial amounts in isolated basal bodies from flgA, flgE, flgH, flgI, flgK, and fliK mutants, in much smaller amounts in those from the wild type and flgL, fliA, fliC, fliD, and fliE mutants, and not at all in those from flgB, flgD, flgG, and flgJ mutants. In terms of the morphological assembly pathway, these results indicate that FlgD is first added to the structure when the rod is completed and is discarded when the hook, having reached its mature length, has the first of the hook-filament junction proteins, FlgK, added to its tip. Immunoelectron microscopy established that FlgD initially is located at the distal end of the rod and eventually is located at the distal end of the hook. Thus, it appears to act as a hook-capping protein to enable assembly of hook protein subunits, much as another flagellar protein, FliD, does for the flagellin subunits of the filament. However, whereas FliD is associated with the filament tip indefinitely, FlgD is only transiently associated with the hook tip; i.e., it acts as a scaffolding protein. When FlgD was added to the culture medium of a flgD mutant, cells gained motility; thus, although the hook cap is normally added endogenously, it can be added exogenously. When culture media were analyzed for the presence of hook protein, it was found only with the flgD mutant and, in smaller amounts, the fliK (polyhook) mutant. Thus, although FlgD is needed for assembly of hook protein, it is not needed for its export.  相似文献   

Role of the flaR gene in flagellar hook formation in Salmonella spp.   总被引:14,自引:11,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Flagellar filaments were reconstituted by polymerization with exogenously supplied flagellin monomers at the tips of normal hooks on Salmonella cells which were missing the filaments because of mutations in either the flaL or flaU gene or the flagellin genes H1 and H2. Reconstitution did not occur at the tips of polyhooks of the flaR mutant cells. Thus, the absence of flagellar filaments in the flaR mutant cells was probably caused by the inability of the polyhooks to work as polymerization nuclei for flagellin. A Phf+ mutant which produced polyhooks with flagellar filaments was isolated from a flaR polyhook mutant. Genetic analysis of the Phf+ mutant showed that it carried an intracistronic suppressor mutation of the original flaR mutation. This result indicated that the flaR gene regulates hook length and initiates flagellin formation.  相似文献   

Among motile revertants isolated from flagellar hook-deficient ( flgE ) mutants of Salmonella typhimurium one produced only short flagellar filaments in L broth, despite the fact that flagellin itself has the ability to polymerize into long filaments in vitro . This pseudorevertant has an intragenic suppressor, resulting in a two-amino-acid substitution (Asp-Gln→Ala-Arg) in the C-terminal region of the hook protein, FlgE. The flagellation of the pseudorevertant was greatly affected by the concentration of NaCl in the culture media: we observed no filaments in the absence of NaCl, short filaments in 1% NaCl and full-length filaments in 2% NaCl. Electron microscopy of osmotically shocked cells showed that the number of hook–basal bodies on cells was constant under various NaCl conditions. Furthermore, we found that the mutant hook was straight rather than curved. We monitored the cellular flagellin level of this pseudorevertant under various NaCl concentrations by immunoblotting. It was revealed that little flagellin was present under NaCl-free conditions in contrast with the ordinary amounts of flagellin present in 2% NaCl. As the expression of flagellin is regulated by competitive interaction of a sigma factor, FliA, and a corresponding anti-sigma factor, FlgM, we also observed the effect of NaCl on the secretion of FlgM. FlgM was secreted into the media in more than 1% NaCl but accumulated inside the cells in the absence of NaCl, indicating that the failure of secretion of FlgM in the absence of salt was the cause of the impaired elongation of filaments.  相似文献   

Nine temperature-sensitive nonflagellate mutants defective in flaFV were isolated from a strain of Salmonella typhimurium. Among them three mutants were found to produce flagella with abnormally shaped (either straight or irregularly curved) hooks at the permissive temperature. Two mutations that rendered hooks straight were located in one of the eight segments of flaFV defined by deletion mapping. The mutation that rendered hooks irregularly curved was located in a different segment. An flaR mutation was introduced into the latter mutant. At the permissive temperature, the resulting double mutant produced polyhooks whose wavelength and amplitude were both exceedingly reduced. These polyhook structures were more thermolabile than those of the flaFV+ strain. Hook protein of the former strain was shown to have a slightly positive electric charge compared with that of the latter. From these results and other available information, it is inferred that flaFV is the structural gene for the hook protein in Salmonella.  相似文献   

The flagellar filament-hook complex was removed from Campylobacter cells by shearing and was purified by differential solubilization and ultracentrifugation at pH 11 followed by cesium chloride buoyant density ultracentrifugation. Flagellar filaments were then dissociated in 0.2 M glycine-HCl (pH 2.2), and purified hooks were collected by ultracentrifugation. The hooks (105 by 24 nm) each displayed a conical protrusion at the proximal end, a concave cavity at the distal end, and helically arranged subunits. The apparent subunit molecular weight of the hook protein of seven of the eight Campylobacter strains studied was 92,500, while that of the other was 94,000. N-terminal amino acid analysis of the hook protein of two strains of Campylobacter coli and one strain of Campylobacter jejuni demonstrated that the first 15 residues were identical. Amino acid composition analysis showed that the Campylobacter hook protein contained 35.7% hydrophobic and 9.5% basic residues. Isoelectric focusing determined that the hook protein was acidic, with a pI of 4.9. Comparisons with the Salmonella and Caulobacter hook protein compositions and N-terminal amino acid sequences indicated that the Campylobacter protein was related, but more distantly than these two proteins were to each other. Immunochemical analysis with four different antisera and a panel of eight strains showed that serospecific epitopes were immunodominant. The Campylobacter hook proteins carried both cross-reactive and specific non-surface-exposed epitopes, as well as serospecific epitopes which were exposed on the surface of the assembled hook. One class of these surface-exposed hook epitopes was shared with serospecific flagellin epitopes and may involve posttranslational modification, while the second class of epitopes was hook specific and not shared with flagellin.  相似文献   

Three flagellar proteins, FliG, FliM, and FliN (FliGMN), are the components of the C ring of the flagellar motor. The genes encoding these proteins are multifunctional; they show three different phenotypes (Fla(-), Mot(-), and Che(-)), depending on the sites and types of mutations. Some of the Mot(-) mutants previously characterized are found to be motile. Reexamination of all Mot(-) mutants in fliGMN genes so far studied revealed that many of them are actually temperature sensitive (TS); that is, they are motile at 20 degrees C but nonmotile at 37 degrees C. There were two types of TS mutants: one caused a loss of function that was not reversed by a return to the permissive temperature (rigid TS), and the other caused a loss that was reversed (hyper-TS). The rigid TS mutants showed an all-or-none phenotype; that is, once a structure was formed, the structure and function were stable against temperature shifts. All of fliM and fliN and most of the fliG TS mutants belong to this group. On the other hand, the hyper-TS mutants (three of the fliG mutants) showed a temporal swimming/stop phenotype, responding to temporal temperature shifts when the structure was formed at a permissive temperature. Those hyper-TS mutation sites are localized in the C-terminal domain of the FliG molecules at sites that are different from the previously proposed functional sites. We discuss a role for this new region of FliG in the torque generation of the flagellar motor.  相似文献   

Salmonella hook-length control protein FliK, which consists of 405 amino acid residues, switches substrate specificity of the type III flagellar protein export apparatus from rod/ hook-type to filament-type by causing a conformational change in the cytoplasmic domain of FlhB (FlhB(C)) upon completion of the hook assembly. An N-terminal region of FliK contains an export signal, and a highly conserved C-terminal region consisting of amino acid residues 265-405 (FliK((265-405))) is directly involved in the switching of FlhB(C). Here, we have investigated the structural properties of FliK. Gel filtration chromatography, multi-angle light scattering and analytical ultracentrifugation showed that FliK is monomeric in solution and has an elongated shape. Limited proteolysis showed that FliK consists of two domains, the N-terminal (FliK(N)) and C-terminal domains (FliK(C)), and that the first 203 and the last 35 amino acid residues are partially unfolded and subjected to proteolysis. Both FliK(N) and FliK(C) are more globular than full-length FliK, suggesting that these domains are connected in tandem. Overproduced His-FliK((199-405)) failed to switch export specificity of the export apparatus. Affinity blotting revealed that FlhB(C) binds to FliK and FliK((1-147)), but not to FliK((265-405)). Based on these results, we propose that FliK(N) within the central channel of the hook-basal body during the export of FliK is the sensor and transmitter of hook completion information and that the binding interaction of FliK(C) to FlhB(C) is structurally regulated by FliK(N) so as to occur only when the hook has reached a preset length. The conformational flexibility of FliK(C) may play a role in interfering with switching at an inappropriate point of flagellar assembly.  相似文献   

The flagellar motor/switch complex, consisting of the three proteins FliG, FliM, and FliN, plays a central role in bacterial motility and chemotaxis. We have analyzed FliG, using 10-amino-acid deletions throughout the protein and testing the deletion clones for their motility and dominance properties and for interaction of the deletion proteins with the MS ring protein FliF. Only the N-terminal 46 amino acids of FliG (segments 1 to 4) were important for binding to FliF; consistent with this, an N-terminal fragment consisting of residues 1 to 108 bound FliF strongly, whereas a C-terminal fragment consisting of residues 109 to 331 did not bind FliF at all. Deletions in the region from residues 37 to 96 (segments 4 to 9), 297 to 306 (segment 30), and 317 to 326 (segment 32) permitted swarming, though not at wild-type levels; all other deletions caused paralyzed or, more commonly, nonflagellate phenotype. Except for those near the N terminus, deletions had a dominant negative effect on wild-type cells.  相似文献   

Flagellar hook protein from Salmonella SJ25.   总被引:17,自引:14,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
From acid-disintegrated flagellar hooks of Salmonella SJ25 an immunochemically pure preparation of hook protein was obtained by column chromatography. The molecular weight of the protein determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel electrophoresis was 43,000, whereas that of SJ25 flagellin was 56,000. The amino-terminal residue of the hook protein was determined to be seryl. The amino acid composition of the protein was determined, the results being very similar to that for an Escheria coli hook protein reported by Silverman and Simon (1972). Within a wavelength range of 200 to 250 nm, our purified preparation of hook protein gave a circular dichroism spectrum with unusually small amplitudes, suggesting that the alpha-helix content of the protein was very low.  相似文献   

The length of flagellar hooks isolated from wild-type and mutant cells with various hook lengths were measured on electron micrographs. The length of the wild-type hook showed a narrow distribution with a peak (+/- standard deviation) at 55.0 +/- 5.9 nm, whereas fliK mutants (so-called polyhook mutants) showed a broad distribution of hook lengths ranging from 40 to 900 nm, strongly indicating that FliK is involved in hook length determination. Among pseudorevertants isolated from such polyhook mutants, fliK intragenic suppressors gave rise to polyhook filaments. However, intergenic suppressors mapping to flhB also gave rise to hooks of abnormal length, albeit they were much shorter than polyhooks. Furthermore, double mutations of flhB and flgK (the structural gene for hook-associated protein 1; HAP1) resulted in polyhooks, suggesting another way in which hook length can be affected. The roles of FliK, FlhB, and HAP1 in hook length determination are discussed.  相似文献   

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