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Zhang H  Zhong X  Ye Y 《BMC genetics》2005,6(Z1):S118
Multivariate linkage analysis using several correlated traits may provide greater statistical power to detect susceptibility genes in loci whose effects are too small to be detected in univariate analysis. In this analysis, we apply a new approach and perform a linkage analysis of several electrophysiological phenotypes of the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism data of the Genetic Analysis Workshop 14. Our approach is based on a variance-component model to map candidate genes using repeated or longitudinal measurements. It can take into account covariate effects and time-dependent genetic effects in general pedigree data. We compare our results with the ones obtained by SOLAR using single measurement data. Our multivariate linkage analysis found linkage evidence on two regions on chromosome 4: around marker GABRB1 at 51.4 cM and marker FABP2 at 116.8 cM (unadjusted p-value = 0.00006).  相似文献   

An extension to current maximum-likelihood variance-components procedures for mapping quantitative-trait loci in sib pairs that allows a simultaneous test of allelic association is proposed. The method involves modeling of the allelic means for a test of association, with simultaneous modeling of the sib-pair covariance structure for a test of linkage. By partitioning of the mean effect of a locus into between- and within-sibship components, the method controls for spurious associations due to population stratification and admixture. The power and efficacy of the method are illustrated through simulation of various models of both real and spurious association.  相似文献   

Wu CC  Amos CI 《Human heredity》2003,55(4):153-162
Genetic linkage analysis is a powerful tool for the identification of disease susceptibility loci. Among the most commonly applied genetic linkage strategies are affected sib-pair tests, but the statistical properties of these tests have not been well characterized. Here, we present a study of the distribution of affected sib-pair tests comparing the type I error rate and the power of the mean test and the proportion test, which are the most commonly used, along with a novel exact test. In contrast to existing literature, our findings showed that the mean and proportion tests have inflated type I error rates, especially when used with small samples. We developed and applied corrections to the tests which provide an excellent adjustment to the type I error rate for both small and large samples. We also developed a novel approach to identify the areas of higher power for the mean test versus the proportion test, providing a wider and simpler comparison with fewer assumptions about parameter values than existing approaches require.  相似文献   

The results of sib-pair linkage studies may be compromised if a substantial number of putative sib pairs are not actually sib pairs. For classification of pairs in a sib-pair genome scan, I propose multipoint methods that are based on a Markov-process model of allele sharing along the chromosome. These methods can be implemented by standard algorithms that compute multipoint marker allele-sharing probabilities for sib pairs. When marker data from at least half the genome are used, misclassification rates are small. The methods will be implemented in an upcoming version of the computer software package S.A.G.E.  相似文献   

Moore JH 《Human heredity》2001,52(2):113-115
The influence of epistasis on a quantitative trait can reduce the power of linkage analysis to identify the underlying loci. In the present study, we simulated a complex trait derived from a dynamic one-locus gene expression system with epistasis arising from feedback regulation and tested the power of sib-pair linkage analysis methods for detecting the underlying quantitative trait locus (QTL). Using this simple genetic architecture, we demonstrate that the power of sib-pair linkage analysis can be greatly improved if measures of complex trait dynamics are considered.  相似文献   

Using the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13 simulated data set, we compared the technique of importance sampling to several other methods designed to adjust p-values for multiple testing: the Bonferroni correction, the method proposed by Feingold et al., and na?ve Monte Carlo simulation. We performed affected sib-pair linkage analysis for each of the 100 replicates for each of five binary traits and adjusted the derived p-values using each of the correction methods. The type I error rates for each correction method and the ability of each of the methods to detect loci known to influence trait values were compared. All of the methods considered were conservative with respect to type I error, especially the Bonferroni method. The ability of these methods to detect trait loci was also low. However, this may be partially due to a limitation inherent in our binary trait definitions.  相似文献   

Relative-pair designs are routinely employed in linkage studies of complex genetic diseases and quantitative traits. Valid application of these methods requires correct specification of the relationships of the pairs. For example, within a sibship, presumed full sibs actually might be MZ twins, half sibs, or unrelated. Misclassification of half-sib pairs or unrelated individuals as full sibs can result in reduced power to detect linkage. When other family members, such as parents or additional siblings, are available, incorrectly specified relationships usually will be detected through apparent incompatibilities with Mendelian inheritance. Without other family members, sibling relationships cannot be determined absolutely, but they still can be inferred probabilistically if sufficient genetic marker data are available. In this paper, we describe a simple likelihood ratio method to infer the true relationship of a putative sibling pair. We explore the number of markers required to accurately infer relationships typically encountered in a sib-pair study, as a function of marker allele frequencies, marker spacing, and genotyping error rate, and we conclude that very accurate inference of relationships can be achieved, given the marker data from even part of a genome scan. We compare our method to related methods of relationship inference that have been suggested. Finally, we demonstrate the value of excluding non-full sibs in a genetic linkage study of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Cardon LR 《Human heredity》2000,50(6):350-358
A multiple-regression model is described for the detection of linkage disequilibrium in quantitative trait loci. The model is developed for application to large numbers of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers genotyped on small nuclear families. Parental data are not required by the method, although it provides a direct means to test quantitative trait locus-marker allele association and to determine whether any such association is attributable to linkage disequilibrium or population admixture. Analytical expectations for the regression coefficients are derived, allowing direct interpretation of the parameter estimates. Simulation studies indicate a substantial improvement in power over classical linkage studies of sibling pairs and show the effects of population admixture on the model outcomes.  相似文献   

Sib-pair linkage analysis has been proposed for identifying genes that predispose to common diseases. We have shown that the presence of assortative mating and multiple disease-susceptibility loci (genetic heterogeneity) can increase the required sample size for affected-affected sib pairs several fold over the sample size required under random mating. We propose a new test statistic based on sib trios composed of either one unaffected and two affected siblings or one affected and two unaffected siblings. The sample-size requirements under assortative mating and multiple disease loci for these sib-trio statistics are much smaller, under most conditions, than the corresponding sample sizes for sib pairs. Study designs based on data from sib trios with one or two affected members are recommended whenever assortative mating and genetic heterogeneity are suspected.  相似文献   

Human urine proteome analysis by three separation approaches   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sun W  Li F  Wu S  Wang X  Zheng D  Wang J  Gao Y 《Proteomics》2005,5(18):4994-5001
The urinary proteome is known to be a valuable field of study related to organ functions. There have been several extensive urine proteome studies. However, the overlapping rate among different studies is relatively low. Whether the low overlapping rate was caused by different sample sources, preparation, separation and identification methods is unknown. Moreover, low molecular mass (<10 kDa) proteins have not been studied extensively. In this report, male and female pooled urine samples were collected from healthy volunteers. The urinary proteins were acetone precipitated, separated and identified by three approaches, 1-DE plus 1-D LC/MS/MS, direct 1-D LC/MS/MS and 2-D LC/MS/MS. 1-D tricine gels were used to separate low molecular mass proteins. The tandem mass spectra of positive identifications were quality controlled both by manual validation and using advanced mass spectrum scanner software. A total of 226 urinary proteins were identified; 171 proteins were identified by proteomics approach for the first time, including 4 male-specific proteins. Twelve low molecular mass proteins were identified. Most urinary proteins had a molecular mass between 30 and 60 kDa and a pI between 4 and 10. The apparent molecular masses of many proteins were different from theoretical ones, which indicated their post-translational modification and degradation. The effects of sample preparation, separation and identification methods on the overlapping rate of different experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

We derive a multivariate survival model for age of onset data of a sibship from an additive genetic gamma frailty model constructed basing on the inheritance vectors, and investigate the properties of this model. Based on this model, we propose a retrospective likelihood approach for genetic linkage analysis using sibship data. This test is an allele-sharing-based test, and does not require specification of genetic models or the penetrance functions. This new approach can incorporate both affected and unaffected sibs, environmental covariates and age of onset or age at censoring information and, therefore, provides a practical solution for mapping genes for complex diseases with variable age of onset. Small simulation study indicates that the proposed method performs better than the commonly used allele-sharing-based methods for linkage analysis, especially when the population disease rate is high. We applied this method to a type 1 diabetes sib pair data set and a small breast cancer data set. Both simulated and real data sets also indicate that the method is relatively robust to the misspecification to the baseline hazard function.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence supporting the roles of small, dense LDL and plasma triglyceride (TG), both features of the atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype, as risk factors for coronary heart disease. Although family studies and twin studies have demonstrated genetic influences on these risk factors, the specific genes involved remain to be determined definitively. The purpose of this study was to investigate genetic linkage between LDL size, TG, and related atherogenic lipoproteins and candidate genes known to be involved in lipid metabolism. The linkage analysis was based on a sample of 126 DZ women twin pairs, which avoids the potentially confounding effects of both age and gender, by use of a quantitative sib-pair linkage-analysis approach. Eight candidate genes were examined, including those for microsomal TG-transfer protein (MTP), hepatic lipase, hormone-sensitive lipase, apolipoprotein (apo) B, apo CIII, apo E, insulin receptor, and LDL receptor. The analysis suggested genetic linkage between markers for the apo B gene and LDL size, plasma levels of TG, of HDL cholesterol, and of apo B, all features of the atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype. Furthermore, evidence for linkage was maintained when the analysis was limited to women with a major LDL-subclass diameter >255 A, indicating that the apo B gene may influence LDL heterogeneity in the intermediate-to-large size range. In addition, linkage was found between the MTP gene and TG, among all the women. These findings add to the growing evidence for genetic influences on the atherogenic lipoprotein phenotype and its role in genetic susceptibility to atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

One of the great strengths of the Framingham Heart Study data, provided for the Genetic Analysis Workshop 13, is the long-term survey of phenotypic data. We used this unique data to create new phenotypes representing the pattern of longitudinal change of the provided phenotypes, especially systolic blood pressure and body weight. We performed a linear regression of body weight and systolic blood pressure on age and took the slopes as new phenotypes for quantitative trait linkage analysis using the SOLAR package. There was no evidence for heritability of systolic blood pressure change. Heritability was estimated as 0.15 for adult life "body weight change", measured as the regression slope, and "body weight gain" (including only individuals with a positive regression slope), and as 0.22 for body weight "change up to 50" (regression slope of weight on age up to an age of 50). With multipoint analysis, two regions on the long arm of chromosome 8 showed the highest LOD scores of 1.6 at 152 cM for "body weight change" and of >1.9 around location 102 cM for "body weight gain" and "change up to 50". The latter two LOD scores almost reach the threshold for suggestive linkage. We conclude that the chromosome 8 region may harbor a gene acting on long-term body weight regulation, thereby contributing to the development of the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Some traits, while naturally polychotomous, are routinely dichotomized for genetic analysis. Dichotomization, intuitively, leads to a loss of power to detect linkage, as some phenotypic variability is discarded. This paper examines this power loss in the context of a trichotomous trait. METHODS: To examine this power loss, we performed a simulation study where a trichotomous trait was simulated in a sample of 1,000 sib-pairs under various genetic models. The study was replicated 1,000 times. Linkage analysis using a variance components method, as implemented in Mx, was then performed on the trichotomous trait and compared with that on a dichotomized version of the trait. RESULTS: A comparison of the power and false positive rates of the analyses shows that power to detect linkage was increased by up to 22 percentage points simply by examining the trait as a trichotomy instead of a dichotomy. Under all models examined, the trichotomous analysis outperformed the dichotomous version. CONCLUSIONS: Comparable levels of false positive rates under both methods confirm that this power gain comes solely from the information lost upon dichotomization. Thus, dichotomizing tri- or poly-chotomous traits can lead to crippling power loss, especially in the case of many loci of small effect.  相似文献   

The relationship between elevated blood pressure and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease risk is well accepted. Both systolic and diastolic hypertension are associated with this risk increase, but systolic blood pressure appears to be a more important determinant of cardiovascular risk than diastolic blood pressure. Subjects for this study are derived from the Framingham Heart Study data set. Each subject had five records of clinical data of which systolic blood pressure, age, height, gender, weight, and hypertension treatment were selected to characterize the phenotype in this analysis. We modeled systolic blood pressure as a function of age using a mixed modeling methodology that enabled us to characterize the phenotype for each individual as the individual's deviation from the population average rate of change in systolic blood pressure for each year of age while controlling for gender, body mass index, and hypertension treatment. Significant (p = 0.00002) evidence for linkage was found between this normalized phenotype and a region on chromosome 1. Similar linkage results were obtained when we estimated the phenotype while excluding values obtained during hypertension treatment. The use of linear mixed models to define phenotypes is a methodology that allows for the adjustment of the main factor by covariates. Future work should be done in the area of combining this phenotype estimation directly with the linkage analysis so that the error in estimating the phenotype can be properly incorporated into the genetic analysis, which, at present, assumes that the phenotype is measured (or estimated) without error.  相似文献   

We present a method for using slopes and intercepts from a linear regression of a quantitative trait as outcomes in segregation and linkage analyses. We apply the method to the analysis of longitudinal systolic blood pressure (SBP) data from the Framingham Heart Study. A first-stage linear model was fit to each subject's SBP measurements to estimate both their slope over time and an intercept, the latter scaled to represent the mean SBP at the average observed age (53.7 years). The subject-specific intercepts and slopes were then analyzed using segregation and linkage analysis. We describe a method for using the standard errors of the first-stage intercepts and slopes as weights in the genetic analyses. For the intercepts, we found significant evidence of a Mendelian gene in segregation analysis and suggestive linkage results (with LOD scores >or= 1.5) for specific markers on chromosomes 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, and 17. For the slopes, however, the data did not support a Mendelian model, and thus no formal linkage analyses were conducted.  相似文献   

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