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The fractional increase in ACh responses that occurs at the beginning of each train of iontophoretically applied ACh pulses has been examined at the frog neuromuscular junction at room temperature, in the presence of active cholinesterase, during desensitization produced by a rapid sequence (every 20 s) of short (5 Hz, 5 s) iontophoretic trains of ACh. The fractional increase in ACh responses, which is used as an indicator of postsynaptic potentiation, becomes progressively greater with ACh application, often markedly (greater than 100%), although ACh responses are greatly reduced (as much as 90%) owing to desensitization. Clearly postsynaptic potentiation can exist concomitantly with desensitization. In addition, the dose-response curve is shifted to the right and its maximal response is diminished. The shift in the dose-response curve to the right, which can explain greater postsynaptic potentiation, is unlikely to be caused by accumulation of "monoligand-bound ACh receptor complexes," since experiments were done with active cholinesterase. The shift probably results from a greater number of desensitized receptors which, because of their large affinity for ACh molecules, serve as "high affinity traps." A small decrease of the maximal dose-response suggests only a small fractional decrease in the number of activable receptors, whereas a large shift to the right indicates a large fractional increase in the number of desensitized receptors. It appears that prior to ACh application only a small fraction of all receptors are desensitized. Alternatively, the shift to the right occurs because the cooperative action of ACh on receptors increases during desensitization.  相似文献   

Observations have been made upon the nature of early and late post-tetanic potentiation and upon post-tetanic block of presynaptic collaterals with particular reference to behavior in circumstances of varied duration and frequency of conditioning stimulation. Early potentiation is most conspicuous following brief tetani at high frequency, late potentiation following long tetani, much lower frequencies being all that are needed. The two phenomena thus are distinguishable and separate. Dorsal root electrotonus produced by stimulations of varying duration and frequency is described, and the similarity between behavior of the D.R.IV R. electronic potential and early potentiation demonstrated. It is shown how early potentiation and post-tetanic block are due to the same process (hyperpolarization) at different intensities. The view that the agency for potentiation is associated with augmented presynaptic action due to hyperpolarization is confirmed. A diagram is constructed to indicate the probable temporal courses of early and late potentiation.  相似文献   

The difference in the decay time constants of multiquantal endplate currents (EPC) produced by presenting paired stimuli 100 msec apart was measured during experiments on transversely cut neuromuscular preparations of the frog sartorius muscle. When acetylcholinesterase was inhibited by 3×10–6 M prostigmine, decay time of the 2nd EPC (2) was 39±8% longer than that of the first (1) due to postsynaptic potentiation. It was found that degree of potentiation was not affected by membrane potential level within the –30 to –120 mV range. Several effects were produced by a drop in temperature: an increase in EPC decay time constant and in that of miniature endplate currents (MEPC) in particular, a slight drop in MEPC amplitude, and a reduction in EPC quantal content. By comparing paired EPC of equal quantal content at different temperatures it was found that potentiation was more pronounced at 12°C than at 22°C and the temperature coefficient Q10 at which 2 exceeds 1 was 2.0±0.2 (n=7). The processes determining postsynaptic potential are clearly not voltage-dependent but have a complex dependence on temperature. Quantal content of EPC falls with reduced temperature, thereby restraining potentiation, while helping to retain residual transmitter activity.I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Kurashov Medical Institute, Kazan'. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 512–518, July–August, 1986.  相似文献   

A hypothesis that desensitized acetylcholine (ACh) receptors are responsible for postsynaptic potentiation (PSP) was verified in experiments performed on the sartorial muscle of the frog using a voltage-clamp recording technique. The PSP was estimated, at active and inhibited acetylcholinesterase, with the use of paired stimulation of the motor nerve at various interpulse intervals, according to an increase in the time constant () of the second end-plate current (EPC) relative to that of the first EPC. The appearance of desensitized receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, caused by the application of a promoter of desensitization proadiphen or by application of exogenous ACh, was followed by acceleration of the decay of the first EPC and by a decrease in its amplitude. However, this did not intensify PSP, which even decreased in the presence of proadiphen under the influence of ACh and membrane hyperpolarization. A sharp increase in calcium concentration after certain period of ACh influence, which increased quantum ACh release, did not enhance PSP, which allows us to suggest the role of the presynaptic factor to be insignificant. The results provide arguments against the direct involvement of desensitized acetylcholine receptors in the PSP development.Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 27, No. 5/6, pp. 361–367, September–December, 1995.  相似文献   

Using a sciatic nerve-sartorius muscle preparation of the frog, we have studied the effect of Mn on the increase in miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) frequency that occurs during tetanic stimulation (50 Hz, 2-3 min) of the nerve in nominally Ca2+-free, Mn2+ and Mg2+ solutions. During stimulation the frequency increased over the first minutes to reach an asymptote. The time course for the increase was analyzed following the model proposed by Barton, Cohen and Van der Kloot (1983). The ratio of the Ca2+ bound to the receptor at intervals during the tetanus, b, to the Ca2+ bound before stimulation was begun, b0, was calculated from MEPP frequencies. b/b0 indicates changes in intraterminal Ca2+ concentration produced by the tetanus. In solutions made with no added Ca2+ but containing 1 mM MgEGTA, the increase in b/b0 during stimulation showed a linear or convex time course. Similar time courses were obtained in solutions containing Mn2+ or Mg2+ as the sole divalent cation. On the other hand, when solutions contained Ca2+, the time course for the increase followed a sigmoidal curve. The present results suggest that Mn2+ enters the nerve terminal during stimulation and raises the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which in turn promotes transmitter release.  相似文献   

Twitch contractions of the ankle dorsiflexors were evoked before and after 7 s of tetanic stimulation at 100 Hz in young women and men. Torque decreased more in men (18%) than in women (12%) during the tetanus. There was no gender difference in twitch peak torque potentiation over the 5-min post-tetanus. Potentiation was 42% (women) and 45% (men) at 5 s post-tetanus, and still present at 5 min (women 24%, men 25%). The immediate (5 s) shortening of twitch rise time was similar in women (14%) and men (13%), but during the 5-min men's rise time came to exceed whereas women's only approached pretetanus values (e.g., +9% vs. -1% at 5 min). The immediate decrease in half-relaxation time was also similar in women (24%) and men (22%); however, women's but not men's values remained less than pretetanus values for most of the 5-min period. Twitch rate of torque development increased similarly (75%) in women and men at 5 s, with no gender difference over 5 min. In contrast, rate of torque relaxation increased significantly only in men. Rate of torque development normalized to peak torque was similar in women and men pretetanus and increased similarly 5 s post-tetanus, but women had greater values through most of the 5-min post-tetanus. Normalized rate of torque relaxation was similar in women and men and not affected by tetanus. In the dorsiflexor muscles, young women and men show a similar amount and pattern of twitch force potentiation, but there are gender differences in time-related twitch contractile properties in the first 5 min after tetanus.  相似文献   

Investigations were performed on a split neuromuscular preparation of frog sartorial muscle during acetylcholinesterase inhibition. A study was made of the part played in postsynaptic potentiation (PSP) and desensitization (DS) in changes in the amplitude and time course of miniature endplate currents (MEPC) recorded directly after regular stimulation of the motor nerve at a frequency of 10 Hz for 5 or 60 sec, producing short and long series of multiquantal endplate currents (EPC) respectively. After the short train the amplitude of MEPC could hardly be distinguished from initial level, while the decay time constant (MEPC) increased by 32%, indicating PSP. Comparable but more pronounced biphasic changes occurred in the time course of endplate currents. These effects were not observed when acetylcholinesterase was uninhibited. Both PSP and DS were restored when 1×10–6 M exogenous acetylcholine was added to the bath. The ratio between them could be changed by aprodifen — a substance which accelerates desensitization.S. V. Kurashov Medical Institute, Ministry of Public Health of the RSFSR, Kazan'. I. M. Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 645–654, September–October, 1986.  相似文献   

Caffeine and length dependence of staircase potentiation in skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Skeletal muscle sensitivity to Ca2+ is greater at long lengths, and this results in an optimal length for twitch contractions that is longer than optimal length for tetanic contractions. Caffeine abolishes this length dependence of Ca2+ sensitivity. Muscle length (ML) also affects the degree of staircase potentiation. Since staircase potentiation is apparently caused by an increased Ca2+ sensitivity of the myofilaments, we tested the hypothesis that caffeine depresses the length dependence of staircase potentiation. In situ isometric twitch contractions of rat gastrocnemius muscle before and after 10 s of 10-Hz stimulation were analyzed at seven different lengths to evaluate the length dependence of staircase potentiation. In the absence of caffeine, length dependence of Ca2+ sensitivity was observed, and the degree of potentiation after 10-Hz stimulation showed a linear decrease with increased length (DT = 1.47 - 0.05 ML, r2 = 0.95, where DT is developed tension). Length dependence of Ca2+ sensitivity was decreased by caffeine when caffeine was administered in amounts estimated to result in 0.5 and 0.75 mM concentrations. Furthermore, the negative slope of the relationship between staircase potentiation and muscle length was diminished at the lower caffeine dose, and the slope was not different from zero after the higher dose (DT = 1.53 - 0.009 ML, r2 = 0.43). Our study shows that length dependence of Ca2+ sensitivity in intact skeletal muscle is diminished by caffeine. Caffeine also suppressed the length dependence of staircase potentiation, suggesting that the mechanism of this length dependence may be closely related to the mechanism for length dependence of Ca2+ sensitivity.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on post-tetanic potentiation (PTP) has been examined in the muscles of small mammals but not in human skeletal muscle. We examined PTP in the ankle dorsiflexor muscles of 10 young men by evoking twitches before and after a 7-second tetanus at 100 Hz in a control (room air approximately 21 degrees C) condition and after immersion of the lower leg in warm (45 degrees C) and cold (10 degrees C) water baths for 30 min. Exposure to cold decreased tetanus and pre-tetanus twitch peak torque, but increased rise time, half-relaxation time, and muscle action potential (M-wave) amplitude; exposure to warm water had little effect. PTP was smallest in cold exposure 5 s post-tetanus, but persisted throughout the 12 min test period, whereas PTP had subsided by 6 min post-tetanus in control and warm exposures. M-wave amplitude initially decreased after exposure to warm water, recovered, then decreased again by 11 min post-tetanus. In contrast, exposure to cold had no initial effect but did increase the M-wave amplitude during the last half of the 12 min test period, similar to that seen in the control. The greatest immediate decrease in rise time and half-relaxation time was observed in the control; however, by 12 min post-tetanus warm exposure showed the greatest increase in rise time and half-relaxation time above pre-tetanus values. The decrease in the unpotentiated twitch torque with cooling in human dorsiflexors is typical for muscles with a predominance of type I (slow) fibres. The effect of cold on PTP is similar to that seen previously in mammalian muscles with a predominance of type II (fast) fibres, although the underlying mechanism of the cooling effect appears to differ.  相似文献   

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