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In order to clarify the effect of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor (rHu-TNF) on the antitumor T cell immune response, we examined the effect of rHu-TNF on the generation of cytotoxic T cells (CTL) against syngeneic tumor cells. Spleen cells from X5563 plasmacytoma-transplanted mice were stimulated in vitro with mitomycin C-treated X5563 cells in the presence or absence of rHu-TNF. The generation of CTL was augmented in a dose-dependent manner by the addition of rHu-TNF. The augmenting effect of rHu-TNF was more marked when indomethacin was added to the culture. The augmenting effect was observed only when rHu-TNF was added at the early stage of the generation of CTL. The cell surface phenotype of CTL generated was L3T4- and Lyt2+. The augmentation was shown not only by the chromium-51 release assay but also by the Winn assay. As to the specificity, the augmentation of CTL generation was observed by the addition of rHu-TNF when responder-primed spleen cells were stimulated with the tumor cells in vitro. On the other hand, augmentation was not observed when responder spleen cells were not stimulated with the tumor cells in vitro, or when responder spleen cells were obtained from normal mice. The CTL generated was not cytotoxic against other tumor cells of the same haplotype. Thus, rHu-TNF augmented the generation of CTL against syngeneic tumor cells in an antigen-specific manner. The in vivo effect of rHu-TNF was examined by administering rHu-TNF into X5563-bearing mice. The spleen cells of rHu-TNF-injected mice generated a much higher CTL activity against X5563 cells in vitro than did the spleen cells of uninjected mice. From these results, a possibility can be considered that in some cases, rHu-TNF may exert its antitumor activity by stimulating the immune system.  相似文献   

Primary CML was generated in strain combinations 4R anti-2R, R107 anti-3R, 7R anti-9R, and GD anti-R101 — combinations differing only in the chromosomal interval between the I-A subregion and the Ss locus. No CML could be obtained in any of the reciprocal combinations of these strains. This unidirectionality of the CML reaction correlates with the expression or nonexpression of the E molecules encoded by this interval: the reaction occurred in combinations in which the responder strain lacked and the stimulator strain expressed the E molecules in the cell membrane. The CML reaction was positive when tested on LPS-stimulated blast cells but weak on Con A-stimulated blasts and negative on la-negative tumor cells. The reaction could partially be inhibited by monoclonal antibodies to the Ia.m7 determinant presumably carried by the E chain; it was not inhibited by monoclonal antibodies specific for Ia determinants carried by the A molecule. Cytotoxic lymphocytes specific for a particular combination of E and E chains reacted with all cells expressing the particular E chain, no matter what the origin of the E chain associated with the E chain was. Attempts to generate cytotoxic lymphocytes specifically reactive with allotypic determinants on E chains failed. In F1 hybrids expressing one type of E chain and two types of E chain, the single E chain was found to associate with both chains, producing two types of E molecule. We conclude from these experiments that the CML determinants detected in the strain combinations used are encoded by the same loci as those coding for the serologically detectable la determinants. The CML determinants are carried by the E chains; the E chain does not contribute in any way to the specificity of determinant recognition by the cytotoxic lymphocytes. No evidence for allotypic variation of the E chain as detected by the CML assay could be found in this study.  相似文献   

When C57BL/6 mice previously immunized with murine sarcoma virus (MSV) were challenged with a Rauscher virus-induced lymphoma, RBL-5, a secondary cell-mediated cytotoxic response could be detected by the Cr release cytotoxicity assay. The level and distribution of the secondary cytotoxic response was affected by the route of challenge. Animals injected i.p. demonstrated a high level of cytotoxicity in the peritoneal exudate cells 3 days after challenge and subsequently cytotoxicity was detected in most lymphoid organs, although at lower levels. However, when the animals were challenged intramuscularly in the leg, the response was not detected as rapidly and furthermore cytotoxic lymphocytes were found only in the draining lymph node and not in other lymphoid organs. Treatment of the effector cells with anti-theta and complement showed the secondary response to be predominately dependent on T cells. In addition, the cytotoxicity was specific in that cells lacking cross-reacting antigens were not killed by these attacker cells from mice undergoing a secondary response.  相似文献   

Generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes by SV40-induced antigens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to study the correlation of in vivo tumor transplantation immunity and in vitro immunologic assays, cell-mediated cytotoxicity against SV40-transformed cells was studied in AL/N strain mice by using 51Cr-release assay. Killing of SV40-transformed AL/N fibroblast cells was observed by spleen cells of AL/N mice immunized with syngeneic SV40-transformed cells. Immunization with the solubilized SV40 tumor-specific transplantation antigen (TSTA) that induced transplantation immunity in vivo did not elicit cytotoxic spleen cells in vitro. However, the spleen cells from mice immunized with solubilized TSTA and then sensitized in vitro with SV40-transformed cells became cytotoxic against SV40-transformed fibroblasts. Similarly, SV40 TSTA (T antigen) purified by immunoprecipitation was able to prime the lymphocytes in AL/N mice: the primed lymphocytes could differentiate into cytotoxic lymphocytes upon in vitro stimulation by SV40-transformed cells. These data indicate that SV40 TSTA (T antigen) plays a role in the induction of cytotoxic lymphocytes.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of depletion of histamine-binding lymphoid cells on immunological properties of lymphocytes sensitized in culture against tumor cells. C57BL/6 spleen cells that were sensitized in vitro on monolayers of the syngeneic Lewis lung carcinoma (3LL) became cytotoxic to the tumor cells in vitro after 3 to 5 days of sensitization. Sensitized cells harvested after 4 days of sensitization occasionally enhanced tumor growth in vivo. Fractionation of the sensitized lymphocytes over insolubilized histamine-rabbit serum albumin-Sepharose (HRS) columns decreased or abolished the enhancing activity in vivo and specifically increased the in vitro cytotoxic activity of the depleted lymphocytes. A similar increase in the cytotoxic activity of HRS-fractionated cells was observed in an allogeneic combination of C57BL spleen cells sensitized against C3H fibroblasts. The effect of HRS chromatography on the in vitro cytotoxic activity increased with prolonged incubation of the depleted effector cells with the target cells.  相似文献   

Cell-mediated immunity to SV40-transformed C3H and C3H-SW cell lines was measured by using both 51Cr and 125IUdR release assays. Killing by cytotoxic cells generated on in vitro sensitization of immune spleen cells with syngeneic SV40 cells by either assay is specific for syngeneic SV40 transformants. Cytolysis mediated by in vitro sensitized cells is ablated by treatment of the effector cells with anti-theta serum and complement. Intraperitoneal immunization with syngeneic SV40 cells yields two distinct killer-cell populations in the peritoneal exudate when assayed by 125IUdR release. The first, nylon wool nonadherent and sensitive to anti-theta and complement, is indistinguishable from the killers generated in vitro. The second population, present in larger numbers and more efficient on a per-cell basis in killing of SV40 targets than the first, is nylon adherent and is not removed by treatment with anti-theta and complement. This second population will kill any SV40 transformed target, whether syngeneic or allogeneic. The possible roles of T cell and non-T cell effectors in rejection of syngeneic SV40 tumors are discussed.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from W/Fu rats 4 to 6 weeks after immunization with syngeneic Gross virus-induced lymphoma (C58NT)D cells usually lack detectable activity in a short-term 51Cr release assay. The results presented here demonstrate that these spleen cells retain the capacity to generate significant proliferative and cytotoxic activity upon re-exposure to mitomycin C-treated (C58NT)D cells in vitro. Optimal conditions were defined in W/Fu rats for this secondary immune response in vitro to the (C58NT)D cells. The cytotoxic response was observed to be quantitative, reproducible, and specific. Optimal generation occurred 5 days after initiation of cultures with a 30:1 responding cell:stimulating cell ratio. In vitro generated cytotoxic cells inhibit tumor growth in vivo when administered as a mixture with tumor cells.  相似文献   

Twelve syngeneic anti-idiotopic mAb (anti-idiotypic/idiotopic antibodies Ab2)) were prepared from CBH/Cbi rats immunized with one of three monoclonal anti-HSN antibodies (Ab1) (11/160, ALN/11/53, or ALN/16/53) specific for the HSN tumor. The sera of the rats used for hybridoma production and all of the monoclonal Ab2 specifically inhibited the binding to HSN of the immunizing Ab1 only. It is concluded that, in this completely syngeneic system, only the private idiotopes associated with the antibody-combining site were immunogenic. Analyses using Western blotting showed that the Ab2 bound to intact Ab1 and to isolated H chains where the intra-strand disulfide bonds remained intact. The Ab2 did not bind to L chains or to fully reduced H chains of the Ab1. It is concluded that the idiotopes expressed on the H chain were conformational. When a panel of 13 monoclonal Ab1 (including the three used for immunization) were tested for reactivity with the Ab2, three reacted specifically with their respective Ab2 and 8 gave no binding suggesting that each Ab1 had a distinct idiotypic specificity despite the fact that all the Ab1 competed with each other for binding to Ag. However, the two remaining Ab1 (ALN/9/94 and ALN/12/17) generated from different tumor-bearing rats, were found to possess the same idiotypic specificity as 11/160. A detailed analysis using seven Ab2 raised against 11/160 showed that while the idiotype of ALN/9/94 and 11/160 were very similar, that of ALN/12/17 showed some clear differences. These three Ab1 have been shown previously to bind a sequential epitope on the HSN Ag in Western blots and it is postulated that the common idiotype of these Ab1 reflects their recognition of a sequential epitope. This may also account for the relatively frequent occurrence in tumor bearer sera of antibodies with this Id.  相似文献   

T-Cell subsets identified by polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) were investigated. Analysis in a cytofluorograf revealed 63 +/- 7% positive scatter-gated T lymphocytes. DP IV-positive cells were found to be T11+, 74-81% OKT4+, and 12-19% OKT8+. DP IV-negative cells were T11+ and comprise 16-40% OKT8+, and 10-30% OKT4+ T cells. Treatment of T lymphocytes with rabbit anti-DP IV and complement as well as the presence of rabbit anti-DP IV during culture resulted in a reduction of interleukin 2 (IL-2) production. This reduction was not observed with the mouse monoclonal anti-DP IV antibody II-19-4-7. Positive enrichment of DP IV-positive lymphocytes by cell sorting revealed excellent IL-2 production of DP IV-positive cells and very poor IL-2 activity in supernatants obtained from DP IV-negative lymphocytes. Thus, DP IV may serve as cell surface marker for IL-2-producing T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

TerC, a cell line derived from a strain 129 teratocarcinoma 402AX, was used to sensitize syngeneic 129 (H-2bc) splenic lymphocytes in vitro. The effector cells generated inhibited in vitro growth of TerC as measured by an 125I-IUDR ost-labeling technique. It was also shown, with a modified Winn assay, that the sensitized cells were effective in preventing TerC growth in vivo. The effector lymphocyte was nonadherent to nylon wool was sensitive to anti-Thy-1.2 + C, and was phenotypically Ly 1-2+. The anti-TerC effector T lymphocytes were not functional in a 51Cr-release assay. However, this failure to lyse appears not to be due to some intrinsic membrane resistance since both BCG and ConA-activated killers were able to lyse TerC. The TerC-sensitized lymphocytes displayed no H-2 restriction and were able to growth inhibit in vitro a wide range of tumorigenic cell lines, e.g., P815 (H-2d), EL-4 (H-2b),Sal (H-2a), and BALB/c (H-2d) 3T12. Mouse blastocyst cell lines were also inhibited. BALB/c 3T3 and mouse fibroblast cell strains were not growth inhibited. Thus, it appears that oncofetal antigens expressed on TerC are capable of initiating a cell-mediated response and that these antigenic specificities are shared by many transformed cell lines.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between T lymphocytes and macrophages in the vitro sensitization of lymphocytes against tumor cells. Spleen cells were sensitized in vitro by syngeneic peritoneal macrophages that had been fed with cell-free antigen preparation of syngeneic tumor cells. The sensitized T lymphocytes acquired specific cytotoxic cells. The sensitized T lymphocytes acquired specific cytotoxic activity in vitro and the capacity to inhingeneic fibroblasts, or the antigen preparation by itself were not able to sensitize the lymphocytes against the tumor.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine the molecular nature of the idiotypic Ig of a B cell tumor, 2C3, involved in the induction of anti-idiotypic cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL). We previously reported that hyperimmunization of mice with irradiated 2C3 cells provides effective tumor protection by inducing MHC class I-restricted CTL. Due to the enormous heterogeneity of the splenic CTL further study could not be undertaken on the idiotype (Id)-CTL interaction. Subsequently an anti-idiotypic CTL line, A102, and a highly Id-specific CTL clone, 102.F5, have been developed. In the present investigation we report that the processed forms of idiotypic determinants are responsible for induction and activation of these specific effector CTL. Inhibition studies using anti-TcR and anti-MHC class I mAbs showed that the TcR-CD3 complex of the anti-idiotypic CTL recognized 2C3 Id in the context of MHC class I antigens. The cytotoxicity of these CTL could not be inhibited with affinity-purified 2C3 Ig used as such or after pulsing with splenic antigen-presenting cells (APC). Furthermore, using brefeldin A (BFA) and chloroquine (CLQ), which are specific inhibitors of cytosolic and endosomal antigen processing pathways, respectively, it has also been observed that exposure of 2C3 to BFA but not CLQ prevents its cytolysis by both anti-idiotypic CTL line and clone. These results clearly indicate that endogenously produced idiotypic determinants of 2C3 Ig are processed in pre-Golgi vesicle, possibly in the ER, along with MHC class I antigens and then are transported to the membrane. Treatment of 2C3 with BFA, however, did not exert any effect on the expression of membrane-associated Ig of 2C3 cells. Therefore, it is the processed form rather than the bona fide receptor Ig on the cell surface that is recognized by the Id-specific CTL.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 has been implicated in the etiology of cervical carcinomas, but it is unknown whether HPV-specific immunity can function in controlling the growth of HPV-associated carcinomas. We previously demonstrated that CD8+ T lymphocytes can inhibit the in vivo outgrowth of murine tumor cells transfected with the HPV-16 E7 gene and have now established a murine model to study the CTL responses to the E6 oncoprotein of HPV-16. Immunization of C3H/HeN mice with syngeneic fibroblasts expressing a transfected HPV-16 E6 gene induced regression of transplanted tumors expressing this gene. Populations of CTL isolated from the spleens of mice whose E6+ tumors had regressed were shown to specifically lyse E6+ target cells. The cytolytic activity was mediated by CD8+ CTL in a MHC restricted pattern. These data and our previous findings with transfected tumor cells expressing the E7 gene, support the conclusion that tumor cells associated with HPV-16 can be inhibited by CTL specific for molecules encoded by the HPV-16 E6 and E7 genes.  相似文献   

The possibility of the presence of leukemia-associated antigens on pluripotent hemopoietic cells was studied with the aid of immune lymphocytes, cytotoxic against mouse syngeneic lymphoma cells. Cytotoxic lymphocytes were obtained during immunization in vitro of C57BL/6 mouse splenocytes by syngeneic T lymphoma EL-4 cells in the presence of interleukin-2. Specific cytotoxic activity of immune lymphocytes as regards EL-4 cells was not blocked by addition of normal bone marrow cells. Incubation of the bone marrow with immune killers did not lead to a decrease in the number of colony-forming units in the spleen. It was shown that using cytotoxic lymphocytes the total killing of lymphoma cells might be achieved in a mixture of bone marrow and lymphoma cells, whereas pluripotent precursor cells might be retained.  相似文献   

It has been reported that ultraviolet light (uv) irradiation of normal C3Hf mice generates theta-positive suppressor lymphocytes which, as assayed by adoptive transfer studies, mediates susceptibility to transplanted syngeneic uv-induced tumors. We now report that the cells with suppressor activity can be recovered and enriched for using nylon wool columns. These suppressor cells are found in the nylon nonadherent fraction. Further, while uv irradiated mice are susceptible to supporting the growth of transplanted syngeneic uv tumors long after termination of the uv exposures, adoptively transferred suppression wanes and normal mice exhibit time-dependent recovery.  相似文献   

A method is described for the consistent in vitro generation cytotoxic cells by incubating Fischer 344 rat spleen cells on monolayers of a syngeneic mammary adenocarcinoma. Significant cytotoxicity by in vitro culture is generated as early as 3 days after initiation and effector cells are cytolytic only toward target cells of the sensitizing monolayer. Reciprocal sensitization with allogeneic fibroblasts as the immunizing monolayer yielded effector cells cytolytic for the fibroblasts but without effect on the mammary tumor. The consistency in the generation of cytotoxic cells by in vitro culture should permit its standardized use in following other related immune phenomena such as blocking by serologic factors and suppression, recritment of memory for cytotoxic function.  相似文献   

Fuke Y  Haga Y  Ono H  Nomura T  Ryoyama K 《Cytotechnology》1997,25(1-3):197-203
Synthetic 4-methylsulfinylhexyl isothiocyanate (MITC)(a potent inducer of phase 2 detoxification enzymes from broccoli) and 6-MITC(a potent anti-proliferative principal from wasabi) slightly inhibited the induction of mouse skin tumor in a two-stage process of carcinogenesis (initiator, 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene; promotor,12-o-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate), but the effect was not significant. Both compounds, however, significantly inhibited the mutation of skin resulting from topical applications of the carcinogens. When a murine hepatoma cell line, Hepa 1c1c7, was treated with 2-,4-,6- and 8-MITCs, they augmented the induction of its quinone reductase, one of the phase 2 detoxification enzymes in a concentration dependent manner, and the 4- and 6-MITCs were much more potent on the reduction of the enzyme than the 2- and 8-MITCs. All 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-MITCs suppressed the growth of murine tumor cells, their suppressive activities being proportional to the length of their methyl residue. They were also cytotoxic to mouse peritoneal exudate macrophages which were not proliferating in vitro, indicating that the cellular targets of isothiocyanate may not be dependent upon the cell cycle. In addition, all the 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-MITCs inhibited the production of nitric oxide (a potent radical carcinogen) by peritoneal macrophages. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at gaining insight into means by which stimulation of mouse spleen cells with allogeneic normal cells in mixed leukocyte cultures (MLC) can result in the generation of effector cells cytotoxic for syngeneic tumor or transformed cells. Stimulation of lymphocytes from BALB/c or C3H mice for 5 days with cells from mice of every allogeneic strain tested, in medium containing mouse serum and lacking xenogeneic serum, resulted in the activation of effectors cytotoxic for syngeneic cells transformed spontaneously or by SV40, polyoma or adenovirus. In each experiment, all of the syngeneic transformed cell lines, as well as clones derived from these lines, were lysed to the highest degree by effectors obtained from the same culture, and therefore stimulated with cells from the same allogeneic strain. Although the particular allogeneic sensitizing strain that induced the highest cytolytic activity varied between experiments, effectors obtained from the culture with the highest cell recovery always exhibited the greatest cytotoxicity against all the syngeneic transformed cells and clones. Lysis was mediated predominantly by Ly-2+ effectors; total lytic units of cytotoxicity recovered after treatment with monoclonal anti-Ly-2 antibody and complement (C) were reduced by 85 to 90% compared to cells treated with C alone. Lysis of syngeneic tumor cells by the allosensitized effectors in cytotoxicity assays was not inhibited by the addition of unlabeled "blocking" lymphocytes from the allogeneic strain used for sensitization. In addition, it was found that lymphocytes cultured without stimulating cells for 5 days in medium supplemented with supernatants from secondary MLC that are known to contain high levels of lymphokines, mediated high levels of cytotoxicity on all the transformed cells tested, but lacked detectable cytotoxic activity for syngeneic or allogeneic Con A blasts. The MLC supernatant-activated effectors that lyse the transformed cells are phenotypically CTL, because treatment with anti-Ly-2 and C reduced lytic activity by approximately 75%. Taken together, these findings suggest that the generation in MLC of Ly-2+ effector cells cytotoxic for syngeneic transformed cell lines might not be due, in some cases, to lymphocyte responses to particular alloantigens on the stimulating cells that are cross-reactive with "alien" histocompatibility antigens on transformed cells, but rather is due to effector cell activation by lymphokines produced during allogeneic stimulation.  相似文献   

Purified Interleukin 2 (IL-2), free of interferon (IFN), significantly enhanced NK activity of normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). This enhancing activity was absorbed by IL-2 receptor-bearing cells but was not blocked by antibody to α-IFN. IFN in the culture supernatants was greatly increased after stimulation with poly(I:C) plus IL-2. There was less IFN produced by either modulator acting alone. Stimulation of PBMC with IL-2 and/or poly(I:C) increased the proportion of OKM1+ cells and anti-Leu-7+ cells. When cells expressing either surface antigen were specifically lysed to deplete NK, cytotoxic activity could be restored by overnight incubation in IL-2. This result suggests that IL-2 stimulates the development of NK cells from precursors that lack cell surface OKM1 or Leu-7. IL-2 acted directly on large granular lymphocytes and did not require the presence of adherent cells. These results suggest that IL-2 may act synergistically with other IFN inducers and may play an important role in the regulation of NK cells.  相似文献   

The specificities of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) were studied for the analysis of CTL against tumor-specific cell surface antigen(s) (TSSA) of non-virus-producing tumor cells induced by the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus (SR-RSV) in B10 congenic and recombinant mice. Eight CTL clones were established from immune spleen cells of B10.A(5R) mice. These clones demonstrated six patterns of cytotoxic reactivity in vitro: Two clones showed H-2 restriction in tumor cell lysis. Two other clones had the capacity to lyse syngeneic, H-2K-compatible B10 and H-2-incompatible B10.A(4R) tumor cells, but not YAC-1 cells. One clone had cytotoxic activity against syngeneic, H-2D-compatible B10.D2 tumor cells and YAC-1 cells, but not against H-2-incompatible tumor cells. One clone had cytotoxic activity against syngeneic and YAC-1 tumor cells, but not against either H-2-compatible or H-2-incompatible tumor cells. One clone had lytic activity to syngeneic, H-2-compatible, H-2-incompatible, and YAC-1 tumor cells. Another clone killed H-2-incompatible B10.A(4R) tumor and YAC-1 cells, but not syngeneic or H-2-compatible tumor cells. All these clones strongly expressed surface Thy-1.2 antigens, whereas the expression of Lyt-1.2 and Lyt-2.2 antigens was different from clone to clone. These results demonstrate heterogeneity of both lytic specificity and phenotype of CTL against RSV-induced mouse tumor cells, suggesting the existence of multiple antigenic sites on the RSV TSSA recognized by CTL populations.  相似文献   

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