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Sperm function generally declines with male age. Paradoxically, females of many species still choose to mate with old males rather than young males. Females choosing old mates may suffer reduced fertilization rates and an increased incidence of birth defects in offspring, lowering fitness which may in turn lead to conflict between the sexes. This apparent paradox has generated much interest from theorists, but whether this paradox presents in nature remains equivocal. Empirical studies have found mixed support for both a decline in fertility with male age and age-based female mate preference. Here, we examine recent evidence for this paradox, identify confounding variables, highlight areas that deserve further investigation, and suggest avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Aggression is ubiquitous in the animal kingdom, whenever the interests of individuals conflict. In contests between animals, the larger opponent is often victorious. However, counter intuitively, an individual that has little chance of winning (generally smaller individuals) sometimes initiates contests. A number of hypotheses have been put forward to explain this behaviour, including the "desperado effect" according to which, the likely losers initiate aggression due to lack of alternative options. An alternative explanation suggested recently is that likely losers attack due to an error in perception: they mistakenly perceive their chances of winning as being greater than they are. We show that explaining the apparently maladaptive aggression initiated by the likely loser can be explained on purely economic grounds, without requiring either the desperado effect or perception errors. Using a game-theoretical model, we show that if smaller individuals can accurately assess their chance of winning, if this chance is less than, but close to, a half, and if resources are scarce (or the contested resource is of relatively low value), they are predicted to be as aggressive as their larger opponents. In addition, when resources are abundant, and small individuals have some chance of winning, they may be more aggressive than their larger opponents, as it may benefit larger individuals to avoid the costs of fighting and seek alternative uncontested resources.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that success in male–male competition genuinely reflects high quality and that female preference for dominant males should therefore be widespread. However, recent studies suggest that male dominance is not always attractive and that it does not necessarily predict superior parental quality, better genes or other forms of benefit to females. In fact, the costs of choosing a dominant male can sometimes outweigh the benefits. When traits selected by male–male competition do not reflect overall mate quality, females are expected to use other choice cues and might occasionally prefer subordinate males. Thus, male–male competition and female choice can sometimes work in different, or even opposing, directions.  相似文献   

Barnacles, marine crustaceans, have three sexual patterns: simultaneous hermaphroditism, dioecy and androdioecy. In dioecy and androdioecy, large individuals (females and hermaphrodites, respectively) are attached by dwarf males. Depending on species, some dwarf males grow up, others do not in their life time. To investigate which environmental conditions affect growth patterns of dwarf males of barnacles, we investigate the evolutionarily stable life history strategy of dwarf males using Pontryagin's maximum principle. Sperm competition among dwarf males and that among dwarf males and large hermaphrodites is taken into account. Dwarf males grow up in food-rich environments, while they do not grow at all in food-poor environments. ESS of the resource allocation schedule between reproduction and growth follows an "intermediate growth strategy" (simultaneous growth and reproduction) for dioecious species, in which sperm competition is not severe. On the other hand, it approaches "bang-bang control" (switching from allocating all resources toward growth then to reproduction), as sperm competition against surrounding large hermaphrodites becomes severe in androdioecious species.  相似文献   

Some host individuals tend to acquire parasites at a much faster rate than do others--a consequence of heterogeneities in susceptibility and/or exposure. This is termed 'overdispersion' and, as for many other statistical phenomena, the degree of overdispersion often conforms to a 20/80 rule, where 20% of the host population is responsible for approximately 80% of the parasite transmission. But which are the hosts driving so much of the dynamics of an infectious disease? If host individuals at the tail of the frequency distribution can be identified by some common label, controlling parasitic diseases would be much easier. In two recent papers, Perkins et al. and Ferrari et al. have shown that male hosts are much more important than female hosts in the transmission of parasites.  相似文献   

Females of many species choose to mate with old rather than young males, possibly because older males pass superior genes on to their offspring. Recent theoretical and empirical investigations have rejuvenated interest in the evolution of mating preferences based on age, and in the relationship between longevity and fitness. If the cost of signalling is a reduction in future survival and reproduction, mate choice based on age is one possible outcome when males signal their genetic quality. These recent investigations highlight the importance of understanding sexual selection from a life-history perspective.  相似文献   

In socially monogamous species with bi-parental care, males suffer reduced reproductive success if their mate engages in extra-pair copulations (EPCs). One might therefore expect that males should refuse to care for a brood if they can detect that an EPC has occurred. Here, we use a game-theory model to study male brood care in the face of EPCs in a cooperatively breeding species in which offspring help to raise their (half-) siblings in their parents' next breeding attempt. We show that under certain conditions males are selected to care even for broods completely unrelated to themselves. This counterintuitive result arises through a form of pseudo-reciprocity, whereby surviving extra-pair offspring, when helping to rear their younger half-siblings, can more than compensate for the cost incurred by the male that raised them. We argue that similar effects may not be limited to cooperative breeders, but may arise in various contexts in which cooperation between (half-) siblings occurs.  相似文献   

Traditional models for female extra‐pair matings assume that females benefit indirectly from extra‐pair mating behaviour. Under these so‐called adaptive models, extra‐pair males are hypothesized to have more compatible genotypes, larger body size, exaggerated ornaments or to be older than cuckolded males. Alternatively, (‘nonadaptive’) models that consider female extra‐pair matings to be a by‐product posit that female extra‐pair mating can be maintained even if there is no benefit to females. This could happen if, for example, males gained fitness benefits from extra‐pair mating, while female and male extra‐pair mating behaviours were genetically correlated. Extra‐pair males are also expected to be older and larger if this improves their ability to convince or coerce females to mate. We investigated whether a female's extra‐pair mates differed from her cuckolded mate in both genetic and phenotypic traits by analysing data from an insular house sparrow population. We found that extra‐pair males were older than cuckolded males, consistent with both models. However, in contrast to the expectations from from adaptive models, extra‐pair and cuckolded males were of similar genetic relatedness, and hence expected compatibility, with the female, and had comparable body size and secondary sexual traits. We also updated previous meta‐analyses examining differences between extra‐pair and cuckolded males. The meta‐analytic results matched results from our house sparrow case study. Although we cannot completely exclude indirect benefits for females, nonadaptive models may better explain female extra‐pair matings. These neglected alternative models deserve more research attention, and this should improve our understanding of the evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   

We analyse a model of mate choice when males differ in reproductive quality and provide care for their offspring. Females choose males on the basis of the success they will obtain from breeding with them and a male chooses his care time on the basis of his quality so as to maximise his long-term rate of reproductive success. We use this model to establish whether high-quality males should devote a longer period of care to their broods than low-quality males and whether females obtain greater reproductive success from mating with higher quality males. We give sufficient conditions for optimal care times to decrease with increasing male quality. When care times decrease, this does not necessarily mean that high-quality males are less valuable to the female because quality may more than compensate for the lack of care. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for high-quality males to be less valuable mates, and hence for females to prefer low-quality males. Females can prefer low-quality males if offspring produced and cared for by high-quality males do well even if care is short, and do not significantly benefit from additional care, while offspring produced and cared for by low-quality males do well only if they receive a long period of care.  相似文献   

The female reproductive tract can be particularly aggressive towards ejaculates, often leading to the death of large numbers of sperm. It has been suggested that males can respond to these actions by investing more in sperm and donating larger ejaculates. Such counteractions may lead to arms races, which can have significant implications for the mating system. In a series of simple models we first show that arms races are not necessarily supported: in fact, sperm killing may even favour no change or reductions in sperm allocation. Second, we identify a simple mechanistic rule for sperm killing that determines whether an arms race or sperm reduction will be favoured. Which of these responses is favoured by selection depends on whether a certain number, or proportion, of sperm are killed. When a specific number is killed, larger investment in sperm is favoured and when a specific proportion is killed, no change or lower investment in sperm is favoured. Both of these mechanisms are biologically plausible.  相似文献   

Males of the hermit crab, Pagurusfilholi, often grasp the edges of shells occupied by females and drag them during the mating season. This behavior was experimentally confirmed to be a precopulatory guarding behavior displayed by males for ripe females, and males were found to recognize females which were within about 5 days of spawning. Most theoretical models for mating preference assume the choosing sex (the male in the present case) has complete reproductive information about potential mates, and predict that males will preferably choose more fecund females and/or females that will require less guarding time (i.e. that will spawn sooner) as partners. Several male-choice experiments between two ripe females, both previously guarded by other males, were carried out to examine the above predictions. Males did not prefer females of larger size, higher fecundity or with less time remaining until spawning. These results suggest that males may not have complete information about potential partners, rather that male hermit crabs may adopt a mating strategy of pairing with the first ripe female they encounter. Even with such incomplete mate assessment, males may enhance their reproductive success by recognizing ripe females that will spawn within a given time (about 5 days in the present case).  相似文献   

Swimming performance of zebrafish Danio rerio males and females initially reared in four different temperatures was assessed by measuring their relative critical swimming speed after acclimation to a common temperature. Males reared at 31° C achieved higher swimming speeds than females reared at the same temperature. Morphometric measurements indicate differences in body shape between sexes that could account for the difference in swimming speed.  相似文献   

In terrestrial plants the segregation of male and female reproductions on different individuals results in the seed-shadow handicap: males do not disperse any seed so that the number of local patches reached by seeds is potentially reduced in dioecious populations in comparison to hermaphrodite populations. An analytical model, incorporating a lottery-based recruitment and dispersal stochasticity, was built. The spatially mediated cost of the seed-shadow handicap has been assessed considering the criterions for the invasion of a resident hermaphrodite species by a dioecious species and the reverse invasion, both species having the same demographic parameters but assuming a likely higher fecundity for dioecious females. The reciprocal invasion of a dioecious and hermaphrodite species differing only by their fecundity is never possible. The seed-shadow handicap disappears when the dispersal or survival rate is high enough. This latter point is due to dispersal stochasticity, which allows for the existence of empty patches. A low fecundity and an aggregated seed distribution increase dispersal stochasticity and increase the positive impact of a low mortality rate on the relative competitivity of dioecy and hermaphroditism. Adding a dispersal cost has a comparable effect but also requires higher dispersal rates for the dioecious invasion.  相似文献   

Why do female migratory birds arrive later than males?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. In migratory birds males tend to arrive first on breeding grounds, except in sex-role reversed species. The two most common explanations are the rank advantage hypothesis, in which male-male competition for breeding sites drives stronger selection for early arrival in males than females, and the mate opportunity hypothesis, which relies on sexual selection, as early arrival improves prospects of mate acquisition more for males than for females. 2. To date, theoretical work has focused on selection for early arrival within a single sex, usually male. However, if fitness depends on territory quality, selection for early arrival should operate on both sexes. Here we use two independent modelling approaches to explore the evolution of protandry (male-first arrival) and protogyny (female-first arrival) under the rank advantage and mate opportunity hypotheses. 3. The rank advantage hypothesis, when operating alone, fails to produce consistent patterns of protandry, despite our assumption that males must occupy territories before females. This is because an individual of either sex benefits if it out-competes same-sex competitors. Rather than promoting protandry, the rank advantage mechanism can sometimes result in protogyny. Female-female competition is stronger than male-male competition early in the season, if females compete for a resource (territories occupied by males) that is initially less common than the resource of interest to males (unoccupied territories). 4. Our results support the mate opportunity hypothesis as an explanation of why protandry is the norm in migratory systems. Male-biased adult sex ratios and high levels of sperm competition (modelled as extra-pair young: EPY) both produce protandry as a result of sexual selection. Protogyny is only observed in our models with female-biased sex ratios and low EPY production. 5. We also show that the effects of sex ratio biases are much stronger than those of EPY production, explore the evidence for sex ratio biases and extra-pair paternity in migratory species and suggest future research directions.  相似文献   

The role of male–male courtship in parasitic wasps is not well understood and nothing has been reported on the implication of learning in regard to homosexual behavior in hymenopteran parasitoids. In Psyttalia concolor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a synovigenic koinobiont larval–pupal endoparasitoid of many Diptera Tephritidae of economic importance, courtship and mating attempts are frequently displayed among males. Here we determine whether P. concolor males that are courted while still young by sexually mature males can compete better with other males when they court females. The results showed that P. concolor immature males do not appear to gain from receiving male courtship, but they develop a higher intensity (more wing fanning and shorter latency time) in the successive courtship of the females. The hypothesis that, under some conditions, such higher courtship intensities may increase the probability of gaining a mating advantage is discussed.  相似文献   

The contribution of the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca male in parental care was studied to examine why some females mate with already-mated males. No difference in feeding rate was found between older and yearling monogamous males, when comparing nests at the same time. Monogamous and primary females were helped significantly more in parental care by the male than were secondary females of polygynous males. Females could only partly compensate for the absence of a male and of nestlings were reduced in nests with low male assistance. Differences in mate and territory quality were far too slight to make it advantageous for females to choose already-mated males instead of mating with monogamous males. We suggest that males, by being polyterritorial, deceive females into accepting polygyny; and females can be deceived since they do not have time to find out the marital status of males.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis (HPG) plays vital roles in reproduction and steroid hormone production in both sexes. The focus of this review is upon gene structures, receptor structures and the signaling pathways of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The hormones' functions in reproduction as well as consequences resulting from mutations are also summarized. Specific characteristics of hormones such as the pulsatile secretions of GnRH are also covered. The different regulators of the HPG axis are introduced including kisspeptin, activin, inhibin, follistatin, androgens and estrogen. This review includes not only their basic information, but also their unique function in the HPG axis. Here we view the HPG axis as a whole, so relations between ligands and receptors are well described crossing different levels of the HPG axis. Hormone interactions and transformations are also considered. The major information of this article is depicted in three figures summarizing the current discoveries on the HPG axis. This article systematically introduces the basic knowledge of the HPG axis and provides information of the current advances relating to reproductive hormones.  相似文献   

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