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The biological containment of the potato (Solanum tuberosum) was assessed by establishing the crossability of this tuberous crop with the related wild non-tuberous species in The Netherlands, black nightshade (S. nigrum) and bittersweet (S. dulcamara). To circumvent crossability barriers, genotypes with different ploidy number were employed and crosses were performed under different environmental conditions. S. dulcamara was shown to be incongruent with potato at all ploidy levels, while S. nigrum displayed unilateral incompatibility. If S. nigrum was emasculated and used as female, fertilization by potato pollen resulted in berry set and seed development. Emasculation of S. nigrum was essential in this cross, because analysis of the fertilization process demonstrated that this species is highly self-compatible and potato pollen was outcompeted by pollen of S. nigrum. The hybrid seeds derived from this cross did not mature and appeared not to be viable. By application of the technique of embryo rescue of immature embryos, hybrid plants could be obtained. However, these hybrid plants proved to be sterile. These data demonstrate that gene flow by pollen dispersal from potato to its most common wild relatives in Western Europe is highly unlikely. The potato is thus a naturally contained species in this part of the world.  相似文献   

The intracellular compartmentation of carbonic anhydrase (CA; EC, an enzyme that catalyses the reversible hydration of CO2 to bicarbonate, has been investigated in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) leaves. Although enzyme activity was mainly located in chloroplasts (87% of total cellular activity), significant activity (13%) was also found in the cytosol. The corresponding CA isoforms were purified either from chloroplasts or crude leaf extracts, respectively. The cytosolic isoenzyme has a molecular mass of 255 000 and is composed of eight identical subunits with an estimated M r of 30000. The chloroplastic isoenzyme (M r 220000) is also an octamer composed of two different subunits with M r estimated at 27 000 and 27 500, respectively. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of both chloroplastic CA subunits demonstrated that they were identical except that the M r-27 000 subunit was three amino acids shorter than that of the M r-27 500 subunit. Cytosolic and chloroplastic CA isoenzymes were found to be similarly inhibited by monovalent anions (Cl, I, N 3 - and NO 3 - ) and by sulfonamides (ethoxyzolamide and acetozolamide). Both CA isoforms were found to be dependent on a reducing agent such as cysteine or dithiothreitol in order to retain the catalytic activity, but 2-mercaptoethanol was found to be a potent inhibitor. A polyclonal antibody directed against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the chloroplastic CA monomers also recognized the cytosolic CA isoform. This antibody was used for immunocytolocalization experiments which confirmed the intracellular compartmentation of CA: within chloroplasts, CA is restricted to the stroma and appears randomly distributed in the cytosol.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CA carbonic anhydrase - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride - BAM benzamidine - DTT dithiothreitol - 2-ME 2-mercaptoethanol - PVDF polyvinylidene difluoride The authors thanks P. Carrier and Dr. B. Dimon for technical assistance with the mass-spectrometry measurements.  相似文献   

Summary Representative regenerated clonal plants from protoplast fusion of Solanum tuberosum L. and an atrazine resistant biotype of S. nigrum L. were studied to ascertain which plastomes each clone contained. DNA was isolated from fractionated chloroplasts, restricted with DNAases XHO-1, BGL-1, PVU-2 and BAM-H1, and the fragments separated by agarose gel electrophoresis for comparison. No difference could be found between resistant and susceptible biotypes of S. nigrum with all four enzymes. XHO-1, BGL-1, BAM-H1 differentiated between S. nigrum and S. tuberosum. All atrazine resistant regenerants, despite plant morphology, had the plastid DNA pattern of S. nigrum while all sensitive ones resembled S. tuberosum, even the subclone 38S having a S. nigrum morphology and chromosome number.  相似文献   

Summary The many reports of phenotypic variation among plants regenerated from tissue culture suggest underlying alterations at the DNA level. This hypothesis was tested with protoplast-derived Solanum tuberosum plants. Random potato-DNA clones were used to probe the genome of individual plants at specific sites. Two out of twelve plants were shown to be variant by Southern-hybridisation with one of the tester-clones. As this clone turned out to represent 25S-rDNA, both somaclonal variants can be regarded as mutants deficient in ribosomal RNA-genes.  相似文献   

Summary The maximum chromosome pairing observed in haploids of Brassica campestris was two bivalents plus one trivalent but differences were observed in the chromosome pairing frequencies of the four haploids studied. This pairing supports the theorem that the species is hexasomic for one chromosome, tetrasomic for two and disomic for three others but it is emphasized that some of the observed pairing might be explained by a phenomenon other than homology.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty somatic hybrids between Solanum tuberosum and Solanum brevidens were analysed for mitochondrial and chloroplast genome rearrangements. In all cases, the chloroplast genomes were inherited from one of the parental protoplast populations. No chloroplast DNA alterations were evident but a range of mitochondrial DNA alterations, from zero to extensive intra- and inter-molecular recombinations, were found. Such recombinations involved specific recombination hot spots in the mitochondrial genome. Not all hybrids regenerated from a common callus possessed identical mitochondrial genomes, suggesting that sorting out of mitochondrial populations in the callus may have been incomplete at the plant regeneration stage. Sorting out of organelles in planta was not observed.  相似文献   

We evaluated chloroplast DNA (cpDNA), isozymes, single to low-copy nuclear DNA (RFLPs), and random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) in terms of concordance for genetic distance of 15 accessions each of Solanum etuberosum and S. palustre, and 4 accessions of S. fernandezianum. These self-compatible, diploid (2n=24), and morphologically very similar taxa constitute all species in Solanum sect. Etuberosum, a group of non-tuber-bearing species closely related to Solanum sect. Petota (the potato and its wild relatives). Genetic distance and multidimentional scaling results show general concordance of isozymes, RFLPs and RAPDs between all three taxa; cpDNA shows S. etuberosum and S. palustre to be more similar to each other than to S. fernandezianum. Interspecific sampling variance shows a gradation of resolution from allozyme (low) to RAPD to RFLP (high); while intraspecific comparisons graded from RFLPs (low) to RAPDs (high; lack of sufficient allozyme variability within species precluded comparisons for allozymes). Experimental error was low in RFLPs and RAPDs.Names are necessary to report factually and available data; however, the USDA neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable  相似文献   

The inheritance of endosperm balance number (EBN), a genetic, dose-dependent crossability system functioning in tuber-bearing Solanum (potato) species, was investigated for certain wild potato species having an EBN equal to one half of their ploidy. The EBN of Solanum acaule, a disomic 4(2EBN) South American species, was investigated by producing F1 and F2 hybrids with artificial 4x(2EBN) S. commersonii. This allowed assessment of recombination among the two genomes of disomic S. acaule and that of S. commersonii. When crossability of the hybrids with 1EBN, 2EBN and 4EBN standards was tested, no variation for EBN was detected. The apparent lack of recombination and segregation for EBN in these hybrids indicates that the genomes of S. acaule and S. commersonii carry EBN in a genetically-similar way. Combined with previous reports, these data indicate that the inheritance of EBN is similar in widely-separated taxa from South America and Mexico.  相似文献   

Summary Reciprocal crosses were made between plants that had nuclear genes of S.tuberosum L. ssp tuberosum combinated, by recurrent backrossing, with cytoplasmic factors of S. phureja Juz. & Buk. and, separately, of S. tuberosum ssp. andigena (Juz. & Buk.) Hawkes. Significant differences in growth between 19 of 23 intra-cytoplasmic reciprocal progenies occurred in vigor at one or more growth stages during the season and/or in yield as measured by tuber number and weight. If no transmission of cytoplasmic factors occurred through the pollen, the cytoplasmic factors of the parents were the same, and these reciprocal differences were caused by parental chromosomal gene mechanisms such as maternal effect, pollen-tube selection, and/or imprinting. Early seedling vigor was, in some cases, associated with greater seed weight, but this did not account for all of the reciprocal contrasts. The data do not show whether these parental effects are a result of maternal and/or paternal effects. Analysis to determine whether parental effect was a single gene character or alleles expressed at two levels, or multi-genic and so expressed at multiple levels, was based on a study of progeny of ten parents that were used in more than one reciprocal pair combination. The data showed that the parents could be classified at eight successive levels of relative effectiveness as staminate or pistillate parents. Of 23 crosses, 19 showed significant differences between reciprocal progenies that were consistent with this eight-level array. The data support the interpretation that parental effect is a multi-genic character.Authorized for publication as paper No. 163 of the Department of Horticulture  相似文献   

Summary Genetic bases of isozyme phenotypes of alkaline phosphatase (AKP) and glucosephosphate isomerase (GpI) from tuber extracts of potato species of the genus Solanum were investigated by starch gel electrophoresis. Data were obtained from reciprocal F1 matings of S. tuberosum X ssp. andigena (Juz. & Buk.) Hawkes and ssp. tuberosum X (S. phureja X S. chacoense) and BC1 matings where ssp. tuberosum was the recurrent parent. AKP and GPI are dimeric enzymes and the variation observed for each was found to be coded by single tetrasomic loci (Akp and Gpi) with three (A, A, A) and five (G, G, G, G, G) alleles, respectively. Although the G and G encoded homodimers have similar electrophoretic mobilities, the specific enzymatic activity of the G encoded homodimer is approximately 25% that of the G. The predictable genetic bases for these two enzymatic polymorphisms make them suitable for use as genetic markers in the potato. Chromosome mapping of the loci which encode these enzymes is now possible.Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 6663  相似文献   

D. Pitt 《Planta》1978,138(1):79-83
Density-gradient ultracentrifugation techniques showed that freezing and thawing of potato leaves resulted in a change in the density of subcellular particles containing acid phosphatase and acid ribonuclease (RNase). Gel filtration experiments were used to characterise the molecular forms of the hydrolases associated with the various cell fractions. Freezing and thawing promoted a release of a portion of the complement of acid phosphatase and RNase from the lysosomes to the supernatant fluid fraction of cell homogenates. The freezing treatment appeared to activate latent lysosomal RNase.  相似文献   

Summary Endosperm Balance Number (EBN) is a genetic, dose-dependent crossability system functioning in tuber-bearing Solanum species. Each species has been assigned 1EBN, 2EBN, or 4EBN. Species thus designated cross only within their EBN group. Doubling of chromosome number also doubles the EBN. The ploidy: EBN ratio is not consistent among Solanum species. Some diploids are 2EBN while others are 1EBN. Some tetraploids are 4EBN while others are 2EBN. Species from Mexico typically have EBNs that are one-half of their ploidy [e.g. 2x(1EBN), 4x(2EBN)]. Hybrids of Mexican species and a South American species, 2x(1EBN) S. Commersonii, and its 4x(2EBN) colchicine derivative were made and crossed to 1, 2, and 4EBN standard testers to determine the relationship of the genetic organization of EBN among and within these species. Diploid hybrids crossed only to 1EBN standard testers. Hybrids of 4x(2EBN) S. commersonii and 4x(2EBN) Mexican species crossed almost exclusively to 2EBN standard testers. Complex tetraploid hybrids involving S. commersonii, S. stenophyllidium (a Mexican diploid), and Mexican tetraploids of series Longipedicellata also crossed only to 2EBN testers. The apparent lack of recombination and segregation for EBN in these hybrids indicates that the genomes of the Mexican diploid and tetraploid species carry EBN in a way genetically similar to that of the South American species S. Commersonii.Cooperative investigation of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service and the Wisconsin Experiment Station. Supported in part by the USDA/Cooperative States Research Service Competitive Grant No. 83-CRCR-1-1253  相似文献   

A system of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers was developed to facilitate the transfer of S. bulbocastanum (blb) genes into the S. tuberosum (tbr) genome by hybridization and backcrossing. DNA from tbr, blb and the hexaploid hybrid was used as a template for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. Polymorphic RAPD products, originating from 10-mer primers, specific for blb were cloned and sequenced at their ends to allow the synthesis of 18-mer primers. The 18-mer primers allowed a more reproducible assay than the corresponding RAPDs. Of eight 18-mer primer pairs, four amplified the expected products specific for blb. However, the stringency of the primer annealing conditions needed to be carefully optimized to avoid amplification of the homeologous tbr product, suggesting that the original RAPD polymorphisms were due to single base-pair changes rather than deletions or insertions. Two primers used for amplification of backcross 2 progeny segregated in a 11 (presence:absence) ratio; the other two were unexpectedly absent. The most likely explanation for the loss of these markers is irregular meiosis in the original hexaploid hybrid and subsequent elimination of chromosomes. Cytological analysis of the meiosis in the hybrid demonstrated widespread irregular pairing and the presence of lagging univalents. In addition, the first backcross individual used as the parent for the second backcross had 54 chromosomes instead of the predicted 60. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that PCR technology can be used for the efficient isolation of taxon-specific markers in Solanum. Furthermore, by the use of these markers we detected the loss of chromosomes that was subsequently shown by cytological analysis to be caused by irregular meiosis of the somatic hybrid.  相似文献   

Here we show that fructose 2,6-bisphosphate cannot be reliably measured in mature leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), or stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.) using conventional extraction techniques, since the recoveries of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate added during extraction are poor. However, fructose 2,6-bisphosphate could be extracted by boiling leaves in ethanol and aqueous buffer. Evidence for the reliability of this technique is provided by high recovery measurements of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate added to the leaves before extraction. This extraction method was used to measure changes in the level of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate throughout the photoperiod in tobacco and potato leaves. These changes are compared with the rate of accumulation of sucrose and starch in the leaf samples. Variations in the levels of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate, and the relationship between this metabolite and sucrose and starch accumulation in these leaves during the photoperiod are similar to the pattern observed in leaves of other plant species.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - Fru-2,6-P2 fructose 2,6-bisphosphate This research was supported by the Agricultural and Food Research Council (Grant no. PG43/531), and the Royal Society.  相似文献   

Summary Plants were regenerated from callus arising from protoplast fusion of two S. tuberosum diploids. Tetraploid progeny from the fusion of the two diploid partners had increased vigor. Isozyme analysis confirmed the presence of proteins from both partners in the fusion progeny. Pigmentation of tubers and anthers was heightened substantially in the fusion products. This fusion, the first intra-specific fusion within S. tuberosum, indicates that somatic fusion may be useful for transferring traits within this group.  相似文献   

Summary Forty-two potato plants were regenerated from a hairy-root line obtained after infection of a shoot of Solanum tuberosum cv Desiree with Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain LBA 9402 (pRil855). Transformed plants were uniform and had a distinct phenotype and development compared with untransformed controls. Their growth was vigorous, especially early in their development, their roots were abundant and showed reduced geotropism, their leaves were slightly crinkled and glossy and they produced longer tubers with more frequent, prominent eyes. Cytological examination showed that ten of the forty-two transformed plants had either 47 or 49 chromosomes instead of the normal 48. In two of these aneuploids structural changes were observed.  相似文献   

Roberto Viola 《Planta》1996,198(2):186-196
Metabolism of radiolabelled hexoses by discs excised from developing potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers was been investigated in the presence of acid invertase to prevent accumulation of labelled sucrose in the bathing medium (Viola, 1996, Planta 198: 179–185). When the discs were incubated with either [U-14C]glucose or [U-14C]fructose without unlabelled hexoses, the unidirectional rate of sucrose synthesis was insignificant compared with that of sucrose breakdown. The inclusion of unlabelled fructose in the medium induced a dramatic increase in the unidirectional rate of sucroses synthesis in the tuber discs. Indeed, the decline in the sucrose content observed when discs were incubated without exogenous sugars could be completely prevented by including 300 mM fructose in the bathing medium. On the other hand, the inclusion of unlabelled glucose in the medium did not significantly affect the relative incorporation of [U-14C]glucose to starch, sucrose or glycolytic products. Substantial differences in the intramolecular distribution of 13C enrichment in the hexosyl moieties of sucrose were observed when the discs were incubated with either [2-13C]fructose or [2-13C]glucose. The pattern of 13C enrichment distribution in sucrose suggested that incoming glucose was converted into sucrose via the sucrose-phosphate synthase pathway whilst fructose was incorporated directly into sucrose via sucrose synthase. Quantitative estimations of metabolic fluxes in vivo in the discs were also provided. The apparent maximal rate of glucose phosphorylation was close to the extractable maximum catalytic activity of glucokinase. On the other hand, the apparent maximal rate of fructose phosphorylation was much lower than the maximum catalytic activity of fructokinase, suggesting that the activity of the enzyme (unlike that of glucokinase) was regulated in vivo. Although in the discs incubated with or without fructose the rates of starch synthesis or glycolysis were similar, the relative partitioning of metabolic intermediates into sucrose was much higher in discs incubated with fructose (0.6% and 32.6%, respectively). It is hypothesised that the equilibrium of the reaction catalysed by sucrose synthase in vivo is affected in discs incubated with fructose as a result of the accumulation of the sugar in the tissue. This results in the onset of sucrose cycling. Incubation with glucose enhanced all metabolic fluxes. In particular, the net rate of starch synthesis increased from 2.0 mol · hexose · g FW–1 · h–1 in the absence of exogenous glucose to 3.7 mol · hexose · g FW–1 · h–1 in the presence of 300 mM glucose. These data are taken as an indication that the regulation of fructokinase in vivo may represent a limiting factor in the utilisation of sucrose for biosynthetic processes in developing potato tubers.Abbreviations ADPGlc adenosine 5-diphosphoglucose - Glc6P glucose-6-phosphate - hexose-P hexose phosphate - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - UDPGlc uridine 5-diphosphoglucose Many thanks to L. Sommerville for skillfull assistance and to J. Crawford and J. Liu for useful discussions on flux analysis. The research was funded by the Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department.  相似文献   

PPi has previously been implicated specifically in the co-ordination of the sucrose–starch transition and in the broader context of its role as co-factor in heterotrophic plant metabolism. In order to assess the compartmentation of pyrophosphate (PPi) metabolism in the potato tuber we analysed the effect of expressing a bacterial pyrophosphatase in the amyloplast of wild type tubers or in the cytosol or amyloplast of invertase-expressing tubers. The second and third approaches were adopted since we have previously characterized the invertase expressing lines to both exhibit highly altered sucrose metabolism and to contain elevated levels of PPi (Farré et al. (2000a) Plant Physiol 123:681) and therefore this background rendered questions concerning the level of communication between the plastidic and cytosolic pyrophosphate pools relatively facile. In this study we observed that the increase in PPi in the invertase expressing lines was mainly confined to the cytosol. Accordingly, the expression of a bacterial pyrophosphatase in the plastid of either wild type or invertase-expressing tubers did not lead to a decrease in total PPi content. However, the expression of the heterologous pyrophosphatase in␣the cytosol of cytosolic invertase-expressing tubers led to strong metabolic changes. These results are discussed both with respect to our previous hypotheses and to current models of the compartmentation of potato tuber metabolism.  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Zhao Q  Ao G  Yu J 《Planta》2006,224(2):405-412
A pollen-specific gene, sb401, which was isolated from a cDNA library of in vitro geminated pollen of the diploid potato species Solanum berthaultii, belongs to the class of genes expressed late during pollen development. Using sb401 as a probe, a pollen-specific gene st901 was isolated from the genomic library of a potato species Solanum tuberosum cv. Desiree. Sequencing and RT-PCR analysis showed that the st901 genomic gene is 2,889 bp long, contains three exons and two introns, and encodes a putative polypeptide of 217 residues. The predicted protein sequence contains four imperfect repeated motifs of V–V–E–K–K–N/E–E; the core sequence of the repeats (K–K–N/E–E) resembles a microtubule-binding domain of the microtubule-associated protein MAP1B from mouse. The examination of a promoter–reporter construct in transgenic potato plants revealed that the st901 is expressed exclusively in mature pollen grains, which is consistent with the results of Northern blot and RT-PCR. For analysis of the function of st901, transgenic plants harboring antisense copies of st901 cDNA driven by a native st901 promoter were generated. Suppression of st901 gene in potato resulted in aberrant pollen at maturation and pollen viability of transgenic plants ranged from 4.4 to 14.8%, while that of control plants were more than 90%. These results strongly suggest that st901 has an essential role in pollen development.The st901 gene sequence has been deposited in GenBank under accession number AY526087. Accession number for SB401 is X95984.1  相似文献   

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