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Genetic analysis of short stature   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Short stature is a major concern for patients and their parents, and represents a diagnostic challenge to the clinician. A correct diagnosis is of particular importance in view of the availability of effective, but costly, therapy in a small subset of cases. Many different genetic etiologies of short stature are known. Therefore, chromosome as well as molecular analysis are requisite diagnostic investigations in children with short stature. Particularly in the group of children with idiopathic short stature, possibilities of molecular analysis are often underestimated. Important options are UPD7 and the FGFR3, SHOX, GH1 and GHR genes. Furthermore, analysis of the IGF and IGF1R genes should be considered. We propose a flow chart for molecular analysis in short stature.  相似文献   

Summary Two sibs with short stature, unusual facies and open bite are described. It appears that the findings in these patients constitute a hitherto undescribed familial entity.  相似文献   

AIMS: To obtain an understanding of the etiology of proportional dwarfism and endocrinopathies of Bloom's syndrome BS. METHODS: Admission for 5-day periods to an NIH-supported Clinical Research Center of a randomly selected population of persons with BS (n = 11; mean age 11.5 years, range 9 months to 28.5 years) for clinical and genetic history-taking, physical examination, and endocrinological, gastroenterological and immunological testing. RESULTS: An oral glucose tolerance test was performed in all participants. Impaired glucose tolerance was present in 4 individuals, insulin resistance was observed in 6 individuals, and previously unrecognized diabetes was found in 1. Growth hormone provocation was normal in the 10 individuals tested. Overnight frequent GH sampling was suggestive of neurosecretory dysfunction in 3. Compensated hypothyroidism was found in 2 participants. Lipid profile abnormalities were present in 5 of 10 individuals. Low immunoglobulin concentrations (IgG and/or IgM) were seen in all tested. Intestinal absorption by D-xylose and/or fecal fat measurement was normal in all individuals tested as well. CONCLUSION: Altered carbohydrate metabolism is very common in BS, and is present from childhood. BS dwarfism is not related to growth hormone deficiency or malabsorption. The basis for the growth restriction in BS remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

Unique association of hypothyrotropinemia with euthyroidism was described in 2 children of short stature. Both had a history of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR), but showed an appropriate growth rate after infancy (5 cm/y). Growth hormone secretion after provocation tests was normal, whereas TSH response to TRH was absent. With a highly sensitive TSH radioimmunoassay (RIA) and a specific RIA for TSH-alpha-subunit, both responded to a high dose of TRH stimulation. Serum thyroid hormones were within the normal range, while prolactin response to TRH was exaggerated. Exogenous thyroxine (T4) supplement in case 1 did not improve his growth rate, indicating absence of hypothyroidism. Case 2 was treated with stanozolol, which accelerated his growth velocity to 8 cm/y. During the treatment, serum T4 gradually decreased to 50% of the initial level, but blunted TSH response to TRH remained unchanged. These results indicate that their thyrotrophs are resistant to TRH stimulation and the pituitary setpoint of TSH release is unusually high. The exact mechanism involved in maintaining euthyroidism despite hypothyrotropinemia remains to be elucidated, but a common history of IUGR appears to play a role in producing this pituitary-thyroid state.  相似文献   

A 13 1/2 year-old girl with short stature and very few Turner stigmata revealed 45,X/46,XX mosaicism with 90%–100% 46,XX cells in three sequential blood lymphocyte cultures. Molecular investigation of the parental origin of her X chromosomes revealed homozygosity for paternal X markers and an absence of maternal markers. Luteinizing hormone response to growth hormone releasing hormone was increased. Impaired gonadal function and shortness of stature in this case could be a result of the mild mosaicism with a 45,X cell line and/or is a consequence of the paternal-only origin of her X chromosomes.  相似文献   

E. D. Wigle  Y. Marquis  P. Auger 《CMAJ》1967,97(6):299-301
In Ontario, ovarian cancer causes 7% of female cancer deaths, exceeding cancer of the uterine cervix or corpus in women aged 50 years and over. For 1722 patients with ovarian cancer registered at the Ontario Cancer Foundation Clinics in 1938-1958, who received some or all of their treatment at the clinics or were untreated anywhere, the crude survival rate at five years was 28%. Survival was greatly influenced by extent of disease and by histological type; survival rates remained constant or rose slightly over successive periods although an increasing proportion of advanced cases were registered. The method of choice for initial treatment was panhysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and radiotherapy. Agreement on classification by histological type and extent is urgently needed.  相似文献   

We describe a 17-yr-old girl with insulin resistant diabetes, acanthosis nigricans, hirsutism and short stature. At the age of 14 she was found to have glycosuria and diagnosed as diabetes mellitus. No endocrinological abnormality except transient amenorrhea and exaggerated LH response to LHRH was found. Insulin resistance was demonstrated by fasting hyperinsulinemia, insulin tolerance test and euglycemic glucose clamp test, and large doses of insulin with CSII were not effective in controlling blood glucose. Insulin binding to erythrocytes was normal, suggesting a postbinding defect. The same phenotype of insulin resistant diabetes and short stature was found in her mother who was diagnosed as diabetes mellitus at the age of 31 and died of diabetic nephropathy at the age of 41. Her maternal grandfather and uncle were reportedly affected with the same phenotype. Her father had impaired glucose tolerance, but no hyperinsulinemia. Two sisters had essentially normal glucose tolerance. Insulin binding to erythrocytes of her father and mother was also in the normal range. These results suggest that the present case may be a rare syndrome present together with type C syndrome of insulin resistance, and with short stature which was inherited autosomal dominantly.  相似文献   

Novel treatment of short stature with aromatase inhibitors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Estrogens have an essential role in the regulation of bone maturation and importantly in the closure of growth plates in both sexes. This prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled study was undertaken to evaluate whether suppression of estrogen synthesis in pubertal boys delays bone maturation and ultimately results in increased adult height.

A total of 23 boys with constitutional delay of puberty (CDP) received a conventional, low-dose testosterone treatment for inducing progression of puberty. Eleven of these 23 boys were randomized to receive a specific and potent P450-aromatase inhibitor, letrozole, for suppression of estrogen action, and 12 boys were randomized to receive placebo. Estradiol concentrations in the letrozole-treated boys remained at the pretreatment level during the administration of letrozole, whereas the concentrations increased during the treatment with testosterone alone and during spontaneous progression of puberty. Testosterone concentrations increased in all groups, but during the letrozole treatment, the increase was more than fivefold higher than in the group treated with testosterone alone.

The inhibition of estrogen synthesis delayed bone maturation. The slower bone maturation in the boys treated with testosterone and letrozole, despite higher androgen concentrations, than in the boys treated with testosterone indicate that estrogens are more important than androgens in regulation of bone maturation in pubertal boys. During the 18 months follow-up, an increase of 5.1 cm in predicted adult height was observed in the boys who received testosterone and letrozole, but no change was seen in the boys who received testosterone alone or in the untreated boys. This finding indicates that an increase in adult height can be attained in growing adolescent boys by inhibiting of estrogen action.  相似文献   

Turner syndrome (TS) is one of the most common chromosomal abnormalities among girls. Complete monosomy of X chromosome is responsible for almost 50% of all cases of TS, and mosaicism and X anomaly are detected in the other half. It has already been demonstrated that early diagnosis of these children allows appropriate growth hormone treatment with better final height prognosis and introduction of estrogen at an ideal chronological age. Sixty-four short-stature girls were selected and the clinical data obtained were birth weight and height, weight and height at the first medical visit and target height. Other clinical data including cardiac and renal abnormalities, otitis, Hashimoto thyroiditis, cubitus valgus, short neck, widely separated nipples, and pigmented nevi were obtained from the patients' medical records. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the screening of a group of short-stature girls for TS based on the number of CAG repeats of the androgen receptor gene analyzed by GeneScan software. Patient samples with two alleles (heterozygous) were 49/64 (76.5%) and with one allele (homozygous) were 15/64 (23.5%). A karyotype was determined in 30 patients, 9 homozygous and 21 heterozygous. In the homozygous group, 6/9 were 45,X and 3/9 were 46,XX. In the heterozygous group, 17/21 were 46,XX, and 4/21 were TS patients with mosaicism (45,X/46,XX; 45,X/46XiXq; 46XdelXp). The pattern obtained by GeneScan in two patients with mosaicism in the karyotype was an imbalance between the peak heights of the two alleles, suggesting that this imbalance could be present when there is a mosaicism. The frequency of TS abnormalities (18.7%) did not differ between TS and 46,XX girls. Thus, it is important to accurately assess the incidence of TS in growth-retarded girls, even in the absence of other dysmorphisms. In this study, we diagnosed 6 cases of TS 45,X (9.4%) by molecular analysis, with a 100% sensitivity and 85% specificity. This molecular analysis was able to detect all cases of TS 45,X and the majority of mosaicisms, without the need for more X chromosome markers. In conclusion, determining the number of CAG repeats of the androgen receptor gene analyzed by GeneScan was a fast method with high sensitivity for the detection of TS 45,X, suggesting that it could be interesting as a method for screening a population of growth-retarded girls.  相似文献   

Aniridia can arise as part of the WAGR syndrome (Wilms tumour. aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, and mental retardation), due to a deletion or chromosomal region 11p13. We report a girl with a complete WAGR syndrome, whose brother presented hypospadias. Cytogenetic, FISH and molecular studies showed a deletion in one chromosome 11 of the patient. No cytogenetic rearrangement or deletion affecting the genes included in this region (PAX6 and WT1) were observed in her brother and parents. This excludes a higher risk than that of the general population for developing Wilms tumour in the brother and supports that the presence of WAGR syndrome in the patient and hypospadias in her brother is a chance association. We conclude that the identification and definition of the deletions in the WAGR region, which include the WT1 locus are important in order to identify a high tumour risk in infant patients with aniridia including those without other WAGR anomalies.  相似文献   

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