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We show that temporal variability in root populations can depend upon the scale of measurement (particularly the sampled soil volume). The presence of roots in a range of volumes of soil was studied using perspex tubes installed horizontally into the soil around three mature kiwifruit vines. Roots intercepting lines scored on the tubes were counted using a periscope. For small volumes of soil (c. 2–4 cm3) the root counts varied with time in a very irregular manner, and as the interval between measurements increased the autocorrelation between the measurements decayed rapidly. At about half of the locations monitored there was no significant autocorrelation between measurements 27 d apart. Linear interpolation in these time series was unreliable, and where the correlation dimension could be resolved it was usually non-integer (suggesting chaotic behaviour). The time series measured at different locations were poorly correlated, indicating weak coordination. As the observed soil volume increased, the coordination between locations improved, the autocorrelation function increased, and linear interpolation errors decreased (although these remained substantial). Clearly there are considerable fundamental constraints on our ability to predict the root behaviour of kiwifruit vines at scales that are appropriate for mechanistic models of nutrient and water uptake. We discuss the need for a new conceptual model of the fine-root systems of kiwifruit and similar species.  相似文献   

Endogenous cytokinin and benzyladenine (BA) metabolites were studied in kiwifruit explants grown on solidified and liquid Murashige and Skoog media supplemented with BA. The same proliferation rate was observed in both media. However, in the liquid medium the release from apical dominance was faster and the growth rate was higher than on solid medium. At the same time the number of vitrified shoots increased considerably in the liquid cultures. Exogenous BA was transformed into 9-β-D-glucopyranosyl-BA ([9G]BA), 7-β-D-glucopyranosyl-BA ([7G]BA). 7-β-D-ribofura-nosyl-BA ([9R]BA) and the 51-monophosphate of [9R]BA ([9R-51P]BA). The proportion of active forms (BA, [9R-51P]BA and [9R]BA) in respect to total BA metabolites, was generally higher in shoots from liquid than from solid media. An exception was found at day 20 when this balance was inverted. Endogenous cytokinins in kiwifruit shoots were measured by enzyme-linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA). The content of natural cytokinins was influenced by the levels of active forms of BA.  相似文献   

The significance of changes in cytokinin content during early fruit growth was examined in the kiwifruit ( Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa cv. Hayward). Fruit growth was modified by the reduction of seed number or by the application of the synthetic phenylurea cytokinin N -(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)- N -phenylurea (CPPU). The influence of these treatments on cell division was monitored by flow cytometry and changes in the endogenous cytokinins were measured at days 10 and 20 after anthesis, using high-performance liquid chromatography and radioimmunoassay. Total cytokinin levels appeared not to be limiting growth since the highest total cytokinin concentration was detected in unpollinated fruit, which abscised by day 25 after anthesis. However, compared with control fruit which had the highest concentration of zeatin (Z) 10 days post anthesis, Z levels were low in unpollinated fruit. It is hypothesised that an increase in Z is the critical change in cytokinin metabolism required for the initiation of cell division and fruit growth. The synthetic cytokinin CPPU promoted fruit development, but there was a decrease in the endogenous cytokinin concentration. Zeatin was not detected in CPPU-treated fruit. Cell division was reduced in unpollinated fruitlets but there was no significant difference ( P > 0.05) between the other treatments. Differences in final fruit size appeared to be due to cell expansion.  相似文献   

在春季田间条件下,我们对美味猕猴桃品种米良1 号(Actinidia deliciosa cvMiliang-1)的光-光合特性与净光合速率日变化及其与环境因子的关系进行了初步研究.结果表明美味猕猴桃米良1 号在适宜的环境条件下(气温34 ℃,相对湿度62% ),同化CO2 的光合速率达到17.37~18.69 μm olm - 2s- 1,但是在高温和干旱条件下(气温41℃,相对湿度30% ),其光合能力降低到7.32 μm olm - 2s- 1.该品种的光饱和点与光补偿点分别为1 100 和20 μm olm - 2s- 1, 表明是一种阴性偏阳的树种. 5 月初的晴天,美味猕猴桃米良1号的净光合速率日变化呈双峰曲线型,第一高峰出现在上午10∶00,18.65 μm olm - 2s- 1,午间13∶00 剧降到3.15 μm olm - 2s- 1,下午16∶00 出现第二高峰,其值为10.35 μm olm - 2s- 1. 在测定净光合速率的同时,还对田间条件下环境因子如光照、气温、空气湿度与CO2浓度以及植物叶表面温度与蒸腾速率日变化等进行了监测,用多元线形回归的方法分析了环境因子对猕猴桃光合作用日变化的影响  相似文献   

Xyloglucan endotransglycosylase (XET) activity was measured in apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Braeburn) pericarp and kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa [A. Chev.] C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv. Hayward) outer pericarp and core tissues in order to establish whether a correlation exists between the activity of the enzyme and different stages of fruit development Whereas the growth rate of kiwifruit paralleled changes in XET activity throughout fruit growth, that of apple did not. Both fruits showed the highest XET activity, on a fresh weight basis, in the first two weeks after anthesis when cell division was at its highest. XET activity then decreased sharply, but as the fruit increased in size (4–8 weeks after anthesis) there was a concomitant increase in XET activity in both fruits. In the latter stage of fruit development (16–26 weeks after anthesis) XET activity increased to peak at harvest in apple fruit. During this time there was relatively little increase in fruit size and presumably therefore minimal cell expansion. XET activity then declined as fruit softened after harvest. In core tissue from kiwifruit, XET activity increased throughout the later stages of fruit growth to harvest maturity in a similar manner to apple, but continued to increase after harvest until fruit were ripe. In contrast, XET activity in the outer pericarp of kiwifruit did not increase until ripening after harvest. In apple tissue up to 30% of the XET activity was cell wall bound and could not be solubilised, even in buffer containing 2 M NaCl. The results implicate XET in cell wall assembly during cell division and expansion early in apple and kiwifruit growth. However, the disparity between apple and kiwifruit with respect to XET activity late in fruit development and ripening and the different affinities of the enzyme for the cell wall in each fruit, suggest that XET has several roles in plant development, not all of which are related to cell wall loosening during periods of accelerated growth.  相似文献   

This paper presents two models of budbreak on canes of 'Hayward' kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa). A conventional 'chill unit' (CU) type model is compared with an alternative 'loss of potential' (LOP) approach, which assumes that the number of buds developing in spring depends on climate and node position-dependent bud-to-bud interactions that vary in duration and intensity. Both models describe how temperature, and application of a dormancy-breaking chemical, determine the overall amount of budbreak for whole canes. However, the LOP model does so by describing patterns of budbreak along canes. To do this, the cumulative influence of distal neighbours is assumed to cause a progressive fall in the capacity for bud development over the autumn-winter period, an influence that gets stronger as temperature rises. The LOP model also assumes that the rate of decline varies along the cane, as a function of some inherent bud property. These two factors mean that buds towards the base of the cane break less often under the suppressive influence of distal neighbours, while low temperature ('chilling') increases budbreak by diminishing the intensity of suppression relative to bud development rate. Under this scenario, dormancy-breaking chemicals (such as hydrogen cyanamide, HC) enhance budbreak by diminishing the duration of suppression. Models were calibrated using daily temperature series and budbreak proportion data from a multi-year regional survey, and were then tested against independent data sets. Both models were run from a fixed start date until the time budbreak was almost complete, or until a standard date. The fitted models described 87 % of variation in amount of budbreak due to site, year, HC and node position effects in the original data set. Results suggest that the correlation between chilling and the amount of budbreak can be interpreted as a population-based phenomenon based on interaction among buds.  相似文献   

The effects of varying nitrogen supply on canopy leaf area, response of leaf net photosynthesis (An) to quantum flux density (Q), and fruit yields of kiwifruit vines (Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa) were examined in a two-year field experiment. Vines were grown with 0, 250 or 750 kg N ha?1 year?1. The responses to nitrogen supply were compared with responses to shade, to examine the impact of reduced carbon assimilation on canopy leaf area and fruit yields. Nitrogen supply did not affect significantly any of the measured variables during the first season of the experiment. In the second season, canopy leaf area was reduced significantly where nitrogen supply was limited. The quantum efficiency of photosynthesis (φq) increased from 0. 03 mol CO2 mol?1 Q soon after leaf emergence to more than 0. 05 mol CO2 mol?1 Q during the middle of the growing season. The quantum saturated rate of An (Asat) also increased during the season, from 7–10 μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 soon after leaf emergence, to 15–20 (μmol CO2 m?2 s?1 during the middle of the growing season. φq and Asat increased significantly with nitrogen supply at all measurement times during the second season. For vines with high nitrogen, fruit yields in both seasons were similar, averaging 3. 05 kg m?2. Fruit yields in the second season were reduced significantly where nitrogen supply was limited, due to reduced fruit numbers. The relative effects of reduced leaf area and reduced leaf photosynthesis for carbon assimilation by nitrogen deficient vines were examined using a mathematical model of canopy photosynthesis for kiwifruit vines. Simulations of canopy photosynthesis indicated that effects on leaf area and on leaf photosynthesis were of similar importance in the overall effects of nitrogen deficiency on carbon assimilation. The effects of nitrogen supply on fruit numbers (i. e. flower development) preceded the measured effects on carbon assimilation, indicating that the nitrogen supply affected carbon partitioning to reserves in the first season.  相似文献   

环境因素与生姜需光特性关系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
徐坤  郑国生  王秀峰 《生态学报》2001,21(7):1091-1094
生姜光合作用的适宜光强与水分,温度及CO2等环境因素密切相关,80%的土壤相对含水量有利于生姜叶片利用较强的光照,其光合作用的饱和光强达1206μmol/m^-2.s^-1,水分胁迫可显著降低其对强光的适应性。40%土壤相对含水量时,光合作用的饱和光强权621μmol/L.m^-2.s^-1;而在正常供水条件下,以25-30℃的温度有利于生姜叶片对光能的利用;生姜对强光的适应能力随空气CO2浓度的升高而显著增强,CO2达1200μL/L时,其光合作用的饱和光强达1206μmol.m^-2.s^-1,但在220μL/L时,其光合作用的饱和光强仅608μumol.m^-2.s^-1。由此可以认为生姜应是喜光耐荫作物而非喜荫怕光作物,并据此偿试了以地面覆草取代传统插草栽培的可行性。  相似文献   

Light is recognized as crucial in determining high quality of fleshy fruits, for example, kiwifruit [Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson]. Among the possible mechanisms through which light improves the quality of kiwifruit berry, there may be a direct morphogenic role on the differentiation of the fruit's vascular system, though this has not yet been investigated. The present study's aim was to determine (1) whether light positively affects the differentiation of the vascular system of the fruit and/or the pedicel, and, if so, (2) which component (xylem, phloem, or both) is more affected, and (3) in which period of the berry's development the improvement of the vascular differentiation (if any) occurs. To this end, fruit morphogenesis of kiwifruit was studied in two developmental environments (i.e., in full sunlight and in paper bags that reduced the full sunlight to 10%), and in two phases of fruit development (i.e., 1 and 5 months [harvest] after anthesis). During the growth period, the type of environment did not affect the differentiation pattern of the vascular system in the three types of bundles present in the fruit. However, in comparison with shade, light improved the vasculature in the fruit pericarp and pedicel, inducing a consistently higher extent of the xylary component in the main bundles of the fruit and pedicel, principally due to an increase in the number of xylem elements. The phloic component was also increased by light, but to a much lesser extent than that of the xylary. During the entire period of development, light-grown fruits contained higher concentrations of calcium and magnesium, as compared with shade-grown fruits. In conclusion, in the berry of Actinidia deliciosa, light enhances the differentiation of the vascular system, in particular the xylary component. The hypothesis that fruit quality is improved through a more efficient translocation of specific mineral nutrients (e.g., calcium) via the xylem is presented.  相似文献   

Comparisons were made of photosynthesis in three light limited cyclostat cultures (LD = 8:16, dilution rate 0.7 d–1) of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, differing only in the dynamics of irradiance supply: as a constant rate, i.e. a block culture; as a sine function of the light period, i.e. a sinusoidal culture; as an 8 h sine function superimposed by an 1 h sine function, i.e. an oscillating culture. The sinusoidal culture had a constant minimum quantum requirement for oxygen evolution (QR) of 10.8 over the photoperiod. The OR of the oscillating culture increased from 24 to 37 during the photoperiod. From changes in and P max we suggest that: (1) photosynthetic units (PSU) of the block and sinusoidal sulture increased in number; (2) increasingly fewer chlorophyll molecules participated in oxygenic photosynthesis with a decreasing turnover time of the PSU's during an oscillating photoperiod. Values of I k decreased slightly in the block culture, increased slightly in the sinusoidal culture and showed a twofold increase in the oscillating culture. From the ratio of in situ oxygen production (qO2) and P max we infer a balanced equilibrium between photosystem activity and electron transport capacity for the block and sinusoidal culture. We hypothesize that the qO2 values of the oscillating culture underestimated true oxygen production rates due to a nonlinear response at peak light intensities. The results show that a dynamical photoperiod provoked significantly different photosynthetic responses, even though the overall growth rate was unaffected.  相似文献   

In vitro toxicity of the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) magainin 1 and 2 to a higher plant organism, i.e., the bicellular male gametophyte of Actinidia Deliciosa (kiwifruit), is investigated. Heavy damage to the plasma membrane, the primary cellular target of the peptides, was rapidly induced: in as few as 15 min, from 70 to nearly 100 % of pollen grains were rendered unviable by 20 microM magainin 1 or 2, respectively. Therefore, kiwifruit pollen sensitivity to natural magainins seemed to be higher if compared to the sensitivity of other pollen species towards magainin 2 amide or synthetic magainin analogues. Strong dose-dependent inhibitory effects on kiwifruit pollen performance were registered: as for magainin 1, the EC (50) at 120 min varied from 14.0 (germination) to 15.8 microM (tube elongation). The inhibitory effect was much greater when administering magainin 1 to elongating tubes rather than to ungerminated pollen grains. The two peptides differentially affected kiwifruit pollen, in line with the previously documented greater activity of magainin 2 in other cell systems. Furthermore, 20 microM magainin 1-treated pollen grains took on a shrivelled shape within 30 min of incubation, an increasingly widespread effect with higher peptide concentration. At the ultrastructural level, both protoplast shrinkage and striking organelle alterations were evident, including chromatin condensation, swelling and loss of mitochondrial cristae, dilation of rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae, and vacuolization of cytoplasm. To our knowledge, similar alterations in animal or plant cells treated with AMPs have not been described yet.  相似文献   

Proliferating cultures of Actinidia deliciosa A. Chev., C. F. Liang and A. R. Ferguson cv. Tomuri (♂) were grown under photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) rates ranging from 30 to 250 μmol m−2 s−1 in order to determine certain physiological parameters in vitro: CO2 evolution, photosynthesis at three CO2 atmospheric concentrations (330, 1450 and 4500 μl l−1), fresh and dry matter accumulation and proliferation rate.
A proportional response in dry weight, dry/fresh weight ratios and PPFD was found. The proliferation rate increased up to 120 μmol m−2 s−1 but decreased at higher rates. At the highest PPFD, the CO2 released from cultures and accumulated in the vessels reached 200 μl l−1 of; at the lowest rate the CO2 concentration reached 10500 μl l−1 after 28 days of culture. The photosynthetic rate at 1450 and 4500 μl l−1 of CO2 was nearly 4 times higher than at the lowest concentration tested.  相似文献   

 Previous studies have established that chloroplasts are inherited paternally in Actinidia interspecific crosses. However, fertilisation problems in interspecific crosses may affect the transmission of organelles. Six female clones, i.e. ‘Abbott’, ‘Bruno’, ‘Greensill’, ‘Hayward’, ‘Jones’, ‘Monty’, and four male clones were used to identify cpDNA polymorphisms within the cultivated kiwifruit species A. deliciosa. The restriction patterns by HpaII of a chloroplast fragment amplified by PCR with a pair of universal primers revealed a polymorphism at the intraspecific level. The inheritance of cpDNA in 143 seedlings from three intraspecific crosses in kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) was studied. All offspring displayed the restriction pattern of the paternal parent, indicating that maternal inheritance of cpDNA in kiwifruit is rare at best. Strict maternal inheritance of mtDNA was confirmed in the same crosses used to investigate cpDNA transmission. Studies of cytoplasmic inheritance in the Actinidia genus represent to date the best documented report of differential organelle inheritance of cpDNA and mtDNA in angiosperms. Received: 10 November 1998 / Accepted: 14 December 1998  相似文献   

Trivalent chromium has previously been found to effectively inhibit kiwifruit pollen tube emergence and elongation in vitro . In the present study, a photometric measure of increases in tube wall production during germination showed that 25 and 50 μ m CrCl3 treatment induced a substantial reduction in levels of polysaccharides in walls over those in controls. Moreover, chromium-treated kiwifruit pollen tubes had irregular and indented cell walls. Callose, the major tube wall polysaccharide, was deposited in an anomalous punctuate pattern. Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), which are integral in maintaining correct tube growth and shape in kiwifruit pollen, were found to be strongly altered in their distribution after CrCl3 treatment compared to control tube walls. Transmission electron microscopy–immunogold analysis using four monoclonal antibodies (JIM8, JIM13, JIM14 and MAC207) revealed discontinuous AGP distribution within the treated tube walls. Such clearly discernable alterations in the molecular and morphological architecture of pollen tube walls may be detrimental in vivo for the male gametophyte to accomplish its vital role in the fertilisation process.  相似文献   

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